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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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6 minutes ago, riririru said:

The "they dont keep in touch each other after SP"

How do we know if they still contacting or not?

We are living in a modern era where messaging is a thing lol, even if they dont meet in person doesnt mean they stop texting each other~ 

Remember on Volume last week, jihyun said she and yewon met again for the first time at Volume after SP bec they were busy with individual schedules, but still contacting via kakaotalk/messages and all. Hoho

Now that was with yewon, imagine with the super-busy changwook, i do think they dont have much time to meet up in person but im sure that's wont stop them from texting each other XD (whether it's the casual/friendly messages or more)

On V App jihyun also said they do have a group chat between SP cast, and yes! The crew meet-up for wook's enlistment! Show that their group chat is still alive(?) XD

Alright idk where this post going lol im not good with words XD

The whole point is just bec there are no photo/prove they meet, doesnt mean they stop contacting each other~^.^ Phones do exists and korea's internet is v fast:wink: 

(Few days ago changwook's fancafe posted an announcement telling fans to try not to take any pic or post anything(like the location and all) when someone see him because they want him to enjoy his free time before army so..:))) )


I want to add another point .If they are in a relationship/normal friendship ,I don't think they will text/talked with  each other like this " What did you share in your interview ?etc " .The conversation must be more casual like "What are u doing ?What did u have for your lunch ?" .Normal people like us also did the same things ,right ? 

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6 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Chingus, don't believe everything Dispatch put out. I'm sure they have their own biases too. Not every celebs like Dispatch. They did ruined relationship and never held accountable for messing with ppl's private lives. I'm not really a fan of Dispatch.

Wookie made it clear he wants someone who can be his muse. That to me means someone young. Look at his past costars. They are either older or same aged as him. Hyunie is younger. So that alone fits his criteria. And we all know the rest. One thing I love seeing this relationship, Wookie is much much more delirious than Hyunie. She's a cool cucumber while Wookie is ready to strip bare and scream to the world that Hyunie is his woman and he loves her. 

So yeah, don't let a picture make us doubt our couple. Anaconda is real, yall! Fighting! 

uhmm so where is the evidence of this Anaconda again @Huntergal? *runs away*

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4 hours ago, nikih said:

rofl this has yet to be the funniest utd




But OMG, that is the funniest thing. JiJi in Descendants of the Sun seems to fit well somehow (thought for some reason I picture Nam Ji Hyun being super kickass with fight scenes) In fact I've been dying laughing at all the comments and GIFs here. You gals/(boys?) are amazing. 

I came to spazz and I see Dispatch, Yoona, etc. And then I see the AWESOME SQUAD @Huntergal @lovethatlook @babyval22 @waveoflove @m i s z CHEN @elnoxis @nikih @pauliza @Lian_Jade @riririru-chan and so many more rolling in with flaming GIFs and analyses and jokes and anacondas, and the world is a bright  happy JiJi place again.

Thank you, you guys!!!! *group hug* 

Anyhow I was telling myself, dammit I'm going to be a rational shipper. But, at the first mention of another ship, I'm all NOPE. NO GURL.  AINT GONNA HAPPEN. 


The only way I will accept that this ship is sunk is when one or the other has a confirmed dating/wedding announcement. And even then I'm going to need receipts. 

This ship, it is a-sailing

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18 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Chingus, don't believe everything Dispatch put out. I'm sure they have their own biases too. Not every celebs like Dispatch. They did ruined relationship and never held accountable for messing with ppl's private lives. I'm not really a fan of Dispatch.

Wookie made it clear he wants someone who can be his muse. That to me means someone young. Look at his past costars. They are either older or same aged as him. Hyunie is younger. So that alone fits his criteria. And we all know the rest. One thing I love seeing this relationship, Wookie is much much more delirious than Hyunie. She's a cool cucumber while Wookie is ready to strip bare and scream to the world that Hyunie is his woman and he loves her. 

So yeah, don't let a picture make us doubt our couple. Anaconda is real, yall! Fighting! 

