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[Drama 2017-2018] Money Flower 돈 꽃

Go Seung Ji

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Guys thanks you all for your posts... I enjoy reading them... as for me I can't write anything because the writer had played me good... I mean every time I predict something major... nothing come true.. every episode ending with cliffhanger am left speechless....

i hope and pray for satisfying ending ... that's  it... a great ending for a great drama.. 

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1 hour ago, kohnlee said:

I don’t understand why seeing that NMH teenage pic she was shocked. She already knew that KPJ is Jo In Ho. And how did she connect the dots that it was KPJ was piggy backed her just by looking at that pic? I must have missed something in previous episodes!

That specific picture is not how she figured out everything.  The thing that triggers her to start thinking about KPJ's feelings towards her is the car crash. She read all the emotion on KPJ's face when he was protecting her as the car was flipping, there's a brief moment where they make eye contact. In that moment it's clear KPJ is only worried about her safety, she had a month and a half since the accident happened to replay that scene in her mind.  


The picture that caused her to start figuring out everything (start at 28:12 seconds in episode 15) is the picture of KPJ that the she saw on her friends phone at Ms Han's restaurant. To understand where I am going with this you have to remember letter /photo album JBC sent NMH in episode 4 to win her back after his identity was revealed. Remember that letter and photo album detail a series of events that JBC claimed led to him falling in love with her such as him photographing birds and him piggybacking her to her house after she got drunk. NMH realized KPJ was the one taking pictures of birds that day after she saw him in the photo on the phone. She then invited JBC to the restaurant she was at the night she got drunk and got piggybacked home 5 years ago. What JBC didn't realize is that she was testing to see if it was actually him that was there that night, JBC not realizing this told her the restaurant was hard to find and he had never been there before. So that's two strikes against JBC, not really hard to figure out who was there that night now.   


Since KPJ was still unconscious she had to go look in his room for confirmation  that he was the man who fell in love with her. Her finding the hidden picture just gave her confirmation when  combined  with everything else she knows.  


1 hour ago, kohnlee said:

And what the hell does that DNA result means? Who is Shin and who is Ha?

The DNA results means the grandfather and KPJ are related(thus JBC knows KPJ the real Jang Eun Cheon). The names are fake to hide the identities of those being tested and the person who requested the test.

2 hours ago, philosophie said:

@kysy your post gave me an epiphany. Maybe the apple knife scene as well as the flashback of how KPJ took JBCs place in jail is a foreshadow8ng to JBC framing KPJ as one who murdered SW and makes h8m go to jail in his stead. That way real jang is stuck in prison while fake one can become chairman and be free in power.

It would be a great but messed up way for JBC to finally get rid of KPJ and no longer have to worry about YSW. He would get rid of two people who he believes are a danger to his marriage and him becoming chairman. I am wondering how KPJ would react to all this of though considering how hard he tried to protect YSW and her son? I wonder if JBC thinks he's at a point now where he no longer needs KPJ.... 

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I really do not know how things will end up. But it is high time that NMH & KPJ get more closer at least hug each other. When are we going to see them in love only 8 more episodes to go or will they not get together and we will not see and the drama will not have an satisfying ending



Guys isn't the Healing OST released with eng sub yet?

Edited by mimisl123
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2 hours ago, nyk said:


aww I'm happy many people like this drama


but this comment though... I think Jang hyuk has many good works but they are so underrated and people didn't recognize them as much as Money Flower. 

Yes, me too :) 

JH has many good work but under rated - Beautiful Mind is one of them

where PSY was in it too. I love this man!


@kysy thanks! Yes now all these makes sense to me. I knew what the bird watching pic and inviting JBC to the restaurant meant. And with your explanation; it makes sense that the pic she found in his room is a form of affirmation. 


And these OTP no skinship throughout the whole drama but the way they look at each other is electrifying! The chemistry is there just by staring at each other. Amazing! 


Off to watch episode 16! 

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I have been re watching the last two episodes and at the end of 16 i think NMH came ready to accept everything if and when KPJ answers her question, definitely he will have to reveal everything to her so i think she will not feel betrayed as KPJ tried his best to keep her out, the scene where the names of the two were revealed to NMH when she was at school by sending a package, also KPJ always protected NMH ever since she came to Mooshimwon, saving her father and most of all she knows and the only one who knows that he is working against the Jangs at the moment. She will surely understand all because she knows who KPJ is and she knows him the best but she will have one question as to why he manipulated her to get connected with the Jangs. She will feel disappointed but what matters is he has already risked his life for her so she will let it all go. and because of all that happened only she met her first love which was Fate.

