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Posts posted by nicoley

  1. hello everyone! its been awhile i keep coming back for updates everyday and occasionally rewatch my favourite episodes. 


    thank you @annamchoi for all the updates! i really burst out laughing at moonlight sonata + happy birthday. he played it so so beautifully. 

    I really like how DYLB is bringing classical music to the mainstream audience!!! my heart is so full every time i see updates of them, and what more them going to the recital together <3 aigoo. 


    edit: i just realised that this video was back in 2018 O.O, sorry! i thought he played it at the recital yesterday. 


    @Jillia thanks for constantly posting the gifs of the parallel scenes, they really make me smile every time i see it. never getting sick of DYLB. 


    SBS catch please keep those videos coming in we all know none of us can get over DYLB!


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  2. No where near getting over Brahms. i need to soak in it for awhile.


    How to get over Brahms honestly?! i wished they released the deleted scenes too, so we can live in this Brahms heaven for abit more. when i watched hyena this year i was pretty certain no other drama would surpass that explosive chemistry and story writing. well then came Brahms which shook my world and after taking a few days to think about it (yes its a serious decision) i think DYLB might just be my NO. 1 fav drama of all time.


    Like you guys @annamchoi and @ponderings kdrama world has always been my solace of sorts, I have been watching kdramas for 18 years+ and there are always dramas that come along and you know they will always have that special room in your heart. Brahms sort of just quietly found its way into my heart by the end of ep4 LOL. its everything i wished for in a drama, unspoken words, introverted characters and sensitivity i never knew could exist in dramas.


    I have been on soompi for years and never felt compelled to comment on threads but Brahms was too magical to keep my opinions to myself, and i found this beautiful community of you guys here, which made the watching experience x10000 better <3


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your art :) @ponderings it feels bittersweet but we all know that walking away from your dreams are just as strong as chasing them too. 


    @rafeusjanelaThank you for the bts! is it just me or min jae actually looks like he is falling for eun bin? o.o or might be me overthinking but the bts is so cute omgoodness. @Jillia thanks for all the parallel scenes! honestly combusted when i saw it, it made me appreciate the production so much more because it showed that they knew where the story was headed from the start. and i was so late to realising that IT WAS A WEDDING PICTORIAL. good lord i am so slow, but aigo it really warmed my heart. 


    @guestra thanks for the song by 10cm, i realised that it was the song that i heard and liked but never found in the ost, so sad why are they not releasing it :/


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  3. still thinking about this drama, and may i add that the scene of JY writing SA's name on the poster was so nice, in parallel with him tearing the seating arrangement off in one of the episodes, at that point i think he was afraid that he would hurt her by being so talented, but at the end he felt so proud of where she is and not afraid of overshadowing her, that respect o m g m y h e a r t <3


    another metaphor which just caught up to me was the message of how JY always communicate through music, it was there in the first few episodes all the way to last. he wrote his love letter for her in his recital. omg how am finally understanding this now. this show really, i think i need a few weeks to slowly pen down all these special moments. 

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  4. 23 hours ago, ck1Oz said:

    The writer has written a lot of lines with a lot of thought behind what a musician might feel. I played the piano for 15 years and just stopped abruptly. I never felt closure and always feel some regret that I have not touched it to play for enjoyment since I stopped it. My husband actually has a music degree as well and was employed full time as a musician for several years. He also stopped abruptly without good byes. Good byes are important as we both play musical instruments yet never touched it again.


    thank you for sharing @ck1Oz i think i feel something slightly similar to you, and might be why i loved DYLB so much too! it ignited this little part that enjoyed classical music in me, i stopped playing the piano after 9 years and never said goodbye to it too, more like goodbye piano lessons and hello freedom. but now as i watched DYLB i started to have a deeper appreciation for classical music, something i never understood until now. it just made me feel things i didnt know i could. SA saying goodbye to her violin that scene, i cant describe how moved i was. too much feelings. 


