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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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5 minutes ago, CapriGirl13 said:

WOW! Never thought about this possibility, dear. Well done! and let's crossed our fingers tightly so that it can comes true in the end. Puhweeeees~ 

If the theories are true then we may have 10 years time leap in the next episode, fiuh~ it's only 2 episodes left.

I have really strong feeling that the one ET's smile to is KS, because from the way she smile it always the same like every time she smile for KS, and that love in her eyes seems so real without any kind of longing or sadness. It must be him.

I never cried like i did this morning, i can't stand to see such a hurtful farewell like that. it reminded me of every farewell i'd ever experienced, and seriously, it hurts. 

About the special episode. Well, that Secretary Kim is seriously hilarious! :lol: i still laugh whenever i remember him dancing EXO's Growl with that flat-expressionless face. Is it just me or any of you ever think that Secretary Kim is the reincarnation of PJH (evil ghost)? because in my eyes they're looked alike in the beginning (before the real PJH's appeared as a ugly-dusty-evil ghost).

At first i thought KS gave Secretary Kim a better life because KS is a believer of a Second Chance, but after the real  PJH appeared i became curious about Secretary Kim's past. What make KS help him bot be the one he is now. He must be a good person in the past.

Oh and one more thing makes me curious is the Girl Reaper, in the past she is PJH's servant who gave WY poisoned drink and if i'm not mistaken she also gave it to Kim Sun. It means she indirectly kills WY and Kim Sun, it that why she became a Reaper? Compared to WY's sin i think it's not really comparable in the same degree.

Special for DH (YSJ), i pray for you my dear boy, that in your next drama you will have a very long love line and you'll be the male-lead. Simply because you deserve it. AMEN!

Well, i really want to have a happy ending on this one. and this time i really could use one. *finger-crossed*

we still have 3 episodes more..:heart:

This we need to do party to our thread..Oh I will miss in here

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1 hour ago, dhia205 said:

ommo ommo.... you are awesome i'll be die from embarrassment even if i'm locked in my room all alone. 

but thanks to you now i know the reason why they zoom out the kissing scene. if they give us full zoom in, it will be too (erotic) much to handle even for TV cable cute-rabbit-emoticon-06.gif?1301940529lol

An idea - the writer agreed to Gong Yoo's suggestion that KGE be his costar because they want to beat THE KISS in Coffee Prince. We will get hot kiss(es) in the last three episodes, when Euntak will be 29. All the kisses so far are chaste, respecting Euntak's current age.

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Hi guys, I'm new here. I rewatched the first Goblin episode and there's something I need to clarify with you guys. So correct me if I'm wrong.

Upon watching the first episode, I realized that when KS woke up in the field, he said to Deok Hwa's ancestor and his grandpa that he needed to go somewhere. Next, we cut to the scene of PJH and the other eunuch talking. In this scene, PJH looked considerably older and WY is dead. We know he died when he was 30ish. However, KS was stabbed when the king was 20ish.

So did KS spend several years dead before he was reawoken as a goblin? If this is so, could this be the reason why we're looking at the 10-year skip for the next episodes? Could it be that the same thing will happen (several years dead) before he reawake again as a mortal??

This is my understanding upon watching the drama. Could be wrong though. Anyone could explain this?

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Hi :D

Been lurking on this thread since it started - finally decided to write something!

It has been really awesome reading everyone's point of views, gifs, videos etc!!! I do not have anything exciting to add...but just wanted to express my appreciation for this drama B)

Story wise...I have just been going with the flow...and njoying every minute of it...and I love the element of surprise the writer brings...the eunuch appearing as the missing soul, GR being shown as Wang Yeo, Sunny knocking the hat of GR the OTP kiss at a a place and time we were least expecting it...and to the others I cannot recall as I type.

Kim Eun Sook is one very talented writer...although even now City Hall is still my favorite :tongue: amongst the works I have seen. Even though Secret Garden had elements of fantasy...this is the first time I think KES has created a complete fantastical world...right?

