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PROMIZ FB Aug 29 Update


ZERO 쓰레기를 위한 착한 액션 #05

우리나라 사람 한 명은
하루 평균 1.04킬로그램의 쓰레기를
버린다고 합니다.(2008년 기준)
우리의 모든 활동은 쓰레기를 만들어내고
잘 사는 나라일수록
더 많은 쓰레기가 배출된다고 하는데요.

프로미즈의 제로쓰레기 캠페인은
함께 경각심을 갖고
조금이라도 쓰레기를 줄이려는 노력을
함께 해 보자는 취지로 진행되고 있답니다.

오늘은 프로미즈보다 앞서
예술작품을 통해 경고를 보낸
아티스트의 작품들을 소개해 볼까해요.

One person discards average 1.04 kilograms of garbage every day in Korea.(2008 statistics)
Everything we do produces garbage and richer countries make more garbage.
Zero-garbage campaign of Promiz urges to have consciousness for this garbage problem and join the campaign.
Prior to Promiz, many artists have warned the garbage seriousness through their arts, let’s look through them together.

#Promiz #Zero_garbage #PoubelledeTubesdepeinture #Têtedetaureau #Figolu #TheStravinskyFountain #Mancini_II










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Faith episode 4 





the episode starts with Gi Cheol getting some info on our Choi Young, and knows the king trusts him only. Apparently Choi Young’s father contributed to the founding of Goryeo and his grandfather is a literature scholar who taught one of the previous kings, Gi Cheol wonders why did Choi Young become a warrior if he came from such a fine family; it’s because he lost his father when he was 16 and chose swordsmanship. He was also the leader of the Red Crescent Moon Army.


we see Choi Young sleeping while being in pain and having a dream where he's walking on a frozen lake(?) and sees someone fishing there asking him 'Have you still not found it yet?'





The princess asks Choi Young if everyone wants them dead to which he says no, he asks her in return about when did she learn the language of Goryeo and she replied 8 years ago when she met a Goryeo person and learnt it so that she could talk to him (was it the king I wonder). She asks who wants them dead? and Choi Young hinted at Gi Cheol, she then asks if he killed them and became the king CY would become his Woodalchi? tired of being the bodyguard of this king and that, is that why he wants to die? she stands up and puts her hand on his forehead and realizes he has a high fever, knowing that he's refusing treatment she orders him not to die.




The king calls Eunsoo and asks her to become the high doctor of his country, she reminds him that she needs to return and she'd forget the multiple kidnappings if he gave her a vase or paintings or anything she sees valuable lol 

during their conversation Eunsoo realizes who the king is in history, and tells him that both him and the princess are very famous in our day but what shocked her the most was the fact that the famous Choi Young is the man who kidnapped her, and the one she calls psycho xD


there's a rumor spreading everywhere that Eunsoo is a divine healer and that she healed the princess and knows the future, Choi Young goes to where she is to move her quickly but ends up collapsing there.





Choi Young wakes up and immediately asks if anyone else knows he collapsed. Jang Bin assures him they’re the only ones who know, and Eun-soo says his wound was inflamed, hence the fever.

She gets in face to call him by name and asks if he’s the only Choi Young in Goryeo. Then that makes him THE Choi Young, and she tells him he becomes a general later and does big important things.

That finally gets his attention and he asks if she can really see the future in heaven, and she tells him that she didn’t come from heaven, but from the future.

Just then, they get attacked by Gi Cheol's sister(?) the lady in red who uses apple-like bombs and fire.


Choi Young and the king sit down for a talk where we get to know about Choi Young's past, and Eunsoo is eavesdropping on them.

Choi Young says he wandered after his father died, and The Red Crescent Moon Army(Jeokwoldae) took him in. The leader became a second father to him and the group his family. They gathered to vanquish evil and to protect Goryeo, and mostly served as black ops assassins. But no matter how skilled they were, their numbers were few and their enemies were many.

For a while, the name Jeokwoldae struck fear in the enemy’s hearts but those days became a thing of the past as their numbers dwindled by each passing moon. The enemies even intercepted their orders from the king, setting traps and ambushes everywhere they turned. One day, the king called them to the palace and they went, thinking it was like a dream.

Cut to live-action, still in the flashback. Someone watches through a peephole as Choi Young does an adorable happy dance on his bed in the palace, amazed and giddy and laughing like a tiny child.



He runs over to his comrade (seemingly also his girlfriend) and they join the others. He throws his arm around her and says giddily that the king must have called them here to reward them. 



