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[Drama 2021-2022] The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


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So, from the comments it seems like I missed another interesting poll. Oh well I guess that is just my luck. The other thing that I hear is that this show is getting an extension. To that my response would be Ouch. Certainly, some shows can benefit from an extension but I don’t think that this is one of those shows. Hopefully I will be proven wrong though.


I mean let’s look at the current plots that need to be tied down and a perhaps ways to resolve them as well.


Second Leads need to be punished for their crimes.

Tay Hyang needs to be reunited with his real family and thus have his birth secret either exposed or done in such a way that it won’t hurt or confuse him. A good way to cover both of those points could be that if the Second Leads actually decide to repent and redeem themselves, they may tell him that they have to go on a work trip but since they can’t take him with them he will have to live with his Aunt and Uncle for the time being. Thus, part of the problem is easily solved. Hopefully by the time they are released from serving their time he will have either forgotten about them or be old enough for the truth to be revealed to him without him getting hurt etc…

Miss Otoke needs to be made aware of her Birth Secret

Same for Singing Prince

Which will therefore naturally result in them temporarily breaking up before being informed/realizing that they can be together since they aren’t actually related to each other.

Cookie Mum’s revenge needs to be completed allowing the company to fall back into the hands it actually belongs too. Meaning Chairman Yoon needs to go answer for all the crimes that he has committed so far. Not going to be easy.

Sub Plot of Sharon needs to be resolved

Sub Plot Sang Mi and Bakery Oppa Romance

Sub Plot Bakery Mom needs to be reunited with her daughter or leave it open. Granted we can still have the Rainbow Brite as her daughter plot be explored and either proved or debunked etc..

Sae Chool needs to finally fix/join a side for good without feeling guilty and live with the consequences.


Hopefully I didn’t miss any plots. Not sure if I have solutions for any of them but we can probably be done by 130 episodes max I suspect. Oh well let’s see what the writer has in store for us.


Now on to the main post itself.


I see that the Sang Mi VS Bakery Oppa debate is still going strong and there are shippers on both sides. LoL. I still feel like that is a hard option to take. Some of the points that have been brought up in her defense are like sure she lies but a person doesn’t have an issue when Miss Otoke has been doing the same or other main leads. Well, I think one can justify their actions a tad bit better than hers. Now don’t get me wrong I certainly feel that lying is bad no matter what but the reason why we let it slide in the case for the main leads is simple. They start out as honest hard-working people who end up facing a bad case of injustice courtesy of the actions of the Second Leads. Not only is that bad but the then also fail to achieve any kind of true justice either due to the ineptitude or the corruption of the legal department that is to seek it out for them. Ie  police, judges, lawyers etc…


This now means that the main leads need to take matters into their own hands and make the second leads repent using whatever means necessary because dealing with them in an honest or legal way is going to end up getting nothing. Just look at Miss Otoke she was not only framed for a crime that she never did but when she confronted Rainbow Brite with said evidence she nearly died as well. Coming back as herself was certainly not going to get her anywhere but perhaps another attempt at her life. So she lied about her identity.


The next thing we need to ask what do both Sang Mi and Miss Otoke gain out of their lies. Is it the same thing? The answer is probably no.


Miss Otoke isn’t trying to impress or win over the second lead by pretending to be rich and fancy. He is totally aware of her identity and is helping her out on his own accord. The people one can say that she is actually lying to are the following. The Second Leads and one can sort of say Singing Princes parents since they wouldn’t approve of her otherwise. Now while the second issue may be a bit problematic one will eventually realize that isn’t even the case.


Again, she isn’t marrying him to gain something out of him since they are in a contractual marriage. This means that is and when she wants to have the marriage nullified or broken, they go their separate ways and she gains nothing from it. Ie she can’t demand company shares or any other kind of alimony in return. Yes, Singing Prince may lose out on other marriage prospects down the lane if people find out that he is/was divorced. But again this is by his own choice he is probably fully aware of the pro’s and cons before he suggested the marriage in the first place. He might have to take a bit of heat from his parents but again that is his own choice. In short she gains nothing from the lie.


