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Posts posted by Lmangla

  1. Like seriously, @Lmangla! How long did Jin Eun have that divorce paper for! Why isn't he giving it to Hae Gang yet! What is he waiting for! How long has he been hating on her! Is it since their child died! How long has it been since then! I remember something about a year or what not! Why did he have to wait until Seol Ri came into the picture! I guess that's just how it is! Yeah, sure, Jin Eun!

    Talking about pride, dignity! I wouldn't be able to count how many times I had put down dignity in my own marriage to be where I am at the moment!

    I'm hardly annoy with characters in dramas! And if I am, I could ignore them! But why am I so annoy with Jin Ri! I don't know if it's her character or the way the actress portrays, acts! But yes, every time, she's on screen, her face annoys, bothers me! I know, I'm hating here! I couldn't help it! Lol!

    @ymiss  ~ for me, SR annoys me every time she pouts and tries to act like a kid because she is play acting. was so happy when Jin Ri plainly told her to stop the drama because she knows that she isn't that innocent and immediately SR's face changed. ugh! but yes, Jin Ri is silly but SR is worse! it is funny but in temptation of wife, the mistress character never irritated me even when she was being vindictive and doing all sorts of crazy but this SR does annoy me that I am tempted to fast forward the scene.. but then I wouldn't know what is happening. hahahha!

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    BTW - I wonder why so many here feel angry at JE for moving ahead with the divorce?  So many have said time and time again, for him to get a divorce instead of being unfaithful in a marriage, and now that he did exactly that, people are still pissed off at him? That leads me to believe they did not really want him to get a divorce. They wanted him to stay in the marriage and be faithful, no matter how miserable he became in this marriage. Also, if that were to happen now - that would be the end of the drama, unless people want to turn it into a happy family drama...  B)

    @irilight ~ was thinking about your question especially in relation to other dramas because this perplexes me as well..  think it is a combination of different reasons

    • this drama's main theme is infidelity and marriage breaking up. in other weekend dramas, it is not the major theme. the drama is usually about dysfunctional families and them finding balance in a multitude of relationships at the end. so yea, there is cheating, divorce but it is not the main focus and so no one is getting huffed and puffed about it like here with this drama..so thats why no one was bothered in the scandal thread because the drama was about parent-child relationships
    • in thousand days inheritance, the girl divorces her ex and we all heaved a sigh of relief. why? because there was a great looking guy there who we know she can start a romance with, her ex and the family utterly sucked and more importantly, the girl was ready to move on and we want her to.

    here, the situation is a bit murky just like any real life marriage in some ways. HK is not ready to move on and frankly, neither is JE. he could have moved out long ago and served her papers. he didn't need to ask her permission to do those two things. but it was like he was waiting for her to cut the strings. have no clue why. since HK is not yet ready to move on and it is not like JE is this horrible horrible person (like in some dramas), some of the audience may not be ready to see them divorce either perhaps... this is one of those marriages that could be saved if both wanted to -- so perhaps, thats why people get mad

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  3. Really like the analogy you drew between Jin-eon and Hae-gang and the relationship of a tree and a traveler. It's so heartwarming and touching.

    But personally, I think you ennobled Hae-gang a bit too much...

    In fact, she didn't have to protect Jin-eon as no-one wanted to 'cut him down'...

    His father gave up on him long ago, considering him a wuss, so one may say Jin-eon was just nothing to him. 

    His mother initially wanted to help Hae-gang save the marriage until she got frustrated at her regarding the fire accident.

    Jin-ri despised her sister-in-law yet didn't take actions against her (and her marriage) till Hae-gang suggested that her father displace Jin-ri in the company.

    As for Tae-seok, Hae-gang was in the same boat as him all along and he didn't see her as an overt opponent till recently either.

    So, if further analogy with the tree and the traveler is continued, personally, I would say that the tree, which observed the traveler fighting his way, witnessed that he didn't hesitate to play dirty, and ruthlessly eliminated anyone who blocked his path up, which is why it started to dislike the latter...