    @Jillia thank you so much, i love all the chosen pieces. and also u read my mind as i was looking for the last picture of SA and JY closing their eyes. 


    @minsunie Thanks for the piece, i loved what u said below, and I felt that deeply too that JK is finally ready to be on her own person embracing her flaws what may be. i loved what you mentioned about intermission bar, ah what a nice way to start another chapter of their lives, i really loved how they weaved in intermission bar as this resting place in their lives, and now our characters are ready for the next chapter. 

    omg DYLB how much more hidden meanings do u have?! SA walking into the light was the best ultimate ending for me <3


    11 hours ago, minsunie said:


    Thinking about the show today I realised why writer nim has JK played unaccompanied-- it was her finally trusting herself to overcome things by herself, not hiding in the shadow of her mum, the foundation, the prof, or JY or even HH. They all returned the scores to her... she was alone and truly standing on her own two feet. Her getting the professorship would have been under the tutelage of the prof too, but she found her "conviction" (which she shared with SA during masterclass) to pursue the music she loves instead of becoming foundation chairman like grandma wanted. I love how she got her own arc and the writer seem to really want to give her a proper growth arc as well. 

    The closing of the restaurant Intermission is also significant- how the intermission for the characters are over and they proceed to the second half of their journey, just like how their schooling life and quarter life crisis is over and they have chosen their paths, now to walk on that path to pursue their dreams. 

    Love also how the show ends with SA walking into the spotlight, no longer afraid, feeling unqualified, or uncertain. Come what may she will walk ahead and dream again, even if it may hurt. Such a beautiful ending and so positive! I love SA's courage!


    @rafeusjanela this part really tugged at my heart, another part of this episode i truly loved so so much and will remember this line always.


    10 hours ago, rafeusjanela said:

    I'm listening to the OST right now, and even if I'm hearing the sad instrumental ones, my heart doesn't feel heavy. It feels satisfied and content, as if it knows that all of us needed those sad moments in our lives to grow and to be able to dream again. I can truly say that I was healed by this drama. It will always be a special drama to me. One dialogue that struck a chord in me would be this one, in the last episode: "The smallest moment in your life, in other words, is where your crescendo begins." It sounds so hopeful, especially since the term crescendo was used. It's similar to the quote that talks about how the only direction you can go is upward when you hit rock bottom. It will definitely be a quote of consolation for me in the future. 

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  5. Edit: I wanted to add that this was the most poetic episode I watched, it was like reading a 1 hour long poem. 

    i loved this last episode, what a wonderful journey here with DYLB Fam, ah my heartu you all! the performance was so amazingly heartfelt. so love the ending, no words. 


    SA's self growth ah so deep, that last scene when she walked into the light, i had goosebumps all over. 


    what more to say again about this, i think everyone here have summed up how i feel about DYLB so well, ah i will remember this special times in our lives. i am not someone who watches a drama live and i think the last time i did it was goblin? haha too long ago! but this one was so special i am glad i got to watch the last 4 episodes with everyone, the in depth discussion really helped me understand so many of the characters better. 


    so happy found this thread during this intense 2 weeks! @Jillia @Sky8lue @rozelan

    @minsunie @rafeusjanela @kismet22 @JenL and everyone else! Cheers to all of us making it! WOHOO~


    @Y.Q.  omg this didn't occur but it made their performance all the more meaningful. cries**


    On 10/21/2020 at 2:51 AM, Y.Q. said:


    I have been thinking of why he wanted to play with SA for her graduation recital. At first I thought he just wanted to play Brahms song for Director Na. But SA's conversation with her mum today, I thought maybe he just wanted to be by her side for her potential last performance after hearing her decision to give up on violin. Why am I so late in

    realizing this? The scene just hits me differently now


    YES! sign me up, i need a rewatch of all these wholesome goodness.


    On 10/20/2020 at 10:36 PM, Jillia said:

    And thank you to everyone joining the finale of thise wonderful drama! Let's rewatch it like @ponderings suggested. :D



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  6. Erupts into a standing ovation, that was what I did once the episode ended. 

