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Kim Nam Gil 김남길 ~ An Actors' Actor ~ Upcoming Films : 'The Guardian' | 'Emergency Declaration'


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10 minutes ago, lowearth1137 said:

Hi, i am a new fan of KNG as well. I finally became a full fledged fan of him after watching him in TFP very recently. Actually this is not the first time I got interested in him as three years ago I first discovered him in LUTYN. But at that time I was still really unfamiliar with the dynamics of fangirling actors and as I watched more and more dramas, my attention started to drift away from him until I had completely forgotten about him. However one day in 2020, I had the sudden urge to watch TFP out of nowhere and being on netflix makes it easier to watch. I binged through everything and finally this time, I fell in love with him for the second time. Since then, in the span of less than one month, I have watched every single movie and drama he appeared of dating from 2010 and above except The Sound of Flower. During this period my interest in him skyrocketed so high that it's safe to say I'm completely smitten by him. As I watched him, I discovered his amazing traits and I fell so hard for him even more and more. I was really hoping to find an active discussion of him in this forum but I guess this forum is too quiet:sweat:




Is there a place where KNG is actively discussed ? 

i don't know that:joy:  this is his official forum (i think so ,if is not i don't know what to tell you:sweatingbullets: )

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8 hours ago, Mariana Marc said:

i don't know that:joy:  this is his official forum (i think so ,if is not i don't know what to tell you:sweatingbullets: )

Guess I just have to lonely fangirl him then:sweat_smile:



Btw I'm so happy that he decided to star in those 3 outcoming film. We can expect new content from him at least by this year since it is not likely for him to appear in drama or even variety shows.

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On 2/23/2020 at 5:00 PM, Fangirl said:

Hi all.. just signed up to post on the shipping paradise for Kim Nam Gil and Son Ye Jin and saw that the thread is closed.


Really wish they make a romantic drama again together.

Everybody is shipping SYJ with HB but I feel KNG is better suited. He’s more lively and likes to joke around, and he doesn’t seem to care about his image, he just want to show that he care for SYJ


Sorry if this is not the place to say this.

I am so happy that there are people who still ship them.

Honestly I loved their chemistry, he was so smitten by her and such a gentleman around her, he would give such attention to detail with regards to SYJ and he was so consistent with his admiration and even kind of professed his love for her publicly! I haven't seen him act like that around any of his other female co stars...

I will support both of them whoever they choose to share their life at the end but I can't help but think there was something special about them and I hope and pray that they are ENDGAME!

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On 2/23/2020 at 7:30 PM, Fangirl said:

Hi all.. just signed up to post on the shipping paradise for Kim Nam Gil and Son Ye Jin and saw that the thread is closed.


Really wish they make a romantic drama again together.

Everybody is shipping SYJ with HB but I feel KNG is better suited. He’s more lively and likes to joke around, and he doesn’t seem to care about his image, he just want to show that he care for SYJ


Sorry if this is not the place to say this.

I may not agree with you with the shipping part since I'm a more BinJIn shipper myself but your comment does make me recall how KNG called SYJ's name. He said her name in the the most affectionate tone in which  I didn't even remember HB doing that lmao, I'm totally smitten by him when he did that:wub:

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[Translation] High Cut Vol. 238 – Fiery Man and Woman (Kim Nam Gil and Lee Ha Nee)


JULY 13, 2019 / GABBY

[Credits: Korean to English by daegorr. Images: High Cut]





Who knew we could experience such realistic pleasures from a manhwa-like drama, where you have a righteous priest donning a black coat who sets things right in a Gudam-gu monopolized by baddies.  Featuring a political-business collusion to a district cartel, to a celebrity-police drug scandal, “The Fiery Priest” set its best viewership ratings record and is now soaring higher.  Credit goes to all the leads and supporting cast — actors who displayed their passionate acting.  Especially these two who showed perfect chemistry despite the story not having an ounce of romance in it.  They are so happy even when calling each other crazy; we met up with (seemingly) real-life brother and sister Kim Nam Gil and Lee Hanee. 

[Translation note (TN): “Manhwa” refers to Korean comics] 



Kim Nam Gil’s interview




“I will just walk past luxury brand stores, but if there is a nice tracksuit there, I will stop right in front of the shop window.”


