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Posts posted by inna75

  1. Just finish watching the live stream. Am putting down/ ranting some thoughts here:


    1. Kamsahanida to all the live recappers, gif and video posters, all the chinggus here are daebak!! Thank you. Make my live streaming easier..hehehe..saranghae...:wub:

    2. Applaud to those who came out with the theory that RG's mom DID NOT ABANDON HIM (if I'm not mistaken, I think there was a noobi and some chinggus I always came across in many threads before, who came out with this theory. Daebak!!) In fact, she had been missing him (tears still rolling while writing this)....Thank u to the PD nim and Writer Nim for creating this part so beautifully. And RG being RG, always calm and understanding, no unnecessary emotions wasted here...just pure emotion of a son missing his mom and a mom missing her son... No makjang here whatsoever. THANK YOU!

    3. So, now we come to the biggest issue of all for this drama - the ACTUAL relationship between DM, RG, EG, DM's mom. Please, oh please PD nim and Writer Nim. So far the drama has its own class. Please resolve this issue with class too. Jeballl..

    4. The drawing to bed scene - not going to complaint much. Though, i was hoping the kissing was done even longer and there are scenes that led to the bed (hahahaha..me and my delulu self :crazy::D). But I guess, the fact DM wore RG's shirt in that bed/ cuddling/ spooning scene says everything. I guess now I really need to buy the DVD. I got a feeling that missing link scene might be there...hahahaha


    Ok..done ranting..signing off again...hehehe



    Just run through my soc med (twitter, IG). I guess there were many who were disappointed with the scene leading to bed scene. Most were saying "WAE? WAE? Why was it cut?"....hehehe..although I agree that the whole drawing-kissing-paintbrush pulled from hair scene was done beautifully, but I guess many were hoping for more after the many ad lib couple scenes and the rather sensual scene of DM trying to lure RG into the painting room...hehehe..cannot blame them though. So, again if PD nim and Writer nim is lurking here and you guys are still filming, errr...either you guys add the missing scene in the next eps or redeem with a better one for the last ep...hehehe...jeball and kamsahanida

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  2. 2 hours ago, Wendy123 said:

    I agree with what you said, except I feel like PMY has let loose  lot more and is treating KJW with less professionalism than she did with her other costars~ IDK maybe I'm just delusional but there's this carefreeness about her (and KJW) this time that's really enjoyable

    Hehe..no dear..you are not delusional..I saw that too and I totally agree with you..and I was all giddy whenever the couple laugh and teased each other on the set..hehehe..part of me was jealous too...hahaha..I wish I have someone that I can be comfortable and carefree like that, even in the public...


    The only thing is that, I still need to see more to really accept that there is something more between these 2 leads....hence, for the very first time of my years of following kdrama, I participated in the pre-order dvd of this drama and am willing to pay any price for it, to get hold all the director's cut and unreleased images and BTS, even without subtitle! hahahaha...that is how desperate I am to see more of those natural and genuine interactions of this couple which we have not seen before...and how desperate I need to be convinced that these two are a special kind of couple (on and off screen)...hehehehe..chinnnca....:D:wub:

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  3. 9 hours ago, Pmyonly said:

    Ohh thanks for clearing didn't paid much attention as i was already upset seeing antis leaving no chance to bash hpl.Yeah she said that once regarding dating through her drama character.


    I agree with you guys..I was from the other ship but I was on board of this because I see something between this two that I rarely see in other on-screen couple. The last time I had this "giddy" feeling about an on-screen couple was with LJ-JSM from My Father Is Strange and look how they turn out!  hehehe..


    Anyway, I too think we should be matured enough to accept any possibilities...sometimes the couple we want will end up with each other, sometimes not. Look at SJS..who can guess he would date someone 17 years younger than him when to his hardcore fans it was almost unacceptable when he was pair up with someone years younger than him in his last drama? We cannot control who they like or date or end up married too. All we can do is be happy for them with whatever choices they make even if personally we think they make the wrong choice because we think someone else suits them. In other words, let's be open minded and matured about it. 


    Now, coming back to this couple. Why I think they seemed to be made for each other? They can end up as really good friends, sis-bro kinda of relationship or really good acting buddies later on. But they can also end up as each other's best friends, partner in life and even soulmate. Anything is possible. But one fact that no one can deny is the interaction and the visual communication between these two leads we saw in both the drama and BTS so far is daebak. The comfortableness and the closeness are not fake at all. It is not easy to fake that kind of laughter, gaze, sweetness, cuteness, at least to me. 


    Honestly, at the early stage of HPL, I never thought of much about KJW. I was not his fan at all. PMY, I like but after 7DQ, I was not too keen of her. I like her in WWSK but I like her and PJS as a couple, not her individually. When the first teaser of HPL was out, I was not thrilled. I thought I would skip this one and focus waiting for Asadal Chronicle as I am SJK's avid fan, among others. But boy was I SOOOOOOO wrong! I am now hooked to KJW and PMY both at the same time. I felt that if without the other one, they kinda like a missing link, yet at the same time they are GOLD (pun intended..hehe) as individual. What I mean is that whenever they appear solo on a screen, I felt there was something missing but when they appear together, felt like the drama is complete. Even so, when they are in their individual element, their personality still shines despite the missing link. As if as whatever aura that they absorb from each other remain substantiate throughout the whole shooting even if they appear as solo in the scene. Hmmm..did you guys get it? hehehe. It is ok if no one understand what I mean..hehehe..


    In short, this drama, the whole couple moments create one of the most memorable OTPs in the history of kdrama, at least to me. Hence, I don't understand when there are people in some other forums commenting that they did not get any romantic vibes from these two. One comment I read was even ridiculous i.e the person claimed that DM has better chemistry with EG than RG! Seriously? Is she watching the same drama? EG is perhaps the most loathed character in this drama so far as the Writer has yet to redeem his character in support of DM since he is supposed to be her childhood friend. Until the Writer did, there is no way EG and DM's interaction can even reach the same standard as RG and DM's interaction. Really people. If you are jealous, go ahead. If you don't like KJW, fine, it's your choice, your right. You have the right to hate the couple because you want your own ship to sail but to give such comment shows how immature one can be since EG's character is hate-able at the moment.  Be real please.


    I am very2 happy that the PD and Writer kept on putting them together on the screen in each episode without fail. I felt that KJW personality shines in this drama and he put all of his true self in playing RG. I felt that PMY enjoys herself immensely playing the role of DM that she too decided to put her true self in that role. Hence, we have natural interactions, genuine cuteness and seriously, achingly sweet couple moments. Thus, I was able to be on board with this ship because I cannot find any fault in their moments at all (at least for me). I do hope in the future, they will have the opportunity to act together again..maybe in a melo. Most importantly, they need to bring themselves into the set, if they do have that chance again because what we are watching right now so far (at least to me) is KJW and PMY rather than RG and DM...hehehe


    In real life? I leave it to them. It will be a lie if I said I don't want them to end up together. They have all the potentials of becoming a real-life couple (and I believe if they did, they will be the sweetest couple alive!). But I cannot shake the fact that PMY always have good chemistry with whomever she acted with. So, I still cannot get that kind of vibe from her as compared to the vibe I got from LJ-JSM and the Wolgyesu couple. I did get the vibe from KJW though. I can see how much he adored her but PMY seemed to treat him the way she did with all he co-stars, even with PJS. Hence I need more than just the BTS and fan cam moments to convince me that these 2 are actually together in real life. Plus, I don't really know KJW before since I guess I never had the eye for him before. But now, he is among my Top 5 list for the most talented, sometimes underappreciated, yet so charming, alluring and beautiful (in and out) actor...hehehe..So, it will take me some time to comprehend if the way he treated PMY is the same with his other co-stars or not. I need to "study" him more but as far as I can see up till this point, if a guy treat me like he did to PMY (the gaze, the laughter, the look, the smile, the soft, gentle but manly voice, the mischievousness, the cheekiness, the unintended touching and caressing, the caring, the closeness, the comfortableness), I could misunderstood all that as a sign of him interested for more...hehehe..just my 2cents...

