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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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10 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

The essence of the puzzle . 



LOL I was totally off about the "V L" referring to V Live. Argh, I was wondering if the JG LEE pieces also fit but I never thought too hard about it. Oops.

I hope we find out what the prizes are! I'm so curious.

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I was wondering why the LE E was typed with a space on all the puzzles??   It was spaced strangely (for graphic purposes). 

Ah..I wondered who were the first to email that answer?

1 hour ago, girlyponytail said:

Finally... someone solved the puzzle. Congratz to them! I wonder what big presents that they will received.


I BET the prize gets to be a chance to HANG with him?  Or else why ask that question? ( Unless hanging out to solve his puzzles is what he meant)

Now...I am so bummed I didn't get the chance. Damn RL. I hope we find out who wins and what they got!


You can watch videos on V LIVE.


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7 hours ago, zi4r said:

This portion is purely for @JGiGrande, in defense of fellow Soompians, so I'm putting it in spoiler tag.

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Seriously, I promised myself I won't do this. I'm trying my hardest to ignore your posts but they are driving me nuts. Your sentiment, not only towards JG and HB but our Soompi community as a whole, leaves a lot to be desired.

You say, people are "attacking" you? I am not sure you even know what that word actually means.

All the replies to you basically make three points:

1) We don't give a dang about JG's personal life and we respect his choices. --- to which you responded by basically telling @missmaudy @Silvermaine @junejungki that they are not good enough fans, not liking JG "as a person"... I personally find that very offensive, maybe even "attacking" on your part.

2) Your arguments are not based on any concrete evidence, and there are holes in your logic. --- to which you admit that there really is no concrete evidence and we should wait for JG to speak up.

3) This is a community based on peace and love and sharing, and we do not appreciate your unfounded negative remarks about HB (or any other individual). --- to which you basically responded by writing yet more unfounded accusatory posts about her.

I frankly don't see any offensive posts from other Soompians. Really, my previous long post to you was probably the harshest one among the replies, and even there, I tackled your logic, I didn't "attack" you. We argue on point and logic and opinion, just as we always do ---  civilly. If you don't like people disagreeing, then maybe you're in a wrong place.


You know what "attacking" is?

It is when you talk about a person like this: "manipulative liar woman", "she backstabbed him", "greedy creature", "her cringe-worthy deeds", "her nasty moves", "her greediness", "She isn't a good or thoughtful woman", "Her ugly deeds"........ Okay, I'm tired of going through all your posts, but there are a lot more.

You feel hurt that we merely disagree with you? How would you feel if people use those phrases I listed above to describe you ? You might say, "You don't know me. You have no right to say it." And that would be exactly right. But that's also the same case for HB, isn't it?


Look, I don't think you are malicious. I feel you are just passionate and misguided. But the most important thing is, just as @missmaudy asked: Why are you doing this? What are you trying to achieve???

Let us say JG doesn't want this relationship anymore because of your badmouthing.... Do you think he will break up now? Of course not! How can that be good for him?! He will be seen as a man who discarded a woman he claims he loves, just because of some turbulence. He will be accused of saving his own skin and throwing another person under the bus. "A man who can't keep a long-term relationship" is NOT a character-trait that he will ever desire. Meaning, they will have to continue the charade at least for a few months, if not years. Is that what you want? JG being miserable in a fake relationship?

On the other hand, what if he really loves her and wanna be with her? Are you asking him to choose between his love and his fans? You know JG cares about his fans.... Do you really want him to go through that pain of having to choose? I don't think you as a JG Angel are capable of that much cruelty.

No matter what, what is done is done. He is in a relationship. And it's with HB. And it's public. He made this bed; he will lie in it like a man, because he is a good man. This relationship will have to run its course..... however long it may last. And during that time, I'd rather not see him miserable. JG is a kind-hearted man; do you really think he can be happy if he ever sees any of his fans describing his partner, the way you described her? What good will your actions and words do, except bring heartache to him?

I am sure you have love and empathy in you. Spare some for HB. For JG's sake, if nothing else. Please. I beg of you.


What you (to all who dislike my posts) have to understand is I'm neither attacking her personally nor on IG. Of course, I spare her so I talk these on where she doesn't lurk.

And I want JG happy and get energy from fans too so I only supported him with all heart in previous fm while I'm really hurt for him inside. 

I didn't post regarding the issue on this thread before. But your analysis of JHB being a victim of agency system was very misleading, I bittered for JG so I asked for you to not do that again sharing my opinions. I wasn't here for discussions. But many of you don't get my intention, consistently attacking and making questions to keep me posting here. It's simply your ignorances in madness at me.

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4 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

He is not going anywhere. i dig those tats !

