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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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I think your English is fine--more than fine. And I hope you weren't upset by what I wrote. I think I did get confused by your using the word "comical" because as you may have noticed I really hate it when bad actors think they are doing a comic role justice just by overacting and exagerating everything. Most of what I wanted to say was not directed at you, but at everyone who appeared to be attacking anyone who had anything negative to say about Yoochun's acting. And unfortunately, I took your comment about subtle acting the wrong way. I think it's really mean that anytime someone disagrees with a post, they start clicking on the negative button. Unless it's offensive or against the rules, I don't think those buttons should be used. I would rather see real discussion of the differing views the way you responded to my post. The same goes for use of the + button; it's kind of ridiculous to see a +5 or something on a post that just says somethign along the lines of "OMG. She was so awesome in this episode. I love her!" While this kind of post may not technically break any rules, what doe it really add to the discussion of the drama.

Regarding your comment on sympathazing with Miri, that was just a neutral response because I was genuinely curious that you would want to sympathize with Miri at this stage when we have seen so much of her ugliness. And while her ugliness is understandable, she certainly takes it to a new degree.

I hope you're still enjoying the plot. I know that I am. It's raising a lot of emotions and I haven't had this response to a drama in a long time. The emotions are not all that good, since mostly, its anger at Miri. But there was once a time when dramas used to do this because I think the bad girl characters were just written meaner. In fact, I think the character of Miri hasn't been seen since Kim So Yeon's portrayal of Young Mi in All About Eve. I think I am going to recommend this drama to others as something to wait on until all 16 episodes have aired so that they can watch it all at once. Because the endings are so good and makes you wonder what's going to happen.

QUESTION (just to point out another hole in the plot/character development): what is wrong with Chul-Jin? He's supposed to be YH's friend, and he knows that Miri has stolen and lied (about her college degree and about the sand pool designs) but he doesn't tell YH? I know that he promised HJ he would let it go, but letting it go doesn't include lying to YH about it. Is Chul-Jin stupid enough to think that Miri's lies stop just there? That she only stole HJ's college degree because she was desperate to remain in Korea? OK, I can see that. But what about the design plans? Doesn't he think that as a friend it's something he should tell YH about? Unless the whole point of his not telling was so that when he made the comment about Miri in Ep 11 when YH was retelling Miri's lies about MH making sexual advances on the female employees at Hotel A, YH wouldn't think that he made those comments only because he has a bias against Miri.

I hope we see more of HJ in the upcoming episodes. And I hope she will continue to be a stronger character with more of a backbone. Another wasted character in this drama. Now that I think about it, I don't know why I like this drama so much when it's so lacking. I wonder if I will continue to watch this after next week when I assume that Miri's lies will all be revealed.

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Miss Ripley EP 13 and 14 written previews, thanks to Baidu fans for sharing:

월화드라마 [미스 리플리] 13회

방송일자 : 2011년 07월 11일 21시 55분 ~ 23시 00분

유현을 만난 히라야마는 미리의 모든 과거를 밝히고, 뒤따라간 미리는 유현을 만나려 하지만 유현은 종적을 감춘다. 방송에서 미리를 본 시청자들은 미리의 학력 위조를 문제삼고 이화는 명훈을 만나 미리의 문제를 해결하라고 말한다.

한편, 히라야마는 이화를 찾아 오는데...

월화드라마 [미스 리플리] 14회

방송일자 : 2011년 07월 12일 21시 55분 ~ 23시 00분

미리는 사문서 위조죄로 경찰서에 불려가 조사를 받지만 모든 사실을 부인하고, 유현은 회사 측 변호사를 보내 미리를 돕는다. 미리의 문제가 커지자 명훈까지 경찰서에 출두해 그동안의 일을 추궁받는다.

한편, 히라야마는 미리를 찾아와 함께 도망가자고 말하는데...

Also News that Miss Ripley is released as a novel, the original translated article from sharingyoochun.net

[Trans] 110706 “Miss Ripley” Becomes A Novel


MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama “Miss Ripley” which is currently in the midst of airing, is now released as a novel.

“Miss Ripley” is a story about a woman who accidentally tells a lie, which leads to one lie after another and ends up caught in a web of lies, a classic melodrama. With societal issues as its material, coupled with the strong elite cast of Lee Da Hae, Kim Seung Woo, Park Yoochun and Kang Hye Jung, it has been a hot tppic from its planning stage.

