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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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17 minutes ago, waveoflove said:

Did we or I miss this interview.

Heres the YT link if anyone is interested in watching or rewatching. 


Oooh. I think, and do correct me here guys, I think this was posted and translated before by @Dingy Conk cos she understand chinese. It's buried somewhere in the middle of this thread. I could be wrong though? HAHAHA! Thank you for sharing it again. It is worth a watch. :)


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6 minutes ago, stucked said:

T O T A L L Y. :) At first, he's being ALL manly, puffing his chest out while smirking and then saying, Hyunnie doesn't have to worry and visit as Oppa will be alright (I love it that he refers to himself as oppa when talking about Hyunnie, very cute and endearing and there's a hint of pride there lol) Then in a split second, he was reduced in a mushy goo of FEELS when he admiited he'd be happy if she does visits him. I actually think he's already there, imagining himself in the army and Hyunnie visiting him. What a dork. HAHAHAHA!

By the way, *whispers at @elnoxis, be careful, pls don't qoute pix/vids/gifs LOL*

Oops...sorry about quoting the gif. I was too excited to respond I forgot to delete it. Edited it out now. 

Wookie can't help it. There's a limit to all the emotions he can contain. And I totally agree that he's already picturing it inside his head. Him in the army and Hyunie visiting with chicken and pizza and milkshake. Or Hyunie can just go and she'll be the snack, appetizer, or the main course. Hihi

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On 7/31/2017 at 6:46 PM, ymmezari said:

if i may....i'd like to share my analysis on jihyunie and wookie...

i'm familiar with jihyunie since i've been folowing her works since Queen Seondok and her eyes led me into believing that this girl will go to different heights in her life. they were full of passion, for a young girl she exudes raw passion in her craft, she owns her character, once she wore the suit of her character you will feel what is jihyunie if she's the young seondok....what made her different with other young actresses i've seen so far was that she's never afraid to experiment with her visual, not conscious on how she will look and doesn't in any way upstage her co-star in a scene...you can see intelligence and calculative movements to emphasize her being.

2014- kbs awards

jihyunie presented a song with phs... camera was focused on joo won's (he was singing to beat) and wookie's face...why? cause of all the audience/artists present joo won and wookie had that expression worth capturing...joo won seems to like the song he even closed his eyes while singing and wookie (he was amused not in a negative way but he finds her courage to sing even a little off tune cute and worth watching and i can see familiarity in his eyes, maybe he was reminded that though they've never met on the set, jihyunie was a part of his past drama WBDS...in his eyes you can see that he sees her as a cool and cute kid... while standing side by side on stage for best couple awards...he unconsciously smiled, stared and laughed to her aegyos while giving her speech and really concentrated on the preview of WHWMF drama phs/njh part, no interests perked but the impression was there, jihyunie is a bright, cool and interesting young girl nothing more)

after 3 yrs...2017 SMA awards

they became co-presenters...the smile on wookie's face was giddy, was totally excited...his eyes still carry the impression he has for jihyunie except, there was an extra spark...(her smile stupefied him for a good 6 sec, he was hit, poor boy had to bit his lips)...this girl is fatal and he felt it....


the interview for his ideal girl on apple daily which took place 2 mos after that SMA awards

he still has that vision of her smile...in his drawing he put emphasis on the lips for she has a beautiful smile according to him (he said it in a manner that "she" exists and not just a figment of his ideal and the bangs was also a part of the face lol)

SP drama

among the 2 actresses who rejected the project, jihyunie is a dark horse...acting wise she will give them a run for their money....lsk was fresh from wlf success and hjm was a veteran in adult acting category, both were at their peak in terms of age and status...while jihyunie was only on her way slowly shedding off her child actress image...why jihyunie? rationale speaking drama director and writer with their agency will have to do counter measure specially if there were already fillers about the drama...they will comb through various agencies for actress that will suit that character, sometimes recommendation from the lead can be a big help...jihyunie being a dark horse and a chameleon was best suited for the job...be that she was recommended (delulu mind) or was chosen because of their chemistry on SMA award (rational) it's a win-win for an excited wookie...(i'm not familiar with wookie but i can see passion in his eyes, he lives and breath for his craft and i can see it coursing in his veins, and rom-com drama is another facet in his career worth exploring) it was a win-win for wookie in the sense that he will enjoy working on a project different from his past works and get to experiencing acting with a pro (as we all know jihyunie is a sunbae with regards to acting)...

