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[Official] HyunJae~MinWon*KangMinHyuk-HaJiWon*0628*Couple


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Have u seen the short bts? @lovegirl92posted it at the drama thread. The bts though.....He put his hands at the back, is it to hold HJW or to pull his shirt down. Feel something a bit different in KMH's behaviour. I am expecting him to be more protective since HJW looks so scared (she's always cute like that) and he just emmm.... U know... not like what I am expecting him to do. He looks like didn't  want to bother.  Maybe I am the only one feel like that. Maybe because of lack of OTP's moments made me sad and angry.... KMH seems so different in recent bts,  maybe he's so busy or stressed :cry:

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1 hour ago, ben1090 said:

Have u seen the short bts? @lovegirl92posted it at the drama thread. The bts though.....He put his hands at the back, is it to hold HJW or to pull his shirt down. Feel something a bit different in KMH's behaviour. I am expecting him to be more protective since HJW looks so scared (she's always cute like that) and he just emmm.... U know... not like what I am expecting him to do. He looks like didn't  want to bother.  Maybe I am the only one feel like that. Maybe because of lack of OTP's moments made me sad and angry.... KMH seems so different in recent bts,  maybe he's so busy or stressed :cry:


I also feel that. I'm feeling sad. :( Really, shipping real life is hard. I should have just shipped HJW with HJW.  :D Though I could see that he tried to get her hand? Or am I wrong? Watch from 1:05




Here look at HJW and KMH face when he gave the warm pack to HJW. Why is it being emphasized too? I was surprised at first MH hand become big. LOL



Still unhappy, their chemistry wasn't used much. I want a part 2. Or another drama with them!:unsure:

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RE BTS - to me looks like both are sad that the drama is ending...I see HJW wiping a tear away and KMH looks sad.  I could be wrong.


I really think they look great together in the drama and in real life. 


Hoping the best for a terrific and happy ending for Hospital Ship and our OTP.

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I came here after watching the seagull bts like 3 or 4 times. It's so sweet !!!! I think they are both feeling sad about the end of the drama. They were on Geoje for two ? Three months? They did go back to Seoul but by and large they were away from their "real" lives so to speak.... (maybe thats whats up with all the insta spam lol) just imagine! Away from the pressures of fans, of the entertainment industry.... Well ok not truly away but it would feel different. Does anyone know what i mean? 


After I had my children i had a really hard time accepting that life was different. I often felt like "escaping".. so maybe i am projecting my feelings on them but i think that's probably what's making them feel so emo. And i feel so much for them (as in HJW and KMH). After this there will be no more KH and SEJ, kmh has a cnblue tour right after filming ends also right? Its not easy, being pulled in a 100 different directions.  

Also i believe playing SEJ would have given HJW alot to think about, seeing as i thought she was v natural in the role and the parallel in her real life (her father passing away suddenly)... i dont think she will stop acting but like SEJ perhaps she also thought about whether striving so hard is ultimately worth it. 


Gaaaahhhh i teared slightly with her at the end of the bts. 


Btw. Dont worry about KMH. I think the poor lad is also dealing with a mixture of feelings right now. I dont know if any of them have to do with love (i can only hope lol) but I'm sure there was attraction, awe, and now his time as KH, his first lead role, is ending. Also i think he reached out his hand to hold hjw's. He was just "unfamiliar and awkward" (you can also see from how he pats her hair so funny haha) 



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Minhyuk is really busy not only with drama filming but also with practising the drums. His band released a new Japanese album on Wednsday and right after the drama he'll will have to travel to Japan for a tour. I think he's practising in his free time and I saw him in one of the BTS vids putting earphones and tapping on the table as if he was drumming. I think he was listening to the songs of the new album and trying to memorize the beats. The preparation for concerts is not easy. It drains their energy even if they have nothing else to do. CNBLUE are so professional and their band always comes first. He's the drummer, any wrong beat, it'll affect the sound of the band live. CNBLUE are not a dance group where members can replace one another or cover for one another. It's a band. One mistake from any member/position will make them sound bad.


Please bear with MH, he has too many things going on in his head these days and I guess that's why he's less energetic in the most recent BTS.


Why he looks pressured while doing the action scenes? Because as his band members always describe him, he's a perfectionist. Plus, it's his dream to act action scenes. So, ofc he wants to do well. And let's not forget that it's his first time doing action scenes. Ha Jiwon is already experienced in that area that's why it's easier for her.


