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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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5 hours ago, Jillia said:

I can only agree. Since forever but especially with the recent incidents in regards of certain US producers and actors it should be even MORE important to support the victims and not to start telling the victims how they should speak up and defend themselves. Sometimes sexual abuse and harrassement are small things first. Sexual harrassement starts with things like a man not acknowledging a woman's expertise in her professional field, talking her down and proceeds to physical abuse (touching without consent etc.) and rape. Victims are usually either unaware of the harrassement AND/OR they're in shock and traumatized. Ji-ho is definitely unsure what to think of Bok-nam. She defended herself against her ex-coworker but didn't receive any support from her former boss which is sadly a reality - as we can see now in this thread as well. With Bok-nam... he is so much more subtle - not really but still subtle if you're not suspicious of him - and charming, so Ji-ho is aware something is off but at the same time she doesn't know how to react. It doesn't matter how old she is. If she isn't sure how to react it's completely normal to react in being at least nice to him. Because what to do when he isn't physically doing anything bad... at least on the surface?


Instead of going back to old patterns as victim-shaming/blaming I would prefer if we all - no matter what gender - would side with the victims and not the offender.


4 hours ago, shedp said:


Yes, it looks like we'll get some flashbacks of JH's teenager years. Actually Esom (SJ) and (HR) posted photos in their ig that look like they're studying and their hair are also somewhat in their school years. Glad you mentioned it, I didn't give much attention to their posts as I thought they were just in HR's rooftop. Maybe these photos were also taken at Namhae, make sense since we already knew that they were there for more than a week. (Photos uploaded 7 and 5 days ago). :) 





OOh thanks for noticing, yes you are right. Looks like we'll be seeing SH's new hairstyle on next week's episodes. :) 


Amazing how SJ can look really young just by wearing a fluffy sweater, backpack, and hairclip! That smile, so cute! So different from the older SJ :)

Edited by angelangie
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Because This is My First Time Being Thirty
(서른은 처음이라)

Because This is My First Kiss
(키스는 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Proposal
(프로포즈는 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Marriage
(결혼은 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Promise
(약속은 처음이라)

Because This is "Our" First Time
('우리'는 처음이라)

Because This is My First YOLO
(욜로는 처음이라)

Because This is My First Husband
(남편은 처음이라)


Ok everyone, 48 hours to go.

What will be our title for Ep 9?


My choice is:

Because it's our first vacation.


Keep the guesses coming!

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I like reading all the posts about SJ !! Thanks ladies!!


I do believe this is a healthy discussion, right? I like how the Show makes us think more critically about these kind of topics. I thought Show was just another cute marriage contract rom-com. BUT NOPE. Show gives both real and very different viewpoints about this generation's challenges. I can't help but love Writer-nim. Some few lessons i want to remember from Show


  1. SKY don't always mean you fly. Graduating from a good school doesn't guarantee you'll be a big shot in just a few years, see JH and WS
  2. Workplace abuse. A (strong-willed) woman can still experience micro-aggression and deliberate albeit low-key sexual harassment in the workplace and choose to shut her mouth about it. Because IT HAPPENS. I've heard 2 or 3 of my don't-mess-with-me kind of women friends who just froze in front of their boss/colleague harasser.
  3. Two different career paths, one not less difficult than another. See JH choosing her passion which may not pay that much at first, and SJ choosing to climb the corporate ladder, in a world dominated by men (though they may deny it, average annual compensation stats show it still) 
  4. Housing. While people think SH is crazy to take out a house loan he'll pay till he dies, SH thinks this is the most secure "thing" to have in this age.


Can i just also say that Write-nim loves juxtaposition of opposites??


  1. See SJ and BM's workplaces and how women are treated there.
  2. Daughters and sons. How daughters are put aside because the younger male sibling is priority in the family. See JH and younger bro what's his name. (I actually cried in this part because I'm also from a patriarchal society and it's so subtle and nobody says anything about it but it's so true). 
  3. How marriage can be a quick decision for some and very difficult just even to consider for others, see JH and SH, HR and WS, and for SG and SJ who can't even date for now (but of course that's another topic.
  4. YOLO kind of living and having a little bit of security, see BN and SH


kind of a blabber mouth today because why is it not Monday yet.

