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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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1 hour ago, kboramint said:


Su Ji and Do-Young (Younger Brother) are half siblings and the bio-children of Jin Jang-Soo. Jin Na-Young is not Jin Jang- Soo's bio-daughter. She is the bio daughter of Jang Yoon-Ja. 


I think Su Ji was raised by her mother until she abandoned her with her father who already got remarried with Yoon-Ja who already had a child (Na-Young) before this marriage. 

Thanks for this.

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EVENT: Scrap That Ending - My OTP Should Have Ended Up Together (instead)!



Which kdramas ended up with the "wrong" couple in the end? Why should YOUR OTP have gotten a happy ending instead?



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It looks like KBS is re-using sets from the last drama that aired previously. Sun Woo's (Unpredictable Family) room has been changed to Hyun Sung's room? 




Na-Young not taking responsibity for the clothes after stealing it and then lying about it is such a turn off. Why return it? It would of been better if it was reported stolen? 


Also, it is still Na-Young's responsibily since she clearly stated that she would lock the door after she leaves. The make-up girl placed responsibility on Na-Young to be the one to lock the door. If someone came in and ruined the clothes then Na-Young didn't properly locked the door.  


Why isnt there a CCTV in the network studio hallway?   Korea has CCTVs everywhere but they don't have one in the hallway near the room?



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I find Na Young so frustrating, even though she's played by an actress I really liked in Ugly Alert. Not only is she rude, cruel, nosy and invasive, and a liar, she's also got a lot of nerve asking Suji for a favor after taunting her that her mother abandoned her. Like hello???


I'm surprised their family is so non-traditional. The dad is a cheater, and then he married a woman who already had a kid of her own, and *she* married a man with 2 kids from 2 different women? I've never seen that in a KBS family drama before, lol. What I don't get is they seem okay for money, with a loafer son and a good-sized apartment in a high rise, so why is the dad taking on a pyramid scheme business venture (while using Suji's name for it)?


The show's laying the groundwork for the angst pretty think; I hope it's paired with lots of kindness and softness and romance for Suji, especially since this was billed as a healing drama. I need that right now! 😭

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1 hour ago, ladyda said:



I'm surprised their family is so non-traditional. The dad is a cheater, and then he married a woman who already had a kid of her own, and *she* married a man with 2 kids from 2 different women?


I thought the father married her mistress who already had a kid of her own and pregnated her again with Su Ji and Na Yeon's younger brother.    

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So, I was checking out this new drama even though I have a lot of backlogs on other dramas at the moment and even watching some of them. But regardless of all this i still seem to be enjoying this even though some of the character connections seem to be a bit confusing at the moment. Which i find a bit surprising considering that I have watched a lot of these dramas so I should be quite adept at figuring this stuff out.


I even had a theory, but I had to throw it in the bin because of the reveal that is being hinted. My initial theory was that Suji was probably the lost daughter of the doctor’s family. I based it on the following hints that were provided.


The parents clearly have some sort of issue between them at the moment. Clear signs of trouble in paradise. I thought that it could have possibly been because Suji was misplaced while one of them was supposed to be responsible for her the day, she went missing. Probably the father. Hence the hostility and the wife is ignoring him. Not only that but the fact that when the mother went to pay her respects for her father the priest brought in another nameplate for her to pray on. I missed the name not that it would be helpful at this point considering the fact that Suji wasn’t her given name. (Most Likely). As for Suji not eating seaweed soup or the rice balls could be simply because of the trauma that she is associated with but also the fact that they were regulars at a restaurant that served them.


But all of this is moot because we now have a slightly better idea of what happened back then. Not that any of the sibling relationships make a lot of sense at this point. So please help me out over here.


Clearly in this case Suji’s mother is Uri’s mother as well. Sort off. I will get into this in a bit. She left home because her husband cheated with her friend who ended up giving birth to a son. If that is the case, then her brother the rapper makes sense at the moment. Since the grandmother wanted her to raise him if possible. But that doesn’t explain Na Young. She seems like his older sister. So, what happened over here. Did the father end up marrying someone totally different and expects her to raise his kids from different women? But Na Young’s mother seems to have more issues with Suji which makes little sense to me. Just what has she been told at this point. Suji’s mother was someone they knew but she abandoned her kid, so they have been taking care of her out of pity. Because at this point it really seems like she is unaware of the fact that Suji is even related to her family. This could be seen when she mentioned something along the line of Suji not being related to them by blood and the grandmother went along with this.