In the BTS where HJW was hiding behind him, he was smiling all the time. His hand went back maybe bcz HJW was pulling his shirt too much lol but he didn't try to remove it. Even when she linked her arm to his, his hand was still on his back. He didn't move it to her arm nor tried to remove it. Also all the time, he was shouting at the seagulls telling them to stop or not to come near them.


Girls, did you notice how Minhyuk grabbed Ha Jiwon's nape again when he hugged her in the bts. I don't know. LOL He does this without thinking. Seems like a habit. I still think such an act has something to do with him being a cat lover. It's his way of showing affection maybe.

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This is what im saying, after this filming shoot for 3 months away from Séoul...they will be emo after...omg me too since i have no good drama to watch after...and maybe get away from soompi too, this is d only couple that made me sign up here...d usual silent lurking...i dont want to be disappointed of wether they end up in real or not.I just want hjw to settle for someone who can make her happy coz even if she looks young her age for having à kid is late already...its always with d guy wether they like to pursue à girl...i wish minhyuk succès also like hjw...he's too cute not to mind,i learn to like him coz of hs...

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Am I the only one that felt that the BTS hugs were half hearted? Something was wrong, was it KMH that couldn't hug probably or HJW that was stiff? I tend to see it was the guy's fault. He should have embraced her completely and not keeping some distance between them. Surely he could do much better....truly disappointing.

HJW was in the melancholic  mood again, very fitting for that scene. She is still the best

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Bleah just woke up and I still feel so incredibly sad for them. I hope we have a happy ending for HJW and KMH's sake as well... can't be easy being in their characters' shoes. For avoidance of doubt i am feeling sad for the ACTORS and not the CHARACTERS haha cause i think they're really emotionally invested in the roles. 


There's  really something different about HJW. I guess it would have to do with the death of her father... 


@monki hm not really, I didnt think they were stiff. I see it more as there was a very heavy weight on both their characters' shoulders and they were preoccupied with staying in character . I like to be physically close to my husband when I'm sad but like just sitting next to him or holding his hand and i dont really feel like anything more than that. I guess they are just being like a boring married couple. Ha. 


@lovegirl92 yup concerts are draining. Making music is draining. Giving of yourself to making music is draining. Can't they all just stay on Geoje forever and not have to deal with real life :bawling:

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5 hours ago, lovegirl92 said:

Girls, did you notice how Minhyuk grabbed Ha Jiwon's nape again when he hugged her in the bts. I don't know. LOL He does this without thinking. Seems like a habit. I still think such an act has something to do with him being a cat lover. It's his way of showing affection maybe.

I noticed too. In the shooting scene when he first tried to grabbed HJW, his other hand automatically went behind her head near the nape. He was almost hugging her but the action director told him it was wrong. Hahaha!

In the bridge when they were rehearsing the hug scene, his hand was in HJW’s nape again. LOL!

Comments in YT were saying MinHyuk strikes again with the Nape Attack! I guess this is now KMH’s signature move. :D


2 hours ago, monki said:

Am I the only one that felt that the BTS hugs were half hearted? Something was wrong, was it KMH that couldn't hug probably or HJW that was stiff? I tend to see it was the guy's fault. He should have embraced her completely and not keeping some distance between them. Surely he could do much better....truly disappointing.

HJW was in the melancholic  mood again, very fitting for that scene. She is still the best

Was it half hearted in the actual episode? I will have to watch again. When they were just rehearsing the scenes the hugs did look half serious but I think that’s to be expected. They were not really in character when practicing the hug scenes. KMH would have been careful so HJW wouldn’t feel she is being taken advantaged of. We all know he is a true gentleman. And ofcourse HJW would have been careful not to look too eager to hug KMH when it’s not the actual shoot. :lol: Although I remember how comfortable she was touching ang making fun of KMH’s abs when he was on the OT. LOL!

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I went back to sleep after watching the latest episodes but couldnt sleep well. I am quite disturbed by the bts scene when hjw cried at the bridge after the hug.


To think that she is going to have her heart broken again when this drama ends and when the time comes for her to leave  Geoje, it breaks my heart too. Hjw spent 3 long months on this island falling in love with the character KH (from cold to hot) and now she is going to lose him soon, she must be feeling very sad as she admitted when she was counting down the days. 


I truly think that she has fallen slowly for KH (since the process is natural and not rushed following the drama's pacing). Being physically away from Seoul and filming with KMH daily was great for chemistry development but bad for emotional vulnerability. What to do? A price she has to pay being a great actress who invest her emotions. Sigh!


