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[Drama 2018] 12 Nights 열두밤


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@momspaghetti ^__^, i like hyunoh and i think i would enjoy hyunsoo's acting too, but since i only watched two series featuring him which is this drama and also age of youth, where i am not at all invested in his scenes at all,

i still dunno whether i like him as hyunsoo or him when he is hyunoh


but i have to admit he a good actor and pretty sure he will just grow with experience in the future

hope he will get more acting challenges in the roads ahead


hyunoh is sweet and total romantic

but from what i see he also get scared and unsure of his life

and when that happen he would just shut down totally 


that makes me wonder if another hurdle happened to him

just like before when he has to go back to japan and face his reality

would he just pushed yookyung away again just because he was afraid?

and how many rejection would yookyung take from him before she totally gave up


both of our leads and other characters has flaws and that what makes them so human

while yookyung's flaws are out in the open

so is the boarding house owner's weaknesses

hyunoh's flaws is still hidden by his sweet nature and that damn wonderful smile


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oh i am looking forward for tomorrow's ep

the roller coaster will be wild but at the end of the ride, i'm pretty sure i will be satisfied and giddy

since their frame of time is quite limited for each meeting, i'm sure that their separation wont be prolonged too much

even if she is still angry at him, or try to avoid him

fat6e once again will play its part and bringing them together

whether he likes and she doesnt


so happy and excited for tomorrow

and i know, i shouldnt keep the expectation high

but for this drama regardless of what happen, i know i will be okay


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Han Seung Yeon Compares Her “12 Nights” Character To Herself


Han Seung Yeon Compares Her “12 Nights” Character To Herself

Nov 15, 2018
by K. Lew

Han Seung Yeon talked about how she saw herself in her “12 Nights” character.

“12 Nights” follows the romance between two people whose paths crossed three separate times while they were traveling in 2010, 2015, and 2018. In the drama, Han Seung Yeon plays Han Yoo Kyung, a energetic photographer who struggles between reality and her dreams. As she turns 30 years old, her perspective deepens and her expression becomes more sure of herself.

On her character, Han Seung Yeon shared, “I think 25-year-old Han Yoo Kyung who interacts with her friends comfortably is similar to me. Despite her many concerns and the uncertainty towards her dream, her working hard to overcome things really struck home with how I was when I was younger.”


She added, “I made it similar to myself when 30-year-old Han Yoo Kyung talks about business things. The character’s calmness, indecisiveness, the fact that she thinks about a lot of things, and the general tone and manner is the closest to me out of all the characters I’ve played so far.”

“12 Nights” airs every Friday at 11 p.m. KST.

If you haven’t already, watch the latest episode below!





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Han Seung Yeon Compares Her “12 Nights” Character To Herself


Han Seung Yeon Compares Her â12 Nightsâ Character To Herself


Han Seung Yeon talked about how she saw herself in her “12 Nights” character.

“12 Nights” follows the romance between two people whose paths crossed three separate times while they were traveling in 2010, 2015, and 2018. In the drama, Han Seung Yeon plays Han Yoo Kyung, a energetic photographer who struggles between reality and her dreams. As she turns 30 years old, her perspective deepens and her expression becomes more sure of herself.

On her character, Han Seung Yeon shared, “I think 25-year-old Han Yoo Kyung who interacts with her friends comfortably is similar to me. Despite her many concerns and the uncertainty towards her dream, her working hard to overcome things really struck home with how I was when I was younger.”




She added, “I made it similar to myself when 30-year-old Han Yoo Kyung talks about business things. The character’s calmness, indecisiveness, the fact that she thinks about a lot of things, and the general tone and manner is the closest to me out of all the characters I’ve played so far.”

“12 Nights” airs every Friday at 11 p.m. KST.

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT84weqorXkbXOTxKrpvQfimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBTeI7nnkdg-hUsDlqFQZimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZb1A4GctjRrAto5JGHuj  She saw his passion...  He saw hers...

Together they found passion in a whole new way...


There is something fresh about this drama in really not knowing what to expect next.  Not to mentions the title itself gives off a feel of only 12 night's somehow seeming short lived or making you believe time is ticking a there is a feel of  a countdown within your mind...

Still you see the changes and how he didn't keep a promise I am thinking for a good reason and him finding out that she lost her passion while he is fighting to keep his alive.  It wasn't just the picture itself that mattered most to her it's the way he made her feel and still does and inspires her. 


