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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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At times like this 




I wish this was a regular drama because them cliffhangers sometimes are so good. Now I have to wait to see Ah Seon Young reaction to finally finding her daughter.  Just after she told Su Ji not to call her Mother. I think in SY’s heart she wanted to hear Omma (어다) . She then realized, SJ calling her Eomoni, took a lot of courage  to say it , then seeing Jin Jang Soo. Her world crumble.  I was so worried this secret would be revealed in the later episodes. 






I was planning to give this drama one more week and they pull this. 
smh smh smh

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I think the writer tone down NY and HS a bit and made 360 degree turn to SY behaviour. cant bare to see how she treat SJ.




even the whole family notice her change of behaviour towards SJ 

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Yun Ja admits she destroyed SuJi's family because she had to support NY. She doesn't even sound sorry but still was able to BLAME HEr daughter for her action. Both mother and daughter are two peas in a pod. With this revelation, NY will definitely become even more twisted. There was no love in her pursuit of Jin Jang Su.








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Episode 58 Preview



Soo-ji throws away her yellow cloak, determined to bury her longing for her mother forever. When Jang-soo and Sun-young meet for the first time in 27 years, a shocking secret that Yoon-ja has been hiding is revealed. As Mari watches Jin-Tae take care of her, she breaks down in tears as she remembers the happiness they once had. Meanwhile, we see Na-young laughing affectionately with Marie and Hyun-sung...


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Yun Ja thinks everyone in the world will break up a family, get pregnant, and steal alimony and child support for   their survival. Also, keep a mother and daughter apart for 27 years. She believes she has a clear conscience, which amazes me. She doesn't feel bad for the pain she has causes SJ  and Seon Young as long as she/ her kids has a place to live.

I do understand that in Korea, the way of speaking is done two ways, formal and informal but what annoys me is when a mistress has the guts to still address an old friend as eonni when they have been betrayed.  I will make a good GIF after Seon Young has smacked her real good. It seems the family was involved in the adoption. Yun Ja feels since SJ wanted to be adopted, there is no reason to cancel the adoption but she forgot she is the reason, mother and daughter have not reunited. She still wants them to be separated. She is also the reason SJ wanted the adoption if it is true.  

Please let me know if I am wrong  @mjmartinez  @tulip06  @backstreetboysfan  Do you think SJ asked to be adopted or was forced to by Yun Ja???


@maribella  are you watching this drama ?

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5 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

are you watching this drama ?

No, I am not though I did try to check it out last week since it’s no. 1 in its time slot. But the relationships are too confusing, I gave up. I am sort of watching Two sisters , it’s ending soon. Thank goodness.


There’s the third marriage replacement which is  mind numbing but no one is posting, I thought I’d help out. :rolleyes:


@UnniSarah are you enjoying this show?

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@maribella, I enjoy watching this drama because it has very touching moments. It doesn't happen often but there are moments that make me go WOW.


This moment will hurt Yun Ja . Yun Ja threatened U Ri with spreading rumors about him and Su Ji. THis will put a nail in her coffin. 





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15 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:


@maribella, I enjoy watching this drama because it has very touching moments. It doesn't happen often but there are moments that make me go WOW.


@UnniSarah I might join you after I am done with Two sisters. I have been FFWing but I have the need to know the end syndrome. 

I took a peek at this show after you tagged me. Isn’t the FL supposed to a hot shot doctor? Why did she allow the woman to talk to her that way at breakfast? No subs but I could tell it was a put down. Hate doormat leads.

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I am so sorry for getting back over here. I was busy travelling since I had to come visit my maternal grandparents. My grandfather isn’t doing so well. It seems like old age is finally getting to him. So, I will probably be busy for the time being and therefore if I do respond they will be slow and to older posts.


Someone mentioned that Ara has to be correct about her mother not abandoning her since we can’t have Suji be correct over here or the fact that there can’t be a birth secret relating to the fact that Uri is her actual father. The second point can be left open ended like I mentioned earlier if the writer is forced into an extension. Then at that point you know they don’t even leave throwing in the kitchen sink at the last moment. Oh, and on another site, they have already mentioned the actress portraying the mother and there goes the random fan theory that it was the female lead from Elegant Empire who had to leave her daughter to go avenge Puppy Oppa who got into an accident or something.


Anyway, back to the main point that I was bringing up. Yes, I agree that Ara has to be correct in this regard for a simple reason. She is the one to inspire hope in Suji once again that there could be an actual reason why her mother left and that she wasn’t abandoned. In a way she is doing that already. Now the only way that this happens is if the mother left Ara for a genuine reason which the show has already hinted at. I am basing my speculation on the clues that we are given at the moment so I can easily be wrong mind you.


