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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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1 hour ago, attriste said:

Perfectly acceptable to delulu if it involves both of them or their own personal social media, in my opinion. I tend to err on the rational side of things but there is a good spectrum of us (from rational to delulu) and I respect that fun side too. And all your amazing contributions!

I think what @ysrida_ trying to say in her first post is another COINCIDENCE happened in our ship .The best part of our ships is too many COINCIDENCES occurred in Jiji's life  & that make our ship quite interesting .Most of us here are rational shippers & we don't take that songs,that video as a valid evidence  except for the fun purpose.I don't feel like we are OVER delulu when COINCIDENTALLY  hyunie posted same type of video like wookie .Because nobody said "Ooo confirmed they are in a relationship because they posted the same video " ,right ?When we said we are delulu,thats mean we still have rationality in our state of  mind .Why so serious ? 

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@pauliza @piecesofrainbow Yup if you read what I said, I said it was perfectly acceptable what @ysrida_ said :) I have no issues with that at all. 


she also asked what was over-delulu and I gave my opinion on that as well, in the spoiler. And I caveated that with shippers mainly not from here. 


If you misunderstood me that means I wasn't clear enough and I apologize. 

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4 minutes ago, attriste said:

@pauliza @piecesofrainbow Yup if you read what I said, I said it was perfectly acceptable what @ysrida_ said :) I have no issues with that at all. 


she also asked what was over-delulu and I gave my opinion on that as well, in the spoiler. And I caveated that with shippers mainly not from here. 


If you misunderstood me that means I wasn't clear enough and I apologize. 


I think there's no apologies owed at all. It was just a mere discussion and I've read what you've written. I was also just stating my opinion on the matter because I'm quite involved in the IG world (as in I saw a lot of uploads about JiJi and read the comments for the uploads as well). This issue of what's acceptable and what's not has been going on a lot and has at times caused rifts internally as one might be offended by the other and vice versa. Every one has their own individual opinion but we can generally agree on those major factors you mentioned, but the in-between will still remain as a matter of preference and personal opinion.      

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@attriste @pauliza @piecesofrainbow hee..  Thanks guys.. Chillax..  I understand everyone..  It just that there's people who still don't get the concept of delulu.. As i mentioned before,  I'm not good in words.. Idk how to explain to them.. Yes, when i said there's a few people who doesn't like us to be OVER delulu, yes there are.. I saw it.. 

it's okay..  Not OVER delulu.. I'm trying my best to be a rational shipper..  but the Coincidences after coincidences makes me amuse with this ship.. So, let's just be a rational delulu then! (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡  *send hearts to jiji shippers*

\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

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18 minutes ago, attriste said:

@pauliza @piecesofrainbow Yup if you read what I said, I said it was perfectly acceptable what @ysrida_ said :) I have no issues with that at all. 


she also asked what was over-delulu and I gave my opinion on that as well, in the spoiler. And I caveated that with shippers mainly not from here. 


If you misunderstood me that means I wasn't clear enough and I apologize. 

No need to aplogize dear because my point there is quite general not specific only to your post .Actually I want to make it clear to lurkers here that we are not simply OVER delulu just because of a video .We have more than that,right ? :lol:


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9 minutes ago, ysrida_ said:

@attriste @pauliza @piecesofrainbow hee..  Thanks guys.. Chillax..  I understand everyone..  It just that there's people who still don't get the concept of delulu.. As i mentioned before,  I'm not good in words.. Idk how to explain to them.. Yes, when i said there's a few people who doesn't like us to be OVER delulu, yes there are.. I saw it.. 

it's okay..  Not OVER delulu.. I'm trying my best to be a rational shipper..  but the Coincidences after coincidences makes me amuse with this ship.. So, let's just be a rational delulu then! (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡  *send hearts to jiji shippers*

\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥


Hahaha. Don't mention. I'm indeed Chillax-ing over here. :) It was just an interesting topic and I was interested. I guess rationally delulu is the only way to go... :D

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1 hour ago, findingserendipity said:

This deserves its own post since this is the first time I've seen Hyunnie initiate the skinship. Just their level of comfort and closeness with each other is evident here when she places her hand on his knee/thigh. 

 It started here chingu-yaaa. 0:25-0:28

 Maximum comfort level :lol::wub:



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2 hours ago, findingserendipity said:



a. Hyunnie staring when Wookie was yawning. haha

b. First photo: wedded bliss. haha. I swear this looks like this could be part of an engagement photoshoot. lol


c. Technically here, they both took a quick glance at each other. But, they were like speaking with their eyes. Actions speak louder than words, truly. Hehehe. Plus, I feel as though they were waiting on who would make the next move. 




Ah, image limit reached and don't wanna place it in a spoiler. Will have to do another post as I find more.:wub: 


a) The way she stares at him while he yawns makes me think that she finds him cute when he yawns like a kid 


b)If this is the feel we get from this then we guys will go crazy if we see their engagement photoshoot in the future if the Almighty wills


c)Its so cute the way  each stare at one another when both aren’t looking. Are those ninja quick stares lol. We understand you two. Its hard to have long stares with so many around. Namji must be like quick stares wouldnt look suspicious kekeke...






1 hour ago, findingserendipity said:

Stargazing con't- 

Video should start at 1:13 mark


This deserves its own post since this is the first time I've seen Hyunnie initiate the skinship. Just their level of comfort and closeness with each other is evident here when she places her hand on his knee/thigh. 


