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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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On 6/20/2024 at 5:34 PM, kboramint said:

Well, it looks like the "camera guy" is not the real father of NY's baby and it's going to be SML's baby. Also, the truth of what happened on the night NY got slapped by SJ, and the fact that SJ tried to protect NY from sexual harrassment has been exposed. NY even accepts this . Looks to me like they're ending this story arc and are moving on. NY and SML is going to be the secondary couple where  there's going to be struggle and hardship beteen them. 


SJ will get her career back and what is left is for her to find out that ML's mom is her bio-mom which will become a obstacle in the SJ and UE relationship.




NY is going to make SJ and UR’s lives as difficult as possible because habits don’t change.

4 hours ago, kboramint said:


I skipped a lot of episodes so I don't quite know. To me, it doesn't seem like it. 


The miscarriage was a red herring, and we entered the story arc where NY chooses to be a single mother, but the elders reject that idea. It isn't because she is trying to hide it from the baby's father's side of the family but because he didn't believe that the baby was his. 


Speaking of the baby's father's side of the family, did they drop the storyline that SML's father and mother were going to get a divorce??


SJ's mom now knows SJ is her daughter and it seems like she has no problem with SJ dating her adopted son. Even after auntie said they look a couple, and UR mentioned that should they make it a reality. I don't see a obstacle there. Unless SJ or her father's side is the one that is against dating her mother's son. 


Which brings up Ara's bio-mother? Could she still be UR's ex and comes back to seperate the couple?  

I think having a grandchild is going to stop the divorce from the Rich hospital couple.

I hope NY loses the baby. Because otherwise we will need a time jump as she gets bigger and the baby becomes more of an issue. And then perhaps an even bigger time jump while the baby turns into a five-year-old and Ara mysteriously stays the same age and size.


it is annoying to me that this show is making me feel somewhat sympathetic towards NY. She’s pregnant and jobless. But we know that she will still be taken care of so I have no reason to feel sorry for her.

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20 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

THANK YOU for say this @Lmangla  I don't know why they kept quiet either. ALl of them stood by  as she got humiated and ended up sick in the hospital. Remember once they moved, SJ never stepped foot in their new home. None of them was worried when she never came home. But when it concerns NY and DO Young they are worried for them.  Neither of them felt bad for what happened to her or defended her. 


I do not like Do-young, because he is a 27 year guy who has no job experience and is kinda lazy. Sure he is changing slowly but his character is appalling.  He will get his karma since he started falling for Do RI.  Seon Young will never accept them because of Na Young and Yun Ja. I can't wait for that. This will be the time, he finally understand that his mom is Evil.

both nayoung and mistress mom continously have a "woe me" attitude where everyone needs to adjust and accomodate them. if they don't, then the other parties are unkind, inconsiderate and so on. this family has perpetuated that to one extreme. so everyone just assumes that sooji will be fine because she has always been fine. they think she can handle any problem because she has always handled every problem.


however, sooji also has a problem of lack of communication and lack of boundaries. she needed to tell her family members off, she needed to tell them that their attitudes and behaviours were unacceptable. she needed to fight for her place. because she acted like a doormat for so many years where nothing bothered her, no one in this family has realized that sooji is also human and has feelings.


in contrast nayoung and mistress mom scream and cry a lot -- they make their feelings known and create drama. so this family ends up putting these two in the centre which is ironic because nayoung keeps feeling that she has been abandoned for years together and she doesn't matter...


loved when doctor han scoffed and asked what is nayoung plotting now. he at least clearly has her number and understands that she is a snake. both HS and foundation mom are clearly soft and they are going to go to nayoung.


had to laugh a little that nayoung was so hurt that HS asked if the baby was his -- after saying so many lies, she thought he would just believe everything now? she deserves to have the fallout of broken trust. unfortunately the way she is behaving, the family is going to act like HS is at fault for not trusting her. 


loved that restaurant omma didn't bat an eyelid at the near miscarriage and instead warned nayoung off. she is not someone to be trifled with and it will be interesting to see the moves she makes. the years she has lived on her own has sharpened her and she no longer falls for emotional manipulations of mistress mom

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10 hours ago, Lmangla said:

however, sooji also has a problem of lack of communication and lack of boundaries. she needed to tell her family members off, she needed to tell them that their attitudes and behaviours were unacceptable. she needed to fight for her place. because she acted like a doormat for so many years where nothing bothered her, no one in this family has realized that sooji is also human and has feelings.

I have only started watching the show a few episodes ago and her ‘cool’ reaction really turned me off. But I have just sneaked a look again instead of waiting for her revenge. 

I can’t believe the fuss over the baby whose paternity is questionable and mother who can lie glibly. There were tearful eyes hearing the baby’s heartbeat. Maybe it’s because of Korea’s low birthrate?:neutral:


Nowadays, people are more casual about having children out of wedlock but there are still many people who find it shameful. I knew a few women who flew out of the country for abortions.  But I don’t think it was shame. They were bold women.

