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[Drama 2022] Eve • 이브


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13 hours ago, hush puppy said:

Whatever it is,  Kang Yoon Gyeom will be charged.  Because he has been Managing a Conglomerate which was Illegally Formed.  So he and Ra-El can never be together.


 Yes, he will be charged especially if it were up to SEP and Madam Jang. However, will KYG give up that easily? He has come a long way to freedom and for one moment, one day, one week, one month since he threw Sora out of the house, went on vacation to the seashore and gave RE the seat next to himself at his company "throne", for those days he tasted sweet freedom, will he just willingly go back to being the scapegoat for the Kangs and Hans and go to prison for them if he can prove his innocence? Even if he won't do it for Ra El but having known how it feels not to be chained to abusive families, will he not do everything legally even with the possible loss of his wealth to prove his innocence? Having tasted the sweetness of self autonomy, even if he loses Ra El, will he not fight with all of his being to be free, especially if he finds out about the person he cared about, whom So Ra killed? The question then becomes, will he be successful to find the truth of the takeover without being killed himself? If KYG is innocent, and he is snooping for the truth, in Han's perspective, KYG is a dead man!! He has become the enemy. That is the irony of it all, Eve and Adam getting evicted from heaven, their fall from grace and their  separation from the garden of Eden. But Eve's love for Adam causes regeneration of the pair and generations after. In this story though, will there be a reparation and conciliation for the Eve (RE) and KYG? It seems, that will all depend on Ra El. Her father said, her name means "belonging to God". Her nightmares show one of herself stabbing KYG and the other keening holding a downed and bloody KYG. So, will there be a chance for reparation or endless sorrow for Eve? Seems, it is all up to Eve, she got the ball.


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On 7/13/2022 at 2:11 PM, sadthe1st said:

the director.. is a guy?? HAHAHAHA

sorry about this lame joke..


i saw in preview that KYG is watching from a cctv of La El at home or somewhere, when So Ra stomped into his office?


btw, i haven't watched ep12.. i'm getting fearful of these last few episodes to the ending..




@sadthe1st  Ha, Ha.  You geting fearful?  How can.  The joke is ok.  We all know you like to joke :lol:




I just finished Ep 13 Raw.  Very Exciting, Nail-Biting and Heart-Breaking at the same time.


1) Yes.  You all already know that Ep 13 starts with Han So Ra trying to Expose Ra-El in front of Kang Yoon Gyeom.  But KYG is unperturbed.  Because he is really Head-Over-Heels in love with Ra-El.  I believe it only gives KYG the impression that HSR is being Revengeful.


2) Later when alone with Ra-El, KYG tore away all the photos that HSR had given him.  He told Ra-El that they are just starting out.  So they can get to know each other.  But the Seed of Suspicions has already sprouted in his Heart.


3) Ra-El started Work.  She forbade VP Kim Yi Sak (the Gediks man who betrayed her father) from entering the office.  She asked the Audits to investigate all the people involved in the Illegal Takeover of Gediks.  If guilty, hand over to the Prosecutors.


4) KYG tailed Ra-El.  Ra-El returned to her Home.  She saw Jang Moon Hee's purse on the floor.  Her things were scattered on the floor.  She immediately realised that she had been kidnapped. JMH's mobile was missing.  


5) Next Ra-El visited SEP at the hospital before he was discharged.  When SEP was leaving the hospital, his assistant saw KYG in his car following Ra-El.


6) So SEP called KYG to meet up. SEP told KYG  he was attacked.  Then as SEP was leaving,  KYG asked why SEP is helping Ra-El.  Was it because he loves Ra-El?  KYG is jealous. KYG added that Ra-El has chosen him.  And as you all have seen in the Preview, SEP said his Love is about Sacrifice.  But KYG tails and doubts the woman he loves.  So he does not consider KYG as his Competition. (Not the exact words.  But more or less....)


7) Meanwhile, a triumphant HSR called her father-in-law.  Kang Bon Geun asked about her Divorce with KYG.  HSR denied.  She went VIP-Shopping for Gifts to pacify her In-Laws.


8) Ra-El walked in to have a Private Chat with her.  Ra-El demanded that HSR released JMH.  Ra-El dropped the Bomb-Shell.  She knew about Dr Love.