Cinematography...I do not think even some movies could have the type of scenes and shots this drama was able to produce :heart:

Acting wise...was expecting brilliance and brilliance we got! Gong Yoo never dissapointed as an actor even if some of his projects did. Kim Go Eun also lives up to her name. It is a pity that even today ( I was on another site recapping Goblin) people are bashing her, but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion...or they are jealous she got smooched by Gong Yoo :lol: Yoo in Na...I have loved since watching Secret Garden and what a delight she is. Yook SungJae...one of the few Idol actors whom I enjoy watching and who can actually act! But the biggest revelation for me was Lee Dong Wook...I always end up watching his dramas...even Wild Romance and Iron Man. However I always felt he never quite showed enough depth ( LDW fans please do not throw stones at me) and honestly enjoyed him more on variety shows. Boy did he amaze me here!!! Especially his crying and forlorn looks...I am so glad he fought to do this role...because I can't imagine anyone else as the GR ( and do more Saeguks).

From the BTSs it seems the director allowed the actors freedom to adlib and put in some of their own input...and I guess that all just adds to this drama being so great!!! 

This is one of the few dramas where I am totally invested in the romance of the leads and second leads (thank God for no love triangles or squares), the bromance, the sisterhood, the friendships etc. Each and every character, big and small, made their presence felt!!!

Hopefully the remaining episodes will be as amazing if not more...and have a satisfying (praying Happy) ending!!!


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On 1/15/2017 at 2:28 AM, kismet22 said:

@itzibitzispider - I agree, I don't think that GR will erase her memories....why?  He usually doesn't do what the Goblin wants him to do.  The Goblin made him "promise" not to tell ET about what would happen when the sword was removed, yet, GR did tell her that Goblin would turn to ashes and disappear.  Personally, I think that ET is strong enough to handle it.  Yes, she will be sad, but she will hopefully have others to help her mourn, Sunny - just lost her brother again...GR and DW will need each other for comfort.  Forgetting what happened as we learned with GR doesn't necessarily mean that you always forget the feelings associated with the pain.  It would feel a bit weird, if ET's "family" where all sad and she was the only one that wasn't.

Also, just a thought....I keep going back to the scene when Chairman, before he died, told the secretary (new CEO)  That one day a man may appear to him with the name "Kim Shin" and he will be asking him for his "things" and that he was not to ask questions but just give them to him.  Maybe it's not just the "flight tickets and property arrangements" but something deeper and associated with Kim Shin's return...just a thought....

I do not think GR will erase ET's memory, reason being he couldn't hear what Goblin said that time. The only reason he would do it would be out of compassion seeing how sad ET was. ET then would regain her memories when Kim Shin kissed her in the future.  

Also, Chairman Yoo seems to know more than a mortal, so his words may point to the return of Kim Shin in the future. Who knows, he might be another person the Nabi god spoke through.  

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5 hours ago, petalsandleaves said:

for what it's worth, this is my theory for the ending..

Kim Shin returns to the field in which the butterfly-god decided to make him a goblin. now he gets a chance to live as a mortal due to his retributions in the last 900 years. He returns to modern life, in which Secretary/CEO Kim and DeokHwa will greet him (there was a spoiler picture)

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The person in the tan coat could be CEO Kim, and the patterned suit could be DeokHwa. I know neither is the Grim Reaper lol

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As for EunTak, I think she will nearly die of a heart attack (more like heartbreak) as suggested by GR's death card, but GR gets her help in time. He wants to erase her memories to soothe her heartbreak as promised to Kim Shin. She pleads him not to, but he does so anyway, cuz lol that's what he does (like did Sunny ask for her memories to be erased??). 

I can't really envision an ending in which both will keep their memory, I imagine it's possible for KS to do so, but EunTak will lose it (confirmed by the Canada restaurant flashforward in the earlier episodes). If he keeps his memories, then he lets her live as a normal 20 something without interfering in her life, which he can't really do without his powers, no summoning and teleportation and all.. Of course, fate brings them together when she's 29, and they fall in love again. 


KS will lose his memory as well. I think this will still bring the ending, of them meeting together when he's 37, she's 29, as renewed individuals.

I think the whole memory loss or no memory loss is just dependent on the viewer, whether it is good/bad they carry the baggage of their memories with them. 

Oh and I think there will be a hopeful ending for Sunny and GR, it's a little bit too packaged nice and neat for them to be a couple married with children by the end, but I think it'd be cool for them to possibly meet again on that pedestrian bridge under different circumstances (no ring, no fated deaths, no fated anything). 

I'm one of those people that don't mind sad endings as long as they're appropriate and makes sense, don't think we will get a sad ending BUT We shall see what happens :wink:

well, i agree with ur theory.. That was exactly i thought, about GR erase euntak's memories... 

can't wait for friday to come, but don't want it come too fast because that marks the end of this amazing dramas.. such a confusion....