He goes up to his leader, who stands stoically with his one arm behind his back. “Listen and remember.” he turns to face them and says that this is the king they’ve given their lives to protect. It’s an immense honor and they’re here to represent Jeokwoldae.

They march in, tall and proud… only to find the assembly nothing short of a brothel, where they’re greeted by half-naked dancing girls. 

They approach the throne, where the king is drunk and making out with a girl. It’s the farthest from their idea of a king as you can imagine, and horribly crushing. You can just see that this great warrior devoted his life to his country, thinking he was serving a righteous, honorable king, and has pretty much just been struck with lightning.

Still, he bows before the drunken man, who wobbles over and basically treats them like today’s court jesters. He pokes his finger at the crescent moon on the leader’s forehead and takes his sword, marveling if this is it—the famed sword rumored to be given to him by a ghost. He swings it around wildly like a child with a shiny new toy, that is until he sees something shinier. He notices that there’s a woman among them and asks if she’s a warrior too. He says he’s never seen a female warrior before. He circles her, eyeing her up and down and orders her to take off every last layer of clothing. 



The leader starts to protest and the king reveals what he really thinks of Jeokwoldae—he seethes with jealousy that the people of this nation think more of them than their king. “So the people, more than ME, the king… trust in you, Jeokwoldae Leader.”

He puts the blade to his throat. He asks if they’re the ones who protect the people, not the king. Leader answers no. The king asks again, if they think they can ignore a royal order. Leader says they’ve never disobeyed a royal command.

So, then, just to prove his point, he calls the woman out and commands her to take her clothes off. She comes forward and hesitates, frozen in fear…

The king screams in a bloody rage and lunges at her with the sword… their leader steps right in its path, skewering himself to save her.

The king jumps back in surprise, acting like he didn’t know the sword would be that sharp, and laughing.

Choi Young takes a step forward, and his leader yaaaaanks the sword out of his stomach and swings it up to Choi Young’s throat. Bleeding from one eye, he tells Choi Young to back off.




He orders him to offer himself as a servant to the king, to become his shadow and protect the throne. Choi Young shakes with fury, tears brimming in his eyes. He says nothing.

The leader takes a step closer to him and softens his voice. He whispers that it’s the only way to save Jeokwoldae. “Young-ah, look at me. You must protect them.” He fights back his tears and answers, “Yes.” The leader’s sword finally comes down. Choi Young sheaths his sword. They watch through tears as their leader uses his last breath to bow before the king and ask that his debt be forgiven, and offers these warriors to protect the king… and then dies.

They kneel behind him, and then the king laughs and laughs in utter delight.


Back to the present. Both Gongmin and Eun-soo take in the story with shock. The king asks how long it’s been since he became Woodalchi. Seven years. And how many Jeokwoldae are left in the palace. The others were either sent away or killed, and he is the last.

Gongmin: “So because you have no one left to protect, you will leave the palace?” He says yes. Gongmin also deduces that the king who killed his teacher was his own hyung. Oof. “You must’ve hated me from the start, for being his brother.” He doesn’t answer that one.

The king asks what he’ll do if he leaves. Choi Young says there’s the matter of his debt to the doctor first, so he’ll take her back and wait for the door to heaven to reopen. Perhaps he’ll take up fishing—he’s quite good at it. The king asks, “And after that?”

Choi Young: “That’s what I’m looking for… if there’s a reason I must live.”



The king gets up and leaves with “I am too ashamed to face you right now.”.. I'm starting to like the king now


Choi Young collapses in pain the second the king steps out, and Eunsoo runs to help him with others.





Back to that dream on the ice. This time he sits next to the man and they fish together. Choi Young, “Father, can’t I just stay here? Just… here…” Dad shuts his eyes and sighs.




Jang Bin does his best to treat him, but can barely feel a pulse. He wonders if Choi Young even has plans to come back…




The king and queen walk into the hall, and this time the whole council is assembled as the king takes the throne. Gongmin says their journey here was a bit difficult, what with the threat to their lives and all.

He sneers them they can stop pretending it’s the first they’re hearing of it, and declares that all was not lost because heaven sent down a healer to cure the queen and protect them. And then he unveils… Eun-soo, who jumps in her seat to see all these people looking back at her.

The king says that the future of their kingdom is already written in heaven—don’t they want to hear it as well?