9) Meanwhile HSR visited her In-Law's and told her father-in-law that KYG and herself are not divorcing.   Kang Chi Kyum called KYG to confirm.  But KYG replied that they are divorcing. :lol:


10) Ra-El returned to KYG's study to retrieve the Gediks documents.  She cannot access the Safety Vault.  KYG had changed the Secret Code.   KYG was Video-Watching her from his office.  But recalling what SEP had said to him,  KYG called Ra-El and gave her the New Secret Code.


11) Having been humiliated at her In-Law's house, HSR went yelling at KYG at his office again.  KYG asked HSR if she had ever been in love. KYG told her that he has a Million Reasons Not To Love Ra-El.  But he overcomes all of them.  Then he  walked out.


12) SEP purposely  went to HPR's mansion to deliver the Approval for HPR's Geus Project.  While there SEP found out that a Prosecutor Ahn has informed HPR about the Legal Suit from Jang Moon Hee regarding the Illegal Merger with Gediks Semicon.


13) Secretary Cha drove Ra-El to KYG.  KYG told her he is divorcing HSR and transfer some of his Shares to Ra-El.  Ra-El was so touched, she shed Tears. KYG told her that they must be  happy.  He really loves her.


14) Ra-El and SEP looked through the Gediks documents.  Ra-El admitted that she really likes KYG. She said she was not in a position to talk about Love. But I want to be honest with him just once.  As a final courtesy of love.


15) Ra-El was drinking in a Bar.  She called KYG to join her.  She wants to explain certain things to him.  But had to leave before KYG's arrival.


16) Meanwhile Dr Love was ordered to moved JMH to an Underground Prison - under the open field of Han Pan Ro's mansion.  JMH made a call to Ra-El.


17) Kang Bon Geun called KYG to inform him that their company is in trouble.  KYG rushed to his Safety Vault and found Gediks Documents missing.  Now he is beginning to realise that maybe Ra-El is related to Gediks Semicon.


18) Han Pan Ro found Ra-El's Spy-Bug - 2 of them.


19) Ra-El went to her Survellance Room at her studio. She manage to locate JMH's position. She called to inform SEP.  I believe SEP will use his Authority to House-Search HPR's manson in Ep 14


20) An awakened and desperate KYG went to Ra-El's studio.  He saw her Car.  Felt it - it was still Warm. Meaning Ra-El just arrive not too long ago.


21) KYG managed to "Trick" Ra-El to exit her Surveillance Room.  He entered it and saw everything:  the photos, all the surveillance screens, the revenge map, the Spy-Ware (Hack Apps) on his mobile.....  He was so Upset.  How could he not be??


He realised he has fallen into Ra-El's trap.  All the past scenes flashed through his mind:  Ra-El's Tango performance, his Church Vow.....


He turned.  And Ra-El was standing behind him.


22) KYG lashed out a Ra-El.  He threw Ra-El against the shelf.  Ra-El defended herself with a Scissor.  In the tussle, KYG accidentally injured Ra-El.  Seeing Ra-El in pain, KYG was still concerned and rushed to help her.   


Ep 13 ended.....


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38 minutes ago, hush puppy said:

Ha, Ha.  You geting fearful?  How can. 

ya, i get fearful when the end is nearing.. especially having invested so much enthusiasm chasing it.. what if…….


Worry Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


20 minutes ago, confusedheart said:

What the heck is happening?

EEK !!!

i don’t like it when men become violent.. how can he fling her around like that!!


angry parks and rec GIF


and, @confusedheart chingu.. his expression……………

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Greetings, Chingu


First time posting for this drama but I have enjoyed reading all your insightful comments.  I found this drama within the last two weeks and have only just caught up.  I have never seen such an "adult" k-drama and have only been able to digest it in small snippets while the kiddies weren't around... and I'm not the only one... my friends who are also watching the drama have noted that they've never seen a drama with such explicit scenes.  That's not criticism; that's to set up what I'm about to say.  

