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[Drama 2017] Circle 써클


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4 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

My premise is that 

a) the project by itself did not have wrong intentions.. there is too much evil in the world.. and all is because of emotions.. so if you can control that, you can control evil/sadness .. basically achieve equilibrium aka peace

b ) prof started it with the blue bug.. but then human bodies kept rejecting it.. in the meantime WJ is a genius hence prof is adamant to involve him into the project and he must have loved the concept of erasing memories which seems to be more effective in controlling emotions- arrest triggers rather than emotions themselves..

c) after losing his brother WJ must have got really tired of all of this and joined the project with much fervour to help his own healing...forget it all and achieve peace..


d) the girl, i still think rather than alien she is some form of AI.. and her dad is the research professor (haven't watch ep 4 yet.. so don't know abt latest developments)

e) WJ would have erased some memories of himself.. brothers because it hurt so much.. and maybe the case is recorded as missing twins and that is how he knows abt detective.. OR he is trying to protect what he can.. OR the guy is being held captive.. after at some point he realized he does not want to support smart earth but the prof has him imprisoned somewhere



and yes all side effects are because repressed emotions are at the end of the day pent up energy so they explode bad!

Why the profesor want to kipnap him.  What to the father?  I hope this episode get them a 3.00

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3 minutes ago, Michelle Gonzalez said:

Why the profesor want to kipnap him.  What to the father?  I hope this episode get them a 3.00

exposure means curtain over the secret project.. who knows maybe the test subjects who died were ilegally injected the worm and weren't test subjects who signed a contract

since the kids are geniuses, i am railing in favour of father being a scientist who would have figured out the girl is AI or something..


However, i don't think the professor created the AI in the first place... because at that time the professor would be a teenager or early years of college.. and he is a neuroscience guy and not computer geek... so if she is AI.. he is not the one who created them..


Have we been shown who the mother of the kids is?

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ok been reading other theories acros other sites.. and guess this one looks more probable than what i had i nmind..


1. the girl from the past is indeed alien.. and they invaded earth to learn about human kind (either to find new planet or whatever)

2. she started blue bug project.. must have spread her parasites across other people...maybe its all her and not the research professors

3. over years shee has evolved to replicating human emotions

4. her dad is twin's dad.. she took away his memories

5. the photo on phone was wtih BG before he got trapped in that building.. so girl has access to trhe phone.. hence in the end she is the chairman/bluebird/mastermind everything..

subs just came out!

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So now I've watched ep 4 with subs and I have to say it's getting more and more interesting. Although I keep complaining I don't think I can stop watching either if nothing extremely illogical or badly written happens.


So blue bird (alien girl) makes the police man think he's WJ, but is he really?

TBH I've started doubting whether she's really the mastermind behind all this or even has anything to do with it. It could as well be that humans try to use her for their ambitions and other humans who have realized that she's an alien blame her just because she is different and scary.

I don't think that WJ is involved with the developement of the project, maybe they forced him to work with them but he must have given up on the idea of "oblivion is bliss" after all that happened. Surely he realized that the professor was behind it all and also behind his brother's kidnapping and human experimentation on his brother, it must have been enough to deter him from working with him, right? Maybe they are keeping him locked up somewhere and forcing him to work day and night because he's just so intelligent =v= 

On the other hand if the hyung thought that blue bird was behind the suicides, and let's say she is not, what role did she play back then, why did she hide that she was "blue bird" whatever that means, or is she the new blue bird and it used to be someone else with bad intentions?

She's just characterized too positively throughout for her to be the villian imo. Whether it was when she still couldn't speak and was like a emotionless puppet but rised herself to save WJ when he was little, or when she was a amnesiac university student who liked to party (and liked WJ?) and was actually distressed about her memory loss. The only thing that makes her suspect is the fact that she is alien and the hyung suspected her, everything else we saw from her until now was purely positive. And is it enough for us to suspect her too? 

PS I personally think that erasing your memory is a very stupid idea, because experiences is what teaches us most and indeed makes out who we are. On the other hand I do think that emotions are extremely inefficient and completely useless. Everything a human or human society needs could be done with rationality, we could do so much more if we are not deterred by emotions from doing the right thing. Emotions are what make you run when you should stay and make you stay when you should run. We lost the keen senses of animals but kept the base instincts that do not benefit us. Pity.