Joint writer Kim Sun Young was responsible for the screenplay for “Miss Ripley,” and previously won best screenplay for a drama in 1994. Also, through “The Season Of Puberty”、”Love & Farewell,” “Sleeping With the Enemy,” “Mr. Duke,” “Pretty Lady,” “Jang Hee-Bin” and other works, she has managed to gain much love from viewers.

The other writer Sohn Hyun Kyung studied arts and culture during his university days and is very good at expressing a characters’ psyche and conditions. Among his works, he has released drama novels for “Lovers In Prague” (2 books), ” My Princess,” “Secret Garden”(Overseas Translated Version) and others.

Source : [baiduMissRipley + mk.co.kr]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

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I love the fact that we are all agreeing to disagree in such a nice way. I agree with Jchoi1 that the "dislike" button should not be used without any valid reason. Also, I too feel that there are some plotholes that do not help at all in making such an unconventional story believable to an audience unused to such characters who already start out prejudiced against Miri. Yeah, Chuljin's hiding his knowledge about Miri is unbelievable, since he was the first person to have some suspicions about her. Also, Heejoo should have thought about YH' long-term future with Miri and should have warned him before it was too late. Yet I can understand Heejoo. She is such a nice person, she already has the guilt towards Miri and might be thinking she would be making use of the situation for her own benefit.

I do agree that if Yoochun had more acting experience, he could have made sense of the earlier Yoohyun better. The character of Myunghoon is so effective largely bcoz of KSW's acting. Yet I feel that one can't compare the two characters, since MH, hands down, is  leagues ahead of YH in character development. In the case of MH, one can understand why he falls for Miri. He has seen her before the evil Miri truly kicked in. I think her concern for him was genuine in the beginning until she found out he was not going to be there for her if she made a mistake and started with her seduction process. MH was also in a vulnerable position when he met Miri who seemed to understand him better than his own wife. She was so clever in dealing with difficult situations just like him and unlocked the key to his heart through caring for his mother. Also, as he explained in the last episode, she reminded him of himself when he was young and down and out in life. Plus she's young and beautiful and must have made him feel young as well to find the love of his life at 40. So I don't find anything strange in MH falling for Miri.

YH is another matter altogether. If they had shown him as shallow or a romantic or a complete go-getter who would not take no from a woman whoever she is, we might have had an easier time understanding his motives. Instead we have to scratch our heads and come up with possible explanations for him falling so head over heels in love with her. He was spurned so many times, yet didn't bat an eyelid when Miri's attitude towards him changed all of a sudden. He has sharp business sense and can read people and see beyond appearances as in the case of MH and his stepmom, yet is a dismal failure when it comes to Miri. I think Yoochun had a hard time understanding Yoohyun and that perhaps left some viewers confused as well. The betrayal part is something he understands and that's why I feel he is acting well now.

I am sure as fans of Yoochun, we all appreciate constructive criticism of his acting and am sure it is something he too appreciates since from his interviews it seems like he is the biggest critic of his acting. I have problems with critics who do not give any reasons why they dislike his acting and say that since he is an idol, he is getting roles where he doesn't  need to act at all. So, all constructive criticism is welcome. :)

This drama has many plotholes, but I am avidly following it bcoz I see it as a pathbreaking one. As a pioneer( in today's times), this drama too will make mistakes, but I want it to work so that there are other dramas which try to break new ground. 'Ripley' is not perfect, but at least it is brave enough to explore uncharted territories. Let's hope the drama will end with a bang and will make sense finally despite the inconsistencies. :)


Thanks apqaria for the article and the previews. Hope we get the translation soon! And I hope the novel will do a better job explaining Yoohyun's motives. :)

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

[Trans] 110707 Park Yoochun : “If My Lover Was Full Of Lies, I Wouldn’t Be Able To Accept It”


Park Yoochun said, “If my lover’s attitude was full by lies, I probably wouldn’t be able to accept it.”

Park Yoochun, who is playing the role of conglomerate heir Song Yoo Hyun in MBC’s “Miss Ripley” said that he wouldn’t be able to accept the relationship if the situation in the drama happened to him in real life.