Someone in the thread with a good eye commented on the serpent iconography in the drama and that's primarily the topic about which I want to muse.  I agree it's probably meant to invoke, in the mind of the beholder, the story of the fall in Genesis.  But the serpent, as also noted by the commentor with a good eye, is that in the Old Testament the serpent is a sign of healing.  I want to add that in the pre-Christian world, the serpent is a sign of wisdom.  In Genesis 3 the serpent is described as "the most cunning of any animal" and in Matthew 10:16, Jesus tells the disciples to be "as gentle as lambs and as wise as serpents".   I also want to note that in the story of the fall, it is not the serpent who causes Eve to disobey God, but Satan using the voice of the serpent for which the serpent pays the eternal price of crawling on its belly (i.e., the loss of its limbs) and eternal enmity between it and humankind.  The proof of this, if you believe, may be the fact that the image of the serpent evokes a kind of universal "a priori" (i.e., before knowledge or experience) response, usually fear or revulsion, by humans toward serpents.  In other words, since we are all children of the first man (i.e., Adam) and the first woman (i.e., Eve), we inherit from them in our human DNA per se the knowledge of the fall and the complicity of the serpent in that fall, the knowledge of what was lost and the appropriate reaction towards the agent of that loss.  Only the agent of that loss was Satan, not the serpent.  But I'm getting off topic here.  Just keep in mind, it was Satan who was the tempter, not the serpent, that's my point.  Another characteristic of the serpent is its shedding of its skin.  Periodically the serpent sloughs off its skin and moves on.  I think all of this is relevant to the drama.  So is our Eve a child of Satan, i.e., a tempter, or a child of God and an avenging angel.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.

The early episodes would absolutely lead one to believe that LRE is a child of Satan, a tempter, consumed by hatred, focused on revenge and using whatever and whoever comes her way towards that goal.  But women have used their bodies to lure, ensnare and control men since Eve did it to Adam so is that not a kind of women's wisdom.  I believe the modern term for this is "soft power".  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.  Men possess and use a physical superiority; women use a kind of physical wisdom to tame and control that superiority.  In the drama LRE, while still a high schooler, learned and mastered this ability to tame and control the masculine we're told, via the tango.  I know nothing about the validity of that but it's the drama's line.  The tango is the mechanism LRE uses to highlight sensuality which draws to her the target as surely as a web will lure in then trap the spider's next meal.  LRE was an early victim of masculine superiority and it cost her her parents, her company, her inheritance and her innocence.   She learned that she was powerless against the masculinity of the Hans.  Here I mean masculine things like violence, coercion and the power of money and influence that the Hans use and to this end I would argue that HSR is a masculine character.  So, as women have done since Eve, if you can't beat them, control them.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.  You can see this in the scenes of LRE with her husband and KYG in which she is practically a dominatrix exerting, showing and proving to herself and to them, her control over them.  A side note about the tango, at least as its presented in the drama.  It's the vehicle for LRE to display her femininity, thus the make-up, the costumes, the "subservient" partner in the dance.  It's this that attracts the masculine.  And this is human wisdom.  Opposites attract and the more pronounced the opposites are, the greater the attraction will be.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.

Even HSR is drawn to the tango as a means to save her marriage but she's too "masculine" to carry it out.  I note that she, too, has a piece of serpent jewelry, the bracelet the salesgirl puts on her arm that she doesn't even look at when KYG doesn't come home for her birthday.  It's a coiled serpent, a serpent about to strike.  This is not a symbol of wisdom but one of power, a threat.  It is a masculine symbol.

What was the promise of Satan to Eve in the garden?  The knowledge of good and evil.  The power God reserved for Himself or "to become like God".  The promise of Satan to Eve was that she and Adam would become equal to God, they would have power.  What is it the Hans seek?  Power, hard power, and money as a means to acquiring that power.  What was it that her husband and KYG sought when they entered into relationship with the Hans?  To acquire some of the Han power for themselves.  What causes that lacky VP to do all the evil he does?  To be near and bask in the light of Han power.   But Han power is rooted in actual or metaphorical brute force, it lacks intelligence, sophistication and wisdom.   Be as gentle as lambs and as wise as serpents.

