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[Drama 2017] Forest of Secrets / Stranger 비밀의숲 - Baeksang 2018 Daesang Award /Best Actor / Best Writer


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7 hours ago, Lids said:

It becomes a bit annoying to read the reviews when it's been overrun by shippers and that a character must be hated because it jeopardizes their ship.

This is a public forum so I expected shipping. But I do find the shipping and hating characters is more prominent now compared to the beginning and a bit far-fetched. Mostly because, Shi Mok is still the same guy who has made tiny little progress here and there and still uses people as he sees fit. I don't think this show will allow anything more and the words that he has said to his friend about forever being alone might indicate where we're headed. And yes, episode 10 was filler. It felt that way. I am hoping more tight story line next week. This week had some choppy edits. Both Bae Doona and Jo Seung Woo don't regularly do dramas. So, I am hoping the crisp storytelling is back next week.

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3 hours ago, devil webtoon said:

hello, im a korean fan. nice to meet you guys. i read you guys post. very interesting!

many people think Mr. Yoon love ES? maybe..but i don't think so haha.

bcz he is  a married man. and his 7 years old child died in car accident 2 ~ 3 years ago. and he took time off from the work for average 2 years to recovering his mind, and he returned to work recently. 

and ES is junior prosecutor. i think she started work 2-3 months ago.. so anyway, Mr. yoon and ES? i think there is no affection among them. 

ES' s EX's name is huyn cheol. he is not MR. Yoon.

this is just my opinion. haha.


anyway, i think MR. Yoon is real culprit. maybe his child's accident connected with CEO Park or LYB. but not sure until ep. 10 


Hello, thank you for clarifying about Yoon. I had the exact same questions. And welcome to our thread.

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8 hours ago, titania1000 said:


Thanks for the cookie! :heart:

I never turn my back so quickly on a character before: i was first under Jo Seung Woo's charm, sexiness, charisma, talent, voice,  so i closed my eyes quite often on his actions and try to see things from his side but i can't anymore. <_<

Aww Thanks for your sketch! I need a Yeo Jin in my life to help me get less angry :lol:


My pleasure chingu.:wub::heart:

5 hours ago, yonaomi123 said:

And even the trust that he’s given to YeoJin doesn’t mean he’ll include her in all his plots. 


Hmmm... it's a strong possibility.

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Weell.. we certainly moved somewhere with Ep 10. So many information has been revealed but it gives more questions than answers. :unsure:
Some thoughts after briefly reading back the posts and watching Ep 10: 

SDJ: This guy is so slimy, I won't be surprised if by end of the show he got jail free card. Like he said, he can roll in the dirts yet still alive. I hope SM took lots of precautions when it comes to SDJ - I'd hate seeing him being outsmart (if that's even possible) by SDJ.
His first tactic is to seek help from LYB - but that backfired and he walked away thinking that at least he has gotten rid of one hurdle (LCJ). He thought that he has made LYB questioned LCJ's loyalty. I guess that's why he looked worried about LCJ's new appointment as Chief Secretary (btw, Chief Secretary of Hanjo?) - turned out he didnt get rid of that hurdle. SDJ's shifty eyes are worrisome. :mellow:

ES: I'm surprised there are lots of comments on ES - SM's interaction or ES - YSW's possible romance. 
For ES-SM, I think SM has acted normal to his standard. He's super annoyed eventho he didn't show it. He screamed at ES but that's normal according to his standard, except for that one moment - he behaved super cool towards her. Other people would probably took a bite of her head. What ES did was reckless just like she always did. The investigation of KTG (Kim Tae Gyun) will go on the right direction with or without her interfering. 
ES-YSW love story, agree with some theorists in the forum -_- I don't think it's possible but that's because I'm bias. I like YSW. He's the strong silent type and so far he has shown his worth. So if he turned out to be the culprit, I'll be so so sad.

LYJ - wife of LCJ
I theorized that we have 3 different cases here. Bribery, PMS's death, and GY's stabbing. 
LYJ may not be involved with bribery or PMS's murder but she could be the mastermind of GY's case. She overheard her dad and husband discussing another crime to distract SM. GY is the perfect victim. Its killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Got rid of her husband's woman and created the crime to distract attention. Was she talking to Chief Kim on the phone? 