Anyways thanks everyone for your thoughts about Show. You know these discussions make this drama even more enjoyable to watch, and the wait a little bit bearable. Why it's not yet Monday?


8 hours ago, kasjady said:

We're nearly coming towards the airing date guys :) 


I've been listening to the drama's OST on repeat, and didn't realise that the singer Mun Seongnam (of the band Every Single Day) composed and wrote the lyrics of three of the OST tracks so far. No wonder the songs released so far don't feel like a set of individual songs, but a collection. 


OST 1 - Star Figure 

OST 5 - This Life

OST 6 - Shelter 


My favourite is actually OST 4 haha, but just the collection of songs so far match the overall vibe of the show. It makes me wonder who the music director is, since it's been a while I've been impressed by a whole compilation (Signal OST). 

Hello chingu! I've been listening to the songs on repeat too all day. Thanks for that info! didn't notice that just yet. :) 


9 hours ago, eunji18 said:

It seems we'll see SH's new haircut like really soon? We've seen CEO Ma with that green sweater in the preview, so .... 

Is it a new arc? When the leads get a new hair cut means something's up, right? Also, can someone tell me if these three are besties? Haha. I mean, LMK and KMS are in SUFBB, and then PBE (Ma Sang Goo) and LMK are both in Very Ordinary Couple and Monster. Do lead actors get to choose the supporting casts? :) I like their friendship so cute!!

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31 minutes ago, yerinfish said:

I like reading all the posts about SJ !! Thanks ladies!!


I do believe this is a healthy discussion, right? I like how the Show makes us think more critically about these kind of topics. I thought Show was just another cute marriage contract rom-com. BUT NOPE. Show gives both real and very different viewpoints about this generation's challenges. I can't help but love Writer-nim. Some few lessons i want to remember from Show


  1. SKY don't always mean you fly. Graduating from a good school doesn't guarantee you'll be a big shot in just a few years, see JH and WS
  2. Workplace abuse. A (strong-willed) woman can still experience micro-aggression and deliberate albeit low-key sexual harassment in the workplace and choose to shut her mouth about it. Because IT HAPPENS. I've heard 2 or 3 of my don't-mess-with-me kind of women friends who just froze in front of their boss/colleague harasser.
  3. Two different career paths, one not less difficult than another. See JH choosing her passion which may not pay that much at first, and SJ choosing to climb the corporate ladder, in a world dominated by men (though they may deny it, average annual compensation stats show it still) 
  4. Housing. While people think SH is crazy to take out a house loan he'll pay till he dies, SH thinks this is the most secure "thing" to have in this age.


Can i just also say that Write-nim loves juxtaposition of opposites??


  1. See SJ and BM's workplaces and how women are treated there.
  2. Daughters and sons. How daughters are put aside because the younger male sibling is priority in the family. See JH and younger bro what's his name. (I actually cried in this part because I'm also from a patriarchal society and it's so subtle and nobody says anything about it but it's so true). 
  3. How marriage can be a quick decision for some and very difficult just even to consider for others, see JH and SH, HR and WS, and for SG and SJ who can't even date for now (but of course that's another topic.
  4. YOLO kind of living and having a little bit of security, see BN and SH


kind of a blabber mouth today because why is it not Monday yet.

Anyways thanks everyone for your thoughts about Show. You know these discussions make this drama even more enjoyable to watch, and the wait a little bit bearable. Why it's not yet Monday?

Hello, lurker here. Signing in to like this post.


I love this drama. I haven't seen anything as nuanced in quite a while and so I'm fastly getting devoted to this show. 


If I may add to your awesome list:

1. I love the inner strength in JH's mother. Now, that's a strong woman trapped in a patriarchal society. I love the strong feminism in this show.


2. SH's unconventional, yet refreshing, ultra logical way of looking at people as entitled to their individualism and their choices. Finally, a man in dramaland that's an overall equalist. 


3. The stillness in the way the OTP connects. I particularly love the post about the seating distances because it shows how magnanimous the impact of the minutest actions can be. It shows a facet of love that is not about grandstanding flowers or makjjang conflicts pulling forlorn lovers apart. It's just love growing on the mundane things. I love how this drama is strongly anchored on present realities. It reminds me of misaeng.


Oori is surely a deep word for this drama, and it's just a pronoun, but it's not.


p.s. And oh, anybody here a fan of Korean graphic artist Puuung? I feel like Se Hee, Ji Ho, and Kuyangi are based on Puuung's works. 