I just don’t understand the need for all this deception at this point. But anyway I can see some of the connection points that will end up connecting the main characters later down the line. Suji (aka Semolina) clearly suffers from a trauma of being abandoned by her mother (how true that is remains to be seen). Uri and his family also happen to have a little girl in their family with the same issue. This common factor will end up helping Suji and the kid to bond with each other which Uri might just find nice. Not only that but her mother is also probably looking after the girl for the same reason and to make amends to the best of her ability at the moment.


As for that current family it would be actually nice to get a proper family chart between them. From what I can tell the mother clearly isn’t married to the guy in that house from some comment that the grandmother made. I think when the little girl referred to them as her parents. So are the kids from the guys previous marriage or did they simply decide to have some without marriage. This might complicate the relationship between the main leads. Well we know that it should cause some kind of misunderstanding at least or perhaps fuel for Na Young to use to try and break them apart.


After all dramas need their love triangles or squares. In this case Na Young must have clearly fallen for him after her first encounter with him on that island and him helping her out then. Clearly her jealousy and inferiority complex is going to be brought up the moment she realizes that he has feelings for Suji. Of course she has a major hurdle to get over in the form of his sister. She has gotten her into trouble and she isn’t willing to take responsibility for her actions.


Actually speaking of that issue I am surprised that Suji hasn’t done something to bail her out. This brings me up to the other issue. Her father is someone that is equally baffling. He is falling for a scam even when his daughter told him to be careful. I see her having to bail the family out because of his mistake. But someone who seemed to have run his own business in the States? Can’t be really that dumb now can he. How did he manage his business over there then. This reminds me of another drama that I watched a few years back.


The female leads father had an affair then runs of with the woman. Apparently, he used to run his own business back then but he sells it off when he leaves with his other woman (who is the main leads aunt I think). When we next see his he is trying to use multiple get rich schemes which all end up in failure for some reason or the other.  I mean if he could run a company successfully how can he come up with such schemes now which always end up in failure. This totally baffles me.


This seems to be the same case over here. Suji’s father can’t tell that he is being used to run a scam and when the victims realize what has happened, they are either going to demand that he pays up or end up heading over to his daughter to get their money back since he used her as a selling pitch.


I am also not understanding why Suji’s mother is being so hesitant to go on camera if it will help her get reunited with her daughter. Assuming that is the daughter can recognize her even after such a long time. It isn’t like she is running away from loan sharks. It also isn’t the case that she has amnesia at this point also. Since the grandmother (current house) mentioned that after her injury she tried to get her daughter but discovered that they had moved away. (Another misunderstanding like in the previous drama?). either way if the family had nothing to hide then even if she comes on TV what will it matter. It also probably isn’t the case that the husband due to poor business choices took out loans and the loan sharks will come after her to force her to pay them. They haven’t hinted that so far.


Then we have that senior doctor that is the father of the Second Lead. What is his connection to this family. He not only saved her life when she had her accident but also is a regular at their restaurant. Clearly there is more to the story over here as well. Again I find it unlikely that they were having an affair after she left home but thanks to the accident she has forgotten about this. She was heartbroken when she discovered what her husband did to her so I doubt that she would do something like that nor would she have the time to do so if she intended to get her daughter as soon as possible from her last house.  Also speaking of all this brings me up to another issue.


If Suji does have trauma from her mother leaving the house. She should still know that she is biologically related to her current family why doesn’t she speak up when she is being mistreated with Na Youngs mother or when Na Young mentions that they aren’t sisters at all. Granted they aren’t biological sisters but this should probably make them step sisters unless Na Young’s mother is a different woman altogether. (thus rapper brother isn’t related to her as well) but that also doesn’t seem to be the case considering that she seems to treat the brother at least a bit better compared to Suji.


I get her hostility towards Suji and it really doesn’t help that nobody in that family seems to understand what she wants or needs. For example her mother instead of trying to support her dreams is busy discouraging her. Only Suji tried to be supportive. That went as well as expected. Not only that but due to her own actions (though she isn’t aware of it) she lost the chance to get trained by someone that her sister tried to get a meeting with. Not that she will be willing to realize this and blame it all on Suji for failing to keep her promise with her.


