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8 hours ago, titania1000 said:

I've just finished watching ep 15 with subs and i can confirm that's its one of the most intense fo the entire drama. I love how this show manages to outdo itself every week. 

It has an excellent balance of action, emotions and horror ( i had to close my eyes and cover my ears during the last minutes,the screams were unbearable) while giving time for characters to reflect on their actions and to bond more or to go separate ways.

By trhe way ,Kim Jae Wook has taken over this show and ran away with it.

 And like few have have already speculated it: the actor playing Dae Shik is really killing it (you can feel that he waited a very long time to get to play this part and was more than ready to give all he had).

Strangely, we got no scene of Tae Gu and Kwon Joo after the feast of the last episodes but it left time for us to discover his feelings about his mother who apparently died violently and is still haunting  him; and most importlantly for Kwon Joo to realize that she's still alive while based on the profile she made Tae Gu is the kind of brutal murderer/serial killer to kill most of the time quickly his victims, so why is he taking his time with her? She made the connection with his past, speculating that he must have suffered a traumatic shock (the suicide of his mother?) which pushed him to kill the 1st time and she is trying to find what happened and why it happened. I wouldn't say it's a progress because she spoke to herself few times and wondered if he was a monster and what his victims were to him. She also asked Jin Hyuk once (at the end of the case of her own kidnapping) what could have happened for the murderer if they had the opportunity to meet him before he started his killings? But it's something new that she seems more curious about him and less angry....         

I don't think that his mother committed suicide, rather she was killed by her husband in front of MTG. When MTG is in the basement, he is having some hallucinations which represent to a certain extent his guilty conscience. The fact that he remembers these words from NST ("I always considered you as my little brother") and later his memories about his mother come back

- MTG, don't look

- MTG, don't kill me

Sure, we could imagine that the last words (MTG, don't kill me,) could be addressed to MTG and he killed her. However, this could be explained differently: she keeps MTG because he is there witnessing what the father is doing to her. The memories we get from her underline the closeness between the mother and son. Both went to the villa because the father was away. They smiled and danced together. Notice how his mother's hair look like... not well brushed as if she was neglecting herself. I don't know but I had the impression that his mother was abused by his father. The fact that she begs for her life proves that MTG saw his mother as a fragile person. Somehow, because his mother was weak, she was killed. That's why he hates people who act as weak persons. I can not forget the gaze MTG had, when DS begged for his life. In my opinion, these are the words MTG never wants to hear which would explain why he is so "fond" of MJH and KGJ. Despite the hurt, they keep remaining strong. Besides, his father has taught him to act as a strong person, to feel superior to others. This superiority comes from this idea that rationality and lack of empathy are the keys to it. Therefore for him, being weak means showing emotions like pain, anger, pity... the more you show them, the more he will feel superior. This aspect is illustrated in two scenes: MTG and DS meeting for the first time. While DS reveals his vulnerability by being drunk, driven by many emotions, MTG is smiling more and more. By remaining cool and rational, he has planned how to capture DS.  

Actually, MTG is fascinated by MJH too and not just by KGJ. If you pay closer attention to his words, you 'll observe that he shows a certain concern for them, like the advice he gave to MJH: "Don't look for the mole, otherwise you'll get hurt!" I don't think he said that just for his survival. Then the way he looks at DS and he even calls him "you little rat" reveals his disdain for him since he knew that DS was betraying his friend and colleague MJH. Sure, the comment "you little rat" can be interpretated differently: DS didn't give him the key, an important evidence and kept it. Nonetheless since he takes the kettle belt, it proves to me that he is more in a killing mood than trying to get the evidences that NST left behind. For him, MJH and KGJ are his equals since they are not frightened and keep hunting him which explains why he told his father that he wouldn't leave the country. He is still playing his game. Now, we know why MTG keeps listening to Mozart Requiem as it was the music he used to listen when he was with his mother. Since this music is connected to his mother, I have the impression that it is his way to express that deep down he is missing her. To me, this reinforces this theory that MTG's mother didn't commit suicide. The father was already wealthy enough to cover up his crime. 

Interesting is that chairman Mo is getting more and more afraid of his son. He thought, he was safe because he acts as strong and superior, but his hand was shaking and the gaze was really telling. No wonder why MTG mentioned to him that if he stops him, he has no problem to get rid of him. Mo is no longer superior to his son! The more we discover about MTG, the more we can see the culpability of the father. First, I am doubting the suicide of the mother. To me, since the father has been portrayed as megaloman, abusive parent and employer, it is clear that the genetic component mentioned by the doctor is true. Then the environment in which MTG was raised contributed to his personality disorder. The father never tried to change his behaviour as he thought, he had no reason to. He never reflects on his own actions, rather blame others, when scandals appear. The chairman Mo doesn't even realise his own brutal behaviour: he keeps kicking his employes or using them as pawns. The other reason why MTG's father is the real responsible for all this is his refusal to send his son to a mental institut and have him treated. Besides, he never really stopped his son's thirst for blood, he even encouraged it by helping him to make the corpse disappear. The lack of empathy, his megalomania, his violent and moody behaviour illustrate that Mo also needed to get some therapy. However since he had money, he could always get away with it.

