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Boys Over Flowers Episode 25 (Final)


Can you believe it??  The final episode.  I look forward to all your comments and contributions!  (I've left lots for you to talk about.)  :heart:


"[Boys Before Flowers] had its weird brand of narcotic magic. If you stuck around till the end, you know what I’m talkin’ about. If you didn’t, well, you may still know what I’m talking about, even if you were never under the influence."--Javabeans


For a full recap, visit Dramabeans.  (If you couldn't watch, please read.)  :)



My comments:


The worst part:  Yu-mi.  She is insensitive, dishonest, selfish, manipulative--not qualities I look for in a friend.  Actually, I'm surprised the mighty Gu Jun-pyo let her near him at all.  I'll chalk that up to his head injury.




The best part:  Jan-di confronts Jun-pyo at poolside.  Yes, Jan-di!  I don't know if she thought she'd figured out how to break through his amnesia, but she gave a great speech and finally put her life on the line for her love.  And yes, Gu Jun-pyo!  He acted without hesitation once his memory returned.






Favorite part:  Namsan date no. 2.  A return to the bickering, fun yet serious and vulnerable and lovable.













And the last part ... the happily ever after:  This is a fairy tale fantasy, so we should expect everything to be wrapped up neatly in the end.  I love Jun-hee as the new Shinhwa chair.  




Javabeans commentary in the spoiler.  Do you agree or disagree?


Credit: Javabeans at Dramabeans


WEAKNESSES (aka, Stuff I Just Let Slide):

(1) Madam Kang’s witchy opposition. Poof, gone now? To be fair, I don’t really think it’s a logic flaw, because after Jun-pyo recovers his memory, I take it we are to assume Mama Kang gave up her opposition. It actually does make sense — there’s nothing like contributing to your son’s near-death to give you a wake-up call. But on the other hand, we didn’t see that explicitly, which might give the impression that the Jun-di reconciliation happened too easily, when goodness knows it came anything but “easily.” Not after all those episodes of separation and angst.

(2) Dr. Ji-hoo. Uh, but what about The Music? Where did his doctorly pursuits come in? I get that this probably has as much to do with his grandfather as Jan-di, but it felt random. Like it was conjured just to prove again that Ji-hoo is Jan-di’s soulmate, only now it emphasizes that they’re platonic soulmates, since they’ve remained friends even though Jun-pyo’s been away.

This leads me to:

(3) Soulmates (not to be confused with Soeulmates). I’ve never been a big fan of the “Ji-hoo is Jan-di’s soulmate” aspect. Maybe we’re all conditioned to think that soulmates are a romantic thing, and maybe I resent how much time was overwhelmingly given to the soulmate and not the actual love interest. I think Kim Hyun-joong has improved a lot over the course of the drama, but I still don’t really feel the chemistry between Ji-hoo and Jan-di. The fact that they had SO many sweet, intimate moments throughout the series and I still never jumped ship indicates just how lacking their pairing was for me.

(Intellectually, I thought Ji-hoo was better for Jan-di, but I never felt their emotional connection on a gut level, and their interactions never got me excited or giddy or otherwise invested.)


On the other hand:


(1) Callbacks, yay! I enjoyed all the revisited past moments and bits of dialogue that were injected into the finale. I’ve seen dramas do this in the past, but a lot of times they feel forced in. Boys Before Flowers surprised me by doing a good job of incorporating past lines or interactions to build the action here. It didn’t feel like a mere rehash but a natural use of these characters’ personalities.

For instance, I liked how all of Jun-pyo’s misstated sayings came back and were worked into dialogue — both in really serious scenes (the pool) and lighter, more upbeat scenes (the cable car, the beach). In some dramas, it feels like characters are suddenly altered/forced into making the ending work, but I like that this was an example of continuity done right. Done wrong, we get blatant fanservice, but done right, it’s pretty emotionally satisfying.

(2) The epilogue. The time-skip epilogue is a risky device and is sort of an easy out. Epilogues can be problematic in that they provide a “perfect” wrap-up for characters, kinda like sticking a band-aid over a more serious problem. BUT, in an over-the-top, feel-good romantic comedy like this, I’m all for it. I know there’s no such thing as a true-life Happily Ever After, but this is what I want from a giddy, lovey romance drama. The perfecter the better!