Certainly, they wouldn’t have entered into a marriage just to have a baby.


I am going to predict that the mother SY will be doing the payback but will stop at the coup de grace because Miss cool SJ stops her. :smirk:

To top it all, SJ’s father was worried about NY, poor girl. I would still be peed off with her, it was barely a few days before the truth was revealed. Likewise, NY’s step grandmother was sorry for her. :expressionless: 

I am not sure why it’s rated no. 1.

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So, I think that everybody over here knows that while I tend to ramble in my posts I also try to be as fair as possible when it comes to character assessments even the villains. So, if I think that the second leads may have done x crime, they should certainly be charged for it but if someone is implying that they have done y crime then I will probably be defending the villains for that issue at least. Granted the point that I want to cover in today's post has already been covered by some over here. @Lmangla has done it quite well. Still here I go.


The first question someone asked is whether Rapper Bro is actually aware of what is mother did to Suji’s mother. My take is that he is at least partially aware of her actions. Depending on how one views the situation. Things that are clear are as followings. He knows that his mother made a serious mistake for which she was kicked out because his mother told him just before she was kicked out. He even tried pleading with his father to forgive her by saying that she knows that she made a mistake and feels bad/guilty about it. So, there is partial awareness over here. Follow up with this fact in the last episode when Na Young is about to get a miscarriage due to tensions about getting exposed and all. His mother mentions that Suji’s mother must have plotted with the fellow PD to ruin Na Young. To which he responds that Na Young was in the wrong from the start and things have only been put right. This indicates that he is at least aware of the fact that Suji’s mother has discovered Suji and that there is a thing over here.


Just how much he has managed to figure out on his own from these points remain to be seen. Not that it matters because as of now he seems to be on Suji’s side anyway. As for him being jobless at his age. To be fair the moment he discovered that his father had issues due to scam incident he tried his level best to change. He sold of as much as he could of his collectibles and tried to get a job at a restaurant. He did end up getting fired due to his behaviour and the owner had the last straw when he ended up causing more loss and damage to them. Even now he is helping his father with the cleaning in that building complex. I won’t say that he has totally matured considering the fact that he expected his father to pay him in helping him sell the rolls considering their financial situation and all. But at least I still feel that he is way better than his mother in this department.


Now moving on to the next question as to why nobody in Suji’s family didn’t reveal to the media that she and Na Young were sisters because as mentioned the fallout to all of this would have been less severe. In response to that I want to say that my memory is quite hazy so the details may not be a 100% accurate. So please help me out.


First of all, when the first video went viral either the father or Rapper Bro did suggest the following to Na Young. It is highly likely that it was the father though. Na Young at this point went and started emotional blackmailing them. She went on about how everyone was so worried and concerned about Suji that nobody was even considering her feeling and what she went through and that she would rather die than admit this fact. The family went silent at this point and probably thought that giving both of them sometimes they would be able to settle the matter peacefully. Perhaps Suji even mentioned that she would resolve the issue. Suji did by the way try and reveal the truth at least twice but each time she was sabotaged by Na Young. The first time Na Young sabotage the press conference and made herself as the victim. The second time Suji tried to reveal the truth Na Young posted the second video online making Suji more of a pariah.


A lot of her supporters started to hate her at this point by believing the lies. This further broke Suji and made her want to go into hiding for the time being. Which was another cause of concern for her family. I think another reason why the family didn’t intervene earlier was also because of the father being caught in a scam and how they had to suddenly move out and resolve the financial situation. So, they also had a lot on their plate at that time. Should they perhaps have done more most definitely.


What I do find interesting is how Suji corners the PD and tells him that he should have verified facts before posting them online. Which is true especially considering the fact that he works in the media department so he should know of his action’s outcomes. Yet when she tells him that she is Na Youngs sister he simply takes her word without any evidence. Showing that he probably still hasn’t learnt his lesson. Though I guess some of her actions might have been more convincing. Such as dragging Na Young when she was being harassed by her boss or refusing to take the job as a presenter because that is what Na Young wanted. So, I guess we should give him a pass.


As for the Doori and Rapper Bro being a couple. I do think that there might be a bit of objection from both sides initially considering the family backstories. But from my understanding of these shows and how they work. They will probably be endgame. Like I said these shows are all about forgiveness, repentance and acceptance. In this case the children are usually a form to bridge the gaps. We have already established the fact that Suji’s mother is never going to return to her former family or at least as the lady of the house. Not only that but she is equally disappointed that family could have believed the lies that Na Youngs mother told them about her (those that she is aware). So, the only way to mend those bridges would be through the kids.


We already know that the Uri/Suji pairings is going to be an issue for that family. Na Youngs mother asked about the relationship between the two. Not only that but mentioned how that would end up making them in laws and she knew that neither of them would want that. She is partially true in that department though. Or at least from a legal standpoint. Suji’s mother isn’t seeing this right now because she just wants to see all her children happy. Speaking of her children she better reveal the truth to Suji fast before someone else drops the bombshell. Na Young’s mother is already loose lipped and let it slip a few times. Then there is Na Young who may simply do it out of spite. She can’t bare to see Suji happy while she perceives her own happiness regardless of who is actually at fault.