     Yet since one of tree's ultimate objectives is to give shade, it was still ready to be there for him.

    However, when the traveler took the death of the love fruit (Eun-sol), as cold-heartedly as he took the sufferings and deaths of the people he was used to remove, it turned out to be the last straw...

    am glad that you liked the analogy @ayselluna. :) as I was writing it, was wondering if it was too lyrical but that was the image that came into my head. while watching the initial few episodes, have been wondering why HK is still fighting for this marriage and whether it was just for social and job gains. there wasn't much to suggest that she loved JE so deeply -- not the kind of depth we are seeing now with her anguish. so @irilight's observation made think what is going on. not sure if the traveler sounds so ennobled but yea, HK is not that ennobled like you said. kekeke.  but think she did protect JE as she became the lawyer at the company. (or did I misunderstand that? can someone correct me if am wrong) as you said the dad thinks very low of JE and he was opposed to the divorce only because he wants HK for the company. so because she got to be in the dad's good books defending them and doing whatever necessary, JE got to play around in his little lab and be anonymous and do what he liked to do. he wasn't forced into the responsibilities of being the heir of the company because HK was there to fill the shoes. so thats what I meant by her protecting him -- basically he got to shrug off the responsibilities because it was HK who was expected to shoulder them. think thats why it broke her heart when he knelt down in front of his father. I noticed that he never mentioned SR but it was just that he wanted to be free from HK and was willing to take on his role as heir. so basically there was no need for HK anymore. since there was is no use for her and he no longer needs her, how can she stay and wait? so she left.

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  4. @irilight ~ was thinking about your observation on how HK is experiencing all this deep pain but we didn't see it earlier. it makes me wonder if it was the way the story was presented where we didn't get to see her point of view or if HK herself didn't let anyone in and now her pain is visible to all. normally with melos, we see characters falling apart with loads of tears and emotional breakdowns but here we see her pain in her eyes and the way her body loses its form but other than that, there are no outward reactions... very impressive acting no?

    was thinking about what JE said in the hospital about how he wanted to protect her always even as she became harder as she climbed up because he remembered that she was vulnerable inside. it made me think of a weary traveler who walks up and finds a tree and basks in the shade. and the tree is happy to give warmth to this traveler. and then folks try to cut the tree down and in order to protect the tree, the traveler takes out his sword and cuts anyone who comes close and the tree despises the traveler as a terrible person not realizing the fights were to protect the tree. think JE was in essence her tree who protected her from the sun and she in turn protected him by refusing to let anyone, including his family, to cut him down. so she became harder to protect him and did questionable cases but he didn't realize that it was for him. think she got through the death of her child because her tree JE was still there in some form but now that she is losing her shade, we see the depth of her sorrow and attachment to JE..

    the other thing I was thinking about was how HK's mom reacted in the morning. she is distraught to see her daughter lying outside all broken but she pulls herself together and greets her daughter in a cheerful voice and tells her to go to work. she attempts to have a normal conversation talking about breakfast and asking about where the chilli is. even when HK asks how she managed to get through, she gives an encouraging note that it was because of HK and the scene ends. there is no dramatic mourning and it is only when she is drunk with the poet that she lets out her pain...even in an earlier episode, when HK kicks the mom out of the car and tells her to jump off the bridge, the mom looks at the bridge for a long time and then picks up her massage equipment and walks to find the subway. even if we look at YongKi, she is an amazing woman of courage. she is pregnant, her husband was possibly murdered, her colleagues are morons but she fights to expose the truth behind her husband's death. her grandmother is sick and she found out that she does have a mom somewhere but her grandmother didn't tell her. what is her reaction? she just moves on cheerfully and continues on. this family of women basically are the kind who soldier on and take comfort in the routine of tasks.