    If 10 is full marks for a perfect ending, DYLB has just exceeded all expectations and got 20. I have never never seen such a thoughtfully stunning amazing ending that really had everything I could have asked for and more in a drama. I have so much to say about this wonderful drama, actors, story (but that’s for later when I can actually recollect thoughts and everything I loved).


    But I want to give the team behind the scenes all its credit and hard work for what an important piece of work I have seen. 

    • Art direction
      Wonderfully created a world that was so detailed I loved all the sets and every characters’s room or environment spoke so much about them as humans. The light rain, heavy rain, snow fall. ah I was so blown away when JY proposed and the umbrella was there. Too many details to even go on, but my fav recurring prop is the umbrella and what it signifies. like how did they make an umbrella poetic!?
    • Cinematography
      To the cinematographer of DYLB, I loved how un-intrusive the cinematography was, it wasnt just beautiful for beauty’s sake, but the way a scene was framed always had a deeper meaning. The cinematography always aided the story, it always was a lens into the characters emotions, I especially loved their isolation scenes and how the cinematographer could make them feel so lonely. Ah so many more scenes i love.
    • Writing
      DYLB was such an intricately written story and had left so many small clues for us to fill in for ourselves later on, everything was written with a reason no character was a filler. She tied up every single side characters story arc with so much respect and love. 

      DYLB’s writer is really so talented at pulling out these emotions and managed to make a storyline we have seen for the 10000th time so intricately refreshing, rewarding, heart fluttering, even heart wrenching at some point. but basically a-lot of human emotions, and it doesn't shy away from difficult conversations. She delivers such a real introspective lens at how we live and love.

      What an honest piece of writing, for our passions our failures our hurt and lastly our happiness. 
    • Directing
      None of this would have been possible without the director’s amazing gentleness and nuances, we saw through his lens so many quiet moments where no words are needed, but you already know in your heart what the answer is. I think this is the most difficult aspect of making DYLB such a poignant story.

      Life is not just black and white it happens in the grey, and the director has shown so many of the greys, off whites and in-betweens. What a joy to watch this drama slowly unravel and fall into its place at the end. 
    • Editing
      Edited: lol I cant believe i forgot but KUDOS TO THE EDITOR! He/she made this drama possible. 

    Ah so many feels you all, I am so happy with how it ended, but I also feel ever so empty. Will be back later to write about our amazing performance, and episode! 

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  7. o m g, where do i even begin! i just watched ep 15 my jaw dropped DYLB really outdid itself this episode, so many parts i leggit was already shouting to my TV. the brain is not functioning so well after this painful and amazing episode. 
    1. Director passed away, this really took me by surprise, but the thread and pillar that was holding them together has now passed and they will each need to find their own footing in this world. the part where she turned her back to JY, really got to me, my heart can't take this. During the wake when the shot of JK becomes her younger self, and having her dad embrace her like he did when her mum passed away. This director and writer really know how to break your heart into many pieces. 
    2. When SA said that she compared herself to brahms and her unrequited love towards violin. every scene my heart can't take this. 
    3. When they held hands after the performance, he held her hands so tighty <3
    4. Free but happy I loved this metaphor of free but lonely but then wishing him to be happy instead. because that is what JY really needs to be at some point in his life. free and happy. and playing the piano freely might also be the way he might be happy. criesss**
    5. When JY said i love you, i was literally shouting at my TV for him to say something already!!! please! and then he said i love you. OMG. i died and i melted, when she walked out of the concert hall alone, my heart broke then again i applaud SA for being her own person before loving JY again.
    omg i have so much explosive emotions and i don't even know if i am coherent right now. can only watch last ep tmr. HAVE A GOOD LAST EPISODE BRAHMS FAM. 
    I am bracing myself here for when i watch the last episode, i don't know how my life would be again without DYLB, and am so grateful to have came here to bask in DYLB's love.
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  8. Thank you @annamchoi @Jillia @cherrhys88 for the BTS! I have seen another video posted earlier of this same scene where KMJ couldn’t hold back his tears even though the camera wasn’t on him :( 

    Sorry spamming multiple post but omg the latest behind the scenes is so cute and sad at the same time. I have been looping Chopin since last week and when he asked her to play nocturne :tears: all the feelings. 

