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[Drama 2010] Gloria 글로리아

Guest sayroo

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I will definitely be watching. I love Bae Doo Na and Ji Suk will always have a special place in my heart becasue he played Yun Ho from Pure 19.

Everyone is looking fantastic in the press conference pics, especially Bae Doo Na. Woo!

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Guest jjsweeter0211

spam spam, chingu! :lol: maybe so many pics??? o_O

I found out the reason. All my pics are from Nate and there is current problem with the image source there so I guess that's why. I tried daum and naver and it works again hehe :)

I think it's about the OST of Gloria. Her name is Arie. I haven't heard about her before. Hope she sings well :D


아리, '글로리아'-'주홍글씨' OST 참여로 'OST의 여왕' 재확인

[아츠 뉴스 뷰티스타 장윤희 기자] 여성 4인조 록그룹 리더 아리(Arie) 가 7월 31일 새롭게 방송되는 MBC 주말연속극 '글로리아'(정지우 극본 김민식 연출)의 주제곡을 부른다.

'글로리아'는 나이트클럽을 배경으로 진솔하게 살아가는 사람들의 이야기를 다룬 드라마로 아리(Arie)가 부르는 주제곡은 여주인공 나진진(배두나 분)의 테마곡으로 등장하게 될 예정이다.

또한 오는 8월 9일부터 방송 예정인 MBC 아침드라마 '주홍글씨'(김지수 극본 이민수 연출)의 주제곡도 함께 부를 예정이다.

아리(Arie)는 지난해에 이미 MBC 아침드라마 '하얀 거짓말'과, 주말연속극 '보석비빔밥'의 주제가를 불러 크게 인정을 받았으며, 이번에 또다시 두 드라마의 OST에 참여 하면서 최고의 'OST 여왕'이라는 별칭을 얻게됐다.

한편 아리(Arie)는 지난 6월 초 걸그룹의 홍수속에 캔디록이라는 새로운 장르의 음악 'kiss me darling(키스 미 달링)'을 발표하고 '뮤직뱅크'를 통해 정식으로 가요계에 데뷔했다.

아리(Arie)는 28일 방송되는 한국콘텐츠진흥원이 주최하고 SBS와 Mnet이 후원하는 참신한 신인들을 발굴하기 위한 사업 글로벌 신인스타 프로젝트 'M-Rookies(엠루키즈)'에서 이달의 루키로 선정되어 무대를 선보일 예정이다.

《ⓒ 예술을 즐겨라! 문화 예술 공연 보도자료수신 ksg3626@artsnews.co.kr》

《아름다움의 시작! 미용신문 '뷰티스타' 보도자료수신 btstar@artsnews.co.kr》

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i need a good family drama ~~the recent ones are such disapointment..i hope this one meet expectation ~~^^

Bae Doo-na was "worried over bad singing"


Korean actor Seo Ji-suk, director Kim Min-sik, actress So E-hyun, actor Lee Chun-hee, actress Bae Doo-na, actress Oh Hyun-kyung and actor Lee Jong-won at the press conference for upcoming weekend drama "Gloria" held at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on July 28, 2010. [10Asia/Lee Jin-hyuk]

'Family' is the core of weekend dramas. The typical family drama is about an extended family with various characters that fight, reconcile and live happily ever after. However, upcoming MBC weekend drama "Gloria" is more about relationships among people who share the same lifestyle rather than family ties. Below are the excerpts from the press conference for new drama "Gloria" attended by its cast, director and scenarist.

Q: Unlike typical weekend dramas, in which an extended family usually appears, it seems that "Gloria" focuses on the dreams of characters who are in their thirties.

Director Kim Min-sik (Kim): I wanted to create a light and cheerful weekend drama. I plan to talk about the love between four young people or a story of families that share their living spaces such as in a night club or a rented house. You may think it's a bit depressing or heavy since it's a story based on poor people. But this will be about people who enjoy their lives by being thankful for whatever they have, such as their talents or abilities.


Korean actress Bae Doo-na (left) and actor Lee Chun-hee (right) [10Asia/Lee Jin-hyuk]

Q: Could you each introduce the characters that you play?

Bae Doo-na (Bae): I play the thirty-something year old Na Jin-jin who lives her life aimlessly because she doesn't have any dreams or a direction for life. She has lost both her parents so she looks after her sick older sister while delivering newspaper at the break of dawn, has a part-time at a carwash and works in the coat room of a nightclub. Jin-jin is the kind of person who works hard at whatever she can get her hands onto. She discovers her true self when she accidently takes to the stage at the nightclub.

