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[Drama 2021] Mount Jiri/Cliffhanger, 지리산


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Joo Ji Hoon Holds Jun Ji Hyun’s Hand After She Worries About Him In “Jirisan”


Nov 20, 2021
by E. Cha

Get ready to feel the butterflies on the next episode of “Jirisan”!

Penned by “Kingdom” writer Kim Eun Hee, tvN’s “Jirisan” is a mystery drama starring Jun Ji Hyun as Seo Yi Kang, a top ranger at Mount Jiri National Park, and Joo Ji Hoon as her rookie partner Kang Hyun Jo, who is hiding a supernatural secret. Together, the two rangers begin to uncover the truth behind mysterious accidents that occur on the mountain.


In newly released stills from the drama’s upcoming episode, Kang Hyun Jo looks exhausted as he carries a rescuee down the mountain on his back.

Meanwhile, Seo Yi Kang—who is normally more passionate than anyone about rescuing people on the mountain—looks deeply unhappy and concerned, raising the question of what has her acting so different from usual







Although Seo Yi Kang has always feigned indifference towards her new partner and bickers with him at every opportunity, she is unable to hide how worried she is when Kang Hyun Jo appears to have injured his leg. After Kang Hyun Jo takes a seat, she carefully checks out his injury, revealing just how much she actually cares about the other ranger.

In the final photos, Kang Hyun Jo takes Seo Yi Kang’s hand with a playful smile, and she seems to begrudgingly allow it as she looks up at him with an unreadable expression.












To see more of the chemistry between the two partners, tune in to the next episode of “Jirisan” on November 20 at 9 p.m. KST!



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I am shocked to see the new preview.. i mean, the preview until yesterday is just we worry about Dawon, and who is the guy whom she met .. nothing about the past time mentioned in the preview.. but now, i hope it will set up fire for tonight eps :love: 

The writer is really good at slowly developing the romance between Yigang and Hyunjo, and the way Hyunjo seemed to be enchanted by Yigang and he seemed to never mind to do anything that Yigang asked , really like this types of couple hehee (i mean he might be easy to defeat Yigang because of his previous background, he is a lieutenant afterall , while Yigang as good as she is, but she still a woman then but here we see that hyunjo is easy to be bullied and don't mind to get defeated from her)



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Jun Ji Hyun, Oh Jung Se, And More Embark On A Rescue Mission To Find Go Min Si In “Jirisan”


Nov 20, 2021
by L. Kim

tvN’s “Jirisan” has shared new stills from the upcoming episode!

Penned by “Kingdom” writer Kim Eun Hee, tvN’s “Jirisan” is a mystery drama starring Jun Ji Hyun as Seo Yi Kang, a top ranger at Mount Jiri National Park, and Joo Ji Hoon as her rookie partner Kang Hyun Jo, who is hiding a supernatural secret. Together, the two rangers begin to uncover the truth behind mysterious accidents that occur on the mountain.


As Seo Yi Kang couldn’t go up the mountain herself, the rookie ranger Lee Da Won (Go Min Si) became her legs. A mysterious person wearing black gloves approached Lee Da Won, and judging from the “ranger” sign on their arm and the way she greeted them in a friendly manner, they’re one of her teammates.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the murderer they’re trying to find is actually someone close to them. New stills show the rangers working diligently to find the missing Lee Da Won. In particular, Seo Yi Gang’s expression is twisted with guilt and anxiousness because Lee Da Won disappeared while helping her. The playfulness is long gone from Jung Goo Young’s (Oh Jung Se’s) face, and he looks determined to find Lee Da Won. Police officer Kim Woong Soon (Jeon Suk Ho) also comes to the scene, hinting the seriousness of the situation.  














To find out if the rangers find Lee Da Won, tune in to the next episode of “Jirisan” on November 20 at 9 p.m. KST.



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Despite hoping against hope, my greatest fears came true, and the sight of her body being carried down to the station had me in tears, realising that we had really lost her. Yet I should have remembered who the scriptwriter was, and this can only be the beginning of the relentless death knell that she is now sounding, after keeping the core team safe for so long. SYG's desperation to reach KHJ up in the mountains brought me to tears again, feeling keenly her isolation with no one to trust, guilt-ridden that she had sent LDW to her death. 


Ominous signs are now showing, even in the past timeline. Despite JGY and LYS's obvious happiness, I cannot help but dread that it will be cut short very soon, which could already be hinted at when we see JGY appearing moody later. Similarly, PIL's dazed look as he comes out of the clinic seems to indicate things might not be well with his newborn. Capt. Jo on the other hand appears to be on the verge of quitting in order to mend bridges with his daughter. Yet he is still there a year later. So what happened in between? Despite his dour appearance, the ex-chief now-guide is a revelation, clearly passionate about the mountain, as well as a good friend and mentor. We now know that the now-deceased YGT was planning to set up cable cars on the mountain, much to the objections of the ex-chief. Could this be the real reason YGT was killed? Similarly, we are introduced to the infamous Black Bridge village, which would also be the location that SYG and KHJ were attacked and left barely alive 7 months down the road. What secrets are hidden there? 