You injured your ribs while filming “The Fiery Priest”.  Are you fine now?

I fractured my wrist when I slipped and fell while filming, so I wasn’t able to protect my ribs.  I thought it was a bruise so I just continued to rub it.  I thought it was feeling stiff so I even got a massage.  When the masseur got on top of me to press, it felt painful but refreshing, so I even told him/her to press harder (laughs).  But it turned out that my ribs were fractured.  I didn’t know.


Your body is quite prone to injury.  You fell off your horse during “Queen Seon Deok” and “The Pirates”, and you also broke your ribs during “Shark”. 

Actually those who are good at action don’t get hurt that easily (laughs).


It’s not because you are too passionate towards your action scenes?

I think I had too much drive.  I’ll be like, “No! I can do it!” and then… Because I don’t really like doing things roughly [TN: “Roughly” in the sense of not being serious enough].  Given that action is also acting that requires emotions, doing it yourself is definitely different from just filming your face and using a stunt double.  That’s why I kept doing it, I become ambitious when I do more, and I think I get hurt once I get ambitious.


Despite your injury, the warehouse action scene that aired last night came out very well.

Is that so?  I filmed it after taking painkillers.  For a scene that we worked hard to film the whole night, it only appeared for a short while, which is a pity.


Father Kim Hae Il in “The Fiery Priest” is a classic comic book hero.

Gotham City in “The Dark Knight” was actually the motif for the district name Gudam.  The long coat of the priest also looks similar to Batman’s cape.  I was initially worried that this would appear to childish, but many people liked it surprisingly.  That became the driving force that made filming enjoyable.


People say that the news is more interesting than variety shows these days.  Instead, it seemed like many people found this drama realistic.

Before airing, I only thought the drama was like a comic book, but after airing, many people could relate to it, so I had the thought “Ah, we are actually living at a time where reality is more dramatic than a drama.” It’s sad.





We hear that you are a big fan of comic book cafes?

I like serious comics that have quality, and I also like those of the comedy genre.  You know that feeling right?  Eating ramen, jjapaghetti, biscuits or grilled fish while reading a comic book…keu [*TN: “keu” is a sound to express a refreshing feeling].  I’ve been using comic books to study acting since young.  Because you can imagine each and every cut when you read comics.  When acting, I often wish to properly express the emotions that I get from comics.


You must have received a lot help when establishing your character. 

This time, my character Kim Hae Il is a combination of Sakuragi Hanamichi, Rukawa Kaede and Sendo Akira from “Slam Dunk”.  When I starred in the drama “Live Up To Your Name” last year, I referenced from a Chicago Bulls mascot called Benny.  Although he has since retired, he was a man of many talents.  He was good at dancing, singing, performance and even basketball.  Anyone who saw him would become happy.  Heo Im was created in that image of Benny.


“Live Up To Your Name” and Chicago Bulls is a combination that no one could have imagined. 

Indeed.  There is a limit if I only pick from the image that is within me.  People also liked without exception.  Because comics like “Ruler of the Land”, “Samurai X” and “Slam Dunk” are all famous works that everyone knows, and they all contain a kind of sensitivity that’s universal.


You are usually dressed in a tracksuit when you visit the comic book cafe?

I wear tracksuits even on regular days… We had a fashion shoot today, but such fashionable clothes are actually very awkward and uncomfortable for me.  I often hear people asking me why I go around dressed like that on normal days.  Then I will say “Actors just have to treat their bodies comfortably on normal days and wear clothes that fit their roles when they start working on a production,” but my hyungs will tell me to stop talking nonsense (laughs).  I will just walk past luxury brand stores, but if there is a nice tracksuit there, I will stop right in front of the shop window.  I think the tracksuit has now become my trademark.


You met Lee Ha Nee for the first time in “Shark” back in 2013 right?  You are working with her again in this drama after 6 years.  It probably feels new.

Ha Nee also asked that.  She asked how it feels to see her again after so long, and whether she is now different from before.  Then or now, Ha Nee is exactly the same.  Not just her acting ability, but also her consideration for the staff at the film set.  She’s a friend who is understanding and considerate towards people.  I even recommended her for this drama.  It’s not easy to recommend an actor whom I’ve worked with before, and that shows how much faith I had in her.  Although people at the set say this every time, Ha Nee is really the best actress.