Hahaha! We have circumstantial evidence in the bulges. We may not have directly witnessed that brought it to being but there enough circumstantial evidence to prove the actions leads to it. :lol:

BTW, speaking about him wanting to have a muse. Somebody already mentioned it (I think one is from nianderson) during the Seoul Music Awards, it never fails to amuse me how flustered JCW seems as he keeps on looking at his cue cards and had to check what he's suppose to say while JH was smoothly keeping the flow of their conversation as they present the winners. 

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15 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

uhmm so where is the evidence of this Anaconda again @Huntergal? *runs away*

OOoooh. you summon the hunter again!! * @Huntergall* LOL

Dont go hinding when she's here with her arrows eeh.. hehehe :grin::ph34r:

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11 minutes ago, pauliza said:

@Hello_JIS is it the suspicious necklace ?

It doesnt look like it. Maybe not chingu 

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1 hour ago, malaya said:

I know you guys want to move on with this convo, but I have a question that is slightly related as I've been trying to learn more about the K-ENT industry. Its hard to find credible sources, industry trades and forums as those are written in hangul. Unlike its HW and British counterpart, we can easily access entertainment industry trade publications (Variety, HW Reporter, Production Weekly, etc.) and their are forums that you can go to that have many industry insiders as members or randomly chiming in. 

I've been tryng to pin which category Dispach belongs to because its not really a tablod like the UK Daily Mirron or Sun and the US tabloids like LifeStyle, Star, UsWeekly and even People. Dispatch seems to be a mix of TMZ and Bauer-Griffin with a little bit of Popsugar/Gawker. TMZ is known for their sources in the LA legal circuits. 

So on this note I would like to relate the Dispatch story as perhaps part of a PR campaign for Girl's Generation. I read some years back an article about SM Entertainment and being a big outfit and a listed one at that they have big PR firms on their payroll. I'm been trying to find some details but PR flacks in K-ENT is not as highly visible. But I would like to think that their PR strategy are likely the same as their HW counterpart and elsewhere. So I won't be surprised if entertainment blogs/pap firms like Dispatch have a symbiotic relationships with the entertainment media company like SM and their PR firms. Often, when they roll out a media campaign we get bombarded with articles and media blitz to drum interest. Yoona being popular maybe part of the center of their group's media campaign. Also, its possible, that Dispatch and SM have tacit understanding to have their artists featured constantly. In return, Dispatch will have some sort of access to their artists in their roster and SM can curry favor to Dispatch to hold information or hold off publishing photos that they and give them time to nip in the bud or do damage control.

Yes, I've been questioning this too. There is a high chance for particular news outlet to be biased towards one agency. 

But, I thought D-nim is different anyway, as long as I remember. D-nim is so powerful to the point that its scary for fans whenever they released something. And maybe this led to this all of this chaos too. Even tho its just a casual news with no meaning released by them, we can't help but wondering what's the meaning behind it although probably its just merely an article. 

1 hour ago, flamingo101 said:

@misso115 ,I have the same birthstone like JCW and what i did I got another piercing on my ear and both a moon earing hehehe with my birthstone because of JIJI COUPLe


Ahhhh I want to have another piercing too like njh >< she looks so good with her piercing.

OMG OMG this is how infectious JiJi for our life rite? kkk~

1 hour ago, gglex6275 said:

Okay, okay changkamanya!! Why are we suddenly discussing the ship from another mother again? LOL! Calm down, chingus! Let us sit back and try to see clearly. Standing back from a situation most often than not allows us to see things on an even keel, without biases or prejudices.

First of all, about that D-thingie cover photo pics, Oh come on, those pics were there like months ago, pre- SP, I think? I have always said to keep the peace within the ship avoid rocking it with baseless rumors and preconceived notions. All these pics became the basis of the assumption that this Y girl is JCW's other half of the equation. I find the notion ridiculous as it is totally baseless. So are we making dispatch the infallible source of all pertinent information?

I certainly hope not.

