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Rudeness, hateful messages, member bashing, and trolling are forbidden.


I understand that this week has been rough since the divorce news. Everyone is hurting, but please be respectful when posting. You can voice your opinions and air your grievances in this public platform WITHOUT attacking anyone.


For future references - rude, derogatory posts about any members or celebrities from this point forward WILL be removed.

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In Korea there is no provision for a no-fault divorce, the exception to this law is a divorce by mutual agreement between the parties 


SJK and Kyo have agreed to a divorce by mutual agreement however since they disagree on a few points they will be using mediation to reach a complete agreement which means all that legalese being spouted out by netizens about her definitely being a guilty party because he made the announcement first? Well that is not true at all because he has not approached the court for a Judicial divorce.


A Judicial Divorce is different from what they’re doing and can be only filed for by an aggrieved party if the other party has committed a crime of adultery,mistreatment/abuse, desertion.


Therefore netizens have got theirs laws mixed up and area therefore blaming Kyo. 


This was further made clear this article.




Today MBC Section TV interviewed a lawyer, Mr. Lee and he had this to say “In most cases, applications for divorce mediation are made in order to reach an amicable agreement with the other party. It is too much to say that the other party has a reason to blame just because they applied for a divorce settlement”.


The lawyer further added , “Regarding the expected timing of the divorce ruling if it is established on the first arbitration day, the court could conclude the trial within three months. Since they have no children and the parties have reached an agreement on divorce, we can expect that there will be a smooth agreement in the divorce settlement process between three and six months”.


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On 7/3/2019 at 5:56 PM, Jajing said:

Hello, everyone!


Long-time Hye-Kyo admirer here. Like most of you here, I was blindsided by the divorce news. I was surprised and hurt by how the divorce was announced and worded by the other side. I consumed their divorce news like a glutton, I guess that was my mistake because I ended up frustrated and hurt by the mudslinging and speculations all directed against Hye-Kyo. So, I decided to come out of the woodworks and show my support. I just want to put it out there that there are still a lot of people that stand by her. 


An Open Letter to Song Hye-Kyo:


Dear Song Hye-Kyo, 


You don't know me. I barely know you. What I know about you is maybe a collage of the characters you've portrayed in 2 decades. Yet, I know how it feels to be blindsided especially by someone who promised to cherish you. 


I know it's hard and painful, but keep your beautiful head up and be the graceful and classy person that you've always been. I've admired you in several Korean dramas, but I've admired your quiet demeanor and sophistication all the more. You've got one of the most beautiful faces on earth yet so unassuming and humble. Despite being in the public eye, you don't owe people anything. If anything, show people that there's bravery and grace in silence. Actually, it takes more courage and restraint to keep silent when all you want to do is to "put a lid on it". Just remember that empty cans make the loudest noise. 


Being the patriarchal society that SK is, it is to be expected that KNetz would dump on you. People will celebrate your downfall because they envy you. Remember that people pull you down because they're beneath you.


I don't know you and you will probably never read this, but I just want to send this to the universe that there are still people who are rooting for you and will help you get back up, brush the dust off your knees and face the world again. #songhyekyo #fighting #behindyou #aroundyou #withyou


An Ode to Fearless Women (Nikita Gill)


"Defined by no man, you are your own story, 

blazing through the world, turning history into herstory.


And when they dare to tell you about 

alll the things you cannot be,

you smile and tell them,

'I am both war and woman and you cannot stop me.'"

Nicely said . Agree 100%.

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Hope is SHK is doing fine and preparing for this Sulhwasoo event in China , cant wait to see her beautiful photos tomorrow! btw this article somehow says that SHK already left for China , i guess with her ninja skills she can easily evade prying media at the airport if indeed she is in China now .




송혜교 행사참석…中 화장품 행사 위해 출국

스타투데이 원문 기사전송 2019-07-05 07:55 최종수정 2019-07-05 08:31

Participation in Song Hye ... Departure for middle cosmetics event
Star Today is the original article sent 2019-07-05 07:55 last modified 2019-07-05 08:31

ê¸°ì¬ ì´ë¯¸ì§


Show the world girl that you are doing just fine, you may be still hurting but you are dealing this ordeal without compromising your

professionalism , hats off to you! Be strong as your fans will  always support you! 

