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[Drama 2024] Hide, 하이드


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2 hours ago, partyon said:


Looks like it! How did you like ep 9 and 10, chingu?


Im glad JW got some decent screen time in ep 10.  But I wanted him to have his own story. 

For final episodes I just  want him to stay alive. 


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Hide: Episodes 9-10

by quirkycase


We’re in the final stage now as everyone readies for the inevitable showdown between our two formidable women. With the stakes higher than ever, our heroine prepares to end this fight once and for all. But her adversary has a few tricks up her sleeve that might just be more than our heroine can handle.



In the penultimate week, we finally unearth Yeon-joo’s mysterious motivations for this whole elaborate and violent game. And it turns out that underneath it all she’s, like so many villains before her, just a hurt child lashing out. Her hatred of Moon-young indeed stems from the relationship between their fathers and its tragic ending.

To make sense of it all, we rewind to the night Moon-young’s father left her. His friend HA JAE-PIL came to visit, but it wasn’t a happy occasion. It seems the money issues impacted him too, and they got into a fight. The man stumbled and fell off a Cliff of Doom. Rather than call for help, Moon-young’s father watched the man die and then planted his own wallet in the dead man’s pocket. And here’s where we learn Moon-young’s secret: she’s complicit in her father’s identity theft.

That night, he instructed Moon-young to lead the police to the cliff in two days and identify the dead body as his. The teenaged Moon-young, though reluctant, does what he says and lies that the body is her father’s. As luck would have it, the dead man was Yeon-joo’s father. She spent decades looking for him, but because his body was misidentified, she only discovered his death five years ago when she located Moon-young’s father masquerading as Jae-pil.


Moon-young comes clean to her sidekicks about her father and the deception she participated in all those years ago. Only Jin-woo, who has become quite the Moon-young cheerleader, is supportive of her decision to act as her father’s lawyer. She knows this trial is likely a trap, but she’s ready to put this all to bed. She and her father both feel guilty, and Moon-young decides it’s time for them to atone.

Once again, she goes for a dramatic court reveal. On day one of the trial, she announces that Jae-pil pleads guilty to the murder of Chairman Choi. She then discloses her father’s true identity, stunning Yeon-joo and the entire courtroom by baldly stating both her and her father’s role in what happened to the real Jae-pil. She promises to take responsibility and cooperate with any investigation.

There’s just one teensy problem here: as you may recall, Moon-young’s father did not murder Chairman Choi. Moon-young’s reasoning for having her father plead guilty is that Yeon-joo set the trial up as a trap anyway with evidence that’s difficult to refute – they might as well take the loss and view this as punishment. I’m with Shin-hwa that this feels like a cop out. By fixating on righting past wrongs, Moon-young is covering up the recent murder committed by Yeon-joo and Chairman Choi’s son. It feels like Moon-young is just exhausted at this point and hoping that Yeon-joo will see this as an acceptable ending.


Of course, Yeon-joo is not satisfied with this conclusion. Like any good villain, she wants Moon-young to suffer the same torment she did and that means leaving her alone and bereft. Her next move is to bribe Sung-jae’s selfish father to fabricate evidence that either Moon-young or Sung-jae were involved in corruption; they need a reason to suspend that phony redevelopment project, and someone needs to take the fall. Unsurprisingly, he chooses to spare his evil son and throw Moon-young under the bus.


Sung-jae is truly the product of his self-serving, victim-blaming parents. The minute he finds out about Moon-young’s father, he makes the whole situation about him. How dare she lie to him for all those years? He puts it on par with his own deception – you know, feigning suicide and having an affair – and acts like she has no moral leg to stand on now. His victim complex is truly astounding.


Determined to destroy Moon-young’s life, Yeon-joo teams up with Sung-jae and mommy dearest to help them fight for custody of Bom. They drum up a bogus abuse charge, accusing Moon-young of neglect and deeming her an unfit mother. The family’s money talks, and they get the police to put Bom in their custody during the investigation. Bom already told her father she didn’t want to live with him, but he’d rather traumatize her by forcibly separating her from her mother than lose to Moon-young.

