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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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  • With abs! Alice was great!
  • Doesn't matter. Joo Won looks great both in a shirt and without one!

i had to pause and think a little with these 2 options.. like.. he wasn't topless all the way in Alice although, more topless scenes in there would be 10x bonus!


child smile GIF

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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I was just looking through the poll results as they stand right now, and I'm curious: @Sleepy Owl, I saw you answered "Horror" as a genre you'd be interested in seeing JW in, so please tell us more. Is there a particular sort of horror story or role you were thinking of?


Well Chingu, I love the horror genre actually. I saw Joo Won in "Fatal Intuition", I wouldn't really call it a horror, since it was more of a thriller, but then again, I have seen him do really well in this movie and dramas with intense plot/sub plots.


The Horror genre mostly has intense plots, especially if it is like "The Guest", "The Priest", so it will be interesting seeing him in such kind of dramas :rubchin:

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13 hours ago, kittyna said:

 If you look at Good Doctor and Alice side-by-side, then I think it's interesting that JW has already played neurodivergent characters twice in his career. And while I can't vouch for his accuracy in either his depiction of autism or alexithymia, I can say that he at least seems to approach the roles sensitivity and a "person-first" mentality.


For sure. I remember in one of his interviews (or was it the press conference?) for Good Doctor Joo Won had said that he observed children/people with autism while preparing for the role (in addition to reading all the books his mom had gotten him on the topic) and that each one of them had different behavioural patterns; so there was no "typical" behaviour he could just copy. I thought that was very insightful. And he had also added that it was improbable for someone with autism to become a doctor but for the drama he had to assume that it was. I don't have any experience with autism (and alexithymia) personally either but I think he committed and prepared very thoroughly and respectfully to showing as realistic and meaningful a depiction of an individual suffering from these conditions as possible and the results speak for him - both as an actor and a human being. 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

And, yes, Evil Park Jin Gyeom scared the crap out of me when I first saw him - not because he looked particularly frightening, but because he looked so cold and evil, if that makes sense. I remember getting to that moment and being like, "Damn - and I thought Lee Kang To was bad! Okay, Oppa - you won this time; now stop with the nightmare fuel."


I remember watching ep 12 very late at night in my dark room and when the final shot came up I was suddenly scared out of my wits *hides* I was scared but I also really really needed to know more so I kept watching^^ Evil PJG terrified me completely. And amazed me too because the experience was just so intense thanks to JW's acting - the expression in his eyes, the way he curved his lips into that cold, evil smile, the way he changed the tone of his voice ever so slightly to reflect how that PJG is devoid of a conscience. Amazing. And I loved how he portrayed the difference between our PJG hearing voices and evil PJG hearing voices... I thought there was even a slight difference between how evil PJG hovered above his mother and how our PJG hovered over Yoon Taeyi in the car... and that scene where our PJG looks into the mirror and he sees a monstrous PJG looking back at him before he punches into it - just thinking about those scenes sends a shiver down my spine. JW is that powerful. 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah, that's my understanding too, at least for the purposes of a poll like this. So, when I hear the word "melodrama" as a genre, I think of how "drama" is used as a film genre in Hollywood or something: stories about the characters' individual emotional journeys, oftentimes with some dark, tragic or noir elements. These seem to be a favourite among audiences right now (thinking of dramas like Penthouse or World of the Married here), and I think that I would like to see JW taking on a mature role in a drama like this.


Yeah. My understanding of "melodrama" as a genre prior to K-drama was that it's a play or novel that depicts very strong, exaggerated emotions compared to what people in real life feel/show. That's how one of my lit professors defined it at least~ I'm not sure I had ever encountered it as a genre in movies or dramas. Only as an adjective when used to describe someone or something that's very exaggerated and dramatic. But in Korean drama "melodrama" is def a genre and seems to indicate a very romantic drama? I'm still fuzzy on what it means exactly^^

The last drama I watched that was called a melodrama was She Would Never Know and it centered around the romance of the main couple... 

Either way though, I think part of the reason why I'd love to see JW in a melodrama is what he had once said about loving movies like The Notebook and that he would really love to depict that kind of epic love in a drama. I mean he def did in Ghost and I wish so badly I could have seen thatㅠㅠㅠ 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - Confession time: JW has yet to really sell me on a romance. :sweat_smile: It's not that I don't ship his characters with the girls they end up with (I do), but I don't think I've really felt myself being moved by their romances yet: other parts of the relationship, definitely, but not the actual dating/courtship/marriage part. Or maybe it's just me, as I'm not all that into romance as a genre, period :P 


I do think that Yong Pal came the closest in terms of moving me, though (for reasons I won't reveal since @Calli's currently watching it) ;) 


Ahahaha^^ I think I know what you mean with Joo Won not having sold you on a romance yet. Since I've only watched 4 dramas so far (I'm done with Yongpal btw) again my POV isn't well informed yet, but I too haven't really been moved deeply by any of the romances JW's characters have been involved in. The deepest for me would be in fact Si On & Dr Cha's love story. But I think even there I focused more on Si On and his feelings compared to their romance. In fact, I've done that in all those 4 dramas so far... somehow the romantic story itself isn't deep or meaningful enough for me to get swept off my feet by, but what always sweeps me off my feet are JW's characters and their feelings so my attention and love goes mainly to them.

But to me that wasn't because JW didn't sell me on the romance (like you @kittyna I always root for his characters to be together with the women they fall for) but because the writing didn't sell me on it, no matter how good the actors.

I haven't watched Ojakgyo Family and Sassy Girl yet so I'm excited to see how I'll feel then, but given Joo Won's immense gift to convey emotion I think he could make me feel the deepest longing, heartache & love in a well-written, meaningful love story.

Edited by Calli
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2 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

Well Chingu, I love the horror genre actually. I saw Joo Won in "Fatal Intuition", I wouldn't really call it a horror, since it was more of a thriller, but then again, I have seen him do really well in this movie and dramas with intense plot/sub plots.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking at first, actually - like, there's a fine line between "thriller" and "horror" as genre, so when I was trying to imagine JW in a horror film, what resulted was more the thriller type.


He did do a more conventional horror film once (Don't Click), so there is that. I haven't watched it (since horror isn't my thing), but it's apparently got a similar concept to The Ring, except with a digital/online video rather than a literal video tape.


2 hours ago, Calli said:

For sure. I remember in one of his interviews (or was it the press conference?) for Good Doctor Joo Won had said that he observed children/people with autism while preparing for the role (in addition to reading all the books his mom had gotten him on the topic) and that each one of them had different behavioural patterns; so there was no "typical" behaviour he could just copy. I thought that was very insightful. And he had also added that it was improbable for someone with autism to become a doctor but for the drama he had to assume that it was.


The way you put that, it can also be interpreted the other way (i.e. as a cop-out for any inaccuracies that may result), but I am generally inclined to agree with you. :) 


I think JW made similar comments about Good Doctor in multiple contexts, since I think so many people asked him about it. Park Si On was rather different from depictions of autism prior to the drama, and I think it was a major paradigm shift in that regard. Since then, there have been a number of other similarly nuanced takes on autism in Korean films and dramas (e.g. It's Okay Not to Be Okay - not an autistic savant, but still a very nuanced and sensitive take on autism, in my own personal opinion), so I like to think that Good Doctor had a role to play in that.


2 hours ago, Calli said:

I don't have any experience with autism (and alexithymia) personally either but I think he committed and prepared very thoroughly and respectfully to showing as realistic and meaningful a depiction of an individual suffering from these conditions as possible and the results speak for him - both as an actor and a human being. 


2 hours ago, Calli said:

Evil PJG terrified me completely. And amazed me too because the experience was just so intense thanks to JW's acting - the expression in his eyes, the way he curved his lips into that cold, evil smile, the way he changed the tone of his voice ever so slightly to reflect how that PJG is devoid of a conscience.


