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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Guest guadi

sia3 said: @guadi
Imma is not ruined in that department. Imma has got tons of space in hard drive to save him and other biases, too. >:) It's called upgrade! BWAHAHA! But I cannot guarantee that for the others in here. ;)) I think he needs a haircut though... he's letting loose a little lately without any project at hand. :)) I can see the face getting rounder. Please don't let fat choi returns, Min Ho-ya. LOL! Can't wait for him to get back on-screen coz he'll start working out and all, but jaebal, be a mighty good one with depth.

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Guest guadi

@sia3 So I am forever jealous that you've seen GB before me 

Wanna share how your date with Gangster Jong-dae went?

Here's your reward. Better claim it now!

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I too wish LMH would do a movie and drama this year and must admit that I am disappointed with this news.  Maybe if enough fans on FB asks him to, he might rethink his decision and look for a good movie to star in.

Whether Heirs is panned by critics or others, it was a huge hit. He made the right choice to do it. He is more popular now because of it. He even managed to look  younger and credible as a high school student.

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Holy richard simmons, you ssibal gisaeggi .... LOLLLLLLL
Sawrrryyy, I learnt the swearing from my date with Kim Jong Dae =))
First off, claimed the RS and the round bum! Aigoooo why so adorable?! :x

It was really a 1-on-1 date with him :)) So funny that there's absolutely no one in the theater, but me! Lee Min Hot all to myself, can y'all imagine? However, before that the funny thing was the counter asked me for my ID, bwahahaha. I gave her a puzzled look, and she apologetically said to me, 'It's a R18+'. :))

Okay, overall I would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10 because of its cinematography and the action scenes are quite well done. Extreeemely violent and I must pressed that this really isn't the type of genre for me, so it will not be a movie I would say I liked or will want to rewatch many times. It is made for male audiences more than females. The female characters in there are merely tools for the men to achieve what they want. The way it's being expressed on-screen is so male oriented and rough, lacking the soft or gentleness we usually see in the drama he had done (or written by a female script writer for example). Even the supposedly sex scenes or kiss scenes etc. come across as just plain 'sex' and releasing sexual desire between the people. It is indeed very very different. Luckily the scenes that I dreaded went by quite quickly, heh! *Phew*

The problem with movie is that there isn't enough time to tell the story of a character in depth, so after watching GB, I had wished I got to know more of Kim Jong Dae and especially Yong Gi (Kim Rae Won), and also Jong Dae's times with his new found family. Yong Gi and new found family were not given enough screen time for their own stories. If you hadn't asked me to translate their interviews last time, I think I might not understand Yong Gi's personality as much, and come across as just another villain. What do you think @shengvang?

Were you the one who told me there will be abs? You liedddddddd.... :((

Oh, I love the rag picker look LMH wore. I actually thought he looked more handsome than later he got cleaned up, LOL. Wait, that's not a good thing, right? But it's not like that, it just....feels refreshing to see him in a NEW look. A look I have never seen before since he is always looking mighty clean, rich or prince-like in dramas.

I think he has done a fairly good job in this movie :) - YAY! And you were correct, his eyes have been bling bling in the movie! There was one scene where he was in the dark, sitting in the car, and WOAH - his crystal clear eyes just lights up the screen. Is this special effects or something?? :)) But yeah, it was great watching him emote, although I had wished there was more. Sometimes, I feel, I am still seeing the familiar LMH from the drama and not really Kim Jong Dae. It's hard to be sure of it with one watch because like others said, it is a movie that requires another re-watch in order to take in all the other details, or more and lots to digest.

Other little things I noticed was he really really put in a lot in the action scenes. Watching him kick hurts my heart a little because 99.99% of the time he kicks with his left leg; this just led me to wonder just how bad his right leg is that he can't even film most of his kicking scenes with that leg. What else? Well, kissing beast isn't fully utilise in here, and now I find myself wonder with who his bed scene was cut. :)) I don't wanna see him in sex scene, but I wouldn't say no to seeing him making out as it does seem like the plot would have been better and added extra Omph if he had displayed his affection/desire for whom-I-shall-not-named (for you to watch it yourself).

I hated the fact that the subtitles do not properly sub the names. They use Jong Dae and Yong Gi names, but all others they used family name. So it's like Suh or Park or Ki... that's annoying and lazy subbing. However, I shall not complain coz poor Maja will cry :))

Okay, that's all I have to spazz about because the general storyline and its development requires rewatch.