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Wahahahaha episode 16.


  1. The way JMR comes into KPJ room and interrupted them was like she has every right to be in that room, and claiming KPJ as though he is hers! Just what is going through her head? She is someone who don’t believe in love anyway.
  2. JBC is insecure and in a state of denial when he found out who KPJ really is. Another nut case. He wants to battle it out with KPJ ? Come on, u r not the real Jang. Without KPJ, u probably would have been dead multiple times. He had already forgotten he can’t achieve anything without KPJ. 
  3. JBC was simply speechless, how did KPJ know every damn thing about the test he was working on hahaha! 
  4. Wow! KPJ moved congressman to his own place! The most dangerous place is usually the safest place!
  5. JMR to KPJ, once JBC gets chairmanship, tell me what you want. My reply - the chairman seat! Haha! And that was the first time we saw JMR laughed! She must have been so happy that her Son is inching himself to chairman position. 
  6. NMH saw KPJ praying to KPJ back then. She would have thought that it’s strange. But she didn’t find out more? Only after knowing the original Owner of the necklace then she joined the dots? 
  7. Oh no JBC looks like he wants to kill the Recep?? I hope not otherwise KPJ will become the prime suspect and actually if he does, he can get himself out of it right??? 
  8. Omg! That cliffhanger was so cruel!!!’ How to wait for another weekkkkkk! And the worse part is there isn’t any preview and no way of us to even predict :( like what this message said - don’t have any idea how things will go on...
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I think yong goo is the one sent NMH friend the pictures of the trip...

he loves the idea of KPJ & NMH so much





Remember this 




Now she she is telling KPJ ...and he might fulfill her fear



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5 hours ago, kohnlee said:

JBC was simply speechless, how did KPJ know every damn thing about the test he was working on hahaha! 


Hello, this is my first post here. I have been a silent lurker, but wanted to share my thoughts on the above.


I believe that Pil Joo has cameras and microphones installed in Bo Cheon's office. He was looking at his computer screen and was repeating almost verbatim Cheong A Bio's recent accomplishments. It was as though he was watching BC in real time and knew that the latter was planning to hide crucial information from him. I also think it was also a way to make BC understand that he is always steps ahead of him when it comes to Cheong A. Additionally, he did make it a point to state that Manager Lee was BC's person (as a way to clear the latter, I believe, from any suspicion).






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11 hours ago, Prettysup said:

4. Do you think this is the best work of Jang Hyuk? (+614 -49)


  I liked him best in Chuno  aka The Slave Hunters  because he had to display so many more expressions of emotions on different levels in that series.  In this series everything is beneath the surface and you can feel his tension as he  withholds his true self and shows a different persona.    I also loved him in Into The Sunlight (1999), he was an excellent actor even as a "rookie".



Thoughts about this weekend:


I think JBC is going to kill Pil Joo, or try too, hopefully he will not be successful. His level of feeling betrayed (which he has been) is incredibly deep and even nauseated him.   The worm has turned. He is ruthless at this point and he has inherited that from his mother and his bio father is a killer too.    

I am wondering if PJ's helper has been monitoring JBC and knows he had the DNA test? Maybe PJ already knows what he is dealing with?  

The other wild card is NMH and what she will do with her new found info.


What has always bothered me, is that PJ is taking the long agonizing journey of REVENGE. Revenge dramas always end badly.  The hero never really gets the "revenge" he wants, it just damages all the people he loves and himself. 

Now that he knows JBC is not a direct heir, and he has a tape of the cousin urging the NMH's father to commit suicide, question is = why not just tell Grandpa he is a blood descendant, and likely the oldest living heir (other than the disgraced Uncle)?  Since Grandpa adores him anyway, he could just take over.    Wouldn't that be revenge enough?   


So far in the quest for revenge he gave the woman he loves away to his enemy's son.  Think about it. That is pretty sick. I know he is in extreme pain because of what this vicious woman did to his family,  but take her power away and move on.   Revealing that her son is not a bio heir, should have been enough to destroy all of her plans anyway.

