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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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43 minutes ago, sharreb said:

Haha gd mornin.

As with evy morning i get good wakeup call from byeontae squad.. Much brow raising.

Aww thanks @riririru for d translation. Her parents are so cool. Shes also said before her parents never push her or forbid her in acting. They let her decide if she wants to do it. Back then she wanted to do it, her mom steps in to be her manager. Shes raise with both love and confidence in her..no wonder she turns out so amazing.

So i saw this post on ig. Jcw might look like this may 2019



I agree! I have nothing but respect for her parents. After SP, they could have pushed their daughter to grab opportunities for more projects but they are cool with her decision to go back to school. This shows how much they love and TRUST her! No wonder people around her can't help but to like/fall for (ehem) her! Her mind and heart are as beautiful as her!

I watched (again) Running Man when she guested. The other members teased her and Jungkook for being close already and I fell for her again when she helped a fellow guest by wiping her face with a towel. She was always laughing and smiling! She's a sunshine!


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1 minute ago, riririru said:

Jihyun liking the proposal scene<3


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“결말이 참 일상적이잖아요. 프러포즈를 위해 따로 뭔가를 꾸민 게 아니라 그냥 둘이 걷다가 반지 정도만 소박하게 전달하는 건데, 그 분위기가 너무 좋았어요. 일상 속에 자연스럽게 녹아있는 모습이 더 특별하게 느껴지더라고요. 개인적으로는 정말 만족스러운 장면이에요.”

NJH "The ending scene is very realistic. Rather than doing something big for the proposal it just both of them walking together and simply exchanging the ring, I really liked the atmosphere. Their 'back to daily life' feel more natural and special that way. I personally very satisfied with that scene."

Thanks again @riririru 

What more can I say....very realistic means... it could happen in real life... So my delulu mind at work is thinking, that that scene was made for them by writer nim. Waaaaah. So sweet. They will love each other forever. 

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When would the SP team meet together? Is it a private activity?

13 minutes ago, riririru said:

Jihyun liking the proposal scene<3


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“결말이 참 일상적이잖아요. 프러포즈를 위해 따로 뭔가를 꾸민 게 아니라 그냥 둘이 걷다가 반지 정도만 소박하게 전달하는 건데, 그 분위기가 너무 좋았어요. 일상 속에 자연스럽게 녹아있는 모습이 더 특별하게 느껴지더라고요. 개인적으로는 정말 만족스러운 장면이에요.”

NJH "The ending scene is very realistic. Rather than doing something big for the proposal it just both of them walking together and simply exchanging the ring, I really liked the atmosphere. Their 'back to daily life' feel more natural and special that way. I personally very satisfied with that scene."

Thanks for the translation. 

Is it the first time the proposal scene was mentioned in their interview?

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51 minutes ago, nikih said:


agree! love sures give you crazy brave...

...but here is another thing from my delulu mind on why he is unable to stick to his dating motto. He had created a very HOT, SEXY monster. Her milkshake is gonna bring all the boys (past/future costars/chaebols/collegeboys) to the yard all while he's stuck somewhere in some remote mountain by the b:bawling:rder.

His game plan for damage control:

1st) more, extra, excessive, lavish touching/clinging/aeygo in the BTS marking his territory.

2nd) low key hinting (preparing) his fans that he has someone

3rd) drop her name on national TV like a hot potato. 

JCW is an intentional man and he is smooth as hell. From all his back to back projects from drama,musical, to movie he had done tireless until now show that he is a go-getter. He is not the passive type that idles waiting for thing to happen. This man knows he is very good looking and is not afraid to use his charms. Wasn't this the first time his fans see him do aegyo and give so much attention to a girl? He is definitely a  Jigoner. And he is truly a good good man from what I've observed. He seems to protect her well so far from angry myoppas and "other" ships. He left the ball in her court, well not like he has a different choice :grimace:.  The way he told his fans that he would wait while loving "her" through and through and if it doesn't work out, it will be a happy memory is so romantic, beautiful, and touching. We can see his sincerity not only in his words but also in his voice and his eyes thanks to that super clear youtube fan vid. 