An epilogue gives us a little more time to deal with goodbyes, so we avoid the let-down feeling of a resolution that comes too quickly. I would have been sorely disappointed if we ended after the cable-car kiss — and for a few dreaded seconds, I actually thought they’d ended the drama there — but the “four years later” gave us (okay, me) that needed buffer to let myself down gradually. LOL.

(3) Soeulmates. I expressed my ambivalence about how they would wrap up, but I was pleased with their ending. I don’t think they really needed a huge finish — that would’ve taken time away from the other romance — but I like that we have hope for their future without necessarily seeing it.

The time skip works for them because they, perhaps more than Jan-di and Jun-pyo, needed to grow up and live their lives and mature some more before getting together. As much as it might have been romantic for Yi-jung to have made a big gesture at the age of 20, I wouldn’t have the hope for their future that a time skip sorta automatically takes care of.

(4) The amnesia fix. Just as I was pleasantly surprised about how the amnesia plot came about, I was pleased at how it played out.

Example: The taste thing was one part that was well tied in, because Jan-di made those foods for him in the past, and when she did, they had some significance. The first time Jun-pyo asked for those egg rollups, it was after the snowstorm. It also symbolizes something of their class differences — or rather, emphasizes the “Hey, maybe we’re not so far apart” aspect of their statuses, since Jun-pyo loves this commoner food for what it is, even though he has gourmet stuff all around. (Hey, metaphor!)

But I was glad that the taste issue alone wasn’t enough to get Jun-pyo’s memory back. Here’s where the plot diverges from Hanadan, and I was really happy with it — and frankly wished they’d diverged more often. The taste was enough to remind Jun-pyo of his newer, warm-n-fuzzy feelings, but not enough to identify all the details (like, for instance, WHO those warm-n-fuzzies were directed at).

That leads Jun-pyo to be chummy with Yumi (grrr), because he’s correlating his memory of Jan-di’s warmth (evoked by her food) with Yumi. I doubt he feels anything for Yumi specifically; it’s more like his wires got crossed so the affection he feels for Jan-di is being misdirected at Yumi.

(5) The pool. OH, the awesomeness of the pool!

Here’s why I love that Jan-di fell into the water:

(a) It proves that despite what she tells Ji-hoo, she still does have faith in Jun-pyo. At first I thought she would merely fake being in “trouble” underwater till he jumped in to save her, but she committed to her last-ditch effort so much that she was really in danger. Was it foolish? Perhaps. But it’s also evidence of how much she believed that he would come around, because even if his conscious memory can’t recall her, she believed in their other connection — that intangible, indestructible love they feel, that connection that’s so strong that forces much stronger than plain ol’ amnesia weren’t able to sever them. (Namely, Madam Kang.)

(b) I love Jan-di’s speech to Jun-pyo, because it appears that his selective amnesia (as evidenced by his belief that he can’t swim) has blocked out the past year or so. Any feelings that resemble the Newer Jun-pyo (post-Jan-di) are mostly expressed subconsciously; everything he knows and does consciously is from pre-Jan-di times. So in her speech, Jan-di speaks to the Jun-pyo who changed for/because of her. The things she tells him may not even be things he realizes concretely — they’re things he’s forgotten as well — but as she talks, he feels them resonate. He can try to deny that he knows her, but he can’t deny the truth of her insight into his character, and that scares the bejeebus out of him.

(c) And most importantly, Jan-di’s jump into the pool forces Jun-pyo’s subconscious to act. Sure, all throughout the episode, Jan-di (or F3) could have told Jun-pyo the truth of their relationship, but it would’ve done little good to merely announce, “Hey, I’m your girlfriend, you idiot!” Maybe it would have helped, but it wouldn’t have provided the jolt that would return the rest of his memory — not like a good ol’ scare to the subconscious could, anyway.