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Guest guadi

CallieP said:

I too wish LMH would do a movie and drama this year and must admit that I am disappointed with this news.  Maybe if enough fans on FB asks him to, he might rethink his decision and look for a good movie to star in.

Whether Heirs is panned by critics or others, it was a huge hit. He made the right choice to do it. He is more popular now because of it. He even managed to look  younger and succeed as a high school student.

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Guest guadi

@sia3 - awesome \m/ 
Thank you for your review. I'm so desperate, at this point I'm willing to watch it raw, but grrrrrr that's not even an option at this point! I'm actually surprised I haven't heard anything about video on demand; they probably are waiting for it to release in other countries :-? 
Jinja? You were more attracted to rag picking Jong-dae than his clean up version? How??? LOL. Kidding aside, spoiler: I've actually heard from a few critics that the childhood portion was the best part of the movie. I guess it's a good thing, the C-version will be focusing more on the family. More tender Jong-dae and Young-gi hopefully :-?
I didn't lie about the abs! All the built-up pre-production was about how hard he trained his body, so I just assumed there would be abs involved :))

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alovebof said: Thank you~ he is so cute ^^
I have another question starhuas posted on twitter.I hope someone translated ^^"
Lee Minho (이민호) 청춘! 이라는 주제로 팬들과 만남을 갖는 배우 이민호! <이민호의 청춘어록 "1"> 이민호: 청춘이란 많은 시행착오를 겪으며 무언가를 찾아가는 시기다!

Lee Minho (이민호) 청춘! 이라는 주제로 팬들과 만남을 갖는 배우 이민호! <이민호의 청춘어록 "2"> 이민호: 스트레스를 푸는 유일한 방법은 잠이다!

Lee Minho (이민호) 청춘! 이라는 주제로 팬들과 만남을 갖는 배우 이민호! <이민호의 청춘어록> "3" 이성의 외모를 보지 않는다. "4" 숨이 턱 막히는 외로움을 느껴봤다. "5" 오래 간직하고 싶은 책이 되고 싶다.

Lee Minho (이민호) 청춘! 이라는 주제로 팬들과 만남을 갖는 배우 이민호! <이민호의 청춘어록 "2015"> 1. 올해는 꼭, 두 작품을 더 하고싶다! 2. 긍정적 마인드 (지금의 감정은... http://fb.me/1ZVxKwE83 

Thank you ^^"

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Guest prosperity

@sia3, for some reason I enjoyed reading your review because of how unbiased it is. I am so jealous that you had the chance to watch. 
@zinnia, so he is still wanting to do 2 projects this year, he just hasn't found a movie script that he loves yet? 

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I am listening to OST of Gangnam 1970 now. I can't count how many times I watched it precisely. About 20 times I guess. I'm sure other K-Minoz watched it more than me. I saw some fans held screening events for Minoz only here and there(Seoul and other cities). I heard some Minoz went to the cinema to watch GB this morning, too.

Listening to the OST, I can recall the scenes where the musics were played.

I guess this is the reason I can't agree with some people here.

Like other K-Minoz I'm basking in GB and still in love with Kim Jong Dae, so I can't let him go, yet.

We(K-Minoz) are in the middle of saying goodbye to him now. ㅠㅠ

I watched GB as many times as possible, and I enjoyed it to the fullest though the movie left something to be desired.

Therefore, I am not urgent to ask him to choose his next project at once because come on, his latest project is still running. Possibly after a month or two, I-fans will be able to watch it on their computer screen.

I just want him to decide his next project when he finds 'the one' for him no matter what others say.

And about the HK concert, I don't know the behind-the-scenes story, but I guess it just can be a delayed one from the global tour last year because of the politically unstable situation in HK last year because I read some news about people's protest for democracy(or something like that) in HK then. I saw the promotional posters in HK in DC the other day, and it's the same with those used in the global tour last year. It's just my two cents, though.

And I find no wrong in his concert, because Minho said meeting his fans directly in fan meetings and concerts regenerates his energy.