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37 minutes ago, kimnabong said:

Hello, lurker here. Signing in to like this post.


I love this drama. I haven't seen anything as nuanced in quite a while and so I'm fastly getting devoted to this show. 


If I may add to your awesome list:

1. I love the inner strength in JH's mother. Now, that's a strong woman trapped in a patriarchal society. I love the strong feminism in this show.


2. SH's unconventional, yet refreshing, ultra logical way of looking at people as entitled to their individualism and their choices. Finally, a man in dramaland that's an overall equalist. 


3. The stillness in the way the OTP connects. I particularly love the post about the seating distances because it shows how magnanimous the impact of the minutest actions can be. It shows a facet of love that is not about grandstanding flowers or makjjang conflicts pulling forlorn lovers apart. It's just love growing on the mundane things. I love how this drama is strongly anchored on present realities. It reminds me of misaeng.


Oori is surely a deep word for this drama, and it's just a pronoun, but it's not.


p.s. And oh, anybody here a fan of Korean graphic artist Puuung? I feel like Se Hee, Ji Ho, and Kuyangi are based on Puuung's works. 

Hello! if i can marry #2 and #3 and ok also #1 on your list i will marry them. I love #2 the most! Thanks for noticing it! I couldn't put a word in it.  egalitarian sounds a bit fancy schmancy pants. SH really is equalist! I think SH is not unaware of human emotions and way of thinking. He's quite aware of his father's hypocrisy in wanting a daughter-in-law who is highly educated but unsuccessful in her chosen career. I must say I really like how Write-nim wrote SH's character. 

And thanks for recommending Puuung! I'm always out to discover new illustrators and Puuung's work is so quiet and cute and peaceful. :wink:

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55 minutes ago, kimnabong said:

p.s. And oh, anybody here a fan of Korean graphic artist Puuung? I feel like Se Hee, Ji Ho, and Kuyangi are based on Puuung's works. 


Oohh I searched for the graphic artist, so he/she was the one behind these popular works? His/her works are actually famous in my country on social media. :) 







They will be like these too, soon. :rolleyes:

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45 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


And then someone comes and shout, "those men came at you because you didn't wear your bra! And you sleep with other people casually! (You deserve it!)"


Since when does anyone sleep with others just because she doesn't feel in control??? She sleeps with men she likes because she likes it. So what.


And of course when you've got nothing to lose, you're ready to kill anyone.



I don't think in any of my comments did I say she deserved to be harassed.  However, I have said, and I will stick by this, that she needs to dress appropriately for the occasion and be conscience of her environment knowing that she's surround by men who make harassing comments.  Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you always should. If there is a lion outside your home waiting to attack. Just because it's your yard, doesn't mean you would be defiant and go outside anyway with no protection.  Just because something is wrong, don't expect people to do the right thing. 


Also, again you missed my point and took it out of context. Watch the drama in detail and the message the writer is trying to make. Just like Facebook. You can friend whoever you want and ignore those you don't want into your private circle. SJ's workmate said she keeps ignoring her friend request.  For SJ, this is her personal space. She has control over who she allows to view her personal page. When she has these one nightstands, she's controlling who she has sex and when. Those things can make a person feel a little more in control or empowered. 

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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:


I don't think in any of my comments did I say she deserved to be harassed.  However, I have said, and I will stick by this, that she needs to dress appropriately for the occasion and be conscience of her environment knowing that she's surround by men who make harassing comments.  Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you always should. If there is a lion outside your home waiting to attack. Just because it's your yard, doesn't mean you would be defiant and go outside anyway with no protection.  Just because something is wrong, don't expect people to do the right thing. 


Mmm, that's right. Those scumbugs are not human. They're animals. Can't even think, can't even control themselves. Better go eat dog food. Human food is wasted on them.


The very point here is that victims have had enough of people telling them what they should do, what they should not. When something goes wrong, they're the ones who first blame themselves when - and this is the very crux of this issue - THEY ARE NOT THE REASON THEY WERE HARASSED. If we keep subscribing to the idea that women should be policing themselves because men have no decency, when we keep blaming the woman for not acting "as she should" then what is the point of society, what is the point of laws, what is the point of social etiquette. It becomes a world where might is right. Let's just throw everything to the dogs.