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  4. Hi..been lurking here but I thought I just want to share my thoughts out too..


    I have to admit I was first from the other ship as I thought they would sail soon but I guess it is still all hopes..


    But now, I am on board with this one too. In fact, I was on board from the very first ep, even when they were not yet together as a couple. For some reason, I felt the chemistry from the very start which is so weird for me. Usually I need to see some sort of skinship or something to that effect for me to felt that about any leads but I was hooked the first time at the Chinese Gallery scene. Straight away...


    I too agree with most of you guy's assessment about KJW-PMY possible actual connection. It is beyond romantic, it is beyond any defined relationship. There is something special between them that they are so comfortable with each other. From my own observation, I think KJW is actually smitten by PMY, hence being near her make him hot and flushing (seriously, he keep on blushing in every scene they were together. Especially his neck and ears..hehehe..). I think PMY find KJW one of the most comfortable men she has been around that she did not mind him being all touching and feeling with her. I mean, every time I rewatched their moments together, the second time around I would observe where he puts his hand...hahaha..and it is like inches away from her...hmm..(ok..I leave that to you guys' imagination..hehehe)..


    My favorite scene so far would be the latest episode. I like all the kissing and hugs kisses of course but I love the first scene of Ep 12. The one where they were sitting together at DM's "penthouse" veranda and just holding hands. Why? Because PMY was not wearing any makeup (maybe very2 minimal) and KJW still gazed at her as if she is the most beautiful woman. I know that is probably acting but if it just merely acting, than KJW is the most talented actor to pull that gazed off. I mean the look in his eyes..wow!..if I was PMY at the moment, I don't know if I can stay still looking at him gazing at me with that eyes...seriously...probably he can hear my heart thumping loudly at that moment if I was there..hahahhaa..If it is acting, it is the most natural acting. But somehow, there is this small part of me believe that every gaze KJW pull off in all his scenes with PMY is actually real, from his heart...hehehe..just my instinct...


    Although I was on board on the other ship, I will not be surprised though if PMY and KJW end up together. In fact, I would be very2 happy for them. Their level of comfortableness with each other is something no one could deny. I was lurking on the other ships' thread and they were all like trying so hard to justify this connection as either bro-sis or just friends. I don't agree much but I dont blame them either though. It is normal since, of course, everyone wants their ship to sail but to me who ever PMY ends up with in real life, I hope it will be the best for her. Same goes for KJW. I would want him to end up with someone he can gazed lovingly with or without makeup the way RG gazed at DM, someone he can support through good or bad time, the way RG supported DM, someone whom he can protect and allow to protect him back, the way RG protected and allowed to be protected by DM...If, just so happen, they both end up together, I too will be the happiest person in the world for them, though a bit jealous ( I want my own KJW/RG too..where can I get that?...hahahaha)... So, KJW and PMY,...hwaiting!!


    I agree about the amount of ad-libs in this drama. I guess the director saw what most of of us see too. The BTS moments seemed to exude more natural interaction between these two leads that the director felt he rather use that scenes more than the actual one he shots...hehe..which, to me, is the best decision both the director and editor have made so far! Because of that, we got to enjoy natural couple interactions. And again, because of those scenes too, i made peace with the idea that PMY and KJW might end up together for real. I mean, as I said, I was on the other ship but now I can accept anything. If fact, every time I watched their scenes together, I will be smiling like a fool and then keep on telling myself "this couple will be the death of me because they are too sweet together!" Even when they are fighting/ seemed to be in an argument in the actual and BTS scenes, they seemed to have sweetness surrounding them. I will not be surprised if my sugar level escalate all of sudden...hehehe..





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  5. 1 hour ago, tensaitekikuroneko said:

    Having established Ryan Gold is the perfect boyfriend/husband ever for 10 episodes, we got two episodes establishing why Deok Mi is the best girlfriend/wife ever. This is something I really appreciate - it took a while for RG to open up, and the delay was necessary I think(even from production's view considering it's traumatic for him), and DM was there all along, to improve his mood, to comfort him, to help him, to watch out for him - and he finally came across and told her what all things are bothering him, and she was there to hold him.


    My girl will never let me down, and I am pretty sure she'll come up as his biggest support in the final episodes - LEARN KDRAMA WRITERS, LEARN.

    The relationship isn't the conflict here, it is the relationship that is the solution to the conflicts, and if not the solution, the support that keeps you from breaking.


    On a side note, this is setting such a healthy example for relationships for everyone. You care for each other, you respect each other, you accept their quirks and are there for each other, and most importantly, you trust each other. You don't need to get along all the time, but you have to put your ego aside and look at what matters the most. I know there are not many young people in the forum, especially of my age(early 20s) who have just stepped in the "adult" world(I come from a conservative country) and are looking at relationships from this eye, but this is setting such high standards of how you should be if you actually love someone - and the amount of respect and space to give and accept from people... I seriously think I am lucky this drama came at the point when I am at this juncture, and as a fangirl nonetheless.

    Wow girl..I like your writing here. Daebak!


    ok..I too need to put some perspective here before I sign off again


    Agree with the whole relationship thingy. This is what I was hoping from early on. We have RG's value as THE MAN in the relationship from the earlier episodes and now DM's value as THE  WOMAN has escalated to match his and perhaps more. Their dynamic in filling each other's void in life is so amazing (and for the umpteenth time, where can I get my  own RG? Sigh..). At this point, they have become each other's best friend, partner in life, soulmate. I love that the Writer has written this premise of the relationship for this leads without weighing it down with too many emotionally drained or melodramatic moments. The writer has kept the whole relationship in balance - happy, sad, being there for each other,  respect, fight, reconcile, etc..


    I also like the fact that the Writer has manage to resolved most issues in the most uncomplicated manner. I was worried that the issues might get to tangled up to the point we will be frustrated but I was surprised how "simple" the solution was for this drama. So, I agree with you @tensaitekikuroneko I hope the Writer and PD nim would not resort to the usual or some people refer to the "starter pack" of a kdrama in resolving the next big issue - RG's mom. I hope there will be NO TIME JUMP, NO NOBLE IDIOCY, NO "I NEED SOME TIME AND SPACE"..I am looking forward on how the Writer would penned out DM's role effectively as the supportive GF for RG when he finally found out the truth about his painful past including about the memory he had with DM as a child. Though, it is expected that the next 2 episodes would be heartbreaking, but as I mentioned earlier, I am sure there is a better way to resolved this without making us too frustrated. So far, up till Ep12, at least for me, I am very, very, very satisfied with this drama and was surprise how refreshing the whole premise of the drama. So, Writer Nim, if you are lurking here..jeball...dont make it too harsh for RG and DM, please...


    p/s ..btw, anyone knows where and how we sign up for the pre-order dvd/ blue ray? @bliss1004 I suspect they want us to pre-order this to see either long version of the kiss u mentioned or the actual director's cut..hehehe..#justmy2cents..hehehe

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  6. Ok, just briefly appearing here..


