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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

@Lmangla  I don’t think Ma Ri thought the same thing as her dad.

I think she did though; I was surprised that she didn't say "hang on, HS is also my son. Both my sons would inherit the hospital." Instead, she stayed quiet. So by not speaking, she was rejecting HS. She didn't fight for HS rights. Forget Dr Han, but HS is her blood. 


In the earlier episodes, we also see that she didn't care if HS didn't want to be involved in the hospital but he was the heir. HS himself was holed up in the US and didn't care because deep down, he was rejected by his mother. So why would he care about something that he inherits from his grandfather? Thats why I think there is a lot more going on for both the men and it isn't just about money. Ultimately, this is about rejection from Mari. Thats why I think the reunion will be very unhappy one. I expect WooRi will struggle to connect with Mari as well as being a part of the family. HS will simply step aside and Dr. Han will leave. He is almost prepared for the fallout. 


If this was about money or inheritance, he would be like NaYoung and actually destroy the evidence and kick WooRi out like how she did with SooJi.  

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This has been about rejection that turned into revenge for the past 30 years.  Revenge on his now dead FIL, MR and an innocent 5 year old child.  JT was willing to carry out his grotesque plans until he got caught by HS.  JT ignored HS just as much when he help created the whole mess.  Two wrongs don’t make it right. JT was very comfortable in his skin and went along with the plan no matter who got hurt.  JT biggest revenge would have been to take everything FIL worked for by controlling MR.  He had every intention to do ill to MR to have her committed to keep his secrets.  He never intended to divorce her but found an easier way by having her deemed mentally unstable and committed to gain control of everything.  He is fighting like hell to retain it all so he will go along with anything NY cooks up until he finds out she will betray him to get herself clean of any wrongdoing.  Yes, this may not going to be a happy reunion but MR has every right to be reunited with her child.  All the fallout problems could have been prevented if JT controlled his hatred and the resentment he holds for MR.  He made a choice to accept HW as his child but rejected him after he married MR because it was too hard emotionally?  Bull!  He never wanted to raise another man’s child.  Even when he was claiming him as his own, he was hating him for being born.  If he had immediately taken HW when saw him at the hospital, things may had turned out differently for his family because FIL would no longer be in the picture.  Now, he is only worried about what will happen to him and he did not do it for HS, he did it for himself.  I bet when the divorce happens, he will fight to gain control of the hospital and half of the assets then we see his real reasons for all of the planning he been doing for over 30 years.  I think their troubles will continue to stem from NY because she will not rest her jealousy against her sister because her future husband is the heir.  NY is good at keeping herself out of the way and work in back by manipulating others to do her bidding.  If she was no longer able to influence and inspire people with tricks, they should have a fair chance.  WR will be a breath of fresh air and psychologist who can help them deal with the the crazy issues.  I believe that JT will be the biggest loser is this whole mess and it will bring him to his knees.  Once MR turns out, he will see what word lonely really feels like.


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3 hours ago, Charliegirl said:

He made a choice to accept HW as his child but rejected him after he married MR because it was too hard emotionally?  Bull!  He never wanted to raise another man’s child.  Even when he was claiming him as his own, he was hating him for being born.  If he had immediately taken HW when saw him at the hospital, things may had turned out differently for his family because FIL would no longer be in the picture

Well said @Charliegirl I love the way you worded Jin Tae’s mental state. 
I have been trying to find the right words as to why I can’t help not fault Ma Ri.  I believe that when HW was home her dad’s opinion did not matter. But once HW disappeared, Ma Ri started to doubt him. That was the turning point like you said @Lmangla . I don’t think she thought he was there to be a slave for Haedeul. I believe she wanted a complete family. If she only married  JT for him as a stand in. She would have never had HS. She loves HS too but once she lost her eldest child. She was very sad and lost. Lmangla Your Point of view made was on point. I feel JT’s revenge plot was pathetic because even though he is happy with the outcome. HS is the one paying the price because once JT found out he and HS was not getting an inheritance. Hw should not have been mad if he never expected anything in the first place. It seems he expected something because he earned it. But did he really earn it when in his heart HW was someone else’s child.  For example




After hearing his father reason for keeping mom and son apart. HS did not care or was he hurt by this revelation. That is because his heart was always clear and never expected anything in return just for being Ma Ari’s son.  JT’s plot for revenge missed one particular point.  What would he get if his wife died? I am sure she also has a will. She could have already planned on leaving stuff  for her husband and Son. But he would never know because he is to busy scheming to control his wife. 