On 7 July, the “Miss Ripley” site released a Park Yoochun interview video, in which he spoke about his role in the drama as well as his thoughts and issues faced when playing the character.

He said, “I did not place any emphasis on the role of CEO, but thought more about the past and future of Song Yoo Hyun as a person when playing the role.”

About participating in the drama OST with “An Empty Space Left For You,” Park Yoochun said, “I heard it got on the charts, but I have yet to see it for myself. I recieved this song while we were touring in America. Upon returning to Korea, we recorded the song in between shootings, and made changes to the song twice. However, I personally feel that there are still parts that could have been improved.”

Park Yoochun emphasized, “When I appear on the television screen, I feel slightly embarassed.” “And while I am on screen, my song plays in the background.It feels strange.” He said, showing his embarassment.

Recently, he changed his image and is now sporting a short hairstyle, which shows off his good looks even more, and to this Park Yoochun said, “Initially, we wanted to get it cut at episode 2 or 3, but due to the worldwide concerts, (the haircut) was delayed till now.” “In the later part of the drama, there will be emotional scenes. Therefore, based on the director, screenplay and staffs’ opinions, I cut my hair.”

Also, “Miss Ripley ‘s” Song Yoo Hyun recently found out that Jang Miri had approached him with an ulterior motive, increasing the excitement level of the drama. To this, Park Yoochun said, “Currently. (Yoo Hyun) is hit hard, but despite that, he doesn’t change his mind about his love immediately, choosing to uncover the whole truth instead.”

Park Yoochun also said, “Although I would want to understand and accept her past, but to forget all this would indeed be difficult.” “If I accept her past, I would have to consider the pain that I suffer daily. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to do it. It’s rather difficult.” He revealed in a straightfoward manner about what he would do if something similar had happened in real life, attracting a lot of attention.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Star News]<br style="font-size: 11px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; line-height: 1.4em; ">Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

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Guest upamak


'Hope that everything wouldn't be true' Hirayama faces Yuhyun and divulges him everything about Miri, and Yuhyun is lost in deep thought. Ihwa notices that someone is looking for her through nunnery and is afraid of her past being exposed. Meanwhile, suspicion on Miri's graduation of Tokyo University arises and she declines to appear on television.

Cr J_loveofmay

Posted by Flora0608 @6002Sky team


Miri is summoned in police for forgery of a private document but denies all the suspicion. Yuhyun dispatches company's lawyer and helps Miri. As Miri's problrm becomes bigger issue, even Myeonghoon is summoned in police and is pressed hard on the story during that time. Meanwhile, Hirayama comes to see Miri and tells her to run away together.

Cr: j_loveofmay@Twitter

Posted by: JPhylls

Shared by: 6002sky Team

[ENGSUB] 110707 Yoochun in Miss Ripley interview


Cr MickyToho2

Posted by Flora0608 @6002Sky team

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Guest wls2948

looks like Miri is going to lose everything soon....but wait. Yutaka sends his lawyer to help miri? Does that mean he still love her despite everything?

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Guest wonnie17

^^^ yes that's what i'm going to ask too.

and according to Yoochun's interview, he will know everything about miri in Episode 13. Then Episode 14 he will dispatch the company's lawyer to help her. Awww i seriously do not know how this drama will end.

Since extension has been declined, the next 4 episodes will be crucial i guess! Can't wait!

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I finally re-watched Miss Ripley (ep12 w/ 100% eng sub) and I thought Miri and Hirayama's relation is interesting. His conversation at the end w/ Miri was kind of heartbreaking. He mention that the reason he never send her to the adult entertainment section (which we all know what that is), and I'm quoting from him, all "because of HER" (which means he loves her). All these time, I've been thinking who knows how many men she slept with, but based on what Hirayama said, I don't think it's much then. Which begs the question...is Miri the unluckiest person on earth?

I don't think so. She has 3 mens that truly loves her (Yes..that means YH too...if you don't think he does, then go back to watch the first 5 mins of ep1). So, no matter what happens at the end, Hirayama would still be w/ her (because he know her best) & it's just up to her to make that decision. I wouldn't mind if she ends up w/ him, because if this story was all about Hirayama and Miri, it would be a great love story of it's own (that's if she learn to accept his love).

Thinking about all these possibility makes me excited. What do you guys think?

