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[Drama 2017] Forest of Secrets / Stranger 비밀의숲 - Baeksang 2018 Daesang Award /Best Actor / Best Writer


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59 minutes ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Hi all, can I ask everyone for a little bit of patience?. We have 2 episodes release back to back every week. lets enjoy the 2 episodes first,

than make up our mind about if you need to change your main suspect or not. So, I'm not going to update the main suspect list until after

Ep 10, yeah?.

Agree.. lets do final final polling by ep 14 if you want. That's the last time people can change their option. 
For now I wouldn't change mind yet, I think a lot more will be revealed in each ep - better gather all infos first. 

YJ's I like pretty women too - may not mean that's she's lesbian. She could be saying the truth. I like pretty women too but I'm not lesbian. :lol:

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2 hours ago, desertflower said:

@st4rdust   I doubt that Yeojin has any complicated or proprietary feelings for Shimok at this point and I couldn't detect any reaction from Yeojin related to the sweater.  Yeojin is a caretaker type and let's people live without judgement.

My feeling about Eunsoo trying to join the team was double sided in that I believe she is also a guilty party and she wants to spy on the team to stay a step ahead.  Lots of twists and turns in this drama.  The sweater may be just a sweater and yet she used it as entree to join the team.  No action goes on without a purpose with her.  She may be manipulated by Shimok but she is a major manipulator herself behind the facade she displays.

Eunsoo's face when she set up the guy to commit suicide..changed in a split second from concerned young thing to a cold blooded killer face as she turned around when no one could see her face,  This is all I need to know about her.  She is very scary and very complicated.  Eunsoo may have killed her ex boyfriend.  Just a thought because she's big or revenge.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.   It's the perfect who done it mystery.



hahahahah I dunno if its me or what but Yeo jin seemed to have exhibited tiny bursts of jealousy ... On the bar steps after the girl commented that he frequented Bars and when she observing Si Mok looking at the sweater by touching her nose was cute hahaha The lovely thing about her is, she is very professional and doesn't let it bother her... She always shrugs it off ... so far lol like I said the romance here is very dialed back... it can be seen as just friendship... 

Just don't let YJ volunteer to teach Simok how to woo ES pls....hahahaha 

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Hello, everyone. I’ve been lurking around since the beginning, but don’t want to stay silent anymore. The episodes get better and better but there were many things that rubbed me the wrong way in episode 9. Lee Chang Joon annoyed me big time because it seems that he finally chose his side and it ended up being the bad one. When he came to meet the special investigation team it made me angry that he didn’t offer a handshake to Yeo Jin and she had to initiate it herself. It felt very condescending and belittling as if he didn’t think much of her because she's a woman. Then again nothing new here, just shows how patriarchal Korean society is even in real life.

The next thing that was uncomfortable to watch was when Lee Chang Joo fixed the neck tie on Shi Mok. That was a show of power on his part, like look here, I’m in charge, I'm gonna fix you up however the hell I want. The only association I had when I watched that scene is that of an owner fixing up his dog’s collar. Those scenes with Lee were tense and uncomfortable to watch, that was the first time I started to truly dislike Lee Chang Joon. The fact that he set up a dinner for Shi Mok and the team, saying to relax since “it’s just one meal”… wow, what a hypocrite. “Just one meal” was all it took for him to get entangled in the web of corruption yet he tries to do the same thing to Shi Mok. At first, I pitied him because he had to marry such a scary person, but now it seems like he and his wife are a good match.

Lee Yeon Jae is a piece of work, I don’t even want to talk about her all that much. She's the type of person that will discard anyone who doesn’t play her game by her rules. An apple sure didn’t fall far away from the tree. She truly is her father’s daughter, they are both dangerous and scary people. About that dinner, when Lee Yeon Jae told everyone to have a seat, I liked that the team waited for Shi Mok’s decision before sitting down. Although they aren’t completely trustworthy, as a team they work well. I also liked how the writer seamlessly introduced the characters' background. Somehow, I didn’t think that Lee Chang Joo and his wife had a daughter or that prosecutor Yoon and Jang Gun had/have a kid, even Dong Jae has one. It somewhat made them seem more like real people, who live their lives and have a normal life outside of work.

There’s one thing I didn’t understand in episode 9. After Dong Jae’s interrogation, why did Shi Mok want him to see Eun Soo and her mother? After that Dong Jae panicked and fell down the stairs, but what’s the connection, why did he have such a reaction? Does Dong Jae know a lot more about the bribery case from 3 years ago and what’s his deal calling Eun Soo by her first name when their relationship isn’t all that close?