In her interview with “High Cut” previously, Lee Ha Nee also said “Nam Gil sunbae is delicate whereas I’m tough, so we match well.”

Ha Nee has always had an outgoing personality which is great; she didn’t have to be like this, but she always makes the effort to be more cheery, and I feel bad for her seeing her like that.  Having accumulated some experience herself, she is also aware that the mood or feelings of the lead can greatly affect the people around him/her.  Looking at that with the heart of an older brother makes me think, “This kid has grown up well.”  I also tear up sometimes when I think of the other actors besides Ha Nee.  It is not easy to find such a great team in any other production, regardless of whether it’s a drama or movie.  In “Slam Dunk”, Akagi Takenori set the goal of winning the national championship with Sakuragi Hanamichi and Mitsui Hisashi.  Then, the glasses-wearing senior told Akagi “We’ve been waiting for such team mates up till now”.  That is exactly how I feel (laughs).


I enjoyed watching “The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale”.

Aigoo, thank you (he offers a handshake).  Thank you, really.  It couldn’t even get 500,000 admissions… I ought to have a drink with you, reporter-nim.  Really this sadness of mine…(laughs)


A message that you wrote to a female staff of “The Odd Family” has been circulating on social media recently and has been widely talked about. “XX ya, don’t give up, these days there are many camera directors who are also women.  I hope you can prove that this is not a job that’s only done by men.”  Women who work in a male-dominated workplace said they found your words especially comforting.

Did I say such a thing?  There’s a saying to never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing (laughs).  At the film set these days, there are one or two lighting or camera staff who are female.  There are some strengths that females have.  The director of our drama’s B Team is a female and there’s definitely a difference.  Take for example when we have to film a crying scene.  Male directors will be cursing and saying “Everyone, let’s shh!”, but female directors will be like “We will be filming this kind of scene in a while so everyone please keep quiet”.  I got the feeling that they were being considerate emotionally and I was grateful for that.





The words you left at the end of the message — “It’s not the strong that last long, it’s lasting long that makes you strong.”  Is this a philosophy that you learnt from your 16 years as an actor?

In the past, my seniors said, “You need to do this for 10 years in order see some results”.  To which I said, “Then I will try to make it happen within 5 years!”  I thought the strong will be able to last long.  But my seniors said I will break if I’m strong.  I had a change of mindset and became more flexible as time passed, and I had the thought that something will work out if I do my best each day and build on that rather than having a big goal.  It’s not like things will go according to my wishes if I struggle to make things happen.  It won’t work out according to what I’ve set my mind on anyway.


Your next piece of work “Closet” is a traditional movie about the occult.

There is a lot of talk about the variety of subject matter.  I think it is a good sign that such genre of movie is being produced.  The script wasn’t developed with the aim of getting 10 million admissions but as a continuous effort to attempt something new, and it holds great meaning to participate in this.  I think this needs to be done so that Korean cinema will not regress.  Both Ha Jung Woo hyung, who is starring with me, and myself have our own sense of responsibility.  We had a lot of fun while filming.  The movie is now in post-production and I’m curious about how it will turn out.


When you hear that someone is a cheonman actor, and someone else is a ssangcheonman actor, you probably feel uneasy as someone in the position of being selected.

[TN: When a successful actor is able to attract 10 million audiences to his movie, he is referred to as a cheonman actor, where “cheonman” literally means “10 million”.  Those who are even more successful and can attract such large audiences in multiple movies are called “ssang cheonman” actors.]

There’s a saying that it is not possible to recover after one or two of your movies have flopped.  When I heard such things in the past, I thought “No way, isn’t it fine for those hyungs if they are that successful?  It’s not like they can’t act, neither is it because they have no *’ticket power’.  It could be that the movie’s material wasn’t a right fit for them.”  But I realised that wasn’t the case.  I have that kind of uneasiness too.  Of course it would be great if everything I do performs well, I would like to be picked for many projects, and I hope to lend more support to creating more diverse content with that kind of influence.  I say this a lot to production companies and seniors whom I’m close to.  Let’s be a bit more proactive in highlighting cultural issues.  Let’s not feel uneasy.  But it seems like it’s impossible not to be uneasy.