I'll tell you the reason why I was livid when I read your posts. Because it was victim blaming in essence. Yes, I agree with you that reality demands that a woman be conventionally innocent and agreeable to be seen as a good woman and any woman who's even a little "wild", a little "foxy", a little "easy" is seen as openly welcoming attention of the sexual kind. NO. A woman may wear short skirts because she likes how it makes her legs look long. She might like sex because the orgasm and the adrenaline makes her touch the sky, makes her happy. A woman might like not to wear a bra as much as she can because the damn thing is so stuffy. That does not mean that anyone has a right to her body, a right to be asking anything of her, to be leering at her and regardless of what she does, it does not mean that anyone should take it all into consideration for matters that are unrelated.


When something untoward happens to a woman (or a man, whichever), the cause of that reason is because of the harasser who acted, not the victim who was just minding her own business. You can put the bra on, you can sit on the edge of your seat, far from the creeper. What the victim does does not matter. The harasser can still harass because he's a filthy nutjob with a brain problem. The cause of the harassment is the harasser, not the victim. Point your fingers right.


"Just because something is wrong, don't expect people to do the right thing." Humanity is done for, especially if we're just accepting this line of thought.




Also, again you missed my point and took it out of context. Watch the drama in detail and the message the writer is trying to make. Just like Facebook. You can friend whoever you want and ignore those you don't want into your private circle. SJ's workmate said she keeps ignoring her friend request.  For SJ, this is her personal space. She has control over who she allows to view her personal page. When she has these one nightstands, she's controlling who she has sex and when. Those things can make a person feel a little more in control or empowered. 


And that's the way it should be???? Why is that linked to some neurotic reason?


When people want to feel in control, be empowered, they can plan. They can reject outings. They can go shopping. They can get a dog. They can get a cat. They can join a club, be the leader, start deleting people off their Facebook accounts or ignoring requests... etc. There are so many activities that a person can do to feel empowered and in control. My god, they can even go Machiavellian and psychotic and go round manipulating people. Who has sex for the utmost purpose of feeling in control???? Do you think this is BDSM where there's a dominant and a submissive?? People have sex mostly because they like the orgasm! And because, well, to show love and intimacy and whatever that is not there in one night stands but in loving relationships. 

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2 hours ago, yerinfish said:



Amazing how SJ can look really young just by wearing a fluffy sweater, backpack, and hairclip! That smile, so cute! So different from the older SJ :)

Actually, it makes me kind of sad about how adult life has turned out for her and JH. They probably had a lot of dreams about what they wanted to be, but to be in a state where they don't seem to have a choice now is disheartening to see. I'm really rooting for these girls to wrestle back control of their lives again, I hope writer-nim doesn't disappoint us on this front! 

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I disagree with most of the points by lclarakl, but in particular I'd like to point out the lion analogy. I think it falls into the trap of essentially excusing men for their behavior "because it's in their nature", in the same a way a lion would prey on something because it's in their nature. I hope we don't forget that at the root of it all, those men should not be behaving that way in the first place, regardless of how any woman behaves around them. I hope we don't fall into the trap of excusing or accepting their behavior in any way in our minds, because doing so perpetuates rape culture and the oppression of all women. I hope we can be more empathetic with women who are victims and survivors of these abusers and harassers, even in this fictional story, but more importantly in real life. The choices that might be easy for us to make might not be easy for others; not everyone has the same economic, social or political freedoms that we might have, and we do not all have the same power with which to make these choices. (And if I may, I think this is article by Britt Marling is a good discussion on that.)

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In the US, workplace sexual harassment/abuse has been leading the headlines for weeks. The teachable moments have been the number of women who have called out their abusers, in effect banding together to say, "no more"!!  In First Life, SJ absorbs the physical and verbal hits from both the men and women in her workplace. It takes courage to confront bad behavior and especially to be one of the vanguard. Any woman as intent as SJ is in keeping her job and advancing in her company would need to be very diplomatic in challenging her abusers. (eg., an educational approach might be more politic). However, she still runs the real risk of condemnation.  Yet, unless women take the initiative, I fear very little will change.