Chief Kim: 
Chief Kim destroying evidence pretty much showed his involvement in GY's case, whether he's the one who stabbed GY or ordered someone else to do it. If he's not involved, he wouldn't destroy the evidence. He would keep it (as safeguard or others) and questioned her later. His action screamed guiltiness to me. His next move is pretty slick too. Putting pressure to LCJ. It's interesting to note that he would destroy the evidence incriminating the wife, but threaten LCJ - his old pal. I guess being old friends don't guarantee loyalty or jealousy. :huh:

If I may briefly concluded from the conversation between Section Chief Kang - SM - SDJ. If I get this wrong, pls correct me: -_-
PMS blackmailed LCJ so that he could enter Hanjo Group. Once he was inside, he disclosed LCJ's habits to LYB and received shares of 1.4B which overnight became 19B (whether he got the shares via blackmail or given as a rewards by LYB, I'm not sure). 
His shares is the second highest of LYB's children combined - which SM brought a good point, did LYB know PMS well before? 
Related to YIJ's case: forcing LCJ as his ally and PMS as the briber, LYB moved to decapitate YIJ. YIJ must have something so great that made LYB framed him but it was also something that YIJ's willing to sacrifice his life and name for. Is the secret on the USB hidden in the bottom drawer? :mellow:. It's easy to say for now that the mastermind for YIJ's case is LYB. Given that's the only thing that we (as audiences) know so far. 

But, we have to take into consideration of other variables that have not been shown yet. 
Sungwoon Group: PMS's culprit went to Sungwoon and got green pass for the press release.
The 800M won and the dismantle of the team: KTG took it back. He must have returned it to PMS. PMS must have reported it back to LYB. LYB then put pressured on someone high above to close the case involving a Minister without fuss. I tend to think the current Prosecutor General or the previous PG.

@ddeokbokkii Following your format of culprits potential suspect: 
I'm still down for Chief Kim for GY's case as one of the culprits though I believe the mastermind would be LYJ (but not PMS since I think it's done by different person(s))
Mastermind for YIJ's case is LYB though not sure of the motive as of yet. But I'm liking him for it. 

The preview for Ep 11 is interesting. LYJ is starting to break down. ^_^

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4 hours ago, yonaomi123 said:

About the highlighted part, I completely agree with you :) But my question now, after having seen episode 10 is: are Lee YeonJae and her father (and her husband) actually all on the same side???  From the way she eavesdropped on them, it really doesn't seem to be the case.  But then, only ChangJoon looked even slightly concerend when YeonJae's phone rang from the stairwell.  So what's up with these three?

Is DongJae's explanation that Chairman Lee has been blackmailing his own son-in-law the truth?  And if that's the case and ChangJoon does have a predilection for sleeping with call girls, why not just come clean to his wife?  What could she do?  Divorce him??  That seems unlikely given their social status.  And besides, the show seems to be implying that both ChangJoon and YeonJae know that he was unfaithful-- even if neither of them has outright said anything about it.



I don't think that they are on the same side. I think both these men fear her. Her father CAN talk back to her (in anger), but she was extremely pissed off after the exchange. She looks more like a puppeteer than a human being.

I think that it's the truth. Why would he come clean to his wife, she'll ruin him. Ohhh... she won't divorce him, but she'll make his life hell (it's already bad enough for him).

I still think that he wasn't unfaithful. I think that CEO Park was just blackmailing Mr. Lee using his father-in-law.

Just my two cents.

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4 hours ago, yonaomi123 said:

So this is off-topic a little bit... but would anyone care to speculate on why we have only heard our other main character's (YeoJin)  thoughts one time?  We've seen her doing what she does best (ie being super badass) both in solo scenes and with other characters.  And from those events and interactions we've gotten a pretty good understanding of her personality.  But, the answer I have come up with to this question is either 1) by excluding us from YeoJin's inner thoughts we are to assume that she has some experience or knowledge that is the key to the overall mystery OR 2)  ShiMok's words to YeoJin in ep9 were true.  She really is what she seems to be on the surface and requires no investigating

I find the decision to withhold YeoJin's POV odd, whatever the reason may be.  But I'll be curious to know what you guys think.

And also, is anyone else somewhat disappointed in Lee ChangJoon today?  Perhaps I shouldn't have been considering the family he married into and his best buddy the Police Chief, but I am!  I really was trying to believe that he was playing a long con and wasn't actually corrupt.  But the way he reacted to the photo of Kim GaYoung walking toward his hotel room, at the end of Ep10, just makes me think that he is also a bad guy. 


Only author-nim knows chingu-a. I'll go with the #2 assumption.

I still think that he isn't the bad guy. Only Bell (Ga-young) can tell us the ultimate truth.

