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This article is in korean but using the translator, it is such a good article. Miss Baek was produced with 1.6B won and to break even, they need atleast 900,000 movie attendance. They are halfway through and i hope with the win of ji min and kwon so hyun, more people will still be able to watch. It is really hard for an indie film to go mainstream. Fighting Miss Baek. I really hope they can atleast break even so more films like this will be able to be produced:wub:


반가운 '미쓰백'의 역주행, 도전 피하지 않는 한지민의 힘

<올인>부터 <미쓰백>까지 한지민의 변화무쌍한 도전

등록|2018.10.22 14:58수정|2018.10.22 14:58 

▲ 영화 <미쓰백> 포스터. ⓒ (주)리틀빅픽처스

얼마 전까지 온통 100억 원 이상의 제작비가 들어간 블록버스터 영화들(<물괴>, <명당><안시성><협상>)의 사활(死活)에 영화계의 관심이 쏠렸다. 결과적으로 모두에게 실패로 귀결된 싸움이었다. 엄청난 제작비가 들어간 영화들의 흥행 여부를 따지는 것도 흥미롭지만(당사자들은 피가 마르겠지만), 비교적 작은 영화들이 선전하고 있다는 소식을 듣는 게 훨씬 더 즐겁다. 그 대표적인 영화가 <미쓰백>이다.

<미쓰백>는 약 16억 5000만 원의 제작비가 투입됐다. 손익분기점은 90만 명으로 알려졌다. 앞서 언급했던 영화들에 비해 체급이 낮다. 그래서일까. 관심이 떨어지는 편이다. 작은 영화들이 늘 그렇듯 상황도 어려웠다. 덩치가 훨씬 큰 <베놈>(358만6150명), <암수살인>(328만6150명)과 맞서야 했다. 개봉일인 11일 <미쓰백>에 주어진 스크린수는 547개에 불과했는데, 당시 <암수살인>은 986개, <베놈>은 953개였다. 

22일 현재 <미쓰백>의 관객 수는 45만2585명이다. 녹록지 않은 상황이다. 게다가 남은 시간도 많지 않다. 18일 <퍼스트맨>이 개봉했고, 25일에는 <창궐>이 경쟁 구도에 참여할 예정이다. 그럼에도 고무적인 건 <미쓰백>을 본 관객들의 입소문이 퍼지면서 개봉 6일차부터 조금씩 스크린 수가 증가하고 있다는 점이다. 20일 기준으로 <미쓰백>의 스크린수는 664개였고, 당일 관객이 5만7446명에 달했다. 

"흥행 고민은 안 하다가 타이틀롤은 맡았는데 이 영화에 쏟아부은 많은 분들의 열정을 생각하면 손익분기점을 넘어야 하는 압박이 있긴 하다. 대중 분들이 요즘엔 더 좋아해주시는 장르가 조금 자극적이고 오락 요소가 있어야 하는 부분이 있기 때문에 전하고자 했던 진심을 느끼신다면 영화가 내리더라도 보시는 분들은 좋은 평가를 남겨주시지 않을까 하는 기대가 있다."

손익분기점에 대해 주연 배우가 느끼는 책임감은 어떤 것일까. 그 외로움과 고독함을 당사자가 아닌 이상에야 어찌 알 수 있겠는가. 한지민 또한 그 부담감에서 자유롭지 않을 것이다. 그러나 <미쓰백>이 거두고 있는 예상 밖의 선전은 한지민의 힘이 절대적이다. 물론 '아동학대'라는 소재를 통해 영화가 전달하고자 하는 메시지와 진심도 인상적이었지만, 그걸 구현하는 배우의 몫을 간과할 순 없을 것이다. 

▲ 영화 <미쓰백>의 '미쓰백' 백상아 역할의 배우 한지민 ⓒ BH엔터테인먼트

<미쓰백>에서 한지민이 보여준 연기는 매우 인상적이다. 여러 관점에서 그를 바라볼 수 있을 텐데, '변화'라는 포인트에서 볼 때 한지민의 도전과 열정은 놀랍기만 하다. 한지민은 알코올 중독자 어머니로부터 버림받고, 스스로를 학대하듯 살아가다 전과자가 돼버린 백상아 역을 맡았다. 탈색한 머리는 부스스하고, 맨얼굴의 피부는 거칠다. 악을 바락바락 쓰고, 욕설도 걸죽하게 내뱉는다. 