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It's nice that we are getting insights from different perspectives. All discourses here are a win-win for everyone. :) We get to gain more knowledge and attention to these issues, not just from one side but from all angles. It's cool that we get to read these sensitive issues in our society through this forum because of the show. It's actually just my second time to involve myself in such forums but I've been silently lurking on most forums ever since and I'm astounded to witness such discourses cause I've never seen something like this in other forums. Not just with SJ's issue, but way back BN and the other characters'. You guys are still the coolest for standing up for your beliefs. We are from different countries with different culture, with different backgrounds and experiences so I get the point how issues have opposing sides. Still, it's good to be educated and exposed to these kinds of issues so everyone could think it through. Definitely at every end of a day these are all a win-win for everyone. 

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Aside from SJ's discussion, Namhae seems amazing . I really want to travel there.... 

That's the kind of PPL I love. 


Also I will try to guess the next title : 


Because it's my first day being a wife 


lol not really inspiring but before it was SH who step up so maybe now it will be JH. Especially with this sentence in the preview : i did it because I trust you. 


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Just now, Jillia said:

It's not up to the women to change the situation. It's up to the men who have the tendency to mistake a woman passing by in a skirt or a co-worker being nice as consent. We have to be careful though since not every man is potential abuser/rapist etc.


Just want to say:


It's not up to the women to change but to the men to think about their behaviour and stop themselves before doing something they regret later or worse not regret at all.

In patriarchy men must stand up and put these creepy bullies and abusers down and not shrug it off as right of of senor.


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Wow ..... here we are. The top two honchos from DB have BTIOFL on their top watch list. Wonderful.

For the rest there's the link. They may resonate with you.


November 3, 2017

Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

by DB Staff

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…





Because This Life Is Our First: I love the progression this show has followed, and how every episode develops and grows this relationship. Getting such a steady payoff of progress makes me able to really enjoy the small little moments… as well as the big ones, like the end of Episode 8, which I legit stood up and cheered for.


_____________________ skip unrelated ________________





Currently recapping: While You Were Sleeping


Because This Life Is Our First: I was all for a younger man provoking some jealousy in our couple, but I didn’t want him to be some creeper! That really took me out of the story, and was a turn I found unnecessary for a show like this. But everything else—the tiny moments of growing concern between them, the girlfriends and their hilarious but realistic relationships—is wonderful.


________________ skip unrelated_________







WHAT ? WHAT ? WHAT'S THIS ? IS THIS TRUE ? There's a rival to get JH all hot and jealous. She looks pretty too. This is going to be interesting to see SH's PRE-CONTRACT /JH life unravelling.


OMGosh....... what about our couple's first kiss.? Or is this the EX that will be the catalyst for JH to show her claws..... meowwww !!! And then SH in his logical ways takes her into his arms to wipe away her jealous miserable tears.






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Below is my take on the conversations regarding Su Ji. I will go back to my regular fangirling after this post. :) 



Empower, not admonish. Encourage, not berate.


Tough love doesn’t necessarily work. Instead of uplifting and empowering, stern lectures suppress and shame women into submission and withdrawal into themselves, blaming their behaviors and further damaging an already broken trust in oneself. And then what happens when the opinionated parties move on to the next issue to inflict their holier-than-thou opinions? No one looks back or even gives a second thought about the broken psyches and shamed souls that their words and closed-mindedness leave behind.


Sisterhood or brotherhood, heck humanity should be a safe space, a haven that women or men who go through these kinds of maltreatment will not fear judgment when confiding in another. 


The most important act of kindness we can impart is to listen, to offer support, to give advice and options without the weight of pressure to “do something.” Mentally, emotionally, even spiritually this is the best we can do. 


Pointing fingers, laying blame does not solve the problem—which is much more profound and much more intricately embedded into decades of patriarchal and antiquated thinking and association. 


I grew up in Southeast Asia, in a society that leans heavily in the men’s favor. A place where men can commit unspeakable acts against wives, girlfriends, partners, and whose behavior is given a free pass because "that’s how they’re built," or because it is "their nature." Sure. They can do what they want while the rest of society just has to roll over and live with that. Moreover,  it is never the men's fault. Somehow, the women must have done something, have been something, or has lacked in something to warrant the men's behavior. 


Here's an extreme example--When I was a senior in high school, a heinous crime rocked our little university town. A local politician abducted a university student while she was jogging early one morning. She was later raped and killed by him and his henchmen. One of the conversations that circulated that time was that she “brought it upon herself because of what she wore.”