As for alexithymia, I really have to give kudos to Alice's producers and JW for making it clear that there's a difference between lacking emotional affect (i.e. the ability to interpret and express emotion) and lacking a conscience. They really drove that point home by including Evil Jin Gyeom in the picture, so we could literally see that difference and it was nuts.


By the way, if you didn't know this already, JW admitted that that Episode 12 scene scared his real-life mom as well :lol:



By the way, I lay out my thoughts about the contrast between both Jin Gyeoms (Good and Evil - not counting the Teacher yet), in my take on Episode 13 from earlier in this forum, if anyone wants to know.


2 hours ago, Calli said:

Either way though, I think part of the reason why I'd love to see JW in a melodrama is what he had once said about loving movies like The Notebook and that he would really love to depict that kind of epic love in a drama. I mean he def did in Ghost and I wish so badly I could have seen thatㅠㅠㅠ 


Since his enlistment, JW's changed his bucket list responses to include other genres as well. So if I recall correctly, he talked about genres like sci-fi (although that might have been an early pre-confirmation teaser for Alice) or noir, and he tended to mention really well-known veteran Hollywood actors as well - does anybody remember the details, though?


2 hours ago, Calli said:

The deepest for me would be in fact Si On & Dr Cha's love story. But I think even there I focused more on Si On and his feelings compared to their romance. In fact, I've done that in all those 4 dramas so far... somehow the romantic story itself isn't deep or meaningful enough for me to get swept off my feet by, but what always sweeps me off my feet are JW's characters and their feelings so my attention and love goes mainly to them.


lol - That sounds like what I feel, too. Like, the characters and their stories are never just about the romance, so I end up being drawn into their journeys as a whole and not just the romance. ;) So, for instance, it's great that Park Si On and Cha Yoon Seo end up together, but even if they didn't and just stayed BFFs, I would still have been satisfied because their character development would still have been adorable and heartwarming to watch.


Or, in the case of Yong Pal, what actually moved me was that Tae Hyun initially left Yeo Jin (at the end of Episode 16) and that it was his adherence to his principles that ended up drawing her back to him. So that's not necessarily romantic, but I did see that as a development that made sense with the characters and the drama's overall view on ethics.


2 hours ago, Calli said:

I haven't watched Ojakgyo Family and Sassy Girl yet so I'm excited to see how I'll feel then, but given Joo Won's immense gift to convey emotion I think he could make me feel the deepest longing, heartache & love in a well-written, meaningful love story.


You may end up giving My Sassy Girl too much credit there: I thought the writing was mediocre (not bad, just nothing to write home about). But I do think Ojakgyo Brothers, with its longer format, really allowed the cast to delve into their characters and, in terms of romantic relationships (because everyone gets into one eventually), the drama succeeds in showing a lot of the ups and downs that real-life couples might face. In more exaggerated circumstances, obviously (Rule of Drama), but the longer dramas do allow for lots of little tiny developments rather than just the huge milestones.

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

The way you put that, it can also be interpreted the other way (i.e. as a cop-out for any inaccuracies that may result), but I am generally inclined to agree with you. :) 



Ahahaha^^ True! What I was trying to say was that Joo Won's approach was very respectful and not at all shallow or generalizing. He was very aware that there is no one behavioural pattern for someone with autism. Idk how much of his choices in regards to Si On's posture, mannerism, way of talking and walking, etc were based on people with autism he'd seen and how much was his interpretation of the script (that for example Si On maintains a childlike innocence in everything he does) - I'm thinking it was a combination of both? And to me the results are outstanding, to say the least~ 


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, if you didn't know this already, JW admitted that that Episode 12 scene scared his real-life mom as well :lol:


By the way, I lay out my thoughts about the contrast between both Jin Gyeoms (Good and Evil - not counting the Teacher yet), in my take on Episode 13 from earlier in this forum, if anyone wants to know.


Yes!! Hahaha^^ Bless moonstruck for subbing that whole vlive on Joo Won's channel. (I'm always so beyond happy whenever I discover one of his vlives with English subs) I remember him mentioning how scared his mom was and that the final shot in episode 12 that included evil PJG was unexpected to him too.


I'll def take a look at your post on episode 13. Thanks for the link~ 


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

 Since his enlistment, JW's changed his bucket list responses to include other genres as well. So if I recall correctly, he talked about genres like sci-fi (although that might have been an early pre-confirmation teaser for Alice) or noir, and he tended to mention really well-known veteran Hollywood actors as well - does anybody remember the details, though?


It makes sense that his bucket list has changed. He's in his thirties now and so much richer in experiences.

I remember him mentioning Casino as a movie he can really recommend in one of the more recent videos of his I watched... that he really enjoyed Robert De Niro's and everyone's acting. 


At the risk of sounding like a broken record: I just want him to come back with a drama, no matter which genre *prettyplease* :bawling:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Or, in the case of Yong Pal, what actually moved me was that Tae Hyun initially left Yeo Jin (at the end of Episode 16) and that it was his adherence to his principles that ended up drawing her back to him. So that's not necessarily romantic, but I did see that as a development that made sense with the characters and the drama's overall view on ethics.


I can't tell you how much I loved him for making that choice :') anything else would have taken away so much from him as a character and his journey up to that point. I also really really loved that he left the mansion without even taking that suitcase he had initially packed - I really wanted to give the writers the biggest hug for that alone. He had figured out what truly matters, what makes for real happiness and where he belongs, and while that suitcase was only a minor detail, it was filled with things he had gotten while living on the 13th floor, so that they didn't have him take it just shows how much thought they poured into his character and how well written he was. That was just so satisfying to watch. 


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

You may end up giving My Sassy Girl too much credit there: I thought the writing was mediocre (not bad, just nothing to write home about). But I do think Ojakgyo Brothers, with its longer format, really allowed the cast to delve into their characters and, in terms of romantic relationships (because everyone gets into one eventually), the drama succeeds in showing a lot of the ups and downs that real-life couples might face. In more exaggerated circumstances, obviously (Rule of Drama), but the longer dramas do allow for lots of little tiny developments rather than just the huge milestones.


I didn't really have either of those two dramas in mind when I wrote of a well-written, meaningful love story but rather a possible future project - somehow my expectations in terms of that kind of story aren't very high when it comes to Sassy Girl (probably because of the impressions I've gotten based on what I've read so far) or Ojakgyo Brothers (purely because of its format and because I somehow don't expect a lot of depth from dramas that are a little older; but that may prove to be prejudice). But I'm still excited to watch Joo Won in them - no matter the storyline, his acting always makes watching so worthwhile. But I think I'll watch Gaksital next~ 

Edited by Calli
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So part 1 of this interview translation is on above link and it took me verrrrrrrrrry long to be done with this translation. Please enjoy and excuse me for any grammatical or translation error. Do let me know of any error specially those related to translation. Thank You.





이렇게 귀여울 일이라니 뮤지컬 [고스트] 주원 인터뷰 Part 2_친절한 주원씨, 무엇이든 물어봐!



KIND JOOWON: Ask Me Anything!


Translation Part 2:


(4:25 to 5:05)


Q-6: Do you have any scene in mind that you think ‘This scene is too difficult’ while rehearsing?


Answer: Sam is … difficult..(Laugh) from start to last. I would say ACT 1 as a whole is really difficult rather than a particular scene. It starts Sam being happy than dead, by the time I get a hang of it Act 1 ends. I start acting in dry state but by the time I’m awake sweat is falling down from my forehead. Act 1 has that much movements and emotional ups and downs.


(5:07 to 6:10)

Q-7: 7 years ago when doing musical GHOST your goal was not to act like a machine - ‘Let’s act Alive’. Did you able to achieve it at that time? What’s your goal for Musical Ghost this time?


Answer: (The goal) is same this time. I find in stage act (acting lively) that’s the most difficult thing. As the performance period is long and gets repeated many times- all same scenes are acted out again and again so it’s easy to deliver performance like a machine(because of repetition). It’s hard to act lively (after performing same scene over and over again), I think people who can do that (lively performance) are great people. Last time I had that goal but I don’t think I did it very well. So this time my goal is similar. So these days even when I am in rehearsal I try to hear the lines of other party more and look at their eyes more (before delivering my lines). I try to feel what the other person is saying and which situation I am in.


