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Minwoo & Hyesung * Cancel Mkmf Appearances

Guest Aromati97

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Guest miss':bella

Yeah I'm terribly curious as to how the decisions were made then?? If online voting and sales charts and all that didn't really tally with the winners, then how on earth did they come out with a winner?? 0_o.. I mean yeah the artists have received their awards and that's that, but how'd the results come about??

Some people are like "so and so have won already so just face it!" And yes we are all facing it but as you can see curiousity gets the better of me. LOL...

This may sound ridiculous.

But, I think MKMF got paid by certain companies to give out the awards to this person and this person.

It's way beyond an answer but it's a theory.

But, the more believeable theory, is whoever is most popular at the moment? The most impact on society?

I seriously have no clue either.


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Guest addickshun

i don't get this,

it's getting more confusing.

when you guys mean the artists who doesn't deserve the award,

who are you guys referring to?

actually don't tell me the name of the artist (it might flames)

but in what categories you guys are not happy about?

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It's unfortunate that they backed out but I guess it's understandable. So the awards were not based on the voting results? But it was based on the voting results for all the other categories... I'm a bit confused .___.;

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Guest pencilcasee.

I'm not a big fan of Shinhwa, but for someone like Minwoo who has been in the industry for so long to back out at the last minute, there has to be a good enough reason.

Overall, MKMF really was a bit boring this year. Many big name artists didn't attend sadly. As for the decisions, I'm not going to say anything besides the fact that I think it's a bit ridiculous to target certain companies and such and accuse them of buying their awards. Namely, we see SM as the accused. I know MKMF and awards in general aren't the fairest, but JYP, SM, YG, M.net Media, etc all got their share of victories last night. It's not like one company swept it all away.

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Sucks MKMF is being so unfair.

I think the companies (SM, YG, etc.) MIGHT'VE paid MKMF to have their groups win.. :T

Just wondering, how do they determine the winners for the American awards?

Liek the Grammys, Billboard, etc.

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Guest love-yun

Well, DBSK didnt release anything this year to get an award.. (which is really sad T__T cuz if they did, they would win<3)

But MKMF is really biased... most award shows are. I still can't believe some of the winner.. O__o

yeah, i'm shocked at some of the winners too

mkmf screwed up a lot this year ...

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Guest evelyn168

I was at MKMF voting page and there's a petition for the awards. I totally understand Hyesung and Minwoo's view. I respect their choice to leave the awards. They should be respected as an artist...

I'm mad at MKMF also for not presenting the Best of Best Award to H.O.T. There was a vote and H.O.T. won by majority but not given an award. Fans paid to vote throught their phone. The telephone company and MKMF are making money through this. I feel that fans have been cheated in this award when they voted but their votes didnt' mean a thing...

All I have to say is continue to show your support for the singers you love and buy their albums...

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Guest Mishxmish

i honestly believe with all my heart that Hyesung and Minwoo had reasons, very "good" reasons to cancel their performances.. As a group and individual singer they have gone through so much obstacles and hardships that not winning an award wouldnt have prevented them from attending the ceremony.... they are seriously lovers of music... It's their pride that has been hurt... especially when they are like senior artists...

it really makes me wonder the credibility of themse frikin award ceremonies.. not only MKMF but others as well...

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Guest Wen Jing

MKMF is not the best award event and I feel sorry for them, but it's not professional for them to do this kind of thing either.

And plus, some of the artist deserved to win too. Like you mentioned, The song of the Year, Big Bang totally should have won cuz Lie was the biggest success of this year. As for the Artist of the year, I'm a fan of SUJU but I was not expecting them to win really. Still I think it's kinda of weird.

Being No.1 in the voting doesn't mean you should get an award. The are critics behind this also.

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Guest KLuvsSyung

How is that Minwoo and Hyesung knew they weren't going to win? (from the stuff that's come out, it seems they knew before the show) Do they normally tell people they aren't going to win? Does that mean the winners know that they will win? That seems weird and wrong, and so that can't be what happens, I just can't figure out why MKMF would go out of its way to tell M and Hyesung that they weren't going to win. (imagine being Hyesung, he's not even going to perform and they call him up and say, "by the way, you aren't getting anything either, we just want you to sit there and look pretty.") Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but that just seems weird.

(PS- Congratulations to MKMF for managing to get all of the biggest fan clubs angry at once. That's quite a feat!!!!)

Sucks MKMF is being so unfair.

I think the companies (SM, YG, etc.) MIGHT'VE paid MKMF to have their groups win.. :T

Just wondering, how do they determine the winners for the American awards?

Liek the Grammys, Billboard, etc.

Grammy's are given by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Members of the Academy vote for the winners. The members of the Academy are music industry professionals. You have to have creative or technical credits on at least six commercially released tracks to be a member of the Academy. So its membership is made up of music industry insiders and professionals (singers, musicians, producers, recording technicians, composers, etc. etc.). This is why it's the most prestigious, because the people giving the award are professionals who work in the industry. It might not determine who is the best (because how can you ever really determine "best"), but (unlike MKMF), everyone knows how its determined, who does the voting, and how the votes count.

I have no idea how other music awards shows work.