Sang Mi on the other hand is lying about herself to win over a guy by first trying to impress him by either being something she isn’t or pretending to have similar interests with him to bond with him. Note she fully sees herself as his wife and it is just a matter of time for her. Problem over here is that her lies can only take her so far before the guy realizes that he is either being played or that they actually have nothing in common. If they get in too deep with a fake relationship it might get messier when they have to breakup. Problem with her is that she doesn’t have the guts to face rejection and thus is playing all these games. She certainly could go up front and tell the guy how she feels about him. What is the worse that can happen is that she will be rejected. Ofcourse if she is the persistent type, she can continue to try her way to win him over something like what Singing Prince is doing with Mis Otoke.


Another point that was brought up was the fact that if Sang Mi does become part of her (Bakery Mom) family she will also be connected to the terrible Moon family as well. Two points were then brought up in regards to this as well. The first one was that Bakery Mom would be connected to them regardless considering that Miss Otoke is connected to them courtesy of her son and the other is the fact that Bakery Mom might be more understanding towards Sang Mi because she hasn’t said anything harsh towards her so far even though she is related to them but she tends to throw stuff at both her brother and mother whenever they show up since she doesn’t like them or the way that they have treated Miss Otoke. But since she is on good terms with her and has helped her a few times she would probably accept her.


Well in the case of the former one has to ask just how much would Miss Otoke allow herself to be connected to her former family. If she goes by her original plan then it will be almost nill. She pretty much threatened them that if her husband left her for Rainbow Brite then he would have not only any parental rights towards their kid but neither will his family as well since she will be raising the child not only on her own but also wouldn’t be giving him his family name also. Naturally things have become a bit complicated since the stunt he and Rainbow Brite to adopt/raise the kid. So cutting him off from his actual father and grandmother might be a bit more tricky but I feel that it can still be possible. That means Bakery Mom might not have to deal with them so much as well as Miss Otoke. The only issue here is the kid who conveniently likes to spend time with both his parents. Ouch. But still manageable in someway or the other I am sure.


As for the bit about how Bakery Mom treats her better than the rest of her family could simply be attributed more to a K-Drama Trope rather than whose family she actually belongs too. What I mean by this is that it is fully possible that Bakery Mom isn’t even aware of her family. Now one can ask how can that even be possible. Well courtesy of these dramas anything is possible even absurd plots like this.


For instance, she has never been in the same place with her family and Bakery Mom to make that connection. Whenever either of them shows up the other member of the family is conveniently absent. The closest encounter that she had was when Cookie Mom brought over Tay Yang over to the bakery family and he almost recognized her. But she pretended that it wasn’t her. The strange part here is that even Cookie Mom failed to recognize her considering that they are now family and all. But I guess they don’t meet up all that often that she didn’t get flagged. Not strange since Sang Hyung clearly doesn’t like his family show up and visit him and all. Also Cookie Mom wouldn’t be all bothered to meet up with his family unless it was something important and all.


The other things to note is that Bakery Mum probably sees her as a regular customer and has pegged her for someone who has feelings for her son that she may plan on using so that he forgets Miss Otoke. The other thing is that she knows Miss Otoke and seems to be really friendly with her. I doubt that she ever asked her who she was as she would probably be minding her own business. This means that chances are high that she hasn’t figured out her actual identity yet so she can be civil towards Sang Mi for the time being. Once the secret it out anything goes.


Now people might not believe that this trope can be real that people aren’t aware of how they are connected to people they may know etc…. So I will further give examples from two other drams to prove such absurdities are not only possible but also illogical at times as well.


The first one is from the drama Home For Summer (if memory serves correctly). Female Leads MiL conveniently finds herself as a lodger at the female leads parents’ house. The only reason that she discovers the truth is because she hears that the family is having the SiL over for dinner and she decides to barge the party unannounced only to discover that it is her own son and her DiL. Now why should she have discovered this earlier is simple. To convince her sons that she was doing okay she lies to them that she is doing fine, has a place of her own and even invites them to lunch. Now over here two things happen. First only her eldest son shows up and apparently, he has never been to his In-Laws place that he doesn’t recognize it. What kind of weird family is that? Secondly in that house there is the standard large size family portrait which she temporarily hides so that her son doesn’t figure out the truth. Are you honestly trying to tell me not even once while she was taking the picture down or placing it back up she noticed the family on it. Ah not possible. Clearly she must have an eye problem.