There are lots of flaws to pick at if you want to, but for me BOF is hugely entertaining.  It changed my life.  It introduced me to Lee Min-ho.  And life is better with LMH!  :rolleyes:




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I too cant’ believe that we’re in the farewell episode. @1ouiseThank you chingu for your comments:)


The pool scene was brilliantly played by both the actors and it was breathtakingly beautiful too. Jandi described what kind of a person Jun Pyo was, the way she knew him. She gave him an ultimatum by drowning herself in the pool trusting in the love that they shared, trusting that it would trigger his memories so that he could save her...Jun Pyo was shocked in disbelief for a moment and then his memories of Jandi came flooding back .  And they madly fell in love with each other all over again. Woah! I cannot help but cry every time I watch this scene. I don’t know about CPR but I think he gave her the kiss of life.:wub:


JP: Scare a person like that again you’ll really be a dead


Yess, that’s very much like Gu Jun Pyo.


Yay to having a date at Namsan tower again. It’s nice to see the JunDi moments being brought back full circle towards the end. Loved how Jun Pyo trapped Jandi against his car and asked for a date and she did not hear  him just like in episode 4. Bwahaha.



Their conversation at the cable car was a mixture of amusement and sadness, especially I liked the part where she stressed her independence. And it’s funny how he made sure that she cannot marry anyone else because of his scribbles.:lol:


JP:You just need to marry me. Who else are you going to marry?":D






It was so nice to see mama Kang taking care of papa Gu. It’s safe to assume that she lost her ability to control Jun Pyo after he got into an accident and that left our JunDi couple to live happily ever after without anymore threats of separation. I’m happy that Jun Pyo came back as an amazing man and Jandi also tried to fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor.  Jun Pyo’s proposal to Jandi is simply beautiful and the objection of the F3 was adorable because I always thought that JunDi couple needed their blessings. The 5 of them looking out into the sunset portrayed the love and friendship that bonded them together.







I met Lee Minho through BOF and Gu Jun Pyo and BOF are a part of my life. This drama has lots of memorable moments to laugh about, cry about, spazz about and fall in love with. Sharing my thoughts on BOF with y'all has been a truly wonderful experience.  I don’t know if another drama would inspire me to write so passionately again, the same way. That said, I’d like to thank all my chingus for  re- watching BOF together with me.


Photo /video Cr . Min Hee/ Thank you/ Korea Nice/ as tagged/ owner


BTS videos inside spoiler


cr meoluvdenmituti

cr Lita Alfionita Part 1

cr Unea

cr Siidudul




cr as tagged/owner

Cr goodboysr


From BOF wrap up party



cr as tagged/owner

cr Springfury

Cr Duong Do

Cr InsomniaticIS


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Final episode! Now I see why Boys over Flowers has often been one of the recommended must-watch kdramas of all time. And I aIso see why LMH is often the first kdrama crush of fans whose first kdrama is BOF.


The part of this series which i dislike the most is Junpyo having amnesia and choosing the deceptive and manipulative Yumi over Jandi. I got a slight relief when Junpyo got disappointed with the different taste of the rolled eggs, but Yumi still managed to turn things around easily with Junpyo's still-messed-up memory. But I'm glad he got back his memory soon. In a dramatic way at that. While I was agonizing about the amnesia and Yumi thing, I wondered how the BOF's plot would be on Junpyo recovering his memory. I say, the swimming pool scene was a brilliant way to do just that. The previous "reenactments" that F3 and Jandi did to make Junpyo remember may not have worked, but put him in a stressful, life and death situation, and the wires in his brain would start to get their act together. As he remembers from pre-Jandi times, he can't swim, but during Jandi times, he actually learned to swim for her. And that remarkable experience was enough to make him remember her.




I like that they came back where they spent their first night together. Too sweet of Junpyo to rekindle that night. And funny of them bickering over the note he wrote. I like that, instead of them getting married immediately, they agreed to better themselves in their own chosen fields. The story could have ended with the two getting married and flying off to America, in which case, Jandi could have only been in the shadow of chaebol Junpyo. But treading their own chosen paths would lead to more mature versions of themselves, and eventually to a more mature relationship.




It's interesting how the story paid tribute to the characters of F3 by way of a dance with Jandi. I also like that Junhui is now Chairwoman. And Mama Kang now looks tamed with her husband. I wonder where she was the whole time Junpyo had amnesia. And where was she when somebody needed to break the relationship of Junpyo and Yumi? Haha. I also wonder how the family got away with Junpyo's father being alive all this time.