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Guest imogene_af

I would have believed the love ...or that Hirayama was not such a monster if he was not giving her a pimpbeeyotch slap and telling her to pay for stuff with her body. She may have not been the adult entertainment star but based on past conversations it was implied that she did sell her body to booster the ~business~. Hirayama is a vile miscreant who only wants to own and take over Miri. Sure, she is a despicable person but Hirayama is a pimp,pedophile,chauvinist pig,abuser, and a rapist. I find it sick that he used a 15 year old girl as a half child and half lover. God, what a gross man.

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I agree with imogene that Hirayama does not love Miri, but rather wants her to do his bidding. If he had loved her so much, she would not have run away from him and been the wreck of a person she always is when she faces him. I am concerned that the actor's fabulous portrayal of Hirayama has resulted in a certain glamorization of his character, which is unfortunate and wrong. Whether he sent her to the adult section or not, the fact remains that he made her do things that made her lose respect for herself as a person and that is the vilest thing you can do to another person. Remember the child Miri, who refused to bow down before anybody and had a great sense of self-respect and imagine what must have happened to her to make her stoop to such levels that she lost it all.

Regarding yoohyun's sending his lawyer to help Miri, it is understandable. Yoochun was saying in his interview that though he is finding out Miri's lies, his love for her would not go away in one day. So, yes, he might be helping her bcoz of the love that remains in his heart. But I wonder how long that love will stay! Hirayama's offer to Miri to run away with him is interesting. I hope this becomes Miri's chance to face herself and her lies and not run away from them as she has been doing all along. Hope she has the guts to face the consequences for her actions. Really hoping her redemption starts from there.

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Guest wls2948

Miri obviously does not love Hirayama so there's no way she will accept his offer to run away with him. I think based on the ep 1 foreshadowing of the ending, Miri either ran away herself or she ended up in an accident of some sort, lost her memory and end up alone but having a fresh start in life. I don't think she will end up with ANYONE.

As for Hirayama, he is a vile man. Even if he was in love with Miri, it is a twisted love which seeks to keep her under his control. That would explain why he kept on gong after her all the way to Korea.

I am still hoping that Miri and Yutaka has a chance to be together but that seems unlikely now. :(

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Guest YoonSooJin

I finally re-watched Miss Ripley (ep12 w/ 100% eng sub) and I thought Miri and Hirayama's relation is interesting. His conversation at the end w/ Miri was kind of heartbreaking. He mention that the reason he never send her to the adult entertainment section (which we all know what that is), and I'm quoting from him, all "because of HER" (which means he loves her).  All these time, I've been thinking who knows how many men she slept with, but based on what Hirayama said, I don't think it's much then. Which begs the question...is Miri the unluckiest person on earth?  

I don't think so.  She has 3 mens that truly loves her (Yes..that means YH too...if you don't think he does, then go back to watch the first 5 mins of ep1). So, no matter what happens at the end, Hirayama would still be w/ her (because he know her best) & it's just up to her to make that decision. I wouldn't mind if she ends up w/ him, because if this story was all about Hirayama and Miri, it would be a great love story of it's own (that's if she learn to accept his love).

Thinking about all these possibility makes me excited. What do you guys think?

I guess many people are arguing over the relationship of Hirayama and Jang Miri. I've always felt that Hirayama loves Miri since I watched ep 12. Many people say it's not love, and Hirayama is an evil man or anything, but I've always been interested in Hirayama, it's not because of Kim Jungtae, of course ! I think people won't like it if Miri ends up with Hirayama, so the writer won't disappoint the audiences that way. Please remember that Hirayama was the one who helped Jang Miri escape to Korea, and if she hadn't burnt his shop, he wouldn't have followed her to Korea ! Hirayama said he NEVER let her sleep with anyone (base on what the subtitles said), and she might not know why. He didn't say that he loved her either. Maybe that love is just from a brother to his sister, that's all, because Hirayama was the one who grew Miri. In this drama, except Jang Miri herself, Hirayama is the only one who knows the most about Jang Miri. I'm not writing this because I want to be against your opinions, it's just I'm happy because I found someone who has the same feeling.

And every time I look at Jang Myeonghun, I really feel sorry for him. He always takes the responsibilities even though he didn't do anything wrong at all !

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Guest farhah1986

I've got a feeling that Miri won't end up with anyone.especially if her relation with YH stepmother revealed isn't that mean they are family?I think maybe Miri will surrender herself to the authority and get a freash start again?