PS how much is about ok in tvn ratings? They were looking to get 3% on the first episode so would it be alright if the rating stayed around 3?

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Whoa, really like the twist and revelation in this episode!

@rittoo, there is no tvN drama this year reach 3% ratings after Goblin ended (Introverted boss. the liar and his lover, tomorrow with you and chicago typewriter). 3% is considered normal for tvN before the "slump", So, they expected this drama would overcome it.

Nielsen Viewership Ratings for episode 4
Nationwide: 2.250%  (+0.117%)
Seoul: 2.735% (+0.989%)

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15 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

ok been reading other theories acros other sites.. and guess this one looks more probable than what i had i nmind..


1. the girl from the past is indeed alien.. and they invaded earth to learn about human kind (either to find new planet or whatever)

2. she started blue bug project.. must have spread her parasites across other people...maybe its all her and not the research professors

3. over years shee has evolved to replicating human emotions

4. her dad is twin's dad.. she took away his memories

5. the photo on phone was wtih BG before he got trapped in that building.. so girl has access to trhe phone.. hence in the end she is the chairman/bluebird/mastermind everything..

subs just came out!


My question why the want human control the emotion why the reason. There must be reson.

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46 minutes ago, Michelle Gonzalez said:


My question why the want human control the emotion why the reason. There must be reson.

i don't know this isn't my theory.. it is someone else..


my theory is more on lines of genome projects.. typical research worm.. they think controlled emotions means peace.. so that makes sense.. 

alien theory ain't mine



alien theory could be anything- maybe they want to inherit emotions because they don't have one.. and earth was the only thriving planet.. like in old movies.. when aliens get perplexed by emotions... all of this could also tie in with the pollution/fine dust.. save earth project.. i dunno..


I am sticking by theory..


anyway ep 4 answered one key question i raised yest.. if blue bird is working against or for smart earth

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a) I absolutely love the drama... it aces signal and tunnel.. 

B) if prof got his hands on the alien girl or AI as i think.. and turned it into this human... then that means Prof also did sthg to twins dad... so i am gonna reiterate my initial surmise that daddy was/is a scientist... and maybe was colleague with research prof

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1 minute ago, Michelle Gonzalez said:

Remember bluebird was helpin in the past maybe it change it mind want to destroy smart earth.

when was it helping?

Since ep 1 that hacker said that blue bird is someone who has already hacked smart earth..


someone part of smart earth would not need to hack it..

only someone against smart earth would hack it..


that is why i was confused why in drama and outside people were saying bluebird is on the same side as smart earth..


did i miss sthg..


((( also, today they showed us who detective really is.. while clues to tie in.. but i don't see a conclusive proof of why who he thinks he is is truly who he is... and well.. if the guy in white is the brother.. he sure is consistent with his not having memories agenda.. although is too dumb to be the genius brotehr (clearly of the two bros younger is better. .. going by rubik)

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1 hour ago, rittoo said:

So now I've watched ep 4 with subs and I have to say it's getting more and more interesting. Although I keep complaining I don't think I can stop watching either if nothing extremely illogical or badly written happens.

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So blue bird (alien girl) makes the police man think he's WJ, but is he really?

TBH I've started doubting whether she's really the mastermind behind all this or even has anything to do with it. It could as well be that humans try to use her for their ambitions and other humans who have realized that she's an alien blame her just because she is different and scary.

I don't think that WJ is involved with the developement of the project, maybe they forced him to work with them but he must have given up on the idea of "oblivion is bliss" after all that happened. Surely he realized that the professor was behind it all and also behind his brother's kidnapping and human experimentation on his brother, it must have been enough to deter him from working with him, right? Maybe they are keeping him locked up somewhere and forcing him to work day and night because he's just so intelligent =v= 

On the other hand if the hyung thought that blue bird was behind the suicides, and let&%

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My jaw just dropped after watching ep 4. I mean it's twist upon twist upon twist. I can't wait for next week. Usually i hate mondays but because of this, i have something to look forward to. I'm going to re-watch ep 1-4 this weekend just so i can analyze the story more. :D

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In the 2017 part of the drama, I can't help but feel disappointment in Woo Jin in that he didn't support his brother after knowing and believing when they were young that the girl was an alien. Not saying that she really is an alien, but at least acknowledging that his brother had a reason for acting that way. I still don't trust alien girl because she hasn't aged one year. However, despite her being so suspicious, he is completely ready to believe this complete stranger.

