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Guest lenakeem

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But for some odd reason, I find that if Shinhwa remained in SM, we would have got to see them more on TV.

SM is known for their massive promotions within the country and even overseas.

I just wish Shinhwa had those type of promotions, so they can be known more around the world.

Of course, Shinhwa left SM for a reason. Of course, Shinhwa has been doing what they love. Whatever they love, I love as well.

However, I just wish Shinhwa can promote themselves as a group more than their solos.

Seriously, if they did that, they would be #1 all over the world. LITERALLY <3

i guess shinhwa is what we called as reaching thier comfort zone

and i think they are more comfortable of doing everyting thier own way at their own pace

i mean no massive redundant promotion

no going global like really of totally global

they know they have fans everywhere and instead of trying to bigger

they prefer to be better

and while doing that they prefer appreciating the fans they have and treasured them


no offense of anything based on the history of sm

if they are still in sm

i dont we will see much of shinhwa


there might not even be shinhwa now...

rite now

they are more free to do their own work and be more creative and more in charge in what they are doing

they are deserve to be well known to the whole world

but i like shinhwa as it is...

laid back is shinhwa style

and i like that...

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Guest kriza_09

Sorry to interrupt the discussion...

but I just met with the managing director of Good EMG... and he said the concert in June will be postponed until August..

Andy should be able to make it to that one then...

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Guest nurkeyandie

wow! this is great news, kriza! shinhwa fans can see them in concert again in august!!! how i wish i could go!!! :D

i'm sorry but i'm too lazy to go back and find the poster for the soulmate concert but they're not the only artists performing, right? i'm asking because as we've discussed before, there are some who think this concert is taking away the meaning of their 10th anniversary concerts. i for one don't think so, coz those march concerts were special (practically priceless). anyway, if they aren't the only artists performing, i guess they'd only be performing a number of songs. it'd still be great to see them though... :)

so, have you found andy's ring yet? j/k :lol:

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Guest angel2nyt

Sorry to interrupt the discussion...

but I just met with the managing director of Good EMG... and he said the concert in June will be postponed until August..

Andy should be able to make it to that one then...

will you still be able to go to this concert kriza?

but it is a good news, so that people will get to see all six of them performing

i guess shinhwa is what we called as reaching thier comfort zone

and i think they are more comfortable of doing everyting thier own way at their own pace

i mean no massive redundant promotion

no going global like really of totally global

they know they have fans everywhere and instead of trying to bigger

they prefer to be better

and while doing that they prefer appreciating the fans they have and treasured them


no offense of anything based on the history of sm

if they are still in sm

i dont we will see much of shinhwa


there might not even be shinhwa now...

rite now

they are more free to do their own work and be more creative and more in charge in what they are doing

they are deserve to be well known to the whole world

but i like shinhwa as it is...

laid back is shinhwa style

and i like that...

i totally agree with you

PLEASE REMEMBER, it was the members' choice to say goodbye to SM

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Sorry to interrupt the discussion...

but I just met with the managing director of Good EMG... and he said the concert in June will be postponed until August..

Andy should be able to make it to that one then...

i think it will be better if the concert got postponed to august

so the boys can be better prepared for it and also

all hopefully can be in the concert

i totally agree with you

PLEASE REMEMBER, it was the members' choice to say goodbye to SM

and i am thankful for them

to make that decision


if not for shinhwa

we wont be seeing shinhwa up until today


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Guest valmylove

Sorry to interrupt the discussion...

but I just met with the managing director of Good EMG... and he said the concert in June will be postponed until August..

Andy should be able to make it to that one then...

OMO, OMO!!! really!!?? Kriza? (U are just full of luck! my official shinhwa internet best pal, j/k, LOL)

Thanks, I would take this is great news! Now Andy can come!!!!!!!

