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Guest lenakeem

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I thought there was subbing team in Shinhwa.biz?

On the other hand there are alot of individuals who does subbing on their own so sometimes there's duplicates of subbing which to me is a waste because one of the person could be doing subbing of another clip.

nglkt - about making a subbing group, that's a really good idea~!! i don't mind helping, although i can't translate -_-" i realize that a lot of other groups have their own subbing teams, but i always wondered about shinhwa's own subbing team.. i don't think we have any.. we should create one.. anyone interested? =Pps. why don't i see a sea of orange typing in this thread anymore?
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i think there might be another reason for the cancelation of the concert???? it seem like they'r putting the blame on poor andy and eric... i'm really worried abou the problems what it's about anyway... i'm really confuse too...

does that mean when shinhwa member are doing solo activities they can't use the name shinhwa too??confuse confuse... just hope that this "war" won't affect our beloved shinhwa oppa~~~~ shinhwa fighitng...

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Guest midnightgirl13

i think there might be another reason for the cancelation of the concert???? it seem like they'r putting the blame on poor andy and eric...

hey actually the part about andy and eric was that they are not able to turn up for the jeju fanmeeting that OW proposed.. the one about postponing soulmate is another thing altogether..

and i think what they meant was like you know, 'rejecting appearing as shinhwa' cuz i-can't-make-it-and-if-i-can't-make-it-it's-not-shinhwa-anymore right???

sometimes things just gets lost in translation, and we all have to see and judge for ourselves!

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Guest aindy

[08.06.03] [News] Shinhwa, leaving behind their rights may suffer later on



Holding the rights to Shinhwa, Open World Entertainment proclaims to revamp the brand name, ‘Shinhwa’. The result is that it complicates the relationship of each individual member when it comes to their own benefits and they might suffer later on.

Open World said on June 3, ‘In order to protect Shinhwa who was been in the industry for 10 years and to maintain its value, we are going take measures to restore the name. We will not only look at Good Entertainment but also other companies who are using the name.’


‘Other companies’ refer to Eric and Andy’s individual managing companies. Open World, who needs to fulfill a condition that was contracted in 2006 with Good Entertainment, proposed a Jeju Fanmeeting. However, representatives from Andy and Eric’s side opposed the idea, giving rise to some issues.

Andy’s representative pointed out, ‘We don’t sense the importance of Jeju’s fanmeeting, and besides, it doesn’t fit in his schedules and so we replied, saying it’s hard for Andy to turn up for the fanmeeting.

Rumours of disagreements amongst members leading to disband had surfaced. To this, Shinhwa’s managing company, Good Entertainment emphasizes, ‘Our managing contract with Shinhwa has not ended, and thus a disband is impossible.’

Open World reiterates, ‘If the terms are not met to use Shinhwa’s name to hold a performance, then the performance will have to be terminated. In future anyone who wants to use Shinhwa’s name has to seek approval from Open World, any ongoing projects or projects that are in the planning stage also has to get permission from Open World before using their name.’

Source: 六感

Chin translation: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz

honestly, i don't get it why these kind of news are now circulating..

i wanna hear straight from the BOYS!!!

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thanks for your translations!

really appreciate them when such news arises.

i really don't get the message from OPENWORLDEnt.

they make it sound like a do-it-or-it's-over.

we all can understand why eric's busy (ie drama) and andy's been doing pretty much solo activities.

that's not to say that the other members are free.

if this is a fan meeting before eric and dongwan's enlistment, i think more effort should be put in by the management into planning this. they shouldn't just kick up a fuss because eric and andy's schedules are packed.

i probably shouldn't complain about having too many shinhwa news today.

but they're all confusing and probably, not pleasant.

first the concert and then the problem with rights and logo.

can someone please enlighten me about the logo problem? i mean which logo? is it the one that has "SHINHWA" or the 10th anni? if it's the 10th anni, shouldn't it be under GOODEnt?

sometimes i wished shinhwa didn't have to be bothered/troubled by such issues.

they're probably the group that have to constantly be reminded that they're under ONE company when they're a group and 5 more when they're on their own.

let's just hope there's more clarity on this issue.


In future anyone who wants to use Shinhwa’s name has to seek approval from Open World, any ongoing projects or projects that are in the planning stage also has to get permission from Open World before using their name.

reading this again makes it feel like there are going to be LESSER Shinhwa's activties.

not that there are a lot activities from the start. ._.