그동안 봐왔던 한지민의 모습이 아니다. 한지민은 상아라는 캐릭터를 만들기 위해 크림을 바르지 않은 채 촬영에 임했다고 한다. 배우가 자신의 외모적 부분을 포기하기란 결코 쉬운 일이 아니란 점을 감안하면 그의 용기는 칭찬할 만하다. 그건 노력이고, 관객들은 이를 통해 배우가 애썼다는 걸 알아차리기 마련이다. 이렇게 되면 관객들은 자연스럽게 캐릭터에 몰입하게 되고, 이야기의 흐름에 호흡을 맞춰 나간다. 

한지민의 변신은 이번이 처음이 아니다. 2003년 KBS1 <올인>에서 송혜교의 아역으로 출연하며 데뷔했던 그는 KBS1 <부활>에서 힘겨운 상황에서도 밝은 성격을 잃지 않는 서은하로 분하면서 시청자들의 눈도장을 받았다. 한지민은 자신의 이미지에 안주하지 않고, 대뜸 공포 영화(<해부학 교실>)에 도전했고, KBS2 <경성스캔들>에서는 독립투사 나여경으로 변신해 신여성의 카리스마를 뽐냈다. 

안정적인 연기력을 선보였던 MBC <이산>을 통해 한지민은 전성기를 열어젖혔다. 그후 SBS <카인과 아벨>, JTBC <빠담빠담 그와 그녀의 심장박동 소리> 등에 출연하며 필모그래피를 채워 나갔다. 그러다 <조선명탐정: 각시투구꽃의 비밀>에서 비밀스러움을 간직한 거상 한객주로 변신해 고혹미와 섹시함을 표출했다. 이후 <밀정>에서 연계순 역으로 인상적인 연기를 펼쳐 보이며 관객들을 감동시켰다. 

최근에는 tvN <아는 와이프>에서 억척스러운 아내와 밝고 청순한 캐릭터를 오가며 호평을 받았다. 스토리의 아쉬움을 연기력으로 커버했다는 평가가 대다수다. "개인적으로는 (연기 변신을) 어색해 하지 않게 봐주시는 게 나의 목표"라고 밝혔는데, 지금까지의 연기 경력을 비롯해 <미쓰백>에 이르기까지 그가 보여준 도전들은 아름답다. 

▲ 영화 <미쓰백>의 '미쓰백' 백상아 역할의 배우 한지민 ⓒ BH엔터테인먼트

'아동학대'라는 사회적으로 무거운 주제를 풀어낸 영화에 출연을 결정하고, 평소에 대중이 바라보는 이미지와는 전혀 다른 거친 캐릭터로 변신하기를 주저하지 않는 도전정신은 한지민이라는 배우의 가치를 드높인다. <미쓰백>의 한지민이 궁금하다면 얼른 극장으로 달려가자.
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October 23, 2018


Film critics announce honorees

By Yeo Ye-rim INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily


user posted image Official website 

Korean Association of Film Critics Awards


Actors Lee Sung-min and Han Ji-min were named Best Actor and Best Actress by the Korean Association of Film Critics on Monday.


The 38th edition of the association’s awards ceremony, which honors excellence in film and music, will take place on Nov. 13 at the Press Center in central Seoul.


Lee has starred in many popular films this year, including “What a Man Wants,” “The Witness” and “The Spy Gone North.” Han, winner of Best Actress award, plays the leading role in “Miss Baek,” which is currently in theaters.


The historical drama “1987: When the Day Comes,” which tells a story revolving around the June Democratic Movement, has been named Best Film, while director Yoon Jong-bin will be honored for his directorial effort in “The Spy Gone North.”

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'Dazzling' drama is scheduled to be released in January.
But Han Ji Min and Nam Joo Hyuk are still thinking.
I'm quite curious about the new developments in this drama.

