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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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Yeah, it's definitely gonna be a second chance for love between KS and YS but I'm also annoyed that SJ is acting entitled to take care of him and have a say in his life. I believe she cares for KS in her own twisted way but it's a toxic and emotionally abuse type of motherly love. Based off the preview, it looks like she's trying to fabricate an emotional attachment to her that never existed to sway him to be on her side, especially now that her nephew isn't acting like her puppet anymore. We can only hope that despite the memory loss, KS is perceptive enough to close off to her and trust YS and the diner family. 

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Korea is like the old Wild Wild West if we follow this show. The evil woman can have someone killed, steal someone's recipes, slander someone... now kidnapping and nobody is reporting her to the police? She gets away and gets to play the devoted mum? :omg:

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I have just zipped through the raw episode. My Korean is bad so I am guessing. 

KS went to the diner, probably was attracted to YS. They seem to be going on dates after that:omg:

But the old man still does not know she is the daughter and the Evil woman is back in the old man's good books. Sharing a bedroom.
What is the writer doing? The whole diner family should be pushing for the Evil witch to be arrested. Strange bunch.

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For most of the parts with the demon in this episode, I actually didn’t even listen to her whole speeches, only catching the key points. Deliberately so because being forced to hear poor Kyung Soo call her ‘mom’ made me feel sick. Anyway...


She succeeded in guilt tripping Young Shin and sending her away... There was quite a bit of what I considered a double standard on the demon’s part about her logic on that one, but it could always be just my scrambled brains being biased again.


I know, I know...


Kyung Soo didn’t even get his cell phone back because the demon managed to convince Young Shin to leave Kyung Soo alone now that his memories of her are gone.

He tried to ask Young Shin for her contact before she left, because he felt that he should, since she had been taking care of him while he was hospitalized. 

He actually did not go to the Diner after Young Shin, the first time. He was in fact surprised to see her. He went there because his ID had the address as his home, and in his wish to know more about his memories, he had gone to the Diner in hopes of finding answers.


Like... why are they saying that he’s been living with the chairman, his “stepfather” and his family (per the demon’s instructions, she managed to guilt trip her husband into this sham, but hey what’s new), yet his home address is listed as the address of the Diner?


It’s obvious that some things don’t make sense, but no one is telling him.


He does find himself drawn to Young Shin. The fact that she keeps tearing up when she sees him also has stayed with him, which is sort of why he went back to the Diner later. He actually asked her if they were together, before his “accident”.


PS: @maribella Haha, fond as I am of this drama and their characters (except the... exceptions), I suppose I know the feeling of wanting to break our phones while watching. I’d be lying if I said I don’t have my own urges, usually because of the demon.

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So I watch this show with my Korean future in laws and they're thrilled that KS is finally pursuing YS. For the longest time, she was sure of her feelings but he didn't want to cross the line cause of his guilt. Now that he's being very forward and flirty, it's nice to see the kind of person KS can be if he lets his walls down. 


It's definitely frustrating to see SJ get away with absolutely no consequences for her actions. It's as if the kidnapping never happened. No one from the diner fam has taken any action, no one from JW's fam has taken any action (despite people like JW and MK being suspicious). Like is KS the one with amnesia or is it everyone else? YS should have changed after this experience, she should have become assertive, knowing that SJ has deprived her of her birthright. Furthermore, she is now holding the man YS loves hostage and fooling him. Why is ANYONE allowing this to happen?


I think he's gonna find either his phone or a picture of YS/KS together hidden in his wallet which will trigger the memories. I'm giving it until Monday/Wednesday for his memories to come back.

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The ratings, which had gone back to the usual 6% range (6.5%), went up again to 7.4% yesterday. 

As expected thanks to the previous episode and part of the preview, the first half of the episode had frustrated me, even made me feel a bit sick thanks to the demon acting like that towards Kyung Soo.


But the latter half turned out more interesting, with Kyung Soo not being passive about wanting some answers, and showing no hesitation in approaching Young Shin, since his previously self-imposed wall is currently gone. 

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@bluesappir To add to your point about KS being less passive, he's also still openly defiant to SJ. She thinks that she can ensnare him now and turn him into a mommy boy/minion but he's gone to YS twice now behind SJ's back. He's not taking well to SJ's fake-niceness and wants to do what HE wants. Even in the preview, despite asking SJ if he was dating anyone and her denying it, he still goes on dates with YS because he gets the feeling that she's someone special. He also seems to get her number (despite the devil denying him that) cause he calls her up at night in the preview. It's nice to see that no matter what, memory or no memory, some things never change. KS will never be SJ's son and he will always have an attraction to YS.


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I dont know could it be GS is faking the memory loss like some speculated? last week we saw how YS wishes to go for a drive with him, and tonight he brought himself a car taking YS for a drive. YS used to watch him cooking now is the other way around, feel like he's teasing her or is it something else?

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Aaand we have reached Episode 100.


I don’t know if I should call this a warning or not, but if anyone does not like the pairing of Kyung Soo and Young Shin, it might be an episode you want to skip. 


For me, it was fun to watch and I enjoyed it very much. But I won’t lie and say there wasn’t a part of me that worried for Kyung Soo as I saw him pursue Young Shin, not shying away from his attraction to her. Sooner or later, his memories will be back, and who knows what that would do him. 

There’s one memory that is coming back to him, that of a little girl wearing pigtails and a bright smile. That was why in the preview for this episode, he had asked whether there were a lot of kids in the village even though it didn’t seem like there were many. And now he thinks this little girl is the key to answers he’s looking for.