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  5. watched the last two episodes and had lots of questions.. @irilight ~ was thinking of what you wrote earlier; that just because HK is being cheated on does not make her an angel. was thinking about that as she gave up and fell into the river. was thinking of that girl in the beginning who lost all hope and jumped off the building because of the way HK handled the case and HK was so cold about it. the sis-in-law snarkily asked how many people she had killed so far. we don't know if that girl was the only one or if they were other questionable cases but if we look at it from the perspective of those people she had hurt through the cases, they would probably say, "you reap what you sow" right?

    JE has such a love-hate relationship with HK that it is hard to understand what exactly it is about her that he is so mad. think he had some idealized vision of her and after their daughter died, that vision broke. when HK had that memory of them painting the bench, he was all romantic and she was all reserved. she wouldn't declare that she loved him and neither did she sprout any romantic dialogue and seemed more amused by his. it makes me wonder if he had put her on some pedestal and never really understood her at all. when HK asked her mom how she could stand him leaving and coming back and leaving again, was she referring to her own father? because if she was, it makes me think that she grew up in this atmosphere where she had to hold her emotions in all the time even as a child to protect herself. even miss korea, was she the mistress who became the second wife? does anyone know? because if he was the son of the mistress, then it makes sense why he wouldn't feel very guilty about the affair if he himself was the product of one. when he screamed at seeing the photos, he kept questioning in anguish if it wasn't her. think it wasn't about the affair coming out but rather not wanting to believe that the woman he loved once would stoop so low.

    also with BS, does anyone know if he is the poet's real son? don't understand why BS is allowed to hang out at the house but SR got kicked out. was it something that SR did? if BS has to paired with someone, hope it is YK. she is so cute. HK needs to find herself first.

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  6. @lclarakl ~ actually the two leads who play HK and JE did act together in 2004 in a drama called "miss kim makes a million" (synopsis) watched it a long time ago and I enjoyed it though I don't remember much of it except he seemed to wear a lot of colourful clothes. (or was that another drama?) kekekeke... so this is a reunion, though not a very famous one.


    Yes, but they didn't cast her in the role for this drama as SR in an effort to make us want to cheer the affair on between JE and SR as they did in the drama Temptation. In that drama, they brought the lead female in not as his wife, but as the woman who arrogantly broke up his marriage--he had a role to play too.

    Now that's not to say that if JE marries SR, that I wouldn't mind seeing HK, who would then be the other woman since they're divorced, giving SR a little pay back before kicking JE to the curb and sending him back to his wife.

    @Lmangla, thanks for finding and sharing---you make me want to watch that drama now.

    it was a fun drama from what I remember though I don't remember much of the plot. think there was an ex who dumped her for another woman who promised him his own astronomy lab or something like that... (or was that another drama?)

    temptation was a bad makjang drama which didn't explain anything in the end. I was one of those who didn't care either way about the affair and was more fascinated by the hysterical relationship between the playboy and his ex-wife. did say this earlier on page 14 but am not sure why some dramas get people really riled up while in others no one cares. for me, temptation's ending which didn't explain anything was more annoying then anything else. that said, the thread was very disorientating at times because some were just discussing the drama while others were actually discussing their emotional baggage through the drama and it was confusing for folks who were stepping on mines and not knowing it! so far, this thread is mature and we are bringing our insights and experiences which is natural but I hope everyone remembers that at the end of the day, it is a drama we are discussing as we have another 45+ episodes to go. fighting! :) 


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  7. can I just say the discussions here are way more fascinating then the drama at this point. thanks for sharing your insights and experiences @irilight @lclarakl @jadecloud ~ it makes you think and also see the drama as well as life in different ways. sometimes I watch these dramas only for the discussions because hearing others viewpoints broadens your own horizons. don't you think so?

    @zenya22 ~ that was some awesome insights into JE's character. never even thought of him that way and what the affair would mean to the business and his family. it is definitely interesting that you described him as passive aggressive. in my personal experience, such men are difficult to work with even in office. they will not take charge but neither will they let a woman move ahead because it bothers their ego -- they are a real pain. so it does make me wonder if that bothers him about HK and whether she intimidates him. she is a successful attorney, even if her ethics are very questionable, and like you said, she is in essence the kind of son that JE's dad would have wanted. @jadecloud ~ now I wonder if his frustration over her workaholic nature and ability to get over the death of their child is something he struggles with because it subconsciously points to his own lack of worth -- did his family expect him to get over it just as his wife did and he found himself unable to?