*[TN: Ticket power refers to the ability/popularity of an actor to attract people to buy tickets to watch a movie]





We admire your courage to star in a movie like “The Odd Family” despite all that.

(He gives a silent smile and extends a handshake again)


In an interview previously, Jeon Do Yeon had asked you “What would you ask if you went to see a fortune teller?” and you said you would like to ask “When will I ever be more at ease?” How are you presently?

There’s nothing that I want to ask now.  I think I’ve become more at ease since then.  I said that because I felt uncertain back then.  I think it is interesting to live on with life not knowing about certain things.  Although it will be good to know about bad things beforehand and address them, even if they cannot be solved, I think I will be able to overcome them with the great people around me.  Because I’ve gained many good people around me last year and this year.  I feel reassured.











He’s mentioned in her interview (below):


Lee Ha Nee’s Interview

You are meeting with “High Cut” again after just one month. How have you been?

I’ve been close to fighting a war at the film set (laughs).


The viewership ratings hit 21% at the moment when Park Kyung Seon’s headbutt scene aired last night.

I see.  I don’t pay attention to the viewership ratings everyday.  If I worry about that, I think some of the energy that I need to sustain on till the end of the show will be lost.  When I’m filming, I try hard to close my eyes to praises and insults.


There is a reason why that scene alone was interesting.  Because Park Kyung Seon did an action scene, there was a sudden overlap with Detective Jang from “Extreme Job”.  It wasn’t a clumsy headbutt, but one that seemed really painful.

Ah haha.  This is the effect of “Extreme Job”.


You were mentioned a lot when we interviewed Kim Nam Gil just now.

He must have called me a “chi-gaeng-ie (치갱이)”.


What does “chi-gaeng-ie” mean?

It’s a nickname we use to call each other at the film set; it’s a short form of “mi-chi-gaeng-ie (미치갱이)” [TN: it means nutcase or crazy person].


More importantly, he said he felt bad for you.

Really?  Oppa?  For me? (getting worked up)  We both feel bad for each other.  I actually feel bad for oppa.  I clearly remember him in “Shark” five years ago.  He was like a benefactor to me.  Filming was very tough back then, but he always smiled brightly even in situations that would have made one yell out in frustration.  He was a strong support that protected me.  One would be able to persevere on even if there was just one person like that around.  So I did not consider anything when oppa said to work together in this drama.  Things like character, guarantee, schedule etc.  Nothing else mattered apart from Kim Nam Gil.


Why did you feel so bad for him?

Just looking at oppa, you can feel that the crown of a lead is not to be worn by just anyone.  Regardless of one’s age, the pressure and responsibility that the lead has to bear is beyond what words can describe.  Oppa was a total leader in our drama.  He continued to laugh and tried to remain on the film set even when he broke his ribs.  It was astonishing.  Since oppa was like this, I ended up following him.  That was the virtuous cycle at our film set.  If the lead puts his life on this and goes “I’m desperate about this. I want to work hard on this. I want to do well”, then everyone will follow suit.


He said he ate painkillers and did the action scenes personally when filming the warehouse action scene.

That’s why.  I wanted to take a rest yesterday but ended up going to the set because of oppa.  I came to nag at him “Don’t do it”, “Just film the face”, “Don’t do that” as I kept an eye on him.  He is the kind who thinks that the quality will increase by even 0.1% if he does it personally.  It’s a very dangerous style.  He’s the kind who needs to be stopped by someone beside him.  Actually, there is no one at the set to stop him.  Ah, it was oppa’s birthday a few days ago.  All the actors and staff gathered around to congratulate him with so many things (laughs), which was so cute.  It felt like a birthday feast of a friend during our childhood.


Did you give him a present?

Because he kept wearing a tracksuit everyday, I bought a matching pair of shoes for him.  I thought he would come here wearing it today but he didn’t.  I asked him why he didn’t wear it, he said he couldn’t bear to use it so he purposely chose not to wear it.  Seriously. (laughs)


Do you usually get along very comfortably with male actors?