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  9. @Sky8lue Aahhh omg okay it all makes sense now, he pleaded with her in the cafe not to cross the line.

    thanks for the explanation and the gifs links! 


    @debbsthebee lolol!!! i watched that too!! i am so tickled by all their violin roast!! yes i really give it up to them for practicing so hard, i thought they had a stand in to double up for them until i saw the bts, mad props to them. also after learning that both KMJ and PEB has a musical bg my jaw dropped, so crazy talented <3


    @rozelan i have seen that "manner" video popping up in my yt but dont understand hahah. but sometimes seeing them smiling at each other is enough for me. 

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  10. very excited for tonight's episode everyone! but i wont be able to watch it until tmr night, its my week back to the office, and where i am at, DYLB is airing 12 hours after korea. :( 


    i was doing some light rewatching over the weekend, and i realised that in episode 5 where JK confronts JY in the school event afterwards, JY mentions that he pleaded with JK and i rmb thinking to myself omg did JY actually tried to hold on to JK?  but the show never revisited this conversation again, so i am assuming it was just a translation error or my own wrong interpretation, if anyone can enlighten me.:o


    also i find myself rewatching the scene of JY realising that JK and HH got together and omg the sadness of realising that his 2 best friends are dating is just so crushing (i suspect this might be one of the key moments i fell in love with DYLB). have anyone seen the gif of this floating around, i tried looking and cant find any.


    trying my best of best not to see too much spoilers so that my heart can explode with joy later on hahaha. but WOHOO just awhile more to ep15. hang in there everyone~

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  11. @kismet22 hahahaha ikr i died while watching


    @rafeusjanela i contemplated if i should watch their review after the drama ended in case they didn't give a good review, but omg so funny i'm glad i watched it. and plus they were impressed by them (they mentioned it was one of the best?) i took a closer look at what they mentioned about the piano part at the beginning and omg i think they're right! the comments section is like exploding so i guess many people are watching DYLB too! wohoooo~

    lol but i leggit died at the "i love you" parts. LOLOL. i rmb thinking that sounded so wrong in english, but then i was awwwwwww at the same time, but twosetvolin just took it in a whole other direction lmao.


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  12. @Jillia I agree, I really dislike when writers do not have a clear trajectory to end the story or thoughtlessly ending a drama, my personal pet peeves are “waking up from a dream” sort of endings. 


    But for Do you like Brahms, i felt like the writers had so much thoughtful control over the writing (coughs except 12-14) that it wouldn't be that case if they decided for an open ending.


    Or perhaps I love it too much, leaving it open ended feels like the nuanced closure I need for our characters to figure things out in their own time, and live their story. Maybe they will meet again sometime in a distant future. 


    Writing this make me feel so damn melancholic about this whole drama already. 

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  13. I actually surprised myself when doing the poll O.O


    1. Open ended

    Love love love open ended endings, but I was so sure I would love for them to get together this time around, but my heart still opted for open ended!


    Leaving it open ended is so up my alley for this, sometimes you meet someone, sometimes that person is right for you, sometimes it isn’t, but you take away so much from the relationship that you know you wouldn’t be who you’re today without that person. And for me that sounds so nice both to JY and SA, they taught each other how to love themselves and people around them. 


    That said, i still think 90% chance it would be a happy ending!!! 

    2. Yes but not really 

    I want more kisses BUT I want them more to figure out their emotions and issues! I have always felt like JY and SA’s connection was a deeper more philosophical connection, the meeting of two gentle souls in a sometimes crushing environment and understanding each other under the vignette of social circumstances. Rather than a kiss i wished for more intellectual connection like the preview of ep 15 where they looked at each other and like something clicked, they are in sync on the same note, yes that philosophical chemistry and mutual understanding is what i really wanna see!