The second one is from Melody Of Love. Actually, I was going to go with two examples from this but decided to simply go with one since that is quite big and messy on its own. Just a friendly mention this is one of those dramas that decided to opt for an extension when it started to mess up big time. So if anyone is planning on watching said drama don’t bother.


Over here we have three best friends for life aka the Second Leads and the Male lead himself. So yes, clearly a love triangle was brewing over here. Anyway, the key points to consider over here are as follows the Second Leads families are family friends so the parents know each other. Second Male Lead had feelings for a long time for the Second Female Lead for a long time. Everything good so far. Second Lead has a Musical Company that he runs. Now the Female Lead is interested in joining a Musical Group for a long time. Finally, she gets her lucky break by getting to work for the Second Leads company. Guess what neither of them recognizes the other. Even to the point when the Second Female Lead tries to offer a helping hand and asks the Second Male Lead to offer a job to her sister. He does that unaware that the Female Lead is already working for him and is told that she has already gotten a job. Again isn’t she aware of her bosses number or his voice to recognize him. Regardless of why I find the entire scenario unbelievable is because as I mentioned the parents are good friends with each other so I would have expected them to hold a few family dinners/gatherings where both families would have been invited. Thus, the kids would also have gotten to meet up with each other. Not to mention the entire drama that the Main Leads had to go through could have also been easily solved a long time ago. Okay maybe not that but this work place confusion wouldn’t have been the case. But then that is probably just me take everything that I say with a grain of salt.


Someone brought up the point that Sang Hyuk might be trying to play both sides. To which I wouldn’t say that I am surprised at all. He has been doing that since day 1. I am finally glad that Miss Otoke finally saw him for his true colours a long time ago and can use that to her advantage. As they say love makes a person blind. Glad it isn’t true for her anymore.


Let’s take a look into his behaviour and the conclusion one can come from it. Miss Otoke had been living with him for a few years and was even pregnant with his kid. According to her they were in a common law marriage. But they we find out just how many people were even aware of this fact. It seemed like she didn’t have any friends so she couldn’t introduce him to anyone. Meaning only the immediate family was aware of this fact. Even the Bakery Family were only aware of him by name but surprisingly had never met him or his mother until certain events progressed. As for him he did the same. Never bothered introducing her to any of his friends. Now one could argue that he was so busy with work that he didn’t have time to make some. Fine but then what about those at work he could have introduced her to them. Didn’t happen.


Infact if one looks at this closely one will discover that he took it one step further as well. He never let her show up at his work because he was afraid that she would either embarrass him or better still make him loose out on a potential target. Not only that he never bothered informing people that he was married. He might have suggested that he had a girlfriend but that was it. Or did he claim that he was only seeing someone. That seems a bit more vague and open ended allowing another person to think that they have an opportunity to be with him.


Once he got caught how did he try and justify his actions to Miss Otoke. He still loves her but the only reason that he was choosing Rainbow Brite over her was because of his dreams. He always wanted an apartment under his own name which might be a pipe dream if he staid with her but marrying Rainbow Brite would yield better results as she could buy him an entire building which would be so much better.


It was the same when Rainbow Brite was having second thoughts about marrying him once she discovered his duplicity. He quickly tried to salvage the situation in his own favour making it harder to go through with her threat. First, he made a good impression on her father who finally agreed into accepting him as a SiL. He then points out to her that she can go ahead with her plan to ditch him but that will only make her look bad in her fathers’ eyes and he may not consider her positively and thus her dream to take over the company will go downhill. When she was having second thoughts another time, he pushed ahead with the company interview where he was introduced as the family fiancée and all. He again points out that the only person that will look bad for breaking up so soon after such an announcement would be her because she will also have to justify her reasons for doing so. So once people find out that she was made a fool by him will make her the laughing stock and again he used the father card and her dreams being unattainable without him.