Tats? What tats?

Sorry, can't see anything, blinded  r2ZmeM2.png  by those killer eyes and oh-so-lickable jawline.

Arghhhhh!!! Really, those eyes and that jawline needs to be listed as a WMD..... probably have killed off a sizable female (and some male) population with massive heart-attacks.


And a side note......

I am not a fan of watches; I don't understand the need for them in this day and age. And most men don't wear them well; they look clunky and obnoxious on most people.

But! JG makes every watch seem as if it's worth a million dollar. And the watch brings out a total manly appeal in him. Watches look good on him, and they make him look good. This needs to be a CF, I tell you.


7 hours ago, minmar said:

He needs to get his cute tush out there and ignore the haters.

I really want his cute tush back out here too! Miss him so.


3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

I'm in Osaka to watch Never said good bye

Good luck, dear. That movie turns me into a blubbering mess that I took a week to recover. yellow-onion-head-emoticon-09.gif?130192I really am not made for melodrama..... only watched it cuz JG is in it.



Can't wait for tomorrow to see what JG/Namoo is up to. Arghhhhhh!

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14 minutes ago, zi4r said:

Sorry, can't see anything, blinded  r2ZmeM2.png  by those killer eyes and oh-so-lickable jawline.

Good luck, dear. That movie turns me into a blubbering mess that I took a week to recover. yellow-onion-head-emoticon-09.gif?130192I really am not made for melodrama..... only watched it cuz JG is in it.

Haha...there is a ton of what I term basically "eye intercourse" going on in that teaser. <<<<fans self>>>>   The still images are amazingly clear and the videos are quite sexy...but a bit out of focus...boo!  I'd love this image all crisp and clear from a DSLR. JG-VliveTease2-10_zpsmskj5q0x.png

That said, It's all kinds of WOW! for me.  It has JG and Photo equipment (softbox and strobe).  Photographer fan squee! 


And I really want JG in a movie that doesn't tear you apart emotionally!  He can be a sexy character that frustrates the main female. 

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45 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

And I really want JG in a movie that doesn't tear you apart emotionally!  He can be a sexy character that frustrates the main female. 

I totally need JG to be a modern sexy male character some day. And hopefully, not some boring goodie-two-shoes.... someone with a darker edge. Right now, I only have "Time Between Dog & Wolf" "Kay" episodes (as in, when he lost his memory, and he was being just a sexy bad boy) to hump on. :D And even that doesn't entirely fit my fantasy.

(Not sure how it would go with the audience base, given the latest controversy, but......)

What I need is like: Neal Caffrey (M. Bomer) in White Collar, Frank W. Abagnale (L. Dicaprio) in CMiYC, Mickey Bricks (A. Lester) in Hustle.......

You know what I mean?

High-end bad-boy/con-man/anti-hero....... A man you know is morally wrong to support, but one you can't help but root for (and salivate over) because of his looks and his brains. Someone that toys with the audience's sense of right/wrong, good/evil, light/dark, righteous/self-serving.

He has the looks for it --- sex appeal, sharp penetrating eyes that indicate high intelligence, twinkle in his smile that makes him irresistible yet dangerous, the jaw & neckline & shoulders that makes any suits look extra-expensive, and best of all, the swagger that makes him look like he can rule the world.


Okay. *fans myself* I need a shower.

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I like charming bad guys B), actually when he acted in the character Wang So in SH,  I was glad finally JG did a different character against the conventional nice good guy, I really like his smirky smile when he was Kay in TBWAD.

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I'm still sitting somewhere in front of my hiatus cave... lamenting the second I decided to lurk to the thread and see the images... WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO ME LEE JOON GI?


No, Lee Joon Gi, you can't go anywhere... I won't let you... *what is this? hahaha... and oh dear @zi4r your post about his playing 'modern, sexy male character' doesn't help cure my desperation at all hahahaha let me get my drunken (onion)head back to its upright position first*


Anyway, here's hoping it's for a new CF or magazine photoshoot... but at this rate of me missing him too much, I'll take just anything Namoo will throw at me (or us) lol...

Have a good, peaceful weekend, y'all!


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@zi4r Hahaha....I like your ideas!  But yes, I am not so sure his Korean fan base (and long term fan base) might digest that type of role very well.  But I agree, although he is all kinds of adorable in these melodramatic love stories, a juicier and sexy role would be SO amazing. He COULD totally pull it off. 

I've said it before, but I would love to see him like a Colin Firth in Kingsman.  A classy guy in a suit that you think is just a nice guy but can totally kick richard simmons and save the world when need be. I know they are doing a sequel to include an American type branch of the Kingsman (allied spy organization).  I have been thinking of spamming the directors/writers/producers to get them to make a Korean type branch of the Kingsman...and they can hire JG and other amazingly attractive and great at action Korean actors (like Ji Chang Wook, Park Hyung Sik, etc to fill up the Korean agency).  With all the political drama around North Korea and the US....it might be an interesting and timely story.

