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[Drama 2023-2024] Elegant Empire - 우아한 제국 - Mon to Fri @ 7:50 KST


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I remember someone explaining that contraceptives and discussing them is avoided in Korea. I thought it was just kdrama storyline.


KY has been brutal to JT for many episodes that makes one wonder why he is in bed with her, which can be ‘just physical’. But  unarmed? :surprisedwut:



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No offense to the fans of this show but I am having issues now. Look people here know that I am generally in for the long haul of a show and yes almost all dramas seem to have a repetitive formula yet we still manage to stick around for most of these shows. But when a plot is not only stretched unnecessarily but also starts to repeat itself in the same show it becomes a small issue. But that isn't my only issue over here. Consistency in a show/plot is equally important and when it can't even maintain that my issues just increase.


In this case let's see what happened in one of the recent episodes. The female lead discovers that her FiL is still alive. She then finds a way to be with him and not only that she secretly brings him out of the room at times so he can have a breath of fresh air as well. Everything seems fine so far. Okay now lets move on to something else which seems to conflict with this. The FiL for some weird reason decides to confront his wife about their sons parentage. She gets furious at this and then decides to starve him. Probably got the idea from Shakespeare. But who am I to argue with one of the greats. But my question then becomes just how is that possible.


Are you trying to tell me that the female lead has become so focused on her revenge that she doesn't care about her FiL anymore. If so then this means that I should lose what little respect that I have for her. Also I wish we had a better understanding of her endgame at this point. I mean we know that she wants her happy ending with her daughter. But she really isn't helping her case one bit. what does she plan on doing next. Now that she knows that her FiL is alive how does she plan on rescuing and revealing him to the world. Is she really waiting for the next shareholders meeting for a major surprise.


In some ways things are kind of obvious of what to expect while others not so much.


For instance since Woo Hyuk has become a major shareholder in Flamingo's company it makes sense that both him and the Female Lead will end up running that company. Sure they seem to have their differences now that he has realized that she was indirectly responsible for the death of his mother. But we all know how true love works in these shows. I will actually be surprised if they don't end up with each other. Not only have they admitted to be in love with each other in the past but her daughter also likes him a lot and the feeling seems to be mutual on his part. So it makes sense that these two are sadly endgame.


Corrupt Politician has to pay for his crimes. I do think that he seems to be showing a bit of remorse in his actions for the death of Woo Hyuk's mothers accidental death. This means that he will eventually serve time. How will he be convinced to take down Flamingo remains to be seen. Do we really need a DNA test between him and Flamingo to go for a shocker at this point. because it will start to seem like we are watching something other than a K-Drama at this point. But like I said we need something with a bang to make this show more explosive and fun.


Also what happened to the chairmans dementia. One of the main reasons for him stepping down from running the company. Instead we get fake amnesia on his part. Was this the magic of K-Drama IV Drip that was being discussed earlier. See what I am talking about consistency in the same show.


Perhaps what we need in this show is more people being get hit by the Truck Of Doom. I know that is harsh of me but even I have my limits. Good luck with this. Also how can characters be so dumb. I know that previews can be misleading and all so perhaps I should hold in my thoughts in regards to this. In it Flamingo is wondering who could have had access to his office and which of the two women in his life could be responsible. Then he finds the video camera behind the painting that the female lead set up. The answer should have been obvious at this point. If the female lead placed the painting in that house there should be no way that she could have missed the camera. So she should be the likely suspect. But he really isn't using his brains.


Come to think about it the show seems to have already hinted at his stupidity and I for one will be laughing out loud when the show goes that route. He seems to be giving his lackey way to much helpful advice. Such as that you should always have a way to save yourself if you get caught in a pinch. Such as having incriminating evidence on your other corrupt partner. In this case he means the corrupt politician. But when his lackey decides to do the same and submits the same evidence that he has on Flamingo to strike a deal for a lenient sentence. I will only have one thing to say. KARMA HAS BEEN SERVED>


Well that should be all from my end. Let's see if I can manage to stick around for this fiasco. Hopefully the next show after this one will be much better. Anyone have an idea what that is. Fortunately we only have 25 more episodes to go over here. Till then best of luck for all of you who decide to stick around till the end. This show is certainly coming under my ban list and not one to ever recommend to others. I think that it is safe for others to know which other dalies I include in my ban list.

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I need to know the ending, it’s like an obsession with dailies, so someone should watch and post updates, right? 

I want to know if the girl and WH are really siblings. Will the politician try to kill WH for ruining his career? 

I am done with the main characters, it’s the supports that are holding my interest- some.

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