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[OFFICIAL] ♥Lee Dong Wook♥ Yoo In Na ♥ Pichi Couple/Ointment Couple

Yoo In Na

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@LunitaIm talking about this statement


"Dispatch even circulated the couple’s dating rumors since they frequently spend time together on weekends."


which i assume its the same as dispatch report they refer in la republica article we were talking about.. the report that we're not found now. Let's say la republica or this article just making out the source why they risk to use dispatch name? So i believe there were this so called dispatch report that revealed their closeness before but now its gone

About the ring band isnt it in his vlive he mentioned that rings is his own? The thing is yin,in that pic, she wears it way before totnt, 2017 and wore it again in tswlm.. and right, those ring band doesnt have significance for lee yeon character.. so i cant help but thinking it's part of their clues for us, shippers heheB)

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2 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

In TSWLM it was her scissors which was more symbolic I would say. I guess her safety pin could be explained but it was still an uncanny choice (why would a seamstress need a safety pin when sewing and mending is your forte). 


@Lunita yes the original dispatch article. 


    I think the safety pin is the other symbol for a pin used when a wedding designer was using to cut a fabric or cloth in order to be in place. Instead of a pin, it becomes a safety pin that we saw in the presscon of TSWLM. 

     I think the producer is also a Pichi Couple fans and have a good eye on their very good onscreen chemistry and he/she really knows that YIN is perfect for the role in the season 2 which is a historical - fantasy drama during the Japanese Colonial Era while season 3 will be during the Joseon Dynasty. 

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What I meant was the tools of trade of a designer/seamstress would be scissors, needle, thread, measuring tape, pins for pinning BUT unlikely to be a safety pin. To me a safety pin is used to fix for example, a hem or split seam when you don’t have a sewing kit. So to me, safety pin is not part of the tools of a designer/seamstress. 

Anyway YIN’s purpose in wearing the safety pin was not to show her trade as a designer; she merely wanted to be in sync with a certain person hehe. 

I also feel the rings were a way by which they felt connected to each other through the long months of filming separate dramas. Yes he said in vlive the rings were his own except for the wedding ring which was returned. 

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1 hour ago, Almondcroissant said:

I also feel the rings were a way by which they felt connected to each other through the long months of filming separate dramas. Yes he said in vlive the rings were his own except for the wedding ring which was returned. 


ah yes before i just thought that the rings is just one of their couple items but now i see it maybe it's more than that, like you said maybe its their way to connect... otherwise why would they have so many set of that rings with various color unless they're the seller hahaha, theyre not even endorse it i believe

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1 hour ago, RollyPenny said:


ah yes before i just thought that the rings is just one of their couple items but now i see it maybe it's more than that, like you said maybe its their way to connect... otherwise why would they have so many set of that rings with various color unless they're the seller hahaha, theyre not even endorse it i believe

The idea came to me because there is this Chinese actress who went overseas to film and she said she brought her husband’s shirt along and she would sleep with it to feel close to him during their period of separation. Similarly I got the feeling the orange watch he wore constantly on SOH was a gift from YIN because he wore it in Produce as well and that was during TYH time. I can imagine her gifting him a watch because he collects them and also to thank him for partnering her for TYH. So she would buy him a luxurious gift. Just my gut feel. 

Just saw on YIN’s thread that the program she filmed yesterday with the chef is related to the sea or seafood. Come on girl, you just want to replicate a SOH experience don’t you?


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1 hour ago, Almondcroissant said:

The idea came to me because there is this Chinese actress who went overseas to film and she said she brought her husband’s shirt along and she would sleep with it to feel close to him during their period of separation. Similarly I got the feeling the orange watch he wore constantly on SOH was a gift from YIN because he wore it in Produce as well and that was during TYH time. I can imagine her gifting him a watch because he collects them and also to thank him for partnering her for TYH. So she would buy him a luxurious gift. Just my gut feel. 

Just saw on YIN’s thread that the program she filmed yesterday with the chef is related to the sea or seafood. Come on girl, you just want to replicate a SOH experience don’t you?



      I think Sea Of Hope is more similar to " Funding Together " television show and how I also wish that YIN will do it again. I can't remember how many episodes it had but all of the episodes are great and all of the casts there are good! Funding Together was the first one to be aired befor Sea of Hope. I don't know what is the new tv show YIN is up to but I'm also looking forward for her to get into a historical - fantasy drama TOTNT with LDW soon!  



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I cannot figure out how you all are able to post videos and pictures! Whenever I try, my link just turns red and all my options are grayed out.


I dug up the video—it’s from Sept of 2019 and the poster resides in the Philippines. I think the first part is accurate, but the part about them being out on Valentines Day is fake (they were filming TYH on V Day), plus the photo is wrong and old (from 2014 and YIN’s old BF), but here it is https://youtu.be/68ypWxVq00E.

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20 minutes ago, AkiChan said:

I cannot figure out how you all are able to post videos and pictures! Whenever I try, my link just turns red and all my options are grayed out.