Lee Chun-hee (Lee): Simply put, I play a loyal idiot. He tries to help out Jin-jin, his childhood friend, but instead causes more trouble. I wonder if he will be much help when Jin-jin becomes a singer.

Oh Hyun-kyung: My character is Na Jin-joo, the older sister of Jin-jin. Jin-joo used to be a brilliant singer who was in the spotlight but due to a sudden accident she becomes a physically challenged person with the mental capacity of a five year old. And she isn't just plain pure. There's a depressed state that is always contained inside it so it makes people around her feel sorry for her.

So E-hyun: I play the innocent and fragile Jung Yoon-seo who has no will to live. I'm very nervous because this time I will be playing the illegitimate daughter of a rich household instead of a career woman.

Seo Ji-suk: Lee Kang-suk is the illegitimate son of a conglomerate. He doesn't believe in love and is a level-headed person. The audience will be able to see many harsh sides to him.

Lee Jong-won: I am the half-brother of Kang-suk and my character Ji-suk is very possessive. He used to be in a relationship with Jin-joo and becomes involved in a love triangle with Kang-suk because he begins to like Yoon-seo.

Q: Kim Min-sik, you mostly direct dramas that focus on women, like in your previous works MBC's "Queen of Housewives” and "Still, Marry Me," and now "Gloria."

Kim: I like women. (laugh) I actually wanted to make a drama that women can enjoy watching and relate to because it's usually women that watch dramas. Plus I have always wanted to direct a production where the script is written by scenarist Jung Ji-woo. I found out that I had shortcomings even with my experience when I began directing. I'm very worried because I want to show the interesting imagery that came to mind when I read the script. I want female viewers' hearts to flutter and beat when watching Jin-jin.

Q: Bae Doo-na, this will be the second project written by scenarist Jung Ji-woo that you will take on after starring in SBS' "How to Meet the Perfect Neighbor." Is there a reason why you choose dramas written by Jung Ji-woo?

Bae: Honestly, there is no actor who could refuse a project written by Jung Ji-woo. I asked Jung Ji-woo a lot of questions like what kind of emotion is this, how should I show this feeling and bothered him in such ways when we shot "How to Meet the Perfect Neighbor." Thanks to him, I was able immerse myself completely while filming the show. I think he sent the scenario for this drama to me prepared to encounter a similar situation. (laugh) I believe we will have a fun time shooting the drama.

Q: You play a singer in the show, how well do you really sing?

Bae: I worried a lot because of that. I was worried about my bad singing because the drama can only move forward if Jin-jin is a good singer. But I took on the role because a real actor is someone who makes the effort to make the impossible become possible. The weird thing was that unlike acting whenever I began to sing, my confidence kept dropping. I am working on my singing abilities with Jin-jin's 'will do anything attitude.'


Korean actress Oh Hyun-kyung (left) and actor Lee Jong-won (right) [10Asia/Lee Jin-hyuk]

Q: Oh Hyun-kyung, you will be playing a physically challenged person after having played a perfectionist in MBC's "High Kick." Can we regard this as an acting transformation for you?

Oh Hyun-kyung (Oh): It's only called an acting transformation if I do a good job. The first thing that came to my mind were negative thoughts like what will happen if the outcome of the drama isn't good because I did a bad job with my character. I am taking on this role like it’s my homework and with it, I will be able to broaden my scope of acting. I get a confidence boost whenever the director says 'It's good' on set.

Q: Is there anyone you set as a role model for this drama?

Oh: I referred a lot to Sean Penn who played a challenged person in the movie "I Am Sam." And other physically challenged people from the movie, besides Sam, helped a lot too. I also observed the five- and six-year-olds around me. I practiced on the points such as reacting a bit slower and showing my emotions honestly. I still have a long way to go before I will be able to catch up to Sean Penn but I'm working hard on portraying my character as well as possible.

Q: How do you think Jin-jin feels about taking care of a physically challenged sister?

Bae: We shot a scene few days ago, where I'm trying to calm Jin-joo who is crying at a crosswalk. That was when I realized what Jin-jin was feeling. We were on the road with all these cars passing by and suddenly it came to my mind that we only have each other. I also thought 'I must live because of this woman.'

Q: Lee Jong-won, up until now you've played the characters at two extremes -- either an honest or adulterous man.

What was it like to take on the role of a son of a conglomerate who has a mean personality?