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In hindsight , I wished I never shipped SongSong. 

When SHK made a statement after Encounter about taking time off, I was expecting baby news.

I never imagined that SJK would file divorce. I thought no matter what problems they encountered they would stick it out and make it work.

SJK s brother has happy marriage with 2 kids. So naturally assumed Song Song would be together till the end.

A Song Song baby would look so beautiful.

This whole divorce filing has more consequences on SHK career and endorsements.

I would rather they had made a joint statement after divorce finalized. 

In South Korea they try to condemn her. For what ? 

Nothing seems right anymore. 


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Can someone translate please her full Elle Interview? She gave so many hints about status of her life in that interview.


Like when she was asked, choosing among your past drama characters, which shoes would you like to fill in right now?


She answered Oh Young because she was blind but already starting to see towards the end. 



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13 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

There are so many false rumors and malicious intent. 


Any update with the China event? Date and time?


I hope she is taking care of her self.


The event is tomorrow but the timing was taken down so maybe they plan to make changes for security reasons.


K media says she has already left Korea, no pictures of her leaving or arriving in any airport as of now.

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many question why SHK opted to "silence"...even then its her nature not to talk much on her personal affair... that choice we should respect...but then here are few silence quotes to ponder:  

-- " Silence is a source of Great Strength." - Lao Tzu

-- " Saying nothing sometimes says the most." - Emily Dickinson 

-- " A fool is known by his speech; and a wise man by silence." - Phythagoras

--" Silence is the ultimate weapon  of power." - Charles  de Gaulle

--" Silence says a lot more than you think." - Unknown 

The quieter you become  the more you are able  to hear. " - 

--" Words can be twisted  into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the Silent One.Examine his actions. Judge him by them." - Karen Marle Moning

--" All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should  show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose ; but when it is necessary, speak -- and speak in such a way that people will remember  it." - Wolfgang Amadeus  Mozart

May SHK find solace in her family, true  friends and words of undying support from fans...may you achieve Peace and Tranquility after all this hullabaloo and move on..God bless all!











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1 hour ago, Angie Naces said:

many question why SHK opted to "silence"...even then its her nature not to talk much on her personal affair... that choice we should respect...but then here are few silence quotes to ponder:  

-- " Silence is a source of Great Strength." - Lao Tzu

-- " Saying nothing sometimes says the most." - Emily Dickinson 

-- " A fool is known by his speech; and a wise man by silence." - Phythagoras

--" Silence is the ultimate weapon  of power." - Charles  de Gaulle

--" Silence says a lot more than you think." - Unknown 

The quieter you become  the more you are able  to hear. " - 

--" Words can be twisted  into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the Silent One.Examine his actions. Judge him by them." - Karen Marle Moning

--" All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should  show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose ; but when it is necessary, speak -- and speak in such a way that people will remember  it." - Wolfgang Amadeus  Mozart

May SHK find solace in her family, true  friends and words of undying support from fans...may you achieve Peace and Tranquility after all this hullabaloo and move on..God bless all!












I love SHK very much, watch her dramas n movies since Autumn. She's a professional, she knows what right or wrong, I believe in whatever she chooses. No point in arguing or pointing fingers, will make the situation worst.  


Same here in her chat, we don't want to discriminate the other party, together with her, we move on for happier time.

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She may be silent but she has not told us lies. 


All these months if you are just observant, she has been opening up to fans how she feels deep in her heart through her IG stories. 


She read that book featured in Encounter which has collection of short stories of people dealing with broken hearts, she has posted several sad songs and movies on her ig story too. She is a woman who feels deeply. 


That's why it pains me alot she's been misjudged. 

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Above is the best News Article I have come across so far.  Surprisingly it is from Youtube.  It is very favourable towards our Kyo without  being overly unfair to her Ex.  It is presented in a very Rational and Calm manner.