Now, that girl we love and adore and want to protect is consistently bright and bubbly so it's kinda hard to read her. She is also still so young and there is so much more for her to experience in her life and career. 

I chinja chinja hope they're meant to be together just like how we jiji/jibong-goners are meant to be together in this gutter clutter thread. :blush::heart:

Wow! Love this!!:wub:


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21 minutes ago, riririru said:


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“결말이 참 일상적이잖아요. 프러포즈를 위해 따로 뭔가를 꾸민 게 아니라 그냥 둘이 걷다가 반지 정도만 소박하게 전달하는 건데, 그 분위기가 너무 좋았어요. 일상 속에 자연스럽게 녹아있는 모습이 더 특별하게 느껴지더라고요. 개인적으로는 정말 만족스러운 장면이에요.”

NJH "The ending scene is very realistic. Rather than doing something big for the proposal it just both of them walking together and simply exchanging the ring, I really liked the atmosphere. Their 'back to daily life' feel more natural and special that way. I personally very satisfied with that scene."

Thanks @riririru!

Ommo! Why do I get a feeling someday when he propose to her for marriage, she would want something simple and poignant as that scene. Where it's just the two of them in a quiet place. I don't see her as someone who wants 50 ppl around for such occasion. 

Also speaking of her parents, I love the fact Hyunie's not doing this for money or fame. The parents didn't force her out of their own greed. They simply let her decide what she wants to do and guide her if she goes astray. *clap clap clap* Seeing her unnie, she too lead a carefree lifestyle. And she's really pretty like Hyunie too. They both got good head on their shoulders. Btw, since her Omma or Appa accompanied her to the set, that means Wookie had met them, huh...teehee. :wub:

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38 minutes ago, riririru said:

Jihyun liking the proposal scene<3


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“결말이 참 일상적이잖아요. 프러포즈를 위해 따로 뭔가를 꾸민 게 아니라 그냥 둘이 걷다가 반지 정도만 소박하게 전달하는 건데, 그 분위기가 너무 좋았어요. 일상 속에 자연스럽게 녹아있는 모습이 더 특별하게 느껴지더라고요. 개인적으로는 정말 만족스러운 장면이에요.”

NJH "The ending scene is very realistic. Rather than doing something big for the proposal it just both of them walking together and simply exchanging the ring, I really liked the atmosphere. Their 'back to daily life' feel more natural and special that way. I personally very satisfied with that scene."

Ohhh. First time that the proposal is mentioned and approved of the way it was done. Wait the racking minute! Are they giving us hints? The last interview they both like the way their character's partner played the role and if given a chance they would like to get the same treatment from their lover. And didn't JCW say that he would do the same as ji wook  wook  in the drama? Am I wrong? Did I totally misunderstand? Forgive me but wtf! Why am I suddenly thinking that the proposal had already been over with and we are just waiting for a wedding,?

Now, I am not so sure as to generalize things but do young girls think about proposals at such young age? I mean for someone to even think about it, this means that there is someone that you hope will do the proposing! So am totally deluding myself here?

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2 hours ago, riririru said:

“키스신에 대한 부모님 반응요? ‘우리 딸 많이 컸다’고 하셨죠. 헤헤. 주위 친구들은 ‘어색해 못 보겠다’고 하거나 ‘부럽다’라는 두 가지 반응이었고요.”

her parents reaction toward her kiss scenes "our daughter has grown up alot"


Now we understand why she grown up to be such a positive n lovable person. She was raised by such a cool parents. N i am not surprised when some hot looking guy with such a great abs n thighs errrr i mean such a great personality, surrounded by beautiful n sexy girl can fall head over heels for her. No guy can resist A girl who is beautiful inside out. I am not trying to compare but even a hot n busty Nara cant outshined her in this drama. She has her own untouchable halo on her head. Even the girl fans are bewitched by her persona.