Moon-young is naturally beside herself and comes closer to breaking than at any point so far. Thankfully, she’s got friends on her side to keep her from faltering. Jin-woo takes point, encouraging her to think like a lawyer and fight this legally. He reminds her that while she can’t contact Bom, he can. So he becomes the go-between, passing messages between Bom and Moon-young.





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Anyone finish Hide?


I just watched ep 12, and I can't say that I liked it. It dragged on for too long. The drama really took a nose dive in the last 5 episodes.


Will be back with more comments after I've digested it.

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I just finished "Hide" last EP.....too dragging on last EP and I almost fell asleep.


Very disappointed with this EP, I'd say it's more about redemption at the end for the female lead and her father.


Chief Detective 1958 also very boring, I think I will drop it... :(


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  • larus changed the title to [Drama 2024] Hide, 하이드
3 hours ago, lebeaucouple said:

I just finished "Hide" last EP.....too dragging on last EP and I almost fell asleep.


Ditto to this.... I actually had to FF because the writer had exhausted all the makjang plot lines earlier on. My major gripe with the drama is that they didn't finish off some of the arcs sooner. I was just purely exhausted by the bad guys by the time we got to ep 11. They should have gotten rid of either Cha Sung Jae and Ha Yeon Joo earlier already. :unamused:


I really disliked that we got so little character development and this caused the drama to lack depth. I just didn't feel any connection with the characters. For example:

  • Why did Sung Jae turn to the dark side? We saw that he loved his wife in flashbacks, but what triggered him to stop loving her? Him laughing hysterically when Moon Young fell off the ship, just showed us what a psycho he was. But WHY was he like that? They never told us
  • What was the driving force behind Do Jin Woo doing everything to protect Na Moon Young? Was he in love with her? Why did he risk his life so many times for her? In the end, he actually got very little from Moon Young, whereas he sacrificed a lot to her.
  • Why was MIL so adamant to take the fall for her son? It wasn't normal in any way
  • Why was Na Moon Young so stupid in many of her decisions?

I liked the fact that Na Moon Young stood up for justice and making sure she also paid for the crime that she had committed. But I had a hard time to root for her in the end, because she didn't seem human anymore. All we saw was her crying when walking down the street in the end. We still never really knew how she felt.


I was glad that Do Jin Woo got to meet his daughter. My eyes teared up when he told Na Moon Young that. I wasn't surprised that we didn't even get a hint of romance between Jin Woo and Moon Young (it's a kdrama after all), but I do think that they indirectly hinted at it when he bought a plushie toy to Bom as well as to his biological daughter... Would there be a season 2, they would probably have explored their relationship more.


8 hours ago, rocher22 said:

my fav team....JW and Detective Baek....   💙


I laughed when they turned out to be Shin Hwa's henchmen in the end. How cute was that? :D


All in all, a drama with potential but one that just went down the drain as the story progressed. I didn't find the ending happy or fulfilling in any way.

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I will not go into the details of each character.


But the charm of this drama is that it tells an ordinary story into something extraordinary. It's not a fast-paced thriller, it's more like telling a story slowly in your ears, so that you are attracted in without realizing it. The story did not tell you who is the bad guy at a glance, but only let you follow the protagonist and uncover the mystery bit by bit until the middle ep (Ep 6 or 7?). This process of slow revelation is sometimes more fascinating than telling you the answer directly. But the downside is that the story drags on, lacks creativity, and ends up no surprises once you know who the bad guys are, and you know that they will finally get the punishment in the end.
Husband and wife are originally "birds of the same forest, but when disaster strikes, they fly separately? " Sometimes, this sentence is not unfounded.