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Although Good-EMG may not be the best company, I'm just glad they provide a 'home' for the group. Like most of you have mentioned, SM only focuses on stars who are making big profits for the company - and those with potential to bring in more - hence the massive promotions and stuff. Their marketing team is perhaps the best loved department there. As a company, SM is better at using their 'products' to garner interests from the public, and at the same time, create a competition internally so everyone is always trying their best to prove their worth.

I somehow prefer the way Shinhwa has their own pace now, though I badly want them to be together on shows again. They are already overworking themselves by their will alone, as it is. I certainly do not want to have other outside factors to push them harder to the edge.

Shinhwa leaving SM somewhat opened a way for others to see that they have other choices than to stay. [OT: Like how I'm glad Fly to the Sky followed suit.]

That's just my view on it, of course. :)

Concert in August now? Ahh ~ That's cool how Andy might be able to join. :D <3

// edit // Just to clarify. I'm not saying that SM is bad. Whatever happened behind the curtains, we never knew for sure unless you're directly connected (and I am not). SM is the same company who first discovered the guys and moulded them the base of who they have become today. I still have respect for them, as do the Shinhwa members, I believe. I am not really putting a line in between the companies; how could I when the grey area is too wide. I was just expressing an opinion which you don't have to agree with. ;)

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Guest hazrinaer

Although Good-EMG may not be the best company, I'm just glad they provide a 'home' for the group. Like most of you have mentioned, SM only focuses on stars who are making big profits for the company - and those with potential to bring in more - hence the massive promotions and stuff. Their marketing team is perhaps the best loved department there. As a company, SM is better at using their 'products' to garner interests from the public, and at the same time, create a competition internally so everyone is always trying their best to prove their worth.

I somehow prefer the way Shinhwa has their own pace now, though I badly want them to be together on shows again. They are already overworking themselves by their will alone, as it is. I certainly do not want to have other outside factors to push them harder to the edge.

Shinhwa leaving SM somewhat opened a way for others to see that they have other choices than to stay. [OT: Like how I'm glad Fly to the Sky followed suit.]

That's just my view on it, of course. :)

Concert in August now? Ahh ~ That's cool how Andy might be able to join. ;) <3

yup i agree with u..whatever shinhwa decision i will always support them.

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Guest samtly

i believe shinhwa make the best decision ever to leave SM. i honestly believe there would not b a shinhwa if they have stay on. althought it does seem that SM are great at promoting thier arties, arties in the company are like money making machine, when the machine get old they will throw it away because they keep getting new machine. i 4 one is gratefull to good ent, i belief that the relation between shinhwa and good ent is like brother build on thrust. i honestly can feel it. shinhwa is already 10yrs they have well establish their status. the album is gift for the fan. the only reason for one to do promotion it so that the album sell to make money. i think shinhwa have gone way pass the idealogy of making album for money.

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Guest roni75

I´m Happy for Shinhwa ...finally the band do that they really want to do...SM really just seems to pay attention to $$$$$ and not to the people behind...i hope the others follow Shinhwa´s example and not let that other people use them like that way... (sorry for my bad english) FIGHTING SHINHWA, I´LL BE WAITING FOR THE COME BACK (three years and counting for now on)

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Guest nutzie

nglkt - about making a subbing group, that's a really good idea~!! i don't mind helping, although i can't translate -_-" i realize that a lot of other groups have their own subbing teams, but i always wondered about shinhwa's own subbing team.. i don't think we have any.. we should create one.. anyone interested? =P

SM vs. GOODEMG - there's really no use in analyzing which company is better for shinhwa.. well shinhwa made their choice.. whether or not shinhwa would've been better if they had stayed put in SM, well we don't and will never know anyways.. what's done is done, there's no use in griping about it.. all we can do is support shinhwa in whatever they choose to do right? although we all would've preferred shinhwa to appear in all the tv shows in the world, the fact is, they choose not to do it for whatever reasons they can come up with.. although it's sad in a way, but it makes shinhwa's appearances on tv that much more special [like remember how excited everybody was when shinhwa was on we got married?] besides, junjin had promised a second blooming period after the "A!" [pun intended, maybe?] so maybe they go full out like 7th album promo? and hopefully by then i've finished school and i was just imagining the other day how cool it would be if the shinhwa concert [together with a trip to korea] would be my first trip that i treated myself with ^o^

kriza - waiting for another one of your quiz~ =P

ps. why don't i see a sea of orange typing in this thread anymore?