    Dear Kdramagod,


    Can I have KJW play the character RG like..hmm.. forever? Pleassseeee...he is too adorable, too sweet and whenever he broke down and cry, I feel lke breaking down too. Why? Why? Why is KJW making us losing our sleep like this?


    Anyway, so no preview..either the secret will definitely surprise us..or they have yet to complete the shooting..


    I missed some scenes because my stream is so lagging today. Are there any kissing scenes apart from kissing palm and forehead in this ep? Just wondering if I miss anything..hehe..



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  7. 5 hours ago, zenya22 said:

    @inna75 I soo.....disagree, it is only my opinion but from how I see it, Ryan and DM are kindred souls as if they had known each other from another/former life and are here because there is something for them to finish, I have not seen a couple in K Drama that are so connected more than these two (well until writer nim threw the old antagonistic 2nd lead trope). But back to DM and Ryan, they get each other, they really, really do. DI has nothing on DM when it comes to knowing Ryan. DM knows more about and of Ryan than DI will ever know. The only claim DI has that she is closer to Ryan, is she had known and been friends with Ryan longer but the fact that she asked DM if she knew the reason for Ryan quitting painting is because she, DI, does not know and knows nothing about the very personal Ryan because she is all about herself and her needs. "Ryan help me, console me, I am getting so much bad review about my work, Ryan I want you why can't you feel the same way about me, me, me, me". Yeah she knows jack about Ryan, nothing about the Lee Sol paintings that meant so much to Ryan nor does she realize the significance of Si An's friendship to Ryan or the passion by which Ryan is pursuing his project which is the exhibit . Ryan's answer "I am just going to be someone who can critique you and give you suggestions about your work and nothing else". 


    My apologies if I am repeating myself here, but when on their first fake date at the park, he looks longingly at the children and made comments about them playing at the park, already DM picks up Ryan's mood and invites him to go for the rides and at first he looked like he was being forced but ended up having a good time, she is not afraid to tell him about herself, something that she has not said to anyone as far as the drama showed, and got him to confess about his aversion to holding hands because he does not like the letting go and when they went to see the writer without speaking so many words, they read each other's mind. She admired the photographer's portrait and Ryan thought and asked if she liked to take pictures. Ryan did not say anything about the photographer's portrait but somehow DM knew he asked the question because of it and thus followed the "anyeong" conversation. She offended Ryan when she went into his secret room and Ryan was incensed and said hurtful things in his anger but then realized he did not want to lose their closeness and went all over looking for her to apologize. He did not seem to mind that she saw what she saw in that room. In fact he started to ask about her feelings about not being able to paint. When he took her home, he apologized again for what happened that day while she apologized for her parent's behavior but he said he did not mind as he ate so much good food. The 2nd time he asked the same question if DM felt sad because of not being able to paint, was when he was at her house blindfolded which made DM think about what she saw in the secret room, the failed start of a painting and she knew he was talking about himself. The voice over of her thoughts, "I am really good, I like you, be confident, I will take care of you" shows how much he really knows Ryan and the pain in his heart. Ryan shows confidence and fearlessness to the world but only DM knows the pain he carries in his heart and Ryan had gone to her unafraid of showing his vulnerability.  That is why it is so unbelievable that DM will react the way she did knowing Ryan in her heart


    There is knowing and there is knowing... in other words knowing about somebody is different from truly knowing somebody. EG knows a lot about DM because they grew up together and so does DI knowing about Ryan because of their long acquaintance. Those 2 know about DM and Ryan which is very different from Ryan and DM knowing and getting/understanding the other or each other.

    Chinggu..thank you for your insights. It's ok to disagree with me. After all, this thread is supposed to discuss what each of us is thinking individually. So I am ok to disagree about anything and I welcome any insights which are different from me. In fact, I've read some of your insights within this thread before and I am actually amazed by your thoughts since you manage to capture certain emotions which, at least to me, not so clearly display but for some reason, there are people like you who can see right through it. It is refreshing actually and also give me some sort of peace in mind since the roller coaster of the emotions in this drama really made me nervous. As I mentioned before, this drama gets to me and somehow I have invested my emotion too deep for the OTP that all I want to see is only beautiful things surrounding them. Thank you very much chinggu for assuring me that probably I have been wrong about them..I look forward from more insights from you chinggu...:D:wub:

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  8. First of all, annyeong @valzki..hehe, I'm suddenly back too chinggu after a long hiatus because this drama really gets to me despite the rating. The OTP's chemistry is no joke..


    Secondly, @SC2019..kamsahnida for the link. I've been looking hi n lo for the manhwa. Finally a kind soul posted it here..Thank you. And thanks to you too, now I am more peace in mind since I realised the drama is so much different from the manhwa, though the premise is the same: fangirling and obsession..But this also means that there is a wider latitude for the PD nim and the Writer nim to direct the whole drama to give us the best ending and OTP moments..I hope so..I hope so 


    Anyway, this is going to be another long post. Just want to rant out some thoughts. Disclaimer for those who have mentioned anything I have written here. This just means I am either echoing you guys or just putting my own agreement for any of your comments in a long writing..hehehe..(the thread is moving quite fast. Could not backread all, so I might miss some of the comments or answers to my questions)


    So, here goes...


    Dear PD nim/ Dramagod/ Writer Angel(whoever is lurking here in this thread and read all the comments..hehehe),


    I have few wishes here that I hope will come true since my life now revolves around this drama:


    1. I wish that the whole misunderstanding/ miscomm will be resolved the latest by next episode. And I don't mean resolving at the last 5 minutes of the episode of which we will see RG suddenly has this epiphany to run after DM and be honest with her about his feelings and then suddenly the scene froze and we see the ending credits. No, no..a big no, no.. I don't want to wait another 24 hours to see what's next or how DM react..I want the real kiss, the real deal at the end, ok, capish? And I don't want the cold RG to appear more than the cute, supportive RG the whole next episode..ok, capish? (#wishful thinking...:D)


    2. I also wish you put the two second lead cum antagonists (seriously, they seemed to portray themselves as antagonists more than as second leads..aishhh, though DI not so much but EG starts to irritate me to the core) in a situation whereby they both can realized how much damage they had done to the OTP. Something like making them stuck in the gallery storage together (the door could not open) and because they inhale to much acetone or whatever art related chemical in that storage, they start having their brain confused, intoxicated with all the chemicals and suddenly has the urge to pour their thoughts out truthfully. At this point, EG will admit to DI that he knew RG was already in love with DM and DI will admit she manipulated the truth to make DM thinks RG wanted nothing to do with her. And both will admit that they had defeated even at the earlier stage. Something like the truth serum in "The Ant Man and the Wasp" movie...hehehe.. What they did not realized was that there is a CCTV recording the whole conversation. And since DM, is the main curator, she will be the one watching the security camera later. (ok..another #wishful thinking :D)