(6:12 to 7:20)

Q-8: I saw Ghost 7 years ago. Time flies. As time goes by-for Joo Won is there anything that doesn’t change?


Answer: Myself? Myself, I don’t know. Myself. (laugh)

People don’t change so easily, right? But sometimes people change easily too. But I try very hard so I don’t change. At some point I do feel like changing myself right away or just adopt some changes…  Few days ago my mother was saying ‘Not losing your inner self and protecting yourself other than your actor(celebrity) self is very important. It might be the way you can keep acting in the long run and have a healthy mind set.’- She said something like that. So the thing that doesn’t change and I try not to change is – MYSELF.


(7:22 to End)


Q-9: Due to corona everyone along with me is having a hard time. Please say something to strengthen my mind?


Answer: I don’t know what kind of remark will console and cheer you but I think this time will pass by. There are many other difficult event happened before and we overcome those over times so I believe we will overcome this time too. Let’s get over this situation well. Thank you. Fighting!


............................ End ................................


Translation by: flutterby06 @Joo Won Soompi Forum (twitter @mooon_struck)

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On 4/11/2021 at 12:48 AM, Calli said:

If Joo Won had only been one of the many attractive people one encounters in Korean entertainment it certainly wouldn't have been enough to turn me into a fan who joined a forum for him~

What drew me in so completely about Joo Won was first his acting - which prompted me to want to learn more about him - and then his personality. And then his sunshine smile - and really all of him. And that includes his lovely appearance.



aaah....it hits home.


That's exactly how I ended up becoming a Joo Won fangirl... There's a good number of k actor-actresses whose drama I look forward to because of mostly acting. But Joo Won with his every might just taking a place that's making me active in admiring him... Sigh... for the time I used to be strictly a fictional character admirer. 


Next few things I will talk about might be very random... back tracking around 5-6 pages made me forgot the order.:sweat_smile:


I won't quote anyone but I saw you guys were talking about Joo Won wearing glasses..Oh I have a soft spot for handsome men wearing glasses. I find it very appealing which is very strange because I myself wear glasses. And Glass wearing people usually wants to get rid off glasses.. as far as I saw..


So the first thing I noticed in that IG live is Joo Won is wearing glasses after a long time.. or more like we're seeing it after a long times. Because i think we've seen him wearing glasses in casual settings occasionally he looks absolutely handsome in those. Also we know JW has poor eye sight so no matter how much one wears contacts you have to get back to glasses in order to keep the eyes moistured. 


Also second thing I noticed is he tagged Ader Error in his photo which seems to be clothing brand. There's cloths behind him.





So that's making me think he's back at endorsing clothing brands. So there's a chance we'll get to see something soon.


Speaking of glasses and look for future projects whenever I think about what kind of look I want to see in a JW project what comes to my mind first is-





This...I just can't say it in words I much I love this look.. this hairstyle and the glass and the serious joo won... such perfection! be it in a movie or drama I want him to recreate this look. This was the time when he was reviewing the audition of actresses for MSG. There's more in the the video bellow. Basically he looks so good in both glass/without glass in this time. just...for lack of better word.. beautiful.:glee:



Also this was the time he did web movie/drama 'clocking out.' He basically has similar hair style. And he looks good but what I love about Seo Ki Woong character is how hyper and crazy he is. I'd love JW to do another such character where he'll be chatty and full of reactions.


Joo Won and melodrama... I think the kind of melodrama JW wants to do is the happier ones. What comes to my mind when I think about full melodramas he did are- Ojakgyo and and Baker King. Ojakgyo is more my type of melodrama.. Melodrama is mostly the reason why I look forward to family drama. Melodrama is also my favorite genre but unlike Joo Won I don't mind if I am crying a buckets (because I like crying buckets for a good story- my favorites from this genre are My Daughter Seo Young, Ojakgyo Brothers, Nice Guy, Marriage Contract etc.) and if it has a happy passionate story. I enjoyed the romance and melo in Ojakgyo a lot specially the story of Tae Hee and Jae Un (JW and Uie). I think when Joo Won talks about passionate sweeter melodrama taehee-jaeun story can be an example- only it just needs a bit more romantic scenes and climax and focusing mostly on these two. He also talks about GHOST while talking about Good Melodrama and romance. Minus the death Molly and Sam are actually Joo Won's kind of melodrama, dream like crazy in love, can't express in words but both loves each other to death. Anyways I hope he gets to do his kind of melodrama. He has talked about his genre a lot. And also in post army interview he talked about doing normal, ordinary warm type role.. I hope he gets to do that too.. because he has been mostly doing intense drama with intense character. One of the reason why I enjoyed Joo Won in MSG is because his character was very ordinary.. As ordinary as it can get historical era. He had non chaotic family who didn't really have any issues, he was brought up in a well loved family. Though he was a bit proud but he was still a very decent and considerate guy. He had only one issue in past but it wasn't enough to really make a huge effect in his over all growth or personal development. That was an welcoming change to me.


@Calli was looking for a family picture. you'll get to see one family picture in 2d1n (If I am not wrong around 50/52) . This episode is just so precious to Joo Won fans mostly because we see how his home is cozy and how he just has a very normal room for a actor guy. Thankfully there's a video cut on youtube. you'll get to see the picture at 5:48 minutes.



10 hours ago, kittyna said:

Or, in the case of Yong Pal, what actually moved me was that Tae Hyun initially left Yeo Jin (at the end of Episode 16) and that it was his adherence to his principles that ended up drawing her back to him. So that's not necessarily romantic, but I did see that as a development that made sense with the characters and the drama's overall view on ethics.


That was one on my favorite moment.. It's a moment where I kept thinking I'd probably fall for a guy like him who'd leave than one who'd just turn a blind eye to whatever was going in his lovers mind. Like Tae Hyun said the one who has the power to compromise is the powerful one. and that moment Yeojin is the one who was powerful. And if that power is used for vengeance, no matter how much they were in love they could not be happy because that powerplay will always be a wall between them, those crocodiles would always be in between then to tear them apart and probably make them hate each other. I loved that how Tae Hyun left Yeojin's side physically because he knew it was not a place he'd love to be nor he'd like to see his lover to be. So if she thought it was where she belongs he could only leave by sending her an open invitation that she always welcome to him, even if it's just for picnic like day.  I just loved this aspect of Yong Pal..  It's just closer to reality. Their emotional struggle felt very realistic to me.


And a big thanks to EO's for making that poll..:fullofhearts:It's nice too see visitors here specially the busy EO's.. Very curious how the poll result would turn out to be. Now that may people getting to know Joo Won mostly because of Good Doctor (Having a strong presence now that it has quite a lot of remake specially the US one) and Alice. Many people has been wowed by Alice and looking into his older works. :transforms:

@partyon thanks a bunch for updating the title of the thread. :partyblob:

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10 hours ago, Calli said:

Idk how much of his choices in regards to Si On's posture, mannerism, way of talking and walking, etc were based on people with autism he'd seen and how much was his interpretation of the script (that for example Si On maintains a childlike innocence in everything he does) - I'm thinking it was a combination of both? And to me the results are outstanding, to say the least~ 


Well, Park Si On was unusual even by autism spectrum disorder standards, since I suspect that he's also profoundly intellectually gifted - hence the savant syndrome diagnosis - and he's also got a traumatic childhood that's left him in a state of arrested social and emotional development. So, I think there's probably a ton going on here that's just the writer, director and JW's own interpretation of what makes sense for Park Si On's character, since they've got so many layers to consider. Like, they can't just look at people with autism and know how to do this.


10 hours ago, Calli said:

I remember him mentioning Casino as a movie he can really recommend in one of the more recent videos of his I watched... that he really enjoyed Robert De Niro's and everyone's acting. 