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Open World's statements about Shinhwa's right & use of logo sounds harsh and creating speculation of disbandment (I hate this word!). For their own interest & benefit, they should be the one who guard Shinhwa from bad press!

Not sure what they were thinking when releasing such statements.

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Entirely my own speculations, but I don't think this news with the logo rights is entirely a bad thing.

It's bothersome and worrisome, and we'd all prefer if this kind of thing didn't have to happen, but I think it's good for things to be sorted out before Shinhwa takes temporarily leave for army service. Afterall, broken contracts, unclear guidelines, and possibly monetary compensation have a way of cropping up later when you least expect or want it. So why not bring it to the open now, instead of letting it fester, right?

Besides, we can trust the boys to stay together, and with the these contract wrinkles ironed out, things will be clear and cut when they come back on stage as one. More serious rumours would also be avoided. As usual, it's conflict between companies rather than the boys.

Granted they could be more tactful, but we can't really be angry with OW because no one likes broken promises, especially when they're on paper, and probably involves a considerable amount of money. They're probably just frustrated that they're not getting what they thought they invested in...I mean, who can honestly say that they even knew it was OW who got the rights to Shinhwa's logo from SM? OW probably wants something before Shinhwa goes off to the army.

It could've been any of the members, but unfortunately for them, it's Ricdy who got singled out this time. Obviously, they didn't refuse the idea of 'appearing as Shinhwa'. OW's probably been refused too many times with group activity proposals, and taking their anger out on Ricdy. However, I do think it would be wise, to put it a bit bluntly and coldly, for Ricdy to just get the fanmeeting over with. I know they are in the midst of solo acts, but having a void in a contract like this is no joke...it's like borrowing money without ever having to pay interest, and taking forever to return it. It would be better for them as solos to fulfill one contract before another, and it would take pressure off the Shinhwa name.

Financial-wise, OW can't really take the stand-point that members still need some time to grow into their solo shoes and as even more mature artists before they're entirely comfortable. And by abuse of the SHinhwa logo, I do wonder what OW is talking about...it wouldn't be those lovely 10th anniversary merchandise Good had been rolling out, and probably earning a great deal from would it? :sweatingbullets:

It sounds like I'm defending OW, don't I? They definitely need to get a new PR person though. Still...it was rather nice of OW to prepare this free-of-charge fanmeeting. :sweatingbullets:

At any rate, SHINHWA FOREVER!!!

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Question. Something I read in post in Ocean's Six.

Remember when Shinhwa didn't get paid when they had the concert in Japan or is it in China. Was OW the one who was promoting it?

Entirely my own speculations, but I don't think this news with the logo rights is entirely a bad thing.

Financial-wise, OW can't really take the stand-point that members still need some time to grow into their solo shoes and as even more mature artists before they're entirely comfortable. And by abuse of the SHinhwa logo, I do wonder what OW is talking about...it wouldn't be those lovely 10th anniversary merchandise Good had been rolling out, and probably earning a great deal from would it? :sweatingbullets:

It sounds like I'm defending OW, don't I? They definitely need to get a new PR person though. Still...it was rather nice of OW to prepare this free-of-charge fanmeeting. :sweatingbullets:

At any rate, SHINHWA FOREVER!!!

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Guest miaka0210

wow a lot of news huh.....

i really think the problem is more on the companies

rather than on the members itself, like what crystalis said. we all know disbanding

could never be possible for shinhwa. The way I see it either

they go to another company or make a company themselves (i think they said that before too)

but NO DISBANDING will ever happen.

Hopefully this conflict will over soon.

They're about to go to the military, it's kinda sad if they leave some

unresolved issues behind right?!

So let's just hope and pray that this whole thing will be over soon.

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Guest picklypickly

After reading OW's statements, I feel like the real issue here is greed. They're making a fuss 'cause they feel like they haven't gotten their money's worth.

My eyes went to these statement:

In order to protect Shinhwa who was been in the industry for 10 years and to maintain its value, we are going take measures to restore the name. We will not only look at Good Entertainment but also other companies who are using the name.

If the terms are not met to use Shinhwa’s name to hold a performance, then the performance will have to be terminated. In future anyone who wants to use Shinhwa’s name has to seek approval from Open World, any ongoing projects or projects that are in the planning stage also has to get permission from Open World before using their name.