Both come from statements that Ara has made. The first one was how her mother loved money or something along the lines how she was always busy trying to earn money. To the extent that poor Ara was saving up her allowance to give her mother. Now on one hand this doesn’t sound like much. After all everyone would want to work hard to earn money. A child may not fully grasp this concept so they may think that their parent loves money more than anything. Sadly, life can’t operate without money as of now so there is that.


The next and final clue came from the episode when Ara has gone missing. It turns out that she was hiding in the closet in Suji’s room. Everyone was worried and when Suji’s mother points out that had she left the shoes outside people would have known where to look and not be so worried. To which Ara responded that she was playing hide and seek the way that she was taught. Now this may seem unusual to some but when you combine the first and two statements together you can see a picture forming.


It will be therefore eventually revealed that the mother has actually gone missing because she was on the run from loan sharks. How have I come to this conclusion is simple. She worked so hard to pay back the loans that she has taken out. Her friends probably wouldn’t harass her to pay the money back. Loan Sharks on the other hand can be extremely intimidating. The other clue is how Ara had to hide with her shoes. Why would the mother teach her this bit. Again, the answer is two fold. First of all, she wouldn’t want her daughter to witness her get harassed by random strangers as that could get her to worry and perhaps even get scared if the loan sharks got physical with the mother. Secondly it is like a double insurance. If the loan sharks are unaware of Ara’s existence they can’t threaten her or try and use her as leverage against the mother to pay them faster. So, this works out both ways.


When we look at things this way then we can see that she left Ara at that house because she knew that they were kind people and wouldn’t kick her out but also to protect her. Therefore, even if the loan sharks caught up to the mother all they could do was threaten her with her own life but when compared to her own daughter that would be nothing. So, when she has cleared of her debts she will return to get Ara back. This will make Suji finally realize that everyone has their own stories and painful past that they can’t share with others and another reason for her to try and attempt to make things correct with her mother.


Someone wondered why people were trying to make it that Ara’s mother was Uri’s Ex when we haven’t seen any clues to that. To be clear I wasn’t in that camp, but I am open to that idea if it happens, and I won’t be surprised at this point. They also asked how Uri would be unaware of the fact that he was a father. Actually, the last part isn’t really all that surprising if one has watched numerous dramas. A few characters at times don’t even know that they have birth secrets until they are dumped on them. In other words, fathers or their children may not even know that they are related until something reveals the connection in someway or the other. Take for example the male lead in the morning KBS Daily drama doesn’t even know about his birth family but that is because his mother due to some trauma/accident is unable to reveal said fact to him. Or fathers have been in prior relationships before they married their current wife or are with their girlfriends when their Ex happens to pop up in their life. They may have in these cases done one of the following things. They either think that their Ex and child are dead or are unaware since they never revealed said fact, Examples Miss Monte Cristo. The female lead was planning on revealing that she was pregnant with her current boyfriend’s baby on their wedding day. Until her best friends plotted the unborn baby’s demise which resulted in the story, we ended up getting. Smile Again (2010 Version) the male leads father was suddenly called back home and when he returned the male leads family had already moved. She was unable to tell him that she was pregnant that time and I think she found out after he left if memory serves correct, or there have even been cases when it is the opposite for the mothers. They have been informed that their child has passed away as soon as they were born, and they were therefore totally unaware of their childs existence until someone reveals said secret. The child may now have become a grown adult who may or may not be seeking their own parents along the way.


So, in short, the girlfriend could easily have broken up with Uri and either discovered after that she was pregnant with his kid or simply broke up with him for said reason. Perhaps she didn’t want to be a part of his family because he wasn’t rich. Remember the show Man In The Veil. The second female lead discovers that she is pregnant with her current boyfriend’s child, and she is initially excited about this news because she thinks that her current boyfriend is from a wealthy family, and this would have been her entrance into said family. Only when she discovers the truth does she realize that she needs to come up with a new plan that will also help her save face. Hence the whole thing with the main lead. Knowing Uri it seems highly unlikely that he would breakup with his then girlfriend especially if he knew that she was pregnant. There may actually be more to this story. But I will have to catch up to discover this.