Jihoo really is Jandi's soulmate, in a platonic way. Maybe if Jihoo's grandfather was not a doctor, he still would pursue a degree in medicine because of Jandi. Lucky her. Having a soulmate from the heavens and an awesome boyfriend at the same time.


Proposal by the beach. Perfect way to make their love story come in full circle in the (same?) place where Jandi finally confessed her love for Junpyo. And of course, it would not be complete without the F3.




I truly enjoyed the rewatch of BOF. Our comments made me appreciate the series more, especially the acting skills of LMH. And of course, it's fun to watch the series which catapulted him to hallyu king status. Thanks, chingus! :D





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Did not like Yumi, though she is pretty and looks sweet and nice, she is just trying to steal GJP for herself, probably loves his wealth and status too.

Comment about the second male. I do feel sorry for Ji Hoo, but he loves Jan Di enough that her happiness means more to him than his own happiness and he cares for his friend GJP too. I hope he gets a love of his own one day after GYP and Jan Di marries. :):tongue::wub:


Yes, this is the final episode of one of the most popular Kdramas that introduced many foreign fans to Korean dramas, and to catapult LMH into hallyu status and is still loved by millions today. Someone said that his fans could cover a small kingdom. BOF has a lot of corny and eyebrow raising scenes but it also has a charm that attracts viewers to want to watch it. LMH has a lot to do with it. Watching it again made me appreciate his acting. His changing expressions in his various scenes entertain and gains him many new fans. He carried the whole drama. Without him, I am guessing that BOF might not have had the staying power till today. It was great to watch it again together.

Thank you Caroline, Minekas, syntheche and 1louise for hosting the drama. Did I miss anyone else? Had fun and now on to Personal Taste.

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Thank you @1ouise for your post and comments.  Thank you also to @minekas, @syntyche@gtLmh0622 and @CallieP

for your comments!



Why isn't GJP annoyed with Yu Mi as he is with Jandi?  Yu Mi has no shame pretending that she made the lunchbox.  Why does she like GJP?  I'm not sure I figured that out.  Why did Jandi think GJP would be any happier to see him now that he has been discharged.  Did Yu Mi invite Jandi to tea to make her envious of their relationship.  Wasn't she afraid GJP would remember Jandi.  I cannot feel sympathy for Jandi since she is the one who broke up with GJP.  Ick!  I don't like Yu Mi.  What kind of family is Yu Mi from?  Why doesn't President Kang object to their relationship?  Who bought Jandi the dress that she wore to GJP and Yu Mi's party?  Ji Hoo?  I did like the pool scene where Jandi reminded GJP of everything they shared.  LOL, I love the reenactment of GJP asking jandi on a date, his words drowned out by a motorcycle this time.  I totally missed it when I've watched the drama.  I like how, at shin hwa's grad party, that Jandi described each of the F4. I also like how Jun Hee became President of Shin hwa.  Don't you guys think LMH looked so cute/sweet  in the interview?  I do like the ending for the Soeulmates.  One thing that I do like about Jandi is that she wanted to make it on her own and not rely on a man/GJP when it would have been the easy way out.  LOL, I love how GJP arrived in the helicopter just how he first appeared in the drama.  One thing that I would have liked more from Jandi, to express her feeling toward GJP.  I would have liked to know what happened to Woo Bin.  What did he decide to do?  I actually felt a bit sad watching the last minute of the drama.  When I first started following LMH, I wasn't overly excited to watch BOF--maybe it was the hair, but I ended up enjoying it much more than I imagined.  IMO, it's easy to see how LMH was the first K crush for many.  For me, it was one of his strongest performances.  


Favorite episode:  tied between 13 (the Macau break up) and 24 (Even though it's not LMH, I really really enjoyed the performance of President Kang at the hospital)


Favorite character:  President Kang hands down (other than the obvious!)


What I would have changed:  More of Jun Hee.  She was 2nd on my favorite character list.  I also would have like more Woo Bin and less Soeulmates.  



Good bye BOF, Hello PT!