    P.S ~ thanks for liking my questions folks and sharing your views. it is great to be a part of thread where we can listen to each other even if we may think differently about certain characters. :wub:


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  8. like @suchadiva42 said, watching ep 5 and 6 was not fun at all. well, the fun bit was when HK's mom poured water on SR -- that was funny and made me cheer. hahaha.... @irilight ~ how did you find JE's meltdown? he finally got the reaction he wanted from HK and they both went crazy destroying the house. and yes, agree with you that SR is not really in love with JE and she does not seem capable of mature love at this point...

    it was interesting when SR became the outsider at that point when HK is screaming in the parking lot and JE is holding her. SR got a glimpse into the toxic thread that only HK and JE share from the grief of losing their child. HK's love did not move SR but HK saying that SR cannot fix JE's unhappiness kept replaying in her head. it is going to haunt her over the years and she is going to realize the truth that HK said and it is going to burn her out from the inside. she is probably going to spend all her energy trying to fix that wound and realizing too late that the wound is shared only between HK and JE and there is no room for another because it is their child. she is not capable of the mature love needed to fix that kind of wound.

    will there be a time leap? wonder what will happen to YongKi...

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  9. thanks for your responses -- @10192123sangre  @lclarakl @jadecloud @zenya22 @obsessivecompulsive (why doesn't soompi let me tag??) -- it was fun reading your insights on whether the intent to cheat was already there.. agree with you @obsessivecompulsive that he finally is getting a reaction from his wife which makes me wonder if he is even in love with SR in the first place. is it just revenge? he has been wanting a divorce but HK has been pushing for a reconciliation. is his affair with SR his way of getting HK to let him go?; a mistake that cannot be undone so that finally he can be free? what do folks think? is JE using SR to break free?

    @irilight ~ HK's actions are also extreme and wouldn't want to know her in real life but she still feels like a normal person. even her meltdowns seem natural -- if you are holding in your emotions, then the outbursts are that much stronger. really enjoy makjang dramas which means that there is always this mistress character. while I may not like them, they always come across as still human. whereas there is something very odd about SR. she seems to be playacting her cuteness, her helplessness etc to try get others sympathy but she herself has no genuine feelings towards others -- she comes across as really psychotic like characters from any detective series.. so here's another question and would be interested in hearing others views. is SR actually in love with JE or does he represent something she wanted as a child -- security, warmth, family etc? is she in love with the human being JE or is it some sort of ideal she is trying to possess like one acquires a thing?

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  10. haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?

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  11. finally got around to catching up to ep 4 and really disliking the character of Seol Ri, especially because she acts so fake innocent. ugh! so it will be fun to see her downfall later.. both HK and JE are tearing each other apart and don't know how to deal with the grief.. it is funny that we see HK as cold because she is so logical but we can see the effort that it takes to rein her emotions in whereas Seol Ri seems so flippant that she cleans out crime scenes etc and seems more like a narcissist who is all about themselves. Seol Ri seems like the really cold scary fish actually and it will be interesting to see how JE reacts once he realizes that he just switched one warm fridge fish to a really really really scary cold frozen freezer fish...  it almost feels like she was fishing and he was perfect for picking because he was so miserable -- anyone could have shown him some sympathy, made him smile a little and he would have probably gone running towards them. so it will be interesting to see Seol Ri's reaction once she realizes that she wasn't someone special that he picked...won't be surprised if Seol Ri turns into some murdering psycho later on in the series....

