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13 minutes ago, uphie_ajah said:

This thread moving fast again. So, again I'll enjoying backread. But, a question pop on my mind. Since I'm not someone who used to see bts, i need to know, do hugging your partner to keep her warm is a usual things in korea? Coz In my country i don't thing that gesture is necessary except they are partner or bestie

Hellow,yes this thread is moving fast,for the hugging part,well I watched so many bts already and what I notice on those bts,to keep thier partner warm they usually give them hand warmer or blanket.,

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4 hours ago, lyserose said:

Based on his interview, he sounds like a method actor. Like Christian Bale, Daniel Day Lewis type. The make-up can do wonders but being method actors, they wanted the "feels" and that is why they are willing to go to such extreme. Guess, actors and us ordinary peeps are completely different breed. I would not mind taking up the role like Renee Zellweger in "Bridget Jones' Diary" where I actually got paid to eat but definitely not to starve. LOL


KNG's interview really gave me a strong vibe that this is an ultra sensitive man. Complicated and artistic at the same time. Like @etherealk408 said, not everything he said could be taken at face value especially with regards to his personal life since I believe he would want to keep things private. Actors pretty much have the same standard of answers. Based on his interviews, I can understand him as an actor but not as a person. He is a deep thinker and conversing with him on his personal ground leave more questions than answers. LOL.


On KAJ, I think she will only have a new project earliest by next year. I hope we can see her again probably by early of the year. K-actresses normally only do one acting project per year. But I think with the success of LUTYN and her being seen in a new light (a rom-com queen instead of the typical thriller genre actress), I am certain that she has more to work on these days. At the same time, I bet she is going to be busy with her product endorsement works since she's quite popular as a model.


My takes regarding KNG's view on marriage and happiness....we all can say what we want, how we wanted things to happen and so on. But LOVE and DESTINY are things we can't control. If him and KAJ happened to have a destiny together, things will come in place no matter what. No matter whether he's fully happy or not. At the moment, I just want to enjoy the sparks that I believe is in there (like I said, I try not to ship them or actually just low-key shipping them) and hopefully will (or is) blooming further than what we see and feel. 


Oh, these two actually made me do a lot of weird (sometimes perverted) things that I spent time actually doing research (without a phd sadly).

1. KAJ possessed quite a number of traits of a woman in love - giving away meaningful gift, rosy cheek and twinkle in the eyes, the use of the word "we" (means considering herself and him as a "unit"), going out of her normal ways, emulating his action (lip biting), prolonged stare and singling out her non-romantic male friends (to indicate that she has cleared her romance field),


2. I re-watched the kiss scene in episode 12 and noticed that KNG actually bite (caught her lip between his teeth) KAJ's lip during the kiss. This kind of kiss signify the feel of intimacy and eroticism, normally perform between lovers.


Sorry for the long post anyway.










..ooopppsss because of #2 i need to watch that  natural schene again.. :blush:

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3 minutes ago, Cynthia kristiani said:

Maybe we are too overthinking but KAJ said they do kiss naturally. Her words about the kiss stuck on my head. This is the most beautiful kiss in dramaland. :D

They kiss naturally because they're naturally attracted to each other. And I agree, this the most beautiful kiss and I mean the most beautiful kiss I have seen in my entire life. I'm not kidding. Lol.

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23 minutes ago, uphie_ajah said:

This thread moving fast again. So, again I'll enjoying backread. But, a question pop on my mind. Since I'm not someone who used to see bts, i need to know, do hugging your partner to keep her warm is a usual things in korea? Coz In my country i don't thing that gesture is necessary except they are partner or bestie


I ask the same question before in early of this thread. I'm also not really going through all BTS for every drama that I watch. With little knowledge from some BTS that I watch and some variety show that actress come to, normally some actor just give/share their hot pack to co-star. And some gentleman actor would give their jacket for a while to keep their co-star warm (even if he already married). But never I watch an actor hug their co-star tight to keep her warm. The most basic things happen that I heard from other actress is that staff will give blanket to them or the actor himself will ask staff to give actress a blanket. 