Someone posted a GIF of Na Young’s mother getting kicked out of the house because her secret has been exposed. How many over here think that is just her imagination. At the end of the day (show) I don’t think that she will end up divorced. She will probably still stay on as the lady of the house. This being a family drama she has to be forgiven because redemption and forgiveness seems to be the key points of these shows. Or they used too. I haven’t been keeping track of these shows for sometime now so I can be wrong over here. Plus, she also has a son in that family. Even though he is an adult now I doubt that family will be okay to kick the mother out. For all her faults and issues, she did give them that. Another thing to note is that Suji’s mother isn’t going to want to return to that family because her husband not only cheated on her but did so with her friend. It was the reason for her divorce. So, there is no way she is going to want to return to that family. Plus, she feels like they have wronged her by moving away so suddenly and taking her daughter with them. As far as she knows her friend promised that she would talk with the family and let her meet her daughter. She probably assumes that they didn’t want that to happen and that is why they moved. Even when the truth is revealed she still wouldn’t want to return because of her husbands affair. How far she has moved on with her life remains to be seen.


But once she has had her closure she can move on with her life and perhaps get married to someone else. Though she may be equally scarred from her husband’s betrayal that she may think that she doesn’t want to ever get married, and her focus will be to try and recover the lost time with her daughter.


As for the question whether Suji asked her stepmother to adopt her or not is up for debate. Frankly I think that Na Young’s mother is lying. She will say anything to protect her secret. Remember when Suji’s mother asks her for Suji’s contact information, she initially lies that she is living in the States and is happy. Then when she asks again, she points out that she lost touch with her because she divorced her husband because she caught him cheating again. If you think about it those statements were contradictory which proved that she was lying at some point. So, in this case it could be a lie once again to cover her tracks. This woman clearly doesn’t have a brain to think things through. For instance, hiding court documents isn’t really solving the problem at hand. If she doesn’t show up for the hearing the court is probably going to come banging at her door and expose her crime. The same can be said over here. Her claiming that Suji came up with the idea of getting adopted absolves her of any wrongdoings.


In this case her aim is to probably convince Suji’s mother that since she isn’t to blame, she should drop the case against her since she would lose the case and also her daughter. This way everyone could go back to their normal lives without anyone catching on and still stay happy. I also suspect that is the reason why Suji’s name was changed. If Suji was still trying to wait for her mother to find her why have her name changed. That makes the job all that much harder. Someone had to probably convince her *Suji) that the name change was a good idea and it could only be effective if they were quite young at the time. Though it is quite possible that both statements could be true at the end of the day. For instance she convinced Suji to change her name for reasons XYZ. Suji may have then considered the options for a few days until giving her the response that worked to her advantage.


Anyway, I am starting to doze off so I will end my post over here for the time being. Take care all of you and I am looking forward to both the next episodes and your theories/comments. Sorry about this.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:


I took a peek at this show after you tagged me. Isn’t the FL supposed to a hot shot doctor? Why did she allow the woman to talk to her that way at breakfast? No subs but I could tell it was a put down. Hate doormat leads.

This is my opinion of course ,

Su Ji is not a doormat but circumstances made her appear weak. Her step mom and sister would try to guilt trip her so that Su Ji would not retaliate 


This is what happened, Su Ji was a hot shot doctor and had a great reputation until her step sister ( who is obsessed with her, jealous of her) posted a video of her smacking her. At that time she would make appearances on tv show on the topic of mental health. This boosted the reputation of the hospital she worked at. The video went viral, then Another video was taken of them arguing again while step sister was begging her to forgive her , NETIZENS started harassing and lot of protests asking for her resignation.  Ironically Su Ji suffers from a Panic Disorder. It got so bad she had to stay in the hospital. Her own family doesn’t know she has a panic disorder and she is malnourished when she was administered in to the hospital. Instead of being fired, she quit her job before she let them fire her. 

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Sorry everyone, I was busy the last few days.



Here is the ratings for Episode 56! :).


56 June 11, 2024 11.8% (1st) 10.3% (1st)



Here is the ratings for Episode 57! :).


57 June 12, 2024 12.4% (1st) 10.8% (1st)



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2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

This is my opinion of course ,

Su Ji is not a doormat but circumstances made her appear weak. Her step mom and sister would try to guilt trip her so that Su Ji would not retaliate 

She should know she was being gaslighted. Anyway, it’s kdrama. Sometimes the writer writes as if all women are the same, whether CEO or rookie staff.

Was she married or something to Uri? That was his mother who seemed to down talk to her. 

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I am so glad that I dislike Do Young. He heard his mom made mistakes and still he wants to protect her. 
The written Preview has given me hope. Yu Ja and her daughter will team up so Na Young can marry him. I so want that to happen because once it happens SJ’s dad can get rid of her for good I hope.  Some may believe SJ and her step-mom won't get a divorce,  I believe if they team up against the family. It is a sign that Yun Ja never considered her husband's feelings or her MIL. A selfish person like needs to hit rock bottom.