I like the fact that at least Hyung Sun’s father seems to suspect that Na Young may have an ulterior motive. A shame that the others don’t realize this. Then again while he does have a few valid points the rest of the family are just as much in a pickle. For instance, he has pointed out how they can be sure that Na Young is carrying his grandchild. To which his wife counters that at the same time how can they be sure that she isn’t. A simple solution may be to simply wait till the baby is born and then have a DNA test done to verify this fact. Problem to this of course is the fact while this is certainly possible, they will look bad and that is what they are afraid off. It is the reason why he doesn’t want Na Young treated/tested at their hospital because of the gossip that is being done over there (already people were talking when they discovered that she was pregnant and assumed that Hyung Sun was the father). So, what is going to happen when Na Young gives birth first and then gets married. People will badmouth the family and wonder how this could have happened in the first place.


On the other hand, if they get married first and then she gives birth the rest of the world may not catch on so soon and think that she got pregnant after marriage thus everyone gets to save face. It is the reason why Na Youngs’ mother is rushing for them to get married before Na Young’s bump starts showing.


Oh, speaking of Hyung Sun I wonder what Suji’s mother is going to think about him getting married to Na Young. Remember she has already seen him, so she is going to recognize him. Not that she is going to be invited to the marriage. So, we have to deal with that situation as well. She has warned Na Young not to hurt her daughter in anyway. Granted Suji has moved on so this might not be such a major issue for her even if she were to discover the truth.


Someone mentioned about Hyng Sun’s family thinking that Na Young and Suji are biological sisters. From what I read in one of the subs I think Na Young was honest with them and told them that they weren’t biologically related, and Suji cut of all sisterly ties with her and that is why she never corrected her and went with the press conference with her version of the story. The director was correct to find her claims suspicious. Regardless of whether or not Suji cut of her ties with Na Young her reputation took a hit and if Na Young considered her a sister, she should have still tried to rectify the situation by claiming that they were sisters as everyone around her was telling her to.


I am still looking forward to the director discovering that Suji is the daughter of the restaurant owner. Will he look at her fondly at this point. From what I can tell he still seems to like her as a doctor but not as In Law material for two reasons. She doesn’t come from an influential family so she can’t help if the hospital were to ever face a crisis and support Hyung Sun. Secondly, he has issues with her family especially her stepmother.


Na Young tried to strike a deal with Suji to burry her secret and in return she would open a private practice for her. Does she know so little about her sister that she would actually think that it would work. If money was what motivated Suji she could have asked him for that favour personally ages ago. Especially when she was facing a difficult time. She also claims to be in love with Hyung Sun but what is the reason. Does she love him because she feels a connection with him. In that they both have heavy emotional scars or is it for his looks or his wealth. It would help if we had a better idea.


Though we finally have confirmation which of the sleepover attempt got her pregnant. It was the second one like some of us predicted. Speaking of that I feel like Hyung Sun deserved the slap when he questioned her whether the child was even his. Granted she has been telling so many lies that he would begin to doubt her as well as the fact that others were telling him to make sure that she wasn’t pulling any more stunts or confirm the truth. But even then, I feel that the slap was warranted because he could doubt her in regards to this if there was enough proof. Over here the doctor clearly told them that Na Young was six weeks pregnant. (Has the show even been out that long or since said sleepover scene in particular). At this point he needs to do some basic calculation. Does he know her for that long and have they been in a position during that time where he could have gotten her pregnant. Next during this time period has he noticed anytime when she could have been with someone else. If the answer is no, then he should man up and take responsibility.


Just to be clear those two have been meeting way to often during that time period. Him to vent his problems to her and she was there to console him. Also, they probably left late and all. Therefore, considering the time that he would probably appear unannounced she wouldn’t really have time to meet someone. There was only one time that he could probably consider suspicious if he thought about it where she was a bit hasty to get rid of him because she claimed that she was tired. But like I mentioned that was after the six weeks incident. Hence the probability is high that he is the father.


So are we back to the speculation that Ara is possibly Uri’s kid. Ah well I haven’t given much thought to that theory. Just saying that I am open minded to it though at this point. But given the number of episodes remaining we will just have to wait and see. Till then let’s see what plot points need to be resolved in the remaining episodes. We are currently at episode 64 which makes it the halfway point so far. Two acts remain.


Suji needs to discover that she is living with her biological mother, and we need to deal with the fallout of said revelation.

This will also affect her initial relationship with Uri because she may think that he is her brother. So that will take a few episodes to resolve

Na Young will try her level best to get Suji or Uri fired from the hospital because she will be uncomfortable with the fact that Hyung Sun may get swayed if Suji continues to be near him or that she may reveal more of her secrets.

