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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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8 minutes ago, meiil said:

btw the translation that came up in the subs was slightly different and more of impact from the early ones we've read.


"I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute.

However, at the same time, I’m afraid of myself.

I’m scared of myself for hurting someone again.



I want to be happy."






Dear lord. My heart is bursting. 


Also me: 



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I love how all of us sharing our opinion all together about this drama. For me, a lot of lesson to be learn through the drama and it suit the tittle because this is my first life. For me, these two episodes really surprise me as the viewer. As the expressionless SH, we can see he slowly open to JH about what he feels towards her. We also could see all his previous action is due to his past and he is not really that robotic before. I believe the ex appreance is just to strengthen the relationship between SH and JH not the one to ruin it. I think the ex already saw JH and she knew who she is in the cafe. That's why when she said yeppo, I could see from her expression contain hidden meaning like 'Hmm that's why he choose her'. The writernim always know how to play with us and I bet next week SH will be the one who be a striker and JH will play a defender as from the preview she reluctant to let SH hold her hand. But still the preview always misleads us :lol: So let us be positive and trust the beautiful love journey of three couples. I really love all the couple and I love how the writer show us the reality of love in our society. Not all the love journey will become the beautiful one as there always up and down. Although reality life is harsh, there still ppl out there who believe in love ❤️ 

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3 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


True. Also, don't forget it was SH's idea for the Dating Not Marriage name as well. I about died laughing when WS asked who came up with that cynical concept and name in episode 11, and everyone pointed to SH. Then WS mentions how funny it is that the one who came up with it is the only one of them who is married. ROFLOL.


Despite WS having to let go of his start up to join SG's company, on a character interaction basis, I like watching WS interact more with SG, SH, and the rest of the company. :)

I honestly believe that WS belongs to their company though he hasn't realized it yet. Well, at least, he belongs there for the time being, if only to learn how to let loose and mature some bit more. When he sought to change the app name and refocus it towards marriage it exhibited his jurrasic thinking process as regards to social norm. Dating not marriage as an app is a breakthrough because it's deviant. In the same thread, his relationship with HR is dwindling because of social norms. Both WS and HR need to release themselves from the bondages of social norms. 


There's no doubt in my head that SJ's bra business will go big--the concept is just as deviant as "dating not marriage".

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17 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


True. Also, don't forget it was SH's idea for the Dating Not Marriage name as well. I about died laughing when WS asked who came up with that cynical concept and name in episode 11, and everyone pointed to SH. Then WS mentions how funny it is that the one who came up with it is the only one of them who is married. ROFLOL.


Despite WS having to let go of his start up to join SG's company, on a character interaction basis, I like watching WS interact more with SG, SH, and the rest of the company. :)

That was a great moment. Also, WS pretty much having everybody convinced that the name should change until they found out that SH was going to his wife's hometown to make kimchi was funny.


I agree that watching WS interact with SG, SH and the company is enjoyable. 

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I apologize, however, I must comment on that entire kimchi making session as well.  What a character revealing scene which in a mother-in-law's eyes would elevate any son-in-law to a pedestal worthy position.  Not being able to be dissuaded by his father-in-law from his commitment, Se Hee willingly donned the ajumma's garb, set his timer for exactly 6 hours of labor which equaled Ji-Ho's input for his grandparents' memorial service, and set about learning and carrying out the tasks of the day.  Not an iota of a judgmental countenance did I ever detect as he quickly moved to the commands of the women.  Rinsing the salt out of the cabbage, pounding the fathomless amount of garlic, carrying and emptying the tubs of water, pushing, pulling.....argh!  Surprise, exhaustion, frustration, exasperation and bewilderment were Se Hee's responses but never condescension.  A man of his word, committed, responsible, willing, diligent.  I'll take him! 

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10 hours ago, angelflower said:

@kimnabong Hmmm well since you're asking about that, I'll do that little bit since it's not hard.


I looked through the episode to find some context. So WS was on his way to his date with HR but stopped by the office and met SH. He was leaving when he turned and asked SH, "You love JH very much, right?" SH sensed that he needed to talk and suggested coffee on the rooftop.


SH: Are your marriage plans not going well?

WS: I don't know. I don't know if it's the marriage that's not going well, or our relationship, or if not that, our love.

SH: Seems like you had an argument.

WS: We've always argued a lot. (He describes the many different ways they've argued). In the 7 years, we've fought like professional fighters. But now, do you know what we're like? We don't argue. Even when we know that we're thinking of different things, we don't argue. Because if we argue...

SH: There might be no going back.

WS: Right. 

SH: Actually, JH and I didn't marry for love.



SH: We married because everything fell into place. We decided to live together because there was nothing uncomfortable about it. But now that we're doing that...

WS: Your feelings grew?

SH: Yes. Because I'm in a comfortable state (not sure but best guess), through this marriage, I realised that there was room in my heart.

WS: Looks like love and marriage are indeed separate matters.

