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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Loveeeeed him in City Hunter, so I hope he does a City Hunter sequel. 
The Heirs seems really generic, but I don't doubt that Min Ho will bring life to it, if given the chance with a good script.

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Guest shantipriya

I really am getting a nose-bleed.................

Ya! Dongsaeng-ah! turn your hotness down a notch! Noona is an old gal and might get a heart attack!

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[breaking News / Rumour?]

Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin are the two said confirmed to record for Running Man at 6-7am tomorrow morning, 1st October.

HeirsKoreanDrama, Weibo, Twitter, FB.
Is it true or not? Not too sure but the minoz seems certain and are excited. Haha we shall find out more tomorrow!
Lee Min Ho has never gone on variety show before, I'm shocked...

Lee Min Ho in USA

credit: as tagged
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@ilwoo_aein - >:D<  Chingu! I hope you had a great day. Mine just started :-)

I play an active role in my children's lives and for the most part, I think that my husband and I have done a decent job in raising and guiding them. They're into KPOP, KIdols, KDrama, KCuisine, KCulture...etc. My daughter is even taking Korean as an elective in University. So with the exception of my husband, we are very much into all things Korean :-) Thanks for calling me a cool Mom, I hear it from my kids' friends all the time. :\">

I wish I had the time to check all the sites dedicated to LMH, however I'm quite satisfied choosing only a few. So far I've been pleased with my choices. :-)

I'm still on Episode 1 of Heartstrings. My daughter told me that PSH & that actor/idol from Heartstrings has a huge fanbase. I'm curious to see their chemisty. I'll let you know how it goes. I may also try to finish FBND which I found appealing.

Chingu...you and I with kidnapped LMH, Ilwoo and KB would be dangerous, but so be it. I would gladly spend jail time for them....LOL. >:)

I can't hardly wait for October 9th....I wake up almost everyday asking myself, Is it October 9th yet? haha

Gotta go for now too....my 1st client of the day is here. I hope you're having sweet dreams as I'm typing this post.

Take care Chingu. :-)

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Guest Humanseoul

berliansiahaan said: LEE MINHO SEMIR F/W The Flavour of Winter,cr.to the owner,,,

@LorenHaze,he is not as charm as we thought. Smiled to those he knew well,but we're all like that & he's very moody person & as I said,none perfect,including stars But most important,he do his best on his works.
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Guest jjsweeter0211

Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk Explode with Charisma in ‘The Heirs’

Caught in a cold stare off, Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk met at an almond farm in Los Angeles for SBS’ The Heirs

Playing Kim Tan, the heir of Empire Group, Lee Min Ho exchanged strong glances with Choi Jin Hyuk, the competitive CEO of Empire Group, Kim Won. As Choi Jin Hyuk watched Lee Min Ho with a pitiful look, Lee Min Ho stared back with an indifferent and cold face.


The filming of the scene took place on September 8 at an almond farm located in Los Angeles. The scene opened with a fancy party on the farm as Lee Min Ho began to act as the lonely Kim Tan with pain in his heart. Choi Jin Hyuk dipped into a darker side, showing glimpses of Kim Won, the Empire Group CEO. 

The two actors talked about the emotional scene with director Kang Shin Hyo and checked every detail, showing their passion in the drama. 

“The time difference and transition from place to place has been difficult, but I did my best for the filming,” said Choi Jin Hyuk. “The weather was quite hot, but I think a good scene will come out from this so I’m glad.”

“Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk as the charisma kings had the set fired up. Despite the hot weather and busy schedules, the staff members were touched by Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk, who worked through all difficulties to create the best scene and even consoled the staff working hard.”

The Heirs will air on October 9. 