Capt Jo's reaction upon being apprehended as a suspect is inexplicable, making no defense for himself. We know that he is not the one who killed her, so why is he not saying anything? Is he trying to protect the killer while preventing others from being killed? If so, who could the killer be, that would warrant his actions?


By the same token, it is worrying to know that the killer is setting up markers of his own. Did he learn how to do so from LDW's notes, or was he already aware of this form of communication from way back, being the first person to tell KHJ and SYG about it 2 years ago? What is his purpose of setting up the markers now? Is it to lure SYG and others she send based on it to their deaths? Still, we now know KHJ can be heard, so there is hope that they would be able to speak to each other once more, and work to foil the killer's plans.

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Finally watched episode 9 and it really made me sad. It's a serious error that Yi Gang can't walk. I feel so bad for her that she is so helpless in this case. And I think I've started to suspect everyone else at the ranger station except for Yi Gang and Hyun Joo. The plot is getting intense! Eagerly looking forward for the next episode. :)


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I dont think is the chief (it's way too obvious unless that is supposed to throw us all off!), but he knows or suspects something.

If only everyone follows the rules! The rangers wouldnt have been so busy catching illegal hikers! Not sure how true these portrayals are, if true, the rangers have a tough and dangerous job! How do they even nagivate the forest ...


i dont know who to suspect, but I guess it may have to do with the cable car project? The one who is dead (yang something) - wasnt he the one wearing blue that they found on the mountain after missing for months thru KHJ's twigs hints to SYG?


hoping to see things start to weave in and make sense! I have a feeling dawon is not dead.  And I think those characters who are missing in the 2020 timeline will pop up soon in the next few episodes and sew up the mysteries for us.

The ranger who found dawon - either he has a role to play in this as he looks very suspicious in the few camera frames he appeared and displayed no empathy when SYG asked him about dawon's items, or his acting is way too awkward and doesnt hold any significance in this story...


@gm4queen Somehow i think that SYG and KHJ have their own roles to play - Hyunjo on the mountain, Yigang supporting from outside the mountain.  Thus things happen to make sure the 2 of them will not to be together on the mountain - HJ as a spirit who cant leave jirisan,  YG in a wheelchair and cannot enter the mountain.

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Watch: Go Min Si Is Adorably Impressed By The Attention To Detail During Tour Of “Jirisan” Set


Nov 20, 2021
by C. Hong

tvN shared a special tour of the set of the drama “Jirisan”!

Written by Kim Eun Hee, “Jirisan” is a mystery drama starring Jun Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon as rangers at Mount Jiri National Park who uncover the truth behind mysterious accidents on the mountain.

Go Min Si plays Lee Da Won, a newbie mountain ranger who joined in 2020 and looks up to Seo Yi Kang (Jun Ji Hyun) as her role model. In the video, Go Min Si gives a tour of the following sets: the past and present Haedong Ranger Station, the present-day hospital, and the Bidam Shelter from the past. (The drama skips back and forth between late 2020 and 2018-2019.)

Go Min Si gets excited at seeing the tapes in the video room set and says, “This is where Yi Kang sunbae trusted me with an important request. She gave me cameras to set up on the mountain too.” On the Haedong Ranger Station office set, she points out Jung Goo Young (Oh Jung Se)’s seat and says, “This is a good spot for him, as he can observe whether his juniors are hard at work or not.” Just like her character, Go Min Si fangirls over Seo Yi Kang’s seat and says, “It’s an honor to be able to sit beside her.”

In the Haedong Ranger control room set, she points out the attention to detail such as the display boards containing information on wind speed, precipitation amount, and more. She explains, “This is where really serious discussions happen, like, ‘A terrible thing is happening on the mountain!'” She takes the center spot and pretends to answer the phone, although her character is too junior to ever do that on the show. She says sheepishly, “I always wanted to do that.” She also takes viewers behind-the-scenes a little as she points out that the hospital set is just across the hall from the Haedong Ranger Station set, allowing the cast and crew to move seamlessly between the sets.

For the tour, Go Min Si visits the sets of the past Haedong Ranger Station and Bidam Shelter for the first time, as her character does not join the national park service until 2020. She says, “I think that when we filmed on Mount Jiri in Jeolla Province, the ranger station really looked like this!” Taking a look at the inside, she comments, “The station has gone through a lot of development.” She adds, “Somehow, this space makes my heart ache.” Her attention is caught by the fireproof clothes and exclaims, “I want to wear this too! I want to film while running through the flames too! Director, please let Da Won do that too!”