Lee Jong-won (Lee): I think it's significant that I get to stay alive and not get killed off in this drama. I

frequently get asked that question because I've played the adulterous role a lot. I can't say that I hate infidelity because it has led to me where I am right now. I consider the adulterous role to be a genre that I can take on.


Scenarist Jung Ji-woo (left) and director Kim Min-sik (right) [10Asia/Lee Jin-hyuk]

Q: Main character Na Jin-jin seems to be the typical nothing-can-bring-me-down type of character from dramas. How will this character be different from the other dramas that have featured characters like her?

Scenarist Jung Ji-woo (Jung): There has always been a strong-willed female characters in all the dramas that I write. And most of the time, people think of the nothing-can-bring-me-down character whenever they see a strong-willed woman but I think this drama too will not break away too far from it. I am however, thinking of ways I can add in a different storyline but at the same time, I want to write a corny drama. There are many trendy and fun dramas but personally I want the drama to be something that my mom can enjoy watching as well as feel comforted by. "Gloria" will show how those people who live on the fast lane and those who fall behind, find comfort in each other.

Q: Bae Doo-na, you've constantly been praised for your controlled acting so how has it been acting the role of Na Jin-jin? You must be pressured over having to find the balance between controlling your acting while also overdoing it.

Bae: I prefer roles where I play characters who control their emotions but not all characters are like that. I will do the kind of acting where I push down my emotions since Jin-jin is a character who doesn't cry even if she wants to but I plan on acting in a friendly way since its one of the requirements of weekend dramas which are watched by various age groups. I am going to express every emotion in detail so that the viewers will feel sad and a little bit bitter when they see Jin-jin's brave image.

Reporter: Lee Ga-on

Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@

Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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reposting from News Thread :

July 28, 2010

[PHOTO] "Gloria" Press Conference


Actress Bae Doo-na poses during a photo session of a press conference for upcoming weekend drama "Gloria" at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on July 28, 2010.


Bae Doo-na [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]


Actor Lee Chun-hee poses during a photo session of a press conference for upcoming weekend drama "Gloria" at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on July 28, 2010.


Lee Chun-hee [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

From top down, actors Seo Ji-suk, Lee Jong-won, So E-hyun and Oh Hyun-kyung pose during a photo session of a press conference for upcoming weekend drama "Gloria" at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on July 28, 2010.


Seo Ji-suk [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]


Lee Jong-won [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]


So E-hyun [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]


Oh Hyun-kyung [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Photographer: Lee Jin-hyuk eleven @ Editor: Jessica Kim jesskim @ <Ⓒ 10Asia All rights reserved> 10Asia 1 l 2 l 3

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Thanks a lot for the interview translation and news guys :D.Three more days to go. Can't wait :)

Here is the explaination of the relationship chart above ( credit suhjisukweekly.com)

Lee Gang Suk (Mid 30s, played by Suh Ji Suk)

Lee Ji Suk (40, played by Lee Jong Won) – Gang Suk’s step-brother; once loved Na Jin Joo

Lee Joon Ho (60, played by Yun Kyoo Jin) - Gang Suk’s father

Yu Jung Nan (Mid 50s, played by Na Young Hee) – Gang Suk’s mother

Song Yu Ja (60, played by Sung Byung Sook) – Ji Suk’s mother

Jung Woo Hyun (50, played by Lee Young Ha) – The owner of the night club, Jung Nan’s long-time friend

Song Jong Bum (Mid 40s, played by Lee Sung Min) – The MC of the night club, Jin Joo’s ex-manager

Jung Yoon Suh (Mid 20s, played by Soh Yi Hyun) – “Strategic Marriage” with Gang Suk

Yoon Suh’s mother (50, played by Jung Soh Nyu)

CEO Mr. Jung (60, played by Kim Ki Hyun) – Yoon Suh’s father

Na Jin Jin (30, played by Bae Doo Na) – liked by Gang Suk

Na Jin Joo (40, played by Oh Hyun Kyung) – Jin Jin’s elder sister

Choi Ji Young (40, played by Park Hyun Sook) – Jin Jin’s career manager

Oh Soon Nyu (70, played by Kim Young Ok) – Jin Jin’s landlord

Ha Dong Ah (30, played by Lee Chun Hee) – Jin Jin’s friend; likes Yoon Suh

Ha Man Soo (50, played by Jung Gyoo Soo) – Dong Ah’s father

Ha Oh Jin (10, played by Chun Bo Geun) – Dong Ah’s nephew

Few videos from the conference

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

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Guest yeohweping

Ep.1 summary

Jin Jin lives in a han-style korean house with Jin Joo and Dong Ah's family. Eo Jin takes care of Jin Joo whenever Jin Jin has to work or not around. Jin Jin meets up with Kang Seok and got into an argument with him as he almost knocked her down when he was rushing to the const.site.

