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[OFFICIAL] Song Seung Heon x Seo Ji Hye (Dinner Mate Couple / Destiny Couple)


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Ytdy yappy and me had a late night discussion and investigation...


Rem the teamlab exhibition...

It was launched on 25 sep 2020.

Initially it was supposed to launch on 18 sep but was postponed by 1 week due to covid-related measures...


Rem ssh posted that all too romantic night view shot from namsan seoul tower? 

It was on 22 sep 2020.


The teamlab exhibition had press opening day on 23 sep 2020.

Location is the dpp exhibition centre in dongdaemun, which is a short drive distance from namsan Seoul tower.


Some celebs were invited on 24 sep 2020, which may be the celeb preview day.

E.g. kim jung hyun.

Sjh was there on 24 sep as a celeb host and also 25 sep when she took the culture depot team photo with jun ji hyun and other fellow artistes.


Cld it be...sjh went for briefing on 22 sep and to view exhibition before her actual duties as celeb host on 24 sep?

The exhibition centre closes at 7pm.


Namsan seoul tower closes at 11pm.

Cld it be they went to namsan seoul tower later that night? 



The above are just guesses...

They are in no way representations of any truth.



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On 2/13/2021 at 8:47 AM, janeozten said:

Is this CF new? Or last year?




Likely shot last year for this year’s advertisement I think.

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13 hours ago, SexyDolceVita said:

Ytdy yappy and me had a late night discussion and investigation...


Rem the teamlab exhibition...

It was launched on 25 sep 2020.

Initially it was supposed to launch on 18 sep but was postponed by 1 week due to covid-related measures...


Rem ssh posted that all too romantic night view shot from namsan seoul tower? 

It was on 22 sep 2020.


The teamlab exhibition had press opening day on 23 sep 2020.

Location is the dpp exhibition centre in dongdaemun, which is a short drive distance from namsan Seoul tower.


Some celebs were invited on 24 sep 2020, which may be the celeb preview day.

E.g. kim jung hyun.

Sjh was there on 24 sep as a celeb host and also 25 sep when she took the culture depot team photo with jun ji hyun and other fellow artistes.


Cld it be...sjh went for briefing on 22 sep and to view exhibition before her actual duties as celeb host on 24 sep?

The exhibition centre closes at 7pm.


Namsan seoul tower closes at 11pm.

Cld it be they went to namsan seoul tower later that night? 



The above are just guesses...

They are in no way representations of any truth.



Sorry to break your theory, but teamlab was launched on 16 september for celebrities and VIP people.





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On 2/13/2021 at 12:43 PM, Siomara said:

Sorry to break your theory, but teamlab was launched on september 16 for celebrities and VIP people.




Thanks for the 16 sep date mention!

Argh now im confused....

So sjh jjh yjm and 2 other cd artistes went to teamlab on 16 Sep?




So sjh didnt go on 25 sep to teamlab at all!?


When do you reckon kim jung hyun went to teamlab for that tour by sjh?

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Just now, SexyDolceVita said:

Thanks for the 16 sep date mention!

Argh now im confused....

So sjh jjh yjm and 2 other cd artistes went to teamlab on 16 Sep?




So sjh didnt go on 25 sep to teamlab at all!?


When did you reckon kim jung hyun go to teamlab?

I believe SJH invited KJH to come on 24/25 september, but at a scheduled time before it was released to the general public. If I am not mistaken, the visits were done in small groups, and other CultureDepot actors also brought their families and friends, they must have gone before it was released to the public. 

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On 2/12/2021 at 1:28 PM, huckleberrymoonriver said:

Thank you @Siomarafor this wonderful article about what SSH said post break up about getting married and finding his destined relationship. He really believes in destiny and so waited for a long time for that special woman destined for him. I believe his waiting has ended and destiny brought SSH and SJH to finally meet and work together and developed a special bond/relationship over their working together in Dinner Mate which happens to be a story about destiny. Their meeting last year must have been at the right time and right stage in both their lives and they realized that they both have the qualities that each other were looking for in a marriage partner ❤

Hello Siomara, do you have the link to the article in the purple box - was it translated from a Taiwan/China media interview? The link below did not relate to the write-up in the purple box. Was wondering as I vaguely remembered reading a similar write-up before just can’t recall the source. Thanks so much! :) spacer.png