At first I thought KMH was the one smitten by her, now I feel that she might be more affected by the ending of drama and ending of this relationship. Or has she always been affected in this way in previous projects?)


KMH fans, is he really someone that is sensitive and sentimental? Will he cherish the relationship he has with hjw, be there for her to cheer her up (even just as a friend?) Hope he is not consumed with the concert practice and overlooked her needs. I see that he is the only one that can comfort her because her heartbreak is caused by KH( indirectly kmh).


Ok, I shall stop rumbling, didnt expect following drama live and shipping actors irl can have this kind of effect on me. Maybe because it was HJW. 


Have a nice day.



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I always trust one thing that is one's eyes never lie, which made me always tend to look at people's eyes...

1:28-1:30 in this bts, I feel like the way MH looks at her was different, somehow it looks like how he did in HS, like how ppl said in the comments, it was deep. I'm not sure but the next second JW was like making eye contact with him(?)


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@monki reading your post made be tear again  , now i have to drive to work! :'(

l dont know abt empress ki and k2h but in SeGa she seemed ok, and ttwwnil she was definitely ok . Haha. Thats why for her sake i really want a happy ending for the HS and KH and SEJ.


I think the younger girls must be thinking tsk these emo ahjummas. I'm thinking of writing to hjw but she gets so much fanmail, ah well.. 

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6 hours ago, jaehyun007 said:

This is what im saying, after this filming shoot for 3 months away from Séoul...they will be emo after...omg me too since i have no good drama to watch after...and maybe get away from soompi too, this is d only couple that made me sign up here...d usual silent lurking...i dont want to be disappointed of wether they end up in real or not.I just want hjw to settle for someone who can make her happy coz even if she looks young her age for having à kid is late already...its always with d guy wether they like to pursue à girl...i wish minhyuk succès also like hjw...he's too cute not to mind,i learn to like him coz of hs...

Exactly my feeling right now. I just really want HJW to be happy and find the right man for him. Even it's the director, I don't care. When I saw her running like a kid, I was like, is this really a 39 year old woman? She's an inspiration. Amazing. 

Also, I hope KMH will be successful and happy, although I'm afraid I cannot watch him with another partner. LOL



43 minutes ago, monki said:

I truly think that she has fallen slowly for KH (since the process is natural and not rushed following the drama's pacing). Being physically away from Seoul and filming with KMH daily was great for chemistry development but bad for emotional vulnerability. What to do? A price she has to pay being a great actress who invest her emotions. Sigh!


I think so too. HJW is fully invested to the character, it is like she has become SEJ. And to create the chemistry, he really falls inlove with the actor. When I heard that she has suffered depression due to Sector 7, it really broke my heart. But SeGa days were happy for her, maybe that's why she and HB became friends till now. 


At @valc22 yes, there were lots of eye contact and it seems different. Also when KMH gave her the heat pack. Look at HJW eyes, it seems she is looking if there was a camera who caught it. I feel I saw a similar reaction in Sega days when HB gave her a heat pack too. Don't know if it is just me. Hehehe

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Auggghhh i really cried in the car otw to work. OVER A BTS. feel so lame. I couldn't even wave at the security guard like I usually do because i didn't want him to think what is this crazy lady thinking.... 

@disasterpiece13 yes i remember that SeGa heat pack bts, i thought of it too. Hahahahaha. netizens  all over the world went crazy! 

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1 hour ago, disasterpiece13 said:

Exactly my feeling right now. I just really want HJW to be happy and find the right man for him. Even it's the director, I don't care. When I saw her running like a kid, I was like, is this really a 39 year old woman? She's an inspiration. Amazing. 

Also, I hope KMH will be successful and happy, although I'm afraid I cannot watch him with another partner. LOL




I think so too. HJW is fully invested to the character, it is like she has become SEJ. And to create the chemistry, he really falls inlove with the actor. When I heard that she has suffered depression due to Sector 7, it really broke my heart. But SeGa days were happy for her, maybe that's why she and HB became friends till now. 


At @valc22 yes, there were lots of eye contact and it seems different. Also when KMH gave her the heat pack. Look at HJW eyes, it seems she is looking if there was a camera who caught it. I feel I saw a similar reaction in Sega days when HB gave her a heat pack too. Don't know if it is just me. Hehehe

Please provide me with the link to SeGe heat pack bts. I shall compare, haha. Tks

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