They stir with interest, but Gi Cheol arrives and everyone bows at his entrance. He saunters right up to the king and says he must’ve heard all sorts of nonsense, having spent so many years away from this land, but he is still this nation’s king.

He roars at the assembly, asking who would dare fill the king’s head with such LIES.

He points a finger at Eun-soo. “Are you a monster? You, wearing the guise of a woman! Answer me!”


Cr. as tagged

I also copied and pasted some of DB's recap (I didn't have much time to write it fully myself ㅠ)

it's really interesting to see how cheerful and playful our Choi Young was, exactly the opposite of how he is now

and geez why is Gi Cheol so obsessed with skin care?



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LMH in Faith episode 4:


The part I liked best from this episode ...


1 hour ago, Latifah_ said:

You can just see that this great warrior devoted his life to his country, thinking he was serving a righteous, honorable king, and has pretty much just been struck with lightning.



Even after the crushing disillusionment of seeing the "king" he has been protecting, Choi Young honors his warrior code.  Now we are starting to see what has made him the way he is--why he has no desire to continue living his life.  He is a man of his word, but when all his responsibilities are fulfilled, he would want no more part of the palace or political life.  To hear from Eun-soo that he will become a great general must seem unbelievable to him.




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Happy Labor Day weekend for my US chingus.  

What size tshirt do you think LMh wears when he goes to work?  It looks like an XL.  He has broad shoulders but those shirts are floating on him.




Thanks for the recap @Latifah_ and your comments @1ouise


A lot happens the first 20 min of the drama.  I accidentally forgot to hit pause and the next thing I saw was ES speaking with the King and realizing his importance in Korean history.  I ended up reading DB to find out what I missed the first 20 minutes and it's a lot! 


When I initially watched Faith, I was surprised that CY was the son of an important family.    I didn't really care for the dream sequence with his father.  The character I like is the Queen; she's young, but mature in thought.  I didn't catch on that court Lady Choi was related to CY until pretty far into the drama.  I thought the convo between ES and King was cute.  I typically don't like men with long hair, but LMH looks hot with a ponytail.  ES is so funny carrying her vase.  It's a wonder ES dropped the vase when CY collapsed.  Heehee, so funny when ES praises CY's 6 pack for not sustaining more damage.  i think the convo between the King and CY that ES overhears is important to the relationship between ES and CY.  The back story explains why CY is searching for a reason to live as he considered the Jol Gol Dae as his family.  It's sad, though, to see CY in happier days.  He was forced to grow up fast after the leader was murdered by the King.  We now know why CY is searching for a reason to live:  his love and life ripped away and forced to protect the very person who killed his father figure.  I thought the King was somewhat protected because he married the Princess of Yuan.  Why isn't Gi Cheol afraid of what would happen if something happens to the Queen?  


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Thanks @Latifah_ for the recap!


Oh, right...Eun Soo was not properly introduced yet to Choi Young and the King. She only knew their names three episodes later. :D Jang Bin sure is used to Eun Soo. I had a feeling she'd come out just wearing underclothes - and she did - but he just sat there unfazed. Haha.


I'm feeling the king's character now. He may lack confidence, but at least he feels responsible for his brother. And the Princess - I like how she speaks her mind, and with sense at that.





Finally, I see Choi Young smiling and grinning! Younger him reminded me actually of Poo Chai in CH. It's good to know that he has not always been this disinterested. His backstory puts sense to his disinterest, wanting to leave the palace, lack of will to live. The tension and anguish of the sword scene with the king was intense.






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16 hours ago, CarolynH said:

A lot happens the first 20 min of the drama.  I accidentally forgot to hit pause and the next thing I saw was ES speaking with the King and realizing his importance in Korean history.  I ended up reading DB to find out what I missed the first 20 minutes and it's a lot! 

LOL CarolynH, there is the rewind button. I use it all the time :D.

About his shirt size, must be XXL, it is the fashion now to wear oversized tees or shirts and not tight clothing, more comfortable till the next fashion statement.


Wanted to share something about what a fan said about LMH several years ago. It was in Joonni and during the Faith drama but it was about City Hunter:-

"I took screen shots of his face, head bowed down, all covered in mud, yet the photo speaks volumes of emotions. Just how could he have shown emotions through his eyes while his face was heavily coated in mud? This is superb, incredible acting."



The queen was very perceptive in realizing that CY's death wish was linked to having to protect all kings even though they might be scumbags. However she ordered him to live, recognizing that their safety depended on this very man and she also cared about him.