    3. My last and final wish...whatever kissing or make up scenes installed for the next 8 eps, please make it classy enough, as classy as the leaning to the wall almost kiss and the couch kiss or if possible, even better. Come on PD nim, this is KJW we are talking about. Those who follow him knows his "skill" very well...(hehehe, seriously, why did I not notice KJW before? Where was he all my life? Regret, regret, regret...hehehe)


    On a more serious note, 3 things I want to point out:


    1. I agree with most of u guys that EG seemed to be more petty that DI. At least, DI has the conscious to admit to herself that she is playing dirty but EG seemed to be oblivious. What really irritated me was the fact that he blurted out about the fake relationship to DI without even feeling guilty about it. Plus, he did not even consider whether DI can be trusted with that info. I mean, it's not like he is not aware. He did say that he realized DI was not that close with RG that RG never disclosed the secret to her. And yet, he went and blurted it out to someone he considered a stranger. On top of that, he did not even bother to protect DM's pride by blurting out the secret to someone who is a perfect stranger to both him and DM. So, what makes he think he deserve to be with DM better than RG is beyond my comprehension. In fact, from the very start, despite he knows about DM's alt life, he was not that supportive. I tried to accept the time he protected her from the crazy fans and when he attend to her wound, but that does not make him supportive enough for me to empathize him. Protective maybe but not supportive. RG, on the other hand, protect and support DM's obsession all the way. I hope along the story we will be made to understand why RG is so understanding about all this since the other men in the drama seemed to be quite oblivious(this include SJ's husband and her co worker)

    2. There are still some mysteries need to be answer in the next 8 episodes. RG's mom is one. His connection with SA is another. There is also the matter of SJ husband who just copied the whole stock of pics of RG and DM. Not sure what kind issues will arise from that. And then the final one, which someone mentioned earlier in this thread, DM's mom memory of children playing. We know in the earlier eps that there was supposed to be another son in DM's family but they lost him (not sure whether they lost him at birth or after he grew up a bit). EG was a "surrogate" for that lost boy, hence DM's mom willingness to raise him like her own son . So, I wonder how this story will be linked with others. I remember someone in this thread also analysed the first part of the episode about the memory of children playing. That scene and DM's mom scenes are still vague in terms of its link to the overall story in this case.  Hence, based on this I guess the next  few eps, we will have more pressing issues to deal with than the miscomm between the OTP. I hope so...

    3. I know this is a rom com. I cannot expect melo type of premise for the OTP's romance. But I do hope that within the next few eps, we would see the reason for RG's growing feeling for DM is beyond than just being smitten with her beauty,  her tenacity and wittiness as both a curator and a homma as well as the sexual tension between them (though, I dont mind this so much...hehehe). I would hope that DM would be the reason for RG's return as an artist, or at least the link between him and his supposedly mom which then motivated him to resurface as the genius artist whom he is supposed to be. To me, this would be the most significant premise for both EG and DI  as well others who have been skeptical about them to accept the fact that RG needs DM as much as DM needs him. I hope the ending will be somewhere along this premise..Why did I want this? Because in the last episode, I was a bit bothered when DI asked DM whether she has seen RG work on any new art and then commented about him quitting and so forth. And DM could not answer nor comment about that. And then I realized all DM knows about him is he has some inferiority issue related to holding hands and he lied about Lee Sol's painting. Other than that, RG was a rather closed book to her, which make her position with DI to be at par or probably below. DM, on the other had is an open book despite she tried to hide her alt life. Hence, RG's growing love for her. So I want to see DM has the "exclusivity" in terms of knowing RG as a person and as an artist. 


    Sorry for this long post. I just to want rant out all my thoughts up till the latest ep because this will probably be my last post for a while. The next month is a rather busy month for me as I have to focus on my spiritual enhancement, hence I may be lurking here but not as frequent, and just to read and not post anything. I hope you guys keep on posting all the videos and image excerpts and comments. Looking fwd for all the comments and insights from you wonderful chinggus..annyeong..:wub:

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  9. 2 minutes ago, annie1234 said:

    How can I wait until next week??? OMG!!!! I need to calm down by watching Mo Tae Gu :joy: 

    Hopefully tomorrow we will get sweet BTS from tvN. 


    I don't think this misunderstanding will be dragged for more than one episode. I don't know why but I'm sure by the end of ep 9, they will be a real couple. Then the  problems for them will be 

    1. Ryan-Lee Seol-Shi An connection. Somehow I believe Deok Mi and her parents will be included in this mystery.

    2. How to make Eun Gi and Da In not creating problem for Deok Mi and Ryan (and maybe make them realize that they are made for each other :w00t:)

    3. Deok Mi needs to know that Latte-nim is Ryan. I wonder how she will react to that.

    4. The last problem is for Pd-nim. He needs to create a hotter kiss(es) for future episodes. :phew: OMG this is the first time in Korean drama that the female lead had that kind of wild imagination.  

    Hehe..love ur positivity too chinggu...:wub:..hope so, hope so...if this is based on the PD's last drama "Live Up To Your Name", yes, I too think this will be resolved by at most the 10th ep..

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  10. @blademan..love ur positivity chinggu:wub:...I hope so to, I hope they wont add up to the angst in next week's episode because the one issue I hate the most in any relationship is miscommunication. We have too many in makjang dramas..please not this one...jeball!! huhu.. please focus on other issues apart from miscomm...


    Anyway, i did not get to watch the stream today. I am basing my views on the post u guys made. Thank you to all the chinggus for posting bits and pieces of today's episode and the video and image excerpts 


    But I managed to sneak watched the first 5 minutes. I dont care if it is just imaginary, I love the kiss!! KJW is the man...hehehe


    So, here are the list of the kisses so far:


    1. The almost-leaning kiss (Episode 3)

    2. The thumb kiss (Episode 5/6)

    3. DM's 50 shades of grey kiss (imaginary though - Episode 7)

    4. The imaginary couch kiss (Episode 8)


    So, PD, let's add up to this list with hmm..more creative and hot ones please...hahahahaha..


    p/s I am preparing myself to watch the raw in an hour time. I dont think I will like it though based on what I read so far but I know I need to brave thru it...huhuhuhu

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  11. Just some after thoughts after watching the subbed version:


    1. I hope/ wish at some of point of the drama, DM's parents collection are exhibited for the public to see (like the collectors' exhibition for example. I know they wanted to display celebrities' collection but RG did mention he wanted something unique apart from paintings. DM's dad's rock collection (or they called it "sesuiki", right?) seemed to have some artistic value. Even RG showed some interest about it despite it's stony features.  Both or either one. Then DM would not feel so "lonely" about her obsession. She started to obsessed because she felt that her parents' focus were on their obsessions (referring to Episode 1). After her attempt to study abroad failed, she focus all her energy towards her obsession. This is what I got so far from the last 7 episodes. And I think our sweet RG also saw that about her. Hence, his understanding about her obsession and his happy face watching her all excited about it. Damn..I need a man like that. It's hard to hide who you truly are in front of someone you love (the crazy part of you at least) but DM is so lucky. If only she knows how lucky she is that RG could accept the craziness part of her. Sigh...