As you can in the preview, she still has the nerve to go to Seon Yeon's house to stay the night after being the cause of mother and daughter strain.  smh smhsmh 


Episode 59. 
Jang-soo kicks Yoon-ja out, and after wandering aimlessly, Yoon-ja spends the night in Su-ji's room. Suzy confesses to us that reporter Jin Na Young is her sister. Sun-Young and Doo-Ri suspect that Pi-Di may hold the key to the video manipulation case involving Su-Ri. Meanwhile, Yoon-Ja visits Na-Young's office and hears the name of the man she is seeing...

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9 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I am so glad that I dislike Do Young. He heard his mom made mistakes and still he wants to protect her. 


what I dont like about DY, is he always say or asking DR the same question "if she likes him" (as if he doesn't get the response he want so he regurgitating the same information over and over) 😆😂🤣


and yeah! I know that he is innocent and confused when liking someone but it's really irretating for me and cringe.

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1 hour ago, mjmartinez said:

and yeah! I know that he is innocent and confused when liking someone but it's really irretating for me and cringe.

i really hate the big eyed , naive type of characters. So what if they are just to kind. He needs to grow up. A man his age can’t even survive being a helper in a restaurant. I had to do a lot more when I first got my job. 

Since he is falling for Doo Ri, he will have a hard time being accepted by Seon Young. His mom and sister are doing their best to hurt Su Ji because of their inferiority complex, obsession and jealousy towards Seon Young and Su Ji. 


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On 4/19/2024 at 12:29 PM, yamiyugi said:

@kboramint thanks once again for the name explanation. When you put it like that then it does make sense that Suji could be a way of saying Suzy. I didn’t know said actress wrote her name like that. We learn something new everyday. Speaking of her the first drama that I was introduced to her was Dream High where the female lead over here was her rival and probably also the second lead. Since I was into anime back then I had listed them as Sakura and Ino respectively, IU was Hinata, and the second lead was Sasuke.  If anyone hasn’t watched said drama give it a shot. The first season was definitely better than the second though.




Now moving on to the bit where you mentioned Suji’s mother calling the grandmother mother/sister. While I didn’t hear her call her mother, yet I am pretty sure that I heard her call her Unni at some point. Perhaps this is a mistake from the writer’s end, so they don’t have an exact term for her. Plus, as one can see the family dynamic in that house is extremely complicated currently. Nobody really seems to be connected by blood apart from the two siblings, but they apparently are well aware of each others backstory. For instance, when the sister wonders if they should help locate their mothers lost daughter (Suji) and suggests ways how to do so. Uri advices against it and mentions that their mother must have a good reason not to do so at the moment.




But as we go further into these episodes it clearly looks like there was some kind of interception like in the previous drama which has resulted in the misunderstanding and separation between the two families. This can be indicated when the grandmother notes that Suji still has the cape that was stitched by her mother. She then comments how her mother was so heartless for abandoning Suji or something along those lines. Now the grandmother could easily be faking her reaction so that Suji doesn’t realize that she may have been responsible for the separation. But as of now I will give her the benefit of doubt for the time being. From what I recall she preferred her as her DiL and even suggested that it would have been better if she were to raise Rapper Bro. This means that she was clearly against his mother from joining the family at that point and only gave in after she left the family. Therefore, it seems more likely that this relationship had to be sabotaged and if anything, the doctor seems to be the one who has the most to gain at this point. He even wonders if he misread the situation or something at one point.




Someone mentioned about Na Young and how they don’t like her or how she overreacts. I will partially agree with this sentiment for the time being. Perhaps I have become to desentised after watching a lot of these shows but as of now she isn’t half as bad as some of her other counterparts. Let’s look at their actions and see if she has done anything similar. Has she framed the main leads for a crime that they haven’t committed. So far, the closest that she has come in regards to this is when she damaged and borrowed that dress and wasn’t willing to take responsibility for her actions but even then she didn’t blame it on Suji. Has she faked her pregnancy (not being one) or is pregnant with someone else’s child but is claiming that it belongs to the main lead etc.. nope. Has she stolen corporate information and dumped it on someone else or hurt another co-worker just so that she can get a chance to shine. Again no. I am not saying that she won’t do any of this down the line but as of now she is still better than all those other second female lead rivals.