Of course. That’s it. Case solved. Did that bring the victim back to life? Did that give her justice? Does this give the family any comfort or consolation? Will they be beating themselves up over the fact that they should not have let her wear shorts and a shirt to jog? She is not the only one who jogs in the morning, not the last one to wear similar clothes to exercise. Still, she got targeted for whatever reason, and she had befallen that fate. Had it been another student, wearing sweats from head to toe that was taken, raped, and killed—what then? What would have been the water cooler talk be like about that? What excuses would the public come up with then?


While the Hollywood dynamic is on another level altogether, we see similarities in the pattern of abuse. In the end, it is about power. And how power erroneously equates with entitlement beyond the parameters of what is decent. Those in power feel like that they can do anything and everything to anyone and not be held accountable for it. We are seeing it in the headlines today, and each day more and more women are coming forward. While this is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, we’ve got a long way to go. Not just for the women to gather enough courage to speak up, but for the well-intentioned men out there to no longer just be bystanders. 


On the topic of why Su Ji just lets these behaviors continue, here’s a good read on the New York Times that provides a lot of points to ponder: “When You Are Replaceable, and He Will Never Be" (https://goo.gl/YmdDxi). And here's another piece on the psychology of victims in “Why Sexual Harassment victims suffer in silence” (https://goo.gl/byJa4d) 


If those articles are too much or maybe still not enough to build a case for solidarity, merely search for the hashtag #metoo or “Me Too” on social media. I am both proud and heartbroken to see this hashtag spread. Proud of the courageous individuals who have put this on their status and heartbroken at the sight of how many are coming out with this or have indicated that they have been a victim of sexual harassment. 


As for Su Ji’s bralessness— it is only evident to those who stare at her chest long enough to notice a difference. Loose dress shirts don’t exactly give it away. And last I checked her skirt length was at an acceptable level (right above the knee). Bo Mi wears shorter skirts than Su Ji. I do not hear anyone barking at Bo Mi’s "apparent lack of decency."


I am not looking to debate anyone. Like everyone here, or in any forum, we are entitled to share our opinions. After this post, I will do my best not to engage those who would like to argue their point. I am thankful for the writer for bringing us a drama that starts conversations and makes us asks questions.


Having a healthy, respectful discussion about these issues is excellent. But I hope that we can all remember that at the end of the day this should not be about who is right, or who is more righteous. This is not about winning arguments on a beloved drama site. And this should never be about what we believe about how someone's lifestyle has led them to become a victim.


This should never be about us. This should be about those who still suffer or those who carry the weight of the memory of being harassed. This should be about how we can all work together towards helping victims get through this and rise above it. 

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7 hours ago, Dramanoona said:

Because This is My First Time Being Thirty
(서른은 처음이라)

Because This is My First Kiss
(키스는 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Proposal
(프로포즈는 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Marriage
(결혼은 제가 처음이라)

Because This is My First Promise
(약속은 처음이라)

Because This is "Our" First Time
('우리'는 처음이라)

Because This is My First YOLO
(욜로는 처음이라)

Because This is My First Husband
(남편은 처음이라)


Ok everyone, 48 hours to go.

What will be our title for Ep 9?


My choice is:

Because it's our first vacation.


Keep the guesses coming!


Because this is our first fight. 


Note--not fighting each other, but fighting for their luuuuurve. :)

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19 hours ago, yerinfish said:

I like reading all the posts about SJ !! Thanks ladies!!


I do believe this is a healthy discussion, right? I like how the Show makes us think more critically about these kind of topics. I thought Show was just another cute marriage contract rom-com. BUT NOPE. Show gives both real and very different viewpoints about this generation's challenges. I can't help but love Writer-nim. Some few lessons i want to remember from Show


  1. SKY don't always mean you fly. Graduating from a good school doesn't guarantee you'll be a big shot in just a few years, see JH and WS
  2. Workplace abuse. A (strong-willed) woman can still experience micro-aggression and deliberate albeit low-key sexual harassment in the workplace and choose to shut her mouth about it. Because IT HAPPENS. I've heard 2 or 3 of my don't-mess-with-me kind of women friends who just froze in front of their boss/colleague harasser.
  3. Two different career paths, one not less difficult than another. See JH choosing her passion which may not pay that much at first, and SJ choosing to climb the corporate ladder, in a world dominated by men (though they may deny it, average annual compensation stats show it still) 
  4. Housing. While people think SH is crazy to take out a house loan he'll pay till he dies, SH thinks this is the most secure "thing" to have in this age.