She is having to take care of her Mother and all of a sudden it's not just about her but in having to be responsible for someone else.  Making money doesn't come easy and there is little time for passion when one is just trying to survive.  I really love this OTP maybe because in so many ways they are still a mystery to me...


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I'm behind on watching this drama and I'm looking forward to catching up.  After the inexcusably bad ending of Ghost Detective, I suffered Severe Drama Burn-out and watching almost nothing for weeks!  (Well, that's not true:  I have been watching stuff but what I have been doing is binge-watching horrifying amounts of historical documentaries; yes, in my real life, I am a history nerd.)


It's been fun checking in on everyone's posts.  This is such a great show.    I've got weeks of Nights to catch up on!  :)

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i still havent watch the latest ep because it is not still fully subbed

so i'm still in the dark of what happen in ep 6 aside from the ending cause i take a peek

and that eric d* is in korea now


so freaking annoying


i've read that many have dropped this drama because it's too slow

but i kinda like the slowness of this drama

it is just right for me

cause although its slow

each ep show movement and progress

so its good


and also although i do some sort agree with yookyung's criticism

i understand how her characters work and behave and how she is

yeah, it is still a lil depressing to watch her being so negative and angry all the time

then again, if she is not like that this drama would have ended at the first ep already



not everyone can be decisive and makes decision on the go

not everyone can be brave and willing to take the risk

not everyone is happy and cheerful all the time


and that is okay... 

unless you are hurt by it or in harm's way, or that behavior could be a danger to you


there are those who are afraid and scared

there are those who has to think about so many things not just about themselves

there are people who is not confident and depended on others as well


there's so many others that so not like you and sometime asking or even pressuring someone to act on what you want is just so annoying, it's like you wanting to control their life just because they didn't act like what you wanted them to be like


what makes human so unique and interesting and each one of us are different and if given a test or something we most probably reacted differently from one another on the same situation

i am venting now :sweatingbullets:

because i make a mistake of reading comments on a few sites :phew:

and i know it shouldn't affect me at all, i mean we all have dif opinion and views on things

so that shouldn't bother me at all

i guess when the attack was only on yookyung, it got to me since i get her, i think



though one thing we all agree is that 

she needs to cut lose from eric

she needs that get rid of that toxic in her life

even if she is not with hyunoh, she still needs to get away from eric

that guy did nothing to her aside from disabling her and making her depended on him too much that at the end she couldnt even be functioned without him


i guess the reason why eric is still not secure about yookyung is that, even after 4 years of his abuse, she is still fighting back, trying to get a hold of herself, midst of his smothering


she is strong

but she needs to realise that she dont need others to vouch for her, she doesnt need hyunoh to be by her side so that she can be strong

she is already strong


will be back later after watching the latest ep :blush:


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Always great to see @chubby^green^ and thankful to see you here @thistle too.  Hoping others will join us as it's always more fun the greater the number.  For reading others thoughts allows all of us to look at a drama in a different way through their eyes not ours.  I too am a History nerd and don't feel bad I think everyone goes through those drama slumps or some call it the drama blues.  I actually just went 3 days without power it wasn't the first ice storm I have gone through the last one was 5 days a few years ago.  Anyways you quickly realize the importance of electric not to mention you do a lot of reading by candlelight at night....


So don't feel bad about catching up @thistle I too am in the process of catching up on the dramas I am watching hang in there and post your thoughts anyways.  I'll be looking forward to reading your posts... Welcome:heart:

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4 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

I too am a History nerd and don't feel bad I think everyone goes through those drama slumps or some call it the drama blues.  I actually just went 3 days without power it wasn't the first ice storm I have gone through the last one was 5 days a few years ago.  Anyways you quickly realize the importance of electric not to mention you do a lot of reading by candlelight at night....



Thanks for your kind words.  :)


I was actually enduring Ghost Detective-induced Drama Rage.  I was so cross!  :lol:  All better now (after about 50 episodes of Time Team, not to mention untold numbers of episodes of Secrets of the Dead and Medieval Mysteries and others).  


I hope that you were able to stay warm!  And I feel your pain on the lack of electric power because I've been through that before due to hurricanes.  Last time my house had no power for three months.  But I was able to stay with a family member who only lost power for two weeks.  At least it was hot outside and not cold (which is worse). 


Here's the amazing thing about having no power:  stars!  Seriously even if it's really cold, go outside for five minutes and look up.  Without all the usual light pollution, the stars are incredible.  