    2. If RG and Sian are truly brothers (stepbrothers), I guess I would thank their mom's DNA for giving birth to two such sweets boys!!! There are seriously the sweetest guys I've ever known. I dont know how many time I've repeated this but I could not help myself. My tooth ache from their sweetness! :wub:. If let's say in the future, there are rivalry between brothers for DM, I think either one she chose will still be a winner for her (even if I am team Ryan all the way! hehehehe)

    3. @ganko..agree with u chinggu. Let's get both the 2nd lead together. After all, they both are already losing both their crush at this point. If only they knew that there are only "if only" between the two leads..hehehe..got it? What I mean is, the only gap between the leads are their misunderstanding of each other's feeling. If only RG knows about all the pic DM took of him and her sudden admiration/ crush for him. If only DM knows RG knew and accept her obsession. If only DM knows the one person she responded to in her blog was RG (aka Latte). If only DM knows RG has been protecting her for no obvious reason except the fact the his feeling for her is growing. If only....So, if only the other two know that RG and DM are already entangled in each other's life figuratively, they would know that they are already at the losing end, then why bother fighting? Hehe..just my 2 cents


    Anyway, someone mentioned about not being too happy about tonight's ep based on the preview (sorry chinggu, whoever you are, for not mentioning your alias here. I could not find the original post). I agree with you. Tonight's episode made me pretty nervous of the direction of the drama (in particular the direction of DM and RG's newfound love for each other). Even so, I am looking fwd for the theme of tonight's episode: JEALOUSY - next step in falling in love...hehehe.


    Even so, I like that RG and DM is working on something/ a project together tonight. I always wanted that kind of scene. And if the PD dont' mind...err..maybe later, you can throw in a scene where they are making potteries together? hehehe...ala "Ghost"...please? Something like a scene where RG with his sexy bare-chested sweater is sitting behind DM with her oversized white shirt and overall, hair tight back with the scarf (the legendary bathroom-scene scarf) while making a pottery together..hehehe..If it is not for real, if the PD can make it like DM is imagining it would still be ok...hehehe...just throwing some ideas....hahahaha:D

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  12. 31 minutes ago, SC2019 said:

    What if we are getting trolled again and she is imagining kissing him???

    Hehe..I too did not put my hopes up even if I was like literally could not breath when she pushed him on the sofa n then leaned towards him to kiss him..hahaha..Hence, if you notice, I did not put any emoji next to my post..I already had my heart broken a bit after the whole week many threads (not just this one) has been discussing about the thumb kiss..so I learned my lesson, not to trust the PD too much..hehehe..


    By the way, whoever zoomed in about the thumb kiss at earlier stage is so daebak..when I watched that scene live stream it never occur to me that RG put his thumb there. I thought even if he pretended to kiss, he still kiss on her lips for real. I thought that even it was a pretend kiss but still lips kiss, right after that, he would have felt something even deeper. So did DM. But I was wrong. It was only DM feeling that, hence we saw her crushing over him the whole episode, even when she was supposed to be all excited about Sian at that time.. (seriously, if I was there and RG was standing next to me, my focus will be on him totally!..hehehe)


    Anyway, another thing I am sure about. Despite RG's cold demeanor and Sian's popular self, they both are so sweet! Like so sugary sweet. Sian was so sweet to let RTS to take selfie without her masked off and RG, well, he was so sweet all the way. I wish someone else took picture of RG when he was smiling while watching her being all excited about taking the selfie. Something like the novelist and the photographer's thingy - "His smile was actually a smile of a man who saw how happy the woman he loves able to have her dream fulfilled". Then if DM saw that, she would not be too scared to show her true self. If only she knows....


    @turtlegirl, agree with you dear...the second lead are seriously annoying right now..especially the girl, Da In...EG wasn't so much as Da In though.. but whenever his scene is up, I was not too thrill to watch, hence I changed channel..hahaha..so I actually missed some part of today's episode..maybe I'm being bias since RG is all I can think about..hehehe...DM/ PMY is so lucky!!

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  13. @greezlybee..thank you again for the insights chinggu :D. I am not a fangirl. So I really dont know how fangirl should react in this kind of situation. Even so, as I mentioned before, earlier I was too  a bit bothered by the fact that choosing between SA and RG would be a trivial reason for any relationship to be rocked by. Especially, to top all that, RG already knew how obsessed DM was about SA and yet he still adored and run after her.  So, yes, I agree with most you. Sian might not be the main issue here but the fact that "fangirling" is still the main theme of this drama, I could not shake the feeling that Sian might be part or probably the catalyst to the main issue. What is the issue? I've yet to know. I wish someone from this forum can enlighten us with the content of the manhwa. At least, for me, I need to know, to feel less nervous..


    After watching yesterday's episode with subs, I too echo some of you about the reasons RG was panicking and running to find her everywhere  and then the kiss. The incidents that lead to that point were not too big enough to induce such reaction. But then again, we did watch RG gradually falling in love with DM  beforehand and he did see her tearing up when he practically barked at her prior to the kiss. And we also know that he is actually a big softie despite his lion persona. So, that might be the inducer. Still, I hope we get to see deeper reasoning in next episode or at least some explanation to what really motivated him to react the way he did.  


    I also echo most of you about the chemistry between KJW and PMY. It is seriously no joke. i started to post/ follow any threads/ watch live stream again after being in hiatus for many months because of the chemistry of the OTP in Episode 1 (the Chinese Auction House). I never really notice KJW before but now regretted that so much and trying to binge watched some of his dramas starting with Temperature With Love...he is seriously a gem...:wub:

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  14. Thank you to all the chinggus who have been posting excerpts of yesterday's episode and preview. Kamsahanida Don't know how to survive through another week though with that preview hanging over my head especially the couch scene...hehehe...For yesterday's episode, apart from the sudden kissu scene, I literally skip a heartbeat over the drunk scene, especially after DM sang in RG's ear and he gazed at her as if he wanted to kiss her. Seriously KJW, where have you been all my life? He should be given more roles like this apart from the antagonist/priest role. His gazed and his moments were heart-fluttering intense that I literally had to fan myself for its hotness..hahaha. I kept on thinking too that he could also fit certain lead roles of certain previously successful rom-com dramas but he chose to play antagonist roles in other dramas instead. Dont ask me which ones though as I dont want to risk the anger of the dramas's hardcore fans...hehehe..I hope KJW will take more lead roles like this. i want to see him in melodrama next...


    Anyway, @Kasmic..you are right, this is the 6th episode that PMY and KJW were "brickering" about in press conference..hehhe..and despite KJW "assurance", it was not tone down at all (referring to the drunk bed scene)..if any, the pace was rather quick towards mature romance...hehehe


    As for the plot,


    @classyviews @sal2 and @greezlybee, thank you for the insights. I think I have some ideas now.  My biggest concern was the whole premise of this drama - fangirling and how this would affect RG/DM even after they are together and even if RG knows. I guess I was worried that they might be bickering for very small and petty misunderstanding for the next 10 episodes since figuratively there were actually no secrets between them. BUT, I think I got it now thanks to you guys (factoring the fact that I did not read the manhwa yet, this is just a theory). I guess the biggest threat later would be the choice DM has to make between RG and SA. I mean once RG knew about SA (and most of us guess SA would turn out to be his half brother), RG might resent SA since SA might be associated to the reason why his mother left him (if not SA directly, SA's father would be). This is the point of dilemma for DM, probably. She has to choose between her love for RG, or her obsession for SA. In a way, she had to choose to continue her fangirling way or become a normal fan who has a boyfriend who loves her to death (I said to death because up till yesterday episode, we could see that RG would do literally anything for her even if he was not aware of his feelings for her yet at that time). I know DM loves RG too (even if up till yesterday she was still not sure but she sure felt jealousy when that Da In girl swoop in a hug for Ryan) but DM would have a hard time to shake off her addiction to SA fangirling for RG's sake. And this might be the biggest threat, I supposed. 