When bad things happen, instead of sharing the hardships together, they choose to leave. This is how many couples live.  An even worse example would be someone who has been sleeping with their spouse for many years to frame the other party because of money matter. Of course this story tells that the wife choose justice.


Do they really understand each other after so many years of marriage? I doubt so...


For the love of money is the root of all evil. I think that goes the same to power and fame, her father in law is a good example.

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April 30, 2024
Hide: Episodes 11-12 (Final)

by quirkycase

We’re at the end of our twisty tale of greed, oodles of betrayal, and nefarious deeds in the name of revenge. Our heroine and her crew take on the evildoers for the final time, and they’re done playing it safe. Knowing it’s do or die, they go on the offensive as their adversaries scramble to stay in control. While somewhat open ended, we do get a tidier ending than expected that sees everyone, in some way or another, facing the consequences of their actions. For some that means punishment, for others new beginnings, and sometimes a mix of both.



So many people to take down, so little time. Moon-young and her sidekicks go all in and aren’t afraid to get a little devious. To get at Yeon-joo, they’ll need some help, so Moon-young teams up with CEO Choi and steals Yeon-joo’s right-hand minion Seok-goo out from under her. Seok-goo locates Yeon-joo’s safe, which houses boatloads of cash and her super secret computer with evidence against CEO Choi. Moon-young passes along the intel to CEO Choi, but first she sets up a spy cam so she can break into the safe herself – she’s not about to let CEO Choi steal away with murder evidence.

With no one on her side and nothing going to plan, Yeon-joo begins to unravel. But she’s not the only one falling apart. Sung-jae and his corrupt family are not doing so hot themselves. Sung-jae’s father’s shadiness catches up to him, and his loyal office manager slips Moon-young evidence of his corruption. It doesn’t take much convincing from Moon-young to get him to hand over Hwang Tae-soo’s DNA, evidence that will certainly damn his son, in exchange for the incriminating evidence against himself.

Sung-jae, already wallowing in his woes and self-pity, is stunned by this betrayal. He turns up drunk at Moon-young’s and throws a fit when she informs him that she’s already turned the evidence over to the prosecution. His father’s loving way of rectifying his betrayal is that he had Yeon-joo help him secure a boat so that Sung-jae can go on the run. Sung-jae knows better than to trust Yeon-joo, so he’s not about to get on a boat she chartered.


Yeon-joo is growing ever more desperate and reckless, so it was only a matter of time before she went totally unhinged. She finds Seok-goo stealing the cash out of her safe and watches him rip up her passport. Her response? Unflinchingly stabbing him in the neck with a kitchen knife.

Sung-jae walks in and pauses for a beat at Seok-goo’s dead body, but he’s much more concerned with his own problems. He found passage out of Korea and needs Yeon-joo’s help to retrieve their embezzled billions, so off they go. Surprising no one, it’s another betrayal. Sung-jae also struck a deal with CEO Choi: he can flee on a Geumshin vessel if he kills Yeon-joo.

Yeon-joo is no idiot and realizes the danger she’s in the second she notices a Geumshin logo on the boat. But it’s not easy to escape when you’re trapped on a massive boat with someone intent on killing you. She gets an unexpected savior in Moon-young who may hate her but draws the line at murder.


more https://www.dramabeans.com/2024/04/hide-episodes-11-12-final/

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On 4/24/2024 at 12:32 AM, partyon said:

are you still watching the drama?

Yes, just finished today because I was away.

Agree with you on many points you mentioned. Though some of the questions I have worked out my own explanation so that I can move on.

This has potential to be great, but have to say some of the scenes lack reality that I had to just close one eye on it... One eg. how could they have swam/washed up shore so quickly from the deep sea. The ship was moving very fast, so it has to be deep sea. It was so dark, how did Jin Woo (our hero) manage to find the two ladies coz the ship was moving so very fast.

The 5 days that they mentioned, with the stuff they did, was beyond me too.