ES is hilarious thinking ahead on how to profit from her trip into the past :D:D. Boy, was she shocked when she realized that her psycho was the great general Choi Young.

Telling his back story, you see the young CY was not adverse to luxuries, wealth and being rewarded but he changed quickly enough when his master died at the hands of the horrible king whom he had to protect because of his promise to his master. To him, his joining the Wooldalchi must have been a punishment worse than death. It was cute to see him like a little boy and still not jaded even though they had fought hard for the country and had definitely experienced difficulties and hardships in his young life after the death of his father. (Never seen CY smile so much at one time). The death of his master at the hands of the king they were protecting, the realization that the king instead of thanking them was in fact jealous of their fame really made him world weary.

When the king still refused to set him free, saying that he had still not completed his task,. he just collapsed and lost his will to live. He wants to stay with his father and his pulse slowly fades to almost nothing. What will make him want to come back???

Have to wait for the next episode.......


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7 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

20180903 on duty :






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Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures. :P



14 hours ago, CallieP said:

LOL CarolynH, there is the rewind button. I use it all the time :D.

About his shirt size, must be XXL, it is the fashion now to wear oversized tees or shirts and not tight clothing, more comfortable till the next fashion statement.


Wanted to share something about what a fan said about LMH several years ago. It was in Joonni and during the Faith drama but it was about City Hunter:-

"I took screen shots of his face, head bowed down, all covered in mud, yet the photo speaks volumes of emotions. Just how could he have shown emotions through his eyes while his face was heavily coated in mud? This is superb, incredible acting."


  Reveal hidden contents

The queen was very perceptive in realizing that CY's death wish was linked to having to protect all kings even though they might be scumbags. However she ordered him to live, recognizing that their safety depended on this very man and she also cared about him.

ES is hilarious thinking ahead on how to profit from her trip into the past :D:D. Boy, was she shocked when she realized that her psycho was the great general Choi Young.

Telling his back story, you see the young CY was not adverse to luxuries, wealth and being rewarded but he changed quickly enough when his master died at the hands of the horrible king whom he had to protect because of his promise to his master. To him, his joining the Wooldalchi must have been a punishment worse than death. It was cute to see him like a little boy and still not jaded even though they had fought hard for the country and had definitely experienced difficulties and hardships in his young life after the death of his father. (Never seen CY smile so much at one time). The death of his master at the hands of the king they were protecting, the realization that the king instead of thanking them was in fact jealous of their fame really made him world weary.

When the king still refused to set him free, saying that he had still not completed his task,. he just collapsed and lost his will to live. He wants to stay with his father and his pulse slowly fades to almost nothing. What will make him want to come back???

Have to wait for the next episode.......



Hi CallieP,  I guess that's only an XL. Oversized clothing is a necessity for autumn /winter so, I guess he's wearing a large shirt size.  An oversized shirt will work perfectly for him this season. I have to say that the over sized t-shirt style is kind of tricky if you don't know how to pull it off. ... But, LMH loves this style since I always see him in this kind of casual everyday wear since his MS.  A casual loose oversized t-shirt looks stylish. He is a champion of the look, effortlessly combining it with a pair of skinny jeans. It’s better to contrast an oversized shirt with slimmer fitted pants. :P


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@willenette He wore an oversized or at least loose fitting shirts starting from LBS. I have seen others wearing it too so  I think it must be the current trend since he is fashionable and he does like comfort. Who doesn't? :) Yeah, I can't tell if it is XL or XXL, it looks  big on him. He looks good in anything.


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1 hour ago, gtLmh0622 said:

20180904 on duty :






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Oh ! His scar is so obvious in this picture. ↓











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Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures. Ye, the scar is really visible this time since it's not covered with any make-up. :P

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10 hours ago, CallieP said:

@willenette He wore an oversized or at least loose fitting shirts starting from LBS. I have seen others wearing it too so  I think it must be the current trend since he is fashionable and he does like comfort. Who doesn't? :) Yeah, I can't tell if it is XL or XXL, it looks  big on him. He looks good in anything.



Hi CallieP, oh................so, you noticed that since LBS.....Actually, LMH I noticed that he's not really fond of wearing tight shirts, right? :P

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QUIZ: Which Minho Is Your Soulmate?



If you’re wondering which Minho is the one you’re meant to be with, this is a quiz that you were destined to take. Scroll on to find your one true Minho love!







I got the one and only Minho I know :wub:


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