Yes, Robert De Niro - that's who it was. I remember that now :) 


4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Q-8: I saw Ghost 7 years ago. Time flies. As time goes by-for Joo Won is there anything that doesn’t change?


Answer: Myself? Myself, I don’t know. Myself. (laugh)

People don’t change so easily, right? But sometimes people change easily too. But I try very hard so I don’t change. At some point I do feel like changing myself right away or just adopt some changes…  Few days ago my mother was saying ‘Not losing your inner self and protecting yourself other than your actor(celebrity) self is very important. It might be the way you can keep acting in the long run and have a healthy mind set.’- She said something like that. So the thing that doesn’t change and I try not to change is – MYSELF.


I have to say, this is a great way to wrap up some of the conversations we've had here about what (if anything) JW was changing about himself or felt like he should change about himself. We need to give kudos to Mama Moon for her level of insight, since many people whose kids end up famous aren't like this :fullofhearts:


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

So the first thing I noticed in that IG live is Joo Won is wearing glasses after a long time.. or more like we're seeing it after a long times. Because i think we've seen him wearing glasses in casual settings occasionally he looks absolutely handsome in those. Also we know JW has poor eye sight so no matter how much one wears contacts you have to get back to glasses in order to keep the eyes moistured. 


Honestly, I first noticed that in Life Log, when he did the one McCol CF shoot that started at 6:00am (with prep) and went on past midnight - I was like, "How the freaking hell does he still have his contacts on?!?! That can't be healthy!"


Sometimes, for his sake, I like to imagine that maybe his prescription isn't that high and he could get by without either glasses or contacts every now and then. It's probably wishful thinking, since I have no way of knowing what his prescription is, but...yeah, sometimes I like to imagine it anyway. It's better than entertaining the alternative thought.


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

This...I just can't say it in words I much I love this look.. this hairstyle and the glass and the serious joo won... such perfection! be it in a movie or drama I want him to recreate this look.


Not gonna lie - I love that medium/slightly long hair length on him. Not many actors have the face shape to pull it off (many have tried, and I tend to think they just look awkward or silly), but I first noticed JW with that hairstyle in Nae Il's Cantabile and he actually rocked it really well, in my own personal opinion. So when I saw that in Clocking Out and some of his CF/modelling photos from that time, I was definitely pleased :approves:


10 hours ago, Calli said:

I can't tell you how much I loved him for making that choice :') anything else would have taken away so much from him as a character and his journey up to that point. I also really really loved that he left the mansion without even taking that suitcase he had initially packed - I really wanted to give the writers the biggest hug for that alone. He had figured out what truly matters, what makes for real happiness and where he belongs, and while that suitcase was only a minor detail, it was filled with things he had gotten while living on the 13th floor, so that they didn't have him take it just shows how much thought they poured into his character and how well written he was. That was just so satisfying to watch. 


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

That was one on my favorite moment.. It's a moment where I kept thinking I'd probably fall for a guy like him who'd leave than one who'd just turn a blind eye to whatever was going in his lovers mind. Like Tae Hyun said the one who has the power to compromise is the powerful one. and that moment Yeojin is the one who was powerful. And if that power is used for vengeance, no matter how much they were in love they could not be happy because that powerplay will always be a wall between them, those crocodiles would always be in between then to tear them apart and probably make them hate each other. I loved that how Tae Hyun left Yeojin's side physically because he knew it was not a place he'd love to be nor he'd like to see his lover to be. So if she thought it was where she belongs he could only leave by sending her an open invitation that she always welcome to him, even if it's just for picnic like day.  I just loved this aspect of Yong Pal..  It's just closer to reality. Their emotional struggle felt very realistic to me.


I forgot about that suitcase moment until you mentioned it, @Calli - like, I remember he left the house empty-handed, but I forgot that he packed a suitcase initially before thinking better of it. 


I also think it's worth noting that Tae Hyun first fell for Yeo Jin because she promised him that she would destroy the 12th floor. He took it as a promise that she would dismantle the system - which is why he was willing to befriend her (like, he was going to bail her out anyway for his sister's sake, but it's her comment about this that made him interested in her as a person) - but she actually meant that as her vow to destroy those who had put her in the restricted area and forced her out of her rightful place as Hanshin's owner. So once Tae Hyun realizes that...it's so contradictory to everything he stands for that, as you guys pointed out, it would be hugely out of character if he turned a blind eye because of his love for Yeo Jin. Instead, it was because he loved her that he wanted to guide her to a healthier mindset. ;) 


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

One of the reason why I enjoyed Joo Won in MSG is because his character was very ordinary.. As ordinary as it can get historical era. He had non chaotic family who didn't really have any issues, he was brought up in a well loved family. Though he was a bit proud but he was still a very decent and considerate guy. He had only one issue in past but it wasn't enough to really make a huge effect in his over all growth or personal development. That was an welcoming change to me.


Not gonna spoil it here, but I actually did like that "one issue from the past" for what it offered Gyun Woo (JW's character) in terms of personal growth. It really drove home some of the deeper symbolism and messages in My Sassy Girl leading up to it, and gave me something to think about in what might otherwise have just been a pretty shallow rom-com (in my opinion - not here to diss those who like more comedic or lighthearted dramas; I'm just not one of them).


I personally disagree re: the family dynamics, though. Yes, they didn't have a lot of the melodramatics that you'll see in many sageuk families, but they also had some pretty major problems that are common to most families in any culture or context (most notably: parents who couldn't see eye-to-eye on most values, leading to the kids getting mixed messages about what's right and wrong).

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12 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

So part 1 of this interview translation is on above link and it took me verrrrrrrrrry long to be done with this translation. Please enjoy and excuse me for any grammatical or translation error. Do let me know of any error specially those related to translation. Thank You.



Dear @flutterby06, thank you so SO much for your translation!! I was hoping so badly to understand this Ask Me Anything interview and now I can thanks to you~ 감사합니다!!

I loved reading his answer about what hasn't changed - him - his thoughts and his mom's input on that very, very much. 


I think you're the one I also have to thank for some of the subbed Vlives I've watched on Joo Won's channel? You're a star, seriously. Thank you so so much :Megathanks:


Did you maybe also do a translation of part 1 of his Ghost interview? 




9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Oh I have a soft spot for handsome men wearing glasses.


So that's making me think he's back at endorsing clothing brands. So there's a chance we'll get to see something soon.




 Also this was the time he did web movie/drama 'clocking out.' He basically has similar hair style. And he looks good but what I love about Seo Ki Woong character is how hyper and crazy he is. I'd love JW to do another such character where he'll be chatty and full of reactions.


Same here @flutterby06- a pair of glasses on a handsome man's face is just the cherry on top for me^^ And I wear glasses most of the time, too and I still have the weakest spot for good looking men in glasses. 

So thank you forever (and ever) for sharing that pic of Joo Won during the My Sassy Girl audition reviewing process for the female lead. I kept starting at that pic for a good minute (or two^^) - I love this look on him so much. That's exactly what I had in mind when I thought of a character of his pouring over reports/files/etc, all focused, wearing glasses and looking stunning. Only this is even better because it's not a character of his but actual Joo Won :wub:


And thank you too for sharing that video clip of him. He's so dreamy~ 

I haven't watched Clocking Out yet but after your description I'm gonna do it as quickly as possible. 


And I hope you're right about him maybe endorsing this clothing brand. It would be so nice to see him in a photo spread and to get an update on his activities... 


9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Joo Won and melodrama... I think the kind of melodrama JW wants to do is the happier ones.


That was my impression too, thinking of what he has said about the subject in the past. I remember him saying in one interview that Korean melodrama often includes too much tragedy (how there's always someone with a terminal disease, or other depressing things) and he sort of made an appeal to writers to cast him in a passionate love story without all that tragedy^^ it was really cute. Now, I don't know if that's still something he would like to do but if it is I'd love to see him in it. Maybe there's a great script out there that includes both such a love story and the male protagonist is a warm, average guy? :D


I wonder if Joo Won is currently reading drama scripts and if anything has caught his interest... I really hope so. 