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So SBS catch just uploaded a collection of their kisses (though a few "morning kisses" are missing). But they started the video with a "making film" logo which was obviously an accident. So either we'll get more BTS soon or they think they're being funny by torturing us. :angry: 

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6 hours ago, sharreb said:
5 hours ago, lovethatlook said:

True. I looked again some bed and kissing scenes from healer and K2, but its only in SP that he was shirtless. I could be wrong though. I watched healer but he was not shirtless in the bed scenes. I didnt watch K2, so not sure there. NJH is really special, coz he would take off his shirt for her.

Healer....sweet kissed started..not close up thx for camera man to take far shot:D then woke up in the morning cuddled her both not barely thx god again wookie still wear vest:D but out of reach when they dived under the blanket..may b they eat some breakfast..im still curious!!:tongue:

The K2.. 2 poke kissed under the cloth the final ep..y**na started to poke kissed again then wookie has romantic intimated body but kissed tenderly softly and politely..at Spain..back hug w/nice view surrounded kissed feel like a yong lover crush on each other not smooth but sweet..God bless us they were not shirtless:D

SP....Break all the rules his previous drama..Kissed scenes he did made him exploded his passionate trueself emotional like he deep lost in the ocean without oxygen but still alived:rolleyes:no delicated but intenses at 2nd kissed to the bed sences barely top intentionnal no awkward moment only slightly smile look at the most appreciate face:D

I couldnt agree more..only her he would take off not only a shirt...:ph34r::DCoz she so really special for him..Thx god to sent them make our heart fluttered..i feel like a dog w/o the bone when SP ending.:huh::phew:


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20 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

Ah good day @lovethatlook eh where are the other byeontaed?

@gglex6275  hi... you summoned me??? Heeee

I miss @MoonlightSerenade, she is on a holiday somewhere. @Huntergal was chillin here a while back. @Dingy Conk busy, @ehead working I think, some byeontaes on holiday (you know who you are) :ph34r:

Image result for summon gif funny


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JiHyun's parents and Wookies mom, now theres another partnership I would like to see happen. 

Both seem like down to earth people. The fact that Wookie's mom woke up early went grocery shopping to make him a home cooked meal (which he didnt end up eating because he slept in), shows how her sons fame and money hasn't gotten to her. The fact that Ji Hyuns parents make it out to the set in support of her and her drama, you gotta love these parents. Please be in laws.


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23 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

Ah good day @lovethatlook eh where are the other byeontaed?

I'm here....just pushing my byeontaeness aside since we are talking serious stuffs...parents, in laws, proposal, bridal gown, happiness....:wub:

And lawd grant me patience with SBS Catch for trolling us with a new "Making" video! :crazy:


@MoonlightSerenade Miss you, chingu! Stay safe in the woods and have fun! 

To our PH chingus, please stay safe!! *sending hugs* 

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5 minutes ago, lhej07 said:

I watched SP because of him and I watched it without expectation. I ended up liking JCW more but I've never expected to love NJH more. They're shippable not only because of their chemisty on and off screen but because they're good people who have touch


Hello!! Same here. I watched SP because of JCW without knowing that i would start to love NJH n before i realize it i already dig her previous drama clip.. kshow clip.. only made me love her even more n i never like any korean actress hahahaha only actor.

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Good morning everyone from my side of the world! 

Early in the morning and I'm laughinf at our Byeontae conversations. Hehe. Makes for a good morning isn't it? Hahahahs! 

Hyunni talking about liking the proposal scene? Hehehe. That's a first! Wakakka. Ya know. Judging from the way the both of them ans questions relayed to SP, it feels that they are very matured and think about. Such compatible souls. Hehe. Thanks @riririru an usual! You're the best dearie! 

And their parents. I think they would make good in laws to each other too. Kekekeke. Maybe her parents are so cool also because they know their daughter is in good hands. Muahahahah! Delulu mode on. 

Work mode on again. A girl gotta work to save money to fly to Seoul in 2019 for their wedding u know. Hahahhas. Seriously. I'm gone. 

Have a good day everyone! *huggles*

3 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Gotta love IG CSI peeps. 


What's this about chingu? Hahahs. 

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