Then comes the Sharon character. He discovers her true identity in a matter of episodes. Again, why doesn’t he expose her. Not because he actually cares about Miss Otoke. But rather what he can gain from it. He knows that she clearly has a lot of money at her current disposal. Clearly more than what even his wife currently has since they need her money and all. This means that he shouldn’t get on her bad side and do his best to conceal the secret. He also probably knows that his wife would be way more hesitant to accept any money from Miss Otoke as she would sense a trap and would be unable to complete J-Town their life long goal. So he keeps the secret for the time being.


So, in short, I believe that even his claim that he loves Miss Otoke and has always loved her was always a lie. From his actions one can easily figure out that the only person that he cares about his himself and his greed. This can further be seen by two points. The first one is when Singing Prince tells him to get his act straight considering that he is already married so he should stop going after his Ex. His response when he is alone is that both women belong to him. So, I am going to be super glad when he ends up all alone and with nothing.


The other is when Miss Otoke asks him where their kid is. He blatantly lies to her that the kid has passed away when in truth he was secretly raising him with his wife. Even if one wants to give him a pass for that one what happens next will make people reconsider. He then discovers that in her shock/misery she tried to take her own life so that she could be with her son. What was his response to that? He felt slightly bad but still not bad enough to tell her the truth. Even when she came to him with evidence that the baby might still be alive, he continued with the lie that the baby was dead. He didn’t care about the pain that he was causing the woman he claimed to love. Why just to protect his secret and his continuing source of money and good living.


So, at this point if Sharon was totally a new character and all and she showed him the slightest interest you can be sure that he would have ditched both Rainbow Brite and Miss Otoke if he would think that it could benefit him in the long run.


Someone brought up the fact that nobody is questioning where Sharon is these days considering that she is supposed to be the rich DiL and somebody claimed this as poor writing on the writer’s part. Am going to say that is debatable. While I would also love that a writer does their characters justice this one can be slightly explained compared to the hogwash we get in some other dramas. Where I feel it is more of a disservice to said characters.


I remember that there was this drama some time back where Cookie Mum was in the Evil Mum role phase. In it there was this dog that was introduced by the end of the show the dog was nowhere to be seen. When he was even part of the plot line sometime back.


Okay fine a dog isn’t the same as a human person so I should come up with something better correct. Fine then how about the drama Miss Monte Cristo. We had a human character that suffered a similar fate. This would namely be the son of Universal Oppa and Giraffe. He was only there for certain plot points and then he was sadly forgotten. Just look at his brief arcs. He seems to get attached to Miss Monte Cristo. Giraffe figures out her identity and also discovers this. She has him packed off to lord knows where. It takes a bunch of episodes to just track him down. Then later on Universal Oppa discovers what his wife and friend did to Miss Monte Cristo that he ends up with amnesia. We could have had a short scene where his son shows up and calls him dad. Leaving him puzzled as to why this kid is doing that since he isn’t even married yet. Instead, the kid is nowhere to be seen. Then by the end Miss Monte Cristo completes her revenge and falls of the bridge again. Only to survive but ending up with amnesia as well. So now we have him taking care of her but again the son is nowhere to be seen. It would have been nice to know who was looking after the kid, did they decide to pack him oversees will he become another Disco Oppa when he grows up etc… so many things left unanswered


Anyway, back to the actual point at hand why I say that in this case nobody is worried about Sharon is debatable but also how they could have done it better.


So, for this we just need to ask who is the Sharon identity even important at this point. The answer is simply two people since everyone else is aware of it by now. Those two people namely are Rainbow Brite and Chairman Yoon. In the case of the former we are told by Sang Hyuk that he is doing all in his power/control to prevent her from contacting Sharon. It would probably have been better if the writer actually showed us this than making an off-hand reference like that. But I guess that is what you get in place for time constraints. But still, it might be better of than focusing on Greedy Chicken Mom and all.

As for the Chairman why isn’t he suspicious and tried to contact her. Well apparently, Miss Otoke apparently contacts him as Sharon occasionally to have a chat with him this could be seen when Singing Prince reminds her to give his dad a call as Sharon as he was looking forward to hearing from her. At best their conversations would go like this that her mother is still not doing well so she still can’t make it back anytime soon. Him being the understanding person that he is or not wanting to offend her family as they seem equally well off is letting it slide for the time being.


