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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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So what else is new with CDB?  He is now contemplating on either siding with MH or his number 1 enemy, Lee HaJin.  He will easily take the bait - but it will also help in the fall of MH,

I agree with @baduyHJ is making it known to MH that she will slowly take what's precious to her away from her by trying to get close to HR.  Not that MH treasures HR at all = HR is her tool for her own gain.

I am enjoying JW's conversations with MH - he  don't how fear or hesitation on his  responses to her anymore - and it is scaring MH every time.  And I am glad her own scandal was exposed. 

Since DY is alert, he definitely hears all the conversations in his room, including the report the caretaker is giving on the phone.

Glad to see Big Nam back.

As for MH's past lover - maybe the writers can make use of the annoying mistress - she knew about him because she followed him.

BTW - what happened to HJ's clothes?

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2 hours ago, Mailelei said:

Thought of you as I watched DY lying in a coma in today's episode. I know how you love DY and HJ like I do. DY lying there just brings tears to my eyes.


You know me well, not only is it sad to see him like that when HJ needs him but there something vulnerable about him with that knit cap on laying there knowing in reality who put him there.  And the fact that he is so helpless to do anything.  I guess I just miss his voice and him and I also miss those OTP moments I keep hoping and looking forward to!  Most of this drama has been spent waiting and lets just say I'm more than ready for some after the fight is over relief and togetherness a little happy ever after that doesn't come in the last episode.  I'm worn out on that these days even if this is a daily...

Favorite moment has to be HJ grabbing MH by the collar just wish she would have shook her a little harder and threw her to the floor!!!:w00t:  Jumped on her and pulled all her hair out!!!:tongue:  Consider this loss of control:vicx: on my part as stress release from a bad day!!!  Anyways you get the idea!!!:D

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Oh NOOOH! My earlobe's about to hit my collarbone!

My Mom did warn me that ordering a dozen pieces from that Rosicrucian charm jewelry site and welding them all together was a bad  idea, but I thought she was just jealous because earrings are banned in jail.

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

Oh NOOOH! My earlobe's about to hit my collarbone!

My Mom did warn me that ordering a dozen pieces from that Rosicrucian charm jewelry site and welding them all together was a bad  idea, but I thought she was just jealous because earrings are anned in jail.

:tounge_wink: LMAO

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4 hours ago, stroppyse said:


I also think that HJ is approaching HR so that MH will fear that she might kidnap HR, not that HJ will actually do that. However, it's a warning to MH that HJ can get close to her child as well. And, while MH may or may not love her daughter, we know that MH hates to lose anything that she considers "hers", and she definitely considers HR to be one of her things, even if she is quick to try to use HR as a tool to get her way with people. 

I was glad that in today's episode, they do address where GO is. So, MH doesn't know where GO or Jang is, and she thinks that Jang may be trying to protect GO from her. Glad to know that, at least, Jang may have gotten a conscience over GO. I'm still not happy about it, but I'm more relieved than in thinking that MH had stashed GO away some where. Jang doesn't strike me as a cruel man towards children, so hopefully, he won't mistreat GO, even if GO is unhappy about not being with HJ as he thought he was going to be. I can't even imagine the amount of trauma this child is going through, and how much therapy he's probably going to need even after he is found by his loving family to resolve all the issues of his turbulent and violent childhood years.



It does look as if Chairman Cha is going to side with the enemy of his enemy, now he just has to decide for himself who the greater enemy is. I'm sure that he'll decide MH is the bigger threat given that MH's mother put out the expose that meant he had to step down from the chairmanship, and MH has been putting him in his place ever since when he is such a prideful man. With HJ willing to go to her knees in front of him as in the preview, he'll understand that he has a better chance of at least reclaiming his pride with HJ than with MH. 

HJ outmaneuvering MH over in the boardroom over the scandals was a good scene since it meant that MH got smacked with her own indiscretions as a way of stopping her in her tracks. 

Also, it's interesting that the presidency of LK was not filled, the position and title that DY had had. Rather, MH has put someone in place that the translations are calling CEO which is correct, but which in Korean actually translates into "Representative," so basically, the Head Representative of a company. There is a subtle difference between a President and a CEO in terms of corporate positions, though the actual powers that are assigned to the office depend on the board and the articles of incorporation. Anyway, I assume that MH did that so that she can continue to invoke DY when she needs to, and make it seem as if DY will be back at some point since DY was popular and respected within LK. 

I have to admit the writer does a good job of thinking through the little details, both in terms of the company politics and titles, but also in the way that MH's indiscretions in the early episodes are brought back up again as a plot aid device.


It will be very good to have both DY and Big Nam back in the fight. Though, that seems to be almost overwhelming force against MH who isn't actually that competent anyway albeit she is evil. 


Am I the only one concerned about state in which DY wakes up in?   Will he remember everything? Or will we have to wade through the whole amnesia phase for a few episodes?

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Yes! one up for HJ, keep on suffocating MH and she'll choked to death in no time wahaahaaha

Thanks @baduy we need to lighten up the mood here.

I'm not going to comment on yesterday's episode, since everyone here has done a splendid job! but just my observation of MH.

The evil force behind her is her mom, Mdm Kim. While she tells her father everything that is going on she sings a different tune to her mom. In yesterday's episode as MH was troubled by HJ's appointment she runs off to see her mom in prison since Mdm Kim is the one with the bright ideas, but her bright ideas wasn't so bright after all, so she is caught again. I also notice that unlike the man with the horrible bow tie:tongue: Mdm Kim is unaware of GO existence. May be the writer is keep this up to a favorable time. Not that she will be furious with MH, i notice that whatever disadvantage that MH had brought to her she makes a calculated move to counter attack. So i reckon she might do more horrible things than MH will if she finds out. 