I dug up the video—it’s from Sept of 2019 and the poster resides in the Philippines. I think the first part is accurate, but the part about them being out on Valentines Day is fake (they were filming TYH on V Day), plus the photo is wrong and old (from 2014 and YIN’s old BF), but here it is https://youtu.be/68ypWxVq00E.

Thank you for digging up the video. Looks like this video took everything from the dispatch article (and which we saw in la Republica plus the kbizoom article) and put it in the video. It was also uploaded in Sep 2019 and mentioned they have been dating for a year, that means 2018. If that is true, they were dating during TYH as some of us suspected. Yeah they were careless about the Valentine’s Day bit though. 

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12 hours ago, AkiChan said:

I cannot figure out how you all are able to post videos and pictures! Whenever I try, my link just turns red and all my options are grayed out.


You just use SHARE and then COPY the video link, copy paste HER and , bingo! it's done!

Forum's Insert URL doesn't work, not for me either.



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6 hours ago, AkiChan said:

I cannot figure out how you all are able to post videos and pictures! Whenever I try, my link just turns red and all my options are grayed out.


I dug up the video—it’s from Sept of 2019 and the poster resides in the Philippines. I think the first part is accurate, but the part about them being out on Valentines Day is fake (they were filming TYH on V Day), plus the photo is wrong and old (from 2014 and YIN’s old BF), but here it is https://youtu.be/68ypWxVq00E.



You can go to postimage.com and make an account there. Register and Log In. You can upload photos there and copy the link  here



Pichi Couple " Yoo In Na and Lee Dong Wook 



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Guys this one was the - 2° food truck - IU (supposedly) sent to InNa "just few,2 -4 days" after the 1° one. AND the message was (I could understand later): 

"You thought it was over, didn't you? I won't finish cheering until the shooting is over."


I remember many fans reaction was,  :o again? she has "just" sent one!! Ok, they are also bf,  ok of course, so.... no question anymore. End of the story.  But.. it was still weird sending one just efter another?! thought many fans :huh:. Also the mess. WHY would InNa think that way??! AND I still think it was weird, even I know they really are BF etc. Later when KGE sent ALSO a second food truck It was too suspicious to me and for many many others. right? I only found the pic of IU's truck. But we know the mess of kGE too. Here:  "your love, my love, ahreumdaun yin".  Both good friends of InNa will sure do that for InNa, of course, "let the second one to LDW". (Kge will do it for both, maybe more for Ldw..hahah) And at that time Yin's fans heard nothing from her, fans worried.  I think that close friendship or special promotion rumors, hurt InNa, Ldw need send those two food truck with a message to her. And It was good for both of them.

 :frown:  :kiss_wink:  :blush: :love:

KGE :  "your love, my love, ahreumdaun yin".

IU :   "You thought it was over, didn't you? I won't finish cheering until the shooting is over."


No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

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7 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

Just saw this. This account has 27k followers. Looking at comments, people are happy. Wonder if TVN will say something. 


WOW! It's just incredible !!  a lot of people and a lot of news! 

Well I have a friend from Mexico who wrote to me bcs Pichi couple followers have going crazy overthere .. :blush:  :tounge_wink:  super happy!



Look at this from Mexico.  98%  Yes

(Mexico)Would you like see them together in TOTNT Season 2? 

(my translation)


Puede ser una imagen de 2 personas y texto que dice "Tu historia 1d 1 Juanes Me Enamora Les gustaría verlos juntos en Tale of the Nine Tailed temporada 2? si 98% NO 2%"

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YIN finished filming Snowdrop and LDW is currently filming Bad&Crazy. To film TONT season 2 might not be this year because LDW movie Single in Seoul hasn’t premiered yet plus the promotion.

Again we never know if the news source is legit and the probability to be costar for the third time seems thin. Usually costars filmed together at most twice so I feel suspicious about this.


I just hope YIN and LDW get to choose roles that are challenging and help them grow as an actress/actor.


LDW in Strangers from Hell was really fun to watch. He could try more villainous roles, I would love to see more of that. 

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Do you know that Yoo In Na did a Music Video with the kpop boy band Bigbang titled " Tell Me Good Bye ". 

The song was written in Japanese language... 







     Now I remember the casting reports of Yoo In Na for the season 2 of Tale of the Nine Tailed which will be filmed during Japanese Colonial Era. In my opinion, she is very perfect for the female lead to play the role during a Japanese colonial era with LDW. 

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All these news about YIN and LDW reuniting in TOTNT is awesome. I didnt watch it (i'm more of a YIN fan), so i dont really know the story or how the chemistry was with JBA. But i heard from friends and read about articles that LDW and JBA didnt really click. One of my friends even told me that "to think that LDW and JBA even had a joint photoshoot/magazine spread together to hype the crowd for their drama but it still didn't connect well." So that's that.


But i do agree that co starring for the third time in kdrama is rare. I mean, its already a gift if they starred twice and I dont think TYH made it big in SK (prove me wrong on this guys please) despite the amazing chemistry of LDW and YIN.


So i dont wanna get my hopes up. If they do costar again, that's fantastic. If they dont, i just wish their still dating and happily together (even if its secret).

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