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On 2/13/2021 at 1:51 PM, yappy said:

Hello Siomara, do you have the link to the article in the purple box - was it translated from a Taiwan/China media interview? The link below did not relate to the write-up in the purple box. Was wondering as I vaguely remembered reading a similar write-up before just can’t recall the source. Thanks so much! :) 


I got this information from a korean blog. I only correct the information that SSH said this on the ILA show, because he actually said about marriage in an interview after the end of the drama Player broadcast in November 2018. I leave the link of the interview here.




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42 minutes ago, Siomara said:


I got this information from a korean blog. I only correct the information that SSH said this on the ILA show, because he actually said about marriage in an interview after the end of the drama Player broadcast in November 2018. I leave the link of the interview here.




Thank You so much Siomara! :) 

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On 2/6/2021 at 10:28 PM, 463Ganda said:

Since the annual energies have transitioned to the Year of the Ox, I thought I might as well post something about our HeonHye's Chinese Zodiac compatibility plus the crumbs we have been seeing.  With 10/05/1976, SSH is a Dragon while SJH is a Rat with 08/24/1984.  I wish I know their birth time to be more accurate.  Oh well... Here it goes.  I got the compatibility info from: https://thesecretofthetarot.com/dragon-man-rat-woman-compatibility/#:~:text=The relationship between the Dragon,these natives are highly compatible.  Here's the comparison:


Rat-Dragon Compatibility

Real Life Crumbs

The Rat woman is strongly attracted to the Dragon man’s magnetic personality. In fact, it is their irresistible, almost-divine charm that makes Dragon people stand out.

They seem to ooze magnetic appeal without much of an effort.

SJH says that SSH is very handsome

He, on the other hand, is greatly impressed by her alluring beauty

Yes, SJH is definitely alluring, and SSH is so mesmerized by her.  He even says that she is pretty.  Plus, she has the biggest and the prettiest eyes of all the actresses he has worked with.

They can strike a good rapport with each other from the word go.

If there was ever a mind-blowing love connection, then this is it! The relationship between the Dragon man and the Rat woman has very high chances of success.

Their on- and off-screen chemistry is so palpable and off the charts.

This association can be just a fling or a more stable bond. Regardless, it will create a powerful impression on both partners.

SSH says that he is looking for that thunderous connection with his destined mate.  Powerful impression sounds thunderous to me.

Both the Dragon man and the Rat woman enjoy being in the spotlight. The more admiration they receive, the harder they push themselves.

They have said that they are now taking roles that challenge them and help them grow as actors.

The Dragon uses his intelligence and charm to attract this girl. On her part, the Rat entices him with creative verbal games.

SSH has been charming alright.  His brand of charm is his playful and mischievous nature.  Hence, SJH feels comfortable and lets her guard down almost too quickly.  Gone is her usual cool façade with guys.  He is already under her skin even before she knows it.

“I think it is a lie” is one example of her creative verbal games.  Remember her Life Bar guesting where she confused “shaggy” with “bloated” and Cassiogapi with Cassiopeia?

Everything they do has some sexual connotation to it. The more they stick close together, the higher sexual tension grows between them.

Yes, indeed!  Their constant touching alone is conveying to me that growing sexual tension between them.  While the kissing scenes are obvious, SSH dipping of SJH a few times without her minding it sealed the deal for me. 

Also, she’s generous.This means that she can make a good partner and mother.

She will be kind to this man and his children.

Shin Soyul notes that SJH “will take care of you.”  Plus, SJH decided to go into acting to help out her family. 

This couple has a lot of things working in their favor. Chief among these is their strong feelings for each other.

When these two come together, they have the right motivation to create a powerful connection. They have the inspiration to pursue their individual and common goals and dreams.

I do feel this strongly.  Hence this is why I am shipping them. 


Shadowing and quoting this post from @463Ganda

Below article was posted before. Just re-sharing because it’s Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day


“They value their spouses and will take care of them”

“This means that she can make a good partner and mother.

She will be kind to this man and his children.



“They communicate with each other very well”

“They can strike a good rapport with each other from the word go.