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chingu , I can not be with one suspect.

the old classmate is responsible  for the murder and if I have to go with one mastermind I would go with Public general prosecutor.

I m going with him cause I believe  he is tired with all the corruption from the justice workers . He wants to expose them , bring them to justice and start with new prosecutors.

Sometimes the answer we are looking its a loy more simple and in front of our eyes. Yeah, I m going with him the guy with out name.

Why they never tell us his name ?

see you all in few days


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I am more scared of Lee Yeon Jae than anybody else right now. Like somebody said major Lady Macbeth vibes. I am not sure her extent of madness but there is. Her father can't exactly control her. It's more like she has control over them. But she still will need an accomplice. I am not sure if that's her husband. 

About Eun Soo, she is volatile and Shi Mok did the right thing to scold her. But I've noticed that Eun Soo doesn't mind his scolding at all. She did admit that she is not in her right mind and her reason was fair enough. She is desperately trying to restore her family's honor. She doesn't like how her family has been publicly shamed and subjected to scrutiny having done nothing wrong. I also think her mother might have put the idea of being thankful on her head. She repeatedly thanked him for not herself but on behalf of her family and I do feel that bit was sincere.

She so far hasn't jeopardized Shi Mok's investigation. At least when he has chosen to sorround himself with people who are all potential suspects on some level, I don't see how she can do anymore harm than the others can. Truth is, any of the chosen members of his team could derail his entire investigation from the inside and he has taken calculated risk like always. I think he also doesn't like to have Eun Soo around for one more reason. She has spent enough time with him and is smart enough to catch his manipulative schemes head on. He can't have that, can he? That's my two cents.

Now, for Dong Jae, the guys more clever than I initially thought he'd be. I hope Shi Mok doesn't underestimate him. Survival is a powerful instinct. Couple that with intellect and that's a alarming combination.

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After this episode, I won't say I exactly like Dong Jae but but I gotta have respect for his wily ways and his refusal to see when the game's up. He's still trying to form alliances and wriggle his way out of things, the sly fox. Heh. 

@Nymeria289 Omg yes, Lee Yoon Jae properly scares me. When she does that smile of hers, she could be literally thinking anything in her head from 'is my tea too cold' to 'time for MURDER'. I'm curious to know why she didn't kill Ga Young, since she did most of the steps (like disconnect the oxygen and use the pillow). Why did she stop? What is that mind of hers? And now HYJ is going to meet her and I'm terrified. LYJ looks like a person who can hold a grudge and I'm sure she hasn't forgotten HYJ making the 'women who treat other women as enemies' comment at her. 




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I find it amusing there are people not liking the emotionless guy finally yelling at someone. Some of you are acting as though he slapped her.

I saw nothing wrong with the scene. I found it to be a part of Vulcan SM's evolution since we have seen him evolve through small nuances so far. A hint of irritation here and there as documented by YJ (which I'm impressed the writers held back and stopped, kudos for that). We've been even rewarded by not only SM practicing a smile but, we got a small involuntary smile. So, I find his well deserved yelling at Smurfette an eventually happening. Hell, I felt like throwing a show at her an episode or so back. There's no romance here either so that ship isn't leaving the dock, she's his little bratty sister.

With 6 episodes to go and over 10 suspects, I think our cop  and prosecuter won't find time to do more than grab quick noodle meals along with the Scooby Gang as chaperones. So no romance there either. Perhaps the end episode will have a hint of them going to grab a movie together. Or, maybe something cute like her saying he has no reason to contact her anymore, and Vulcan SM answering, he does.

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Chingu's ....It seems no one has even bother to ask about Assisting Officer Young Choi took a sick day. She claimed it is because of family emergency but Kim Ho Seob doesn't understand stand that.He said she never did something like this before for family. Now my imagination is going with all kind of conclusion here and there. I hope I am overthink it but have you guys wondered too. 


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5 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu's ....It seems no one has even bother to ask about Assisting Officer Young Choi took a sick day. She claimed it is because of family emergency but Kim Ho Seob doesn't understand stand that.He said she never did something like this before for family. Now my imagination is going with all kind of conclusion here and there. I hope I am overthink it but have you guys wondered too. 


I thought this was because she was with Ga-Young at the secret place they moved her to? Or am I mistaken? Young Choi was the one who went to pick up Ga Young with HYJ right?

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14 minutes ago, shae said:

With 6 episodes to go and over 10 suspects, I think our cop  and prosecuter won't find time to do more than grab quick noodle meals along with the Scooby Gang as chaperones. So no romance there either. Perhaps the end episode will have a hint of them going to grab a movie together. Or, maybe something cute like her saying he has no reason to contact her anymore, and Vulcan SM answering, he does.