There’s no need to see me as a woman, and there’s no need for them to treat me as one either.  Just as an actor towards an actor, and as a human towards a human.  I personally have such an attitude, so I think my oppas are comfortable with it.  I will start by saying “Let’s not stand on ceremony”, “I don’t do this, so oppa please don’t do this”.  Those are all unnecessary formalities.  There’s no time for saying all these unnecessary words and spending all these needless energy, and we also age (laughs).

You earned the nickname of “the female Kim Bo Sung” after appearing in “My Little Old Boy”.

[TN: Kim Bo Sung is an actor known for his famous catchphrase “Ui-ri”, which means “loyalty”]

I do have such a side to me.  I’m also like this with male actors so maybe that’s why we match well.  Instead, there are many male actors who are more delicate.  If I behave so sensitively with them, that sensitiveness will have a chain reaction that will result in more sensitiveness that we don’t need.  If we discard all that as if it were nothing, it becomes an insignificant matter.  We just have to be frank.  If there’s no exchange of information, mistakes could happen.  “Thank you”, “sorry”, “good”, “I don’t like it”…I’m the kind who will express such things frankly.


You only had just one day to rest, but you went to exercise this morning before coming here?

As I age, my body also starts to have more and more handicaps.  I come back to my senses when I think of how long I will be able to continue this job.  I also ponder over a million times in the morning.  Should I just go back to sleep?  Should I wake up?  Should I sleep or not?  But once you lose your routine, you will also end up breaking all your rules.  The saying “The truth will set you free” has been stuck on me recently; although it is tough to keep to a routine, you get a big sense of freedom after doing that.  For example, when doing a photoshoot like this today, if I gained weight or if I don’t feel confident of my condition, I will become passive.  I will keep wanting to cover myself and I will be restrained in my poses.  Conversely, I can behave freely in front of the camera if I get feeling that I’m fit.  I’m aware of this so I can’t possibly stop exercising.


There is this feeling that dramas these days are a real-time reflection of Korean society.

Yes.  I did not have such a thought in the first half of the drama, but there are parts that do seem to overlap these days.  In particular, one of Park Kyung Seon’s cases is a meth case involving an idol Kim.  It’s sad that reality is more dramatic than a drama.  I think that’s why viewers feel great satisfaction when they watch our drama.


One thing that viewers are looking forward to is when Park Kyung Seon will repent.

I’m also curious.  When will Kyung Seon do so?  How?  I purposely chose not to ask the scriptwriter because I was afraid I would be bothersome.  She become softer, because she doesn’t feel like a person without a conscience…She will turn back right?

Her unfortunate past was also revealed midway through the show.

This kind of backstory is very important to an actor.  Because it helps the actor to understand his/her own role.  Kyung Seon is a person who is filled with a burning desire to succeed, and such things can happen in anyone’s life albeit in different degrees.  The decision she makes at the end will determine whether she is a good or bad person.  Kyung Seon met Father Kim Hae Il at the crossroads, and she would have been spurred by that.


But without this backstory at first, you must have accepted this role thinking she was purely a villain.

I’m generally not picky over whether it is a good or evil character.  There is a senior whom I really respect who has played a lot of evil roles.  He said this “From an actor’s viewpoint, this role may not be helpful to me.  But someone needs to play this role in order for this show to be shown to the world.  I need to do this role in order for this show to receive investment so that this movie will be released.  In that case, I will gladly show interest in taking on this role of the villain.”  I felt a lot of strong emotions after listening to those words.


You have drawn a big picture.

A common similarity of good actors is that they draw a big picture.  There were such things like these that were said in the past.  “I will devour that scene”, “I will devour that scene on my own” [TN: Literal translation].  Such sayings are really outdated.  What’s the use if you are great at acting on your own?  There needs to be someone to act together with you in order for synergy to happen.  No matter if you are a lead or supporting actor, good or evil character, a show is made with everyone working together.  Ow, the saying “I will devour that scene on my own” needs to be eradicated for good.





Actor Joo Ji-hoon sent support (coffee truck) to the filming site of movie ‘Guardian 보호자’ (Jung Woo-sung & Kim Nam-gil).






credits: @lazyhs1  @___seo_a___








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Kim Nam-gil continues to win awards for his performance in The Fiery Priest. Congratulations.