2037 All I can say is the pants Joon Hyuk was wearing was awful--is that what we have to look forward to? Great, we know who Kim Bum Kyoon is.....now we just need to know about Alien girl who seems to be a top hacker. She also seems to be working against New Earth. She's the "Blue Bird" that Kim Bum Kyoon thought she was.

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2 hours ago, lclarakl said:

In the 2017 part of the drama, I can't help but feel disappointment in Woo Jin in that he didn't support his brother after knowing and believing when they were young that the girl was an alien. Not saying that she really is an alien, but at least acknowledging that his brother had a reason for acting that way. I still don't trust alien girl because she hasn't aged one year. However, despite her being so suspicious, he is completely ready to believe this complete stranger.

2037 All I can say is the pants Joon Hyuk was wearing was awful--is that what we have to look forward to? Great, we know who Kim Bum Kyoon is.....now we just need to know about Alien girl who seems to be a top hacker. She also seems to be working against New Earth. She's the "Blue Bird" that Kim Bum Kyoon thought she was.


I mean, can you really fault him though? His brother has a known history of confusing normal people as aliens, as implied by the flashback in the first or second ep. If it's already happened once, then who's to say it can't happen again?

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This is the drama I been waiting for. The drama I need but don't deserve. Thank you drama for filling and surpassing the hole in my heart 'Signal' left. Sooooooooo goood.

Dear Drama, the brothers better be united in the end. Their story breaks my heart soooo bad. I don't care who Woo Jin is or where he is (he's the superbrain the aliens artificial intelligence body snatchers who built smart world through, keeps it running. He's not the chairman, he's the trapped imprisoned super brain of it all) THE BROTHERS BETTER GET UNITED AND NO DEATH!

Byul be some Battlestar Galatica number six and mix of Booner. She's an alien artificial intelligence and not the only one who by 2037 have half succeeded (smart world) in integrating and controlling the world like big brother right in front of dumb humans with the plan b, my bad, human b happy memory lost control thing. 20 odd years and she stay looking the same. Alien a.i! 

I just, my heart broke so much for Bum Gyun (my bb Kim Kang Woo killed that relization scene. When he reaches out for phantom brother....I was bawling my eyes out right with him) then my poor baby Woo Jin. Where is he? Who took him? How? What have they been doing with him. He's trapped right along side their father. I just hope they didn't turn him into some ageless a.i too or worse kill him. It's that evil alien body snatching professor and his little research group of alien pod body snatchers people who did it. DRAMA, WOO JIN BETTER BE ALIVE AND THE BROTHERS MUST REUNITE! What a horrible fate. Destined to always be searching and longing for the other *cries* 

Writer y'll are brilliant. The characters (I adore everyone of them expect that Brutus Lee!) and even him I can understand the whole "take my painful memories of my girlfriends suicide away*) the suspense, the unfolding....love it! Bum Gyun better save Woo Jin! He always finds him (in the past he found him in the forest) so he has to use his hyung twin powers and do it once again! (But how did Woo Jin save all that memories info? How did the detective get it? Did Woo Jin know he would one day disappear and has been waiting on hyung to one day rescue him as always? *all the feels* so many questions still  looove it). Monday cannot come soon enough. 

ETA: I believe and still believe and so badly want their dad to be the chairman and evil genius maybe not so bad, big bad behind smart earth, human b, and all this. There will be answers about where he been and what he been up to right drama? I'm going to keep praying he's chairman!

ETA 2: unless there is big glaring plot hole in this. How has Joon Hyuk not known he's Bum Gyun? When he woke up for the first time didn't the detective say "these are the memories your twin left behind" ? How did the detective not know who was whom? We know that Joon Hyuk had the memory surpression chip in him, but he had it removed. I'm guessing both brothers were taken? Obviously only one was resecuded but no one knew which was which or who was who since they had both been gone so long and their memories swiped and...drama you going to have to explain this. How did he and others not know who he is, even having all these memories stuff, until now? When exactly was Joon Hyuk surfaced? When did he remove his chip? Why did he remove it? Was he once a member of Smart Earth but left/escaped? Did the detective rescue him/first awaken him to the idea of not being who he thought he was? Ugh, when I think we got answers but nope, more questions and answers to come. Holy, richard simmons, what if he's BOTH brothers....