Go Min Si is equally impressed by the realism and attention to detail of the Bidam Shelter, including scratches that tourists would make by carving their names and dates into the wood, the food shelves with prices labeled, and the retro-style phones and calculators.




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This episode got me heartbroken. I didn't really expect what happened to Da Won, I got extremely sad.


I felt so sorry for Yi Gang, for everything she's been suffering. Hyun Jo's soul waking up hearing her crying was heartbreaking. They both are desperate to see each other again, it's so painful!


3 hours ago, liddi said:

Does it mean KHJ won't survive in the end? 


Honestly if he doesn't get to wake up and meet Yi Gang again I'll seriously riot. I'll not accept this, I'm gonna curse this drama to each and everyone one, I'm not even joking! 

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Dawon.. :tears:


3 hours ago, liddi said:

Capt. Jo on the other hand appears to be on the verge of quitting in order to mend bridges with his daughter. Yet he is still there a year later. So what happened in between? Despite his dour appearance, the ex-chief now-guide is a revelation, clearly passionate about the mountain, as well as a good friend and mentor. We now know that the now-deceased YGT was planning to set up cable cars on the mountain, much to the objections of the ex-chief. Could this be the real reason YGT was killed? Similarly, we are introduced to the infamous Black Valley village, which would also be the location that SYG and KHJ were attacked and left barely alive 7 months down the road. What secrets are hidden there? 

Now I am suspicious with 3 persons:

1. The ex-chief.

@liddi good that u mentioned about YGT is one of the victim on the present time. I totally missed this. The ex-chief has motive to protect the mountain. However I lean more toward the other 2 suspects.

2. Joo Dae Jin's daughter.

In the present, Captain Jo seems to know something about the murders but He looks like someone who wants to protect something. As what @liddi said,  Capt Jo's reaction upon being apprehended as a suspect is inexplicable, making no defense for himself.

 It's not mentioned when the daughter came back to the village. The suspect that searched Hyun Joo's desk has short appearance so a girl will fit this.

3. Goo Young

The fact that He came back from the trail when Yi Kang was waiting for Da Won is suspicious. Inside the office room when He ordered the rangers to search for Da won, I saw that He didn't look worry at all, more toward wanted to hide the smile. Is this just my feeling? :sweatingbullets:    When the police said that Da Won recorded some conversation, there's a worry look on his face. Furthermore, after it's revealed that Da Won is dead, In the office, instead of being on sad moment, He blamed Yi Kang for coming back to Jirisan. 

When He went to hike with Yang Sun, why did He behave strangely when Yang Sun mentioned that Her mother wanted to meet him?


2 hours ago, lilsakus said:

hoping to see things start to weave in and make sense! I have a feeling dawon is not dead.  And I think those characters who are missing in the 2020 timeline will pop up soon in the next few episodes and sew up the mysteries for us.

Sadly, She is dead. The actress 'Go Min Si' posted several pictures of her character tonight on Instagram, probably as a farewell?. She wrote : "Somehow.. I was quite a cool ranger, right? Now I will become the guardian who protect the Jiri mountain."


Mhmm..Will She join hand with Hyun Joo? LOL. I think Someone mentioned that She was hesitated to describe her character on interview? 


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1 hour ago, illay said:

However I lean more toward the other 2 suspects.


Captain Jo seems to know something about the murders but He looks like someone who wants to protect something.


I also believe that he knows who the person is .... 


1 hour ago, illay said:

When He went to hike with Yang Sun, why did He behave strangely when Yang Sun mentioned that Her mother wanted to meet him?

I was wondering about this too.... when he turned his face to hide his facial expression and the hesitancy .... I thought he will be excited but then, maybe there's something else that we do not know yet about him.  


Tonight's episode has so many scenes that break your heart






Credit to the owner

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Ep 9 indeed set up us on fire.. the writer really has no mercy at all, although i had a feeling before that Dawon wouldn't survived in order to make the plot more intense (not that it hasn't been intense at all from the beginning :sweatingbullets:) but i'm still shocked when she was found dead. 

And why did the writer didn't make Dawon the one who able to hear Hyunjo's voice, when Hyunjo scream Yigang's name while he tried hard to take the walkie talkie if Dawon heard his voice she must have told Yigang, right? And out of the moon suddenly a random man (not literally random because Yigang in the present knew the ghost face through him, and in the past time last night we also saw him again ) only the one who can hear Hyunjo's voice? 

While it's sad in the 1st half of eps 9, but it's still have some romance and comedy aspect (but it's so little, i would complain if in the end, or if during all the eps there are not declaration of Yigang Hyunjo relationship), i mean if so, why then the effort with all the teasing between Hyunjo Yigang).