2020 The 32nd Korean Producer Awards: Performer [Talent] official announcement

2019 SBS Drama Awards: Daesang / Grand Prize (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 32nd Grimae Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 10th Korean Popular Culture & Arts Awards: Prime Minister’s Commendation
2019 BIFF - The 1st Asia Contents Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 46th Korean Broadcasting Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 14th Seoul Drama Awards: Outstanding Hallyu Drama Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 SBS Special Award 특별상
(Source: CJ-eS)





“When The Camellia Blooms,” Kim Nam Gil, Yang Se Hyung, And More Win At 32nd Korea PD Awards

Apr 24, 2020
by S. Nam


On April 24, the Korean Producers & Directors Association revealed the winners of the 32nd Korea PD Awards!


The Korea PD Awards recognizes producing directors (PDs) and entertainers who have contributed to free press and the development of society and culture.


This year, the PD of the Year Award will be announced on the day of the ceremony, which will take place on April 28.


The Award for Experimental Spirit in TV went to EBS’s “Giant Peng TV,” which features the popular penguin character Pengsoo. The Best Variety Show Award went to MBC’s “How Do You Play?,” and The Best Drama Award went to KBS’s “When the Camellia Blooms.”


Winners of the Performer Awards include singer Lee Juk, actor Kim Nam Gil, comedian Yang Se Hyung, TV host Park Mi Sun, and radio host Bae Chul Soo.


The ceremony for the 32nd Korea Producer Awards will take place at MBC in Sangam, Seoul on April 28 and will be hosted by KBS announcer Park Ji Won, MBC announcer Kim Jung Geun, and SBS announcer Kim Min Hyung. The award ceremony will be broadcast through MBC the following day on April 29 at 3:20 p.m. KST. In an effort to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the show will take place without an audience.


Congratulations to all the winners!



Source (1)

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3 hours ago, Helena said:

Kim Nam-gil continues to win awards for his performance in The Fiery Priest. Congratulations.

2020 The 32nd Korean Producer Awards: Performer (Talent) official announcement

2019 SBS Drama Awards: Daesang / Grand Prize (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 32nd Grimae Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 10th Korean Popular Culture & Arts Awards: Prime Minister’s Commendation
2019 BIFF - The 1st Asia Contents Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 46th Korean Broadcasting Awards: Best Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 The 14th Seoul Drama Awards: Outstanding Hallyu Drama Actor (The Fiery Priest) 
2019 SBS Special Award 특별상
(Source: CJ-eS)





“When The Camellia Blooms,” Kim Nam Gil, Yang Se Hyung, And More Win At 32nd Korea PD Awards

Apr 24, 2020
by S. Nam


On April 24, the Korean Producers & Directors Association revealed the winners of the 32nd Korea PD Awards!


The Korea PD Awards recognizes producing directors (PDs) and entertainers who have contributed to free press and the development of society and culture.


This year, the PD of the Year Award will be announced on the day of the ceremony, which will take place on April 28.


The Award for Experimental Spirit in TV went to EBS’s “Giant Peng TV,” which features the popular penguin character Pengsoo. The Best Variety Show Award went to MBC’s “How Do You Play?,” and The Best Drama Award went to KBS’s “When the Camellia Blooms.”


Winners of the Performer Awards include singer Lee Juk, actor Kim Nam Gil, comedian Yang Se Hyung, TV host Park Mi Sun, and radio host Bae Chul Soo.


The ceremony for the 32nd Korea Producer Awards will take place at MBC in Sangam, Seoul on April 28 and will be hosted by KBS announcer Park Ji Won, MBC announcer Kim Jung Geun, and SBS announcer Kim Min Hyung. The award ceremony will be broadcast through MBC the following day on April 29 at 3:20 p.m. KST. In an effort to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the show will take place without an audience.


Congratulations to all the winners!