Let us think clearly and rationally, although we may have been on delusion spells from time to time. JCW is clearly close to his mother, it has been so apparently obvious that a transparent couldn't even get clearer. If you want me to believe that all the past few months and in the course of the SP filming, we have been watching a very excellent role playing on the part of JCW, then I would have to ask you, who is the delusional one, me or you? There is no way someone could sustain that level of acting being besotted 24/7, I bet it would be tiring as well. No matter how good an actor you are, there has to be some breaking point, right? What is worse than this, is that the so called play acting carried over until the drama series ended? Oh come on! Should I start laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation? For someone, who clearly values and respect his mother, who is a woman, you expect JCW to treat NJH or the girl he is supposed to be in a relationship with crass disrespect? Are we even going for logic here? Because it seems to me the logic has totally escaped those who are making all these assumptions.

Our ship is young, there will be a lot of storms for the shippers. But guys, we have to realize the storms they will weather will be bigger and greater than everything else, and it is certainly going to be much bigger than a so called cover photo, so chaebal, butak! They will have to deal with separation not to mention the physical travails that JCW undergo in his training. Rather than injecting negativity, why not try to be encouraging, its what they both need, as a matter of fact, its what we all need, even us shippers. 

A man cannot beam with so much happiness that could be as blinding as the sunlight at the mention of another girl's name, if his affections were confined elsewhere. No matter how good an actor he maybe, true happiness cannot be faked. And I tell you, in all the decades I have lived, this man is happy. Period. I may not know exactly what is it that makes the mere mention of her name happy but he just is. Whoever would like to contest that may do so, but give me proof that his smiles when he talks about her is fake. After all, as they say in law, the burden of proof lies on the accuser, Prove to me beyond reasonable doubt, that JCW is faking his happiness, then maybe just maybe I will believe.

They may or may not be in a relationship. But as far as the bomb dropping is concerned the past weeks have proven that whatever is there, only they know and whatever the know, it is only up to them to do something about it.

For whatever its worth, this ship may just clearly steer itself into the horizon, whatever direction they may go, I hope and I pray that when it docks, it will dock on the harbour of love, and they will be docking together.


And I found peace after reading your post, thank you <3

1 hour ago, Hello_JIS said:

speaking of riding scooter, one of wookie's friends is on Jeju island as well. no idea whether they travel together or separately


And this is the same friend I'm talking about whom liking njh pic from way before SP.



Aigoo~ seems like our mood turns a bit gloomy earlier but just like our Hyuni knew that she decided to update her IG with total fangirling mode LMAO

I will be soooo freaking surprise if jcw later asks Day6 for some good collab. I will take a quick peek to heaven guys~LMAO


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10 minutes ago, genxv said:


But OMG, that is the funniest thing. JiJi in Descendants of the Sun seems to fit well somehow (thought for some reason I picture Nam Ji Hyun being super kickass with fight scenes) In fact I've been dying laughing at all the comments and GIFs here. You gals/(boys?) are amazing. 

I came to spazz and I see Dispatch, Yoona, etc. And then I see the AWESOME SQUAD @Huntergal @lovethatlook @babyval22 @waveoflove @m i s z CHEN @elnoxis @nikih @pauliza @Lian_Jade @riririru-chan and so many more rolling in with flaming GIFs and analyses and jokes and anacondas, and the world is a bright  happy JiJi place again.

Thank you, you guys!!!! *group hug* 

Anyhow I was telling myself, dammit I'm going to be a rational shipper. But, at the first mention of another ship, I'm all NOPE. NO GURL.  AINT GONNA HAPPEN. 



*group hug*  *group hug*  :heart:

Image result for group hug gif

Image result for group hug gif

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Reel or Real....

Often we get so invested in the drama only to be disappointed when we watch the bts and discovered the leads are acting lovey dovey only on screen but not in real life. 

The couple I'm shipping right now showed the same signs as JiJi couple during filming their drama. During bts, the male lead can't keep his eyes off the female lead. He would tease her endlessly, they would bicker over random stuffs, they play well together, they joke well, he can't stop caring about her and when they are together, nobody else exist, it's like they are in their own world. You feel giddy just by watching their interactions. You can tell the staffs and the second leads know something is up with these two. This couple has a 12 year age difference but you can never tell. They suit each other so well. Cut story short, they are still dating now and Dispatch hasn't sell them out cos he's an A-lister. And he's from SOOP. Ha! B)

So yeah, at the end of the day, no matter how great you are as an actor, your human side will always come to the surface when you're dealing with real emotions. JiJi showed us just that. :wub:

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5 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Reel or Real....