SH: Instead of correlating it like that, it's more important to say that two people need to be honest with each other. Ultimately, humans are animals looking out for themselves. And the desire for marriage is one of the most established (?) institutions.

WS: The desire? Actually, I don't have such a thing. I just feel good when I see HR smile, I want to make HR happy and more than anything else, I can't live without HR. Those are facts that both of us know - what more is there to be honest about?

SH: "I feel good seeing you smile. I want to make you happy. I can't live without you." The subject in all your sentences is you yourself, WS. There is no instance in which the other party is the subject. (pats his shoulder) Have a good date.


SH: (turns back) What do people these days do on dates, anyway?



Thank you for this. I love this part so much. For me it puts marriage under a different light. It's the commitment to be a team forever. And to be happy in it too. 


The part where SH points out that WS is the subject is a little lost on me though in terms of how he sees JH. Well his actions do respond to what JH needs while both HR and WS respond to their individual needs. So perhaps in his past relationship, "I" or the self was put too much value on than anything else... my deductions can be wrong but it seems to make sense. There was a point in that conversation when SH said that they can't argue because there might be no end... I think there he spoke with the voice of combined understanding and experience.

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“I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute. However… at the same time, I’m afraid of myself, I’m scared of myself… for hurting someone again. But now… I want to be happy.”“I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute. However… at the same time, I’m afraid of myself, I’m scared of myself… for hurting someone again. But now… I want to be happy.”

“I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute. However… at the same time, I’m afraid of myself, I’m scared of myself… for hurting someone again. But now… I want to be happy.”“I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute. However… at the same time, I’m afraid of myself, I’m scared of myself… for hurting someone again. But now… I want to be happy.”


I do adore this woman. What she thinks is cute. However… at the same time, I’m afraid of myself, I’m scared of myself… for hurting someone again. But now…  I want to be happy.


[HanCinema's Drama Review] "This Life Is Our First Life" Episode 12



The big climactic kiss that closed off the last episode is inevitably interrupted. I mean that not in the narrative sense, but the literal. Sooner or later any couple that is kissing must stop for some reason. From there, we segue into Ji-ho's internal monologue about how real life is different than dramas. Normally such kind of meta-narration is eye roll inducing but Ji-ho does bring up a good point. How exactly is her relationship with Se-hee supposed to escalate when it's so chronically placid?


Se-hee's too scary for Ji-ho to want to act forward with him. Which is ironic, since in the face of any kind of confrontation Se-hee immediately backs down into an internal puppy whimper. It's the single best clue that the colder aspects of Se-hee's personality are largely a front, which exist for reasons we can pretty easily guess. But important hints and pivotal flashback notwithstanding, "This Life Is Our First Life" is still holding a lot back for the final episodes.


Fortunately there's still a lot else going on elsewhere. Se-hee and Ji-ho's attempt at a date is adorable. Soo-ji's visit with the brassiere artisan, while relevant in light of what's happened, comes off as a delightfully weird subplot about how some women don't like bras because of the difficulty involved in getting an appropriate size. I'm sincerely hoping all their business chat eventually evolves into a serious entrepreneurial enterprise, since starting an independent business would be the main obvious solution to Soo-ji's sexual harassment problems.


Not that Soo-ji sees these as problems, though she probably should. I like how Song-goo is so insecure and needy with her. I mean, normally those are very obnoxious personality traits, but we can see Song-goo actively trying to scale them back and not always succeeding. The way the main couples all act as an inspiration to each other to improve on their worst personal impulses is always a highlight.


Although there is one exception. Ho-rang and Won-seok, the couple who have been together the longest, actually bring out the worst impulses in one another. It's an odd paradox- by being so comfortable with each other, they don't challenge each other as they should. The worst of it is that they do finally realize that they suck at communicating, but then choose the dumbest possible way of resolving that problem. Dumb, but from their immediate perspective, logical. Which allows them to stay relatable and sympathetic.

Review by William Schwartz




"This Life Is Our First Life" Lee Min-ki is a romantic





On the latest episode of the tvN drama "This Life Is Our First Life", Nam Se-hee (Lee Min-gi) and Yoon Ji-ho (Jeong So-min) started a romantic relationship with a kiss by the sea.


The two were already married and there was nothing to stop them but themselves. They were affectionate with each other. Yoon Ji-ho was seeing Nam Se-hee as a man and even told him she wanted to sleep in the same bed as him.


Later, Nam Se-hee and Yoon Ji-ho were on a date where they ate ice cream and popped balloons. Nam Se-hee bought her a pair of earrings because he'd never bought her anything after getting married.

Back home, they were aware of each other. In the end, Nam Se-hee caught Yoon Ji-ho when she turned around to go to her room and suggested sleeping together that night.


On the previous episode, Nam Se-hee said something romantic like, "This is how you kiss" before he kissed her and this time it was "Let's sleep together tonight".


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My thoughts on episode 11 and 12.