Yun Seo came back on the plane with Ji Seok and he tries to hit on her as he was curious why she kept saying sorry and because of her beauty. Upon the arrival of his half-brother and how Yun Seo behaved in front of her 'mom', he somehow got the hint that she is an illegitimate child like his brother whom he always looked down on.

Jin Jin gets into a fight at the nightclub when Jin Joo was molested by some drunken men while Kang Seok was away to deal with a man who wants him to join his gang.

Kang Seok was told by his dad to make his real mom stay away when his spies caught sight of her. Kang Seok coldly tells his mom that she can drinks all she wants when she goes to Hong Kong when she tried to drink in front of him. His heart begins to break when he sees her tear.

Dong Ha meets Yun Seo and falls for her on first sight on his way back to the nightclub while Jin Jin was sent to the police station with Jin Joo and the drunken guys. Dong Ha sees Yun Seo again in the hospital after he has gone begging forgiveness on Jin Joo's behalf.

A drunk Kang Seok was robbed on his way home and was sent to the police station where Jin Jin is. He got hit by her after Dong Ah moved aside suddenly.

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thanks to all for the links, posters and summary!!! ^_^

from Dramabeans :



Bae Doo-na (God of Study) and “Chunderella,” aka Lee Chun-hee (Smile), are starring in MBC’s Saturday-Sunday drama Gloria which premieres this weekend. She plays a nightclub singer and he plays a fighter and a gangster, which would explain the look he’s sporting, and I have to say, it pretty much melts my brain.

The drama will be 50 episodes, with PD Kim Min-shik at the helm (The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, Queen of Housewives), and screenwriter Jung Ji-woo (Wish Upon a Star).

The story centers around Bae’s character who is–yup, you guessed it–poor, plucky, and full of dreams. She has a loyal childhood best friend in Lee Chun-hee’s character, who grows up to be a third-rate gangster. The story revolves around one nightclub where the lives of the characters intersect.

Bae’s plucky heroine is the sole caretaker of her physically challenged sister, and has reached her thirties without ever realizing her dream of becoming a singer. While working in the coatroom of the nightclub, she finds an opportunity one night when the band’s singer doesn’t show, giving her a taste of the limelight.

The cast will be rounded out by So E-hyun, Oh Hyun-kyung, Seo Ji-suk, and Lee Jong-won.

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it feel something like family honour when the first esp will show how the four wlll met and this time again they are in police station ~LOL so many familar faces i see^^ shoud be quite fun the drama

the last scene today lol


esp 2 preview

another making of Bae Do na singing


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Guest jjsweeter0211

Guys thanks a lot for posting news, summary, download links and all other updates ;)

I'm waiting for the rating. Hope it's good.

Here is the new article from Asiae which summaries some main parts from the first episode and comment about acting performance from main casts.

첫방 '글로리아', 배우들 열연..막장 없는 '유쾌한 드라마'


[아시아경제 최준용 기자] 31일 방송된 MBC '글로리아'가 배두나-이천희-오현경 등 주연 배우들의 열연 속에 성공적인 시작을 알렸다.

이날 방송에서 진진(배두나)는 사고로 5세 지능을 가지게 된 지체 장애 언니인 진주(오현경)와 단둘이 생활하며 김밥장사, 신문배달, 세차장 아르바이트 그리고 밤에는 나이트클럽 '추억 속으로' 에서 손님들의 가방을 맡는 일을 도맡아 하며 바쁘게 살아간다.

배두나는 진진이라는 캐릭터를 맡아 언니를 보살펴 줄때는 자상한 모습으로 생활비를 벌기 위해 일을 할 때는 억척스러운 모습으로 다양한 모습을 보여줬다. 그리고 소중한 자신의 언니를 희롱하는 취객들에게는 주먹을 아끼지 않는 무대포의 모습으로 전작과는 다른 연기변신을 보여줬다.

또한 그녀와 자매로 나오는 오현경도 그동안 보여줬던 도시적이며 지적인 이미지와 다른 5세 지능을 가진 지체장애 연기를 완벽히 연기했다. 어눌하고 천진난만한 표정으로 감쪽같이 진주의 모습으로 녹아들었다.