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@nateko To your question about SDJ: HSM wanted SDJ to see that he summoned YES' mother due to the scandal from 3 years ago. The mother explained how she received the parcel unaware of the money. She saw the face of the delivery man and the latter is a witness for the corruption that happened 3 years ago. SDJ is now aware that HSM is searching for the truth behind the incident from 3 years ago and he is about to get some info about the delivery man. However, LCJ and LYB have no idea about HSM's next move. So far, HYJ and Jang Geon were followed but their tasks were about PMS. In the scandal from 3 years ago, it is different because PMS was only indirectly involved.   

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My take on the romance in this drama so far.

To me, I think the relationship between Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok is more like an older sister's
caring for her younger sibling. I notice that when they first met, Yeo-Jin keep telling
Shi-Mok..."Don't do this, don't do that...it make you look blah! blah! blah!"...It sounds
like an older sister trying to teach her younger brother how to behave. I don't think there
is a romance between them, it's more like a sisterly love. Yeo-Jin probably the first person
that understand him, given his medical condition. He has no feeling, no emotion, no desire...
that's why he's always been a loner. On the other hand, cause of her understanding, Shi-Mok
is able feels comfortable around her. When Yeo-Jin saw Shi-Mok held up the sweater that
Eun-Soo returned to him and a bag with the new sweater, her expression(to me) is surprise
and happy at the same time. I think Yeo-Jin though that Eun-Soo had spend the night together
with Shi-Mok and now she returned the sweater she borrowed from him. She surprise, because
she didn't think anyone can fall in love with Shi-Mok given his condition. She's happy,
cause Shi-Mok life doesn't have to be lonely anymore. But, that's not what it seems.

I believe Eun-Soo's feeling toward Shi-Mok is genuine. I think Eun-Soo fell for him when
he took all the blame from Eun-Soo in the first few episodes. He knew Park Moo-Sung murder
was a trap, he knew some one is setting up a trap for him to fall in. He knew the danger
that's lurking in Mr. Park murder case, but he let Eun-Soo took over the case off his hand 
anyway. Remember one thing, Shi-Mok doesn't have any feeling or emotion(he's not suppose to,
cause of his condition). He need some one to be the fall guy, so he can stand on the sideline
and wait for the culprit to show himself/herself and make the arrest. When Eun-Soo was ordered
to take over the case, that's the reason why Shi-Mok willingly hand over the case to Eun-soo
with out any protest. This is when I understand, cause of Shi-Mok condition, he's a very
very cold person. Shi-Mok doesn't have feeling, emotion, desire...But that doesn't mean
he doesn't have other human characteristic. He may lack all those characteristics, but he
still have human senses. A sense of right and wrong, and a sense of responsibility to make
things right when he's in the wrong. When the real culprit didn't show his/her face during 
the trial of Mr. Park murder case, and cause Eun-Soo in a lot of trouble. Shi-Mok sense a 
responsibility to rescue Eun-Soo and make things right. That's when he came out in public
and took all the blame. Also, Eun-Soo father beg him to protect her. Since than, Eun-Soo's
been trying very hard to express her feeling to him numerous time. And every time, she get
the same respond..."Get out...Get out...Get out!". This sound like a point blank rejection
from Shi-Mok, lol. But you have to realise that Shi-Mok can't return his feeling, he doesn't
know how, he doesn't have that capability. I think he sense her effecition, I think he does
care for her, and that's why he kept her away. He doesn't want her to get hurt or she could
get hurt herself. The case he's handled is very dangerous, lives already lost. He did the 
right thing to keep her away, but to Eun-Soo she doesn't understand that he's not rejecting 
her. In ep 9 after returned his sweater, the poor girl ran out of the office almost crying.

I'm not a romance expert, but that's how I feel about the romance in this drama. If my
speculation on their relationship is not wrong, than the writer need to come up with a way
for these two to connect with each other.

sorry for the long post.

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9 hours ago, Lids said:

I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up like Agatha Christie's, "Murder on the Orient Express" where all 13 suspects had a hand in the murder.

But the culprit could also be a character that has yet to be introduced.

Also I'm loving prosecutor Yoon. There's something about his quiet unassuming demeanor and strait-laced appearance that's really soothing. He's like SM without the medical condition and the trust issues.

I like YSW too. I like him from the start - when we saw him at the restaurant with Section Chief Kang and friend. 
He seemed so out of place, as if he's not comfortable being with Section Chief Kang too. He's like a silent observer. Agree with you, he's like SM and probably he can be SM's right/left hand too. 

Hope this show does not disappoint until the end. Sometimes great show has lousy ending. _/\_

10 minutes ago, Tee- Sama said:

Why is our Yeo Jin-a crying?:bawling:
Who dared to hurt our sweet girl?:angry:

Could it be that she heard the news of Grandma's death? 

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10 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Could it be that she heard the news of Grandma's death? 


Hmmm... it could be a possibility. But if she hears about grandmother's demise, she will not stay still. She''ll rush to comfort CEO Park's son (already shown in some clips).