Han Ji Min might be waiting for the new drama choice because she doesn't want drama news to come forward during Miss Baek's promotions.
After all she is extremely susceptible to social incidents like this.
And I think that's why she's gonna decide his new drama after the movie.

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@feelbora han ji min and nam joo hyuk have been casted in this drama. And they already started shooting since this is pre produced. Kim hye ja also is confirmed for this drama. Also, the drama is only a 12 episode. The PD's previous works are all 12 episodes too. So we will see ji min again in january for this new drama:wub:

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:wub: both ji min and nam joo hyuk won award in the current korean association of film critics award.  And previously kim hye ja also won the award for mother.  Wow!  Powerhouse actors in this 12 ep drama.


Airport fashion


Credit to author

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Congrats ji min. As a long time fan, i am so proud that she took the risk of taking this role of miss baek:wub: not only she proved that given the right material, she can act really good and also relay the important message of the movie. That is why she is my only bias, 2 best actress awards in a row. I am wishing that her best actress will come in threes:D


She left for London today. She looks so young and beautiful with her new hair. Who would tell that she will turn 36 on her birthday which is coming very soon:wub:

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18 hours ago, tok-soompi said:

:wub: both ji min and nam joo hyuk won award in the current korean association of film critics award.  And previously kim hye ja also won the award for mother.  Wow!  Powerhouse actors in this 12 ep drama.


Airport fashion


Credit to author


So both ji min and nam joo hyuk win? They are in BIFF and now in the awards ceremony. What a coincidence. Only the writer of the drama is a mystery lol. I hope we can hear more of the drama soon after miss baek wraps up.


Looking forward to ji min's attendance in LEAFF:wub:

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Sharing a nice and transparent review of Miss Baek:wub: It's great seeing reviews of the film in english:)


'Miss Baek' ('Mi-sseu-baek'): Film Review | Tokyo 2018

Courtesy of M-Line Distribution
3:00 AM PDT 10/24/2018 by Clarence Tsui  
Furious performances in a piece of gritty drama.

Korean director Lee Ji-won’s first feature, which opened at home before bowing in the Tokyo festival’s Asian Futures competition, revolves around a woman’s mission in saving a child from her abusive parents.


A jaded child abuse survivor tries to save a young girl from suffering the same fate in Miss Baek, Lee Ji-won’s first feature, which has been doing brisk business since its domestic release in South Korea on Oct. 11.

With double the revenue of A Star Is Born, which opened two days earlier on just a fraction fewer screens, at the box office during both films’ opening weekend in the country, the indie drama is now just a whisker away from overtaking Lee Chang-dong’s much more critically acclaimed Burning in terms of total revenue.

While offering hardly a subversive take on films about child abuse (such as The Silenced) or headstrong female protagonists (Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and the more recent The Villainess come to mind), Miss Baek is bolstered by a strong against-type performance from Han Ji-min, whose on-screen persona is drastically different from her more glamorous metier (ranging from her appearances in period dramas and romantic comedies to her role as the compere of the Busan Film Festival’s opening ceremony on Oct. 4).

The film is making its international premiere in the Tokyo International Film Festival’s Asian Future competition before heading to its first stop beyond Asia in London East Asian Film Festival’s "Story of Women" program.

The film begins with hard-boiled detective Jang-sup (Lee Hee-joon) navigating Seoul’s sub-zero temperatures and winding streets to find a dilapidated tenement block where his underlings show him a decomposed corpse of an old woman. But Miss Baek is not about crime, cops or men, who appear here mostly as feeble creatures watching the horror and violence unfold from the sidelines. This is, indeed, a story about two women and a girl.

The (anti)hero here, Baek (Han), is a scruffy, foul-mouthed car washer/masseuse who seems to have given up on herself and the world. When Jang-sup, her boyfriend, brings her to the morgue to have a look at the dead body, the reason for her demeanor emerges: identifying the corpse as that of her mentally ill mother, she is spirited back to the abuse and subsequent abandonment she suffered as a child. Compounded by her spell in jail for killing a rich kid who tried to rape her, all this trauma has led to her thinking she would never make a good mother herself, thus her insistence on being known as "Miss" rather than "Ma'am" (which explains the film’s concise title) and her rugged rebuff of Jang-sup’s affections and marriage proposals.