Unfortunately it is in Mandarin and very Long.  So it is very difficult to translate completely. Pls spread it

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10 hours ago, ImAryaStark said:

Can someone translate please her full Elle Interview? She gave so many hints about status of her life in that interview.


Like when she was asked, choosing among your past drama characters, which shoes would you like to fill in right now?


She answered Oh Young because she was blind but already starting to see towards the end. 


Hi ImAryaStark!  Please backread SHK thread page 3609 for the full interview of SHK for Elle Korea March 2019 issue and check out this portion of that interview as translated in English by Ms Ace of @koreasongsongcouple and posted by twtwb:




Considering that this Elle magazine was released last mid Feb 2019 . the interview took placed  earlier might be in Jan 2019 or Dec 2018. ,  dont know if some fans already noticed her answers particularly on question no 15 and 16 and during the release of this magazine , there were already rumors about their marriage that started with the non wearing of wedding ring and deleting of IG photos. I personally brush off any idea of having trouble in their marriage then despite the rumors and even didnt give much attention to her answers in Elle . But then again we may never know when they actually started to feel the burden of being together and discover their differences i would just like to believe that SHK can overcome this trial and based from her activities for the past months i guess she already foresees that this thing will happen.


Be Strong SHK ! Looking forward to see your beautiful photos tomorrow 

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12 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Any update with the China event? Date and time?

It was reported to be on 7.6. at  2pm (China Time). But it may have changed. Still, keep a look out for news. I'm sure the media will be flooded with her first public appearance since the unfortunate announcement.


Cr: As tagged


11 hours ago, Angie Naces said:

-- " Silence is a source of Great Strength." - Lao Tzu

-- " Saying nothing sometimes says the most." - Emily Dickinson 

-- " A fool is known by his speech; and a wise man by silence." - Phythagoras

--" Silence is the ultimate weapon  of power." - Charles  de Gaulle

--" Silence says a lot more than you think." - Unknown 

The quieter you become  the more you are able  to hear. " - 

--" Words can be twisted  into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the Silent One.Examine his actions. Judge him by them." - Karen Marle Moning

--" All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should  show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose ; but when it is necessary, speak -- and speak in such a way that people will remember  it." - Wolfgang Amadeus  Mozart

May SHK find solace in her family, true  friends and words of undying support from fans...may you achieve Peace and Tranquility after all this hullabaloo and move on..God bless all!



7 hours ago, SeliOoi said:

The truth will prevail. Let's keep her in our prayers. 

Indeed. Amen. 

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7 hours ago, jadecloud said:

It was reported to be on 7.6. at  2pm (China Time). But it may have changed. Still, keep a look out for news. I'm sure the media will be flooded with her first public appearance since the unfortunate announcement.

thanks for the update!  here's more report on SHKs event in China it says also that it is scheduled at 2pm but i think they are also on the look out for SHKs security that there might be changes . 

see full report on this link:https://en.businesstimes.cn/articles/114686/20190704/song-hye-kyo-attend-commercial-activity-china-weekend-first-public.htm


Song Hye Kyo To Attend Commercial Activity In China This Weekend, First Public Appearance After Divorce From Song Joong Ki

Photo : Weibo Screenshot)
Song Hye Kyo To Attend Commercial Activity In China This Weekend, First Public Appearance After Divorce From Song Joong Ki


Hope todays event will push through smoothly and we can see SHK that she is doing just fine !  For sure this event will again garner negative comments and bashing from her haters  , its already a given thing that whatever she does right now her haters wont miss any chance bashing her , if she attends this event they have something bad to say for sure but if ever she cancelled this event for sure there will be more bashing , I just hope SHK will just follow her heart and what she thinks good for her . Hat's off to her for not letting her personal life get in the way for work , I think it would be a best therapy for her to get busy rather than take a break from the public eye.


Few more hours to go , for sure everyone here is on the look out for more updates and whoever have the lates news  on this event pls do update us here in SHK thread , thanks in advance!




Stay Strong SHK !


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