    3. Maybe

    I voted maybe because I just wished for them to be happy finding their way back to what they loved or not.  Referencing what SA’s dad said in a previous episode. 

    “ I am waiting for you to find your happiness which ever path that may be.” 


    I am so glad I got to come here and discuss the ending of this drama with everyone the poll was so fun! Do you like Brahms will be a drama I hold quite close to heart, it has so many life parallels even if you’re not a classical musician, and that touched me deeply. I dont know if I am ready to let it go next week. 

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  14. 32 minutes ago, Y.Q. said:

    @Sky8lue Thanks for the text preview and the article! I think the sonata sounds great. The writer is really harvesting from all the seeds that she has planted in the previous episodes - The Brahms Violin Sonata No.1 as SA's favorite song, the lady who told JY that Brahms's song will suit him, and SA's belief in the healing power of music. 


    ah oh this all makes sense. cant wait for them to finally play this together and for JY to play this with his own interpretation perhaps?


    on a side note help!!! i cant really focus on doing anything other things than thinking about next week's episodes :((however it might turn out, i'm ready!) i'm even considering buying a digital piano as i am knee deep listening to classical music now.

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  15. I didn’t see a breakup coming, but yes we all needed them to figure out themselves before loving each other again! Couldn’t have been happier and more relieved with how the episode ended. 


    My fav scene was when SA said that even when someone hurt her she used to know she was going on her own, now she doesn’t know anymore. That was really such a poignant moment of SA’s self discovery process. I love it so much, ohmygoodness my heartuuu!!!


    I also loved how HH deleted JK's number offering closure to his love :( its so sad but so good.


    @ferily I really loved the umbrella scene and the subtext it signifies. Also I think SA will be her own shelter and protection and lean on herself instead of JY! 


    The preview has my heart fluttering again, I cant wait for them to finally meet as musicians and as equals on stage! 

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    Hi everyone, this is my first post in this forum after lurking here for the past few days, but I cant help but chime in my thoughts for this special drama!


    I fell head over heals ever since I watched it last week, and honesty have never seen any drama as sensitively written as this. but this week’s episode have me feeling a little sad at where the story is going. (please dont disappoint I have already added Do you like Brahms to my top 10 fav dramas of all time :( )


    Here are some of my thoughts on ep13.

    1. Song ah feeling so insecure about herself. I think what we are lacking is SA’s journey to loving herself. It has been pretty stagnant since JY and SA got together. Kudos to her for finally leaving the chamber! Wohoooo 
    2. Ever since JY and SA got together it was always JY trying to make her feel more secure by not being friends or playing for JK, I dont think this is a good solution as it still doesn’t solve the problem of SA feeling inadequate about herself.  
    3. JK and JY have a 15 year friendship / love / history which cannot be erased just because SA feels so deeply insecure about herself. But rather I wished this episode explored more how how SA can navigate these emotions in her rather than projecting her insecurities on JK and JY. 
    4. I would love for the drama to explore the platonic relationship between JK and JY after their falling out. I suppose they still love each other deeply in a sense that cant be erased simply by cutting ties. They will always be special in each other’s hearts, and in time to come when their hearts are healed I hope their friendship continues. 
    5. From the get go this drama always felt different, we had so much clarity to JK’s intentions, her reasons for her actions. There was an understanding of the “fallen prodigy” the pain of standing on her own and also trying to fill the shoes she never could. This “evil” second lead moved me with so much layered dimensions to her character that I really empathised with her. But where this drama is right now all the evil professors seems so one dimensional with only selfish intentions and greed that it almost seems too dramatic for Do you like Brahms.


    Finally I hope that in the next 3 episodes we will see all our characters loving themselves more. More than just outward achievements and validations but internal understanding and love for themselves as they navigate this path of adulthood. Sometimes it takes as much effort to walk away from one's dream as it is walking towards it, both are courageous and brave. 

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