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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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On 7/26/2020 at 8:48 PM, Crystalclear89 said:

Wow, what happen with soompi forum yesterday ? 

Episode 8 for next week, and just realized that this scene only show up in preview, hmmm why they cut this ? It’s funny that IJ said sorry but took another glance before close the door :D.


Interesting, they only include the audio but not the turning back to close

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Hi, Chingudeul!


I guess most are already pretty busy seeing as we're almost starting the next ep of rewatch and no one has shared for ep 8 yet LOL :sweatingbullets: No worries chingu-deul, you can drop by whenever you're all free again. :D




I don’t have much notes for ep 8 again but let me just share my thoughts on a few concepts.


I’ve mentioned before how for Jongsu and Rosa, marriage is already out of the question. However, I believe they still consider each other as their life companion seeing as how they’re open to moving into a nursing home together. This dynamic of companionship and support, I believe, is very similar to that being shared by IJ and SHwa. I think this episode highlighted the parallelism between the two couples, as well as their individual counterparts, quite well. The parallels between the two couples are emphasized by showing the similarity of their dynamic. While we have Jongsu being bruised all around his body and being lectured by Rosa, we also get IJ ending up burning his fingers and being treated and lectured by SHwa. As for their individual counterparts, for Rosa and SHwa, they’re both go-getters and will stop at nothing to get what they want as evidenced by how Rosa refuses to give up on Jwon. On the other hand, we see Jongsu being very similar to how IJ was before, prioritizing other people’s happiness over his and choosing not to be a bother to his own family.


The concept of family had been brought up over and over again in the episode. We saw the contrast between Jongsu’s family and IJ’s patient’s family where Jongsu didn’t even bother telling his family his condition while the other family stopped everything they were doing to take care of their father. This concept of family I believe is more specifically tied to IJ’s story (and also SeokHyeong's). That’s why they’re the ones mostly engrossed in the conversation about family. For this reason, I immediately thought of IJ and IkSong when I heard Rosa’s line, “You call your family when you’re sick and celebrate together on happy occasions. That’s what family does.” By this line, I am reminded of SHwa’s breast cancer scare, as well as Uju’s fever. Making it clear to me that IJ really considers SHwa his family.


It’s pretty evident that Jongsu-Rosa is being paralleled with IJ-SHwa. For whatever reason, we are still about to find out. The way things are now that we have no clear idea of SHwa’s POV, it could go both ways: they become similar to Jongsu-Rosa and remain life-long friends or they take the alternate route and become something more. However, we have to take note of the fact that we are seeing the similarity between their individual counterparts exactly because their older counterparts have aged but are still showing the same qualities: Rosa still a little stubborn and Jongsu still quite passive. This tells me that if IkSong doesn’t take necessary steps to make changes in their lives, then they’re bound to have the same fate, individually and as a couple. At least for IJ’s part, we know he has learned to take care of himself more and finally decided to take the chance. Now all we have to do is wait for SHwa.

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Good morning everyone! 

I didn't watch ep 8 with you guys due to some reasons. 

Thank you @KDramaFan0828 for sending the rewatch reminder :) 


Sunday 2 August 2020 until Saturday, 8 August 2020 will be the schedule for rewatch ep 9! 


I really wonder whether there's no possibility of marriage between Jong Su - Rosa in the future. I don't mind if they remain as they are right now, but I also won't mind if the Duo have marriage in their mind for these two :D 


August is here and we're another month closer to HP s2 yipeeeee

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On 8/1/2020 at 10:55 PM, alleram95 said:


Rough Trans of the twitter owner 

'IkSong who did 'classic pose' when a sudden rain came while they're hanging out together.'

'Rain, talking about IkSong, everyone must have pictured this scene at least once'





It's a reference to movie The Classic hehehe...how i wish to see this scene for real in season 2 please...there are many fan artists drew ikjun went to camping at seokcho with songhwa too hahaha