9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:


@Calli was looking for a family picture. you'll get to see one family picture in 2d1n (If I am not wrong around 50/52) . This episode is just so precious to Joo Won fans mostly because we see how his home is cozy and how he just has a very normal room for a actor guy. Thankfully there's a video cut on youtube. you'll get to see the picture at 5:48 minutes.


Thank you so much for this too @flutterby06 :D

I just watched episode 24 last night and it was the one where Joo Won's hyung comes to pick him up and I squealed a little because Joo Won was just so cute around his big brother. It was so adorable how he got all embarrassed and quiet.

It must have been awkward for him to have his brother around in a professional setting: he must have gotten a little confused on which role to assume (the donsaeng in his family vs the maknae on 1D2N) with his two worlds colliding^^




This was also the episode where he bungee jumped and I was holding my breath the whole time even though that happened almost 9 years ago^^ I love that he's this sweet, unassuming maknae who can get scared at the sight of certain insects but then he also has this truly fearless, courageous and determined side to him that we can see in such moments, and especially through his acting. To me he still would have been "a real man" if he hadn't jumped of course but I think there are things about the male psyche, especially when they're in a group, that I can't assume to understand~ 


Anyway, I fawn over Joo Won so much while watching 1D2N - whenever he gets a little more screen time especially. He was such a sweet baby boy (I'm thinking he still is in many ways) - so loving and respectful towards his hyungs, unassuming and real, without ever trying to be someone he's not. I know he felt pressure doing this variety show, that he questioned whether he was interesting or funny enough and that it added to his already insane schedule back then but I am really glad he became a permanent cast member and stayed on for 1 1/2 years. I'm loving everything I'm seeing so so much and I wish I could tell him that he's the most interesting and lovable human being~ 

I can't wait to get to the episode where they visit his home! 



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10 hours ago, kittyna said:

Not gonna lie - I love that medium/slightly long hair length on him. Not many actors have the face shape to pull it off (many have tried, and I tend to think they just look awkward or silly), but I first noticed JW with that hairstyle in Nae Il's Cantabile and he actually rocked it really well, in my own personal opinion. So when I saw that in Clocking Out and some of his CF/modelling photos from that time, I was definitely pleased 


Yeah.. that hair looks so freaking good on him. Just my personal preference while there are many Joo Won looks I like his stylist team over all fantastic job in styling him and his hair but Cha Yoo Jin look and this glass look along with long hair is just matches so much with my liking.  :glee:


10 hours ago, kittyna said:


I personally disagree re: the family dynamics, though. Yes, they didn't have a lot of the melodramatics that you'll see in many sageuk families, but they also had some pretty major problems that are common to most families in any culture or context (most notably: parents who couldn't see eye-to-eye on most values, leading to the kids getting mixed messages about what's right and wrong).


Oh I agree his family had some issue. His Mom and sister being vein and snobbish.. but it's actually weird they don't have some issue at all. This family is actually less dramatic than usual KDrama male leads family in my opinion.


10 hours ago, kittyna said:

We need to give kudos to Mama Moon for her level of insight, since many people whose kids end up famous aren't like this :fullofhearts:


Thanks to Mama Moon for being so thoughtful and raising her son so well. Actually thanks a lot whole Moon Family. We know how much Joo Won seems to be attached with them by the way we see him casually mentioning them often. :heart:

And one of the reason I love that he stays with his parents rather than alone. People these days wants their favourite to leave alone so they could show up in related vareity shows.. and I'm like 'Okay JW in vareity show is definitely welcome but I don't want to see him leave alone for that. Unless he feels the need to live alone. Infact with puppy like nature it will be difficult for him to live alone unlesw having his own family (wife and kids) beside him.


And speaking of kids I was noticing in twitter how much JW fans are adoring that picture of him with his friends kid in recent wedding event. People saying it'd be wonderful up see Joo Won raising kids. :blush:


3 hours ago, Calli said:


And thank you too for sharing that video clip of him. He's so dreamy~ 


It's a very short drama with 4 episodes with 10 minuites duration. JW had a short cheeky appearance but impressive.


3 hours ago, Calli said:


I wonder if Joo Won is currently reading drama scripts and if anything has caught his interest... I really hope so. 

Every Joo Won fans thought probably this as long as we don't get a news of drama casting. It feels empty without a drama news.


3 hours ago, Calli said:

translation!! I was hoping so badly to understand this Ask Me Anything interview and now I can thanks to you~ 감사합니다!!

I loved reading his answer about what hasn't changed - him - his thoughts and his mom's input on that very, very much. 


I think you're the one I also have to thank for some of the subbed Vlives I've watched on Joo Won's channel? You're a star, seriously. Thank you so so much :Megathanks:


Did you maybe also do a translation of part 1 of his Ghost interview? 


You're most welcome. :blush:

I did one vlive sub- the Ghost waiting room one. But that's only one video sub I did though. Had some help while doing it because I've zero ide on Musical related korean vocabulary. An international fan received some help while doing some particular lines- like musical theatre having empty seats, flue shots etc.

And while doing that I understood how much it must have been difficult for Joo Cuties for doing all those subtitles and translations and they did it in due time. I'm actually quite thankful to them because I have gained enough Korean vocabulary that Joo Won frequently uses. 


And I didn't do the first part yet. I don't know if I can because I found out I actually struggle with suitable English words quite often. So it actually takes me longer than usual because I'm always pondering what to use when some words of phrase just doesn't feel right. That's why the first part this particular video came out at December 2020 while I finished it in March 2021.Thr struggle of not being enough good at English and also Korean which which I mostly rely on listening and Google/papago translation. This new videos from Seensee company are very helpful tho because they had Korean subtitles. So I could translate the images but when subtitles aren't provided I just have to rely mostly on listening that means I'm bound to be vague about some korean words when they're unknow to me.


I do have plans to translate the other one you mentioned. But it might take me more time if I actually ended up progressing with it. if I do I will share it in Soompi thread. But in case it gets delayed like this you can ask ask me if you're interested to know any particular part of that video. I'd be happy to give you a brief summary. :partyblob:


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Coming back to the subject of JW and his family, there was this picture that he shared on Instagram not long after he finished his enlistment. He's taken down the original post (I've noticed a number of older posts missing - guess he's been archiving stuff lately), but fans were able to repost it while it was around ;) 


4 hours ago, Calli said:

I haven't watched Clocking Out yet but after your description I'm gonna do it as quickly as possible.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

It's a very short drama with 4 episodes with 10 minuites duration. JW had a short cheeky appearance but impressive.


It's all here, with English subs. It does take about halfway through for JW to show up in earnest, though.


I will say in advance, though, that I thought this was pretty campy and cartoonish - sort of like those old retro horror films with the really massive monsters and whatnot than anything remotely like today's horror or sci-fi. But it definitely featured JW playing an extremely different character than his usual, so just go in with that in mind ;) 


4 hours ago, Calli said:

I just watched episode 24 last night and it was the one where Joo Won's hyung comes to pick him up and I squealed a little because Joo Won was just so cute around his big brother. It was so adorable how he got all embarrassed and quiet.

It must have been awkward for him to have his brother around in a professional setting: he must have gotten a little confused on which role to assume (the donsaeng in his family vs the maknae on 1D2N) with his two worlds colliding^^


lol - I remember that. And I think even his hyungs (both his real one and his 1N2D ones) were trying to figure out just how on earth they should proceed with the conversation. It was also cute to see that JW's hyung appeared to be just as much of an introvert as he was :) 


4 hours ago, Calli said:

This was also the episode where he bungee jumped and I was holding my breath the whole time even though that happened almost 9 years ago^^ I love that he's this sweet, unassuming maknae who can get scared at the sight of certain insects but then he also has this truly fearless, courageous and determined side to him that we can see in such moments, and especially through his acting. To me he still would have been "a real man" if he hadn't jumped of course but I think there are things about the male psyche, especially when they're in a group, that I can't assume to understand~ 


One thing you'll find out (if you haven't already) is that once JW commits to something, he commits 100%. So that's not just in terms of acting, but just in general ;) 


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

And one of the reason I love that he stays with his parents rather than alone. People these days wants their favourite to leave alone so they could show up in related vareity shows.. and I'm like 'Okay JW in vareity show is definitely welcome but I don't want to see him leave alone for that. Unless he feels the need to live alone. Infact with puppy like nature it will be difficult for him to live alone unlesw having his own family (wife and kids) beside him.