@40somethingahjumma pointed out last week how poorly chairman Mo is dressed. Yes, he has no sense of fashion or good taste. He still looks like a thug. Even money can not cover up for the lack of education. Chairman Mo used his son to give himself some respectability: his son went to a famous college, is well-mannered, very well-dressed aso. To sum up, his son was important for this reason. He needed a son in order to improve his reputation therefore he could never send the son to a mental institut. Now, I am wondering about the origin of MTG's mother. Since she listened to classical music, I guess, her social background must have been better.

As conclusion, MTG is the chairman's karma. He needs to pay for his sins, yet he has just realised it: "This is all my fault!". This was the first time that Mo really reflected on his own actions and blamed himself, not his employes or MJH or KGJ.   



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Will DS survive? He may survive physically but will his soul be intact? 

It's the final episode and I may not have commented much but I enjoyed reading all the posts here. It has been a truly gripping drama from the very beginning and all of it is tied to the abuse of power through wealth. 

My mom was watching this drama with me and she made the comment that it looked like when you have a lot of money, you can practically buy anyone - I am glad to see that not everyone can be bought. 

MTG has been a very chilling and diabolical villain - the brains to execute his plans and even the presence of mind for clean-up after the crime. Everyone has a vulnerable spot and it looks like for MTG that being called a psychopath is that trigger. 

I look forward to the finale tonight and I can see no way but for MTG to die because he will kill again and with his dad's wealth and power, he will be out of prison or may not even face time in prison. SCARY thought. 


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2 minutes ago, MiAmour said:

I wonder when will they gonna make a wrap party, probably next week, after the drama ends :smirk:


photographer updates




I was hoping the wrap up party can be tonight, and the crew and cast can watch the finale together?

Poor Dae Shik got to pose in that group picture with that bloody make-up haha...


Judging from the BTS posted, my guess is they will end this drama with Tae Gu falling into the sea, but his body would not be found. Then it leaves us with an open ending which we see a man in black sneaking on Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo.

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This was definately an emotion-packed episode, but it also showed us how the choices we make in life can come back to haunt us!

Firstly Chairman MO, refusing to get MTG treated, and finally realising too late that he had turned his son into a monstar who would even kill him! I do not think that MTG was ever a "normal" kid. As the doctor that diagnosed MTG had said, his condition was caused by "genetics and acquired factors".  Between his tyrannical father and (what seems) like a mother who was suffering from depression, I am certain he would have had issues , however the trigger that sent him over the edge was his mother's death.

Secondly DS :(. As much as I knew he was a mole, I did not want it to be him and to be honest his story is heartbreaking, talk about a double whammy!!! BUT, I still not do agree with his actions and this conversation that JH had with DS sums up pretty much, how I too feel about this whole situation.


DS said he did it to survive, but look at where it has got him now. Another thing I do not understand is, DS asked JH to not go after MTG, as he would only lose. But DS chose to go after MTG, he could have even pulled the trigger on MTG, but could not...so why did he do that? I understand his feeling of guilt, was he trying to get killed? I am glad that DS had nothing to do with JH's wife's death! I believe that DS needs to pay back for what he has done, but in  no way did I want to him to end up like this and I sure do not think he would too!!!!!


Between the lighting, the acting and the set work....:confounded:.....talk about a modern dungeon!!

JH and KJG chose to fight, and not be dragged into this whole mess, when it could have been easier to have given in. I do hope that DS makes it out alive (though the chances look slim). The dungeon treatment is punishment enough and I am sure if he does die JH, as much as he was hurt and dissapointed by DS, JH will always blame himself for DS's death :bawling:


Here is to the the final will be awesome!!!  



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@bebebisous33 -- MTG's mother Han Young Ran did take her own life. GJ commented on it when she read the death notice and then told JH in the car that she took her own life after they returned from the villa. It's around 49 minutes in the video.

The problem with this show is that it moves too fast at times. Important facts are spat out in rapid succession and it's easy to miss things.

It is entirely possible that Chairman Mo married into Old Money as is sometimes called. He's New Money.

A hunter I suspect likes a bit of a challenge. He hasn't had one for a while (or ever) so he's probably relishing dealing with some real opposition.

It is interesting that MTG was a bit of a Mummy's Boy. Not that I'm any kind of expert but it might go someway to explaining why women are largely absent from his life. 

I'm looking forward to a nice big showdown. Kim Rae Won has done a great job in the role but MTG really needs to be utterly decimated. Ego, props, stooges... everything.  It's been a power trip watching people cower and beg for mercy. But we can be sure that JH won't be doing that.

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1 hour ago, Prettysup said:

Judging from the BTS posted, my guess is they will end this drama with Tae Gu falling into the sea, but his body would not be found. Then it leaves us with an open ending which we see a man in black sneaking on Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo.