he still have that visual impression in his mind which served as a bonus...it's about time that they pair up, now that jihyunie is already a young adult...the 8 yr gap lingers though...what to do to make it work? he shed off his of age demeanor and act her age...the best way to suit her to make her comfortable, still a win-win for him he gets to enjoy his childhood whims which was the real him and he made jihyunie comfortable....but still she's more suited to be his younger sister....

press con and first v-live

he gets to see jihyunie at her finest, she was a born leader...either you have it or you don't...and she has it...the first v-live of the SP actors proved that jihyunie despite her being the youngest can steer the ship on her own...nara maybe one of the prettiest face in kpop, wookie the hallyu star, and taejoon the character actor were reduced to being mere ship mates lol! wookie's eyes were beaming with renewed impression, that jihyunie doesn't only have a dazzling smile but also a good head on her shoulders...perks his interests, for he can obviously see this girl was older than him (EQ)

SP drama and bts

he was a natural in terms of friendliness and being approachable on the set but there's that special spark in his eyes when it comes to jihyunie...as the drama progress, his resolve slowly gave in...the lion was reduced to a cub...mere smile from jihyunie can turn him into a puddle...the tough guy aura became a playful puppy just to attract attention...but one thing is undeniable...he is smitten with the real jihyunie...not the physical but her being...he respects and cling on everything she says...he mimics her he became her...without even realizing it...jihyunie on the other hand can see the obvious, that wookie adores her...but she acknowledged it as dongsaeng feels thus the restrictions....

first kiss

the true confession...he plunged into the point of no return, shattering all his resolve, erasing the age difference and seek for an answer...the need was eminent, he needs her...the human/real man inside of him needs this reassuring, confident girl...will she accept?...she did, there and then i think she was able to deduced the intention...

then come the changes:

earlier bts:

wookie: became cushy (there's no longer a need to impress), his eyes became warmer, more passionate and territorial, his stance was confident, he always reach for her hands like it was made for him...

jihyunie: became certain, no restrictions, no rooms for inhibitions, nestle in his arms like it was an extension of her body, run into his arms like there's no tomorrow....

kisses were done as a normal couple would do it...unfortunately they have to regulate it for work purpose lol!

later bts:

started from the scene were wookie wants her to like him already...he was reaching for her hands while inspecting her clothes, she brushed it off while saying hajima (based on my little understanding of the language) while smiling, they esp jihyunie was now conscious of the fact that there's that unwritten something between them, something precious to them but uncertain for viewing public.... 

as the drama comes to it's end the extra special bts became normal bts...

but the drama itself spells the difference...note that there were cancellations on shooting caused by some changes in the script....love lines were spontaneous...you can see subliminal reactions in their eyes...while watching i can't decide which one was scripted and which were adlibs because it was too spontaneous, sometimes it doesn't make sense but still hit the spot cause the characters were also lovers after all.

the proposal:

seems more like a goodbye:proposal of wookie lol! with ebh and njw promising to love each other forever...in spite of the differences they were happy to have met and love each other...(note: ceo of jihyunie's agency was present on that "momentous shoot")....

it was a smooth journey, warm and heart fluttering ...their affection for each other is contagious...whatever it is, whatever label they wanted to name it...it made them both beautiful visually and personally....2 things you can't hide ever sneeze and that feeling of being in love :)


Damn! U made me read ur lengthy observation twice. U r good.. u r really good!!

Edited by JiWookJiHyun
Removing videos to comply to soompi requirement
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5 minutes ago, sharreb said:

In addition to what listed earlier

We also got:

- Sensual movements of JCW palms over NJH's back in pic1 (and not here, NJH thumb stroking during kiss scene n spooning scene when holding hand)

- JCW holding her so close, chest to chest, hip to hip, pelvic to pelvic (pic 2)

- JCW again holding JH so close, he always exerts force hugging her whole heartedly. U can see his hand is red and her shirt bunching (pic 3)

- when NJH initiates kissing, hes so ready to receive (parted his lips and close his eyes even before her lips reach him) in pic 4. [not shown in collage in kiss no.2 his body again moved forward when hes suppose to stand still]

- when they kiss or hug theres no half measure. Even here theres barely an ounce of space. They fit so well.

I know JCW said he's planning to do more romcoms aft military. And he might in the future do one that has more daring kiss or love scenes (if its cable). But i believe nothing wipes away how special the scenes him and jihyun created.