Can i just also say that Write-nim loves juxtaposition of opposites??


  1. See SJ and BM's workplaces and how women are treated there.
  2. Daughters and sons. How daughters are put aside because the younger male sibling is priority in the family. See JH and younger bro what's his name. (I actually cried in this part because I'm also from a patriarchal society and it's so subtle and nobody says anything about it but it's so true). 
  3. How marriage can be a quick decision for some and very difficult just even to consider for others, see JH and SH, HR and WS, and for SG and SJ who can't even date for now (but of course that's another topic.
  4. YOLO kind of living and having a little bit of security, see BN and SH



I really liked reading your comment. But I would like to point out something else. The writer showed us another aspect about workplace abuse. The other female coworkers are contributing to the sexual harassment. They were gossiping just like the men and as such, they were legitimating the bad behaviour of the male coworkers. At the end, one of them said that she would no longer admire WSJ. Since there is no solidarity among women at this company, this makes it even more difficult to fight against misogyny and sexual harassment. 


Secondly, SJ's sexuality is her way to pay back to these men for all her misery at her workplace. However, I must say that I was pretty upset the way she reacted towards MSG. Sure, I can understand why she wanted to avoid to be seen with MSG next to her workplace. However, she could have asked him to choose a different place. She refuses to date him because she doesn't want to tarnish his reputation just like hers... but let's face it. Her move is terrible. She is not protecting herself at all. But what bothers me is she chose MSG to vent her frustration and anger. I mean, she needs to speak up for herself. She could have started with her female coworkers and let them know how it feels to be harassed so often. From what I saw, she has a higher position than some other coworkers (female/male)... hence she has some power she could definitely use. But she doesn't use it at all. See the scene in the restroom.   

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Ugh i completely forgot about LCA' s cameo. Please be here only for one episode. I love this actress but if she comes as SH's ex, I won't be happy. Pretty sure we don't need JH suffering again and being jealous. Not thank you 


I wish she is here as a step up for JH's writing. Crossing my fingers. We are already at mid point of the drama, don't add on the love dramatics. 


We have one couple on the verge on being together, one who are going to get married and one who did a step back. Plus all the story with BN ! 


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Thank you all for the serious in-depth discussions about the SJ's predicament in a all male environment, the sexual harassment issue , and SJ's philosophy towards them. I read the arguments and views you all thoroughly put forth and the counter arguments. It's good you stand on your grounds and speak eloquently of your convictions. It's an intelligent discourse. ( a few pages of profundity. ... wow !!! )  Salute !!!


Thank you @bebebisous33 for your insights. As usual good reading. The additional point you pointed out serve well your observation and keen mind... the female coworkers.


Here is the clip below which is pertinent to your view that she didn't use the power that she has.


In fact I took some trouble to look for the clips that speak of SJ in relation to Mr Ma, , the sexual advancements of the big boss who felt entitled , her boss condescending manners and of course SJ's story. It's good to re-watch them and have a clearer picture to formulate our own views.

Thank you once again.



40 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I really liked reading your comment. But I would like to point out something else. The writer showed us another aspect about workplace abuse. The other female coworkers are contributing to the sexual harassment. They were gossiping just like the men and as such, they were legitimating the bad behaviour of the male coworkers. At the end, one of them said that she would no longer admire WSJ. Since there is no solidarity among women at this company, this makes it even more difficult to fight against misogyny and sexual harassment.




42 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:


Secondly, SJ's sexuality is her way to pay back to these men for all her misery at her workplace. However, I must say that I was pretty upset the way she reacted towards MSG. Sure, I can understand why she wanted to avoid to be seen with MSG next to her workplace. However, she could have asked him to choose a different place. She refuses to date him because she doesn't want to tarnish his reputation just like hers... but let's face it. Her move is terrible. She is not protecting herself at all. But what bothers me is she chose MSG to vent her frustration and anger. I mean, she needs to speak up for herself. She could have started with her female coworkers and let them know how it feels to be harassed so often. From what I saw, she has a higher position than some other coworkers (female/male)... hence she has some power she could definitely use. But she doesn't use it at all. See the scene in the restroom. 












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