I am being nitpicking for sure. A bit disappointed with the last 2 episodes, but didn't regret spending time to watch this. 

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EXCLUSIVE: Lee Mu Saeng on playing Lee Bo Young’s husband in Hide, facing death in Thirty-Nine and Blood Free shoot

In an exclusive conversation, Lee Mu Saeng, who played the lead role in the mystery K-drama Hide alongside Lee Bo Young, talked about juggling roles simultaneously. Read more below.






Hide, a K-drama about secrets, faith, betrayal, suspense, mystery, and much more, stars Lee Bo Young, Lee Mu Saeng, Lee Chung Ah, and Lee Chae Min in the main roles. It follows the story of Na Mun Yeong, an ex-prosecutor who sets up a law firm alongside her husband, Cha Seong Jae. She is left stunned by his sudden disappearance, opening a box of worms.


The 43-year-old actor started off with smaller roles in films and K-dramas like Prison Playbook and Something in the Rain, and his dedication to his craft soon saw him get cast in bigger roles. With an appearance in Thirty-Nine and The Silent Sea, Lee Mu Saeng's talent was recognized further, and his acting in The Glory as Kang Yeong Cheon further nailed his prowess. 


Lee Mu Saeng interview

With credits in numerous famed projects, his role in the SLL-produced mystery drama Hide alongside Lee Bo Young was highly anticipated. The actor seemingly paid a lot of attention to detail while also shooting for another drama and getting ready for a third one. In an exclusive conversation, he told us all about his hectic schedule.

What kind of a husband do you think Cha Seong Jae was to Na Mun Yeong?

Lee Mu Saeng: The person he loves the most is Na Moon Young, but somehow, he feels inferior and wants to show her only the perfect and capable side of himself. He can't seem to share even the smallest mistakes with her. Cha Seong Jae intends to show Na Mun Yeong the best side of himself but ends up being caught at his bottom, spending highs and lows with her. I don't think he's some kind of a good husband.

What did you take away from Cha Seong Jae's role, and why do you think people should watch Hide?

Lee Mu Saeng: True love seems to be about sharing, understanding, and forgiving even faults. I've learned that it's not the perfection that the other person wants but the mistakes and shortcomings that make us stronger and more solid through each other. It got each other hurt the most in the end by not being honest with the person you need to be the most honest with. If you ever find yourself at a crossroads, I hope you can learn from Cha Seong Jae in Hide and not make that choice.



more https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/exclusive-lee-mu-saeng-on-playing-lee-bo-youngs-husband-in-hide-facing-death-in-thirty-nine-and-blood-free-shoot-1301895




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Hello, I finally have the time to watch this drama, and I haven't finished it yet. I'm at the end of episode 9, and this
is one of those rare drama that I'm on the villain side. Ha Yeon Joo is right, an 'apology' can't bring her father back.
 Yeon Joo has every right to be enrage. I fear that she's driven by revenge, she will push far beyond the point
of no return. I feel bad for Ha Yeon Joo. For 25 years Attorney Na Moon Yeong and her father had live with a
 terrible lies. I have a feeling that the ending is not going to be good for either side.
The actress that played Ha Yeon Joo was perfect. I need to go back and finish this great drama.

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Hmmm, if you plan on watching this drama, please don't read any further.

Spoiler alert!.