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Before I forget, and we move to PT, I want to thank the hosts for BOF @minekas, @1ouise, @syntyche, @kris silva, and @moonrain.  Also, thanks to @leeminhosny for her gifs and @CallieP for providing her comments.  Onward to PT where myself, @syntyche and @minekas are the hosts.  I know there are quite a few CFs LMh completed between the end of BOF and PT, so those can be posted this week along with the press con for PT.  


cr:  Milkeejay

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22 hours ago, CarolynH said:

Thank you @1ouise for your post and comments.  Thank you also to @minekas, @syntyche@gtLmh0622 and @CallieP

for your comments!



Why isn't GJP annoyed with Yu Mi as he is with Jandi?  Yu Mi has no shame pretending that she made the lunchbox.  Why does she like GJP?  I'm not sure I figured that out.  Why did Jandi think GJP would be any happier to see him now that he has been discharged.  Did Yu Mi invite Jandi to tea to make her envious of their relationship.  Wasn't she afraid GJP would remember Jandi.  I cannot feel sympathy for Jandi since she is the one who broke up with GJP.  Ick!  I don't like Yu Mi.  What kind of family is Yu Mi from?  Why doesn't President Kang object to their relationship?  Who bought Jandi the dress that she wore to GJP and Yu Mi's party?  Ji Hoo?  I did like the pool scene where Jandi reminded GJP of everything they shared.  LOL, I love the reenactment of GJP asking jandi on a date, his words drowned out by a motorcycle this time.  I totally missed it when I've watched the drama.  I like how, at shin hwa's grad party, that Jandi described each of the F4. I also like how Jun Hee became President of Shin hwa.  Don't you guys think LMH looked so cute/sweet  in the interview?  I do like the ending for the Soeulmates.  One thing that I do like about Jandi is that she wanted to make it on her own and not rely on a man/GJP when it would have been the easy way out.  LOL, I love how GJP arrived in the helicopter just how he first appeared in the drama.  One thing that I would have liked more from Jandi, to express her feeling toward GJP.  I would have liked to know what happened to Woo Bin.  What did he decide to do?  I actually felt a bit sad watching the last minute of the drama.  When I first started following LMH, I wasn't overly excited to watch BOF--maybe it was the hair, but I ended up enjoying it much more than I imagined.  IMO, it's easy to see how LMH was the first K crush for many.  For me, it was one of his strongest performances.  


Favorite episode:  tied between 13 (the Macau break up) and 24 (Even though it's not LMH, I really really enjoyed the performance of President Kang at the hospital)


Favorite character:  President Kang hands down (other than the obvious!)


What I would have changed:  More of Jun Hee.  She was 2nd on my favorite character list.  I also would have like more Woo Bin and less Soeulmates.  



Good bye BOF, Hello PT!


Yes, I was wondering why President Kang did not object to Yumi. She must be well off though but not GJP standards as she could afford to go to the US but not accepted at  ShinHwa though so she is not up to that level. The ShinHwa party was sort of small and dull though. What happened to the three Musketeers of ShinHwa. They were in Jan Di's class but not at the graduation???

Yes, I agree that it is one of his strongest performances in the sense that he showed a great acting range here. GJP gave him the opportunity to do so. Some of his other dramas did not so you don't get to see a whole range of emotions. Heirs was one of them. Faith was another since he had to be stoic most of the time. It was the role not his acting prowess though.

Thanks KrisSilva and Moonrain for hosting as well. I missed you the first time.


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1 hour ago, CallieP said:


Yes, I was wondering why President Kang did not object to Yumi. She must be well off though but not GJP standards as she could afford to go to the US but not accepted at  ShinHwa though so she is not up to that level. The ShinHwa party was sort of small and dull though. What happened to the three Musketeers of ShinHwa. They were in Jan Di's class but not at the graduation???

Yes, I agree that it is one of his strongest performances in the sense that he showed a great acting range here. GJP gave him the opportunity to do so. Some of his other dramas did not so you don't get to see a whole range of emotions. Heirs was one of them. Faith was another since he had to be stoic most of the time. It was the role not his acting prowess though.

Thanks KrisSilva and Moonrain for hosting as well. I missed you the first time.