Often we get so invested in the drama only to be disappointed when we watch the bts and discovered the leads are acting lovey dovey only on screen but not in real life. 

The couple I'm shipping right now showed the same signs as JiJi couple during filming their drama. During bts, the male lead can't keep his eyes off the female lead. He would tease her endlessly, they would bicker over random stuffs, they play well together, they joke well, he can't stop caring about her and when they are together, nobody else exist, it's like they are in their own world. You feel giddy just by watching their interactions. You can tell the staffs and the second leads know something is up with these two. This couple has a 12 year age difference but you can never tell. They suit each other so well. Cut story short, they are still dating now and Dispatch hasn't sell them out cos he's an A-lister. And he's from SOOP. Ha! B)

So yeah, at the end of the day, no matter how great you are as an actor, your human side will always come to the surface when you're dealing with real emotions. JiJi showed us just that. :wub:

ohhh lovely this! But no #byeontae post? LOL!! I guess I got spoiled reading.. wonder what we should start to dissect next, are we done with the kisses, tongues and the statue of liberty?

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19 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Reel or Real....

Often we get so invested in the drama only to be disappointed when we watch the bts and discovered the leads are acting lovey dovey only on screen but not in real life. 

The couple I'm shipping right now showed the same signs as JiJi couple during filming their drama. During bts, the male lead can't keep his eyes off the female lead. He would tease her endlessly, they would bicker over random stuffs, they play well together, they joke well, he can't stop caring about her and when they are together, nobody else exist, it's like they are in their own world. You feel giddy just by watching their interactions. You can tell the staffs and the second leads know something is up with these two. This couple has a 12 year age difference but you can never tell. They suit each other so well. Cut story short, they are still dating now and Dispatch hasn't sell them out cos he's an A-lister. And he's from SOOP. Ha! B)

So yeah, at the end of the day, no matter how great you are as an actor, your human side will always come to the surface when you're dealing with real emotions. JiJi showed us just that. 

You're right. It's the off-camera chemistry that's pulling us all in. I've seen other pairings on screen before and thought they looked cute in the drama but never had the urge to ship them. Until SongSong, and now JiJi. 

I also have seen BTS from some other *cough*k2*cough* shows and frankly, you can tell when agencies are strictly controlling their artists image and what's shown. I'm grateful SBS, Soop and Glorious Entertainment let Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun just be themselves. I think that's what I love best about them. They are actors yes, but they are real persons first.


psssstt... is it Gong Yoo? :wub: I hope it is. I always felt he seemed lonely. Hope he's dating someone lovely.

Kim Go Eun is 12 years younger, isn't she? :wink: 


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1 minute ago, Huntergal said:

Reel or Real....

Often we get so invested in the drama only to be disappointed when we watch the bts and discovered the leads are acting lovey dovey only on screen but not in real life. 

The couple I'm shipping right now showed the same signs as JiJi couple during filming their drama. During bts, the male lead can't keep his eyes off the female lead. He would tease her endlessly, they would bicker over random stuffs, they play well together, they joke well, he can't stop caring about her and when they are together, nobody else exist, it's like they are in their own world. You feel giddy just by watching their interactions. You can tell the staffs and the second leads know something is up with these two. This couple has a 12 year age difference but you can never tell. They suit each other so well. Cut story short, they are still dating now and Dispatch hasn't sell them out cos he's an A-lister. And he's from SOOP. Ha! B)

So yeah, at the end of the day, no matter how great you are as an actor, your human side will always come to the surface when you're dealing with real emotions. JiJi showed us just that. :wub:


*Bravo* Thank you, I'm back into my useless self again... HEeee. It is so nice how fellow shippers always bring the mood back up. I felt this is an awesome support group. *hugs everyone in here*

Forest Gump was right, life is a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get.   

Image result for life is a box of chocolate forrest gump gif

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3 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:


*Bravo* Thank you, I'm back into my useless self again... HEeee. It is so nice how fellow shippers always bring the mood back up. I felt this is an awesome support group. *hugs everyone in here*

Forest Gump was right, life is a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get.   


But, but I think JCW already opened his chocolate! *gasps* It is a perfectly clean statement right?

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