ETA 3: both brothers were captured, maybe both experimented on. Only one was found to be good and useable. Both have chips insirted/body snatched and memories swiped. One is dropped in the middle of the dessert on normal earth? Other is kept in lab or something on smart. Some years later the detective, girl doctor who is obviously alien believing chick of 2017, and some other locals, find one, don't know who's who, eventually awake him (remove chip) but he's not woke yet. Now he's waking and remembering and here we are? 

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So, I am right : KJH is the older brother of the twins; Kim Bum Gum hehehehe !

when I watch a movie or drama, I ONLY watch the characters not the actors ( actresses)

I analyzed the characters of the two ; Kim Bum Gum is more sensible, sentimental, protector .....

He always thinks about dad's missing, always protects his young brother when they were kids..

remember he said to KWJ " I'll find you wherever you are ", the same thinking when he comes to Smart Earth

Kim Woo Jin is colder, it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family (dad, his twins ...) but for him forgeting is the best way

you see he can go asking assistan's place after his sumbae death .... matbe Professor Hwang is interested by

his character and they work togather for Human B system ??????

For Hwang Jung Yoon : I think she was created by Pro. Hwang : an AI; and year after year; she becomes a little

human, she has emotions; and maybe she is againts her dad's projects

We'll see in next eps

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27 minutes ago, diane90 said:

So, I am right : KJH is the older brother of the twins; Kim Bum Gum hehehehe !

when I watch a movie or drama, I ONLY watch the characters not the actors ( actresses)

I analyzed the characters of the two ; Kim Bum Gum is more sensible, sentimental, protector .....

He always thinks about dad's missing, always protects his young brother when they were kids..

remember he said to KWJ " I'll find you wherever you are ", the same thinking when he comes to Smart Earth

Kim Woo Jin is colder, it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family (dad, his twins ...) but for him forgeting is the best way

you see he can go asking assistan's place after his sumbae death .... matbe Professor Hwang is interested by

his character and they work togather for Human B system ??????

For Hwang Jung Yoon : I think she was created by Pro. Hwang : an AI; and year after year; she becomes a little

human, she has emotions; and maybe she is againts her dad's projects

We'll see in next eps

There are two possibilities: either HJY is an alien or she is an AI. I do think that she is from another planet but I could be wrong. If she is an AI, she could have been sent from the future.

I guess, the accident revealed her true nature hence the father decided to study her. I don't think that the prof is the father of the twins, because he put a worm into KBG's body. However he could have been a friend of their father. Let just say that he helped the father studying HJY and maybe they quarelled and the father was killed. It makes now sense that HJY is bluebird and she is against blocking memories hence she is hacking the computer on New Earth. We saw in the last episode that she didn't like that she is suffering from her memory loss and wanted to know her past. She didn't remember her past before she was 18 years old.  

However, I have to disagree with you about KJW. He is not cold, since he offered Byu a star he made. He is actually more open-minded than his brother. KJW didn't care about Byu's true nature, behind her cold and distant behaviour, KJW was able to like her. KBG was more blinded by Byu's true nature. He blamed her for the disappearance of their father and later for the suicides. Yet, he didn't realise that humans can be very dangerous: the prof is the one who harmed him and the other students. He is the one who manipulates HJY by blocking her memories. Why did he do that? I guess, she became more and more human and disagreed with their research. I guess, the car accident had a huge impact on her. For the first time, she acted on her emotions. Humans are defined by emotions too. Rationality alone is not good. In the name of science and reason, you can commit crimes and legitimate them. Blaming emotions is not right. A cruel person can be very rational.

KJW loved his brother... but he had to take care of him and his grandmother, which was a huge burden. Moreover, the fact that the alien saved his life proved to him that Byu wasn't bad. KBG was determined to prove their existence in order to make them appear as bad and dangerous. KJW had a different point of view, hence he refused to admit the existence of the alien.   

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