Bwahahahaha, chingu, you're funny!!!:lol:

Vulcan SM made me laugh out loud. I doubt the movie scenario but the still-a-need-to-contact-Yeo-jin end scene can work. I want them to stay buddies. It's a crime drama, even if there's no romance, only companionship amongst our duo will suffice.

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@shae I've felt that way since the beginning. There's not enough episodes and nearly not enough development on both ships. At best the at-least one of them/both women will become his ally/partner by the end that is if Eun Soo doesn't die by the end. I am worried about her survival if she keeps this reckless endangering of herself up or go to jail if she has anything to do with any of the present murder case or future crimes. Yeo Jin is shaping up to be Watson to Shi-Mok's Sherlock. So, I don't see any romantic prospect there either.

One more thing, I felt that the whole Eun Soo being reckless scenario and Shi-Mok breaking his vulcan exterior was superfluous. Unless, this encounter has some significance later to the whole mystery, was there any need?? We already know she can go to ridiculous lengths so why repeat that same plot device again. But then again, in this show seemingly unimportant scenes have some connection to the whole picture, so maybe we don't know enough yet. 

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1 hour ago, shae said:


I saw nothing wrong with the scene. I found it to be a part of Vulcan SM's evolution since we have seen him evolve through small nuances so far. A hint of irritation here and there as documented by YJ (which I'm impressed the writers held back and stopped, kudos for that). We've been even rewarded by not only SM practicing a smile but, we got a small involuntary smile. So, I find his well deserved yelling at Smurfette an eventually happening. Hell, I felt like throwing a show at her an episode or so back. There's no romance here either so that ship isn't leaving the dock, she's his little bratty sister.

Vulcan SM. Bwahahahaha.   Love it!   Smurfette...the little bratty sister...

I'm still laughing... it makes my day!   Thank you for your clever nicknames.

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Suspect list after episode 10.

Suspects for the fail murder of Kim Ga-Young:

Kim Woo-Kyun                Police Chief

Lee Yeon-Jae                  Chairman Lee's daughter              @Tee- Sama ,

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary                             @penelop3

Congratulation to the following people from last week suspect list. If your guess either Police Chief Kim or

Chairman Lee's daughter, you are half right. @penelop3 , @Nymeria289 , @nona88 , @Runa Chatterjee ,

@ddeokbokkii . Police Chief Kim is being charge with stabbing Ms. Ga-Young, and Lee Yeon-Jae is being

charge with second attempt on her life in the hospital.


Mastermind suspect that began 3 years ago:

Lee Yoon-Beom              Chairman Hanjo Group              @Tee- Sama , @UnniSarah , @penelop3 ,

                                                                                           @Nymeria289 , @bebebisous33 ,

Young Il-Jae                    Ex-minister

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary

Public General Prosecutor      Name???                           @kiklaminHo ,

Possible 3rd party            Name???      


Suspect list for Park Moo-Sung murder:

Kim Jung-Bon                  SM childhood friend                  @kiklaminHo , @Nymeria289 ,



Good luck on your guessing everyone. 

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28 minutes ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Suspect list after episode 10.

Suspects for the fail murder of Kim Ga-Young:

Kim Woo-Kyun                Police Chief

Lee Yeon-Jae                  Chairman Lee's daughter              @Tee- Sama ,

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary                             @penelop3

Congratulation to the following people from last week suspect list. If your guess either Police Chief Kim or

Chairman Lee's daughter, you are half right. @penelop3 , @Nymeria289 , @nona88 , @Runa Chatterjee ,

@ddeokbokkii . Police Chief Kim is being charge with stabbing Ms. Ga-Young, and Lee Yeon-Jae is being

charge with second attempt on her life in the hospital.


Mastermind suspect that began 3 years ago:

Lee Yoon-Beom              Chairman Hanjo Group              @Tee- Sama , @UnniSarah , @penelop3 ,

Young Il-Jae                    Ex-minister

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary

Public General Prosecutor      Name???                           @kiklaminHo ,

Possible 3rd party            Name???      


Suspect list for Park Moo-Sung murder:

Kim Jung-Bon                  SM childhood friend                  @kiklaminHo ,


Good luck on your guessing everyone. 

Can I update my mastermind suspect and Park Moo Sung.