Photo Credit: Hwa and Dam Pictures


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Guest shantipriya

I've always expected that he'd be moody and cranky- it's natural, especially for a cancerian. I've already said that he's highly emotional and that there's an entire hurricane of thoughts and emotions in his head, fighting to surface. I think the good news is that his moods change fast- he might be angry now and 5 minutes later he'd be acting as if nothing happened, but let that not fool you- he remembers EVERYTHING. it's like a data storage and every person he ever met has a personal file there. when he sees you, he opens that file and bases his actions towards you on what he recorded in it- it's a good quality generally, when it doesn't go to excess- to each their own. I believe I said earlier that he's hiding he's Diva-side LOL we're all like that- sometimes we're happy and cheerful, sometimes we suck as humans, and act all arrogant and out of it. sometimes we even take it out on people who have no link whatsoever to the cause of our mood. he also said numerous times that he's not perfect and that he has his bad sides- maybe we should listen to the bad things he says about himself and conclude that it's not reverse psychology- only to make people say "naaaah, what are you saying? you ARE perfect!". I also think he's quite vain- remember how offended he got when someone placed his picture on some plastic surgery clinic? exactly... or his reaction to the interviewer who said some other k-pop star got 100% face-match with him LOL I wonder what are his dark sides though - everyone has them haha he does seem like a man who knows his own value (as we say here- IDK if the expression is the same in english) and there's nothing wrong with that. if one doesn't, people will take advantage of you (and I know I should take my own advice). in the same time, he gets surprised by certain compliments he gets and towards some reactions he can evoke in people. he is humble, but not as much as it's presented to the public. he has self-esteem issues and that's visible, especially when sometimes he exhibits too much self-esteem. but he still believes he's gorgeous LOL I know it doesn't make much sense... I think he is respectful towards everyone he works with- he knows the rules of a win/win game. I think he has high standards towards the others (especially women), but he has even higher standards towards himself, which pushes him into constant evolvement. yes, fame can sometimes get your head a little too high up in the clouds and he might have his "damn, I'm the greatest God walking the face of the earth" moments, but let's face it- he IS great! I wouldn't be agreeing with that point if he was all big talk and no content. as long as he doesn't start acting like a huge star with his fans, I'm completely happy and accepting of the way he is. the moment he does though, I'll be the first one to spill the fireworks and make him fall back to earth. but let's face it- given my personal expirience with men and how shallow many can be, I'd rather spend my time swooning over a self-centered Diva actor, then read about someone's bodyparts, their reaction towards me and how he plans our children after 2 days of online chatting- long story.

anyways.... I'll just admire him for what he shows, since it's the example many men should follow- I mean his image is. it will be a nice warming feeling if he's learned a few things from what he has to do publically, for his own character's sake. actually, someone recently told me something interesting and I never thought of that before- it's just too phylosophical for my taste, but still. he said that a person begins to love another person immediately. from that moment on, that feeling can go up or down, depending on if the person you began loving is fulfilling your expectations or is disappointing you. so far, I haven't been disappointed with Minho- his public image is as stable as a rock; he's interesting and mysterious; radiates positivity, which is contageous; and everything I find out about him daily is either completely human, normal and expected or surprisingly admirable. he entertains me, takes my mind off constant problems and on top of that, he's an eye-candy LOL what more can a girl ask for? I'd say we give him a few more years and he might surprise us with the life-lessons he can learn, since he's still too young to have a truly solid personality in every personal aspect. I believe in him and his qualities as a man, though I do expect him to be the exact oposite of what we see, which is why I keep digging like a mole LOL we all hope to find gold in this dig, but reality is that we will find roots, some rotten as well- let's just hope they're fewer.

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Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk get involved in sibling rivalry in still cuts for 'Heirs


Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk will butt heads as brothers as shown in the previously released trailer as well as in the new still cuts for 'Heirs'!

Lee Min Ho plays the heir of 'Empire Group', Kim Tan, who seems to have everything on the surface but grows up with serious emotional baggage. Choi Jin Hyuk plays his brother Kim Won, who is the president of 'Empire Group' and focuses on surviving in the game of business more than anything else. 

Seeing that these two brothers have different philosophies, it's no wonder that the brotherly love doesn't seem so warm in the still cuts. Lee Min Ho and Choi Jin Hyuk cross paths at an almond farm in California, the same one where Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye filmed their romantic scene.