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Guest warunee123

nglkt - about making a subbing group, that's a really good idea~!! i don't mind helping, although i can't translate -_-" i realize that a lot of other groups have their own subbing teams, but i always wondered about shinhwa's own subbing team.. i don't think we have any.. we should create one.. anyone interested? =P

I want to join subbing team too. I can do timing task.

So happy to hear that someone still working on subbing Shinhwa's video.

Just let me know if you set the subbing team for Shinhwa.

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Guest nglkt

Sorry to interrupt the discussion...

but I just met with the managing director of Good EMG... and he said the concert in June will be postponed until August..

Andy should be able to make it to that one then...

Really?? I still can't go...

But many ppl i know have alrdy bought air tickets to be in korea on 21 June and 22 June... Is it possible to postpone it alrdy?

I just woke up and read two really shocking news.

First this:

최장수 남성그룹' 신화 사실상 해체! 왜?

상표권 '신화' 재계약 협상 결렬… 멤버간 그룹 활동 견해차 여전해

스포츠한국 김성한기자 wing@sportshankook.co.kr

국내 최장수 남성 그룹 신화가 신화 속으로 사라질 것으로 보여 파장이 예상된다.

신화의 상표권을 보유한 업체의 한 관계자는 "'신화'라는 상표권 계약 기간이 만료돼 신화의 각 멤버측과 재계약 여부를 놓고 협상을 진행했다. 하지만 각 멤버와 이들의 소속사 등 관련 당사자 사이에 의사 통일이 이뤄지지 않아 협상이 결렬됐다. 향후 신화라는 이름으로 멤버들이 함께 무대에 오르는 것은 불가능해 졌다"고 밝혔다.

신화 6명의 멤버는 현재 각각 6곳의 엔터테인먼트 업체로 소속을 옮겼다. 이들 소속사측은 지난달 31일 상표권 보유업체로부터 최종적으로 상표 사용 기간이 만료됐다는 통보를 받았다. 신화의 멤버가 개별적으로 활동하고 있는 각 소속사 측도 이를 전해 받고 멤버들에게 통보한 것으로 알려졌다.

결국 멤버들이 '신화'라는 이름에 대한 재계약 여부를 놓고 의견이 엇갈리면서 결국 '신화'라는 이름을 사용할 수 없게 됐다. 신화는 일본의 대표적인 남성 아이들 그룹 스마프와 비견되며 10년을 군림한 터라 팬들의 아쉬움이 클 것으로 예상된다.

또 다른 관계자에 따르면 표면적으로는 상표권에 대한 재계약 결렬이지만 그 이면에는 그룹 활동을 이어갈 수 없는 현실적인 배경도 작용한 것이라고 전했다. 멤버들은 영화 드라마 앨범 등 개별 활동이 활발하게 진행하고 있어서 그룹 전체로 묶이기에는 물리적인 스케줄에 한계에 다다른 상황이라는 설명이다.

더욱이 멤버들도 각각 별도의 소속사에 적을 두고 있어 의견을 통일해 그룹 활동을 이어가기 어려워졌다. 여기에 멤버간의 그룹 활동에 대한 견해 차이도 상표권 재계약을 하는 데 걸림돌이 됐다.

신화의 한 측근은 "에릭 김동완의 입대를 앞두고 8월 제주도에서 아시아 팬 미팅이 극비리에 진행됐다. 최근 팬미팅의 형식과 진행에 대해 멤버간의 의견 차이가 좁혀지지 않아서 결국 무산됐다. 누구 하나가 그룹 활동을 반대하는 것은 아니다. 다만 회사가 다르고 활동 영역이 달라지면서 이견이 생긴 게 아닌가 싶다"고 말했다.