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@etherealk408 THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for translating KNG's interviews! Seriously, I wish I could give you BIG FAT HUGSS for doing this. :heart::heart::heart:


Reading KNG's thoughts on things, I have new found respect for the guy. He's a really deeper than deep thinker, one that not only thinks through on the characters he play but on life itself and what it means to him and others around him. He has many serious sides to him beyond that happy, easygoing facade. And I guess this is why he's harder to read, like @leba said. 


In comparison, KAJ seems like the more open, straightforward person, whom people can easily recognise if she's happy or sad. This is not to mean that KAJ isn't a deep thinker. On contrary, I believe that she is. It's just that I feel she doesn't reflect on life in a melancholic manner? And I don't know why but I think that these traits of hers -- in being open and straightforward with her emotions -- is a good complement to his deep-thinking nature. LIke with her character, she can naturally make him happy. 

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26 minutes ago, parootpatootie said:

Yes! I think they got carried away. KAJ arched her head a bit to pull away while KNG leaned forward because he hasn't had enough yet. :lol: KAJ must have felt that it's getting too real. Or maybe I'm getting delusional and overanalyzing the situation again. Lol.

The most kiss scene that I think KNG hasn't had enough is at the beach. Lol! I think KAJ adlib the kiss scene a bit by giving more than one kiss. Because KNG looks a bit suprised (in my pov) when KAJ give her second kiss at his cheek and then suddenly goes for his lips for the third kiss (if I'm not mistaken). And I think she try to give the last kiss at his other cheek but KNG wants more on the lips. Lololol! Perverted mood on! Sorry with my delulu mind. :D

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Here i give some gif to compare the actual rehearsal and when they're on break 

first gift ( below ) is the bts when they do rehearsal, in the video you hear the director speaks as he direct them to do that scene




and the second gift ( below ) is the bts that obvious they are on break at that moment as @siena has explained.





Usually if they are just professional, KNG will talk to the staff or her manager that KAJ feeling cold and ask them to give her blanket or jacket, or the far things that they can go is KNG will pat her shoulder and ask "are you okay?" or KNG will give her, his jacket. But he goes for the hug and KAJ didnt refuse it too, its like mutual love to me. There is no way if you just co-actor will do something like that. Even after the staff said "roll" thats mean to prepare the next scene, KNG put out his hand to holding KAJ hand, and KAJ didnt refuse it and follow his lead. Its not just holding hand, its finger to finger lol and the editor cut the video right away after these two holding hand lol


and you will notice after he said "saranghae" he look around and whisper to KAJ "there is so many people looking" like he is so shy to say saranghae to KAJ lol maybe because there is his real feelings when he said that and he want to say it just if these two on the scene with no people around

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8 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:

@etherealk408 THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for translating KNG's interviews! Seriously, I wish I could give you BIG FAT HUGSS for doing this. :heart::heart::heart:


Reading KNG's thoughts on things, I have new found respect for the guy. He's a really deeper than deep thinker, one that not only thinks through on the characters he play but on life itself and what it means to him and others around him. He has many serious sides to him beyond that happy, easygoing facade. And I guess this is why he's harder to read, like @leba said. 


In comparison, KAJ seems like the more open, straightforward person, whom people can easily recognise if she's happy or sad. This is not to mean that KAJ isn't a deep thinker. On contrary, I believe that she is. It's just that I feel she doesn't reflect on life in a melancholic manner? And I don't know why but I think that these traits of hers -- in being open and straightforward with her emotions -- is a good complement to his deep-thinking nature. LIke with her character, she can naturally make him happy. 


Yeah! Opposites attract! He definitely needs his other half to be a sunshine in his life. He IS a positive and optimistic man. Practical, logical. But maybe the serious views in life as @iamemilykay says just needs some lightening up once in awhile. And I guess that’s where KAJ can come in.


They definitely look like they fell in love with each other during the period of filming. KAJ’s hints tells us very much she is still in love (either with the drama, Heo Im or KNG) haha. Once again we still need input from the man. But hope he won’t give us more questions than answers if he really does get to do an interview.