Mastermind: Lee Yoon Beom

Park Moo Sung: Jung Bon

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2 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

@shae I've felt that way since the beginning. There's not enough episodes and nearly not enough development on both ships. At best the at-least one of them/both women will become his ally/partner by the end that is if Eun Soo doesn't die by the end. I am worried about her survival if she keeps this reckless endangering of herself up or go to jail if she has anything to do with any of the present murder case or future crimes. Yeo Jin is shaping up to be Watson to Shi-Mok's Sherlock. So, I don't see any romantic prospect there either.

One more thing, I felt that the whole Eun Soo being reckless scenario and Shi-Mok breaking his vulcan exterior was superfluous. Unless, this encounter has some significance later to the whole mystery, was there any need?? We already know she can go to ridiculous lengths so why repeat that same plot device again. But then again, in this show seemingly unimportant scenes have some connection to the whole picture, so maybe we don't know enough yet. 

@shae @UnniSarah @desertflower @st4rdust @annagriss8 To me the scene with his outburst is relevant, because this reveals how HSM has changed. There is a difference between the two scenes. During the first incident, HSM witnessed the whole thing and didn't stop SDJ at all. Later, he acted as if he hadn't witnessed the scene. YES had no idea that he had been there all the time and had manipulated her. In his defense, he didn't know how YES would confront SDJ. During the last incident, YES had decided on her own to follow KGT. So the first difference is HSM hadn't manipulated her. Yet, this shows again how reckless YES is. However, this time she asked for his help, while after her confrontation, she didn't even call HSM. The third difference is that this time, he showed his anger. Indirectly, he showed concern towards her. I am not mad at HSM's outburst at all, a natural reaction in the end. That's also the reason why he didn't want her in his team. She is just too emotional and too reckless. Now, her father's innocence has been proven, she feels gratitude and we can imagine that she will do anything to help HSM in his investigation.

As conclusion, HSM has changed a lot. Now, he is even able to think about others. Finally, he can show that he wants to care for others. His conversation with KWC was really telling. He was wondering how he should take care of Yoon. All this proves to us that he became like that due to his family (mother and step-father). Both of them and the biological father never showed any concern for him, just embarrassement. That's why he lacked sensitivity and was more self-centered. But he is no longer like that. He thinks of others (HYJ, Yoon and YES). I loved how HSM keeps looking at HYJ and her reactions.

For me, the last episode was interesting because you sense a change in the relationships. At the beginning, HSM had no family and no colleague by his side, while LCJ had everyone by his side. Now, it is different. In the episode 9, Kang Won Chul showed his disapproval of LCJ's decision to step down from his position as Chief prosecutor. We have to remember that when the latter was promoted, KWC showed his loyalty and support towards LCJ. Now, KWC is thinking about supporting HSM in his fight against corruption.  So HSM has been able to gather more people around him: HYJ, YES, Yoon and now KWC. LCJ has still his family by his side. Yet, people are no longer deceived by LCJ's behaviour. 

Now about SDJ: Where does he stand? I do believe that SDJ won't betray HSM for the simple reason that he spent 10 years as LCJ's right arm and was dropped like a hot potato, even before he was suspected to be linked to GY's murder. Then when he visited LYB, he got treated like trash. He had to bow many times like a servant. I can imagine how SDJ must have felt. He did everything for these people but once they see, they don't need their pawn any longer then they drop them. Since SDJ is known as a ruthless guy who would anything to save his skin, LYB and even LCJ could perceive him as the perfect tool in their fight against HSM. But unlike in the past, where he sold his integrity and soul to powerful people, SDJ wants to get even with LCJ and will betray him. As conclusion, I have the impression that SDJ will play the role of a triple agent.

@ddeokbokkii I have to disagree with you. Kim Woo Kyun is not charged for GY's murder. He had an alibi but he is charged for having sex with an underaged girl and prostitution.

As for the attempted murder of GY, I believe there are two culprits:

the second attempt was LYJ, LCJ's wife but I sense that the first attempt was someone else, a person who would do anything to bring up the corruption in Western Seoul prosecution office. 

So for me now, PMS's murder and GY's first attempted murder, I suspect Kim Jung Bon 

As for the corruption scandal of 3 years ago, LYB was the mastermind, while LCJ was the puppet forced by his father-in-law to betray his mentor. LYB knew that YIJ had some evidence of corruption against him (LYB) hence he had to ruin the minister's reputation and career. Once his reputation was tarnished, the evidence wouldn't be so effective. On the other hand, I can imagine that YIJ must have threatened LYB with the USB. This was a leverage against LYB, if this latter would try to do something against his family.

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