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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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1 minute ago, imaynotbeperf said:

imagine a stolen photo of hyunie by a fan wherein her phone's showing up with wookie's don't cheat on me wallpaper AND WE ALL DIE THE SAME DAY THE PHOTO IS POSTED 

If that ever happens they will be accused of MASS MURDER and we are going to be buried in a MASS GRAVE :lol::D

Image result for mass grave gif funny

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2 hours ago, sharreb said:

This fan account does a lot of throwback post. I thk last week was a lot of jh traveling to the Philippines from one or two years back.


Thank you chingu for this info. :blush:

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1 hour ago, tomago said:

I think he did the drawing interview when  he visit tw before 14 mar (hence the mention of the white v day).

not sure when he did the script reading though


First Script Reading was on 4th of April. Source https://jichangwookkitchen.com/2017/04/10/drama-suspicious-partner-holds-its-first-script-reading/

delulu mode on: *The script reading wasn't the first time they've met anyway.* https://jichangwookkitchen.com/2017/01/20/event-ji-chang-wook-attends-the-26th-seoul-music-awards/

plus Salon meet ups!!! 

So this is still possible, right?

Thanks @taonaka for the pix!

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Darn it!! I missed the party last night. Happy 600th pages to all of us. :lol:B)

Looking forward to many milestones with you wonderful people!

On Hyunnie's whereabouts.....if she's in Jeju. I don't think we'll get sun-kissed pics of hers. Judging from how passionate they are.... they ain't gettin out of that room and she ain't getting out of that bed. It's Sexay time baby!!!B)


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2 hours ago, songsongdiehard said:


Come to think of it Chingu, that drawing of his ideal girl was before SP. I wonder even if it's a childish drawing, why so close to Hyuni's facial features right? Could have been without bangs, short hair, or hair in a bun... why that? so when he was asked to draw, he already has someone in mind he's just not so gifted to draw it like an artist but the details are there like you mentioned. hmmm.... i always tend to go back to their cupid stylist who could have been telling Wookie about our Hyuni baby. Remember, it is still unsolved why of all leading ladies, Hyuni landed the BH character. She's not a very likely choice really.

EDIT: ok so it has been debunk already that he wore the same outfit. :D So sorry :)

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Haha i thk our jihyunie is the kind of girl guys remember ..

Sharing this new article (in korean) where KHN mentioned again about jihyun. And him being her first kiss. And that jihyun was trembling (word my app gave me) correct if im wrong @riririru


청년경찰' 강하늘 "나는 남지현의 첫 키스 상대" 에피소드 재조명

기사승인 2017.08.02  15:10:02

[화이트페이퍼=김경욱 기자] 영화 '청년경찰'에 출연한 강하늘이 과거 드라마에서 남지현과 선보인 키스가 다시 화제가 되고 있다.

▲ (사진=SBS 제공)

2일 주요 포털사이트 실시간 검색어 상위권에 '청년경찰' '강하늘'이 올랐다. 이와 관련해 강하늘이 과거 출연한 드라마에서 남지현과 함께한 키스신이 다시 주목받고 있다. 강하늘은 지난 2014년에 방송된 SBS 주말특별기획 '엔젤아이즈'에 동주 역을 맡은 이상윤의 아역으로 출연했다. 

당시 '엔젤 아이즈'는 가슴 설레는 첫사랑이 12년 만에 다시 만나 펼치는 아프지만 맑고 깨끗한 러브스토리를 그린 정통멜로 드라마로, 극중 수완의 아역을 맡은 남지현은 1, 2회 방송분에서 시각장애자 연기를 실감나게 펼치며 시청자들의 호평을 이끌어 냈다. 특히 1회 방송분에서 동주 아역 강하늘과 볼키스에 이어 계단키스를 나눴던 남지현은 2회 방송분에서는 그와 전봇대키스를 펼쳐 눈길을 사로잡았다


강하늘은 이미 '아름다운 그대'와 '몬스타', 그리고 '상속자들'등 출연작 상대 여배우와 키스했는데, 이번에 남지현이 실제 첫키스라는 말에 살짝 놀라기도 했다. 드라마 관계자는 "남지현이 강하늘과 키스장면을 촬영할 당시에 좀 긴장하고 떨렸던 게 기억나는데, 알고보니 첫 키스였더라"며 "그래서인지 두 배우간의 가슴떨리는 풋풋함이 브라운관에 더욱 순수하게 전해진 것 같다"고 말했다.

한편 강하늘이 경찰대학생으로 열연한 '청년경찰'은 오는 9일 개봉 예정이다.

김경욱 기자 white@whitepaper.co.kr


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According to the drawing of his ideal type, i can sensed that the he was in awe when presenting the awards together with her so the memory of her that night just lingering in his head. 

So, maybe that night is marking the 1st day of him seeing her differently. From a young-colleague-he-often-bumped-into to a mature-girl that can cooperate and communicate with him well. Bcs njh caption of the pic of her during the award also mentioned jcw rite? She thanked him. Let me imagine, they were rehearsing in the backstage with him leading her blabla but turned out that she did better than what he expected. Talking about a huge first impression.

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I pity the past male actors she had acted with cos she was young back then and they only get chaste kisses from her. Look at her now! She's a sexy siren who doesn't have to do anything and yet guys would fall on her feet...lol. But at the same time, she's so normal like us and have dreams and goals like very other 20s gals. :wub: I'm sure a lot of guys would be SO jealous if Wookie marry her someday. 

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Im still gaga over her magazine shoot.

So arresting


@Huntergal i concur. I thk they know shes sth special but she really was too young then. She wasnt ready to date nor see them in that light. Shes gotten even more attention now that shes bloomed. So i can get y her present ahem or future bf would need to ensure other guys back off.

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gah, I just woke and I for one am glad that it seems to be a rest day for spazzing? But then speculate more and speculate more where uri NJH and JCW are, well at least the other half of our ship. MIA big time, super ninja mode! LOL completely disappeared under the radar, which is totally amazing considering the technology of our age this days.  

Uri NJH, come out, come out wherever you are! *thinks*

Wait on second thought, if you are in JCW's arms, uhmm you can stay where you are! LMAO!

1 minute ago, Hello_JIS said:

three men with three scooters. It looks like a pure bromance vacation.



I think his managers gf is with them too? But not so sure as well, purely speculative!

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