I really hope was clear in my explanation 

Well said @Lmangla and @Charliegirl 






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I wasn’t surprised Han was a bad guy. He played a similar character in Red shoes. He was ready to kill her but found out she was his daughter and then went to jail willingly. 
Was he that concerned for HS that he could obstruct his wife from finding HW? 
The FIL was not leaving anything to him but HS is MR’s son, he won’t be empty handed when she dies. I agree with everyone who says Han is greedy. He wants HS to get all.


NY actress is good. I totally dislike her. Instead of being grateful for sharing a father with SJ, she felt overshadowed. Her mother had mentally abused SJ, that’s why she has panic attacks, I am sure. Her father and grandmother did nothing to protect her.


A good ending would see NY and her mother pay for the pain they had caused SJ and SY for 20 years. If her father and grandmother are implicated, that’s karma.

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4 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I have been trying to find the right words as to why I can’t help not fault Ma Ri.  I believe that when HW was home her dad’s opinion did not matter. But once HW disappeared, Ma Ri started to doubt him. That was the turning point like you said @Lmangla . I don’t think she thought he was there to be a slave for Haedeul. I believe she wanted a complete family. If she only married  JT for him as a stand in. She would have never had HS. She loves HS too but once she lost her eldest child. She was very sad and lost. Lmangla Your Point of view made was on point.

Mari is terribly flawed at communication. She has not shown that she cared or wanted or needed a relationship with HS or Dr Han. She was so upset to find out that her husband has been finding comfort with the restaurant. Why was she shocked? Why was she so upset? She didn't provide any warmth in her family. She didn't communicate that they mattered to her. She didn't show them affection. Instead, the house was cold and filled with contempt and derision. She kept them at a distance. So the message that she sent the men and was reinforced continuously by her actions over the years was that they didn't matter. That was what was communicated. 


HS could not understand why they were still married all these years when she hated Dr Han. It seemed obvious that she was using Dr Han for his expertise. He was a doctor and understood the needs of the hospital while she doesn't have the medical background. So she needed him to do the work -- in that sense, she was treating him exactly like her father had described -- Dr Han was just a servant. Even HS was shocked why she didn't want a divorce. It wasn't clear to either father and son that she loved them and still wanted them to be a family. Instead, she resorts to using the baby and marriage as a kind of emotional hook to keep them together. 


Why did she keep Dr Han around when she hated him so much -- she wanted everyone to be miserable because she was unhappy herself. HS experienced discomfort and pain in growing up in this house but instead, he was forced to keep quiet. When he did express his feelings at the nursery, she just slapped him. She essentially dismissed what he had shared because only her feelings matter. She has never apologized to HS for making him feel that he does not matter. She has never told him that he does matter and he is loved. Now that he knows that Woo Ri has a different father, then her rejection makes even more sense. She hated Dr Han and so rejected the son born from him. 


Mari has a lot of work to do in regards to HS. She needs to acknowledge his hurts, understand how hard it was for him that he was mostly invisible to her pain. As for Dr Han, from the beginning, I have been expecting to see these two get divorced. Ultimately, I think that is what will be healthy for them. Too much has happened. This relationship will not recover and maybe for the best. Neither trust each other or expect that the other cares. 

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11 hours ago, Lmangla said:

relationship with HS or Dr Han. She was so upset to find out that her husband has been finding comfort with the restaurant. Why was she shocked? Why was she so upset? She didn't provide any warmth in her family. She

A marriage between two people means sharing many things. Any wife or husband would be distressed to find out their spouse is finding comfort from another person, whether it is the bedroom or the kitchen. The shortcomings of a spouse are always used by a cheating spouse to cheat. In Director Han’s case, he is not the cheating type, but an ambitious, greedy man. That was why he stayed in the marriage. 
@Lmangla MR refused to divorce Director Han could be for several reasons. Usually, when a woman has a child, she wants him/her to grow up with a father. She had grown up without a mother. Being a divorced woman in her circle might be an embarrassment. There is also the inertia, putting up with a bad situation that had not come to head. MR had her job and the baby’s room. Director has the Courtyard house and the directorship plus HS. A divorce will happen when an untenable situation is created, eg an affair, a death, a serious sickness etc.

But one thing is certain, MR is not keeping him because of his medical abilities. There are many doctors who are willing to take up the directorship of a big, modern hospital in a big city like Seoul. It’s true in many countries. Now if it is at the branch hospital in a small town or on an island, there may be difficulties.


I knew it. We have to put up with HS indecisiveness in revealing the truth to his mother. Knowing that his father had kept the truth from his mother and his wife had been hand in glove, he still could watch his mother struggling to start anew. If she lashed out at all three later on… that would be fair.