    And the second threat might be Director Uemm and Sindy as someone mentioned this. Based on how that lady seemed to react rather harshly towards even petty issues and how she loved her daughter very much even if she hated her daughter's fangirling way, I guess she is capable to scheme up outrageous plans to ensure her daughter wins the "fangirling" race. And I think RG would sacrifice something here to ensure DM is literally safe from them. If this is also the case, I am rather worried too as the Director is really conniving in the most annoying way and RG would definitely do anything for DM, even to give up his directorship.


    Whatever it is, I hope the ending would allow for us to see RG's talent as an artist i.e he finally painting something, either about DM and DM would be the one helping him. If possible, they can create a painting together..ala "Ghost", I mean as hot as "Ghost"...hehehe..damn RG/KJW and DM/PMY, you guys make my imagination goes wild...hehehe...*need a fan..need a fan


    Anyway, this is just a theory..meanwhile, I need to repeat the drunk and kissu scenes again....hehehehe

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  15. Ok..now that most of the issues between them are literally out (the misunderstanding, the secrets), what is left between them that can, sort of, threaten their relationship? I mean, RG already knew DM is RTS, he also knew DM is obsessed about SA but not too obsessed that she cuts herself from having a relationship with him. If later DM found out about RG knowing of her obsession, I don't think that could amount to a big problem since he still likes her regardless.  If later Sindy exposed about DM as RTS, that would not be important anymore either. The crazy fans would not be bothered since DM is currently with RG for real, not SA.


    The only mystery left is about the painting and Ryan's past and his relationship with SA. But then, that probably has less chance to be related to DM in any way and not sure if that past story would be a bigger threat to DM and RG's relationship later.


    So, I wonder, what's the bigger issue(s) that need to be ironed out in the next 10 episodes since most of the anticipated issues have been resolved in the last 6 eps?  Maybe some kind soul can enlighten me...hehehe


    I wish I can access the manhwa..I really need to be less nervous about the next few weeks after having a blast with all the episodes already shown so far...hehehe...

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  16. Spoiler



     Is no one doing the live recap tonight? My stream was ok but there are things I missed just now. But the whole episode was DAEBAK!!


    Just a bit of after thought..and can be a spoiler to some people who has yet to watch today's episode:



    1. Most of our guesses about how Ryan knew DM is RTS was answered at the early part of the episode and most of the possibilities were spot on! Kudos to all those who manage to come out with the options.

    2. The whole bed scene and the sitting closely together scene when Ryan was drunk was PHENOMENAL! At least to me...Why did I feel that KJW really wanted to kiss PMY for real in those scenes? The way he gazed at her and her lips, OMG...fan please!..hehehe

    3. The last scene..kissu scene..never expected..we were teased too many time..that was sincerely unexpected.

    4. The preview...OMG..how can I wait for another week???



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  17. 2 hours ago, jeijei said:

    How did he find out her identity?

    A. Drawing style

    B. Penmanship

    C. Photo editing 

    D. She sleep talked

    All except for D but only because we have yet to be shown if DM has a sleeping habit. It is possible though, which led Ryan to shifted his sleeping position to be near her..hehehe. But the almost kissed pic is the trigger for him. He deduced it further through her writing and drawing style (compared to the diary), the text at the gallery, the photographing style (someone mentioned this, I kinda agree too), seemed to make his suspicion stronger. I think later we will be shown how he knew.

    • Like 7
  18. @turtlegirl..thank you for the live recap...kamsahanida..and all the chinggus posting excerpts of the video..thank you again. All of u are life saviors..chinccaa...hehe


    Just a few things..based on my very little Korean and observation:

    1. I think Ryan found out about DM is RTS from the last pic of them together (the very pic that made all of us go crazy over the OTP....hehehe). Before he submitted the whole set of pics to RTS, he deleted that particular one but somehow RTS via DM mistakenly uploaded that very pic, implying someone else had the whole stock of the pic SJ took during the date. I guess he put two and two together after realizing that no one else could have access to that pic since SJ and DM had promised secrecy among the 3 of them. He could have not guess SJ as RTS since SJ has a family  and probably he believed that a homma is someone who is so obsessed of a idol that she could not have been married. I think later on we will be shown how Ryan deduced all DM's action so far (including her weird reaction at Sian's house, her well-versed knowledge about Sian's fav flower and wine) and I think there is something about the button on the scarf which was stucked on her hair. Remember he still has her diary. There could be something that he find from that diary related to what DM's was wearing since DM loved to buy anything that is Sian related somehow. Even the incident in the hotel probably make more sense to him now, after he realised DM is RTS.

    2. I thought that CUPATCH was Ryan at first until DM seemed to deduce that Sindy had created another persona to "spy" on her in her site and since CUPATCH kept on uploading a day to day report of R (Ryan) and S (Seong Dok Mi) activities to her reader.

    3. The man they met had collections of self-portrait which tell certain stories of his life. And that, according to DM, what makes his art work special because even in that one self-portrait of him, he seemed to tell a story of someone saying goodbye. The man overheard DM's description of his portrait and I think he was quite surprised that DM manage to capture that just from that picture of him. I think that is why he decided to show his collections to them and asked them to evaluate the value of his art work..I think

    4. Someone mentioned about the bathroom scene to be very quiet. In fact I think the whole episode today seemed to be very quiet with very minimal background music or even OST. Not sure whether that was because of some technical error or was done on purpose though.

    5. Ryan Gold @ KJW will never ceased to amazed me with his acting and gazed. Chincca.. He is definitely in my list of "man I need to find for myself"...hahahaha...

    6. The preview is rather confusing. DM is definitely jealous of that girl who suddenly appeared and it seemed that Ryan was angry at her about something related to that girl. But he did run after her, like he wanted to apologise. But the last part when he hold her hand and almost kiss her cheek, they were in different outfit. So that has nothing to do with the running after her...hmm..so..I am a bit nervous about tomorrow's episode

    7. Have anyone read the web comic yet? I have been trying to search for it but could not find it anywhere. 



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  19. 6 hours ago, rubie said:

    I don't think the denial or dissatisfaction of the ending will go away easily. The more we think of it, the more we feel that Eugene should have survived. He could have shut the train coach door quickly, shoot the hook off and jumped back to the other coach. He may get shot while doing so but it's an escape from simply suicidal. Sigh.. but it wouldn't be as impactful an ending that a lot of Kdramas and Kmovies productions are fond of. 


    I wonder if there's an alternative ending to the one we saw on Sunday. There had been tweets (not confirmed though) that the final episode would be longer but that didn't happen. Will it be a different footage included in the Director's Cut?There's no indication of course. I don't really like the comparison but IRIS in 2009 had a movie version out which was mainly an edited shorter version of the 24-episode series. The ending was still the same, LBH's character died in both with the sniper revealed in the movie. To me, the movie version was just the production greed to reap more $ and nothing substantial. Well, I had issues with the drama but that's just me. It had really high ratings, well-received and a lot of fans liked it, so it's fine in the end.