Speaking of which need to be exposed. Currently Suji’s name has been cleared regarding the two earlier videos. But at the same time Suji has again covered for Na Young and let the world know that she deliberately posted them with malicious intent. Na Young would therefore be afraid that if Hyung Sun were to discover this fact he would want to breakup with her again. She has only with great difficulty managed to sort of win him back.

Hyung Sun’s parents’ backstory needs to be resolved. So, we need to know just why foundation mom is so against him. She also tends to twist everything that he says and does these days. So, what triggered this.

Does Uri have a birth secret. Speaking of him we need to discover just how and why Suji’s mother ended up adopting both him and Doori. There are hints that he was at the orphanage where the restaurant family tends to volunteer. Probably the same for Doori as well.

Doori and Rapper Brothers relationship needs to come to light and the ramification of said relationship needs to be resolved.

If Uri has a birth secret, then we can be sure that Na Young will be the first one to discover it and she will try her level best to conceal it. I guess that is another thing that she will have in common with her mother. Assuming that he belongs to the hospital family she wouldn’t want him to discover said fact because this would mean that somebody else would have a shot at the family wealth and she wouldn’t want to share what she already has. Furthermore, this would also mean that Suji could be happy and still live a comfortable life. Something that she doesn’t want Suji to be/have.


In this case be sure to expect a few episodes where secret DNA tests are being done, swapping of official/original results. Stupidly keeping evidence instead of destroying it allowing her to get caught. Perhaps even bribing certain people to keep the secret. This makes me wonder if the Scoop PD role is finally over or will he return. As of now he claims that he wants nothing to do with Na Young since she jeopardised his career. The only reason that he probably didn’t sell her the evidence this time round was because Suji also had evidence which she could reveal which would have incriminated him and thus totally destroyed him. But this time round things could be different.


On a side note, from all the people that suddenly came to Suji’s side once her name was cleared was an actress whose child Suji had abducted way back in the early episodes. Does anyone know who that actress was? Just asking because she looks familiar, and I know that I must have seen her in some other show. But as of now the name and shows elude me and it is driving me nuts. I think that I have partial OCD at times.


Anyway, after all those other sub plots have been resolved and we don’t get an extension then yes, it is possible that Ara’s mother will not only show up but will also turn out to be Uri’s Ex. Though frankly I suspect that my initial theory is better in which she is on the run from loan sharks. Who knows perhaps if we want people to be connected then they could have been the ones that loaned money to Na Youngs mother way back and they may have something interesting to reveal.


Speaking of loan sharks and loans we also need to discover just how Na Young can afford her current lifestyle. Initially I felt that she may have taken out a loan from the bank. But the way this show is going and how her mother keeps moaning how Na Young seems to be taking the worst aspects of her such as seducing a man that already has someone that they are interested in, getting pregnant before marriage and wanting to be a single mother. Why should Na Young stop at this point. She might as well also have taken out loans from loan sharks who can come and hound her for money. Which may result in her stealing from Hyung Sun’s family. I guess she could use it to frame the theft on Uri and Suji if they are part of the family by this point. But that would end up making her more like her mother.


Another side arc that they seemed to have stopped is the so called love triangle between the uncle, Suji’s mother and Ara’s teacher. A few episodes back she tried to integrate herself into the family and even popped in unannounced a few times. Not only that but she even told Suji’s mother to not come in between them and send mixed signals over here. Yet she hasn’t popped up for some time. While I admit that she is better off forgotten a plot like that shouldn’t really have been introduced. Not only that the uncle briefly seemed to consider dating her properly, yet he seems to be busier with the restaurant family.


Speaking of Suji and her mother another plot point that needs to be resolved is the issue of her adoption being cancelled so that Suji’s mother can get her rights back. Ever since she discovered who Suji actually is this matter has also been put on the back burner. In real life a court date would have been set and the family should have been summoned. While this has been hinted nothing has been resolved. So, what is going on over here. Also, while I am glad the husband has discovered what his wife did how was she thinking that she could resolve the issue. Even if the husband didn’t show up as he was scheduled (could that be considered contempt of court) she would still have to come up with a convincing argument with evidence mind you why the adoption shouldn’t be cancelled. Which frankly she had nothing. Suji’s mother had evidence to back up her claim that she was in the hospital so she couldn’t make it back when she promised, when she did, she was lied to (a bit hard to prove) but when she returned the family had not only moved out with no way to contact them. So, unless Na Young brings up fake witness that can claim that they informed Suji’s mother of her whereabouts, but she refused to follow up she isn’t going to be winning anything. Also, I am going to assume that Suji has to be also informed that her adoption has been cancelled or is going to and she should have some say in said department. After all she has to ask why now. So, trying to hide the fact that they were summoned to court just doesn’t seem to make sense to me at this point.