결국 멤버들이 신화라는 이름으로 활동하는 것은 6월께 예정된 공연이 마지막이 될 것으로 보인다. 이 행사에는 앤디를 제외한 신화 멤버들이 출연하며 신화라는 명칭이 사용됐다. 사실상 이도 신화 전체로 계약된 것이 아니라 멤버 개별적으로 공연 계약을 한 것으로 드러났다.

신화는 1998년 데뷔했다. 총 9집 앨범을 발표했으며 10년 동안 멤버 변경이나 탈퇴 없이 그룹 활동을 이어왔다. 지난 3월 국내 그룹으로는 최초로 멤버들의 군입대를 앞두고 대규모 10주년 기념 콘서트를 가졌다.

Which basically means:

that the 6 members belong to 6 different entertainment companies. The contract with GoodENTER has ENDED! Thus, saying that it's impossible for Shinhwa to have activities as Shinhwa. Then the reporter brings in the topic of Shinhwa being disbanded.

Second news:

神话成员M(李玟雨)的经济公司OPEN WORLD对'神话'这个品牌进行管理.

为保护被随意使用的组合'神话'的品牌及其高身价,(株)OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT挺身而出.

OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT 6月3日声明说:"为防止2008年3月时已经出道10年的歌手'神话'的名义被随意滥用及维持其品牌的高身价, 在其与GOOD ENTERTAINMENT的'神话'商号(商标)权合约到期的同时, 我们将从2008年6月起开始彻底作为保护体系来管理'神话'这个品牌".

对于将要使用'神话'名号的, 应获得OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT的书面同意, 并且, 现在正在进行或正在准备的Project都要在争得OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT的事前同意前停止使用.

OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT称:"为保护之前被任意滥用的组合'神话'的品牌, 我们将彻底进行管理".

来源: Newsen



Which basically means that Open World Entertainment(The entertainment company that M belongs to) has bought over the rights for Shinhwa as a brand as the contract with GOODENTER has ended.

So can i actually rightfully say that SHINHWA has moved over to Open World Entertainment?

EDIT: SHINHWA DIDN'T MOVE TO OPEN WORLD? It is said that open world had the rights to "Shinhwa" since 2006 when SM sold it to them. OMG. this is so confusing.

Regarding the subbing team, I think we can set up a forum for it! Interested parties, PM me K? Then we can see what we can do.(I mean Shin Hyesung has his own subbing forum *Angelical Harmony*=)

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Guest angel2nyt

Really?? I still can't go...

But many ppl i know have alrdy bought air tickets to be in korea on 21 June and 22 June... Is it possible to postpone it alrdy?

I just woke up and read two really shocking news.

First this:

최장수 남성그룹' 신화 사실상 해체! 왜?

ean Shin Hyesung has his own subbing forum *Angelical Harmony*=)

there is confusion about the use of the brand name "shinhwa"

Good Entertainment and Open World has already made official statements

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Guest kassuma

until official statements are out about the soulmate concert we should not make any speculations. we should wait.

thanks to those who want to sub shinhwa vids

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Guest helloello

Aww i am getting confused with all the news at baidu forum regarding openworld and goodenter. So while our topic is on SM and goodenter, it has now evolved into another problem... Openworld vs goodenter? can anyone help me with this? i am lost...

And thank you to all the people who volunteer to sub!! Thank you so much...

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Aww i am getting confused with all the news at baidu forum regarding openworld and goodenter. So while our topic is on SM and goodenter, it has now evolved into another problem... Openworld vs goodenter? can anyone help me with this? i am lost...

And thank you to all the people who volunteer to sub!! Thank you so much...

just dont think much about this

it is better in this situation to wait and see

i am sure soon someone will come and clears everythings up

so no need to get urself into frenzy when it is something that is not clear yet

just relax and wait

dont dwell on it

as far as i know wherever they are

they are shinhwa

that's all

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Guest aindy

[08.06.03] [Notice] Soulmate Concert postponed




This is Good Entertainment.