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:-h hello soompi Minoz !
Thanks @sia3 for your review. I think most reviews are consistent in saying that the story is too ambitions. And like @guadi, I too am jealous that you got to see Minho in the big screen.  I sent a message, thru FB, to Dreamwest a couple of weeks back and they confirmed that there are no plans for now of any NYC screening of GB.   :((I guess I have to watch it online. Dramafever mentioned (in this article) that they will have it available by April. 
Thanks @guadi and @zinnia for sharing your opinions on the matter of Minho's acting projects. I think we Minoz are just greedy to see him back with a new film or drama. I know most fans haven't seen GB which is why they miss him and feel that he is more busy with CF's/concerts than doing acting projects. Also, he didn't have a drama last year and we were spoiled with a drama each year (2009 thru 2013). But we have to understand that he did work on the film for most of 2014. He is also reviewing all the scripts that are sent to him so that eats a lot of his time. That, plus the 30+ endorsements he has now and the fan meetings. So our boy is pretty busy.  As @zinnia said, meeting with fans is necessary for him to re-energize and be inspired and motivated to do well on his next project. So we just have to be patient I guess and hope that the next acting project happens sooner.    

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@guadi, I was just saying, I myself would not ask him on Facebook or even contact him in any way. :)  It is just that he will have to do MS soon, maybe even next year so if we can get more now, it will be great.

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HAHAHA, fly to LA and watch it! I'd just wait for the DVD actually. It was great being able to see LMH on a big screen cinema with fantastic sound effects, but since this movie needs to be rewatched, somehow I feel it'll be better if you watch on DVD and replay a scene any time you want. Yeah, I am definitely more attracted to rag picking Jong Dae! It's like having dirt on his face can't hide his charisma, and it enhanced the handsomeness even more. Once he cleaned up & wore the suit - the appeal left me and I find myself picking on his hairstyle etc. It's so random. How weird is that?!

Eh?! How is that so? There weren't even much of the rag picking or childhood portion in the movie :( So they are going to put more of that in the Chinese version, for sure? I don't know how China's view on the violence part, but if it can be passed through then I think all of the violent scenes can stay, but take out all the sex scenes. In my opinion, they aren't exactly significant that it must be in it, and there are other ways to imply those scenes without showing it, really.

*side-eyeing* you on the abs. You got my hopes up, and I was looking forward to that shower scene. Hmph!

Hey girl! >:D< How have you been?!
I thought you were going to fly to Korea to watch it? Wait for DVD if it isn't shown near you. You can replay/rewind it to your heart's content. :) That was my trouble when watching it. I couldn't rewind to catch everything, but then it isn't a movie I love it so much that I would want to rewatch in the cinema. Mianhe, Min Hot. :P

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Guest leesooyoung

I somehow agree with you chingus, his management is focusing on his endorsements for awhile now, his last kdrama was heirs, maybe they forgot that Minhossi gained millions of fans because of his previous acting career on kdrama such as personal taste, bof, cityhunter, faith and heirs, Gb is a bonus for us inpite of his busy sched on his tours and concerts he's still able to shoot the film. For me, he should pursue his planned drama projects, Im sure there's one good drama prepared for him, way so good that us Minoz supports him all the way but his management should be sensitive enough that we have been waiting for a new drama of Minhossi, maybe they should attend everything in balance because we are willing to support him all the way just please hear our desires.

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Summary of Samsonite Red talk concert video clip Part 1 by HunkyDory on P. 2391.

0:30 Greeting. He said "It feels that it's been quite a long time to hold an event in Korea. Nice to meet you." The MC led the fans to cheer and shout his name.

0:50 When Minho tried to sit down, the MC stopped him and mentioned Minho brought a Samsonite Red backpack to the stage and complimented what a desirable attitude he has as a brand endorser. The MC asked Minho to boast the bag.

1:03 Minho said "First of all, the happiest thing that I've got since I became an endorser of Samsonite Red is that everywhere I went I could see the giant billboard of it. I saw it in the Philippines the other day, and I saw it in HK last week, too. I'm glad that my fans seem to be very pleased with it."

1:31 The MC saw the backpack Minho carried looks full of something and asked Minho what he carried in it. Minho answered that he carried something to give to the fans attending there at the end of the event.

1:48 The MC complimented Minho is the best brand endorser and the best fan-loving star.

2:00 The MC commented that whenever he meets with Minho, Minho always looks so good-looking, not-ever-aging, his shiny skin or something like that and asked what he's thinking about it. And Minho shyly said "I have nothing particular to speak." Some fans shouted Minho is an elf and they laughed together.