Anyway I seem to have a headache now so I will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you over here. Let’s see how this show ends up.

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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:



I get her hostility towards Suji and it really doesn’t help that nobody in that family seems to understand what she wants or needs. For example her mother instead of trying to support her dreams is busy discouraging her. Only Suji tried to be supportive. That went as well as expected. Not only that but due to her own actions (though she isn’t aware of it) she lost the chance to get trained by someone that her sister tried to get a meeting with. Not that she will be willing to realize this and blame it all on Suji for failing to keep her promise with her.




Anyway I seem to have a headache now so I will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you over here. Let’s see how this show ends up.


If this was a revenge drama, and Suji's current family is a chaebol family then that makes Suji the true heiress of the chaebol family. Her current step-mother is a mistress that already had a child prior to Suji's father and mother divorcing. This would explain Na-Yeon's jelousy towards SuJi. Na-Yeon is not the biological daughter to the chaebol family. 


Assuming the boy that SuJi's grandmother talked about is the rapper in the flashback, it just comes off as Grandma only cares about Na-Yeon's half brother more than Na-Yeon herself. It also shows that Grandma is willing to take away the son of possibly SuJi-s current step-mother if SuJi's real mom were to stay.     

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  • 0ly40 changed the title to [Current Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST

So, it seems like I am slightly getting a better hang of the characters. Not a 100% but still something. Also it seems like @kboramint  seemed to have helped out a bit by explaining how Na Young was her mother’s daughter prior to her marrying into Suji’s family. While this does explain the animosity towards Suji slightly better the comment her mother made regarding how the grandmother seems to favour Suji who isn’t of her blood was strange. Perhaps I probably misunderstood her reference over here or there was an issue with the subtitles. Need to probably re0watch the scene for confirmation.


Other than that, let’s see what we do have so far. Na Young clearly has a crush on Uri at this point. Not really sure what she thinks by hiding the fact that she is Suji’s sister. She wants to find some dirt on her good luck. But you have to remember that she wants a long term relationship with Uri and might even be considering marriage with him (even if it is one sided) so why hide this fact. You know that Suji is going to be at her wedding as family, so the secret is going to be out eventually. So, I don’t understand why she is hiding this fact. The betrayal down the line is going to be far worse.


Her mother seems way too much of an air head as well can’t seem to see and understand her husband might not be in a good place and wants to spend his money or the time when she takes the bag of clothes from Suji and tells her that she will hand them over to Na Young. If she was going to do that she should have just pretended that the clothes were a gift from her instead of rubbing the fact that Suji has been better than everything to her daughter. Especially when she knows that fact triggers her daughter. Bad mother. :)


Now let’s move onto the rest of the characters.


Second male leads mother has done something because she looks younger and thinner than what I remember her last. (maybe the hair). Not that she looks bad in anyway just different. Now back to the family dynamics over here.


The husband is clearly ambitious and married into the rich family possibly for financial gains. Even though he denies it at the moment. No wonder they seem to be clashing to the point that they sleep in different beds at the moment. But he also seems to have a thing for Suji’s bio mother. Was she his first love (one sided). Let’s look at the evidence that might be supporting this claim.


He performed surgery on her and from what I understand he covered it from his own pocket, and he visits her restaurant as a regular. Not it is totally understandable that he is a kind and generous doctor so he could have performed the surgery for free. But if that was simply the case he doesn’t need to go to the restaurant. That is taking advantage of poor people who he knows are grateful for his actions so they will never refuse him. Now it is possible that he has taken a page out of Miss Otooke book and has agreed to clear what they owe him by agreeing to buy meals to the amount that covers the expense. But the real proof of him having feelings for her is when she hurt her hand, and he rushes up and tries to make a big fuss over it. Then when the guy shows up as well as the little girl and calls her mother, he kind of hesitates. At this point any normal person should have simply entered the restaurant instead of waiting. This shows that he clearly has some sort of interest in her. Not only this but when the guy shows up to serve him his meal he seems a bit disappointed until she shows up. Then it seems like huh you don’t control her that means you can’t be in a serious relationship.