Oh wow!, I can't believe the ending of this drama. I'm shocked and disappointed. The writer somehow twisted the
story of this drama, then make the villains into the goodguys and the goodguys into the villains.
When Attorney Na Moon Yeong said that she wants to turn everything back to it original places. I wasn't expecting
this kind of ending. Attorney Na and her father after admitted in court of murdering Ha Yeon Joo's father and lied
about her father corpse. They pretty much walk away almost scotch free. Her father pretty much got away with murder, and Attorney Na got slap on the hand. Na Moon Yeong is an Attorney and her best friend is the prosecutor, they could have stop and prevent Ha Yeon Joo from continue committing more serious crime and ruin her life. And
help turn HYJ life around, but instead, she chose to save herself, her father and her daughter. I feel sad for Ha Yeon Joo character. After her revenge failed, she lost all her will to live. In the end when Ha Yeon Joo starved herself
in the confinement of prison. Suddenly, after she read a letter from Attorney Na, she starting to eat again. The writer like the audience to think that after reading a few words of encouragement from her enemy, she turn herself
around?. Come on now, that is alot of baloney for me to swallow. I prefer to interpreted this scene is that Ha Yeon Joo feel more anger after reading Attorney Na letter, she decided to live on in hope one day she might get release, so she can continue on with her revenge. Because, Attorney Na Moon Yeong and her father did not pay for their crimes. This drama writer is sicked and twisted.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hide EXCLUSIVE: Lee Min Jae says ‘misery loves company’ about role with Lee Bo Young, shares crucial acting advice

In an exclusive conversation with actor Lee Min Jae, the Hide star shared if he’d still be open to high school roles and what kinds of scripts he’s looking for.

Written by Ayushi Agrawal , Journalist

Published on May 25, 2024 

Rising star Lee Min Jae is just 24 by age but is already proving to be an actor we can look out for in the coming years. A theatre graduate, Lee Min Jae is gaining attention for his heartthrob-like roles that play to his strong suits while building a dependable filmography. His young but mature vibe has landed him impressive roles and the world awaits a breakout portrayal that would rightfully showcase his talents.

About Lee Min Jae

The young gun has been in this business for a while now, with small roles dating back to about 8 years ago. But it was in 2022 when Lee Min Jae began appearing in supporting characters and it was then that his real talent to steal the show became very much apparent on the screen. From Racket Boys to Love All Play and Cheer Up, sports K-dramas have fit him the best so far, while a lovesick green flag character in Crash Course in Romance gave him the right amount of spotlight. 

Lee Min Jae Interview for Hide

Post-Crash Course in Romance fame, Lee Min Jae bagged one of his first main roles in Oh! Youngsim. His latest project came with the SLL production Hide, where yet another crucial portrayal awaited him in the form of Do Jin Woo, a mysterious man in the thrilling tale of Cha Seong Jae’s disappearance and the search that follows. 


With Lee Bo Young and Lee Chung Ah pulling off some sharp acting in Hide and Lee Mu Saeng giving another deep-ended character his own twist, Lee Min Jae who was one of the youngest on the sets, shared his experience working beside the seasoned players. Read the full exclusive chat below.

How would you describe the relationship between Do Jin Woo and Na Mun Yeong?

Lee Min Jae: 'Misery loves company,' and 'Cha Seong Jae.' It can be explained by these two. In the drama, Do Jin Woo and Na Mun Yeong share a deep bond because they are going after Cha Seong Jae, albeit for different reasons.


As most other actors on set were your seniors did you miss having young blood working with you?

Lee Min Jae: I didn’t. I rather had a great time filming with the seniors on the set of Hide. When it came to acting, I was able to learn a lot through their acting, so I couldn't wait to go to the set and act with them.


Were you able to quickly form a bond with your castmates and what kind of acting advice, if any, did you receive from them?

Lee Min Jae: Bo Young, Mu Saeng, and Chung Ah sunbaenim adored me (laughs), which made me feel more comfortable on set, and I also asked them many questions about acting. Whenever I did, they encouraged me, saying, "You're doing so well right now," which helped me a lot.


What drew you to the role of Do Jin Woo?

Lee Min Jae: I was drawn to the role because it was a character I hadn't played before. Although I had a hard time understanding him as the life of Do Jin Woo was something I had never lived, the encouragement and advice from the seniors, as I said above, helped me a lot.


more https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hide-exclusive-lee-min-jae-says-misery-loves-company-about-role-with-lee-bo-young-shares-crucial-acting-advice-1309436

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