I think the Three Musketeers disappeared after one committed suicide.  Yes, Kim Tan was mopey most of the time.  I guess I found it tolerable because I thought he looked good and he was in a lot of the scenes.  I hope LMh finds another role like GJP after MS.


@gtLmh0622:  Wow, his hair is really short.  I wonder if it's in preparation for his 4 week basic training?  :bawling:

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On 11/3/2017 at 1:36 PM, gtLmh0622 said:



English translation by Naver :

It's a blog about the lives of famous people in Nigeria, and the blogs about their inspiration.

There's Austin Media.

The Austin media received the Best Actress Award for the 2017 Best Entertainment Award.

This blog is run by a journalist named Nigerian man.

This place tells stories of celebrities.

Most of them are soccer players or soccer players.

Just one Asian and one Korean.

An article titled ' Lee Min-ho and the Four Worlds ' came up.

In fact, he said that he had a dream that he had a soccer player when he was in elementary school, and he played soccer in elementary school.

I thought I had to start acting in high school.

I went to college and played a minor role.

Then he became famous for promoting fame in Korea and Asia by playing the role of a male lion rather than a flower.

City Hunter, God, Legend of the Blue Sea, the heartates.

Bountiful Hunters, Gangnam, Gangnam, etc.

He was awarded the Best Actress Award for the Best Actress Award than the flowers.

In 2014, he received awards for the award as a premier art minister.

In October 2014, he released a song for his fans.

Lee is currently one of the most influential figures on the Net in Korea.

Talking about Minho in detail.

Although we know everything,

This is a piece of text that informs people about Lee in detail and introducing them to the people of Nigeria.

Thank you so much, and I want to know how much you want to know about Lee in Nigeria.


Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing the translation. NICE to know that even in Nigeria they're interested about LMH there. :tongue:

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1 hour ago, gtLmh0622 said:

More pictures for 20171106 on duty, please keep on not hoodies, hardly to see his whole face recently. He cut his hair. :tongue:






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cr Logo/ Ervyjuliawira



gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures. Ye, LMH trimmed his hair. :tongue:

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Re-watch of Personal Taste


Hello chingus,  we @CarolynH  @syntyche  and myself minekas are back together again for the re-watch of Personal Taste(PT) starting from 12th November. PT is a story about a furniture designer, Park  Kae In (Son Ye Jin)who lives together with architect Jeon Jin Ho (Lee Minho) under the misunderstanding that he is gay. To get y’all chingus psyched up for the re-watch of PT I’m sharing a few introductory links.  Any volunteers who is  willing to host at least one episode of PT please let us know.:)




# Prayer ceremony





# Press Conference






# Interviews





# Poster shoot



# Choco's visit at PT shooting location



# Other Links












Cr as tagged/owners

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1 hour ago, minekas said:

Re-watch of Personal Taste


Hello again chingus,  we @CarolynH  @syntyche  and myself minekas are back together again for the re-watch of Personal Taste(PT) starting from 12th November. PT is a story about a furniture designer, Park  Kae In who lives together with architect Jeon Jin Ho under the misunderstanding that he is gay. To get y’all chingus psyched up for the re-watch of PT I’m sharing a few introductory links.  Any volunteers who is  willing to host at least one episode of PT please let us know.:)


# Prayer ceremony



# Press Conference


  Reveal hidden contents



# Interviews


  Reveal hidden contents



# Poster shoot


# Choco's visit at PT shooting location


  Reveal hidden contents



# Other Links












Cr as tagged/owners


Hi minekas, how I missed this drama.  I love this drama & I enjoyed watching this. It’s a good drama for me. I got so close to loving it so many times since I’ve watched it for 2x.  LMH was dashing and charming in the drama. I liked his character here. In conclusion, for those who haven’t watched the drama yet, I encourage to watch it though, especially if you’re Lee Min Ho’s fan, I think this is one of his best dramas, and since I’ve seen them all. :tongue:

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Our bb looks so pretty today, so I would like to post more pictures. And according to China Fan Club's official Weibo account, LMH Knew what fans complained about (his hoodies), he didn't wear hoodies these two days, but please accept his face mask.










Those smiling big eyes. :heart:






Is this the fasion ? Cute !! :lol:






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