People have also wondered by neither Na Young or her mother feel bad over any of their actions. I think the problem over here is that the majority of the time villains don’t think that what they are doing is wrong. They have points which they can try and justify their actions. For instance, does anyone remember the drama, Blood. It was on KBS a few years back. Over there everyone presumed that the villain was the head doctor where the main leads worked. Why simply because he was doing things that seemed abhorrent to them and that made him against them. But from his perspective he was probably the hero. Now I can go on with what justification he probably came up with but since nobody here wants to know that I won’t get into it for the time being. But getting back to the point that I was making. Neither Na Young or her mother think that what they are doing is wrong and they have far weaker justifications than the villain of Blood.


For instance, whenever Na Youngs relationship with Hyung Sun is brought up she claims that firstly she was totally unaware of him being the one with Suji since nobody brought this up before and secondly, she didn’t come in between them since their relationship was officially over at that point. When Suji slapping her went viral due to a misunderstanding on her part she tried to defend herself again by pointing out that while she did initially upload the video due to her misunderstanding, she instantly deleted it when she realized it. Also, that it wasn’t her fault that it became viral so fast.


The same goes for her mother. While she does feel guilty to an extent about what she may have done to Suji and her family she tries to justify her actions. Not only that her wanting Hyung Sun as a SiL makes sense to an extent. Her family is going through a rough patch financially so it would actually be nice if someone could live comfortably plus they would equally benefit from it. When Suji was dating him she might have also felt a bit relieved that this could make up for her past actions. She is therefore baffled why Suji would suddenly want to breakup with a person simply because of her pride at this point. As I mentioned earlier marrying him would have benefited the entire family at the end of the day.


Now moving onto a sidenote. Someone asked about the drama Beauty and Mr. Romantic and how it was. Granted they didn’t aske me but since I brought up the show. First of all, I want to thank @kboramint for getting me up to date on that show. Secondly my opinion is that the show up to where I watched seemed okay. Female Leads mother was terrible in more than one way especially how she treated her kids and daughter. But that is another story altogether. I did like how the second male lead even brought up some of the female leads past works (albeit with slightly different names but those of us in the drama watching business probably picked up the references). So, bonus points for that. The only reason why I ended up dropping the show was because I didn’t like how the female lead at times seemed to mumble her lines. It has been sometime since I watched her previous works that I can’t recall if that was a trait of the actress or simply the character in this show. Anyway, the mumbling just bothered me and got me sidetracked. To the point that I would rather watch a Kamen Rider or Super Sentai show instead.


Well while I have more to add. I will end the post for the time being. It is quite late over here, and I need to finally catch up on my sleep. So, take care all of you and do keep posting. Also, thanks once again for everyone who has been reading my long posts and even answering some of the questions that I had not only for this show but also some others. Till next time then. I will leave now but with a final question. What do you think will be revealed next.

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11 hours ago, Lmangla said:

loved when doctor han scoffed and asked what is nayoung plotting now. he at least clearly has her number and understands that she is a snake. both HS and foundation mom are clearly soft and they are going to go to nayoung.

NY has her meal ticket in her womb, she knows she’s set for life.

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4 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

Another side arc that they seemed to have stopped is the so called love triangle between the uncle, Suji’s mother and Ara’s teacher

think that plot line is done with. restaurant mom was very clear with her feelings -- she sees uncle only as family and has no romantic feelings for him. don't see this plot line returning back... 


4 hours ago, maribella said:

NY has her meal ticket in her womb, she knows she’s set for life.

as doctor han knows, this woman is a snake. am wondering if the divorce plot will again come into play and if restaurant mom will coolly make a play for doctor han so that she can enact revenge against nayoung. 

what I like about restaurant mom is that she uses silence and glare as a weapon. rather than make all sorts of emotional pleas, she coldly delivers her lines and just watches nayoung and mistress mom squirm. definitely sooji will try to stop restaurant mom but it feels like there will be a point of no return where restaurant mom has nothing to lose and so will bulldoze the revenge.

at this point, the leads are really meh. am more interested in the older characters. 

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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

at this point, the leads are really meh. am more interested in the older characters. 

I am parachuting in and out, so a bit unfair to say much about others, but I had focused on the the FL who is so cool … :sweat_smile: She knew what NY was and is up to, it’s just her reaction is so underwhelming. The ML is like her wallpaper, providing support continuously. 

NY’s mother is not in the main poster, and she is on screen 80% of the time, I wonder what happened.

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@yamiyugi I did not have time to watch Beauty and Mr. Romantic, but I wanted to say, yes, that’s a trait of that actress. She kind of mumbles at times and it’s weird.


watching today’s show and thinking, NY’s mom has such elegant dress sense and such awful manners. Same for evil 2FL’s mom in Brave Yong SuJeong. 

NY is so creepy. As I’m watching the Hadeul Foundation lady remember NY’s act and then get teary over the ultrasound (come on, a heartbeat at 6 weeks?), I started wondering, could Doori be the missing child, if that’s the point of contention between her and Hadeul Hospital chairman?