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I think the significance and charm of episode 9 in IkSong’s story is to establish the progression of their dynamic, especially for Ikjun’s side. Ikjun is someone who takes time to reflect on himself as evidenced by how he acknowledged his misjudgement on his patient and consciously correct his assumptions about Iksun. He also did so when he was dealing with his divorce, so it’s not unlikely that he has taken time to think about pursuing his happiness. During the lacking 5’s barbecue he said “I only thought about how I could have a happy life with Uju.” Here we now see Ikjun taking a more active role in spending more time with Songhwa. We witness how he dotingly gives more food to Songhwa while reminding her that she can take her time eating. He invites Songhwa at work and also outside when it was raining. He even suggested to go on a drive. The episode also didn’t fail to give us Jongsu-Rosa and Ikjun-Songhwa parallels once again. Jongsu drove Rosa to the hospital and waited for her to take her home, similar to Ikjun driving Songhwa to the hospital for the emergency and waiting for her to finish her surgery to take her home. However, we also get to see how Ikjun and Jongsu differs individually. While Ikjun has learned to pursue his happiness, Jongsu is still very much prioritizing everyone’s happiness before his own, not wanting to be a bother to the people around him.


While we weren’t provided with visual flashbacks, the episode also implied how IkSong was in their earlier years and how slowly but surely they’re able to go relive that dynamic. For the first time, we find out that there’s something special about the rain for IkSong, and how somehow, having a meal and going for a drive was very welcome whenever it rains. Ikjun also shares with Chihong how those who like Songhwa fall in love more when they see her playing the bass. Given that he was the one who taught her how to play the bass, watching her for years, it’s highly likely that he was again talking about himself. We then see SongHwa’s bass skills being highlighted in the present during their band performance. With this, we see how the special bond between IkSong from the past subtly resurfaces in the present.

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Hello chingus,


Thank you @KDramaFan0828 for your insight on ep 9! I agree that there's something special about the rain for the both of them that yet to be revealed in this season. I wonder whether Nurse Song knew something about it? Also pardon my very short term memory, but was this the first time IkJun and SongHwa ate together just the two of them? Hmmmm... too lazy to read back even what I typed for previous episodes :sweatingbullets: I really like the scene in the restaurant when the both of them ate together on that rainy day. The scene felt very...cozy and familiar. It was done really nicely and I felt that though it looks ordinary (just like any two best friends eating together)..it also felt very special. 


I actually haven't rewatched the whole episode yet (only 1st part out of 4) but it's already Saturday again and it's time to give another reminder for next week rewatch session :emmm:


Rewatch ep 10

Starting date: Sunday, 9 August 2020

End date: Saturday, 15 August 2020


Have a good weekend everyone! 



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@KDramaFan0828 i agree with you as the parallel of Jongsu-Rosa relationship to Iksong is getting real, and i guess Iksong become to “What If” relationship for Jongsu-Rosa. Rosa’s marriage is loveless and Jongsu loves his wife, but from eps 1 although his wife is sicks, he’s still accompany Rosa when her husband dying. I can guarantee, even IJ still married, he’s still come to the hospital and accompany SHwa for her biopsy result (however no romantic feeling and maybe he will call other guys to come also). But since now Iksong are single in age 40’, they can Level up their relationship from friendship to marriage as a completed family, unless Rosa-Jongsu i don’t think they will change their friendship to romantic/marriage, because they’re already feels like family (they’re already 70s something indeed).


Oh no, what episode are we now ? 
have been busy with real stuff, just take a marathon today for episode 8-9.


Episode 8

I watch this scene several time and go through all episode just to check out what kind of watch IJ usually wear, and this is totally not the type/model of watch IJ have unless maybe someone gave it to him. I wonder if the watch is given by SHwa :P

Looking at SHwa’s character, she treat IJ in her way (i mean not seeing how it looks from IJ’s side - just like how she gave first aid/bandage his burned fingers), so maybe she gave IJ a watch based on her preferencee (for his birthday maybe?) :D



Episode 9

I actually love this scene because right after this scene is SHwa finish her surgery and going home, it’s foreshadowing when IJ said he waits for SHwa just like a boyfriend waiting downstairs and pick her up after works, and same like Yunbok that refuse JWan’s card/help, at the end SHwa didn’t use umbrella given by CH. 



- in eps 8, SHwa is the one who treats IJ, like take care of him and they act like an old married couple ?! 
- in eps 9, IJ is the one who treats SHwa like her husband/boyfriend waiting to pick her up after works.

- and in eps 10 we can see they both treat each other more special and more more to become an old married couple when SHwa takes care of Uju and IJ prepare her breakfast.


i want to give more insight for eps 10 as this is my ultimate favorite episode, hopefully i can comeback before weekend ^_^


stay safe Chingu :)

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@Crystalclear89Good observation you have there for Episode 8 & 9 and I do agree with you. Did not realise that they are wearing couple watch. I am really very impressed by this producer with these small details to the scenes and acts.