I feel like OW may be upset at the fact that Shinhwa members' solo contracts are all over the place and that they no longer own nor profit from these individual solo efforts. And are specifically targetting Andy's and Eric's individual companies 'cause I know both Junjin and Minwoo are technically under OW so it's not like they're gonna lash out at their own stars. I think they want the name "Shinhwa" to exclusively be used by OW/GOOD when all 6 members are together and may be upset by the fact that solo members are still identified by the name "Shinhwa" as in "Shinhwa Andy's concert in Japan" (that they are not getting any revenue for). Compounded with the fact that Andy's popularity is rising and he was the only one not participating in the Soulmate concert, I think there may be some tension between OW and ND ent (owned by T.O.P. media if I'm not wrong).

I think they're issuing this statement to say, "fine, you don't want to participate in our event, ok. But don't think we'll give you permission to use the name Shinhwa without our expressed written consent." It almost feels like they're threatening with the line, "If terms are not met....performance will have to be terminated." It's like they're throwing around their weight a little and being greedy by not letting any of the solo members use it as a crutch to promote themselves during solo activities, but masking it by saying they're trying to preserve the value of the name by limiting its use.

this just verifies how shady the music industry is with all the machinations of entertainment companies trying to squeeze out every last drop from their clients. they can say after the fact that the fan meeting would be free, but i'm not sure i'd believe that. plus, there'd be merchandise sold there right? which they would make a profit off of. and now they're upset they won't have that opportunity.

honestly, where did these rumors of disagreement and disbandment start? i'm gonna lay it at the feet of OW. In the world of business, if you don't want things to leak out, it's very easy to keep everything tight lipped. but the fact that this is playing out in the media leads me to believe that OW wanted it to be out there.

iunno, just my two cents. but you best believe that i trust that shinhwa will be forever. that's no joke. it may be hard considering the business aspect of everything, but those 6 guys will be forever. it makes me a lil sad for them, that all they wanna do is make music together, share their passion with their fans and all this nonsense has to get in the way of it...

and can i just mention really quickly how much i love shinhwa? lol. just wanted to get that out there.

on the brighter side. i'm a little more free now with school over with and have been itching to make some graphics, but it's not like there has been any new pictures releases. so if y'guys have any pictures you'd like me to make either an avvie or a banner with, i'm willing to entertain requests if you post the pictures here. it'd be a nice way to spice up the thread too. (unless i'm not allowed, then nm) lol.

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Guest love!melody

[08.06.03] [News] Shinhwa, leaving behind their rights may suffer later on

i'm so confused right now :wacko: what's all this about using shinhwa's names and rights and everything?? well the only thing i'm sure about right now is that: SHINHWA DID NOT AND WILL NOT DISBAND :) and i'm sure all of us know this by now ^^ rumours about shinhwa disbanding are just useless. these rumours have been going around year after year and it has never happened. and we all know that our boys would never do such a thing. hope everything will get cleared up soon and that they will all be signed under a single compnay soon! shinhwa hwaiting! <333

i wish one of the members will clear things up by announcing it on a show or something. or even better, if all the members attended a conference to clear it up :)

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Question. Something I read in post in Ocean's Six.

Remember when Shinhwa didn't get paid when they had the concert in Japan or is it in China. Was OW the one who was promoting it?

^ Hi mommie Alice,

I think the one where they weren't paid was for the Singapore concert during their State of the Art Asia Tour. Something to do with the local concert organiser and Good not having enough money to pull out to pay the members...but that was resolved peacefully (I kinda remember that the news came out of nowhere one day). The Japan one was the one where the local concert organizer in Japan overquoted the price and Open World had to prospone the concert. I remember OW was involved in the last concert in Japan, but I don't remember coming across OW's name before M Rising opened under it...so not sure about the Singapore one.

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Guest miss lakwon

Iono why their are always these rumors about breaking up

Tell me about it.

Korean article writers these days seem to have nothing important to write about.

That's why they pick on popular groups like Shinhwa.

It's so obvious. If their own articles get a lot attention from the people, their ratings go up.

Since they know Shinhwa is a popular band and of great interest from people, they utilize their name and make up stupid articles.

This in turn causes great confusion among the fans (typically us SHCJ'ers).

Goodness, I hate rumors. I hate them!

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Guest marimer

Question. Something I read in post in Ocean's Six.

Remember when Shinhwa didn't get paid when they had the concert in Japan or is it in China. Was OW the one who was promoting it?