*edit* to say it’s a boy that went missing. And since Woori is younger than SuJi and HS is older than both, it probably isn’t Woori, definitely not doori!


am I wrong thinking Woori is younger? Could have sworn that was said somewhere in all these episodes.

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Hello! I just started watching today's episode and realized U Ri is trying his best to shower Su Ji with love. It seems like her family hasn't shown her the same affection they give Na Young. Na Young might reject the attention, but Su Ji grew up believing it's okay to be alone. She's used to taking care of herself and her family first, putting her own needs last. U Ri's actions, while well-meaning, seem to put her off because she's never been on the receiving end of such care. Remember the slapping scene? Na Young told Su Ji their family feels "stuck" with her. I'm sure Su Ji has always felt left out, especially watching her father and grandmother dote on Na Young while neglecting her.


1 hour ago, tulip06 said:

am I wrong thinking Woori is younger? Could have sworn that was said somewhere in all these episodes.


@tulip06  Woo Ri is older. Check the character description  below. Ma Ri lost her oldest child . His name is Hyun Woo. I don't think Hyun Sung knows he has an older brother. Check here  to see it was the Taller boy who disappeared. I can feel Ma Ri pain from losing her child.

 https://program.kbs.co.kr/1tv/drama/sujiuri/pc/detail.html?smenu=e126f2 ). 


Hyun Sung is 1 year younger than Woo Ri check the character description below (https://program.kbs.co.kr/1tv/drama/sujiuri/pc/detail.html?smenu=e126f2). 


Today’s episode was not bad at all. Hyun Woo is Ma Ri’s eldest son and she misses him terribly. NY who tried to help Ma Ri is going to worsen her condition because the wind chimes reminds her of a baby ultrasound. 
What is the story behind Eldest son's absence.  



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3 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

Today’s episode was not bad at all. Hyun Woo is Ma Ri’s eldest son and she misses him terribly. NY who tried to help Ma Ri is going to worsen her condition because the wind chimes reminds her of a baby ultrasound. 
What is the story behind Eldest son's absence. 


I think we can assume that Uri is Hyun Woo. If Uri is older than Hyun Soo then he is probably the lost brother. This also means that Ara has no relation with Uri because I doubt the writer would give him two makjung secrets. I still think this is not that type of drama.    


Also there is no mention from Uri that he had a ex-lover (or someone he thinks died). I was thinking that his ex-lover (Ara's mother) could show up in Episode 100 claiming that she left her daughter behind because she was having a hard time (similar to Apple Of My Eye, and even Unpredictable Family) and be a obstacle between Uri and Suji but like I said before he probably Mari's long lost child and doesn't need any more makjung problems to worry about.  


In  Unpredictable Family, the SFL was the romantic rival between ML and FL before she herself got pregnated by the SML and they became a secondary couple. The same thing is happening here. I think we are finished with NY being the rival of SJ. It's now  the story of SJ and UR's relationship, and NY and HS's relationship.   


Like someome mentioned before, Ara's mother will probably be someone that will need SuJi's help since SuJi has shown helping people in the past. It's probably similar to the situation with SuJi and her bio-mother.  SuJi is going to reuinite Ara with her mother.  



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3 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

has always felt left out, especially watching her father and grandmother dote on Na Young while neglecting her.

Is there any logic for the writer to write this storyline? NY is the step for both of them and their bias for her over SJ is strange. She was not even a golden child who excelled and the mother was a poor single parent who brought her into the family with nothing. 

3 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

Today’s episode was not bad at all. Hyun Woo is Ma Ri’s eldest son and she misses him terribly. NY who tried to help Ma Ri is going to worsen her condition because the wind chimes reminds her of a baby ultrasound. 
What is the story behind Eldest son's absence.  

It has to be Uri, the long lost son.

I am always amazed how kdramas lose their babies like runaway kittens.:grimace:

Who could have stolen the baby? I am guessing it was the source of her and the husband’s estrangement.

41 minutes ago, kboramint said:

think we are finished with NY being the rival of SJ. It's now  the story of SJ and UR's relationship, and NY and HS's relationship.   

 I hope it won’t be that boring. Surely, SJ’s mum will not let bygones be bygones?


The SML seemed smart at times. It would be too bad if he ended up with  a conniving self absorbed woman. 

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11 minutes ago, maribella said:

Is there any logic for the writer to write this storyline? NY is the step for both of them and their bias for her over SJ is strange. She was not even a golden child who excelled and the mother was a poor single parent who brought her into the family with nothing. 


If this was another drama, NY would be the Cinderella type character being that she has no blood relation to the family.   

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10 minutes ago, kboramint said:


If this was another drama, NY would be the Cinderella type character being that she has no blood relation to the family.   

Yes, that would make sense. Or if she and her mother brought in money and they had to suck up to her and her mother.