So, Rainbow Brite has been struck by the Amnesia Bug. How convenient and that too only the past four years have been forgotten. So, all the evil deeds that we are aware of she can get away with them scott free. Sheesh. Now someone mentioned why not much earlier since a person actually comes to their true personality at the age of around 5-6 years. Also, that it would be hard to believe that she didn’t do anything wrong during that time. Have to agree with them. I doubt that she accumulated all that wealth in secret ie gold, cash and painting only in the 4 years that she was married. That was clearly a long time of ill-gotten gains on her end. She has clearly been trying to prove herself and her secret little feud with Cookie Mum has been going on for quite some time.


I simply feel that in this case it was done so that when they reveal that the kid his supposedly hers, she might be a bit more believable towards such a lie. But things are odd honestly. Once I watch the episode which should be in a few more days depending on my schedule will let you know why. So is this going to be something like this she is suddenly surprised as to why Miss Otoke is coming after her family ie her husband and son and wants to steal them away. So, she will try and fight to get them back. Only to be shocked at what kind of Monster that she was back then. Thus, she will do the right thing and realize that her kid is better of with his actual mother that she will end up not only turning herself in as well as handing over the kid back to Miss Otoke. Perhaps she will also discover that Bakery Mum is her actual mom so will try and fix things along the way. Not sure how I will be okay with that bit. I think that her identity of being the lounge madams’ kid should be kept till the end. Whether she is the Chairmans actual kid remains to be seen but at this point it isn’t all that important.


As for Sang Chool not sure why he still goes along with any of her plans at this point. Sure, I get that he loves her but the way that he is being treated by both her husband and her should make him wake up sooner than later. He doesn’t want to cut of ties with Cookie Mum but love his making him constantly blind. There are people who are genuinely concerned about him yet he ignores them all for a love that he can’t attain anytime soon which is disappointing. I mean if there was the slightest interest on her part, I could say that he might have had a shot. But she constantly shatters his heart in the cruelest ways. For instance, she was fully aware of his feelings towards her yet she still takes him over to Sang Hyuks place and even tells him to help him out etc… She then uses his feelings for her to get out of the bind whenever she does something wrong such as the accidental death of the blackmailer and the investigation that followed. She would rather throw him under the bus rather than admit her wrongdoings.


I just wish that the guy wakes up soon and realizes that blindly following his feelings for her is only going to be bad for him. Does he think that they will have a prison romance or that she will wait for him once he is released. Not happening. She hasn’t made any sort of promise in regards to that so what hope is he living for. She isn’t going to care. As long as he is useful, she will use him till otherwise. She has already made him take the fall for her embezzlement scams and if possible, even for her other crimes. Doesn’t he get it that he is selling his soul for nothing. Atleast when people sell their soul to the devil in stories, they gain something out of it. But this isn’t the case for him. Sometimes he even feels bad or guilty but he still continues to listen to her. He needs a major wakeup call and soon.


Okay folks how is this for an ending or atleast close to one. We can add bits later on.


Sharon’s identity is finally exposed and Rainbow Brite demands the rest of the funds in return she won’t tell the police to arrest her for fraud. (Perhaps not even tell Chairman Yoon if he is still in the dark as well). Miss Otoke has no choice but to agree with this (or does she)


Now just when Sang Hyuk and Rainbow Brite are about to be handed the keys to their new kingdom J-Town. We hear police sirens in the background. So we are now supposed to think that perhaps Rainbow Brite has gone back on her word and since she has all that she wanted she has sold out Miss Otoke. But when the cops do show up they end up arresting to everyone’s shock and surprise Sang Hyuk and Rainbow Brite. What happened here is that now since both characters finally achieved their life time goal, they realized that they didn’t need each other. So, they had secretly contacted the police and given them the evidence of the others crime. The cops and press are having a field day and this drama like comedy. Neither of the two can believe that the other could have double crossed them that they are shouting at each other. The cops can barely restrain them at this point. The shouting ends up in a bit of a shoving match. Now during this Sang Hyuk loses his footing on a lose rock and falls down one of those working/construction holes. Since I am not all that evil, I won’t kill him but will make him get seriously injured that he is rushed to the hospital. (Perhaps make the injuries serious enough that his mother will have to take care of him so she won’t have time to chase after her grandson)