So, is LRE a tempter or an avenging angel?  I would also note another name for God in the bible is Wisdom, Holy Wisdom.  We humans can only imperfectly reflect God's glory so while we can never aspire to Holy Wisdom, there is an entire field of human knowledge called philosophy meaning "lovers of wisdom".  In other words, the best humans can do is practice the discipline of wisdom.  So, what will the ending of the story be?  Will power crush wisdom or will wisdom triumph over power.  

Because her husband and KYG were not as totally consumed by the Hans as say, the lacky VP is, there was hope for them.  They could be pulled back from slipping into the pit of Hell where the Hans live.  But to do that something, someone, needed to grab them at an "a priori" level--the gut level--and draw them away from the Hans because their best thinking had led them to the Hans.  So while LRE was using them for her "revenge", her actions also saved them from becoming the evil, lacky VP.  And while one can say using people is also wrong, her husband used her first so LRE using him first to go after the Hans is justice, giving him what he deserves.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.

What about KYG?  There's this thing I notice about k-dramas.  They put lots of emphasis on fate.  Like the person you run in to over and again is your "fated" partner.  When LRE was leaving the woman who taught her the tango, she bumped into KYG as he was entering perhaps to take her place.   I call that fate.  She thought he engineered the takeover of her father's company.  HSR told LRE her father's company was her "dowry" meaning her father stole the company to give to KYG or his family in return for the marriage.  This makes KYG a victim too.  He may have been a willing victim but he's a victim nonetheless.  He may have received the company for marriage but he was not involved in the theft of the company for the marriage.  If we know that, LRE knows that.  More important, KYG knows that.  If he wants the company and his freedom, that is at his fingertips, or rather, LRE's.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.

What about LRE?  The serpent sheds its skin.  LRE shed the skin of her father's daughter and a victim and went on to become the wife of her husband and an avenger.  She shed that skin to become the partner of KYG and nemesis of HSR.  She will shed that skin too but what comes next remains to be seen.  If KYG is wise, he will help LRE and the victims of LY Group to obtain the justice they deserve and once she is in control of LYG, he can throw himself at her mercy in the hopes of acquiring his freedom, the love of LRE and help in the running of LYG.  The alternative is throwing himself at the mercy of his father and the Hans and living the rest of his life as he lived the first part of his life, subservient to and disrespected by his father, brother and the Hans.  If he is wise, he will live the second half of his life as the son of a housekeeper who got lucky in business and in love and married the true owner of Gediks.  Be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents.  Is KYG wise?

What about SEP?  Unfortunately, I don't think there's a future for SEP with LRE or anyone else.  He thinks the way to fight power is through the accumulation of power.  But that is only true if the Hans haven't already compromised the person who grants him his power.  And they already have.  SEP has never said he sees LRE as a woman, but as a family member.  His heart is that of a human rights lawyer.  I think SEP is the way Daddy Han ends up in prison for the rest of his life.

Well, those are my thoughts for what they're worth.  I've read so many interesting comments I thought I'd just share mine.  Really looking forward to the rest of the drama and remember... be as gentle as lambs and as wise as serpents.  CP



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Yoo Sun Burns With Rage As She Gets Involved With Bloodshed In “Eve”


Yoo Sun has even more blood on her hands with the latest events of “Eve.”


tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series “Eve” is about a chaebol’s 2 trillion won (approximately $1.7 billion) divorce lawsuit that shocks the entire nation. Unbeknownst to the public, the lawsuit is the result of a carefully calculated revenge scheme 13 years in the making.


Seo Ye Ji stars as Lee Ra El, the dangerously alluring woman at the center of the divorce lawsuit whose true identity and lifestyle are slowly starting to come to light. Lee Il Hwa plays Jang Mun Hee who commits to a fake mother-daughter relationship with Lee Ra El after losing her real daughter who died as a whistleblower. The heartbroken duo jump on a tumultuous ride of revenge, which is finally come to fruition after 13 years in the making.



In a previous episode, Jang Mun Hee made progress in her plans by making a case against LY Company as the representative of all those who have incurred damages and losses because of the firm. However, Han So Ra (Yoo Sun) quickly figured out her identity and had her kidnapped. In the suspenseful process of Han So Ra demanding answers from Jang Mun Hee about her motives, she also revealed Lee Ra El’s true identity to her husband Kang Yoon Kyum (Park Byung Eun).