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Finally watched EP 15 (at least) with subtitles.  What can I say after what I said yesterday, writer-nim did a great job at letting us see what happened to Pil Joo and Boo Cheon and then showed us how it all happened. We were all tricked by the burning car that was BC's and not PJ's. Yesterday in front of my house a car burned because of the battery and it made me think about the drama :lol: Anyway, I said that we may find out either BC or PJ's real paternity but NOPE. Instead, BC found PJ is Eun Cheon. This paralleled with Episode 08 when Boo Cheon intentionally got in an accident and Pil Joo revealed to him that he wasn't his fathers' son. Well, I'm happy to see that BC hasn't changed - sarcasm - and that to attract Mo Hyun and his mom (but MH mostly) he injured himself. Sometimes I'm sad for BC because I think he is not OK being the second choice. If you think about it, his mom, grandfather, uncle and cousin don't see him as the real deal because they don't find him trustworthy - unlike PJ. Even MH who married him and stays loyal to him has her heart fluttering somewhere else. But like she said, she must stay there at Mooshimwon to get revenge on Mal Ran, and the only way to do so is stay married and stay in the lion's den. Once she becomes an outsider - divorced - the Jangs could even do something worse to hurt her. So it depresses me to say this, but until she gets revenge, I think Mo Hyun will remain there.


We see who was happy or sad that Pil Joo got injured, but it is not clear WHO manipulated the car. MH and BC point at Mal Ran, while Pil Joo and Chairman Jang told ugly uncle Jang that the culprit was him. Now I haven't watched EP 16 with subs yet but MR must be the culprit, since the car was MH's. Anyway, with uncle Jang out of the question, now PJ has only MR, BC, YC and the Chairman to fight. Who is gonna be the next to lose? Perhaps Yeo Cheon? I don't think the uncle would go down easily, though (although on EP 16 I saw that he tried and failed again).


Mo Hyun was very emotional when she was informed that Pil Joo woke up. I loved when they met again. I think PJ was happy to be alive but also worried about MH's fate because he didn't know what had happened to her. To me, when he asked her how she was doing - while normally it should've been her to ask first - it was really sweet and romantic. Jang Hyuk does that low and warm voice whenver he talks to Mo Hyun. His voice is often like this, very serious and of the right intonation (not too low nor too high) but when he talks to MH, his voice it's laced with concern and kindness. I guess MH knows it too. It's important what he asked too. He wondered how she was doing and she was taken aback because she really had lost her words because of the surprise/shock/relief when they met, and this didn't escape her when she confronted him at the end of the episode. Why did he save me? Why was he so concerned about me being OK? There were a lot of questions in her head and actions speak louder than words and she knows how to read the signs because she is sensible and understanding. She could feel the love in the piggy back ride but also on the pictures he took of her, because PJ captured her boyish and natural character on camera only a lover or a professional photgrapher could capture (LOL). In fact when he said that he had feelings for her but now not anymore, she argued that he had saved her. She knows that his reply is made up, because a person can be selfless all he wants, but he would be an idiot if he saves "just anyone" like he said. Even the most selfless human, when in danger, would save himself if he didn't care about the other person who could be hurt. But since PJ loves her, he didn't think twice and protected her. Hopefully Mo Hyun catches the hint, because Pil Joo ALWAYS looks down when he is lying, because if he makes eye contact with the person, they'll understand if they are able at people-reading. He lies to Mo Hyun while looking away and with tears in his eyes, which, if I were Mo Hyun, is very telling. Somehow I understand why PJ doesn't want to admit his feelings are still there. He doesn't want to make MH's heart waver because she's already wavering "thanks" to Boo Cheon's secrets. So he'd rather not mess her up even more. But the day where the truth comes out will come - I HOPE - and I think that our OTP may have a chance at happiness. I wonder what would've happened if Mal Ran hadn't interrupted them. UGH!!!


Last, but not last, Mal Ran and Pil Joo. Wow, he really became her life line because she and the chairman felt like zombies when he was knocked out. We can compare his "hug" scene with Mal Ran to the hug MH/BC had. Both hugs were one sided and the other person was a bit embarrassed and didn't reciprocate the gesture. The hug could symbolize possession and jealousy, grabbing the other as if it was theirs and theirs only. MR couldn't live without PJ, that is for sure. And I think BC would also go crazy when MH exits his life. After all, she is the only person who "loved" him (when they were happy in their bubble). Maybe if BC survives this fight, he'll end up leaving town and going on the mountains with Secretary Oh after he finds out he is his father. Because it seems that among all those people, he loves him as a father and shows gratitude towards him every chance he gets, since he cannot tell him he's his father. It could fit Pil Joo's past after all. The real Jang heir lived with an adoptive father versus the fake Jang heir living with his real father. Who knows. lol.