Is he still with his parents? I know he was, up until Healing Camp, at least, but I don't know if he's since moved out. I mean, he does still imply that he hangs out with his mom a lot, but I'm not sure if it's because he still lives with her or if he just visits her a lot :P 


@flutterby06 - There's nothing for me to really add to your comments re: translating these videos, so I just want to say thanks for your hard work :approves:

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Oh boy, I was almost finished replying when my phone did a thing (or I somehow caused my phone to do a thing) and now it's all gone and the only thing I could restore was my previous post. Lol. Second try. 


15 hours ago, kittyna said:

I also think it's worth noting that Tae Hyun first fell for Yeo Jin because she promised him that she would destroy the 12th floor. He took it as a promise that she would dismantle the system - which is why he was willing to befriend her (like, he was going to bail her out anyway for his sister's sake, but it's her comment about this that made him interested in her as a person) - but she actually meant that as her vow to destroy those who had put her in the restricted area and forced her out of her rightful place as Hanshin's owner. So once Tae Hyun realizes that...it's so contradictory to everything he stands for that, as you guys pointed out, it would be hugely out of character if he turned a blind eye because of his love for Yeo Jin. Instead, it was because he loved her that he wanted to guide her to a healthier mindset. ;) 


I have nothing to add to your insightful observation @kittyna, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading it and how much I nodded along while I did^^



5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Thanks to Mama Moon for being so thoughtful and raising her son so well. Actually thanks a lot whole Moon Family.



I second that sentiment so much @flutterby06! From everything I've learned about Joo Won and everything he's said about his family, as a fan I'm just really happy and grateful knowing he has such a loving and supportive family. He wouldn't be the wonderful man he is if it weren't for them. 

And thanks a million for finding and sharing that picture of Joo Won and his mom @kittyna. There's so much love in this pic, and knowing his dad took it makes it even sweeter <3 

I understand why he might have taken it down but I'm really glad it is still in the vast world wide web for a newbie fan like me to see and appreciate~


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

It's all here, with English subs. It does take about halfway through for JW to show up in earnest, though.


I will say in advance, though, that I thought this was pretty campy and cartoonish - sort of like those old retro horror films with the really massive monsters and whatnot than anything remotely like today's horror or sci-fi. But it definitely featured JW playing an extremely different character than his usual, so just go in with that in mind ;) 



I haven't gotten around to watching yet but with everything you guys have said I'm getting more and more antsy to do so^^

And thank you so much for sharing the links too @kittyna, so helpful.


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - I remember that. And I think even his hyungs (both his real one and his 1N2D ones) were trying to figure out just how on earth they should proceed with the conversation. It was also cute to see that JW's hyung appeared to be just as much of an introvert as he was :) 


Ahahaha^^ Yeah, his hyung seemed like the quiet sort too. Though the poor guy did say that he had never been this nervous in his life before (meeting all those celebrities). I wonder how "prepared" the Moon household was for their baby boy becoming such a star... I can imagine that it might have felt quite surreal for a while there, especially around 2010 and onwards. I love it though that his hyung didn't view his donsaeng as a celebrity based on that episode of 1N2D - only shows that at home he is still treated the same as before. And I'm thinking Joo Won wouldn't want it any other way. This must help him a lot in staying grounded throughout the years and "unchanging" in the aspects of his personality that define him and matter to him the most. 


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

One thing you'll find out (if you haven't already) is that once JW commits to something, he commits 100%. So that's not just in terms of acting, but just in general ;) 


I've definitely noticed^^ It's just that I'm not completely used to it yet, haha. Whenever I see him showcase this 100% commitment and determination, I'm in awe of him all over again... I'm not saying that it is a contradiction for someone naturally quiet and not seeking others' attention to possess this kind of passion, determination and commitment - it's just that I've never met anyone remotely like this in real life and I find Joo Won endlessly fascinating. He's so humble yet he knows exactly what he's good at and has the confidence to support it (and the talent!), he doesn't speak up a lot but when he says something it shows a very thoughtful mind, he is cute and adorable and sometimes carries himself in a way that makes him seem clumsy yet he has so much manly charisma and such great control over his body (as is often the case with naturally athletic people). He's just... really really fascinating :wub:


And @flutterby06, I forgot to quote that part of your post but I just wanted to let you know that I've watched and enjoyed that vlive twice already, so really thank you and everyone who helped you sub it. It's so much hard work translating and subbing and I'm always deeply grateful to fans who spend their valuable time and work hard on translations just for the sake of helping other fans understand their faves. Joo Won Cutie really did an incredible job providing Joo Won content in English all these years - it's such a shame so many of their subbed videos aren't available anymore :'(


And please don't worry at all about part 1 of Joo Won's Ghost interview. It must be a tough one to translate... and thanks so much for your offer <3 I appreciate it and all your translations - which I always understand perfectly - so much!! 

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On 4/12/2021 at 5:56 PM, kittyna said:

I will say in advance, though, that I thought this was pretty campy and cartoonish - sort of like those old retro horror films with the really massive monsters and whatnot than anything remotely like today's horror or sci-fi. But it definitely featured JW playing an extremely different character than his usual, so just go in with that in mind ;)


When I talk about Clocking Out it's mostly the characters and their chemistry. I just love how different that role Seo Ki Woong is and the look. So I kinda overlook the sloppy CGI it's also probably to that the drama ifor the fact that the drama is really too short to actually look at it in a critical angle.


And it reminds me this work did win an award in 2019.. A 2016 web drama getting an award from international function in 2019. I kind of found that this interesting. Joo Won was in military at that time. And it was January News while JW was discharged on one month later.

News caption was: Kim Sang-jung x Kim Kang-woo x Joo-won'part-time worker', won the first Asian Rainbow TV Awards

News Link: https://sports.chosun.com/news/news.htm?id=201901160100104990008099&ServiceDate=20190115



Some of Joo Won work related stories/news resurfaced when he was military.. Like clocking out getting award, Good Doctor having a remake and confirmed to have a second season. 


On 4/12/2021 at 5:56 PM, kittyna said:

Is he still with his parents? I know he was, up until Healing Camp, at least, but I don't know if he's since moved out. I mean, he does still imply that he hangs out with his mom a lot, but I'm not sure if it's because he still lives with her or if he just visits her a lot :P 


@flutterby06 - There's nothing for me to really add to your comments re: translating these videos, so I just want to say thanks for your hard work 


You're most welcome @kittyna.:transforms:


About if Joo Won is still living with his parents...He didn't really say it directly after Healing Camp but I assume he's living still with his parents based on few of his natural conversation-


1. In Radio Star he was asked if he was still close with his Hyung. He said :As my Brother got married, he doesn't leave with us. But sometimes I go to his place and have a date. When I take my parents to My Brothers place his wife and my parents always try to give us some time alone. they say " You guys have fun as you don't get to play often these days." ( I must say his sister in law is so sweet to play along with these two close brother.... ha ha)

2. In Ghost waiting room vlive when asked what he did in his birthday he said -'I went to home after musical rehearsal and ate festival food that my mother made.' Also that comment he made that he was watching Ghost with his mother at home and she got scared watching dark Jingyeom.

3. In Goodbye Alice vlive he said I did interpretation of Alice for my parents.

4. In Christmas vlive when he was asked how he was spending time now that Ghost off due to covid restrictions he said 'I am spending time by watching dramas and entertainment shows, giving time to my parents.'

So far there hasn't been any particular indication that he is living alone but there's more indication of him in regular contact with is family like he used to do. So that's the reason of my assumption.