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im not saying im bashing other artists cuz its TOTALLY not their fault obviously i love them too

but this is just complete bs. god im so mad!

and this is the last mkmf award that dongwan is gonna get in a long time too cuz of his army thing next march.

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Guest melody9.

from what i ehard is that

alot of the fans and chinese fans

vote like unfairly

they manage to vote like 100000000000000+ times

when your only meant to vote like once.


this thing happens at MKMF like every single eyar

year single year is like a mess

but this year is juts whack!

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MKMF has ALWYAS been messed up with their award giving

last year didnt ss501 win best DANCE artist for their song SNOW PRINCE!?

(I mean, I love the boys and the song Snow Prince... btu there wasn't any 'hardcore dancing' at all)

I really don't get too hyped up about Korean awards as much as before because the judging processes seem so flawed. I really do thikn Hyesung should have won best ballad. His songs and his voice are absolutely CHILLING. And Minwoo is freakin one of the BEST dancers I have ever laid my eyes on. I truly believe he should have won BEST DANCE ARTIST as well.

My opinion may be a bit biased because I am a hardcore-diehard Shinhwa fan, but I am also a crazily-obsessed-Big Bang fan. Song of the year? I do think Big Bang deserved it.

And I give PROPS to Shinhwa for boycotting the award shows. It takes a lot of guts.

And if I see ANYbody bashin' on my men ... send them to me and I'll deal with them personally. :ph34r:

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Guest xxxNanaxxx

Hmm how do u know that ur artists deserve to win and others dont? Online voting alone cant make u the winner. SG wannabe got the highest album sale, they're really talented n popular, they work hard too but even tho they didnt get many awards as expected ,they were still there n performed.So it;s only not fair for shinwa,what abt others???Should they have just all pulled out at the last min b/c somehow they knew that they not going to win? They perform not only for their fans but for others also.Shinwa fans might think it's ok but wat would other ppl think of this?

Anyway i still think MKMF this yr is a big mess,hope next yr will be betta...

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It is unfair that talented artist like Minwoo and Hyesung didn't receive the awards they deserved.

I personally think that people voting via internet for the candidate to win a certain award is WRONG.

Shouldn't it be on sale and charting statistics over the year at least?

But I think it was unprofessional for Minwoo/His company to pull out/boycott at the few hours leading up to the Award Ceremony. Why come to this realization 5 hours before the ceremony?

Well, at least the boys have another shot at the other 3 awards.


I'm not attacking the boys. Just stating an opinion.

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Despite this thread posting, believe it or not, most of us Shinhwa fans aren't that angry about the whole awards thing (at least I don't think so)...we vent a bit in our thread (those of us who bother keeping track of shinhwa activities anyways), but things have pretty much died down already. Don't believe me? If you go to our Shinhwa thread, you don't see much about who should win what. We're just looking forward to wannie's b-day party and the upcoming winter album.

Besides wansyung weren't going to attend in the first place...

As for minu, you guys don't know how excited he was about working with JYP for his album...he's been talking about it for the past month evey chance he got. For him to ditch at the last moment after going thru the rehearsals, someone must've said something to really set him off. Remember this is still just his management. We've yet to hear from Minwoo himself. In most cases, knowing minu, he'll make a video for his fans or Dongwan will comment about it in his diary. So as a M fan, I'm asking you to reserve your judgement as it is rare to see minwoo do anything unprofessional. Think, in these 10 years, when has been unprofessional? So why now?

And judging from another recent news release, who knows what would've been buried if Minwoo decided not to harden up this time and say by his actions what many artists are probably thinking. Look at SUJU...poor boys. Because of this obvious problem with MKMF, they can't even enjoy their daesang without controversies hitting them left and right. I think this may be the best for winners and non-winners alike. No one likes ppl saying their fave artist didn't deserve to win. So how about someone break the mold and we get a new system that leaves no room for argument? Hopefully, Minwoo's actions may precipitate that.

If Shinhwa could wait 7 years for a daesang, I doubt they're going to turn the bowl b/c of some voting poll.

At any rate, ricminwan, FTTS didn't look too worried about it at JSH's wedding :)

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For the people who are saying it's unprofessional of Minwoo to do that... What people aren't understanding is. LEE MINWOO did not make the decision to pull out. It was his company (but obviously Minwoo had his input as well, but it's overall the company's decison).

And Minwoo did not pull out simply because 'he wasn't going to win'. but because the AWARD SHOW itself is basically john teshed up. Excuse my foul language. He was boycotting -- showing that he did NOT want to be a part of the unfairness in the Award show

Now I am not saying that certain artists don't deserve to win. They all work hard and they all deserve to be awarded. But it is true that some deserve the awards more than others. And this goes out to xxxNanaxxx, which is why I made comments saying "I think minwoo, hyesung etc. deserved to win"

Also, another note. Minwoo has been in the entertainment for almost 10 years now, do you honestly think he'll pull out of the show just because he knew he wasn't going to win? He's alreayd won so many awards in the past, winning another one won't make too much of a difference. (I think the fans get more competitive over the awards than the artists themselves)

and I am only mentioning Minwoo because on the first page it says Hyesung never confirmed his appearance... meaning he didin't necessarily pull out.

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