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22 minutes ago, rambutan said:

An idea - the writer agreed to Gong Yoo's suggestion that KGE be his costar because they want to beat THE KISS in Coffee Prince. We will get hot kiss(es) in the last three episodes, when Euntak will be 29. All the kisses so far are chaste, respecting Euntak's current age.

gosh.. to beat CP kissing wasn't easy task tho, but i'll be glad if the production team decide to do so. i wish i can contact the nearest deity to possess the PD and make it come true ritual-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292864

please please please... i'll be all happy even if ET turn 29 in last ep, as long as they give us 10 minute worth kissing, hugging (will be better if there is bed scene) shy-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292864935

unimportant note : rambutan is my favorite fruit :tongue:

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I’m wasting my word
wasting my time
After I gave you everything
Every day is changing
I felt it

I felt my heart opening for you

You wake up my heart
and walk to my world
I call you a miracle

Out of everything that breathes
I wanna only remember you
Only feel you, only care for you
I wanna place you close to me
She blew me away

Heaven is in your eyes
Heaven is in your sound
To me, it’s in all of the world that you see
Heaven is in your kiss
even though tears fall down
The only one under this sky
To make me smile

I’m dreaming all day
I deeply closed my eyes
And called out your name

Smiles keep spilling out
How can this be?
It’s a day that everyone dreams of

You blow up my heart, my heart

Heaven is in your eyes
Heaven is in your sound
To me, it’s in all of the world that you see
Heaven is in your kiss
even though tears fall down
The only one under this sky
To make me smile

As if today is the last
I will look at you
You, who I liked so much

Heaven is in your eyes
Heaven is in your sound
To me, it’s in all of the world that you see
Heaven is in your kiss
even though tears fall down
The only one under this sky
To make me smile


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32 minutes ago, rambutan said:

I do not think GR will erase ET's memory, reason being he couldn't hear what Goblin said that time. The only reason he would do it would be out of compassion seeing how sad ET was. ET then would regain her memories when Kim Shin kissed her in the future.  

Also, Chairman Yoo also seems to know more than a mortal, so his words may point to the return of Kim Shin in the future. Who knows, he might be another person the Nabi god spoke through.  

yes... up until now, i wonder what those letter from chairman yu means. "When someone come with rain and blue fire and tell he is kim shin, give all for him" 
it's like chairman yu reads a future ahead... 

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2 hours ago, nearsea said:


There is one little clue due to which I'm still holding to the thought that it's not ET who would have the amnesia. Remember during the date when we see 29 year old ET in the restaurant, before meeting the CEO, she was clutching that 'destiny' trinket, that Shin gifted her. If she was having a memory loss why would she do that in the first place? We often associate certain things with our memories, either object, a music piece or a place. In this case, this is the first one. Because this is something which shin left for her, she treasured it , and I think will do so after shin passes away. 

The discussion on memory makes me remember the movie 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.' In it Jim carry's character was also going through a heartbreak and wanted to erase his memory of his gf, but at the process , when those memories were being removed one by one, he realized how precious they were, including the painful memories. So similarly I wonder if ET would like to still keep her memories intact,since without them she has got nothing to remember him by, recollection of the memories are in any case better than a void without the memories, which would haunt her,everything would be in place even so, she would still feel something is wrong or missing, but won't be able to figure out 'what' or 'who'. I think ET is brave,strong and resilient as she keeps saying, so it is likely that she would rather hold on to those times spent together with Shin, and have her usual 101 conversations looking up at the sky, earlier that spot was saved for her mom only, now Shin is there too. Besides if she doesn't remember then how would she know it's shin recalling her during first rain or snow? Anyway quoting this line from my favorite movie which is so appropriate, ' you can erase them from your mind, but getting them out of your heart is another story.'



That is what stumped me too about the ending, her necklace, but I thought it was also just some draw to it. Kinda like Sunny and GR to the jade ring on the pedestrian walkway. I thought the writer wouldn't be so cheap/not creative by throwing in amnesia, but Euntak's convo with Sunny about traveling for the first time is what's making me guess the memory loss thing. And I feel like GR would play some role in EunTak's memories. 