20 hours ago, Calli said:

And @flutterby06, I forgot to quote that part of your post but I just wanted to let you know that I've watched and enjoyed that vlive twice already, so really thank you and everyone who helped you sub it. It's so much hard work translating and subbing and I'm always deeply grateful to fans who spend their valuable time and work hard on translations just for the sake of helping other fans understand their faves. Joo Won Cutie really did an incredible job providing Joo Won content in English all these years - it's such a shame so many of their subbed videos aren't available anymore :'(


And please don't worry at all about part 1 of Joo Won's Ghost interview. It must be a tough one to translate... and thanks so much for your offer <3 I appreciate it and all your translations - which I always understand perfectly - so much!! 


You're Welcome. :issohappy:

And hope someday JW cutie international will magically revive.. Ha ha..


@Calli I think you were Inquiring about his official fan club. JW first official fanclub used to be called 'Act-1, Scene 1" In Korean its probably something like (Il Mag, Il Jang). he used to mention this fanclub consisting of his fans before tv debut and after tv debut. But I think some time around 2013 it got cancelled. Something unpleasant happened not exactly sure what. And JW took the official title from it. After that he never mentioned any particular fan cafe. Just thanked fans in general. Then another unofficial club formed it was called 'Il Mag I Jang'- Act 1, Scene 2. I heard JW talking about it in a radio show- Cultwo Show where he went to promote movie catch me with Kim Ah Joong. And a male fan from that fan club showed up with banner or something may be. So Joo Won was asked by the radio djs if he knows about this fan cafe. JW said he knows about it and also said there used to be another called ' Il Mag Il Jang'  and jokingly said so his fancafe nick name ended up being 'Makjang'.


To fill this void there's JW DC gallery. It's not a fan cafe but fan site. And JW acknowledged this one too but still not a official title. 

But he has actually two official(!) fan cafe though-

1. http://www.joowon508.com/ This one is the most official one, approved by his agency and probably opened by his agency too but I know almost nothing about it.

2. Japan fans official cafe


I don't know what happen in Japanse one but I think Joo Won 508 is not very active in the sense of interaction with fans. Joo Won/his team barely shares anything in those. Usually if a fan cafe is official the actor or his team would sometimes give the fan cafe some special update either about schedule or just short messages on occassions, anything. But I saw DC fans talking about it that nothing has been shared by JW/team in that site after 2015. Again I could be wrong because I am just making assumptions from limited information.



@kittyna mentioned few local and international fan group. I won't repeat those but you may look forward to JW supporters event. It always has something planned. As far I have seen by watching 1/2 year closely JW supporter is mostly are helped by fans from JW DC Gallery and int. fans mostly japan and thai fans. If international fans wants to send some thing to JW they usually take help from these sub group or they directly sent it to his agency. Joo Won has previously said in a vlive that he reads every fan fan letter he gets on hand. So if fans said it to his agency he will read it.


If you ask me I'd say JW DC Gallery is currently the most convenient place for most JW local fans, they're mostly earliest to share JW related info, some times old stories and content are discussed by the fans in this site. Overall a fun place. And accessible as in us as international fans can't comment but we can watch and read whatever is written. 





There's a fun story about Joo Won DC Gallery. DC is very strict about spreading false information so one day suddenly some one commented that he's Joo Won and a chaos happened. :sweat_smile: You can read it in here. 



That cute post by Joo Won is still pinned in JW DC.



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15 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

And it reminds me this work did win an award in 2019.. A 2016 web drama getting an award from international function in 2019. I kind of found that this interesting. Joo Won was in military at that time. And it was January News while JW was discharged on one month later.


Some of Joo Won work related stories/news resurfaced when he was military.. Like clocking out getting award, Good Doctor having a remake and confirmed to have a second season. 


I still haven't watched Clocking Out... I somehow got stuck watching Joo Won's "Room of Memory" special, reading his Theater+ interview (and using papago and google to understand a bit) and watching episode S02E28 of 1N2D and all that gave me so much food for thought that I needed to process first^^ I love his interviews so much - there is so much sincerity there that can be felt so easily.

And then I saw Jongmin share that picture of baby Joo Won while sleeping in a refrigerator cardbox bed and that was just the cutest lil gift too, even if it is LQ. He had a sunshine smile back then already~




It's really great that Clocking Out received an award while Joo Won was serving. I wonder if the plan for a drama is something that's still in the cards... not that Joo Won would be necessarily part of it if it was. 

That painfully reminds me that there's still no Joo Won drama news :'( I wonder what he's up to these days. 


@flutterby06thank you so so much for taking the time to write up and share all that information on Joo Won's official fanclubs. I feel like I got an important Joo Won history lesson for free~

I remember him mentioning his official fanclub name in one of the early episodes of 1N2D ('Act-1, Scene 1" ) and I wondered what had happened to that because in everything I had read I never saw it mentioned... must have been something unpleasant :(

I also encountered joowon508 but from what I could tell it's not something that is used an awful lot, by neither JW's agency or the fans. 

I am a member of daum fancafe for my favorite kpop group and it's quite lovely because both the members and the staff use it to update fans on their schedule and official happenings and just to keep in touch and communicate. It's not easy to level up and get access to the members' posts but once you do it's really a great way to keep updated on their activities. Obviously the kpop world is not the same as the world of actors (content and communication wise) but I thought maybe something similar might exist for Joo Won. Too bad it doesn't... but I'll def check out DC Gallery. And that story of Joo Won posting on there and fans not believing him I had actually read while browsing Joo Won Cutie's homepage^^ ahahaha, poor Joo Won. He did tell them they'd regret it if they didn't believe him...

It would be really nice if there was an official fanclub that both Korean and international fans could easily get updates from and maybe even communicate with Joo Won through. 


I was also wondering if Joo Won still lives with his parents... I kinda got the impression that he was as well, based on what you wrote too @flutterby06, or at the very least that he's living very close by. It's lovely that they're so close... in my parents' culture (Greek) it's not unusual at all for the kids to keep living with their parents until they're married (well into their thirties sometimes) or to keep living with them if they remain unmarried; whereas in German culture people look at you very funny if you're over the age of 20-25 and still live at home. I'm not sure how it works in SK. From what I'm seeing in dramas and from what I've read, there seem to be lots of single households, especially in the urban areas. 

Whatever living arrangement Joo Won has, I hope it's a place that truly feels like home. 


Can you guys tell me if there is something like a rough translation for Joo Won's Goodbye Alice and Christmas Vlives? Thanks so much~

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19 hours ago, Calli said:

I wonder how "prepared" the Moon household was for their baby boy becoming such a star... I can imagine that it might have felt quite surreal for a while there, especially around 2010 and onwards. I love it though that his hyung didn't view his donsaeng as a celebrity based on that episode of 1N2D - only shows that at home he is still treated the same as before. And I'm thinking Joo Won wouldn't want it any other way. This must help him a lot in staying grounded throughout the years and "unchanging" in the aspects of his personality that define him and matter to him the most. 


Yeah - "surreal" is probably the best way to put it. I did see in an interview once that JW said that his family felt like they had to be extra-careful for a while, as they didn't want anything they did to reflect poorly on him. But JW also mentioned (in the Fashion King episode of Happy Together) that his mom would sometimes try to find his merch or try to position items he had a CF for in a more prominent way in a store :P 


15 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

1. In Radio Star he was asked if he was still close with his Hyung. said :As my Brother got married, he doesn't leave with us. But sometimes I go to with us and have a date. When I take my parents to My Brothers place his wife and and parents always try to give us some time alone. the say " You guys have fun as you don't get to play often these days." ( I must say his sister in law is so sweet to play along with these two close brother.... ha ha)


lol - Now I just got this mental image of a younger JW as being that really protective little sibling who's all like, "You're not marrying my Hyung unless I say so :P". Of course, that's hardly accurate to his personality, but it was just a silly thought that occurred to me.