Here we have some information from of the organizer of the Soulmate Concert, THE STAR COMPANY.

Hello, this is the organizer of the concert THE STAR COMPANY.

We are sorry to inform all fans that have been looking forward to the Soulmate concert that the concert will be postponed.

While preparing for the concert, THE STAR COMPANY has received a lot of requests from the Chinese fans who are affected by the Sizhuan earthquake, and those who are preparing for exams to postpone the concert. Hence, we decided to postpone the concert which was scheduled to be on 21 and 22 June.

What we are conveying here is the fact that Soulmate concert will be postponed. We are really sorry to all fans and at the same time, let us bear in mind the pain the Chinese fans are going through. And in order to put up a concert that all fans can enjoy, we had to make this decision and we seek your understanding.

The postponement is to allow more preparation time for a fantastic concert, and to the overseas fans, we promise to put up a meaningful concert. We will confirm the date of the concert at a later time.

At the same time, the 8 year old Ga in has gotten a lot of support through the Soulmate concert, and she will still get everyone’s support with or without the concert. Please continue to lend her your support.

※ The cancellation details are as follows:

※ (For more information regarding cancellations, please contact INNEXTREND: 02-3446-3225)

2. Overseas fans:

Email the party whom you contacted earlier for the refunds before 13 June.

3 June 2008



Chin Translation: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz


[08.06.03] [Notice] With relation to the USE of Shinhwa's logo

Hello, this is Open World Entertainment.

We would like to inform everyone regarding Shinhwa’s logo issues.

OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT who holds the rights to Shinhwa’s products has contracted with GOOD ENTERTAINMENT to obtain the rights to Shinhwa’s logo. As stated in the contract, there are 2 more overseas activities. To replace this, we are in the midst of preparing for a FANMEETING for both Korean and overseas fans in Jeju Island.

This planned fan meeting will be the last fan meeting for Shinhwa member Kim Dongwan and Eric before their enlistment. And so, for those overseas fans who have shown their undying love for Shinhwa as well as the Korean fans, they can participate in this fan meeting at no charge. However, Eric and Andy have declined participating in the event and thus, the preparations for the fan meeting ceased.

As Eric and Andy rejected the idea of appearing as Shinhwa, Open World Entertainment interpreted this as that Shinhwa will not have any activities, and so in accordance with the contract, the use of Shinhwa’s logo has been terminated.

Our point here is, no matter what, Open World Entertainment will not support or wish for Shinhwa to disband.

After this, other than Good Entertainment and other companies who wishes to use Shinhwa’s logo, has to get the permission from Open World Entertainment before doing so.

This is solely to protect the brand name of ‘Shinhwa’, we hope fans will not misunderstand our intention.


Chin translation: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz

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Guest angel2nyt

i think someone needs(and i emphasize the word need) to translate Good EMG's side too

OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT who holds the rights to Shinhwa's products has contracted with GOOD ENTERTAINMENT to obtain the rights to Shinhwa's logo.

i have a few questions

what Shinhwa logo? the one theyre using now for their 10th anniversary? or is it shinhwa as a brand name?

As Eric and Andy rejected the idea of appearing as Shinhwa, Open World Entertainment interpreted this as that Shinhwa will not have any activities, and so in accordance with the contract, the use of Shinhwa's logo has been terminated.

because eric and andy rejected to appear in the fanmeeting means they rejected the idea of appearing as shinhwa? what if they already have committed to something else during those dates?

remember when andy announced that he wont be able to appear in the soulmate concert and said his reason, nobody thought that he rejected the idea of appearing as shinhwa

i think we need to know the real reason

Our point here is, no matter what, Open World Entertainment will not support or wish for Shinhwa to disband.


[08.06.03][Notice]With relation to the rights to Shinhwa's logo

Hello, this is Good Entertainment.

