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[Drama 2017] Hospital Ship 병원선


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I'm sure the CEO's son will play a role in this.. May be the CEO wants to finish this off before his son lands in Geoje.. 


And about SEJ, he might be knowing that she might fight to get HS back and if she is in Geoje hospital, it would be a reason for her to stay there.. If she is fired, she would return back to Seoul and his path is cleared. Also, when his son comes down and sees SEJ being against remote service, he might possibly change his mind too..


So to keep all this away, he is trying to remove SEJ from the pic asap..


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cute HJW practices hard how to sigh :lol:  how can you not love her ?! :lol::wub: 


andra301  GIF


andra301  GIF


and the most cute and funny and lovely couple ..how can you not love them ?! :lol::wub:

andra301  GIF


thanks seagulls for coming in HS set  ...otherwise I had never seen such a funny scene ..."a human shield and a badass heroine " :lol::wub: HJW chickens fear is well knows !!!  

andra301  GIF



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Drama actor brand reputation In October, 2017 survey result

The Korea Reputation Research Institute  analysed 328,253,005 brand data of 100 actors in the drama , which was broadcasted  from September 1, 2017 to October 2, 2017,  and measured consumers' brand participation, media volume and traffic .

HJW is on 3th place and KMH is on 17th place of 100 actors , I find that is a good place for both even if I want them to be on 1st and 2nd place :D



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Hello!! All!!  I may not be able to check in to this forum regularly as my mom was hospitalize last Friday. She had intestine infection & the doctor have to cut her intestine a little and now she has to use a bag outside her belly (I dunnno the scientific name for the bag. colostomy bag or something like that).  The situation now with my mom remind me of Hospital Ship or Jeil Hospital.  :crazy:


I will chk this forum when I am free though not on daily basis. 

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I don't think the CEO son will play a role on the last episodes... Didn't see any news that Jo Hyun Jae will have another cameo hahahaha 


He is a businessman, he is the one who promote the IT medical for he had interview about it,  all smiling (his dad comment)  and really handsome (my comment)  haha


I also think it's too late to add another party in the loveline since it is the last week.  The issue with the Jaeil and HS, and Mr.  Chu wife are enough, so we can still have 1 minute OTP somewhere there hahahaha


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6 hours ago, andra30 said:

HJW is on 3th place and KMH is on 17th place of 100 actors , I find that is a good place for both even if I want them to be on 1st and 2nd place :D


Thanks for sharing @andra30. Not bad for our leads especially KMH. If I remembered right, last month he is no 99 or 98 while our JW is in the same spot. This means the drama is doing great and KMH is getting good recognition. :) Well done HS!

2 hours ago, junejungki said:

Hello!! All!!  I may not be able to check in to this forum regularly as my mom was hospitalize last Friday. She had intestine infection & the doctor have to cut her intestine a little and now she has to use a bag outside her belly (I dunnno the scientific name for the bag. colostomy bag or something like that).  The situation now with my mom remind me of Hospital Ship or Jeil Hospital.  :crazy:

Get well soon to your mom, chingu! Prayers for her and your family. 

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Hi everyone!

I'm back from my short hiatus on the forums, haha. Was it busy with work and other stuff. Celebrated my 21st birthday today (and still celebrating since the day is not over yet), but I have some free time now so I decided to come visit the thread..


We are now coming down in our last few days until Hospital Ship is finished.. I can't believe so much time passed already and we're on the last week already!! I'm going to miss getting my weekly dose of SEJ and KH.. We still have this weeks episode left so I won't say my farewells yet :)


On 10/27/2017 at 5:02 PM, elfvanvan said:

count me in too..  another bet is nice cause we can spectaculate all we want what will happen hahaha..  

iam hoping drama god will hear our rrquest and will have a kiss scene next episode so i will not change my profile pic hehehe,

@ferily if i will lose next week,  do I still had to do it for a week?  ,(i mean change of profile pic)?

Yes, of course chingu :rolleyes:! It's still funny how most of everyone's profile picture on the thread here is almost all same or a funny picture..

On 10/28/2017 at 6:53 AM, monki said:

I think her working style is to alternate between movies and drama, maybe next year is movie? I feel that most movies are male centric and female actresses dont get a lot of chance to showcase their talents.

Hope hjw will come across another quality drama that she can't refuse. I feel more connected with her when I watch her in drama, not so much in movies.

Of course, lets pray for her to find the love of her life and start a family soon. 


When is MBC award? We may see our otp again during that event.

The MBC award is at the end of December, like somewhere between December 25-30th. We'll probably get an announcement about it later on, as December gets closer!

12 hours ago, andra30 said:

Drama actor brand reputation In October, 2017 survey result

The Korea Reputation Research Institute  analysed 328,253,005 brand data of 100 actors in the drama , which was broadcasted  from September 1, 2017 to October 2, 2017,  and measured consumers' brand participation, media volume and traffic .