Those are my submissions for now. haha:wub:


So this is how it progressed!!!!  Heol What an improvement hyunnie!!! These two are taking skinship to another level!!!! kekeke





Reposting from @findingserendipity @f8te 

Edited by masthu
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3 hours ago, findingserendipity said:


Joining in to your convo. Hehe. @babyval22, it’s a namji moment. Heehee. Is this what we call a BTS of a BTS? lol:lol: @midorinokerochan it reminds me of another BTS when Wookie takes Hyunnie to “jail.” That was after filming a serious scene with the psychic ep. In fact, there are a couple of scenes in the BTS when their actions are opposite of what is called for in the drama. They always seems so playful and happy during breaks. Hehe


Reposting~ ah, this moment when they locked eyes was so hot! *melts*


Heol! Daebak! Why not? Lol. Rationally, we can say they have the same taste in music. Haha:D


I know right! Hehehe. I agree. Let's just agree that it's the bts of the bts. Hahaha! Namji is always in their own world seriously. Kekek. And that eye locking moment. Chincha. If it was just acting, the moment t scene done, back to normal position. But no... Wookie was still in alpha male position till PD nim said looked too dirty. Hahahs. 


2 hours ago, masthu said:

*delulumode on*  how many of us didnt fall for wookie in healer??


Erm... Can I confess and say I didn't? Hahahahaha. I only fell for him in SP. Teeheehee. 


@attriste @ysrida_ @pauliza @piecesofrainbow I think it's really a matter of perspective on being delulu I guess. Hahahs. No harm delulu-ing actually. In actual fact, we prolly have to delulu all the way till namji announces something, if anything. *keeping fingers crossed* Hahahhas. But I'm thinking there's also a variant of rational delulu and irrational delulu? At least IMO. The same app usage is definitely rational delulu IMO. Thanks @ysrida_ for pointing that out. Kekek. I never took noticed of the music cos my phone is always in silent. These delulu are the ones I love. Hehe. Makes my heart skip a tiny beat. Hahahahs. *starting to become irrational here* LOL. But that said, irrational delulu are the ones that I'm more uncomfortable with. Hahahs. For example, that pic of Mr K posted with striped shirts where some of us wondered if that was hyunni. I think in that instant it was pretty much 90% not hyunni so IMO if someone insist that it's her, I too, tend to be a little uncomfortable with it. I mean.. The woman in the pic.. Her legs.. Are not the to die for legs that Uri hyunni has. And whom wookie was seen admiring quite a few times. :lol: #delulumodeon #teehee



It's actually the same concept of Wookie drawing his ideal girl and other shippers took it as it was their bias when it was obviously not for obvious reasons. 


But it's really a grey line and all of us can delulu the moments whenever we can. Hehe. We prolly need it too, to survive till 2019! I really appreciate and love our fandom because we have our range of family members who bring us high up to the heavens with all the findings and surprises and brings us back to earth when rationality calls for it. Hahahs. So guys, bring the delulu on and we can all discuss and see into which delulu it falls under. Hahahs. Namji shippers fighting! 

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1 hour ago, findingserendipity said:

Mianhe, chingu! Great or should I say shipper minds think alike. haha. Lol'd at Hyunnie ninja stares. Everything she does is ninja-like.:ph34r:Poor us! lol


Like @midorinokerochan said, I wish we can quote the pics. Sigh. First one, caption would be: Oppa, don't go.:lol: And the second one is just love. You can see how she appreciates his effort of making her comfortable. Aww, these two.:wub:


edit: In my search, I realized that there are actually tons of times captured when they stare at each other. Should we start another list? lolol


haha no worries chingu! It confirms that im not delulu lol. We both see it as well as rest of the chingus out here keke... Arent those moments precious to our shipper hearts <3!


Oki chingu count me in!!! Lets continue the staring game keke... 


1 hour ago, attriste said:

@pauliza @piecesofrainbow Yup if you read what I said, I said it was perfectly acceptable what @ysrida_ said :) I have no issues with that at all. 


she also asked what was over-delulu and I gave my opinion on that as well, in the spoiler. And I caveated that with shippers mainly not from here. 


If you misunderstood me that means I wasn't clear enough and I apologize. 


i cannot find your previous post so lemme quote this. I feel you unnie! Some fans are creepy when they have no limits with their delulu and trouble their families. So cringe!!! All is well unnie <3. Everyone out here are rational shippers so no worries. So lets keep shipping them unnie! 

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Guys I just noticed we are the currently popular thread and hot topics here at soompi  kiyaaaaaa. This is after a long time right!!  :D


So the staring game continues......




Aww I can look at them all day long !!!! <3



Eventhough we cannot see her face we probably know that she's ninja staring at her oppa :blush:






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13 minutes ago, masthu said:

Someone tell me what the hells going on here :ph34r:!!! I dont even remember a scene like this in SP. EBH just removes her hand from NJW when they break up in SP!

These two *bangs head on the wall*


Wait. Which part of the break up scene is this? Looks like its part of the episode right? Or was it the part BH says she wants to eat ttokbokki? 

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4 minutes ago, babyval22 said:


Wait. Which part of the break up scene is this? Looks like its part of the episode right? Or was it the part BH says she wants to eat ttokbokki? 

Yup you right. That's part or scene when BH said she wants to eat tteokbokki

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2 hours ago, masthu said:



you guys are probably right! I rewatched that scene and what i noticed was that the hand part was out of frame lol :lol:. Reminds me of the proposal scene where they kept on caressing each others hands even when it was totally out of frame kekeke



NEVER SAY NEVER!!! unnie lemme add this lol


I am NEVER gonna stalk celebrities on IG - WRONG ANSWER


I guess we learnt it the hard way round.... :lol:


Let me also add this


I am NEVER gonna create SNS accounts( many) just to keep in touch with the OTP and just to talk about them.. 


I  wrote the ID's and passwords of all my accounts in my diary just in case I frgt. Lol

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