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I forgot to bring this up earlier but JBC and NMH weren't the only ones to "figure out" that KPJ = Jang Eun Cheon. 


Episode 12 (11:50  into the episode, right after Eun Cheon's "funeral"): 



JMR :" whenever I gazed at Mooshimwon in many of my dreams, Eun Cheon walked out of the place. I always woke up before I saw his face." 




Episode 15(51:51 into the episode, After he kicked out JSM): 


JMR: " What I saw in my dream was right. I got off the car in my dream and you came out of the house and greeted me." 

          "it must be a dream of good omen" <---- lol 


It's only when you combine the two dreams that you realize that neither dream was positive and the second dream is really only a continuation of the first but with Jang Eun Cheons face revealed. Another thing I noticed is in the scene in episode 12 she's sitting behind KPJ in the car so she can't directly see his face, however in the episode 15 scene she is sitting  in front of KPJ and looking directly at his face. I wonder if she'll realize what the second dream actually meant soon or if she'll only realize once it becomes real. 


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Caught on to this awesome drama a few weeks back after binge watched the first 8 episodes. This is my first post here although i have been reading some comments from time to time.


JH is just amazing as KPJ in this drama super cool. I super like his character. He is not one to be easily provoked. I have yet to see him clenched his fist like i've seen in most k-dramas. I super like how he swiftly resolved every issue. In ep16 just when i thought BC was going to find MH and her father in that house but he had already moved him to his home...wow! PJ is way step ahead of BC.


Finally, i noted that JMR kept saying to KPJ how BC is so much like his father. Does she mean Sec Oh or KPJ's dad? She must be saying it without thinking hahaha, KPJ must be laughing in his heart then. 

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5 hours ago, purplebass said:


We see who was happy or sad that Pil Joo got injured, but it is not clear WHO manipulated the car. MH and BC point at Mal Ran, while Pil Joo and Chairman Jang told ugly uncle Jang that the culprit was him. Now I haven't watched EP 16 with subs yet but MR must be the culprit, since the car was MH's. Anyway, with uncle Jang out of the question, now PJ has only MR, BC, YC and the Chairman to fight. Who is gonna be the next to lose? Perhaps Yeo Cheon? I don't think the uncle would go down easily, though (although on EP 16 I saw that he tried and failed again).



There were 2 cars involved - Uncle Jang manipulated Pil-joo's car. Jung Mal-ran manipulated Mo-hyun's car.

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@kysy  those words will come true - what JMR said about seeing JEC walking out. I suspect that should be the last scene or parting scene btw her and KPJ/JEC.


We are left with 8 episodes. Earlier on in the plot, I wasn’t so sure if KPJ will end up with NMH. I wanted him to have his revenge and his love and the Writer has to make it damn convincing for it to take place.


And wow! It took place so naturally, so convincingly that I can totally see them together now. NMh was all feels when she looks at KPJ now. She is seeing him differently as compared to earlier episodes. 


Good job to the entire cast and crew and I totally agree with the blogger cited by @triplem above, JH is so darn sexy without even trying! 


@zinaa it can be closer! Seriously the sizzling effect btw them even without any skinship, the power of their emotions and body language. 

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43 minutes ago, kohnlee said:

@kysy  those words will come true - what JMR said about seeing JEC walking out. I suspect that should be the last scene or parting scene btw her and KPJ/JEC.


We are left with 8 episodes. Earlier on in the plot, I wasn’t so sure if KPJ will end up with NMH. I wanted him to have his revenge and his love and the Writer has to make it damn convincing for it to take place.


And wow! It took place so naturally, so convincingly that I can totally see them together now. NMh was all feels when she looks at KPJ now. She is seeing him differently as compared to earlier episodes. 


Good job to the entire cast and crew and I totally agree with the blogger cited by @triplem above, JH is so darn sexy without even trying! 


@zinaa it can be closer! Seriously the sizzling effect btw them even without any skinship, the power of their emotions and body language. 

What words? Err i cannot remember.

Yes it had to be pretty convincing but i wonder it was convincing enough. Now that the divorce is out of the cards how will she leave JBC to be with KPJ/JEC. Both are all feels when they look at each other and it was there from KPJ from the begining, they always had an attraction to one another in all the episodes, specially NMH and after getting to know who he was it increased so much.

How come PSY did not get an award. All the actors are superb! This is what you call a masterpiece i think someone mentioned it before in this thread.

What will we do when this Drama ends :rolleyes:

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