Back to that evil force that i was talking about, i reflect again on the first day that MH moved in as Mdm Kim daughter. She allowed her to use everything but that everything is not hers. Its like a feeder feeding a hungry animal slowly feeding it making it jumping and struggling for for more. That is what Mdm Kim is doing to MH. Hence the real evil is Mdm Kim and as i have posted before it leaves room for MH to be forgiven?


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1 hour ago, koreanlover2017 said:

I think DY will wake up, n remember  everything but cant talk yet...

I think DY was conscious even tho' he seem to be sleeping - and I am sure he's heard enough from people in his room.  When MS and CDB left the room and the caretaker started calling someone to report, the camera focused on DY (I have to watch again to find out if he even flinched a bit).

The writer better not do another recycling by making DY forget everything.  If he wakes up and does act like such, it may be acting - especially  if he wakes up with Nam beside him.  My scenario is DY will wake up in front of Nam and give Nam signs of secrecy.

I think the slap HJ gave MH is from the attempt of the mistress to mess up HJ presentation.

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5 hours ago, baduy said:

Oh NOOOH! My earlobe's about to hit my collarbone!

My Mom did warn me that ordering a dozen pieces from that Rosicrucian charm jewelry site and welding them all together was a bad  idea, but I thought she was just jealous because earrings are banned in jail.

@baduy    I loved what you wrote about her earings . LOL LOL LOL   mouse-girl-emoticon-09.gifmouse-girl-emoticon-09.gif

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18 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

@ross27 looks like my prediction that DY would wake up in the cliffhanger tomorrow could come true.

Yes, I am so excited. But please please do not make him loose his memory! If he fakes it to trap MH, that's fine. 

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Everyone has covered the salient points of episode 73.

I would just like to add that I too am happy that MH does not know where Jang is! Yay! I don't want her claws on GO! I am also glad that HJ has finally realised that her decision and action to save DY 8 years ago for his sake was a mistake! She recalled what DY said to her when she was talking to SY and advising her about her relationship with TY. DY had  told her that whatever she did it should have been for herself, it should not be for his sake. And HJ similarly gave SY the same advice.

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1 hour ago, ross27 said:

Everyone has covered the salient points of episode 73.

I would just like to add that I too am happy that MH does not know where Jang is! Yay! I don't want her claws on GO! I am also glad that HJ has finally realised that her decision and action to save DY 8 years ago for his sake was a mistake! She recalled what DY said to her when she was talking to SY and advising her about her relationship with TY. DY had  told her that whatever she did it should have been for herself, it should not be for his sake. And HJ similarly gave SY the same advice.


Min Hee also noted that Jang disappearance is actually his way of protecting Ga On. I noted that Jang had a conscience but he could not refuse the money.

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1 hour ago, Jackie1048 said:


Min Hee also noted that Jang disappearance is actually his way of protecting Ga On. I noted that Jang had a conscience but he could not refuse the money.

Think Jang not only followed MH instructions on GO, not only for money, but mainly MH had threatened to throw him in jail with the evidence she had on Jang. I guess to Jang, he needed the money to safeguard his own family, not forgetting he has a young son too. He probably wanted the money so that his family will not suffer if he gets thrown in jail.

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The opening scene was HJ introducing herself to CDB of course he is not going to welcome her with open arms that lead to HJ going on her knees.

I'll just go to the scene of the slap. As HJ was walking out from the planning dept she overheard the annoying mistress talking on the phone saying something like DY is awake, HJ was anxious and called MS, she then rushes out and was about to leave for the hospital but was stopped by TY. It seems that MH had used the mistress to trick HJ but her plan was overheard by TY. HJ was pissed and rushes off to MH, hence the slap. wahhaaahaa so loving that

There was a scene of MH on the phone with her father - can't be sure. She is telling him to have HJ tailed?

HJ is on the phone with MS - i think she is planning to see HR and informing MS about it.

While HJ was in the car, the driver was telling her something - i assume he is telling her that he is reporting to MH. HJ then goes to see HR. She introduces her self as LHJ and that she is a friend of her dad's. MH then gets a call from the driver. The pissed MH then calls JW. Can't be sure of what they talked about, but later JW went to see HJ. 

MH was talking to the mistress, she slips up, though i can't be sure of it, but it made MH suspicious of MS. There was a round of questioning starting with HR and then MS. MH later informs her suspicion to the clueless father and he brushed it off

Mr Park has a new makeover after MA commented on his attire in yesterday's episode. 

Mr Nam was at DY bedside, apologizing, MS came in and the care taker looks like she is going to make a call. 

For some reason at this point my streaming decided to fail me. 

I could just make out the closing scene - HJ was at DY's bedside she was talking to him. Later she left, that when DY open his eyes. That's the cliffhanger. 

So my predictions was right after all.

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13 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

The opening scene was HJ introducing herself to CDB of course he is not going to welcome her with open arms that lead to HJ going on her knees.


Aside from the knees, though, she tries flashing a few inches of thigh....



which plainly doesn't go un-noticed...




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I liked the actress Bitna in Women's Room. But here I think she is overdoing the facial expressions.  Like every line she has to change her expressions.  Now when she comes on, I don't look at her face! Hahaha. 

I agree with the comments that even if MH was abused as a child, she still has to pay for what she did. Studies have shown that most husbands who beat their wives grew up with a father who beat up on their Mum; most pedophiles were abused when tbey were kids, etc. We feel sorry for them but they have to pay for what they did. Society also is not safe if they are let loose to do more harm. Those who cannot be rehabilitated must never be set loose on society. 

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