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19 minutes ago, ddeokbokkii said:

To me, I think the relationship between Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok is more like an older sister's
caring for her younger sibling. I notice that when they first met, Yeo-Jin keep telling
Shi-Mok..."Don't do this, don't do that...it make you look blah! blah! blah!"...It sounds
like an older sister trying to teach her younger brother how to behave. I don't think there
is a romance between them, it's more like a sisterly love. Yeo-Jin probably the first person
that understand him, given his medical condition. He has no feeling, no emotion, no desire...
that's why he's always been a loner. On the other hand, cause of her understanding, Shi-Mok
is able feels comfortable around her. When Yeo-Jin saw Shi-Mok held up the sweater that
Eun-Soo returned to him and a bag with the new sweater, her expression(to me) is surprise
and happy at the same time. I think Yeo-Jin though that Eun-Soo had spend the night together
with Shi-Mok and now she returned the sweater she borrowed from him. She surprise, because
she didn't think anyone can fall in love with Shi-Mok given his condition. She's happy,
cause Shi-Mok life doesn't have to be lonely anymore. But, that's not what it seems.


Does he actually require an almost sibling-like relationship in his life? After a traumatic past, a ruined childhood... I don't think so. Yes, he's a loner. We get it... but Yeo Jin treating him like a younger brother is kinda' disrespectful. She treats him like an equal, he does the same (he's 38, she's 35). He tries to manipulate her and fails. She doesn't force him to do anything, she just gently chides him. Yes, she does possess a motherly nature, but she's completely honest, open and professional when it comes to Shi Mok. She's a no-nonsense woman, that's why Shi Mok respects her.

They are completely relaxed in each others' company. They are more like companions, but on equal grounds. Two people walking side by side. He doesn't belittle her, is never harsh towards her. He's indifferent with her sometimes (it's because of his medical condition). But out of everyone, he's most happy in her company. Now as I said earlier, Yeo Jin is all professional, she's so nonchalant around him. That trait alone differentiates her from the rest.

She cares and doesn't care at the same time. The sweater scene was interesting, because she was observing him like a hawk. But she was shocked after seeing him with a woman. And she was displeased because he kept information from her.

Does she feel happy after seeing him happy? Yes. But he wasn't happy at all with Eun Soo.

At most, he was furious.

Now why would she feel happy if Shi mok felt annoyed/indifferent/furious?

It just doesn't add up.

She isn't interested in his personal life, but at the same time she wants to know more about him, in a very subtle way. Luck's always on her side, because she doesn't make any effort and ends up with more information about him. She's not a sly person like Eun Soo.

Eun Soo's out for revenge, even though she's a prosecutor, but Yeo Jin wants to protect the innocent (CEO Park's son), she wants to uproot corruption and evil from the prosecution and police sector.

Being an upright, uptight person, Shi Mok will not consider Eun Soo, not even as a companion. He may help her in the long run... but that's all.

If he will consider someone, it can only be Yeo Jin...

Do remember, Shi Mok first gathers Intel and then he forges relationships. After all the antics by Eun Soo, she doesn't have a chance with him.

Now, he didn't gather any Intel on Yeo Jin, but he still trusts her. Why? Because she doesn't manipulate and isn't manipulated by anyone. She stands by her opinions and doesn't back down. She's a woman with a backbone and Shi Mok wants a strong, righteous companion by his side.

Chingu, I respect your POV, so kindly don't mind.

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9 minutes ago, Tee- Sama said:



Now, he didn't gather any Intel on Yeo Jin, but he still trusts her. Why? Because she doesn't manipulate and isn't manipulated by anyone. She stands by her opinions and doesn't back down. She's a woman with a backbone and Shi Mok wants a strong, righteous companion by his side.


Very well said! If we're talking about romance in general, in this drama, considering Shimok situation, I don't see it happening,he can't just in one second fall in love or become emotional. But after all this years he found a special person, YeoJin. Only with her can be open and soft, say what he wants, she's the only person he's comfortable with. So in my eyes, they can become sort of close friends in the end. And finally Shimok can have someone by his side.

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LCJ's mind games are just fantastic! What a move to visit HSM's new team on day one and put on a show! Approving KJB as team spokesperson, asking him to roll down his sleeves, fixing HSM's necktie. He indirectly invited the team to dinner at his place (indirectly maybe through his wife) He managed to get HSM too at his place.




This would have caused some tiny misunderstanding between him and his team. LCJ made it look like he is still holding HSM's reins. But he made it look like he is supporting HSM. I think KJB, the bumbling joker even fell for the act. Prosecutor Yoon is however smart and he was quick to see through the act. 