First of all, regarding this afternoon's report, 'Shinhwa's logo contract has ended, and Shinhwa has disbanded' has caused much unnecessary confusion, we sincerely apologize to everyone.

The report that was published in the afternoon was untrue, and we hope to clarify things through this notice.

Although Shinhwa members are busy with their own solo activities, and are unable to appear as 'Shinhwa', we still hope Shinhwa will still gather and carry out activities as a group. And so, we would like to make it clear that the statement 'Shinhwa has disbanded' contains no truth.

Also, we will clarify the issues regarding Shinhwa's logo.

In July 2003, Good entertainment as signed a contract with Shinhwa and had bought over the rights to Shinhwa's logo with some conditions attached. (For the detailed conditions please refer to the actual source of news, couldn't really understand what it was about, my apologies.)

Hence, 3 years has passed and GOOD has renewed Shinhwa's contract in 2006. At that time, SM has passed the rights to Shinhwa's name to Open World Entertainment (OW), and so GOOD has contracted with OW in order to carry out activities in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and parts of South East Asia. OW has also been responsible for Shinhwa's solo concerts and the contract to hold 2 activities in Japan.

And so, to fulfill that requirement in the contract, Shinhwa's 2007 Asia Tour in Thailand and Singapore were put up together with OW. And in December 2007 concerts were held in Japan, Shanghai, and parts of Southeast Asia with OW's cooperation until now.

The reported 'Asia Fanmeeting' planned to be held in August at Jeju Island was to fulfill the contracted second activity. Earlier on, OW has suggested this fan meeting and after discussions with the members, we decided it was not possible due to the member's solo activities. Their schedules are too packed and this fan meeting was not possible. Rumours about disagreements amongst members and Shinhwa disbanding are not true.

The contract between Good and OW which started in 2006 regarding the rights to Shinhwa's logo will only end when Shinhwa's contract with Good ends. Hence, there are no issues with Shinhwa's logo. Thus, the problems with Shinhwa's logo and the 'Asia Fanmeeting' were misinterpreted and led to the untrue reports.

Above are the clarifications with regards to Shinhwa's logo. As mentioned, 'Shinhwa has disbanded' is totally untrue. And here, Good would like to clarify that there are no issues with the rights Shinhwa's logo.

I hope this clears the confusion and when we see Korea's representative group Shinhwa, I hope every one of you will give your support.

Thank you.


Chin translation: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng translation: aimeepok@shinhwa.biz

wow.. the handling of the name shinhwa is so confusing

(For the detailed conditions please refer to the actual source of news, couldn't really understand what it was about, my apologies.)

here is that part from the orginal article:

지난 2003년 7월, 굿엔터테인먼트(이하 굿)가 그룹 ‘신화’ 와 계약 당시 SM 엔터테인먼트

(이하 SM)가 그룹 ‘신화’에 대한 성명권을 갖고 있었기 때문에 ‘굿’은 ‘신화’와의 계약 기간동안 ‘신화’의 정규 앨범에 대한 유무선 수익배분과 해외 라이센스에 대한 권리를 양도하는 조건으로 그룹 ‘신화’의 성명권에 대한 사용계약을 체결하였습니다.

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This is not a good day for me. Too many bad news about our beloved Shinhwa.

I feel sorry for the fans have to deal with getting their refunds back (specially the airfare). If it was for Andy to be able to make the concert as a group, I'm totally cool with that. Postponing because of complains due to the quake & for those preparing for exams is lame. The "I Love Korea! Dream Concert" is still on for June.14, why can't Soulmate?

I don't think Eric & Andy decline the fan meeting because of "the idea of appearing as Shinhwa". These guys live & breath with Shinhwa. Being so busy with their own current obligations, it wouldn't surprise me if any one of them can't make it.

How many times the reporters have to bring up the disbanding rumor. Junjin had said in a current interview that after all members come back from military duty, it'll be Shinhwa 2nd blooming time. Can't the reporters get it or they just playing dumb!

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