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So, the first thing that I want to do is thank everyone over here that takes time to read my really long posts and especially those that then reply to them as well. Now in regards to this I want to thank @tulip06 for confirming that the female lead in that other drama has a habit of mumbling at times and that it wasn’t just all in my head. Now moving back to this drama itself.


@Lmangla I appreciate that you responded to my inquiry about the pairing of Suji’s biomother and the uncle at the restaurant, but I am hesitant to consider that story arc is complete even though she made her feelings clear that she simply sees him just as family. I agree that she did make that statement back in an episode. But considering her circumstances back then I have my reservations about it. Is it possible that it is indeed true that she simply sees him in that light. Yes, especially when you consider how she has ended up raising kids that don’t belong to her/related by blood. But as to why she had turned him down back then was also explained.


She feels guilty that she lost her daughter back then and has been separated for so long from her. Due to this she feels like she shouldn’t be happy while she has no idea of what her own daughter is going through. Is she happy or suffering. Now on one hand if her daughter was currently living a happy life and so was, she it wouldn’t have been a problem. But on the other hand, her guilt would have increased tenfold if she discovered that only she was happy and had moved on with her life but during this time her daughter has been suffering. She probably would not be able to handle it. Thus, she was sacrificing her own happiness until she got confirmation. I think that she has said as much to the uncle’s sister back then when she tried to set them up as well. Another reason would be that her daughter could possibly hate her if she discovered that her mother was happy etc while she was suffering (basically the same as above) and she couldn’t bare that.


Now that she has discovered who Suji is things have changed. Granted Suji discovered before she could reveal itself so now, we have a whole new drama between them. So once this matter is resolved then it would make sense that she would try to live her own life, and this could mean to move on and perhaps find a new person to settle down and get married with.  So, at this point why bother finding someone new (drama would have to pay a new actor and I doubt that they have the budget for that). Therefore, I feel like this plotline still has potential. Not saying that you are wrong mind you and yes like you mentioned perhaps this plot has been closed and I am the only one hoping for more. Also, I would prefer her to be with him rather than director doctor at this point.


Moving on to the recent episode. Boy were we in for two surprises in this episode. Or were we is the question. Turns out that Hyung Sun did indeed have a missing brother. Though the MIA brother is older than him. Ahem just two words. Birth Secret. Who didn’t see that coming. LoL. Someone made an interesting comment how Kdrama lose their babies like runaway Kittens. Good point. So now we are starting to get an idea why foundation mum seems to hate her husband. Though at the end of the day Uri being the missing child makes a lot of sense. Apart from this being a K-Drama trope and all.


Currently Mari seems to hate Suji’s mum because she feels threatened by her and thinks that it is unfair that her husband seems drawn to her and that she will eventually steal her husband away or whatever goes on in that head of her. But at the end of the day like I keep mentioning these stories seem to have an arc of redemption, acceptance and repentance. Perhaps not in that particular order but one gets the idea. The only way for these two women to be happy is to bury the so called hatchet and move on. Of course, things can take the opposite turn for the time being as well. Considering the fact that Mari isn’t mentally sound due to her own tragedies. So, I can see things go either way until the final few episodes


For instance, the moment she discovers the fact that Uri is her long lost son and that Suji’s mother has been raising him all this time and with great love as well. She can be totally moved by her and touched by the revelation and perhaps even see her in a new light. Of course where is the drama in all of this. Plus considering her mental health it is more likely that she will start to hate her even more. She already feels like she may be trying to steal her spot/husband etc.. and then discovering that she has already done that with her son. Well things certainly won’t be good at that point. Then if she does something to Suji’s mother and later on when Uri discovers all this, he wont like it and she will continue to blame Suji’s mother for trying and turning her son against him.


The other reveal that happened in today’s episode was Suji finally discovering that the restaurant owner is her bio mother. Now while I was totally expecting her to discover this fact before the mother could reveal said fact due to some reason, I wasn’t expecting the reveal to be so soon. I estimated that we would take perhaps another 10-20 episodes before said reveal. Goes to show how wrong one can be, or this might also mean that since I haven’t been watching dailies for so long, I need to get back in the groove of making more accurate predictions.


At this point I still believe that stepmother should own up her mistake to Suji to rectify the problem that she caused. So, I guess at this point the next few episodes will be Suji’s mother trying to heal this rift until the Uri birth secret pops up. We all know how that will then turn out. It is also quite sad to see how Hyung Sun and Suji are now treating each other. Instead of the good friends that they once were they are more like total strangers. Things might get worse between them courtesy of Na Young I suspect.


Question was there always a small sink in Suji’s hospital room? I just noticed it or was that a new edition.