Newly released stills give us a glimpse at this terrifying moment with photos of Jang Mun Hee lying on the ground covered in her own blood. It’s implied that she was beaten after being kidnapped. With Han So Ra looking on with rage in her eyes, viewers are left to expect the worst.





Han So Ra’s secretary Moon Do Hwan (Cha Ji Hyuk) carries an unconscious Jang Mun Hee off to an unknown place. Viewers question whether Han So Ra will resort to murder and how this will play a role in Lee Ra El’s intricately planned revenge.





With “Eve” closing in on its finale, tensions are at its highest. The spiteful story of revenge will continue with its next episode on July 13 at 10:30 p.m. KST.


Yoo Sun Burns With Rage As She Gets Involved With Bloodshed In “Eve” | Soompi

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2 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Well, those are my thoughts for what they're worth.  I've read so many interesting comments I thought I'd just share mine.  Really looking forward to the rest of the drama and remember... be as gentle as lambs and as wise as serpents.  CP

Thank you for your post, loved it. Eve has the ball here, I can't wait to see her next move, and will KYG start to ask the right questions and will Eve give him the right answers to guide him what to do? Seems he is lost.

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3 hours ago, lila21 said:

Thank you for your post, loved it. Eve has the ball here, I can't wait to see her next move, and will KYG start to ask the right questions and will Eve give him the right answers to guide him what to do? Seems he is lost.

Looks like she may stab him. I don't think he will be asking her for guidance. :confused:
He thought she had been acting suspicious and he had not asked her why? Maybe he has plan B, after all he is a supersmart corporate man.

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For once, I shall not speculate about Ep 14.   Just  watch and enjoy. 


It is obvious that Ra-El will not end up with Kang Yoon Gyeom.  Most probably go away with SEP after everything is Over. 


I am only concern about the legal punishments Ra-El and SEP will receive.  I want  both of them to find Peace and Happiness.  I hope Jang Moon Hee will be saved.  The Rest .......  let them be punished to the Full.  They deserve it.





And....  I want to know the Full Extent of  Han So Ran's crimes.  The People she has killed.  As for Han Pan Ro and Kim Jung Chul,  we don't need to know.  They will do anything to get what they want.


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7 hours ago, maribella said:

I don't think he will be asking her for guidance.

He thought she had been acting suspicious and he had not asked her why? Maybe he has plan B, after all he is a supersmart corporate man

@maribellaThank you. I have not seen episode 13 since it has not uploaded in my part of the world yet, I only saw the previews without translations and read summaries. I was not referring to KYG asking Eve for guidance but, I was referring and replying to the previous post of the reference to the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent. Adam being guided by Eve's actions who was wizened by the serpent.

This post by @Chickpea.


13 hours ago, Chickpea said:

about KYG?  There's this thing I notice about k-dramas.  They put lots of emphasis on fate.  Like the person you run in to over and again is your "fated" partner.  When LRE was leaving the woman who taught her the tango, she bumped into KYG as he was entering perhaps to take her place.   I call that fate.  She thought he engineered the takeover of her father's company.  HSR told LRE her father's company was her "dowry" meaning her father stole the company to give to KYG or his family in return for the marriage.  This makes KYG a victim too.  He may have been a willing victim but he's a victim nonetheless.  He may have received the company for marriage but he was not involved in the theft of the company for the marriage.  If we know that, LRE knows that.  More important, KYG knows that.  If he wants the company and his freedom, that is at his fingertips, or rather, LRE


13 hours ago, Chickpea said:

If KYG is wise, he will help LRE and the victims of LY Group to obtain the justice they deserve and once she is in control of LYG, he can throw himself at her mercy in the hopes of acquiring his freedom, the love of LRE and help in the running of LYG. If he is wise, he will live the second half of his life as the son of a housekeeper who got lucky in business and in love

@hush puppy

6 hours ago, hush puppy said:

It is obvious that Ra-El will not end up with Kang Yoon Gyeom.  Most probably go away with SEP after everything is Over. 