I like your take on the ending. She doesn't get amnesia, but decides to let go of Kim Shin since he's dead, which is understandable, until he shows up when she's 29 :) 

Outside of her relationships with the other characters, I hope the writer does develop her to be her own entity when she graduates college, rather than as the Goblin's bride, or GR's missing person lol, or Sunny's part time worker, and temporarily forces her to grow up independently without the strange and beautiful around her. Because we haven't seen EunTak as just herself as a student for a while, it'd be nice for her and for us to her have some normalcy (or mundaneness lol life's more interesting with a Goblin) before Kim Shin returns. As for the letter she wrote, I think that will be revealed when Kim Shin the CEO returns to Quebec no matter what happens, whether he loses his memory, she loses it, everybody loses it, none of them loses it ETC. I don't think the letter was ever sent to him in Korea, as suggested by an earlier post on this thread, because it was sent through the internal mail carrier in the hotel. 

And I loved Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! It was a big plot to take with the science fiction aspect of it, but I like how it all ties back to them meeting, falling in love, and meeting again. 


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47 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

gosh.. to beat CP kissing wasn't easy task tho, but i'll be glad if the production team decide to do so. i wish i can contact the nearest deity to possess the PD and make it come true ritual-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292864

please please please... i'll be all happy even if ET turn 29 in last ep, as long as they give us 10 minute worth kissing, hugging (will be better if there is bed scene) shy-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292864935

unimportant note : rambutan is my favorite fruit :tongue:


Sorry... but i don't think we will get hot kiss(es) more than CP... Shintak ep 13 kisseu is beyond my expectation.... because Goblin is not a pure romance drama.  I kinda expecting more for Wangsun couple! but let's hope KES-nim will hear our thoughts here!!!!

About their one night trip, i believe Kim Shin is a real gentleman and I never thought he would left ET with a baby because he had been preparing himself to die... 

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Okey, so here is my question for all of you. Hypothetically - IF the theories around ET meeting KS in Canada 10 years later are true, and GR DOES erase her memories, will the essence of the drama still be the same? Starting with clean pages and all, without everything they went through together?

For me I believe it would be a bit bitter-sweet, I would probably be happy because then they can finally have the life they wanted to have, but will they know that this is the life they wanted to have at all? 

At the same time I think GR won't erase her memories and she's only saying she's never been to Canada before because she can't tell HOW and WHY and WHEN she went to Canada, so easier to go with "not been here". As a lure for us as viewers. 

I would like to see an all weepy reunion where KS just shows up "NOT DEAD", just like Sherlock did with John, but yeah. Not entirely the same way. What do you guys think? 

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1 hour ago, lacremedelameme said:

Hi guys, I'm new here. I rewatched the first Goblin episode and there's something I need to clarify with you guys. So correct me if I'm wrong.

Upon watching the first episode, I realized that when KS woke up in the field, he said to Deok Hwa's ancestor and his grandpa that he needed to go somewhere. Next, we cut to the scene of PJH and the other eunuch talking. In this scene, PJH looked considerably older and WY is dead. We know he died when he was 30ish. However, KS was stabbed when the king was 20ish.

So did KS spend several years dead before he was reawoken as a goblin? If this is so, could this be the reason why we're looking at the 10-year skip for the next episodes? Could it be that the same thing will happen (several years dead) before he reawake again as a mortal??

This is my understanding upon watching the drama. Could be wrong though. Anyone could explain this?


We had some discussion on this earlier on.
KS was in the fields for 20 years (as revealed by Ghost Park in ep 11/12). The he re-appeared as Goblin in the fields, infront of grandpa and young DH's ancestor. Then he went off to palace....

Whether he was actually dead the 20 years or in a frozen state etc....it's not clear.
When he re-appeared, there was blue lightning and voice-over about his people's prayer so it appeared 'divinity'/God resurrected him at that point (perhaps his people prayed for 20 years and finally moved God to give him a second chance)


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1 hour ago, lacremedelameme said:

Upon watching the first episode, I realized that when KS woke up in the field, he said to Deok Hwa's ancestor and his grandpa that he needed to go somewhere. Next, we cut to the scene of PJH and the other eunuch talking. In this scene, PJH looked considerably older and WY is dead. We know he died when he was 30ish. However, KS was stabbed when the king was 20ish.

So did KS spend several years dead before he was reawoken as a goblin? If this is so, could this be the reason why we're looking at the 10-year skip for the next episodes? Could it be that the same thing will happen (several years dead) before he reawake again as a mortal??