Hyunjo is really a great guy, once again he doesn't mind at getting bullies and it's really funny when Yigang said to the old hiker that the rangers aren't taxi as well and she would be lost control more if the bickering not get stopped in time (remember the bickering between Yigang and the man who was a snake seller, and the way after his death Yigang dare not to open her big mouth to the wife until she saved her 3 children). 

And, we already know that Go Young has weird ideas for finding dating place, now the writer make Hyun Jo the next weird guy with his way / method in hinting or declaring his feeling to a woman .. what guy would make excuses to touch a woman's hand with reason because you have touched my leg, so now we are even :D





Edited by Li22.55
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@illay Great points about the 3 suspects. I did begin to wonder if the ex-chief might have something to do with YGT's death, and if so, by extension, the others since we had no indication where he was during the previous crimes. Nonetheless, there isn't much evidence that points to it yet. 


I didn't think of Capt. Jo's daughter until you mentioned it. If she resents the mountain for taking up her father's time, and causing their estrangement, it might make sense that she might go to extremes to defile the mountain that her father is trying to hard to protect. That would also explain why he appears to be protecting the killer while attempting to foil the plans. Speaking of which, could the lottery girl we have been seeing at random places be the daughter? However, if she was, is it even possible that the older ranger team were not able to recognise her during the lottery incident? Speaking of which, Capt. Jo also appears quite poker-faced when he heard of LDW's death. Did he already expect it, or had he come across her body before that?


@illay @YongZura⁷ JGY was definitely ill at ease when LYS brought up the meeting with her mother. I can't imagine that he is unwilling to take that further commitment into their relationship, so I really have to wonder why. He does appear far more detached and  even hostile towards SYG during the frantic search for LDW, leading up to the finding of her body, a far cry from the person we knew in the past. Did he change because of what happened to LYS? Could LYS's death be somehow connected to SYG, which explains his resentment towards her? Even so, I still do not believe he is the killer, by virtue of the fact that when the killer trapped KHJ in the warehouse, he was all the way over in Bidam shelter with the rest, recovering from the 1st round of fire-fighting. Hopefully things will become clearer.


@larus Watching the special tour hosted by Go Minsi makes my heart ache all over again, particularly when she talked about asking the director to let LDW wear fireproof outfit and run through the flames too :tears: In the short time we've gotten to know her, she has become a bright spark in the bleak atmosphere of present day, and I am so sad to see her cut down so brutally that way. She will be very sorely missed...


@Li22.55 LDW never specifically mentioned that she could hear KHJ, but she did say that he desperately wanted to talk to her, but disappeared after that. Whether that indicated that she heard him or it was based on his actions trying to grab the walkie-talkie, is unclear. Nonetheless, I think KHJ himself never thought he could be heard until he realised that the marker was manipulated. Coming upon the herb collector who clearly could see him gave him the impetus to try and see if he could hear him as well, so that he could pass the message to SYG. Just my 2 cents :sweatingbullets:

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@YongZura⁷ @illay JGY appears to be studying hard for the National Competency Standard qualifications in Ep10 sneak peek. Could that be the reason why he was so ill at ease when LYS brought up the meeting with her mother, because he felt that he would be judged based on his lack of qualifications by his potential in-laws?

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6 hours ago, liddi said:

@YongZura⁷ @illay JGY appears to be studying hard for the National Competency Standard qualifications in Ep10 sneak peek. Could that be the reason why he was so ill at ease when LYS brought up the meeting with her mother, because he felt that he would be judged based on his lack of qualifications by his potential in-laws?


The possibility is there. I remember how it was "easy" for SYG to be employed (as a local it's a bonus). Maybe at that time JGY has a reason to look forward to get a higher  or better position.

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I am late but just now watching ep 9. 


By the way - I meant to share that in Buddhist mythology, red spider lily can have the meanings of ‘final goodbyes’ but they also ‘guide the dead to their next life cycle’ so when the scenes really focused on the field of these flowers, I knew it’s not a good sign for DW but I hope they guide HJ back from the spirit. Let me watch and post my thoughts after. 

ok I’ve finished it and oh poor DW! I think GY is very suspicious and he was the one who came down the mountain when YG was waiting. He doesn’t seem to be phased by what happened to DW either. I also want YG to go up the mountain to meet HJ but it’s a problem of who can she trust?! 

I also don’t think the Chief Commander is the one that killed DE but he and the elders are def covering up something - maybe more about the paranormal activities in Jirisan? 

I always enjoy the flashbacks. OTP are cute and this visit to the BB village seem interesting. I wonder how it will connect to the killer and the current timeline? 


Edited by Yinye
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