Source (1)

For TFP alone, he has already won 8 award including this latest one. I think all of us could agree on which TFP is the best thing that had happened to him:lol:

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On 4/24/2020 at 11:16 PM, squeak said:

For TFP alone, he has already won 8 award including this latest one. I think all of us could agree on which TFP is the best thing that had happened to him:lol:

Will there be a season 2? He did say there is a possibility for another season....I hope we can get the same cast (he mentioned how he loved all of them and he wants them to reprise their roles if there is a second season)

Edited by Ashmeister
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12 hours ago, Ashmeister said:

Will there be a season 2? He did say there is a possibility for another season....I hope we can get the same cast (he mentioned how he loved all of them and he wants them to reprise their roles if there is a second season)

The chance of there having season 2 isn't actually that high considering that the director has quit SBS and I'm not sure they will make a season 2 either with a different director or air it on a different channel using the same director. But however it is, I hope it will come true haha

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37 minutes ago, Ashmeister said:

He's totally rocking that blue hair , can't believe that man is 40 <3 

he has blue hair?:huh:I think he only has a little blue hair or i just the video :D i don't know :joy:  but i'm totally agree with you,he's so  HOT 40 years old and handsome:heart:  any color of his hair looks amazing:heart:

EDIT:he dyed his hair blue:wub: i have noticed after i watched the video on youtube

Edited by Mariana Marc
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On 4/24/2020 at 6:45 AM, Helena said:

2020 The 32nd Korean Producer Awards: Performer [Talent] official announcement

This is Kim Nam-gil’s 9th award for The Fiery Priest.





Forbes Korea Names Top 40 Power Celebrities of 2020

[Based on 4 sectors: media, broadcast, income, SNS]

Source => [2020 POWER CELEBRITY] [ How are they chosen? | Power Celeb 40 (1) |  Power Celeb 40 (2) | Sector Top 10 | Film director Bong Joon-ho | Actor Kang Ha-neul ]


Rank / Name / Profession / Total Score / 2019 Rank (change)

  1. BTS (boy band) — 373.6 [2(+1)]
  2. Ryu Hyun-jin (baseball player) — 262.4 [39(+37)]
  3. BLACKPINK (girl group) — 240.2 [1(-2)]
  4. Son Heung-min (soccer player) — 168.5  [9(+5)]
  5. Bong Joon-ho (film director) — 95.6 [new]
  6. Jeon Hyun-moo (TV personality) — 83.7 [17(+11)]
  7. Park Na-rae (TV personality) — 83.6 [6(-1)]
  8. Lee Soo-geun (TV personality) — 67.4 [new]
  9. TWICE (girl group) — 58.8 [21(+12)]
  10. Kim Hee-chul (TV personality) — 57.0 [new]
  11. Song Ga-in (singer) — 48.9 [new]
  12. Go Jin-young (golfer) — 48.8 [new]
  13. Seo Jang-hoon (TV personality) — 47.9 [new]
  14. Yoo Jae-suk  (TV personality) — 47.8 [12(-2)]
  15. Jang Yoon-jung (singer) — 42.7 [new]
  16. Baek Jong-won (TV personality) — 40.6 [36(+20)]
  17. Kim Nam-gil (actor) — 39.3 [new]
  18. Jung Hae-in (actor) — 39.0 [20(+2)]
  19. IU (singer) — 37.3 [14(-5)]
  20. Lee Kang-in (soccer player) — 36.9 [new]
  21. Lee Seung-gi (TV personality) — 36.3 [25(+4)]
  22. Jang Do-yeon (TV personality) — 36.1 [new]
  23. Kang Ha-neul (actor) — 33.9 [new]
  24. Son Ye-jin (actress) — 33.6 [31(+7)]
  25. Hong Jin Young (singer) — 33.3 [7(-18)]
  26. Gong Hyo-jin (actress) — 31.8 [new]
  27. Jang Sung-Kyu (TV personality) — 30.0 [new]
  28. Hong Ja (singer) — 29.8 [new]
  29. Hyun Bin (actor) — 29.5 [new]
  30. Jo Yeo-jung (actress) — 29.1 [new]
  31. Joo Ji-hoon (actor) — 28.9 [40(+9)]
  32. Do Kyung-wan (TV personality) — 28.6 [new]
  33. Kwon Nara (actress) — 28.6 [new]
  34. Kim Hye-soo (actress) — 27.1 [new]
  35. Lee Jung-ah (actress) — 25.6 [new]
  36. Han Hye-jin (TV personality) — 25.4 [34(-2)]
  37. Park Bo-gum (actor) — 24.3 [18(-19)]
  38. Park Hang-seo (soccer coach) — 21.9 [new]
  39. Jang Mi-ae (singer) — 21.5 [new]
  40. Jung Chan-sung (mixed martial artist) — 19.0 [new]


Survey Period: March 2019 to February 2020

Forbes Korea narrowed down the list to 82 nominees by looking at search rankings provided by Kakao; excluding people currently involved in controversies. Then, the Top 40 people (in film, drama, entertainment, music, and sports) were chosen.