On the other hand, let’s talk about her overacting or whatever the issue is. Frankly my main issue is perhaps not the overacting I just assume that is part of her character. My thing over here is that she is an adult woman (not sure of her age) but she tends to act like an overgrown child or highschooler and that just doesn’t match with her appearance. Now I don’t know if this issue is due to poor actings skills on the actress part because I believe I have only seen her in maybe two other earlier dramas where she was in supporting roles. The one show where she was the main lead I just had issues with the drama itself and I have put it on a ban list. In fact, if anyone I know mentions that they are watching said drama I actively advice them against it. But if it is just her character it does make sense. She mentioned that she has never been slapped before Suji did it to her. Clearly indicating that her mother did a poor job of raising her.




Uri is a fun character sort of. He has been extremely dense especially when it comes to picking up signals that Na Young was interested in him in a romantic way until she had to literally tell him about it. That also reminds me of another comparison between other second female leads which Na Young hasn’t done. She isn’t going after Uri or trying to seduce him simply because he is an item with Suji. So in other ways out of spite or for some perceived wrongs that Suji might have done to her or her family. While she is chasing after him it is simply because she likes him and she doesn’t even want any kind of financial gains from him. Not that is going to happen.




@nohamahamoud2002 you are correct in your current assessment that there isn’t any kind of love triangle or even square at the moment. But when you watch a lot of these dramas then you see a pattern and it is extremely rare when the pattern is broken. People that we have categorized as main leads generally end up together. When they don’t I know that I have issues because I have invested a lot of my time only for it all to be wasted in the end. But that is a debate for another time. As of now I don’t think that the writer is going to deviate from the original plan after all the show is even called Suji and Uri indicating them as the main characters and thus in all probabilities the main leads and hence the endgame. How that happens we need to wait and see.




From the preview it seems like the doctor finally is aware of who is son likes and he informs his wife. We now need to wait and see if they will approve of her or will one of them play the role of evil In Law. The mother as of now seems to have supported her son’s choice of life partner. Perhaps because she was forced in her own marriage and has remained unhappy, so she doesn’t want her son to go through the same thing. She even brought up this point sort of with her husband. Who is he to judge the girls standard ie wealth, background etc.. Regardless the main issue is probably not with Suji as an individual but the problems that her family will bring by becoming in laws such as they are currently in debt and may even be labelled as scammers. Nobody would want to be associated with them in said situation.




Now back to Suji’s mother and the family that she lives in. Granted I don’t know what a woman would refer to her SiL since I am terrible in Korean, but I am a bit confused about her getting married again as someone suggested. As of now from what I have gathered in regards to the chain of attempts (which I won’t deny can easily be changed down the line) from the clips shown. She left her house and tried to find a job so that she could support herself and Suji. This sadly resulted in her accident (probably since this was her first try) and she ended up in the hospital. After her recovery she discovered that her family had moved away. Again, she had no time to get married anytime during this period. The Mother/Sister even points out that her brother had never been married prior to this and was mistaken for her husband during her accident. It would have made more sense if her husband had shown up if she was married prior to the incident. After the incident she has clearly mentioned that she has no desire to get married because she feels so guilty that she could possibly live a happy life without knowing what happened to her daughter and whether or not she is happy. So again, it doesn’t seem to me at least that she was ever married apart from her original family.




From the trailer of the next episode it also seems like Na Young is going to blame Suji again for messing up her life. Until I watch said episode I feel like Na Young is being unreasonable again. Suji was clearly uninterested in the job regardless of whether or not Na Young would have gotten the job. Perhaps Suji shouldn’t have mentioned Na Young when she declined the offering. This way the director might not have an outlet to place the blame on. But this way he may think that either Na Young complained to Suji and for some reason they are related and hence Suji was declining or something along those lines. Not only that Suji probably shouldn’t have brought up the sexual harassment that he was doing to Na Young that evening. Probably both these contributing factors made him take out his frustration on Na Young who then takes it out on Suji.




Anyway, I think that i will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you. I was going to mention how it seemed like this was a dead thread and I was wondering if people have simply stopped watching dailies now compared to back when I started watching these shows. Perhaps I am in the wrong thread. But it seems like we have a few new posters over here. So let me welcome them and hope that we can all have some fun and come up with interesting theories. I will admit that sometimes it seems like the writer of the show might be prowling over here as well because they shot down two of the theories I came up with earlier. Regardless I am looking forward to all of your posts and theories.



I look at it differently. Suji and Na Young are victims of parental infidelity and deceit. Additionally. Suji interfered in Na Young's life causing her to go off the deepend. In the flashbacks, Suji and NaYoung had a close relationship. I really do not like Uri. I believe the character is condesending and took advantage of a vunerable Suji. He was no different than Sujis previos boyfriend. In retrospect, Suji had a stepmom who is selfish and Na young craved a fathers unforgivable love.

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