Now someone brought up the fact of how the next arc will be more focused on the couples and how they will eventually get together or not. Something like in the previous drama. Now while I do agree with this assessment, I still feel like the previous drama the second female lead was far more likeable than Na Young over here. Over there while she had her issues with the female lead and she also did try and turn the male leads mother against the female lead she did bring up sort of valid points. But at the same time, she also knew how to deal with her via her personal and work life balance. For instance, when the male leads mother asked her to find a way to get rid of the female lead. She refused and claimed that there was no way to do so. When in fact a scandal could have worked or something else. She noticed how dedicated the female lead was to her role and that she was actually quite good. So, she didn’t sabotage her in anyway, that was dropped to the female leads rival from her previous place of employment. Granted she wasn’t 100% honest in earlier episodes by not clearing up misunderstanding when she could. But over there one could claim that she just didn’t clarify things properly etc... But over here Na Young is totally manipulative and has been actively trying to hurt the female lead.


Will her becoming a mother change anything at this point. I have my doubts for the time being. Sure, by the end it will be a different story altogether. They will become the best of sisters once again. But as of now we can still tell that she is still extremely manipulative. She still has an agenda of wanting to get married to Hyung Sun. Why else was she furious that her mother went over to see Hyung Sun and say what she said. Na Young was mentally playing with him by deliberately making him feel guilty so that he couldn’t consider other options or listen to other people’s advice which could sway him. So, for as long as she was missing, he would be wondering where she was and how his child was doing. This does bring me to the next question does he truly love her at this point or not if it wasn’t for his baby. When his father asked him about his feelings, he mentioned that he wasn’t sure how he felt about her but that he probably did love her. This hesitation will probably be important later on.


Now while I certainly have issues when it comes to hurting innocent people that have nothing to do with feuds and whatnot. So, in this case we should probably have another poll at this point asking what will happen to Na Young’s baby. Will she successfully deliver the child, or will she end up with a miscarriage which she will initially try and conceal and then later on pin the blame on Suji. These kinds of stunts aren’t unheard of in these dramas. Not only will that end up making his family (including him) start to hate her but when the Uri secret will be revealed or nearly discovered they will hate her more until the truth is exposed. Speaking of exposure and all Hyung Sun’s mother is already starting to wonder who the actual Na Young is. The one who is currently in front of them or who she met a kind and helpful woman.


Anyway, take care all of you. I will end my post over here for the time being. This should be an interesting week and hopefully the Na Young and her mother issue will be resolved in this week. So, till next time.

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nayoung and her mom are so annoying -- doctor han is right in that he has both their numbers. mistress mom was trying to profit off from sooji and now it is nayoung. as for nayoung, she is still sprouting lies which does not bode well for her relationship with HS. she told him that she had no idea that he was sooji's boyfriend and her meeting him was just coincidence/fate. however, we know that she planned her move on him as a way to humiliate sooji further. she just happened to get caught in her feelings -- don't see a happy ending for these two because when the truth is revealed, he will trust her even less.


9 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

It is also quite sad to see how Hyung Sun and Suji are now treating each other. Instead of the good friends that they once were they are more like total strangers. Things might get worse between them courtesy of Na Young I suspect.

there is acceptance on her side but regret on his. he was the one who looked back as she walked away and sighed. so yes, things will get worse. the only reason he is still connected to nayoung is because of the baby. considering how insecure she is, she will eventually start going cuckoo when she realizes that he does not have much feelings for her. 



12 hours ago, maribella said:

It has to be Uri, the long lost son.

I am always amazed how kdramas lose their babies like runaway kittens.:grimace:

Who could have stolen the baby? I am guessing it was the source of her and the husband’s estrangement.

am wondering if the baby was actually stolen or lost in the first place -- doctor han does not sound guilty just exasperated when he is with mari. also, she keeps accusing him of being a gold digger and marrying her for ambition and  money. this makes me think that she had a baby out of wedlock but her dad perhaps gave away the child. maybe thats why she has a hard time believing he married her out of love. 


neither woori or doori have any sort of identity trauma even though they seem to know that they are adopted. so wondering what is the story here. perhaps, restaurant mom got the kids from the actual biological father? they seem quite content with their lives. 


@yamiyugi ~ am not expecting mari and restaurant mom to bond over love of woori. mari is going to resent restaurant mom a lot because woori has grown up to be a happy and content man. unlike HS who grew up unhappy walking over eggshells, woori had a very different upbringing. he was happy that he was not longing for his real parents or felt some pang to find them. that is going to be a huge blow for mari -- in addition to doctor han who likes the company of restaurant mom. so just as nayoung blames sooji for stealing everything, can see mari doing the same. perhaps, that is why mari is sympathetic to nayoung -- maybe heart of hearts, both of them are troubled...


15 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@tulip06  Woo Ri is older. Check the character description  below. Ma Ri lost her oldest child . His name is Hyun Woo. I don't think Hyun Sung knows he has an older brother. Check here  to see it was the Taller boy who disappeared. I can feel Ma Ri pain from losing her child.

the age thing is a bit confusing because woori is a junior to sooji. guess it was because he had to finish his public service after becoming a doctor while she didn't have to.

this clip was really confusing to me because I feel like the drama showed the same scene earlier except there was only one child. am I remembering it wrong? was wondering if it was a dream that mari had that she raised two children???



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