In this drama i saw how two heads merge together to create this love and all the skinship scenes. I saw two individual who became true partners because they truly enjoyed each other's company and brought out the best in each other. I saw two professionals who were not just immersed but also had overflowing emotion that they distorted the reel and real. I saw a girl going into the drama and emerge as a woman with that suspicious glow. I saw a man, an attractive bachelor going into the drama and emerge as a bubbling and grinning lovefool. I saw the sensuality in body movements, two aroused individuals, tasting and reciprocating, sexual innuendos that jcw have a hard time keepin a lid on, half lid gaze, heavy breathing and unwillingness to part. And i saw that epilogue ..which to this day remains the biggest mystery.. Was it ever meant to be that sad? How can a proposal scene felt sadder than their breakup scene?

And i can never pretend i didnt see all those. So this ship is staying afloat in my heart for 21months and more.

I love you. Hahaha! About to sleep and read this. Now I can finally sleep smiling. Thank you. Aaaaand.. I will be waiting for @aa95 KILLER analysis. Wooohooo! Pwetty please? Hahaha! Please do tag me guys once she released it as I think I might be stucked in slavery again tomorrow. Thanks fam! :wink: and goodnight all. I know the byeontaes are about to come out soon. And yeah, @aladidah WE MISS YOU! Come out here and stop hiding in the bathroom gurl. Hee~


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33 minutes ago, stucked said:

WHOAH! You mean you you didn't see @ehead original post about that? HAHAHA! You should see it, it's on page 550! Super funny! HAHAHA! I wasn't even aware of that happening until she metioned it and giffed it. HAHAHAHA! BUT, did you see it? Do you agree? HAHAHAHAHA! *whispers, coz I saw it too* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hahaha..I missed a few pages back  .Don't worry I will study about it tonight :lol:

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I do not own the original photos. This was created for fun and not for profit. Feel free to share :)


Hi chingus...! im no Pro in Photoshop but tried my best to make this natural as possible :ph34r:. Since you guys and i badly needed a photoshoot of them together i came up with this. If you guys like it I'll try creating a few in the future... :)







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2 minutes ago, masthu said:

I do not own the original photos. This was created for fun and not for profit. Feel free to share :)


Hi chingus...! im no Pro in Photoshop but tried my best to make this natural as possible :ph34r:. Since you guys and i badly needed a photoshoot of them together i came up with this. If you guys like it I'll try creating a few in the future.

That looks great n good job with getting it posted too. 

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So from what I can see on Wookies best friends IG, the bf is in Jeju and he is riding his bike. So I don't doubt that Wookie is there too. His mgr on the otherhand looks to be stuck at home watching his dog. Oh how I wish JiHyun was also in Jeju. 

How I wish we could see more updates from their hairstylist. Trust me she plays a big role on this ship. She is the centrepoint of it all. She is connected with all people connected personally to Wookie and she loves our Angel Ji Hyun.


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So I was browsing in IG and I saw this post... I'm not sure if it's BTS though. I'm hiding this in spoiler tag because I still want to live a peaceful life. I just had to share because I noted that Wookie removed the girl's hand when she accidentally touched his neck. I don't understand korean so I don't know the context. 

Deleted to preserve peace and order


I will remove the link later to maintain peace and harmony. 

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8 minutes ago, waveoflove said:

@elnoxis gosh he did remove her hand and roughly too might I add. That's really awkward but in a bad way.

I was really surprised when I saw it too. I need to remove that link to IG to maintain the peace in this forum . But that kinda highlights the difference in BTS between JCW's dramas.

Edit: But yeah we don't know the context since we can't understand what they're saying.

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I have the right 

11 minutes ago, elnoxis said:

So I was browsing in IG and I saw this post... I'm not sure if it's BTS though. I'm hiding this in spoiler tag because I still want to live a peaceful life. I just had to share because I noted that Wookie removed the girl's hand when she accidentally touched his neck. I don't understand korean so I don't know the context. 

  Hide contents

I will remove the link later to main peace and harmony. 

to remain silent, because anything I say can and maybe used against me! :ph34r:

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I've actually noticed this the first time I ever watched the scene. remember when EBH's head was laid down on NJW's lap? 


I cited an anaconda wanting to come out. That was my first initial thought. And I am actually embarrassed to admit it. hehehehe debunk me if I'm wrong.


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