Except said little girl is no longer a little girl... and in her slightly (...) misguided wish for him to be happy without carrying all the burdens he used to carry, she’s keeping quiet about the whole ordeal that came to this, in the first place. She thinks he looks happy and at ease... and I was like, “Giiirl, that’s not because his memories are gone. That’s because of you.” 

At the moment, Kyung Soo does not seem to be faking his memory loss. Only feelings linger, in such way that he admitted to his “stepfather” that he feels more at ease with him than the demon. I feel like the end for the demon will begin once his memories return, though how that will be is a bit of a question mark.


... It’s not too much to ask for a happy ending to everyone at the end (except for who truly doesn’t deserve one, of course... namely the demon), right?


20 episodes, four weeks to go. There’s still quite a bit to be unpacked, and while the pace sometimes seems slow while we’re watching... It has its own pace and it is definitely moving forward. More bumps ahead, that much is certain.


Bring them on.

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3 hours ago, bluesappir said:

There’s one memory that is coming back to him, that of a little girl wearing pigtails and a bright smile. That was why in the preview for this episode, he had asked

If his character had changed somewhat, gaining his memory would probably not return the old KS.


3 hours ago, bluesappir said:

Except said little girl is no longer a little girl... and in her slightly (...) misguided wish for him to be happy without carrying all the burdens he used to carry, she’s kee

So is she as usual passively waiting for his memory to return on its own? 

She should get her head knocked, then a change from this noble idiot stuff.

In the early episodes when evil SJ was practically rampaging and she was going 'she is your mother' as much as he was. 


I can't watch the smirks on SJ's face. Too infuriating. I think that incident would have put the fear of God in a less evil woman and she would repent. This woman just laps it up.

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31 minutes ago, maribella said:

I can't watch the smirks on SJ's face


That smirks gonna be slapped right off once she finds out that KS is going around on dates with YS behind her back and asking YS to be his girlfriend :lol:


They're closer than ever and her entire plan is backfiring without her even knowing and it's quite entertaining to watch hehe.

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I like how the whole amnesia thing (as much of a trope that it is) frames the question to everyone incl DJ's mom about the appropriateness of KS and YS. I think the storyline explores a lot on how we as humans set imperfect boundaries which we constantly redefine as our context changes. I still can't say what's deemed appropriate in this situation they're in. But I definitely enjoy the challenge it is posing to our perception of what is deemed to be an appropriate relationship. And it's also rather poignant (or perhaps painful) if we were to put ourselves in KS and YS' shoes. In a world that gave us plentiful disappointments, if we had found someone whom we could truly love, be loved and rely on. Should we be separated by gender bias, separated by situational background, separated by age bias, or separated by ill fate? If things were just a little different, would we have deemed the relationship appropriate? 

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I still don't know why YS is so in love with GS? Is it because of her painful love with JungHoon? Because Mrs Choi keeps brainwash her of how she destroyed GS's life, of all his sacrifices for taking care of her? And she has to pay back? Is that why she didn't want to leave GS and later discovered what it meant to love someone? Put everything on the line for them without hesitation?

As if their love isn't complicated enough, they have to make Mrs Choi is the killer of YS's mom? And YS is the Chairman's daughter? 


Anyway, I wonder if GS will be working at the Royal Restaurant, because YongShin mentioned it. And what will trigger his memories? Is the smell if his toner that YS mentioned will be one of the factors? 


The Chairman seems to give up looking for his daughter. Is YS really the chairman's daughter? We know for sure GS is Mrs Cho's son. YS?

6 hours ago, 사나다니엘 said:

why does it seems that most members here are okay with YS being in a relationship with her father figure?? he raised her since she was a little kid its wrong no matter how u look at it


First time she call him 'ahjussi', I knew there would be some kind of relationship between them. Also when I was thinking what to wear to meet the ex, YS tell him to wear pink, he looks good in pink, and he did. At the scene eating the pasta, the way she talks, drinking his water like her own in front of the ex. I feel She's mature for her age.

They don't introduce each other's as of something. They live together but respect each other like you're the Ahjussi and I am YongShin.

Well, if YS had moved out when she's older, then their relationship would be just that. But then why bother had she called him 'ahjussi'? So I think the writer had something in mind from the start.

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On 6/5/2021 at 11:33 PM, 사나다니엘 said:

why does it seems that most members here are okay with YS being in a relationship with her father figure?? he raised her since she was a little kid its wrong no matter how u look at it

You are wrong. You have obviously just joined the forum.


We are now at episode 100, everyone had his/her say much earlier on the relationship. We have all moved on. I accept people have their own moral values so long as it's not criminal.

I am not here for the ML-FL pair who are annoyingly passive and pathetic. I want to see how this writer finally brings down the Evil woman. She's always managed to rise after whatever big secret was revealed to the idiot husband. Having Uncle and PS, DJ and OB finding love are my reward for following this show which I had given up many times. But to see evil SJ crying and being led to prison is just too strong.:lol:


I don't like manager Seo most of the time. She is conniving too and justifies it by saying she's doing it for her son who btw does not care at all for her 'help'.  I used to like her idiot husband who had  always being hen-pecked but who had a strong sense of right and wrong. But after he lied about YS, a pathetic girl who needs a strong defender, he is stupid with convenient pangs of regret. He was a lying, cheating murderous husband in Temptation of a Wife. It was mindboggling how he was in  a love triangle. Very average looks.

I remember three books which had the hero at 38 or 39 while their love interest was 18 - minimum age to bed. Wasn't Jane Eyre Rochester's ward? Not that I like this spring- fall relationship, but it has been written before. I remember checking the background of the authors' ages, races etc. Those three authors were between 38-42, I think it was their dream. Not sure how old this writer is. If not that age, then it is just his forte to write scripts that include questionable relationships.


Writer is a 'she', just checked dramalist. :glasses:


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