    @Lmangla Thank you, thank you. thank you!! You said it better than me. That is what I have been saying all along about Seol RI !!!! There is something unhinged in her noggin. A very normal young woman who is offered a scholarship at Stanford U will jump at the chance of a lifetime. Not only for the scholarship but the adventure of being abroad, seeing the world new experience even if they had a crush on their professor. They would think twice about throwing their life away for an older married man. And any normal man with a dose of common sense or woman for that matter will think twice about anyone who says  " I will stay with you even when you are in hell". Warning sign!!!! fatal attraction coming up..... run!!!! Unless of course it is JE who himself is in the dumps and needs a"comforter." Like I said two needy people. Wait until she wants more and more because her needs are like a bottomless pit which she has not dealt with herself. She thinks someone else should feel that void. No honey, it does not work that way.

    @zenya22 ~ was totally creeped out by SR. had read these comments in the thread about how shameless she is and her actions are totally galling. but it was little more than that for me. after the cafe fight scene where SR "confesses" her love, HK puts on a brave face but when she is in the car, you can see how rattled, angry, frustrated and helpless she feels -- a multitude of emotions. thats normal. but SR? she is coolly sitting in the cafe putting on a band aid and then when the lawyer friend comes in, makes some cute pouty faces and eats ice cream like nothing happened. that is so NOT normal!!!!! that is just weird, psycho behaviour. no matter how cool one is, after a confrontation, anyone should be rattled a little or at least thinking about what his/her options are. instead SR is sitting there cool as a cucumber and acting like she is cute. ugh! everytime she makes those supposedly cute faces, it makes my blood curl. serious case of fatal attraction coming up. she isn't just needy, she is psycho and she is going to get really riled up when she realizes that JE does not need her or loves her the way she wants him. as you said, SR is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled and what kind of kid gives up a stanford scholarship for a crush? she is not even in a relationship with him or getting married to him. it is just a stupid crush. she really gives off stalker vibes. and what is wrong with JE? some girl keeps sending you pics she took of you and he isn't even weirded out by that????

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  12. finally got around to catching up to ep 4 and really disliking the character of Seol Ri, especially because she acts so fake innocent. ugh! so it will be fun to see her downfall later.. both HK and JE are tearing each other apart and don't know how to deal with the grief.. it is funny that we see HK as cold because she is so logical but we can see the effort that it takes to rein her emotions in whereas Seol Ri seems so flippant that she cleans out crime scenes etc and seems more like a narcissist who is all about themselves. Seol Ri seems like the really cold scary fish actually and it will be interesting to see how JE reacts once he realizes that he just switched one warm fridge fish to a really really really scary cold frozen freezer fish...  it almost feels like she was fishing and he was perfect for picking because he was so miserable -- anyone could have shown him some sympathy, made him smile a little and he would have probably gone running towards them. so it will be interesting to see Seol Ri's reaction once she realizes that she wasn't someone special that he picked...won't be surprised if Seol Ri turns into some murdering psycho later on in the series....

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  13. finally gotten around to watching ep 1 and find it both confusing and intriguing. it seems like the drama is mostly going to be focusing on HK because we don't really get to learn much about YG, the other twin sister. how does HK manage to assume YG's identity and not have anyone recognize her? does YG not have a family? she is just pregnant by herself? for some odd reason, am wondering whether JE will fall in love with YG or think that the child is his because of some drunken one-night stand before the divorce???... will it be one of those twin swap situation stories where they swap lives, men and everything?

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    @lmangla,  I guess society have came so open and lax that we the people have our own problems to deal with not to be cared about whom we are as a whole community or society that still value the sanctions of marriage have liberal women and men change society this much.. I'm all for everyone has the right to be happy with whom they choose I'm and open person but the way things are now religion and culture has totally left the marriage..

    I have to ask was your friend aware of her husband choice before entering the marriage..?

    from what my gym buddy said, the friend had no clue. it was a traditional matchmaking/arranged marriage kind of deal and the girl's family was not well off. so no idea how well she got to know him prior to marriage. she found out a few months after the wedding. what really shocked me was this friend must be in her late 20s (that is how old my gym buddy is) and so couldn't understand how someone could stay. if she was in a village somewhere, it is still understandable but she lives in a city and she can always get divorced, get alimony and get a new start. since she knows his secret, his family would pay lots of hush money. so why stay? it just boggles my mind. my gym buddy sadly said that her friend changed from this happy bright girl that she used to be in school. sometimes, the loss of hope and dreams does that to a person.

