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2 hours ago, MiAmour said:

Supporting cast Kim Hoyoung posted this shot of Daeshik gets tutored  

P/S: If you guys forgotten, KHY appeared in Ep.9 & 10.

Your comment made me really laugh! :)I believe, you meant tortured and not tutored (this would mean that MTG is his tutor!) and I don't think that MTG is looking for a student as tutor!

I had expected last week that DS would die and I guess, I was right. However, the torture he is experiencing due to MTG really upsets me because even if he betrayed MJH, he didn't deserve to die in such a terrible way. In the next preview, we can finally see that MTG has lost his controll. This time, he is using a rifle and not his usual weapon, the kettle ball, which proves that MTG is defending himself and not in an attack mode. Have you noticed that his hand is covered with blood, when he is targeting with the rifle!  

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Your comment made me really laugh! :)I believe, you meant tortured and not tutored (this would mean that MTG is his tutor!) and I don't think that MTG is looking for a student as tutor!

Omg sorry darl, i must be typing that while im sleepy last night... until i made a typo :sweat_smile:



LOL at this bts Kkkkkkkk~

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15 minutes ago, MiAmour said:

Omg sorry darl, i must be typing that while im sleepy last night... until i made a typo :sweat_smile:



LOL at this bts Kkkkkkkk~

Why should you be sorry? I knew that it was a typo but it just made me laugh. :sweat_smile:When you think about it, Voice is such a serious and dark drama but due to your typo, I could feel less depressed...

I haven't watched the episode RAW yet, I only watched the scene with DS and MJH and this scene was really moving and heartbreaking. Both are hurt and disgusted. In my opinion, even if MJH was harsh in his critics, he will cry, when he sees his friend dead.

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58 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I haven't watched the episode RAW yet, I only watched the scene with DS and MJH and this scene was really moving and heartbreaking. Both are hurt and disgusted. In my opinion, even if MJH was harsh in his critics, he will cry, when he sees his friend dead.

Subs already released, havent you watch yet?:rolleyes:




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33 minutes ago, titania1000 said:

Strangely, we got no scene of Tae Gu and Kwon Joo after the feast of the last episodes but it left time for us to discover his feelings about his mother who apparently died violently and is still haunting  him; and most importlantly for Kwon Joo to realize that she's still alive while based on the profile she made Tae Gu is the kind of brutal murderer/serial killer to kill most of the time quickly his victims, so why is he taking his time with her?       


When the preview of EP.15 released yesterday, we all thought Taegu called KJ, to meet up with her




but as we saw now, he's target towards NST's mole, Daeshik :sweat_smile:

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Talking about the devil's lair.... I thought it will be the the containers site where it all happened. But it was the villa. I shiver to think the number of dead bodies police will find at the nearby beach... do they get swept away by the current and waves or that the devil has special way to keep them deep inside the sea and remain there? Regarding TG and whatever reason he became what he is now, I fully blame it on his father. It seems TG was fond of his mother and she was the only figure that care for him and always be there for him. His father was too busy. He neglected his son, emotionally and physically. The doctor said his condition was partially genetic perhaps a result of having a ruthless father. TG's barking at his dad about following what he was told, e.g. to teach those who disobey/hurt him. Bad teaching sir... really bad especially when the son is one under traumatic experience. It is like giving him a gun and letting him goes wild with it.

 Ep. 15 is a very good episode leading up to the final one. I really will be missing all of the reviews and discussions here. Thank you!! Will be patiently waiting for the new project by JH. Great job by the ensemble casts!

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7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Your comment made me really laugh! :)I believe, you meant tortured and not tutored (this would mean that MTG is his tutor!) and I don't think that MTG is looking for a student as tutor!

Just for the funsies, but I would totally buy it! Then we hade a situation like in the SAW Movies, where the killer teaches a student, DS, the teacher gets caught but the student takes over his teachers work and so we get a second season with DS as the new villain and JH's new goal is it to bring his old partner back but slowly realizes that it's impossible and in the end he just wants to find him and end his murdering......AWESOME!

2 hours ago, titania1000 said:

By trhe way ,Kim Jae Wook has taken over this show and ran away with it.

Indeed. He is just amazing as MTG.


Anyway, I watched the subbed episode and I'm really glad that it's not disappointing so far, we're right at the front door to the great finale, final boss is ahead of us in it's lair.

It really was a thrilling episode, they didn't waste any time, you slowly see how everything crumbles little by little. JH had a bad-richard simmons moment, I just really wish he would have punched prosecutor Park. Even our CF-experts had their little moment of shining.

I have to give DS my credits, he really is one unlucky guy and I'm okay if he doesn't die in the end. You could see how he suffered from his actions and that he is just scared. He has to be charged for his crimes, but I think he has somehow redeemed himself. 

The scene in MTG lair is pretty messed up. as soon as the lights were turned on you could see what cruel things might have happened here. His collection of killing instruments, a worthy scene for an hopeful mind-blowing finale.

Pretty much everything leads to the last episode tomorrow. I'm so ready.