“SJH speaks very well because of her excellent language skills. Her future kids will be smart”












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@janeozten, @nyzah13, thank you for sharing the articles. I am hoping too that DM will be distributed in Netflix soon. DM and our Lovebirds deserve more international love and recognition. 


Flashback to 2/13/2020 

When our Lovebird’s Destiny began...

SJH is destined to play WDH

Big Big Thanks to PD Go Hyun Jae for pursuing SJH. You are our Lovebird’s Matchmaker.












Since you guys are talking about timeline with Team Lab, can anyone confirm below if our Lovebird’s timeline below is correct? 

Feb 6:    SSH confirmed DM

Feb 13:   SJH confirmed DM

Feb 27:   DM script reading

Mar 2:     DM first shooting in Seoul with mostly SSH scene

Apr 23:    SSH’s ILA shooting and DM Jeju Island episode shooting 

May 25:   DM 1st episode

July 2:     Last shooting day with SSH’s infamous “I really like you” BTS and wrap up party

Aug 19:   KNTV Japan Interview

Aug 14:   Tiktok Men in Mission

Aug 24:  SJH’s Birthday

Sept 19:  Gamsung Camping Shooting

Sept 25: Team Lab Opening and SJH’s ILA shooting (refer to to the same gray blouse she wore on both events)

Oct 5:  SSH’s birthday

Jan 1:   Celebrated NY together with SSH’s post “I wish all your dreams come true”.

In the assumption his wish already came true. :) 


Sept 25, Oct 25, Nov 25, Jan 25

”25”. Anniversary number with SSH’s “Love is in the Air” post on January 25. 


I would assume they will be celebrating Valentine’s Day together.  :love:

My Love Flower GIF by cintascotch


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9 hours ago, Siomara said:


I got this information from a korean blog. I only correct the information that SSH said this on the ILA show, because he actually said about marriage in an interview after the end of the drama Player broadcast in November 2018. I leave the link of the interview here.




@Siomara, are below videos related to this article?

SSH’s 8/31/2018 ILA cameo during Black filming. Lee Si Eon was asking SSH if he wants to go on a blind date. The ILA hosts were shocked when SSH said yes.

He really wanted to date at that time. 
Now he has found his mate. :) 

I Love You Smile GIF by corgiyolk





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To celebrate Valentine’s Day, here are screenshots of how our Lovebird’s Story unfolded before our eyes. 










Happy Valentines Day to our Lovebirds and 

To all the Shippers





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Please post 3 images/gifs, the rest should be hidden under the spoiler tag
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1 hour ago, SexyDolceVita said:

Hi can i ask...

Did sjh's mom congratulated her on her first real kiss on tv in dm?

One of the shippers told me sjh said this in one of her interviews after dm ended.

Is this true?

Can the shipper share the link of that SHJ interview? 



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2 hours ago, SexyDolceVita said:

Hi can i ask...

Did sjh's mom congratulated her on her first real kiss on tv in dm?

One of the shippers told me sjh said this in one of her interviews after dm ended.

Is this true?



1 hour ago, janeozten said:

Can the shipper share the link of that SHJ interview? 



@SexyDolceVitaSame question asked by @janeozten maybe you should ask the link from that shipper who informed you about that.. Maybe we missed that point if that's from the shared interviews from here..

She's another spy for the OTP if she've dug that.. ^^


Please share the link as well so that everybody is happy.. kkkk ^^


Happy Valentine's Day!~ :fullofhearts:



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55 minutes ago, nyzah13 said:



@SexyDolceVitaSame question asked by @janeozten maybe you should ask the link from that shipper who informed you about that.. Maybe we missed that point if that's from the shared interviews from here..

She's another spy for the OTP if she've dug that.. ^^


Please share the link as well so that everybody is happy.. kkkk ^^


Happy Valentine's Day!~ :fullofhearts:



Truth revealed and clarified by that shipper... (hahaha you know who you are...)

Sjh's mom was actually congratulating sjh on her kiss with kim jung hyun in cloy...

Like her character was finally loved by a man...


Article source: http://m.sportsseoul.com/news/read/939067?ref=naver&adtbrdg=e#_adtReady

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