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    so here's my Q:  why is it that with some dramas, we are so troubled by this whole temptation/cheating aspect while we can accept it in others? is it because it hits a bit too close to home for some even while others watch it just as a drama??


    I pride myself to always think it's something better for me out there then to lose myself dignity and pride most do stay because of the kids but in my case I had 2 and took my G/ma words to heart not to let any man beat me in two places and divorced never look back and remarried and been happily married for 17 years now even though my husband is much older then me by 20 years we do have our trust and understanding of each other we know what to expect of each other. I'am a woman for only one man and I expect the same from him..     


    But sometimes I do wonder is it because of a woman's age that they stay because they don't want the headache to train another to get him how she needs him to be.. I have one friend that told me she wasn't giving up all her hard work for nothing..  LOL      


    Another thing just what else is consider cheating even when he or she in a marriage hasn't went 100% with the other person this was another huge problem and caused outbreaks in the thread..  I always thought if a man thinks of another woman all the time and has moved her in is heart even though they haven't did the do that's still a form of cheating..   

    thanks @valsava for sharing your story. think it is not only age that keeps women in marriages but the lack of hope, pride and the belief there are no other options. one of my gym buddies shared this story about her friend. shortly after her wedding, she found out that the husband is gay and it was just a marriage to keep up appearances. he continues to live a separate life having affairs... the wife got herself a child through IVF and now keeps herself busy with her job and child and has stopped caring about what the husband does on his time. the wife is not happy but she stayed because she has nowhere else to go and also has the responsibility of her invalid mom and this guy is rich. my gym buddy then sadly concluded the tale saying "even if it isn't other women, it is still cheating.." after hearing that story, my head was spinning on how a woman would stay under such conditions. what about dreams, hopes and expectations?

    saw a local movie recently and the lady asks "who puts expiry date on dreams for women? is it us or society?" think sometimes women stay because they stop hoping that good things will come. we stop dreaming. :(

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  16. exactly @ymiss!! as an audience, in these cheating dramas, am more interested in what is going to happen next and not really caring about the OTP destiny. how is the writer going to wrap it up? how did these characters end up here? for me, even though these dramas are extreme, there can be lessons to be learned on how to treat one's partner and mistakes to be avoided. those are much more interesting questions than whether the OTP deserves to be together...

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  17. @ororomunroe ~ we all have tropes that we are not really crazy about. I dislike noona romances and I abhor romances where horrid stupid ditzy females are paired with a male lead who may not even be barely legal, like in high school savvy. for me, that just borders on child abuse and really, really, really, really, really gets my blood boiling. so for my own sanity, I don't watch those dramas. who needs additional stress from watching fictional characters when life is stressful as it is? so if a drama annoys me, I drop it immediately and move on -- that is my policy. so I don't understand viewers who keep watching the drama even when it infuriates them. :sweatingbullets:

    but cheating dramas don't bother me because as I see it, in 70% of the dramas, one of the obstacles to the OTP is their relationships with the second leads. often one or both of them are technically unavailable. whether it is dating or marriage, people should treat the other with dignity and respect. but it is a drama and so we mostly don't care about the second leads. only in about 30% of the dramas are both leads single and unattached and the obstacles to their relationship are their own personal demons. but as you said, maybe the way the story is shown, we see the second leads as outsiders and therefore, don't feel sorry for them when the relationship ends and they get kicked out.