진진의 절친으로 출연한 하동아 역의 이천희도 기존의 편안하고 친근한 모습과 달리 악과 깡으로 뭉친 꼴통의 모습을 보여주며 변신을 시도했다. 가방끈이 짧아 제대로 된 직업도 없고 타고난 맷집을 밑천 삼아 주먹세계에 입문하지만 주먹은 유리. 이 같이 이천희가 연기하는 하동아는 아무것도 기대할 수 없는 밑바닥 인생인 것.

동아는 다소 남자답고 저돌적이며 거친 모습을 가지고 있지만 절친 진진이 어려움에 처했을 때는 자신의 일처럼 두 팔을 걷어 도와주는 의리남. 이처럼 이천희는 이제까지 자신이 가진 이미지를 과감히 벗어던지고 새로운 모습으로 완벽하게 녹아들었다.

이와 같이 ‘글로리아’는 나이트클럽 이라는 작은 공간을 배경으로 치열하게 살아가는 다양한 사람들의 모습과 욕망, 사랑, 꿈들을 밝고 경쾌한 시선으로 막장코드 없는 유쾌한 드라마가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대를 불러일으키고 있다.

(MBC 방송화면 캡처)

최 준용 기자 yjchoi01@

<ⓒ아시아경제 & 스투닷컴(stoo.com)이 만드는 온오프라인 연예뉴스>

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Guest kazenai

It was a REALLY great episode. Loved every minute of it. I kept singing 'Gloria' every time I heard the instrumental. It looks like we'll have great songs because Arie also sang for 'Assorted Gems' Bosuk BiBimBap track. (main theme) which was fresh and really spunky.

I think So Yi Hyun did awesome in her depressive mode. She was convincingly good when you compare that to her other roles :)

On a side not, if anyone has the opening sequence , mind sharing? :)

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I really enjoyed the first ep .. especially Chun Hee - Doo Na moments , they're so funny! ^_^

reposting from Chun Hee's thread :

Lee Chun Hee goes all Gangster for Gloria


Lee Chun Hee stars opposite Bae Doona in the new weekend drama Gloria. The story revolves around a nightclub that Doo Na’s character Na Jin Jin works at and how two friends support each other in trying to survive and overcome their unfortunate lives. Jin Jin spent her life taking care of her handicapped younger sister by working in the club and never was able to follow her own dreams of becoming a singer. Chun Hee plays a third rate gangster Ha Dong Ah who is a faithful childhood friend to Jin Jin. One night opportunity comes a-knocking for Jin Jin when the club’s singer fails to turn up and the story unfold from there.

For his role as a gangster, Chun Hee hit the gym and worked on his physique and the results were recently displayed in Korea’s Marie Claire.

Not bad Chun Hee, not bad at all. Maybe it’ll help you get rid of your Chunderella image, but I don’t think so. Anyways, who doesn’t love Chunderella.

The cast includes So Yi Hyun, Oh Hyun Kyung, Lee Jong Won, and Suh Ji Suk as Jin Jin’s potential love interest. The PD is Kim Min Shik (Queen of Housewives, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry) and the scriptwriter is Jung Ji Woo (Wish Upon A Star, Glory Of The Family). Gloria is a Saturday/Sunday drama for MBC and premieres today (July 31st) in Korea. The drama is expected to be 50 episodes long.

source : Seoulbeats

EP. 1 Rating :

according to AGB : 8,O % (Nationwide)

hope the ratings doing well starting tomorrow ^_^

source : TV Daily

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Guest k-lover1

Thanks for all the info, and nice pictures, I really enjoy the first Episode, the Drama kinda reminds me of "Shining Inheritance" (mental handicap Character), but the leading Lady is better here than in "God Of Study" seems that her character in this Drama has more Depth! I think this is one will be as good as "Smile.You" for a weekend Drama! I am already Hook after the first Episode!!!!!

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Guest alicechen

GAHH! I absolutely cannot wait to watch this drama subbed! Thanks for posting the links everyone! I've been itching to watch Chunderella. :sweatingbullets: He looks the part, those pictures showing his abs are :wub:.

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Guest jjsweeter0211

I really like the first episode. I think it is a good start for Gloria. 8% is not really bad. I think it'll go up eventually ^_^

All the casts are doing great jobs. My favourite is Lee Chun Hee and Bae Doo Na. I'm looking forward listening to her singing ;) Little kid is very cute. The actress who plays the sister of Bae Doo Na is very good potraying her character. So Yi Hyun and Seo Ji suk are doing well potray their character too.

I cant wait to watch episode 2 tonight. :)

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