I remember the days  while shipping SSC, SHK used to drop us bombs during her interviews. She will say things like “she has no close male friends” and “it’s harder for her to meet and get to know men nowadays”. And those statements would make some of the weaker shipper hearts sink a little. (Like mine) Then a few weeks later, we will read interviews from SJK who will answer questions with such sincerity that we can all see that he is in love. And then the ship will sail again more energetically. Haha. So i’m thinking, KAJ seems like taking the role of SJK in this ship. While KNG (who’s busy now) seems to be the one not giving any hints at all. Oh, but I must say that though SHK gives very ambiguous answers in interviews, she always gave her fans tidbits through her IG with tell tale photos or captions. Just hope KNG will just give one or two hints. That’ll will satisfy us shippers quite a while. Haha.:wub:

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3 minutes ago, leba said:


I remember the days  while shipping SSC, SHK used to drop us bombs during her interviews. She will say things like “she has no close male friends” and “it’s harder for her to meet and get to know men nowadays”. And those statements would make some of the weaker shipper hearts sink a little. (Like mine) Then a few weeks later, we will read interviews from SJK who will answer questions with such sincerity that we can all see that he is in love. And then the ship will sail again more energetically. Haha. So i’m thinking, KAJ seems like taking the role of SJK in this ship. While KNG (who’s busy now) seems to be the one not giving any hints at all. Oh, but I must say that though SHK gives very ambiguous answers in interviews, she always gave her fans tidbits through her IG with tell tale photos or captions. Just hope KNG will just give one or two hints. That’ll will satisfy us shippers quite a while. Haha.:wub:


reading your post make me remember that beautiful moment when we ship SSC, especially when their label deny the rumour <-- the critical moment that happen to SSC ship, its make 1/3 or 1/2 of the ship feeling down lol .. ahhh what a gold time at that moment lol

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Oh wow thanks @sight_stv I finally saw the hand in coat thanks to the gif. But but where is the pocket? Is it in the inner pocket of the coat? I saw her left hand coming out of the coat. I previously thought it was the outer pocket but obviously not (but I thought a bit weird for the left hand to be in his coat, doing what?)

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Hi Chingus....


Wow this thread is moving fast.

I dont never see KNG hugging so close to any other actress except children.


KAJ must be someone special to him. Even we normally will give hot pad, hot drinks, jacket or blanket to our collegue whom are cold. Never will hug that person in the way.


The crew, director & writer are all play matchmaker to them. Even the host in presscon also love tease them.

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2 hours ago, butterflysaga said:


Sorry not to sorry cutting your post. But dang yo Girllllllll the pulling hair thingy until he decided he went bald!!!!! That was GOLD!


ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! :lol: 

I can't help it chingu, :tongue: their character corrupted my mind. Im an impulsive and quick person. My mind usually sync with my fingers when typing but my mouth always came last hahaha:lol:

I'm very hyper here and real life reason is my kid is the same hahaha



Hope you don't mind this crazy ajumma around.:sweat_smile:

Bye again all, back reading later. ((Hugs)) :kiss_wink::heart:

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18 minutes ago, Ohsh said:

Oh wow thanks @sight_stv I finally saw the hand in coat thanks to the gif. But but where is the pocket? Is it in the inner pocket of the coat? I saw her left hand coming out of the coat. I previously thought it was the outer pocket but obviously not (but I thought a bit weird for the left hand to be in his coat, doing what?)


you can refer to @siena explanation on page 119 :D 

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30 minutes ago, gogumajet said:

The most kiss scene that I think KNG hasn't had enough is at the beach. Lol! I think KAJ adlib the kiss scene a bit by giving more than one kiss. Because KNG looks a bit suprised (in my pov) when KAJ give her second kiss at his cheek and then suddenly goes for his lips for the third kiss (if I'm not mistaken). And I think she try to give the last kiss at his other cheek but KNG wants more on the lips. Lololol! Perverted mood on! Sorry with my delulu mind. :D

I also think that how she kissed him in the beach is adlibbed. And the part when KNG held her waist and wanted more, the way she laughed and teased him and ran away is too real. KNG my man, if you want more, just date her and marry her will you? :lol:

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