It will be one of those very rare Kdrama endings where the 2nd male lead ends up with the first female lead. Even though I have not watched any dramas where the 2nd lead ends up with the first lead, I have heard from other kdrama watchers that it happened. LRE and KYG were referred to at the beginning of the series as twin flames, and what I read about twin flames that they are not actually two different flames but reflection of themselves who will burn themselves to learn their life lessons, rise from their ashes as wiser and a better human beings. So we shall see, will the drama end as the usual firsts together ending or the unusual first with the 2nd?

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Excited The Goldbergs GIF by HULU
*chokes on popcorn*


OHHHH nooo he didn’t...

queen slay GIF by AXN Asia

pdnims really done taken this route with Kangs character...

No Way Wow GIF

but here’s the thing..can I really be surprised? Statistics in domestic abuse households show that victims can end up becoming abusers too. The fact he was abused by his dad increases his chances of becoming an abuser himself..SR has already shown to be a carbon copy of her father in her antics. But KYG has never been violent till now. Funny it took REs betrayal to bring that out vs SRs abhorrent behavior over the years. SR seems like she’s never had KYG put her hands on her like that. If she knew that about him maybe she wouldn’t have been as involved till now trying to sabotage their relationship and would have taken a step back to let KYG do that with his abuse. 


Thiugh I can’t name the drama from the top of my head, there are some revenge dramas I’ve seen where when the main lead (usually male) seduces their target related to the revenge, pdnims put out a narrative where we feel pity and sympathy for the target, because of their obliviousness being used for revenge and loving the ‘enemy.’ But then the audience flips completely when the character does too after finding out-turning out to be a worse person than the lead out for revenge, because they are more danger, murderous, and evil than the lead who may have used such means for revenge, but has more justice and ‘moral highground’ than their ex love interest victim-turned into sociopath.


I will never forget this Hong Kong drama I watched-Black Heart White Soul. The main female lead is a not so goody two shoes that’s even been in jail. Meanwhile the male lead is a handicapped lawyer thus advocating for the ‘law’ and seeming morally ‘better’ than the female lead. Being in a wheel chair also added to this image where he just seemed..approachable? Vulnerable? Not pitiful, just personally I could never conceive someone handicap to be an evil person or commit a crime. Well 


Turns out the lawyer is out for revenge to the one who crippled him and uses the female lead as a tool for his plot, falling in love with her at the same time. But his ‘love’ never helps him falter or treat the FL any better much like LRE who does her best not to be swayed in her plan despite her feelings for KYG..till now she’s always stayed ON the path of her goal for retribution of her parents demise. This male lead also wiretapped the hime he lived in with the female lead..again much like LRL. To be honest though..maybe because it was a femme fatal doing this I didn’t get the same ‘ick, creepo’ vibe I got at the reveal of the ML’s un consensual spying. Also the FL in this drama was actually a good person till the end despite their criminal past..

Thinking about all the awful things LRL did to KYG(investigating him, seducing him, wiretapping him etc) I can see his side for his reaction or how these could have drove him ‘insane.’ But that reaction didn’t have to include physically hurting her...that was just..evidence that the bridge is burned of any possibility of these ‘twin flames’ being end game.

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finally watched episode 13 KYG's reaction of the company lawyer's report that a group from the former employees of Gedix were suing did not instill any reactions except a bit of some surprise. He only reacted when he was informed that the suit was led by JMH and realized that JMH must have been the woman pretending as LE's mother. His reaction to LY was a result of knowing that he was used. I agree though that was not an excuse for being physically violent. He has climbed his way up to be truly independent and be his own man then fell in love and the betrayal was something that he would have expected from family  but not from a woman that he for the first time in his life fell in love with and also thought was loved back. What he said to LE, "if you coveted the company you could have had it all, I would have given everything to you, why did you do this?" So, for me, I see that as KYG saying that he thought RE coveted the company and used him to get it and that is what he is so angry about, that he did not know of the real reason, that it was for revenge for the violent takeover of Gedix company owned by the Lee family and the murder of LY's father, the disappearance of her mother. Now, as was posted before, if he were wise he would research for the reasons of LE's actions, that it was not to covet the company but it was for redressing the wrongs of the past done by the Hans. If he were wise and really loved RE, he would humble himself and help with the redress for the victims and their families. Those legal papers that he had in his vault were forged and signed with the signature stamper that RE's husband stole from the Lee house with the help of the snake director but KYG did not know that. I can't wait for episode 14.