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17 hours ago, Lmangla said:

Mari is terribly flawed at communication. She has not shown that she cared or wanted or needed a relationship with HS or Dr Han. She was so upset to find out that her husband has been finding comfort with the restaurant.

 I agree Ma Ri is flawed . She was a terrible partner and parent. But she would have never been if HW never went missing. TBH I think JT was negligent subconsciously. If it was HS, he would have never left him alone that long by himself. 


18 hours ago, maribella said:


I wasn’t surprised Han was a bad guy. He played a similar character in Red shoes. He was ready to kill her but found out she was his daughter and then went to jail willingly. 


I remember that drama. I had hoped it HW was his son to force JT to admit and repent on what he did wrong. I believe JT will have to lose something so that he can repent. 

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@maribella ~ I find Mari to be a very vindictive passive aggressive person. Lots of times, people think passive aggressive is not abuse or toxic but actually it can be very stressful to live in such an environment. She openly despised the man and thought he was a social climber. She felt he was greedy and ambitious who only married for her money. She thought he abandoned HW on purpose and has continuously sabotaged her. Why on earth would you want to stay married to a guy you don't trust or like? 🤦‍♀️


She was just mad that he would be content without her. That sounds super mean. HS is an adult and he was fine if his parents got divorced. She has no friends or family that she needs to save face. So basically it boils down to loneliness. She is miserable, makes others unhappy but cannot live alone. A terrible combination. Like you said, the lack of inertia to walk away. 


@UnniSarah ~ if there is a lesson to be learned from Mari, it is that we need to have good communication and then try to find healthy ways to move on. Otherwise, we make others miserable and in the process alienate those we care about.


Restaurant omma is a great character - she faced so much but she didn't let bitterness get the better of her. So she built a warm home as well as a restaurant that gives out a little bit of sunshine. Woo Ri is going to have a really hard time with his bio family who are so messed up. 

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This is why I enjoy your POV @Lmangla you always point out the obvious. This drama is about psychological issues of all characters. You point out Ma Ri’s fault and I turn a blind eye about them.  I realized yesterday all the characters in the drama have flaws. I just can’t stand watching poor HS stuck with Evil wife and Father. 

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Yes.  They all have flaws.  MR and JT’s relationship was destroyed from the beginning by the FIL with his prejudice behavior towards MR’s marriage.  However, it takes two to tango whether they push and pull for the good of the relationship or the bad.  I know MR has a problem of expressing her emotions but have anyone thought of how she was raised without a woman’s influence of love?  It seemed she only had a harsh father who put business and prestige before his daughter’s feelings and was raised as a commodity instead of a precious daughter.  He made decisions for her regardless of what she thought or felt in any situation.  MR seemed to have feared but respected her father because he bullied her to reject her emotions and accept his decision.  This why I am guessing her and JT was in a relationship prior but FIL got involved to break them up.  FIL had no respect for JT and it seems he hated him for his poor background and ignored his great educational and professional achievements.  Without a prestigious background, JT was considered trashy and a servant to be use however FIL saw fitting.  I can understand the hurt JT must had experienced being called a dog or a servant and the detrimental harm to his emotional defenses.  However, he destroyed his other half because she did not protect or defend him against her vindictive father’s actions.  If he had waited and held on a little bit longer, he could’ve had it all.  However, he chose strike a heavy inconceivable blow that completely shattered his marriage and family.  SY had it difficult having her child taken away from her but I imagined she felt some comfort knowing that SJ was safe with her father.  However MR was different for her child was stolen by a stranger and I think I could imagine the absolute fear of HW’s abduction was a nightmare running rampant throughout her mind each second to minutes to day.  The unknown fear of what your baby might be suffering or possibly being exposed to all kinds horrific abuse or neglect was a never ending tortured cycle.  I imagine that it was way worse for her because her mind may had played tricks on her of HW crying to her for help to save him.  Then while this is going on, you have unsympathetic husband who does not know how to love but demonstrates a hostile demeaning attitude towards her fear for her missing child.  I know he did not intentionally lose him but I would question his actions if he would have left HS to fend for himself while he took care of a patient.  Subconsciously, he may had thought what his life or marriage would be like if HW was his natural son or his existence never happened.  Then when he finally found him, instead of calling the police and MR about his suspicions and come to the hospital, again he left him to come all the way home with information instead of phoning.  For a smart man, he make some irresponsible choices when dealing with a minor child so it still makes him suspicious of his actions.  Then finally he becomes a man and do what he been thinking all along, he officially and cruelly abandoned his wife’s son on the street knowing he was homeless!  So how does a few hurtful words compare to discarding a small defenseless baby on the street.  He does this cruel action but expects care and loving attentions with monetary rewards from a woman who he stabbed in the back.  Yes.  MR should had remembered that she had two children and took responsibility for HS but also JT should had done the same. They both neglected a needy child and buried their home in a war of pain due to past trauma.  Two wrongs does not make a right.  Now,  JT has continued to make the same choice he made 25 years ago but again, he deserves something for his years of service to the hospital?  He is offended of a 30 year divorce agreement but excuses his guilty actions for the 25 years of trauma he deliberately inflicted onto his marriage?  If MR was suspicious of his actions, she had every reason to believe he was out to harm her.  Sometimes people can sense betrayal and ill feelings of harm from a partner before it can be proven as fact.  The one thing I see that is different between MR and JT.  MR may grip or antagonize JT but I think she is seeking attention and love from him but he is only focusing on his agenda or feelings.  Again, I really think she is clueless and confused on how to go about communicating and gaining a loving companionship.  Also, she does not try to harm him but butt heads wanting more personal attention not business talk.  On the other hand, JT has a deep abiding resentment and hate with little bit of compassion for MR.  He wants to see her suffer and gets an unholy giddy high watching her pain.  He enjoys watching other walk on her to break her down emotionally.  Why is his pain more valid than MR’s and how can he justify sacrificing a innocent child for hurtful words.  Yes, words do come with some power punches but when a person hurt others to satisfy their revenge—they become one in the same.  JT’s cruelty seems to knows no bounds and MR really doesn’t know how terrifying of an enemy she has married.