2:45 The MC said Minho is loved by not only his looks but also his acting skills. He mentioned GB, said Minho received good responses, and asked Minho how he felt. Minho said "Unlike dramas, movies is the genre that people remember for quite a long time. I think it's meaningful that I started it as a lead. And I'm glad that fans can watch it whenever they want to. I think it will be a meaningful project for me for a very long time."

3:27 The MC asked "All of you guys here watched it, didn't you? How many times did you watch it?" The fans shouted their answers. [i can recognize only a voice shouting 20 times at that.]

3:38 The MC said "This character was the poorest one in your filmography. Didn't you feel awkward to act in the beginning after you took on a role of a chaebol's heir?"

3:47 Minho said "I have been poor myself before, so I didn't feel awkward to act a poor character." and he laughed. "I acted recalling the time when I was poor."

4:00 The MC said that GB will be released in China in March and many Chinese fans have anticipated it, mentioning over the 1 billion search counts of GB. Minho said "I have been to the Philippines lately, and I know GB will be released there on the 4th March, too. I'm happy to see GB is released in many other Asian countries. I hope GB will be watched as much as its search counts in China."

4:43 The MC said many foreign fans are attending there and introduced Minho in English.

4:59 Minho said jokingly "A lot of foreign fans came to Korea with me in the same flight yesterday."

5:15 The MC asked Minho to greet them in English. And the fans shouted together his typical English greeting "Hello Eveyone..." ^^

5:40 The MC said "Before we met Mr Lee Min Ho, the fans here are all young people so..." And Minho laughed and pretended that he's surprised and joked "Excuse me? Did I hear it wrong?" All the fans laughed out loud and some fans jokingly protested.

5:50 The MC said "Let's pretend the fans here are all young people. Only their minds are young. Because there are many young people, we talked about 'youth'. I asked them to choose between the two."

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Thank you @Zinnia for the summary, lovely to be able to be one with the Minho,  as it's so frustrating looking at his beautiful face, heartfelt smiles/laughs and sparkly eyes without being able to know the secret behind what makes them so when he speaks :) 
To all the other ladies sharing all the lovely bum/hair/face gems THANK YOU, you keep making my day with all those treasures!  >:D<
Also this part " 3:47 Minho said "I have been poor myself before, so I didn't feel awkward to act a poor character." and he laughed. "I acted recalling the time when I was poor." AWWW  =((
ETA: @Sia3 I read your review, yes that genre isn't for the delicate lady fans. I've seen Dirty Carnival before and I could tell the type of film GB would be by watching that. It's your typical Asian gangster movie "ala the Godfather trilogy" ..Female fans will definitely not find the soft/loving nurturing type of character in those. It will gain him many male fans as it caters to that demographic and I'm sure as much as he adores his female fans he's also interested in showing the guys out there that he's more than just a great kisser or a kissing beast as you all so fondly call him :) It's very important for a seasoned actor to win both the female and male fan hearts and I think our darling boy has chosen very wisely. 
The 2015 Drama/film etc all I'll say is that I trust him, and enjoy him and whatever he chooses will definitely be great and without a doubt memorable and entertaining. So I'm waiting and hoping for all kinds of GREATNESS to come from our gorgeous babe! 
I'll go on to vouch for the Heirs being the drama that I watched most recently and fell in love with Minho MORE SO than any other although he was equally fabulous in everything he was in (I'll say that I've managed to watch Mackerel run and he was so so damn adorable in it, too bad it was botched in the end and I feel there was so much left it didn't cover since it was cut short :(
Those "wannabes" who panned and critique The Heirs harshly have no clue what they're talking about...The level of maturity on that website is that of a bunch of 3 year olds who hate an actor simply because he played a hateful character! EXCUTE ME WUT?? Do you expect an actor to only play standup guys, moral character, perfectly harmonious roles or else you'll disregard him as a bad guy and won't want to watch anything else he's in? Well too bad for those idiots they are missing out on such a wonderful guy and actor that is LeMinHo since they can't really see past their biases and simple mindedness...
That's all I'll say about ppl who panned and discredited Heirs as a bad drama, when it was nothing but...It was complex, touching, painful but eye opening, and everyone in it (without exception) gave a wonderful performance that left me feeling fulfilled and satisfied as a drama watcher. GO HEIRS, YOU ROCK!  

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