HJW is on 3th place and KMH is on 17th place of 100 actors , I find that is a good place for both even if I want them to be on 1st and 2nd place :D

Wow, glad to see that HJW and KMH are on the top 50! So proud of KMH being 17th this time~

8 hours ago, junejungki said:

Hello!! All!!  I may not be able to check in to this forum regularly as my mom was hospitalize last Friday. She had intestine infection & the doctor have to cut her intestine a little and now she has to use a bag outside her belly (I dunnno the scientific name for the bag. colostomy bag or something like that).  The situation now with my mom remind me of Hospital Ship or Jeil Hospital.  :crazy:


I will chk this forum when I am free though not on daily basis. 

Hi chingu,

I hope your mom gets better and it won't be anything too serious.. Fighting!!


@mathildafc and @hppatronus, I've probably said this a few times already, but I really like Hospital Ship. It truly is an amazing and touching drama, and I love the themes it delivers. I will definitely be going back to watch the whole drama again and say that this drama is one of the dramas on my top drama list.


@icyphoenix Welcome back chingu from your trip!! Glad to have you back. :) 

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5 minutes ago, stroppyse said:



Finally, is Jung Shin the maknae in CNBlue? Or are Jung Shin and Min Hyuk the same age? @ferily or perhaps one of the other Boice can answer that. Anyway, MH uses a very comfortable, informal tone to write his message to JS, indicating their degree of familiarity with each other, which he could only do if JS is younger or if they are age peers. It's nice that their so close and supportive of each other. :)



Jung Shin is the maknae in CNBLUE.  Thanks for translating!

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On 10/26/2017 at 11:20 AM, elfvanvan said:

but what really pissed me off is not for the lack of kiss but the fact that writernim drags the politics issue and the baby issue,  i mean EJ save the life of both mom and baby and this is how the mom repay her by being a total b! (# and for the chairman hell EJ saves his son,  his heir and for what nothing..  this drama is supposed to be medical and family/ heartwarming one where us it now?  all saw promotes corruption , money is everything,  is this heartwarming? 

I agree if I want to watch corruption and greed I can turn on the news. I'm also not happy that we have not as @thebluebear has mentioned even a peck on the cheek. I'm surprised they threw us a bone giving us a back hug. If writer-nim drags out JG's dad telling the Greedy CEO to take his money and stuff it...I will have to add another writer to my blacklist. I have dropped dramas for less than this but since we are in the last week, I love the HS crew and our OTP. I won't 

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47 minutes ago, ferily said:

Hi everyone!

I'm back from my short hiatus on the forums, haha. Was it busy with work and other stuff. Celebrated my 21st birthday today (and still celebrating since the day is not over yet), but I have some free time now so I decided to come visit the thread..


We are now coming down in our last few days until Hospital Ship is finished.. I can't believe so much time passed already and we're on the last week already!! I'm going to miss getting my weekly dose of SEJ and KH.. We still have this weeks episode left so I won't say my farewells yet :)


Yes, of course chingu :rolleyes:! It's still funny how most of everyone's profile picture on the thread here is almost all same or a funny picture..

The MBC award is at the end of December, like somewhere between December 25-30th. We'll probably get an announcement about it later on, as December gets closer!

Wow, glad to see that HJW and KMH are on the top 50! So proud of KMH being 17th this time~

Hi chingu,

I hope your mom gets better and it won't be anything too serious.. Fighting!!


@mathildafc and @hppatronus, I've probably said this a few times already, but I really like Hospital Ship. It truly is an amazing and touching drama, and I love the themes it delivers. I will definitely be going back to watch the whole drama again and say that this drama is one of the dramas on my top drama list.


@icyphoenix Welcome back chingu from your trip!! Glad to have you back. :) 

Happy Birthday ferily! I already downloaded this drama so that i can watch it all over again after it was finished.  Im sad this will be the last week of HS but hoping for a beautiful ending for our OTP!

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@ferily Happy Birthday to  you. Hope you will have fun with love ones today. Hugs:wub:



9 hours ago, junejungki said:

Hello!! All!!  I may not be able to check in to this forum regularly as my mom was hospitalize last Friday. She had intestine infection & the doctor have to cut her intestine a little and now she has to use a bag outside her belly. 

So sorry to hear that, I pray that she will be well and discharged soon and recover fully from her surgery. God bless her.

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31 minutes ago, stroppyse said:



Finally, is Jung Shin the maknae in CNBlue? Or are Jung Shin and Min Hyuk the same age? @ferily or perhaps one of the other Boice can answer that. 


Minhyuk and jungshin were both born in 1991 but minhyuks June while jungshin September 

@ferily happy 21st I trust you had a great day 

@junejungki your mom is going to be alright be strong 


P. S: super glad minhyuk moved up the ranking

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@ferily happy happy 21st natal day :D

so i will still change it for a week if i will lose ... hoping it will ot happen hehehe

@junejungki sorry for your mom hope she will get well soon.. 

and to all hope our writernim give us a nice send off of this show..  iam super excited to watch it till the end with you guys..  and after this show hope to see you all in the other thread (Hyunjae thread)  :grin:

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