Oh and at last just a quick note, did you realize that everytime JH/DS arrive at the same time as the police and/or ambulance? Really, they always arrive at the exact same time, even if he gets the call late or picks up the phone while everybody is driving for minutes already. Seems like they are waiting around the corner until they see his car, so they can arrive together. 

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Geeze... not only does MTG have Daddy issues, he has Mummy issues too. Why do people commit suicide in front of their children? Nuts... just nuts. 

"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole but loses his soul?"

Yes, Chairman, it's all your fault. But it's too late to lament or show remorse. The damage is done and the house of cards that you built on the shakiest foundations is hopefully about to all come tumbling down into a heap. You indoctrinated a child with serious mental health issues into thinking that he was special, he could do no wrong, that his birthright entitled him to do anything and everything to get ahead, to survive. You perpetuated this vision of a dog eat dog world and you showed your son exactly how it's done. He was a monster born in your ruthless image. 

The monster has already turned on its own and soon it will go for its own tail and implode. 

Sungwun Express is yet another monster formed in the image of father and son. An insurance scam conducted on the backs of dead and injured drivers... did no one notice? Didn't the insurance company? Aren't they usually reluctant to give out money? Did no one even think to ask questions when these drivers were dropping like flies? The payout must have been considerable over the years. Is Sungwun that replete with lawlessness that no one bats an eyelash when driver after driver dies?

Good to see our leads finally using the media to their advantage. Well, it's a war and all's fair... Even if the Sungwun machinery manages to shut down the story of the day, the damage is done. I'm relieved the entire busload including the bus driver survived. JH by saving the bus driver at risk to himself earned some much needed ammunition against the Sungwun machinery.

Just as we surmised, DS jumps into the fray heart first and wracked with guilt. For many he's not a sympathetic figure but I am sorry for him because he didn't do any of it out of malice and greed but desperation. He should have asked for help when the thing got too big for him to handle alone. I don't disagree with him when he says that the Mo family is a Kraken-like beast with tentacles everywhere. It won't be easy to put MTG behind bars without first discrediting the empire first. 

I don't think I'd be shedding tears if MTG falls victim to his own collection of kettlebells. Would be poetic justice if they all came crashing down on those nice cheekbones.


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After reading the comments here, I think I will need to wait for the right mood/moment before watching the finale week, considering how intense it would be. I will probably read recaps first so I know which scenes to avoid/ffwd :-P yeah, I skipped the scene when grandma was killed. It's too much to handle for me seeing good ppl tortured to death. I might skip DS's scene too in ep.15. 

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7 hours ago, titania1000 said:


I also really felt the need to see more layers for Kwon Joo, and Tae Gu. He's much more than a simple bar of evilness, and like i said i need to see him show more contradictions in order to believe that he's an human being who have turned bad and not a supernatural entity (which would ruined the superb acting of Kim jae Wook who really did wonders with his micro expresssions). The same for Kwon Joo, as much i love her  (and i too love Kwon Joo for everything she is and she fights for) and want to protect her, the fact she potentially could have been drawn to him on some level because of her empathy and despite what he did to her and her father would have made her more vulnerable and thus closer to the rest of us. She didn't evolve much since the beginning of the show and some doubt could have brought a little but really needed character development and helped to deepen maybe her relationships with her team. She's so distant with everyone, even Jin Hyuk to the point that it's sometimes hard to relate to her.

I agree entirely with you about the oversexualization of the women in real and fictional worlds and how good it would be to have an asexual heroine. But this drama has deprived its heroine of all emotions and relationships that any human being needs ( i think the writer wrote himself in the corner by writing a too much dense plotted story to the point that the characters don't even seem to have time to change clothes), and the obsession for Tae Gu seemed to be the only open door for a subplot that goes beyond actions, so i jumped on the wagon and honestly don't regret it.           

Because ultimately the show isn't really about her I imagine. Nor is it really about JH. It is about them in so far as they are survivors of crimes or surviving victims of crimes. They're both admirable to me at least in that they never succumbed to the temptation of giving in to the pressures around them. It's hard not to as we've seen repeatedly. But they're both incredibly strong. GJ, a no-nonsense professional able to stand up to her superior with wisdom and choice words. JH has physical strength to deal with the thugs in his path but the strength to persevere after his wife's death as a single dad with a sickly son. They never see themselves as victims

At the end of the day the show is about giving VOICE to victims... to put a face on the statistics. To see the horror of crimes from their perspective rather than just an item in the 6 o'clock news. Whether it's the teenage girl about to be beaten to death, or Park Eun Byul who was victim to HKI the arsonist who fell victim to family dysfunction with no intervention or guidance later on in life. Or the tenants in a low income area. Or victims of the real estate extortion. The homeless men and women. The bus drivers and the commuters. Chief Jang and Dae Shik were victims to some degree of a larger conspiracy. Even now we're told that our psychotic serial killer is something of a victim of poor parenting and suicide. 

There are all kinds of victims. Some soldier on and draw strength from their experiences. Others fall apart mentally and do what their victimizers did to them.

Thank you for your kind words and it's genuine pleasure to receive them. :)


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