15 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I think you were Inquiring about his official fan club. JW first official fanclub used to be called 'Act-1, Scene 1" In Korean its probably something like (Il Mag, Il Jang). he used to mention this fanclub consisting of his fans before tv debut and after tv debut. But I think some time around 2013 it got cancelled. Something unpleasant happened not exactly sure what. And JW took the official title from it. After that he never mentioned any particular fan cafe. Just thanked fans in general. 


I just want to point out that I've heard vaguely about this incident as well, and it apparently involved some sort of drama (either between fans within the group or between group members and fans of another celebrity - it's all fuzzy now). But the major consistent point here is that JW dismantled it himself and that his comments at the time were along the lines of wanting all of his fans to get along.


So, actually, @Calli, it's crossed my mind that the relative quietness of JW's fandom - even his Korean fans - stems from what happened to Act 1, Scene 1. One of the reasons why JW's not as popular on, say, general Hallyu fan sites compared to other Hallyu stars is that his fans don't generally promote him in a way that would be picked up by computer algorithms. So, like, they don't really take part in polls, gush about him on message boards, etc. And if they do end up talking smack about another artist (particularly his co-stars), he does make his displeasure known.


Long story short: drama between netizens sells, but JW doesn't want his fans to engage in that sort of drama, which leads to a more quiet and less detectable fandom overall ;) 


15 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I don't know what happen in Japanse one but I think Joo Won 508 is not very active in the sense of interaction with fans. Joo Won/his team barely shares anything in those. Usually if a fan cafe is official the actor or his team would sometimes give the fan cafe some special update either about schedule or just short messages on occassions, anything. But I saw DC fans talking about it that nothing has been shared by JW/team in that site after 2015. Again I could be wrong because I am just making assumptions from limited information.


Nowadays, it seems that his agency mostly uses a general Naver site or Instagram to announce any updates. So, if there is something, you'll see a specific Naver post from his agency about that one update, which they then share on Instagram for fans.


19 hours ago, Calli said:

Whenever I see him showcase this 100% commitment and determination, I'm in awe of him all over again... I'm not saying that it is a contradiction for someone naturally quiet and not seeking others' attention to possess this kind of passion, determination and commitment - it's just that I've never met anyone remotely like this in real life and I find Joo Won endlessly fascinating.


Yeah, I know what you mean. It's not contradictory (since, actually, many introverts have this tendency), but that it tends to catch people by surprise. Like, the first surprise from his 1N2D days was that someone who played Gu Ma Jun and Lee Kang To was such a cinnamon roll in real life - and then the second surprise was that said cinnamon roll also had some iron grit to him underneath the surface ;) 


Okay, this is pretty funny: JW's drama characters matched with emojis.


5 minutes ago, Calli said:

I was also wondering if Joo Won still lives with his parents... I kinda got the impression that he was as well, based on what you wrote too @flutterby06, or at the very least that he's living very close by. It's lovely that they're so close... in my parents' culture (Greek) it's not unusual at all for the kids to keep living with their parents until they're married (well into their thirties sometimes) or to keep living with them if they remain unmarried; whereas in German culture people look at you very funny if you're over the age of 20-25 and still live at home. I'm not sure how it works in SK. From what I'm seeing in dramas and from what I've read there seem to be lots of single households, especially in the urban areas. 


To the best of my knowledge, both are possible. Like, not too long ago, it was not unusual in Korea for adult children to live with their parents until they got married, but now, more and more young people move out on their own for work/study purposes (e.g. kids moving from other towns and cities into Seoul). One thing you still don't see often, though, is cohabiting couples: there are some, but it's still generally frowned upon by the older generation.

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23 hours ago, kittyna said:


Yeah - "surreal" is probably the best way to put it. I did see in an interview once that JW said that his family felt like they had to be extra-careful for a while, as they didn't want anything they did to reflect poorly on him. But JW also mentioned (in the Fashion King episode of Happy Together) that his mom would sometimes try to find his merch or try to position items he had a CF for in a more prominent way in a store :P 


Oh, yes~ I remember in the Good Doctor special of Happy Together they were all sharing mom stories and I think Joo Won said that his mom asked at one place where they were selling socks with celebrities' faces on them why Joo Won's weren't there? Hahaha^^ So cute. His mom sounded like the most low maintenance though of all the moms mentioned, and I thought like the sweetest, most selfless too. 


23 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's not contradictory (since, actually, many introverts have this tendency), but that it tends to catch people by surprise. Like, the first surprise from his 1N2D days was that someone who played Gu Ma Jun and Lee Kang To was such a cinnamon roll in real life - and then the second surprise was that said cinnamon roll also had some iron grit to him underneath the surface ;) 

That's exactly it~ And to me personally it's just so interesting and a real joy to watch him show all those different sides he has to himself on 1N2D. I know that when he was asked on "Room of Memory" recently if he was planning to return to variety he said he wouldn't if it were under the same circumstances (I guess he meant the same format) as 1N2D but I'm still really glad he took on that challenge back then (despite being so insanely busy :'( ) and that he gave us a chance to get to know him a little better through it - not that what the directors/producers/editors choose to show through these programs is a 100% truthful and comprehensive representation of who the members are, but I still think that one can get a good idea at least of who someone is in certain situations. Like the grit and determination Joo Won showed on the show often times, how sweet and cuddly he was towards his hyungs, how hard working he was towards every task and every game, that he wanted to win at games but without being a sore loser, etc.



I still haven't gotten around to watching Clocking Out :lol: 

Somehow watching 1N2D always leads me to new discoveries. Like now I somehow stumbled upon Joo Won's two appearances on JTBC's Witch Hunt and I even found his first appearance (episode 19) with English subtitles. But sadly I couldn't find episode 64 (where he promoted Fashion King) with English subs. Only the raw version

Does anyone happen to know if it was ever subbed? 

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3 hours ago, Calli said:

Like now I somehow stumbled upon Joo Won's two appearances on JTBC's Witch Hunt and I even found his first appearance (episode 19) with English subtitles. But sadly I couldn't find episode 64 (where he promoted Fashion King) with English subs. Only the raw version

Does anyone happen to know if it was ever subbed? 


No, I don't think that one was ever subbed - episodes of Witch Hunt are hard to come by to begin with (maybe because it's technically a 19+ talk show, albeit tame by Western standards), and most of the ones you'll find will, as usual, be ones guesting K-pop idols.


However, we are lucky that that one specific episode has the next best thing: a full recap/synopsis by the Dramabeans team. That's the only thing I've found for this so far, but it gives us a pretty good look at what JW's thoughts were on relationships and sexuality at that point in time (i.e. 2014). Of course, we won't know if his views have changed since, especially now that he's had a serious relationship under his belt, but it's still an interesting snapshot into his past.



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On 10/26/2015 at 3:53 AM, mrdimples said:


Have you checked our Softy's blog Cadence? try https://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/win-win-joowon/

she 'subbed' the entire show :D 

wait...how about these

this seems to be the 1st half


and then these from 2nd half

part 3


part 4


and this is unsubbed but full length




I just wanted to quote this post in case anyone else is also desperately looking for the subbed Win Win episode Joo Won appeared in in 2012. The two dailymotion links labeled part 3 and part 4 (actually part 2 and 4) lead to private dailymotion videos that are still up. It's not the whole episode but better than nothing~ 


and thanks so much @kittynafor the link to the dramabeans summary of the episode. I really enjoy their 1N2D recaps and shortly after I wrote my post I stumbled onto their Witch Hunt recap of that specific episode too^^ it's just a rough translation but still helpful. Even if it was a long time ago and Joo Won has probably gained lots of experience since, it's still interesting to get a little insight into his mindset from back then. 

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Joo Won is featured in this soompi article today "11 K-Drama Actors Who Are Also In Musical Theater


Too bad the article doesn't mention how he was discovered by his sunbae during his 1st year at Sungkyunkwan while he was cleaning the theater with a rag and singing to himself~


I love it though that they picked his photograph (along with JCW & KHN's) to be in the headline photo :wub:


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