    But MR.SUNSHINE is different, maybe I'm wishing for a little more to remember from the drama than just trauma in the end. The train hostage situation came out too quickly (too easily?).. we're caught dumbfounded and now it's just over. It could have ended differently and still be as memorable but the repeated Gun, Glory and Sad Ending phrase would never allow it.


    Somehow.. apart from the fans' responses of agony on twitter and forum like us here.. the production is rather quiet about the ending. There hasn't been any interviews about it.. the actors doesn't say anything either. Well, not that there should be a big notice or something. Just that it felt rather.. strangely quiet.. for some reason, it felt like the drama hasn't really ended.th_bricks.gif Ok, now that's just me rambling nonsensical, of course. 


    Denial.. denial.. denial.. th_sad011.gif

    Dear...I am, probably, one of those few ppl who had run through like more than 100 different 'what if" scenarios in my head since the ending. All of which would end up with EC being alive. Among which, he could have swapped guns with AS since AS has more bullets; he could have jumped to the side of the train,or top of the train after he shot the connector (ala Mission Impossible. Heck, after all, he did jumped roofs and buildings earlier in the drama); he could pretend to kiss AS during the search, to threw the Japanese soldiers off track for a few seconds before they took the soldiers down (after all, both are skilful snipers); they could have disguise AS to look differently, knowing that there are possibilities the Japanese would figure out there are mobs on the train..I dont know..just many possibilities..but I also know for each scenario, the outcome is not exactly as I want or there are maybe other factors that wont allow for these scenarios to be executed perfectly..even so, my conclusion is always the same - the only reason for this kind of ending is because KES wanted to end with an unexpected death with EC dying as a hero for the country despite EC's consistent assurance that he is fighting for AS, not the country..in another word, he died as a martyr..But to me this is not a sad ending..it is an accepted but very, very, very painful ending...


    I seriously dont know how to move on from this. For one thing, I know that we will may never get another chance to see LBH and KTR act together again..if there is any, it would not be the same since who we fell in love with in this drama is AS and EC, the characters. If there is an alternative ending to this or an extra episode or movie to make up for the last episode, I'm not sure how they want to pull it off since EC's death is too apparent and his body was retrieved and buried. Unless they want to pull another Dallas  (all of this is just a dream..hahaha) or another cliche ending of EC is not actually dead but Kyle hide him away kinda of ending..I dont know.. just like you dear..I am still in denial mode...hmmmm


    I've read many comments in different other sites too. Obviously there are different opinions but the two most common opinions are either they love the ending because it depicts the reality or they hate it because they could not accept the sudden death of the main characters. As for me, I am among the latter, though I accept and respect the former opinion since it is the truth and it is exactly what KES meant to do for this drama.  My reason is because to me dramaland is a form of escapism, especially for those like me who has been through cruel reality for so long. Through dramaland, people like me thought we could at least experience some hope, even if it is just for a few seconds. I started Mr Sunshine with that hope, though my expectation is not high. The most I was expecting was that EC would be one and half palm-span away from AS, physically. Period. What happen next? Leave it to our own imagination. What KES has given us from the ending left no room for that imagination, hence literally killed all hope that has been built since the start of the drama. That is how I feel right now..again..in denial mode..and again, this is just me and my 2cents..#denial #stillwishfulthinking


    HOWEVER, I have to say that this drama is the best drama that I have watched so far..in terms of its technical production, even the style of writing, the witty quips and quotes, the PDs, the cinematography, the soundtracks, of course the actors and actresses (and not just the main characters, but all the supporting actors even the nameless one. That is why we could cry along or hate them -esp the Japanese soldiers - even if we dont know their names). It's like watching 12 weeks of movie every time. The whole production is stunningly daebak! Some call for it to be not just awarded locally but also recognised in the international awards. I would second that, even if the ending is not my preference. To me, regardless the disappointment for the ending, the whole drama is an epic, a masterpiece and deserve to be recognised..


    And if KES started this with the hope this drama could instil some form of patriotism, she had done it perfectly. i believed many of us had parents, grandparents, great2 grandparents who went thru all this and live to tell the story. Mr Sunshine provide the visuals to all the stories we have heard and new appreciation to the meaning of fighting for your motherland..


    Anyway, even though I was not active here but I have enjoyed all the insights, gifs, videos, recaps posted here as a silent lurker..kamsahanida to all..as usual, you guys are great.. and see you guys in another drama...:heart:

    • Like 3
  20. I'm just here to vent out to KES..



    Damn KES for making me cry buckets, no, rivers of tears THROUGHOUT the drama. Not one single moment without tears..all the good people..all of them, the elders, the children, the good people we know, all gathering up on the stairways to heaven...:bawling::bawling: (HCY's song sort of complete the whole emotional bullet train I was in...huhuhuhuhuhu). Damn you KES..:bawling::bawling:


    The only satisfaction I got from this episode was when the rickshaw man threw one of the traitors into the river...the most cruel and most horrible villains in any war are the traitors! chincca...



    The preview....:bawling::bawling:



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  21. I am officially a new fan of this actor..


    To me, he has the most soothing and one of the most perfectly lovable features... and also one of the best method actors I have ever seen. Don't make me talk about his stares and smile..he is practically a "newborn" in the acting world but I am so looking forward for his upcoming projects...so far, he has yet to disappoint me in any of his acting. I was not a fan yet when he was acting in Saimdang and Temperature of Love but now I am a total fan of his..after watching him in 30 but 17...


    p/s not sure how SHS can make her heart still when face to face with him. He is just so beautiful!! But I bet, all her nervousness went away once she saw how he looked (stared) at her in the drama..hehehehe

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  22. @KDramaLogic..I am about to join you with my own long post..hehehe..probably my last one


    Anyway, I was about to ask all of you chinggus about the significant of the last scene. In fact, I have more nagging questions then ever:


    1. Why is the Shing Mok guy gunned down DM? If he is an actual RA and be in contact with the rest all this while, wouldn't he know that DM's men help EC to catch Kim Yong Ju, the traitor? With this regard, I have to echo some of you about communication. At some point, the communication seemed to be great between the characters, even better than Whatsapp as intel information got passed rather swiftly and accurately. Even at certain point, they seemed to acquire telepathic ability to communicate. But there are times, there seemed to be misunderstanding here and there..and I still cannot fathom why DM is the target when in fact, DM did let him go and escape. The timing is also questionable, when the movement is about to start.


    2, Who are the 4 recruits and what are their grand plans? Based on their convo, they are indeed planning something big but some of them are rather coward. Since we only have like 6 eps to go with focus should be on the rebel movement and the progress of the main characters, I'm not sure if there are space or time to appreciate the others' back story. So, I'm not sure why KEW introduce them almost at the end of the drama. Or are they some important figures in the history? The one that will actually follow thru with the actual rebel movement since the one we had seen so far are mostly fictional characters. And in the last ep, EC seemed to figure out something about them (apart from they came at night to practice and one of them actually replicate the key to the gun storage). I hope we have answers to this in the next episode


    3. We know LWI is trying  to kill Lord Go first so that people will see him as more powerful than the new villain, T.Mori. And we also know the Emperor (for once) made a smart decision to detain Lord Go to actually protect him. But why did the Emperor agrees to let Lord Go go (ok, pun intended..hehe) when he knew LWI is up to no good? What is the significant of the Emperor's latest decision? Because the Emperor seemed to act as if he was actually in the advantage when he made that decision. Even LWI was surprised. 