The preview in Ep 14 though, RL is scary, did she turn into "Kill Bill"?? "kill them all". KYG looks like he is between a rock and a hard place. In her dreams though, one part of her stabs KYG and one part of her keens over a wounded, bleeding KYG, did she kill him?


I don't think SEP will approve of the Kill Bill character though. He is someone who abides by the law. Neither would JMH, she was going through the legal process.


Will we ever know what happened to Ra El's mom, did Sora kill her or did HPR?




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Ep 13 is a bit Ridiculous in the sense that, a normally careful Ra-El suddenly became so careless.  Leaving the door of the Surveillance Room opened.


Luckily Han So Ra does not know that she is the daughter of Lee Tae Joon of Gediks Semicon.  Otherwise, worse things would have happened.  Leaving Ra-El no time to salvage the situation.  She could have been killed off.


It is also Ridiculous that both Kang Yoon Gyeom and Han So Ra thought Ra-El and Jang Moon Hee are Gold-Diggers. :o     A suave Businessman can be clueless when it comes to emotional issues.  That is believable.


I hope Ep 14 can be more logical.


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I just watched Ep 14 Raw.  Very fast-paced, exciting and emotional.   Today I shall not relate point-by-point.  I will only Highlight the Most Important and Moving Parts.


1) Jang Moon Hee was killed by Han Pan Ro in front of  Kim Jung Chul, Han So Ra and Dr Love.


2) From JMH's recordings (she had an Emergency Mini-Recorder with her), Ra-El found out how her own mother died. Her mother was kidnapped, imprisoned in the same underground prison as JMH by Han So Ra, and starved to death.  Then placed in a bag and thrown into the Sea.  Which is why Ra-El went beserked - Revenge !

(It is Ridiculous that they did not remove the Emergency Recorder from JMH)



SEP was with Ra-El all the way.  At the Morgue to claim Jang Moon Hee's body
At the Funeral Parlour for Jang Moon Hee.
At the Balcony watching down and saw Han So Ra waiting for Kang Yoon Gyeom.
Wiping her injured and bleeding palm.




But in the end,  KYG and Ra-El only had Eyes for each other.


Kang Yoon Gyeom is indeed  "The Clown Who Thought He Was King".   He was not aware of most of the things that went on behind his back.   He was so shocked when told.


The Ending Scene:

KYG went to see Ra-El and knelt down to beg for forgiveness.  He begged her to stop the Legal Proceedings.  He will pay a Fair Price for Gediks. He does not want their love to be made a Mockery of.   He does not want to fight her in court.  Ra-El gave him a piece of her Mind and threw her Serpent Ring at him.  He still did not know about Dr Love.


KYG took the Lift down.  HSR was waiting for him at the ground floor.  When Ra-El saw HSR, she went livid. She thought HSR had sent KYG to see her.  Ra-El broke a Vase, took one of the broken piece and want to kill HSR.  But she bled her own palm instead.   She rushed down with SEP following her.


HSR asked for reconciliation.  Kang Yoon Gyeom replied:

"I only have one to look out for.  Even if my Love cannot come true, for that person, I have a wish to remain as a Good Person".


Tears fell down his cheeks.  He loves Ra-El so much.   When Ra-El heard that she was equally moved.  Tears fell down her cheeks too. (And she thought: "We wanted to love. But we were unable to just love. That was our Tragedy".)   (Poor Seo Eun Pyeong)



P/S: I did not cry though.


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RIP JMH. Wasnt expecting her to die. This episodes pace made it hit me we really are close to the end. The climax felt like it was starting to happen when she walked out as LRL the car with all the reporters and ran over Vicechairmans leg. The kneeling begging forgiveness scene was really well done, was not expecting that either. The dialogue felt creative and unique. I really have to give props to SYJ and her talented acting skills. I was observing her and her character truly feels like it’s whole other person compared to the one in IONTBK. Their fashion style and dark back story was similar and yet they feel like two distinct people. She really is a queen and I hope she continues to get more roles.

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