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@Lmangla I had only started watching when @UnniSarah tagged me so I didn’t watch the full spectrum of MR’s behaviour. From what I had watched, she had emotionally isolated and distanced herself from those around her. But like @Charliegirl I think it’s absolutely vicious of Director Han to take it out on a defenseless 5 year old, not even a teenager. He could have backstabbed MR without hurting either boys. She and her father had inflicted pain on him. Hurt them back. I like a good revenge. This is a cowardly man.

Now he is gaslighting HS, daring him to break up the family!! Man! the family is already cracked. It’s just held together by deceit and hatred. HS talks about being okay with divorced parents, so what is he doing? Nothing, he is afraid of breaking the family to pieces. So it’s all talk from HS.

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Ooo I hope SY is smart enough to put two and two together. Maybe pretend that she was calling Director about something else. Han and the snake had been one step ahead all the time because nobody had suspected them. 

I think the stupid mother will mess things up for NY serpent. They are so full of bile against SJ and SY.

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Na Young ah must be the Madam of the house. She seems to be making all the decisions for HS &  JT. I hate watching these two characters be submissive right now. 
Like some people say HS is all talk and no action.  I wish he would continue to have a backbone. If he continues like this  will Hs have to go to America for more studies at the end of this drama. I would hate for him to do that where once again HS will lonely because of his father selfishness/greed. The family HS wanted will not happen because he is so indesisive.  








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@UnniSarah ~ Rather than indecisive, I find HS is scared of the fallout. When you are indecisive, you are unsure of what decision to make. Here, HS is insisting that the truth be told. So he already knows what needs to be done. He is hesitating because he is petrified of the fallout. He knows this family will splinter apart and he is not prepared. After growing up in a cold house, he is finally getting a glimpse of a family feel but it is all sorts of messed up. So it makes it harder for him because he knows that once he tells, there will be no family. The only option for him would be to leave either physically or emotionally. He knows that Mari will reject him as well. So basically, he needs to prepare for the bottom to drop. 

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8 hours ago, Lmangla said:

because he knows that once he tells, there will be no family. The only option for him would be to leave either physically or emotionally. He knows that Mari will reject him as well. So basically, he needs to prepare for the bottom to drop. 

This is why I think he is indecisive.  He said that it was better for his parents to divorce but on the other hand he let his father gaslight him into inaction. He went to see his ‘hyung’ in the middle of the night at The Courtyard house and the hospital but he did not tell UR why he was there. Likewise where his mother was concerned, he allowed his father to lie blatantly many times to his mother. He resented his father for revealing the truth but he was not doing anything other than urging his father to act.


He knows what is right and what is wrong, but coming to the point of doing the right thing with UR & his mother, he changed his mind. That is indecisive.


It is a kdrama tool to keep the show going. Just like the ‘missed encounters’. For example, the FL waited at the bus stop and the guy took a wrong bus and stopped at the next stop. 

15 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

Na Young ah must be the Madam of the house. She seems to be making all the decisions for HS &  JT. I hate

She has always hated SJ and would do anything to be one-up to her. Blackmailing Han and stopping HS from spilling the beans were just in character. The fact that those two were compliant just show that they didn’t deserve to be a family.

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