I should go to bed...but I was busy creating...






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2 hours ago, zi4r said:


Good luck, dear. That movie turns me into a blubbering mess that I took a week to recover. yellow-onion-head-emoticon-09.gif?130192I really am not made for melodrama..... only watched it cuz JG is in it


I obviously didn't understand a single word... except of course when they talk in italian :lol::lol:

Fortunately I've already seen the film in english so I was able to focus myself only on JG... even if it was possibile not to do that. :wub:

After saw him in the fm at Seoul, seeing him on the big screen is also a lovely and devastating experience. I was in third row so i was able to see all his expressions... and I cry a lot... and I fall again for his eyes, his smile, his tears :heart:

He's very handsome in this film, less skinner than Now and maybe more childish, at least at the beginning. 

Btw, after the film, while I was doing some goodies-shopping B), a woman approached me and said, "I think I've seen you already. Did you come to Fm in Seoul two Saturday ago? You were in line for merchandising. I noticed you because I think you were the only foreigner present at the FM" :D:D

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Oh I forgot it would not be translated.  Glad you already saw it and know Italian.;)

And LOL about someone finding you in Japan of all places.  What are the odds?  JG brings people together. But I bet you weren't the only foreigner. But you must be memorable! Would a blue eyed fan really freak them out? <<>sneaks away>>>>

I really need to go to bed.  Gotta work out of the house today (boy it's late)

One more set 


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@pixelsticks Thanks for the mouth-watering pics. Hope you get enough sleep, after all the photo editing!

My IG feed is gonna be the death of me. Gorgeous gorgeous JG everywhere!!!!


His body is looking less skinny here... (Yummy arms, wouldn't you agree?)


.... while keeping the killer jawline and cheekbone... (Pure perfection personified!!!)

I hope he keeps it up.

I know many other Angels miss his chubby cheeks (hell, I miss those pinchable cheeks too), but the fact of the matter is: chisel-boned faces age less visibly. Less excess flesh on face, less stuff to sag, ya know. I want him to have a healthy body but keep his million-dollar bone-structure the way it is. With the right diet and good exercise, I have faith he can pull it off.

Man, what a feast to the eyes.......... r2ZmeM2.png


@glassnokamen Glad to know you enjoyed the show. First time I watched, I cried like hell, but actually didn't get most of the dialogue because I was busy ogling JG and didn't read the subtitles. Hehehe.......

And wow! What an awesome coincidence, meeting another fan from FM! The world seems really small at times, isn't it?


@NoonaE Sorry for making your life more difficult with my fantasies. Can't help it. A man this gorgeous begs for wild wild imagination. :tongue:

@SGahjumma Oh yes, I love the darker edge of his Wang So too. I just hope he gets to play a modern version of such a character (but with less heartache please; I can't go through another MLSHR, I'll die).


It's Saturday, but I have work. And husband comes back tonight. My Soompi activity will visibly drop, I think. But will try to pop by whenever.

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OMG. Be still my heart! that V Live video is killing me!!!! and if the video was not enough then you @pixelsticks @zi4r post those gorgeous and jawdropping pics, i'm dying here...

I also would love to see him playing a kind of bad sexy guy (his Wang So was close but not modern). But i want to make a petition, i want him to be long haired (at least for a short time). i'm rewatching scholar and last night episode (6) his hair got loose and i almost died (again). 


credit as tagged


@glassnokamen you made it!!! so happy for you!!! watching him in the big screen must be heaven. (Resident Evil is not enough) and the good thing about not understanding and no subtitles is you could focus on him! no distractions. and you finding another FM attendant in Japan is daebak!!! 

Edited by antoniaclamens
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1 hour ago, zi4r said:

OMG OMG OMG. (I am not supposed to be soompi-ing but....) OMG.


Thank you!

Haha same here but wow!  JG, black jeans, jean shirt, gun, no protective vest?  Yay for people who will post set photos! I'm all for the papparazzi to work that way, not in personal lives. 

I haven't seen this image from the video posted that much.  It's so fast and slightly video blurry, but it is his lips and biting his thumb. 


AND....I cannot edit JG pics today (<<<very very sad person here>>>>) but I wanted to come up with some quote for this photo below.  It's not the crisp, clear DSLR stills...its a still from the video portion but it calls for something.  I just don't know what yet. Hey @zi4r and fellow soompians....any inspirations, quotes???  I'll try to check in in 12 hours.  


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