As for Rainbow Brite she is in shock as she is being escorted back to the police. Sadly, in her haste to make J-Town she fails to follow safety procedures. So, she is nearly hit by a large block that falls on her. But at the last minute is saved by Sang Chul. While he gets injured severely, he manages to tell her that he loves her and has always loved her and that if he survives, he will still wait for her. LoL. So, she lets the doctors know that if he needs any body part replacement ie a kidney she will be more than willing to donate it for him. She also weepingly tells him to forget about a terrible women like her and if he recovers to instead find a woman who genuinely likes/loves him and find his happiness over there. She just can’t be that woman for him. She is then taken to jail to do her time.


Hopefully by the time she is released Sang Chul has snapped to his senses. Not sure who will be out there to receive her at this point. Perhaps Singing Prince and Miss Otoke are there with Sybok so she can see him for one last time and they tell her that since she has done her time she can come back home since she is family. Augh. But whatever.


As for Jinah it turns out that Bakery Mom was her family all along. Someone asked why she was in jail as she doesn’t seem like a criminal. In my story it is as follows. She learns Hacking skills so that she can locate her family. On one of her searches, she breaks into a government site but is caught and thus sent to jail. Yet she still hasn’t given up hope. Something catches her attention which allows her to be finally reunited with her actual family. The only odd thing here is that she was once college friends with Bakery Oppa so why didn’t they figure out that sooner. Ah I have no idea let’s go trouble the writer with that bit.


Well, that will be all from my end for the time being. Take care all of you. Hopefully I will be able to catch up with all of you soon. Not so sure about my posting routine though. Sorry about that. So, till then do continue to post and come up with new ideas and theories. Also, how we can make this show more fun.


On a side note, someone mentioned a show where due to an extension the writer went on a killing spree and even killed of the pet dog. LoL While I haven’t watched said show I believe it was called Princess Aurora as somebody already mentioned sometime back. Suffice to say I probably won’t be watching that show anytime soon. I had been considering it at one point but after reading some comments thought better after all there are way better dramas out there then such a weird one. Fortunately we won’t have to hear from said writer anytime soon since I heard that it was either that drama or the one after that where she decided to go into retirement. So some good news on that end until something has changed.


Another thing that I would like to ask. People keep mentioning of how Miss Otoke was wearing a dress that reminded them of the Star Trek Uniforms. Am going to assume that it was from The Next Generation Era but would still love to see a picture of it. Would it be possible to post it over here or would that be against the rules?


Okay now going for real. So till then take care all of you.

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8 hours ago, partyon said:

Hey chingus!


Do let us Event Organizers know if you would like for us to put up a poll on this thread. You can tag me or PM me (or any of the other EOs) in case you have any poll questions in mind.



Your Event Organizers,

@partyon @agenth @confusedheart @Sleepy Owl


We never got our death poll ...


On 1/6/2022 at 10:15 PM, partyon said:

@LeftCoastOppa our next poll will be a "death poll".


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12 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

We never got our death poll ...


Alrighty, since @Lmangla sweetie is MIA (she's busy with some stuff for the next 5-7 days), can you help me put it together? :kiss_wink:


Despicable Me Please GIF

Chingus, please look forward to an AWESOME Second Husband poll soon! :glasses: Tagging @yamiyugi separately. :kiss_wink:


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5 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

They start out as honest hard-working people who end up facing a bad case of injustice courtesy of the actions of the Second Leads. Not only is that bad but the then also fail to achieve any kind of true justice either due to the ineptitude or the corruption of the legal department that is to seek it out for them. Ie  police, judges, lawyers etc

So agree with you. Lying, stealing or even causing someone's death are not always for the same reason. BSH or Miss M are victims. They cannot get justice by law or the law victimised them, then they have the right for 'an eye for an eye' as BSH says.

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