Choi Jin Hyuk shared, "Although it was difficult to adjust to the jetlag and long traveling time, I did my best in filming. As much as we suffered in the scorching hot weather, good scenes came out of it so I'm joyful."

You're another day closer to watching 'Heirs' as it will premiere on October 9!

Read more: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/09/lee-min-ho-and-choi-jin-hyuk-get-involved-in-sibling-rivalry-on-heirs#ixzz2gQvogVeU

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Guest Humanseoul

Let's see, 

The positive Cancerian is gentle, kind-hearted, romantic and sensitive. You have a wonderful imagination and you might express your creativity through music, poetry and/or art. You have an excellent memory with an interest in all things that are old and ancient. You might delve into your family history and are interested in culture through the Ages.

This is because Cancerians are sensitive to other people's feelings and you gain wisdom through learning and through experience. Emotionally, you often pick up on things that other people overlook. People come to Cancerians with their worries and problems because they know they can rely on you for your sensitive advice. You have a talent for being able to put feelings into words and to unite creativity and imagination with efficiency. As a friend you are responsive and insightful. In romance you will be generous, giving and strongly protective towards your partner. You have a strong yearning to love and to be loved and you are a sympathetic listener.

Cancer Signs and Negative Personality Traits

The negative Cancerian can be moody and over-sensitive. You might imagine problems are bigger than they actually are and worry drives you into your protective shell as a means of preventing you from getting hurt any further. This is when you will refuse to open up to other people as you withdraw more into yourself.

The negative Cancerian is so ruled by emotions that the mood changes you go through will confuse those around you. You find it hard to take advice or criticism and you will react in a strongly defensive way.

One moment you might seem creative and inspired but the next, if someone says something to upset you, you will react with a few critical comments of your own. You have a great memory but you might tend to bring up old disagreements that other people have forgotten about when these would be better left buried in the past. Being sensitive to other people, you might be easily influenced by those who wish to take advantage of your compassion and kindness.

A Cancer man will come across as an extremely shy person, who speaks less and minds his own business. He is not one of those who tell everything about themselves in the first meeting itself. Infact, it will take a large number of meetings to get even a little close to him. Cancerian male may seem to a different person every time you meet him. He may be nervous and fickle one moment; extremely confident the second minute and too shy the very next. His frown can easily turn, first, into smile and then, into a laugh. 

This man lives to make his "home and family" happy and comfortable. He is the epitome of the "family man" and the consummate "handy man." He even knows how to cook! Cancer Man is known as the zodiac's Prince Charming from tip to toe nails. He's typically the model husband, boyfriend or Lover. In fact, he may even tell you that he is a "perfect gentleman" and a "Good provider." All of the verbal cliches' you've always wanted to hear, Mr. Cancer Man can say it and live by it. This man absolutely Loves his family, roots and blood-line, and he would rather be with family more than anything. If you have come into this man's Life after he has had children with another woman, you will be second to his children on the list. The more you support him in this family fact, the more he will Love you. The more you attempt to pull him away from his family, you'll soon find out that blood is thicker than water, unless of course you are also the mother of one or more of his children. All Cancer's collect family members and children in the strangest ways. Either through adoption, foster children, step-children or biological children. They want a family and they will create it. 

lol not sure If this fully describes him, but it looks like it!  for some reason It makes me love him even more <3 :))

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shantipriya said: I've always expected that he'd be moody and cranky- it's natural, especially for a cancerian. I've already said that he's highly emotional and that there's an entire hurricane of thoughts and emotions in his head, fighting to surface. I think the good news is that his moods change fast- he might be angry now and 5 minutes later he'd be acting as if nothing happened, but let that not fool you- he remembers EVERYTHING. it's like a data storage and every person he ever met has a personal file there. when he sees you, he opens that file and bases his actions towards you on what he recorded in it- it's a good quality generally, when it doesn't go to excess- to each their own.

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