Her transformation from femme fataliste to furious fighter begins when she meets Ji-eun (Kim Si-ah), a girl she sees wandering around covered in only a few rags but a lot of bruises. After bringing her to a meal at a streetside food stall, the girl’s nicely dressed and seemingly cordial stepmother whizzes in to take her away: beneath that veneer – we also see her later praying fervently in Sunday mass and acting very courteously with Baek’s colleagues at the massage parlor – Mi-kyung (Kwon So-hyun) is actually a devil in disguise as she beats Ji-eun relentlessly while the father (Baek Soo-jang) numbs himself by gluing himself to his computer and his online games.

Unsurprisingly, the duel begins as Baek tries to save Ji-eun from her misery, while Mi-kyung uses her saintly appearance to tarnish and frame Baek as a child-kidnapper. In what might easily become a watershed for her career, Han delivers a controlled and convincing tour de force as she brings Baek’s suppressed angst, and then exploded fury, vividly to the screen. Kwon, meanwhile, matches her every step of the way as she pushes Mi-kyung’s manipulative mannerisms and psychotic psyche to a credible limit.

Kim's turn as the abused girl is effective – some credit is due to Lee Na-kyun’s production design – but to prove that Miss Baek is all about women, Kim Sun-young’s few scenes as Jang-sup’s diner-owner sister provide humor, which serves as both comic relief and also a glimpse of the gritty working-class universe in which these characters exist.

Captured by Kang Gook-hyun’s gritty camerawork, these performances heighten Lee’s no-nonsense and taut script. Miss Baek provides as much hope for the rookie woman filmmaker in breaking out to the mainstream as it does for its titular protagonist in finding some cathartic closure to her troubled life.

Production company: Bae Pictures in a CJ ENM presentation
Cast: Han Ji-min, Kim Si-ah, Kwon So-hyun, Lee Hee-joon
Director-screenwriter: Lee Ji-won
Producer: Lee Jeong-uk
Executive producers: Cho Dae-hyun, Kim Jong-baek
Director of photography: Kang Gook-hyun
Production designer: Lee Na-kyun
Music: Lee Eun-joo, MOWG
Editors: Han Young-kyu, Heo Sun-mi
Venue: Tokyo International Film Festival (Asian Future)
Sales: M-Line Distribution
In Korean
98 minutes

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Miss Baek already crossed 500,000 viewers. It is already a feat for an indie film:wub: And may many more watch going on its 3rd week. It is nice seeing so many people help achieve the movie's break even point for a good cause and for many people to be enlightened of the problem of child abuse:)

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Why is it still locked?


@richelle I wasn't sure I could see any clear News.
But I'm glad it's official.
I'm excited about Han Ji Min and Nam Joo Hyuk.
I hope this drama will be the best job of Nam Joo Hyuk.
12 chapters are too little for me.
So I don't want to wait too long for Han Ji Min's next drama.
If possible, his should always have a new drama.
And she shouldn't let me miss her anymore.
I'il always be happy watching him. :wub:

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October 26, 2018 th_congrats.gif


Han Ji Min Wins Best Actress Award At London East Asia Film Festival For “Miss Baek”

Source: Soompi  by J. Lim

Han Ji Min Wins Best Actress Award At London East Asia Film Festival For âMiss Baekâ


Han Ji Min continues to be recognized for her most recent film “Miss Baek”!


On October 26, Han Ji Min won the Best Actress award at the 4th London East Asia Film Festival. This is her second Best Actress award for the film, the first awarded to her through the 38th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards.


For her acceptance speech, Han Ji Min said, “Thank you for this honorable award. I was so happy to just be here to represent ‘Miss Baek,’ and I’m even happier to be receiving such a special award. ‘Miss Baek’ is a film that tackles the issue of child abuse. I believe that no child should ever have to experience such hardships in real life, and I hope that all the children of the world will be able to lead happy lives, something that we should guarantee for them.”




“Miss Baek” was the opening film of the festival’s most popular section “Stories of Women,” and was praised as, “A film that is able to transcend all barriers of language and culture to connect with people.”


Congratulations to Han Ji Min!


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