This is my understanding upon watching the drama. Could be wrong though. Anyone could explain this?


@lacremedelameme My understanding is, yes, there is time lapse between the day KS died and the day KS awoken. I'm not sure how many years passed. Sometimes in Asian culture, you need many years of followers who worship you as a 'deity' before you are granted deity status. Since KS is seen as a warrior general with good victory record and upright morale values, it could be a time of turmoil with Eunuch possibly in power. The God in power decided to revive him to 'right the wrong' where Eunuch is in power. 

As to how this ties back to modern times where ET has forward time lapse to 29 years old... I'm not sure. I think it should be, time flows naturally in modern time. She graduates, gets a job, and gets hired by DH's company. Anyway, DH is her friend and they know and get along well with each other. 

I don't think ET loses her memory. Since her friend is still Sunny (according to phone conversation). 

Could it be this?

KS is the new CEO. ET does not know KS is revived (alive as a mortal). She goes to meet the new CEO in her favourite beef Canadian restaurant. At this stage, she decided to live her life bravely by embracing her career. She turns and sees CEO and realizes it is KS alive! YES! So no memory loss, I hope. I didn't rewatch all eps to check my theory. Maybe I should. 

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My separate questions are:

1. In ep 13 ending scene, ET said to KS, "You promised not to let go of my hands." May I know, which scene exactly did he say this to her? 

2. In flashback scenes of KS crying alone, the memory of KS saying something like, "I'm a 900+ year old Goblin, I will live bravely and embrace my life." (Sorry I don't remember the exact words... :( )

ET, after some episodes, repeats the same words exactly back to him. May I know which episode did ET's speech back to him comes from?



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1 hour ago, petalsandleaves said:

That is what stumped me too about the ending, her necklace, but I thought it was also just some draw to it. Kinda like Sunny and GR to the jade ring on the pedestrian walkway. I thought the writer wouldn't be so cheap/not creative by throwing in amnesia, but Euntak's convo with Sunny about traveling for the first time is what's making me guess the memory loss thing. And I feel like GR would play some role in EunTak's memories. 

I like your take on the ending. She doesn't get amnesia, but decides to let go of Kim Shin since he's dead, which is understandable, until he shows up when she's 29 :) 

Outside of her relationships with the other characters, I hope the writer does develop her to be her own entity when she graduates college, rather than as the Goblin's bride, or GR's missing person lol, or Sunny's part time worker, and temporarily forces her to grow up independently without the strange and beautiful around her. Because we haven't seen EunTak as just herself as a student for a while, it'd be nice for her and for us to her have some normalcy (or mundaneness lol life's more interesting with a Goblin) before Kim Shin returns. As for the letter she wrote, I think that will be revealed when Kim Shin the CEO returns to Quebec no matter what happens, whether he loses his memory, she loses it, everybody loses it, none of them loses it ETC. I don't think the letter was ever sent to him in Korea, as suggested by an earlier post on this thread, because it was sent through the internal mail carrier in the hotel. 

And I loved Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! It was a big plot to take with the science fiction aspect of it, but I like how it all ties back to them meeting, falling in love, and meeting again. 

Me too, though I would really love it if the writer throws in the whole stranger to lover plot again, like she did with ep 1 - 5 and later on, in the start. We saw how goblin Shin fell in love, now it's the turn of the human Shin. Also, considering how Sunny said to ET, 'you should have seen him back then in the past'. Somehow it seems to me that we will get to see some of the real persona of the general shin, and it would be amusing to see him gawking  at ET, self independent eccentric woman, always ready to take in the struggles throw at her. So I am hoping for a whole replay of falling in love again. So, just in that regard I won't mind may be if the general Shin doesn't remember his goblin life. But of course at the cost of him getting his memory back when he meets her [or kisses ET maybe? Kinda like what happened with Sunny].

Yeah, I thought the letters are more like the complementary notes that you leave in hotels once you're leaving? [like, for instance,I had a good time here, with the dokkaebi, regards dokkaebi's bride ] Not too sure. In that case the CEO Shin might have a chance of reading it in future.

Loved the movie too, yeah, it just speaks about our vulnerabilities, and how we don't want to let go of the relationships even if they hurt us, since we want to make it work, at the risk of being heartbroken again. 

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