I will never forget sleeping on the floor of the screen porch after the hurricane (it was too hot to stay in the house) and being startled awake in the middle of the night by a bright light shining on my face.  It was starlight!  Really!  Now I understand why our ancient ancestors were so awed by the power of the night sky.  Even though we gain much with the wonders of electricity, there is something lost, too.


..........and to get back on track, I think I'll do a re-watch on the first two episodes of this great show while I catch up.  

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@thistle i tried to watch Ghost detective because i am a big fan of supernatural stuffs and also daniel choi is a few actor that i enjoy watching, but it fizzles after a while and then i read about the ending, and it was yeah imma skip this one decision

when i feel the drama burn out i usually just binge watch horror flick, not much a fan of history :sweatingbullets: hahaha


@USAFarmgirl gosh these days living even just for an hour without electricity can be such a hassle

when the flood comes to our place few years back, we were like almost 2 weeks without electricity

it was hard, especially when it comes to get fresh food and stuffs, because we have no place to keep it

so everything was canned the whole two weeks, and sleep by 8/9 pm hahaha

hope all is okay now



one thing that i enjoyed discussing things online is that you come to realise that your opinion is the same as others

if i am alone, it will be just me and my thought and somehow that makes me a little conceited

believing what i know is the truth and the best

by discussing and sharing, i learn to be open to others and to understand that just because they are different from you doesnt mean that they are wrong

and also at the same time, just because you are different than them doesnt mean that you are wrong one

and i think that is good


anyway back to ep 6

finally got to watch it and i'm glad for waiting the subs to be 100% fully

because i have learnt my lesson previously 98% and 100% sure has only 2% differences but the gap is greater when it comes to sub


so hyunoh didn't come in 2011, he did come every year after that

but that doesn't mean anything because yookyung didnt come back, i think if she could she would

but based on the info i gather from the "teacher", 

it seems that in 2011/2012 lifes get hard for yookyung, her mother got divorced, become more dependant to her

i am guessing that is where yookyung got her habit of being relying on others, from her mom

she needed money to take care of herself and her mom

and eric was there, for sure still telling how yookyung doesnt have what it takes to be a photographer and so on

offered her a job because he is supposedly the hero of yookyung's story


hyunoh didnt come because he was chasing his dream and had an audition on the date they agree to meet, not just that; his father also fainted

so not only he didnt get to meet yookyung, but also because of that he didnt get to be in another dance company (which could probably be better than the one he is in now, which is struggling and on the edge of disbandment)


so they both made up and seems to be okay now

though new trouble is rising or more accurate coming from the horizon aka the boyfriend


other side story

it seems that yoon chan is running away from home with his gf? and staying at the homeowner's home

i wonder how their story will go after this


still no news about the triangle kids though still so damn curious about them


anyway lor yookyung's fren and the homeowner's assistant :lol:

i didnt see that coming seriously

that its kinda cute hahaha


and also while thomas seem to be slightly less fazed with the end of their company

kyu jin seems to be troubled and the phone call his father made

he most probably will be going back to jeju isn't it?


for the first time, i dont really like the ending

i like the last bit of the ending where yookyung and hyunoh in the car

but before that with eric coming to korea, i dreaded the inevitable

and because i know what will happen in the next ep


will it be the end of eric sage next ep, i hope so

he is getting on my nerve 

what will after this, eric seems to be getting more erratic

wonder what will happen if yookyung dumped him

will hammie be facing another psychotic lover in a drama?



i dreaded this ep mainly because;

when it took a lil longer for the sub to be done, giving me time to browse and to read others' reaction to this ep

and the way they all speaking and complaining about it

makes me a lil apprehensive about it

but i'm glad it didnt influence me much because i still enjoyed this ep

it is a lil draggy, this time it is just draggy without much substance unlike other ep

but it is still good and progressive


bits i enjoy

the fact that thomas actually asked hyunoh to save yookyung's phone number when he borrowed the phone

i was like good thomas hahaha

and also the bits when hyunoh asked yookyung if they are still nothing at the supermarket

and how yookyung's answered

forgive me for being petty but i was glad yookyung got to say that


i dont blame him for not coming in 2011, he has his own circumstances

but still a gal can be angry at something too



cute bits now!