There is so much understanding between JH/SH even though by now we see that they both express themselves differently. JH expresses herself through her actions, whether she is happy/sad or indifferent is all shown through her actions, while SH on the other hand uses his words to express himself. But, every good relationship takes great communication and JH/SH have definitely mastered that. I like that they don't let their issues get the best of them. But JH/SH are similar in they they it takes them both sometime to let their guard/walls down but when they decide to do something they do it with conviction and whole heartedly. Although SH clearly doesn't get along with his family, he is not going to disown them. SH actually makes excuses for them, and blames their society for how most parents act. So, to see that JM ended their relationship because she couldn't adapt to his father or blaming his father for their break up shows that she wasn't the woman for him. JM is also spiteful saying " I hope you're not happy" and that is how her and JH are probably different. But, I'm glad SH has stopped punishing himself and is ready to be happy.


I was really happy when WS took the very difficult heart wrenching step of breaking up with HS. They need this, they've been together way too long and their relationship has not progressed. HS would never have left him and I think thats why WS had to be the one to do it. Sometimes we have to let things go and someone free and if they come back then its meant to be.


I like that we finally got a little glimpse and back story to how and why SJ is working so hard, why she can't quit that job with those sleazy scumbags. I like that she's not only smart but is so lovable and always there for the ones she loves.  Mr. Ma will have to approach her about marriage and her mom in a every delicate way or it could seriously backfire.

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Omg in the preview, it's so cute how SH has been jotting down notes about JH nearly every day (e.g., she stared at me with a weird look, she took the contract to the cafe, she throws darts well, she snores).


I have a feeling he probably did this with all his previous roommates to keep track of their actions/compatibility (remember this guy also kept scores/charts on his roommates) but w/ JH his notes became less related to being roommates and more about his growing interest in her as a person. so cute!

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OMG SH adore JH...I knew it. I Knew it  yellow-hair-girl-emoticon-19.gif?1301940165


Writer nim how can I survive the entire week…this is killing me. yellow-hair-girl-emoticon-25.gif?1301940166

We were wrong with BN maybe we are wrong with the ex too. Maybe she wants to apologize with SH, IDK. I don’t want JH and SH to suffer, he hasn’t been happy for 12 years and now he decided to be happy with JH. Please god stop writer nim of doing something wrong with my OTP.

BTW the way the ex touched JH hair when she helped her with the earring and JH thinking about it later,  I did not like it.

I don’t want to think too much, like SH I am afraid, but  of my thoughts, I don’t want to analyze too much because as SH I want to be happy watching the last 4 episodes.yellow-hair-girl-emoticon-11.gif?1301940164

PS: I don’t know if it’s ok or not but these two should be real…sorry


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Guest mywebfoot

Se Hee is a man of actions. To understand him it’s always been a case of what he does, not what he says. Not only does he not say much, giving us little evidence to go on, what little he does say about his intentions with Ji Ho he quite handily contradicts with his actions. At least, early on in the game when he was still Mr Robot. :)

But I love how dorky sweet his relationship style is now. His sincerity makes him draw one-to-one maps of observation to action. I mentioned earlier how he’s a lovely combination of logic and tenderness. This is what I meant. Identify problem. Think of solution. Act on solution. In work and in love, that’s a deadly effective combination. A man who loves this way can be counted on to have follow through. In other words, if he says he loves you, he will act like he loves you. He is the anti-model to the kind of man I hate most - NATO - No Action Talk Only. 

And oh, ladies, a lover like that is mmmmmmmmmmmm. 



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Like JH i have been replaying the kiss too many times in my head and have watched it too much THANKS TO THE WRITER I CAN LIVE WITH SOMETHING TILL NEXT MONDAY-_-




im laughing at how despite the call SH didn’t pull away and kept kissing her while talking in between till she pulled away. Had the phone stopped ringing i don’t think they would of let go of each other they were so into it:D:D







I watched ep 12 again with subtitles and I still don’t feel any empathy on the ex’s side during the breakup nor do I understand why she went as far as to curse him and to wish for him to never be happy or love again. SH looked as if his whole world had come crushing down :///


Hopefully we see more about their past, especially what happened with his family. 

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I liked ep. 12. There are some progresses being made, and heh... it's okay with JM's existence. Just like BN, JM would just be the catalyst for healing. For SH, for his family, for JM, and for JH's career.


I agreed with William's review. Instead of WS and HR talking things out, agreeing on the path to their goals, making compromises, they just blocked their minds to their own wishes and gave up. Not sure what WS was thinking: wait for 5 years to get married? How did he come up with that 5 years? I just don't get it.


SG and SJ are cute together. 

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I finish ep 12 with subtitle and that's relief i have a mistake to understand Se Hee words. in previous page i worried about Se Hee says "i don't love anyone" but after watch with subtitle its says "i didn't love anyone for a while" so basically he says he is in love with Ji Ho right now.


And well, i feel when Jung Min help Ji Ho to wear that earings, she says "pretty" i think she not say pretty for the earing. But refer to Ji Ho,  Ji Ho is pretty. 

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