    Ok, enough questions for now. As for the last scene, I would think in the next 5 days, there will be flood of different theories and answers given. So I  will definitely lurking here and the other sites for that..hehehe


    Anyway..I would like to also share some thoughts for the last 2 episodes:


    1. I loveeeee HS in the last 2 eps. Not only he was being such a gentleman and broke off the engagement without any pre-conditions  attached whatsoever, but he did with his dignity still intact. On top of that, he decided to move on with his life by caring for others through one skill he has - being a journalist. Even when he was helping EC with the intel, he used his journalistic skill. I would like also to mention how he helped Lord Go indirectly with his special edition. And best of all, the way he antagonised T.Mori with his goofy and yet sarcastic self at the dinner table. I am so loving that. If in any case, i think it is much safer to be around him apart from EC..


    2. I love EC too in the episodes..but then again I've always love his character...hehehe..I may sound biased here. I love that his character is rather consistent..cool demeanour but still in some way, he rather submissive to others. He still think highly of Lord Go despite Lord Go's supposedly concern on social status. He still did his job as trainer despite his arm was practically twisted to accept the job and of course, he was still positive he can see AS despite the circumstances. I also like that he was clear about his choice not to avenge for his parent's death because he acknowledged HS's genuine and sincere effort to be the opposite of his own grandfather. In most Kdrama, we see characters who avenge just by mere association but I am glad, KES did not make any of the characters that way, especially EC. And another point, I would say EC has gotten more cheesy and cringe-worthy every day..hahahaha..the lines he used on AS, oh my heart, so flattering and fluttering...and dont make me talk about his smile..hahaha


    3. I like the bromance throughout!!  Those scenes were the best for me actually out of all the scenes. When DM helped EC at the brothel. When EC consult HS about the intel, When HS came running first towards DM when he was shot. When HS told EC about DM and EC looked worried. When HS visited DM. I wish we could see more of that kind of interaction with all these 3 male leads. They are awesomely daebak in their cooperation. So, why oh why did KES made DM's shot by the RA instead of anyone working for LWI or T.Mori? Why the last scene (which will definitely provoke EC and HS, even if the intention was good)? 


    4. I would like to also correct my perspective/ admit my mistakes on my previous theories/ takes. First of all, again and again we can never predict accurately what is KES's next move. The preview is always misleading, so I would never trust that. But above all, KES took the direction of the drama way beyond anyone's expectation. In every direction , in fact, beyond, under, sideways..she is just so daebak in surprising us with all the twists. So, i would like to correct the perspective about the Emperor (I give him credit about protecting Lord Go), the Minister (I give him credit the way he twisted EC's and Gunner Jang's arm to accept the positions as well as changing the interpreters..he has guts, I can say that) and HS's parents (at least his Mom.. she still has some conscience to admit that she has to bear the sin of the past).


    5. The saddest moment to me is not when HS burnt the letter or told AS he was letting her go (I did feel sad at that time because I do love this guy but somehow I knew he would move on and become a better person. He is just that kind of person). But the saddest moment for me is when AS bowed towards Gunner Jang as a symbol that their teacher-student relationship has come to end. My tears automatically flow like tap water. For some reason, that goodbye seemed to mean bye forever for me since Gunner Jang  has taken the riskiest task in his like, protecting the Emperor. I dont know why I got that bad feeling that Gunner Jang will be among the most tragic casualties when the war breaks later.


    Okay..for my final take..


    I've always try to comment about this drama (and other dramas) based on the story and characters and appreciate the other takes/perspectives/thoughts that I read here in this thread based on the same platform but I've always try to refrain from commenting on the actors/actresses themselves personally because to me this is not the thread to do so. If I'm not mistaken, for each actor/actress, there is a special dedicated thread for them (which sometimes I frequented too) in another topic. So, of late, I noticed people started to touch on the cast personally which I felt to be rather inappropriate (despite repeated warnings by the moderator) and be so defensive about it. So, I hope we can stick with discussions on the drama and characters and refrain from touching about the personal life/ features of the casts. Also, let's respect each other's view even if we don't support the characters. I don't see why we cannot critic the characters since each of us will have different perspective (if we don't like, just say it). But let's do it in a more mature manner. We can critic but be constructive, rather than destructive. Each view has its own merit even if we don't agree with it, I believe. And based on my experienced frequenting all the sites discussing Kdrama, I think the PDs did take some of the criticism rather seriously and change the course of the drama to suit the demand even at the last minute. I would like to apologize if any of my views offend others. I have always appreciate everyone's view. Like I mentioned repeated times, the thoughts/perspectives penned down in this site are among the best I've read so far and some even helpful to make the journey throughout the drama to be more meaningful. So, keep on writing chinggus..I would continue lurking here for all the answers to my questions and even if I dont penned them all here, I'm sure some of you would have the same questions and answers..


    Finally..it has been a wonderful journey with you guys. Thank you in advance..kamsahanida chinggus..hwaiting!! (for the next 6 eps)

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  23. Theory Speculation (  @aurelionsol chinggu..let me borrow you heading ya..kamsahanida :love:)


    As I mentioned earlier, I think in the next 8 episodes we are going to see the rebel movements in full speed. Hence, I think the next episode will start with LWI realised that the movement has begun and started to use his power as MFA and his connection with the Japanese Army to catch most of them. He will somehow use the same trick, whereby he will framed Lord Go for inciting a movement against the Emperor (he tried this way before but he forgot he dealt with the ones who are willing to run mountains, leap fires for AS..his bad). Hence what we saw in the preview. And then, he will try to get rid of all the minions, starting with DM and his men. SInce Minister Hayaki is practically a fly (i.e he will be attracted only to where the stinks are), he will allow LWI to catch DM and his men again, probably framed for the murder of Hayaki's right man. Thus, what we saw in the preview. DM was shot but I dont think he will die. Remember the French Baker? I was always wondering how big is his role in this drama and the significant of the scene whereby he literally used DM to protect him. I bet he will come and save DM and bring him back to the RA quarters. The potter will save him. But here is the twist of the preview. I believe EC and HS will come to know of this plan. HS first, since he started the newspaper business, there are many gossipers who will come to him to give paid intel. Then, I believe EC and Gunner Jang will plot on how to save Lord Go. I believe EC will use his connection in the Royal Military (assist by HS, the pawnbroker duos, Kyle and Interpreted Im) will save Lord Go. Once Lord Go is out, then the the bigger plan will come in place when all of them met at the mountain where the potter is since EC has secure the mountain for them. Then the next 7 episodes are the execution of the movement. And of course, in between, I hope against all hope, will be more EC-AS scenes.


    But the ending is something I dont want to speculate. Knowing KES, it either can end like DOTS or Goblin. Even if in both drama, the OTP are back together but for Goblin, the ending is too ambigious. I mean, the fact he has to wait for another couple of decade to see his bride again is not exactly satisfying. Plus, when they meet again, ET was still a school girl. So he has to wait another couple (or more) of years before they can be together..aishh..not much left for the imagination at that point. The waiting time is too long. I hope Mr Sunshine has its own ending that is both logical and satisfying.

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