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  18. some very interesting views and here's mine which is a bit left field. sometimes wonder why viewers get so bugged with the whole cheating aspect in some dramas and are able to accept it in others. what is the difference? if we think about it, in most dramas, the male lead is already in some relationship with the second lead and in some cases, even engaged unhappily. then in waltzes the female lead and he is in love and we the viewers cheer for the OTP. never mind that the second lead is having her heart trampled or that she is being dumped and in some sense, cheated on, we still want the OTP to be together. there are cases where the female lead is engaged to some whiny second male lead and it is the same reaction with viewers. with makjang and daily dramas, often the female lead is married to an idiot husband who is having a mistress. then she meets her OTP while she is technically married. she seeks comfort in the male lead while she is still technically married. then she and hubby divorces and he goes on to troubled marriage with mistress while she finds happiness with her OTP. so in those situations, we cheer for the OTP even though technically one party is actually not available. so we viewers accept that some relationships are not meant to be and can accept new ones.

    so here's my Q:  why is it that with some dramas, we are so troubled by this whole temptation/cheating aspect while we can accept it in others? is it because it hits a bit too close to home for some even while others watch it just as a drama??

    @valsava ~ was thinking about your question. not sure if this is something that occurs in other places but lot of friends and colleagues who have privately shared with me their troubles regarding their marriage breakdown (and in some cases, it involved cheating) said something similar. "I knew this person wasn't right for me but I settled because..." I wonder how much that affects a marriage and temptation. if folks are settling (for whatever reason), do they feel more frustrated because their partner didn't fit their dreams and expectations and when they meet someone who is more closer to what they want, are they tempted?

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    @ymiss, @Lmangla - I hope not either.  I sort of hope this scriptwriter can do a lot better

    true, the key is writing. there are so many dramas where the characters annoy you so much that you want to throw something at them!!! and then there are dramas where we have no idea what on earth the characters are thinking. one keeps guessing and in the end of the drama, one is still left wondering why they did what they did. (temptation was like that -- combination of both 1 and 2).. but as you said @irilight, given this writer wrote scandal, am expecting it will be better. am watching twinkle twinkle and actually enjoying it...

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  20. Just by looking at those pictures of Ji Jin Hee's character pisses me off! Lol! Kim Hyun Joo's character must be really bad, so bad in order for him to cheat on her or else! Errr!

    I wonder if this is another Temptation!

    hope not!!!! that drama was so polarizing that there was so much madness and skirmishes on the thread which was almost more entertaining than the drama itself!.. you remember right??

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  21. Is that blue dress we saw on MiYeon in Mask? :rolleyes:

    ooh, good eye!!! :D

    but don't understand the twins plot thing... please don't tell me that the story is something on these lines -- both twins like hubby; but hubby ends up marrying twin #1 and having affair with twin #2. twin #1 gets mad and walks away and both sisters get into an accident where twin #2 dies. twin #1 who was pregnant loses baby and is spitting mad at hubby. then fast forward, time jump and then she has amnesia and forgets why she hates hubby....

    the reason for hating hubby better not be this above scenario....  :phew:

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  22. @irilight ~ you are totally right, even with shorter dramas, it is difficult to sustain the momentum and it is difficult to like every episode. with longer dramas, it can become more difficult and sometimes there are unnecessary fillers. it is easy to ignore the flaws when you watch them week after week because you are sort of hooked and want to know what is happening. but when you are doing a marathon of some of these shows, you start to notice stuff like how they wore the same shirt in another scene which means that even though the scene D is not in sequence to scene A, it was probably shot at the same time to save money and time!! hahahaha...

    but didn't realize that this drama is 50 episodes. just hope that it gets subbed. think the only way to really enjoy longer dramas is to just laugh at the illogical and only analyze what is worth looking at. the long dramas can actually be a blast even when it makes no sense if the thread is a party -- a hundred years inheritance was like one of the dumbest dramas but we had so much fun laughing as a thread that it was loads of fun to watch.

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  23. .................

    @Lmangla, thank you too, for answering. I have not seen 18 to 29, but would like to. I like Ryu Soo-Young.

    I have faith in this writer that she will come up with something original with wonderful twitsts. Am I nuts... I have been waiting for a new drama from her ever since Scandal ended....    happy leaf

    yea scandal was an awesome drama and we had such a fun time on the thread. it was an experience to remember. :D

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