when in the car where yookyung and hyunoh were going to the beach

he can easily asked her to put on the seatbelt

but of course, why waste that moment when you can one of the cliche but cute gesture of him leaning over and put the seat belt for her


i've watch that scenarios too many times already, but it still get me everytime

would be annoyed if someone did that to me irl

but in drama, it sure does look adorable and sweet :P


okay guys see you next ep

though for sure i will be back here a few times before the next ep


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wah i cant believe i didnt come back to this thread

after the last post

has been busy and will be more busy as my next drama which i expected to be aired in dec just aired the first ep yesterday



it seems that there is no news about this drama

for now i am just patiently waiting for friday for the next ep



anyway was watching ep 6 again yesterday and my sister walks in

i have promised to give her this drama when it finishes airing

so i can give her complete eps

so when she came in she asked about the updates since i talk to her about this drama


i told her about the whole broken promise and how yookyung stays angry for 4 years because of that

and she looked at me and said, "is it in 1946?"

she basically saying, if they didnt exchange phone number that is understandable since they both are going somewhere and phone numbers can easily be changed

but what about emels, other social media platform

like come on it's 2010 duh...


and i was laughing

like yeah she makes sense

but that's drama for us all

something so simple can be so darn complicated and something seems hard

can be solved easily



though have to say to something so annoying just hard to get rid off as well



preview for ep 7 seems a lil depressing, hopefully eirc wont dominate most of the scenes

yookyung stands up, its ep 7 already

i need you to be some lovey dovey with hyunoh too


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still haven't watch ep 7

subs is not fully sub yet

it's almost done though

just have to wait a lil longer



but gawd two bits that are just totally contrasting

one is making my heart palpitate in excitement

another is making my heart beats in annoyance



yookyung ah i am this close of hating your guts now

pls dont make me 





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@chubby^green^, Yoo Kyung has always been a passive person so I’m not surprised that she lets herself be pulled along by that Eric person. Now it looks like her relationship is turning into a violent one unless it has happened in the past. Even her friend was able to move on from her past relationships so I don’t see why Yoo Kyung can’t move on from this Eric person. Perhaps he was there for her when her parents divorced but she still should not have allowed him an intimate space to rekindle their failed romance. Now I see why it will take 12 nights before a final decision is made.

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29 minutes ago, celebrianna said:

Now I see why it will take 12 nights before a final decision is made.

if only that 12 ights happened in a roll

not in the span of 12 years


but then again with yookyung's attitude

she cant make any decision in 5 years time let alone just in mere 12 nights


althogh i understand her attitude

but it gets frustrating as time goes by


still cannot comment much since i havent watch this ep yet

subs at 99% only

i mean just need that last spurt

i want it to be 100% before i watch


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finally its 100%, actually it was done few hours back

but as today is saturday and so many things need to be done on saturday

the evening is for cleaning and laundry huhuhu


anyway here we go...


eric is so freaking annoying from the get go in this ep (actually he has been annoying since the first ep)
that scene

he was in the taxi and after that faux english convo
he was sighing and have the nerve to say
"nothing works out, unless i get involved"
what the heck?
see i told you guys, he thinks he is some sort of superhero in yookyung's life
he stays with yoo kyung because he thinks that yookyung needs him
and that he is all that good, yookyung would perish without him


one thing to point out
how at ease yookyung is when she is with hyunoh as compared she is with eric
even there is few thousand miles separating them, and only talking to the phone
she is still hesitant and being uptight with eric 


and also another thing
i freaking hate this whole...
want to tell something then something else happen and the convo stops
it's always like that
not just in this drama but almost in all drama, i hate that kind of cliffhanger


when yookyung was resting in the car and she was staring at hyunoh through the side mirror
i was like aw... that is just so sweet and endearing
though her monologue is just...
i was scared when hearing or in my case reading the subs of what she was saying
she was blaming herself for not waiting and yet she felt like she has no right to ask hyunoh to wait


i really like yookyung's fren, she is so sassy and the way she treated eric with manner but distant
was perfect


i watched only the first 15 minutes and there's so many to talk about

and where can i find myself a fairy-god-mechanic
she is so wise

the description of our couple was perfect
she seems sharp and stubborn and strong but actually slow in making decision as in so is still uncertain of things
he seems to be calm and at ease, but he is also actually suffering and worried about things inside


posting this now
the rest will post later
if not, for sure my post will no longer be post but a full essay hahaha

i will end this post with the end of the first 15 mins

where hyunoh calmly said that 

since i know she is coming my wait i will wait no matter how long and how much turmoil i will be




dammit although i havent watch, pretty sure that that damn eric will add that turmoil 100 fold

and it even would weaken hyunoh resolve



will post the next part in one hour time

since i have to wait at least one hour before i post another 

unless someone post after me


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