It was in Singapore where they did not get paid. The concert in Japan that was scheduled for April did not push through because of monetary difficulties of the organizer in there. (I hope I am correct)

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Guest infinityyy

Tell me about it.

Korean article writers these days seem to have nothing important to write about.

That's why they pick on popular groups like Shinhwa.

It's so obvious. If their own articles get a lot attention from the people, their ratings go up.

Since they know Shinhwa is a popular band and of great interest from people, they utilize their name and make up stupid articles.

This in turn causes great confusion among the fans (typically us SHCJ'ers).

Goodness, I hate rumors. I hate them!


these articles are really confusing though. it gets me worries but you shinhwa fans' replies make me feel better :D

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Guest jean_kkp

hmmm, regarding this issue, i believe what picklypickly says makes a lot of sense. the entertainment industry IS shady, no one's gonna deny it. all the more, i applaud the boys for staying together for SO LONG after all the complicated behind the scenes issues im sure they suffered over.


hey im currently doing up a Shinhwa scrapbook just because i found a great orange notebook, i decided i want to fill it with all shinhwa pics. i thank Kriza and Samshiku ( xinhui) and other pics posters for maintaining the picture threads, because a lot of my collection came from you guys. however, i need a CLEAR picture of their 10th ANNIVERSARY LOGO for the coverpage, black and white or coloured is fine. the one that is used to promote together with their concert is the best (its used in their press con as welll) can someone help me? >.< THANKS!

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Guest picklypickly

jean_kkp: is this okay? it's a direct screen cap from the website.

(click to make bigger)


i also have this.


and something i made real quick. wallpaper 1024 X 768. it's pretty much a glorified screen cap w/ some brush play, but what the hey. =)

angels1os0.th.jpg angels2xd8.th.jpg agels3ae8.th.jpg

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Guest angel2nyt

It sounds like I'm defending OW, don't I? They definitely need to get a new PR person though. Still...it was rather nice of OW to prepare this free-of-charge fanmeeting. :sweatingbullets:

they need a better PR person, someone who when saying something of this importance doesnt sound so amateur

that may be mean, but i'm not a good at korean and the only articles i can fully understand are the translated ones, but the statement they made public feels so unprofessional and tactless(and i must admit i've never been completely happy with open world after that scandal *you know what i mean*)

you will clearly see what i mean when you read good entertainment's statement, it was more neutral

[08.06.03][News] Open World will manage the brand name of Shinhwa from June

Shinhwa member M(Lee Min Woo)’s managing company OPEN WORLD is carrying out managing work for the brand name ‘Shinhwa’.

In order to protect the name ‘Shinhwa’ and to raise its value, Open World Entertainment has stepped out.

3 June Open World Entertainment has announced, ‘To prevent the misuse of ‘Shinhwa’ who has been in the industry for 10 years this March and to maintain its value, we have decided to buy the rights to Shinhwa’s logo from Good Entertainment when the contract ends this June. We will take measures to protect this brand name.

For companies who want to use the name ‘Shinhwa’, they will have to seek permission from Open World Entertainment. Planning or ongoing projects that uses the name ‘Shinhwa’ will also have to seek approval from Open World Entertainment.

Open World Entertainment says, ‘To people who have been misusing ‘Shinhwa’, we will handle the matter accordingly.

Source: Newsen

Chin translation: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz

what do they mean by ‘To people who have been misusing ‘Shinhwa’, we will handle the matter accordingly?

i find open world so complicated.. what part does minwoo play in that company?

oh and this article:

[08.06.03] [News] Shinhwa, leaving behind their rights may suffer later on

don't read too much into it

the writer of this article according to some people has a history of making shinhwa fans annoyed

and another one

in the presscon for eric's newest drama, he reiterated that Shinhwa will not break up

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Aish, everything's all chaotic now ><

[08.06.04][ND Notice] Clarifications with regards to recent news

Hello, This is ND Entertainment.

With regards to the recent news about 'Shinhwa' logo issues, we hope to clarify some matters.

Firstly, Andy did not refuse to take part in Shinhwa activities, we hope everyone understands this.

We received some proposed schedule, but because of some other commitments that have been made earlier on, and also because the other Shinhwa members have their own solo plans, the proposal was turned down. This has been discussed amongst members and it is a decision they all made unanimously.

We hope to clear the misunderstandings, and we are sorry to have caused worries to those who love Shinhwa and Andy.

Thank you.


Chin translation:染@bestshinhwa

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz

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