Moving back to his wife. She seems to be extremely understanding towards her son and his supposed love life. She also probably doesn’t want him to make the same mistakes that she did when it comes to marriage. Which makes me suspect that she might have been forced into her current marriage by her parents probably her father. But will she be willing to accept Suji into her family considering all the baggage that comes with her family. Suji as a person seems to be great but the rest of her current family has issues. Her father causing trouble by being part of a scam shows that he isn’t the brightest bulb in town and he may just cause similar problems down the line which may affect the hospital and it’s reputation down the line. Same for her mother and brother. They don’t seem to understand the value of money at the moment.


Oh, the little girl now I know why she looks so familiar. She was in that weird drama Elegant Empire. Did the mother leave her here because something happened to Puppy Oppa and she is out trying to avenge his death.


Uri and his family also need a better explanation at this point. So far the only things that are clear is the guy who works at the restaurant and his sister. Uri and his sister call the female leads mother as their own mother. The age group doesn’t match and as far as i can tell the guy hasn’t been married yet as he only has eyes for Suji’s mother. Both brother and sister are going to be disappointed at her actions for trying set him up on a blind date without considering his feelings. You don’t spring a surprise like that on a person at the last minute unless you want to end it in disaster. Clearly I get what she was thinking on paper but practically it is bound to fail. So has that family been adopting people who are in trouble. I am sure that when Suji discovers that Uri is her mothers son she is going to feel hurt and betrayed until it is explained down the line of how it is all a giant misunderstanding. I also think that the problem with the guy and the mother is also a lack of miscommunication which isn’t helping matters. Clearly, he can tell that the doctor comes over here with other intentions at this point. Instead of telling her this which might help he instead is trying to give him the cold shoulder or telling her that he will handle the situation and that she shouldn’t show up to serve him.\


Why would she listen to him when according to her he seems to seem unreasonable. She also feels guilty that he isn’t  searching for someone else when she has her own baggage from her previous marriage. Unless that is resolved and she fully moves on she has put her life on hold. I am going to assume that they are at least end game at this point. They do make a better couple than her Ex.


Speaking of does she have a connection with the second leads mother. I can’t tell at this point. On one hand it doesn’t seem like she knows the doctor prior to her injuries, and she seems to also not have amnesia so....  it will really help if the two run into each other or we have a near miss showing a possible connection between them. For instance, we had that scene when there was a near miss between Suji and her mother at the hospital (slow mo) clearly indicating that they were connected some how. Not that it helps at this point because they can’t recognize each other due to time that they were apart. We do know that she probably has a connection with Na Youngs mother or are we totally misreading the entire situation.


For instance, we know this as a fact. Her husband cheated on her with her friend and that friend had given birth to a son. We automatically assume that friend to be Na Youngs mother because Suji has a younger brother now as well. (LoL whenever I see her name I am reminded of Semolina and especially Basboosa for some reason. Even though that is very tasty,) But anyway back to the point that I was making. What instead of this being the case how about the reveal that second male leads mother was her friend, and her son was the one being referred to. This probably explains the comment by Na Youngs mother to the grandmother about her taking sides with someone not related to them by blood. If she was Suji’s mother’s friend then she would have known that Suji was related to that family. It also explains why Suji and the other doctor are such close friends. They feel the family connection. We had something like this in another drama as well. I forgot the name at this point (darn it why do i watch so many dramas back then) but it had the actress from that dinner show where people were talking about who she ends up with or falls in love with aka her caretaker. (i dropped that show due to time so I have no idea what happened)


So, what do people think of this theory. It might also explain why the second male lead isn’t ambitious like his father.


Anyway, I have to do other stuff so will leave my post over here for the time being, I do wonder why we don’t have more people over here. This show is quite light especially when you compare it with all those other revenge shows out there. Which i just might need to get back at some point as well. Still, I hope to see more posts so that we can share more theories out here. I need a theory of my own one day that is actually correct so I can claim my drama predication award. Which some of you have already claimed. Please don’t leave me out. :)

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9 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

the little girl now I know why she looks so familiar. She was in that weird drama Elegant Empire. Did the mother leave her here because something happened to Puppy Oppa and she is out trying to avenge his death.


I sometimes want to believe that KBS daily dramas (family and revenge) take place in the same universe. 

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12 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

While this does explain the animosity towards Suji slightly better the comment her mother made regarding how the grandmother seems to favour Suji who isn’t of her blood was strange.


The mother accused Grandmother in favoring Suji over NaYoung because Suji is blood and NaYoung isn't.  

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