1. “Media”: frequency of mentions in news headlines
2. “Broadcasts”: celebrity popularity among viewers based on drama/variety appearances, viewership ratings, MC roles
3. “Earnings”: money earned via films, TV broadcasts, advertisements, etc

4. “Social Media”: statistics from celebrities’ official accounts (YouTube subscribers, followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vlive)








Broadcasts & Earnings



1. Jeon Hyun-moo (TV personality)

2. Lee Soo-geun (TV personality)

3. Park Na-rae (TV personality)

4. Kim Hee-chul (TV personality)

5. Jang Do-yeon (TV personality)

6. Jang Yoon-jung (singer)

6. Seo Jang-hoon (TV personality)

8. Kwon Nara (actress)

8. Jang Sung-Kyu (TV personality) 

8. Do Kyung-wan (TV personality) 



1. BTS (boy band)

2. Ryu Hyun-jin (baseball player) 

3. BLACKPINK (girl group) 

4. Son Heung-min (soccer player) 

5. Bong Joon-ho (film director) 

6. Park Na-rae  (TV personality)

7. Go Jin-young (golfer) 

8. Jeon Hyun-moo (TV personality)

9. Yoo Jae-suk  (TV personality) 

10. TWICE (girl group)

Media Exposure & Social Media



Media Exposure

1. Ryu Hyun-jin (baseball player) 

2. Son Heung-min (soccer player) 

3. BTS (boy band)

4. Bong Joon-ho (film director) 

5. Lee Kang-in (soccer player)

6. Go Jin-young (golfer) 

7. Park Hang-seo (soccer coach) 

8. Pengsu (penguin character)

9. Baek Jong-won (TV personality)

10. Kang Daniel (singer)


SNS Followers

1. BLACKPINK (girl group)

2. BTS (boy band)

3. TWICE (girl group)

4. IU (singer)

5. Kim Hee-chul (TV personality) 

6. Son Heung-min (soccer player) 

7. Son Ye-jin (actress)

8. Jung Hae-in (actor)

9. Baek Jong-won (TV personality)

10. Kang Daniel  (singer) 




Lee Sang-yeob sent a coffee truck to the filming site of movie ‘Guardian’ for director-nim (Jung Woo-sung) and Kim Nam-Gil Sunbae.


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On 4/28/2020 at 8:54 PM, Helena said:

This is Kim Nam-gil’s 9th award for The Fiery Priest.


It's so nice seeing him appearing in public again after a long time ㅠㅠ

Congratulations to him for winning another award again, it shows that his performance in TFP was beyond amazing that he still gets award by this day even when the show ended for more than 1 year already



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Rubie created the thread for this movie a while back, there are translations for news articles there:



Lee Sun-kyun sent a coffee truck to ‘Guardian’ set to support Kim Nam-gil.



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On 4/13/2020 at 9:17 PM, larus said:

 Sorry I don`t know. If you are in the right region (North/ South America) you could try OneDemandKorea.

There are some sites (not leggit) that have variety shows but I don`t know if you could find old episodes with translations. If not, just try little cut scenes on You Tube. Good luck.



 I have watched all of the eng clips of his videos :)


Hopefully someone will sub the whole eps :)

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On 5/12/2020 at 11:35 AM, LyraYoo said:

Im Siwan, Kim Nam Gil, Park Hae Joon, And More Confirmed To Join New Disaster Film

The cast will also include Kim Nam Gil, who has tackled a variety of genres in the past with his experience in films and dramas. He will play the vice-captain of the airplane.

Excited for this :) 


He looks so hot in that picture :) 

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18 hours ago, Ryza Velasquez said:

 I have watched all of the eng clips of his videos :)


Hopefully someone will sub the whole eps :)

It would be good if he has a subbing team dedicated to him since he still has too many unsubbed videos:tears:

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