As I was re-watching ep 1 & 2, I was wondering if the songs sang by SHwa is referring to her POV esp on the part that Shwa sang? These are the only 2 songs where is is the vocalist. In ep 2, in the car after the bank scene, she was humming the same song and on the part with someone with beautiful hands kinda of link me back to ep 8 where she bandaged his fingers. 


I was reading through the threads and saw the question on why only SHwa and JW are associate professors while the other 3 are assistant professors. The reason is due to military service. Recall, JW was exempted as mentioned by Ik Sun during one of the phone call and at the jajangmian resturant and i think at Ik Jun's house though the reason was not given and she did remark that that is the reason why JW rise faster than her brother. 

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Welcome @Rainbow_unicorn5 and @yeon tanieee (did i miss anyone else?) to IkSong thread :)

 @Crystalclear89.. I also didnt realise that they wore matching watch :D how did you get that? 


I'd like to propose the cessation of the rewatch schedule. Sadly it has come to this... Ppl are getting busier with their real life and so I am (i havent been able to watch the past few episodes and to post anything either). @KDramaFan0828 suggested that from here onwards chingus can post anything on iksong since it has only been 1 or 2 regular posters in the past few weeks. You re most welcome to continue with the rewatch..only 3 more eps left: ep 10-12. And although the last 3 are also my favourites, I'm afraid i wont be able to catch up and I may not be around that much longer either :(


Thank you chingus for all your insights so far! Xx


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Hello hello hello everyone. Long time ....

Well finally I started to rewatch HP and watched a couple of episodes but not in any particular order. So I have rewatched ep 4,5,6,7 so far .Do not have much to write because already you fellow IkSong shippers have dissected each & every scene & episode very very very well :kiss_wink:.

             Just wanted to participate to assure you guys and our Ik Song couple that even being busy with real life , I still loves HP & IkSong. Still thinks about them.AND of course waiting for next season.

Another reason is to praise some one who I can't remember name of , here put a twitter account that pointed out a beautiful reality about IkSong that all of us avid IkSong shipper chingues never were able to realize that 

All other characters were introduced by themselves BUT only IkJun is the character that was introduced through ....SongHwa, through the eyes of Songhwa.... O yes I love this point, really in the Darth Vader scene his face was not shown untill he reached to SongHwa and she pointed him out, not until she was able to watch his face , we were not able to watch who Ikjun was....how romantic for our IkSong heart. Isn't it?

        Another point that I noticed in ep 6 during biopsy result scene. That IkJun not only accompanied him but he actually Acted As His Guardian. Remember when the nurse came, before SongHwa could say anything he started the conversation with the nurse, thanked her, offered her coffee , insisted for her to accept coffee,just like any guardian of a patient would react in such situation,all the while SongHwa was quite . As if she just handed over her matter to her guardian. And all she had to do was to just wait for the results.

    Additionally as you all have noticed already,of course I can't forget his claim that he would fix her disease no matter what. SongHwa stare towards him before going into the office and Ikjun's assuring stare & smile to SongHwa. ....oh my poor heart.

       One more thing,  when in the flashback scene IkJun chickened out , the very first time I saw the scene, the very first thought that came to my mind was he did not tell SongHwa about his love because he got scared that SongHwa might also would reject him just like she did to SeokHyong. Like he thought that she might does not like him back as a romantic interest.It was only when I visited drama main thread , I found every one was of the view that he did so because of freindship with SeokHyong. And I also agree with that as a major cause for IkJun failure to tell SongHwa about his feelings.

I know my initial thought that IkJun chickened out because of the fear of a possible rejection, seems far fetched considering Songhwa's longing stare in the flashback scene But I just wanted to share what I thought about that scene . And I think that one is also one of the reasons though a minor one for IkJun to chicken out. 