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Guest crazypilovee

Miri obviously does not love Hirayama so there's no way she will accept his offer to run away with him. I think based on the ep 1 foreshadowing of the ending, Miri either ran away herself or she ended up in an accident of some sort, lost her memory and end up alone but having a fresh start in life. I don't think she will end up with ANYONE.

As for Hirayama, he is a vile man. Even if he was in love with Miri, it is a twisted love which seeks to keep her under his control. That would explain why he kept on gong after her all the way to Korea.

I am still hoping that Miri and Yutaka has a chance to be together but that seems unlikely now. :(

i also think Hirayama loves Miri, and it is definitely a very twisted love, since he's a twisted person in the first place.

and i also agree that Miri should just be by herself in the end.... she has lied to YH so much that it just seems wrong for YH to forgive everything & love her the same way, which i don't think he'd be able to do anyway. also the mom thing would make it incestuous (even if it isn't technically, it's still not accepted in society), and incestuous relationships never end up well in kdramas.

i find that MR & her mom are very much alike. haha how did YH fall in love w/ MR & always believe in her when he really disagrees w/ his stepmom's way of thinking/personality & was always been able to see her true intentions? haha please don't tell me it's because he was blinded by love... xP

oh yeah, i also find it weird how MR's mom misses her daughter (when she visited their old home) but dislikes MR, since it seemed like she was suspecting MR might be her daughter?

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Guest ngthuhien149

Preview ep 13

Miri : Please , I beg you, do not tell Yuyhun.

Yuyhun: Hello, I'm Song Yu hyun.

Miri : Don't say anything about Fukuoka, do u hear me?

Hirayama: Open your eyes, take a look at it! This is not the woman you love Zhang Miri.

LHwua :I thought we wouldn't meet again. It seems that our connection lasts longer than what I thought ah!

Director Park: There comes the news. Baiji Chang is back.

LHwua: No! Why did he came back?

Yuyhun (to his mom) :You are stand by me watching at me, right? I don't know how to do is right ….

Trans by DorisDayChun

Shared by: 6002Sky

Am I the only 1 who thinks that Yuhyun sending his lawyer to help Miri is understandable? Since from ep 7, 8 I already said that if everything is clear, MR, MH AND HJ will also be jailed since they are criminal and accomplices. However, I dun think MR would go to jail at the end not to mention the other 2 so there must be some1 that can help them. I hope it is YH who is smart enuf to handle the situation. And ofcoz even tho he knows everything about her, it doesn't mean the feeling is completely gone, even if there is no real love, they used to be lovers, he still has to help her because the bond cannot be broken that easily. I think he has to help 3 of them, if he didn't, it would be so ruthless and heartless of him.

About the pimp, I like him. Even tho he is evil, he knows where he belong and honest to his feeling, he doesn't lie to any1. It make me remember a quote in my country, which can be briefly translated like this : Evil has the dignity of evil. I think if Miri ended up with him, it would be good too. Even tho his doing is evil, his heart is still real, that makes me like him even tho he should be hated.

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

[TRANS] 110709 Park Yoochun-Lee Da Hae Bring In Fans And Beverages To Battle The Summer Heat “It’s Hot, It’s Hot~”

The leading roles of MBC’s ‘Miss Ripley’ have been caught fighting a fierce battle with the heat.

These actors, who are filming for the drama despite the temperature inching over 30℃and the continuous monsoon rain showers, are fighting the heat in their own ways. The burning summer heat is one of the worst troubles for actors and thick, black umbrellas are a must for actors filming scenes outside in order to escape the blazing sun.


Lee Da Hae uses a thick, black umbrella to block out the sun while turning on a portable fan to cool herself down. It has been revealed that the cute and small portable electric fan is the item Lee Da Hae uses the most to survive the blazing temperatures. Whenever she’s waiting for her turn or taking a break, she has her fan turned on, chasing away the summer heat.

Kim Seung Woo is also another user of small, portable fans. To fit his title as a CEO of a hotel, Kim Seung Woo usually wears long-sleeved formal suits, meaning that he can’t help but feel scorched in the burning heat. Staff say that he has his fan turned on whenever he takes a break and cools his body down by drinking cool beverages.