This scene is a gem! See how HSM is intially standing with his hands folded and quickly drops them as LCJ approaches him. He is no longer an underling to LCJ. But LCJ invades his space and fixes his loose tie. That is too close for comfort. The whole team is watching and the tension in the room could be sliced.

HSM however managed to put an end to this act at the dinner table and showed who is in charge by excusing himself early on. Maybe this is why LYJ was so angry. She tried to put down the team from the word go calling it small, talking about the deceased child, marriage alliances, and so on. She was so sweetly and confidently stepping on everyone's toes. Her deception failed and she had to throw everything (the food and her schemes) away and start afresh to tackle HSM and his team.

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8 hours ago, nona88 said:

the fev scene that SM really know when YJ angry or talking to him less 

he just know something wrong with her and it make him nervous

how i can trust that will be no romance between this two that never is just a partner or friend look 

SM body language  voice and even his soften eyes and face show so much , when he around YJ he just don't know what to do 

the easy things is to ask her or to answer her honesty and he for sure can't let go any little change of her behavior towerd him 


agree she did really gave him so much attention and care to him feeling empty if she quiet or ignoring him a little :joy::joy:


yes i loved that scene too it show how much she mean to him , what i like about this two that the show there feeling so honest even when they don't know they so strange in  drama history , where did we saw last two people talk so straightforward to each other like that:wub: 

@Tee- Sama i liked your photo post so much how can i don't like it , it really make me happy and sure you just readed YJ and SM though in that scene and for sure our thoughs and feeling when we saw that too :joy: let me use the same  photo's to explian my feeling now after seeing this ep's and hearing people talking about no romance in this drama 

  Hide contents

YJ : SM sorry people saying there no romance 

SM : what are you talking about

YJ : it was decided it over 

SM : then what this scene between us mean ???

YJ : you right let forget about it, it not like we easy to control us 

SM : enjoy eating but keep looking at me 

it a gift for @Tee- Sama and everyone here who ship or don't ship this two after all we all enjoy this two on the screen if it in romance way or not 

@Tee- Sama, I love your photos post of the bread eating scene and love the added imagined thoughts from @nona88. Agree fully with both of you and also @UnniSarah and @bebebisous33 regarding the bread eating scene and ending Conference scene where YJ and SM like true friends discussed about the case. I just love SM's reply to YJ when she asked whether he trusted her or was also getting someone to check on her. Why does it feel so good to have SM notice that YJ was angry with him and ignoring him, making him nervous. Haha.

On ES visiting SM and returning his sweater, was it my imagination or did SM look a little uneasy as he saw YJ's surprised expression when she came into the office and saw the both of them together. @st4rdust I also would like to know what was YJ really thinking when she saw them. And what was she thinking when she saw the old and new sweaters? 


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OMO GY woke up , SM and YJnwqls on the room. GU asked for her mother. Section Chief police is in the room and make a phone call to Police Chief. Mom comes in and comfort her daughter. 

SM and YJ talk among themselves then SM gets a call ES about the man who gave her father the money. SM so smart had someone else tailing the guy already. The second Tail stopped the guy from leaving town I think. YJ told to him to leave and he left. 

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8 minutes ago, staygold said:

This would have caused some tiny misunderstanding between him and his team. LCJ made it look like he is still holding HSM's reins. But he made it look like he is supporting HSM. I think KJB, the bumbling joker even fell for the act. Prosecutor Yoon is however smart and he was quick to see through the act. 

I think Kim Jung-Bon just acting like a fool, but he's not. Chief Lee and Chief Kim suspect that Minister Young has a hidden son.

I'm not surprise if Kim Jung-Bon turn out to be the Minister Young hidden son.

Shi-Mok suspect that some one in his new investigation team is the killer or has information to the killer. but they being led to

believe that they are looking for the killer, and not a killer among themselves.

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8 hours ago, yonaomi123 said:


@Runa Chatterjee I had listened to OST 5 before watching the MV and already liked the song, but after watching the MV... Well, I had been trying to stop shipping YeoJin/ShiMok because of all the energy charged scenes between EunSoo and ShiMok, but not anymore! Thanks for sharing it!

@yonaomi123 Sorry to cut your post.  I've been shipping and tried not to ship but that MV sure makes me want to ship them again ! haha.

@Runa Chatterjee, thank you for the ost 5 and mv. Love it. @plappi Thank you for the preview video of ep 10. Can't wait for the episode!  


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YJ gets questioned by Section Chief and she responded but evasively. Then she brought in drinks for everyone at the hospital. YJ spoke to the mom and asked her not to tell anyone about the transfer. YJ gets the papers ready and transfers GY. They almost got caught and the new recruit is helping YJ and I wonder why?????

SDJ spoke to LCJ's FIL  and reported something important to him bout something . SDJ now thinks he the upppee hand  after getting LYB's backing. I think it is going to backfire on him.

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