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10 hours ago, ryanallright said:

This loveline should be safe after last night video of SHB’s casting


There should not be any ridiculous changes to loveline. But i think the minority will not be able to handle it and will continue their dark path :phew:



I just saw the clip with english sub today, and yess, they mention IJ as Gyeoul’s close friend and JWon is her loveline. Well IJ is a close friend for everyone :P

also in their first meeting with 5 main role, only JWon (YYS) is given the first information about the loveline. So i guess (hopefully), they’re confirmed to be endgame ?! :D

oh and yes, hopefully “they” will accept whatever the writers give.:D

On 8/13/2020 at 8:05 PM, JJS's Fan-atics said:

        Another point that I noticed in ep 6 during biopsy result scene. That IkJun not only accompanied him but he actually Acted As His Guardian. Remember when the nurse came, before SongHwa could say anything he started the conversation with the nurse, thanked her, offered her coffee , insisted for her to accept coffee,just like any guardian of a patient would react in such situation,all the while SongHwa was quite . As if she just handed over her matter to her guardian. And all she had to do was to just wait for the results.

    Additionally as you all have noticed already,of course I can't forget his claim that he would fix her disease no matter what. SongHwa stare towards him before going into the office and Ikjun's assuring stare & smile to SongHwa. ....oh my poor heart.

Hi @JJS's Fan-atics sorry to cut your post short, yesss i love that moment too when IJ acted like her guardian there. And continue to the scene where IJ makes sure that he will fix her no matter what, that scene really hit me hard, even if it’s not romantic feelings, SH is his bestfriend, his family and one of important person in his life, so he didnt want something bad happen to her. Also what makes me a little bit sad is when SHwa reply with “it’s good getting a confident answer from the doctor”, not sad because she didnt see it romantic,  but on the contrary feels like she wants to assure herself that IJ only said that because they’re bestfriend and didn’t want to put much hope or thinking romantic in that.

And i feel that moment is really heavy for both of them, IJ didnt look at SHwa when he said he will fix her while SHwa looks at IJ, and and when SHwa said “it feels like you will fix whatever is wrong with me” without looking at IJ, while IJ stared deeply at her.


On 8/13/2020 at 1:50 PM, Rainbow_unicorn5 said:

@Crystalclear89Good observation you have there for Episode 8 & 9 and I do agree with you. Did not realise that they are wearing couple watch. I am really very impressed by this producer with these small details to the scenes and acts.


As I was re-watching ep 1 & 2, I was wondering if the songs sang by SHwa is referring to her POV esp on the part that Shwa sang? These are the only 2 songs where is is the vocalist. In ep 2, in the car after the bank scene, she was humming the same song and on the part with someone with beautiful hands kinda of link me back to ep 8 where she bandaged his fingers. 


I was reading through the threads and saw the question on why only SHwa and JW are associate professors while the other 3 are assistant professors. The reason is due to military service. Recall, JW was exempted as mentioned by Ik Sun during one of the phone call and at the jajangmian resturant and i think at Ik Jun's house though the reason was not given and she did remark that that is the reason why JW rise faster than her brother. 

Hi @Rainbow_unicorn5 , i also wondering the same if the song SHwa sing is her PoV. She sings also in eps 3 when they’re at Noraebang, before Aloha and some lyrics in Aloha itself. Hmmm, now i want to rewatch and analyse that scene again hahaha.

I always think “the beautiful hand” lyric is refer to IJ’ finger when he plays his guitar for the first time playing Canon, when SHwa stared at him. His beautiful fingers plays the strings that makes her heart flutter :P:wub:



Anyway, do you guys already watch another new korean drama after Hospital Playlist ? 
i haven’t watch any new korean drama since Hospital Playlist, i’m still stuck with this show and with Iksong’s unfinished business. And real life stuffs help me to distract from this :D

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2 hours ago, Crystalclear89 said:

And i feel that moment is really heavy for both of them, IJ didnt look at SHwa when he said he will fix her while SHwa looks at IJ, and and when SHwa said “it feels like you will fix whatever is wrong with me” without looking at IJ, while IJ stared deeply at her.

Hye there new chingu. Yes i also totally noticed IkJun stare when Sh said so. His expressions for me were kind of disappointment + understanding. Disappointed because he definitely said so out of pure love for her but she just took that very casually without showing any sign of getting heart fluttered on such a beautiful expression of love and care because she definitely ,as you said, tried to be normal , not raising any hopes in her heart, and understandable because he understands that after so many years when a lot of different things have already happened in both of their lives, she will only take his claim as a claim from a loving & caring friend and nothing more than that. 

And I was sure enough was disappointed at SH reply, because I was not expecting her to say such random r thing. I expected for her heart to be fluttered at that moment when IkJun said so..... Ah my poor love struck heart.:facepalm:.

       I rewatched  Jealousy Incarnate for nth time & a couple of Chinese dramas.

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