Park Yoochun, who is more susceptible to summer heat than most, is having a hard time filming outside because he sweats a lot. The lighting crew sometimes fan him with their large reflecting plates while the staff members who move around with him fan his face continuously with their own fans. Whenever a scene is over, Park Yoochun fans his face with his own hands in an attempt to cool down.

The production company stated, “Though they face blazing temperatures over 30℃, the actors are working hard to film all their scenes as they fight off the summer heat,” and “They’re using various items such as portable fans and cool beverages to improve the completion of the drama. Please continue to watch over these actors who are doing their best.”

Source: [

joy news 24]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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Guest YoonSooJin

^ Hehe.... I love Seungwoo's little fan :). I love him too, of course !

To those who understand how Hirayama feels : SARANGHABNIDA ♥ !!!

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Guest wonnie17

I finally re-watched Miss Ripley (ep12 w/ 100% eng sub) and I thought Miri and Hirayama's relation is interesting. His conversation at the end w/ Miri was kind of heartbreaking. He mention that the reason he never send her to the adult entertainment section (which we all know what that is), and I'm quoting from him, all "because of HER" (which means he loves her).  All these time, I've been thinking who knows how many men she slept with, but based on what Hirayama said, I don't think it's much then. Which begs the question...is Miri the unluckiest person on earth?  

I don't think so.  She has 3 mens that truly loves her (Yes..that means YH too...if you don't think he does, then go back to watch the first 5 mins of ep1). So, no matter what happens at the end, Hirayama would still be w/ her (because he know her best) & it's just up to her to make that decision. I wouldn't mind if she ends up w/ him, because if this story was all about Hirayama and Miri, it would be a great love story of it's own (that's if she learn to accept his love).

Thinking about all these possibility makes me excited. What do you guys think?

where did you watch ep11 and 12 with eng subs? :) 

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Guest singapore0950

looks like Miri is going to lose everything soon....but wait. Yutaka sends his lawyer to help miri? Does that mean he still love her despite everything?


Oh you mean Yutaka get his lawyer to help? Oh which ep did mentioned? Oh goodness!!! am i missed some of the scene?

In fact, really hard to accept all lies. Hard to forgive and forget too. LOL!


However, thanks so much the Micky interview have alrdy translated. :D

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I don't mean to offend anyone and I agree Miri, as of now, doesn't deserve the love of either of the two men. But whatever Miri has done, she doesn't deserve a life with Hirayama. I am quite happy if she ends up alone, but not with a man who has her grovelling like a beggar every time she sees him. I have quite a vivid memory of the earlier episodes and how the ticket to Korea was secured( and I wonder what all 'hosting' Miri had to do to deserve it) . True, he might not have sent her to the adult section but wasn't he forcing himself on Miri when the fuse went off? Probably Miri knew the man would not let her go easy and that is why she came up with the fuse plan.

The Miri-Hirayama case is the classic case of psychological abuse. I have seen women who have been beaten up by their husbands going back to them bcoz they thought they had no option and believing in the promise of a 'reformation' their husbands offered but never delivered. And Hirayama is trying to convince Miri that she has no option but him and that she doesn't deserve any better. The hardest thing about all such kinds of twisted love be it stalking or other more violent means is that the perpetrator always says he/she loves you and that all their actions are motivated by their real love for you. Hirayama is straightforward in that he keeps on telling her what she has to do for him. But that doesn't make his intentions honourable. Perhaps, somewhere inside he might have some sort of feeling for her. But is that the kind of feeling one can equate with love? I am not sure. I get the feeling that he still thinks of her as his property with whom he developed a special attachment. She is the "one who got away" and hence his obsession with getting her back besides the business deal.

Just bcoz Hirayama didn't do it with Miri doesn't mean he didn't send others to the adult entertainment section. And whatever Miri has done hence, at that time she was a young girl who didn't deserve to be treated as an object. Miri's journey has been to be accepted as a human being using the wrong means, but Hirayama's actions have certainly determined what Miri has become today.

I do hope the Ripley team doesn't 'romanticize' this relationship coz I am worried about its implications in real life. Hope Miri will finally confront herself and understand what she doesn't want to be through her confrontation with Hirayama. I want her to understand that there is no escape for her through running away or going back to the old life, but only through facing her lies and their consequences without flinching. Only then can her redemption begin.

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