Welp, how i hate open ending, i wish its not happening LOL



another selca from Cheon ki baek


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43 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@bebebisous33 -- MTG's mother Han Young Ran did take her own life. GJ commented on it when she read the death notice and then told JH in the car that she took her own life after they returned from the villa. It's around 49 minutes in the video.

The problem with this show is that it moves too fast at times. Important facts are spat out in rapid succession and it's easy to miss things.

It is entirely possible that Chairman Mo married into Old Money as is sometimes called. He's New Money.

A hunter I suspect likes a bit of a challenge. He hasn't had one for a while (or ever) so he's probably relishing dealing with some real opposition.

It is interesting that MTG was a bit of a Mummy's Boy. Not that I'm any kind of expert but it might go someway to explaining why women are largely absent from his life. 

I'm looking forward to a nice big showdown. Kim Rae Won has done a great job in the role but MTG really needs to be utterly decimated. Ego, props, stooges... everything.  It's been a power trip watching people cower and beg for mercy. But we can be sure that JH won't be doing that.

No, I didn't miss it. But I don't take a death certificate as 100% evidence, especially when it comes to chairman Mo. We saw that evidences were falsified in order to convict DGC, the supposed culprit of HJH's death. Just like the suicide of NST....  

Besides, the words MTG hears in the basement: "Don't kill me..." I do think, there is more to it.

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53 minutes ago, MiAmour said:

Welp, how i hate open ending, i wish its not happening LOL


another selca from Cheon ki bae



Isnt OCN famous for having open endings? Haha..

And is that Jang Hyuk's hand squeezing his chin in the first picture? This guy can be so naughty lol...

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15 minutes ago, Prettysup said:

Isnt OCN famous for having open endings? Haha..

And is that Jang Hyuk's hand squeezing his chin in the first picture? This guy can be so naughty lol...

Yeah ur right, i just remembered they did OE in Squad 38 too.. :smirk:



TRANS::  Today is the last episode of #Voice

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@bebebisous33 It's not beyond the pale for anyone in this show to fake the autopsy results and death certificate. But why would MTG kill his mother especially when he seemed so attached to her? That's the part I'm having trouble coming to grips with. 

With all his mental health issues should we be relying on the voices in his head for the truth? He did look unusually startled, not gleeful or angry. I personally thought it was his guilt talking to him but who knows! The only explanation that would work for me is that it was an accident. 

Well, I imagine we'll know soon enough if they care to clarify. :wink:


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3 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@bebebisous33 It's not beyond the pale for anyone in this show to fake the autopsy results and death certificate. But why would MTG kill his mother especially when he seemed so attached to her? That's the part I'm having trouble coming to grips with. 

With all his mental health issues should we be relying on the voices in his head for the truth? He did look unusually startled, not gleeful or angry. I personally thought it was his guilt talking to him but who knows! The only explanation that would work for me is that it was an accident. 

Well, I imagine we'll know soon enough if they care to clarify. :wink:


That's why I have been saying that MTG might have witnessed his mother's murder. With these "MTG... don't kill me" the "don't kill me" expression might not have been addressed to him but to the father, while she kept thinking about her son.

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17 minutes ago, titania1000 said:


Quick additional thoughts about ep 15:


  •  We had two very important moments for Kwon Joo and Jin Hyuk which were cute and sad.  One in the hospital when they met the bus driver they both rescued. I loved how Jin Hyuk took the initiative to present Kwon Joo as the savior and how she felt embarrassed and said Jin Hyuk did all the work. She helped him rebuild his reputation as a police officer and with her at his side he found a new confidence and new empathy for the victims (look at him being all comfortable with the saved passengers, greeting them and promising to come back). They are partners, they know it and they embrace it willingly now and It's adorable. :wub: Later, after his confrontation with Dae-Shik, Jin Hyuk remembered how Daeshik pushed him to dislike and distrust Kwon Joo at first, and i felt thate he was hurt not only by Daeshik's betrayal but also the thought that Daeshik tried to keep him apart of the only person who was really in position to help him and the tell him the truth, the one who positivelychanged his life after Tae Gu destroyed it partially. I feel like he realized for the 1st time how could things could have gone if he had not made the right choices when it comes to her. 
  •  Speaking of Daeshik, he cut the part of the recording where Kwon Joo talked to Tae Gu and participated actively in discrediting her. She quit the police because of him and had to change the country, not counting the fact that a police officer like him, a father like his father died for nothing and didn't get justice because he covered the tracks of the murderer. I positively hate him for that and don't want to forgive him, And no what he is going through now doesn't help me to reconsider. He doesn't deserve the torture or the terror (but nobody does)  but really deserves to rot in jail in the cell next to Tae Gu.
  •  What was the significance of the camera zooming into Tae Gu's scribbling? A way to prove that he's losing it even at work?


Fingers crossed that the final will deliver.....        

 Sorry for cutting your fascinating post...but when I type on my phone I can't tag :wacko:

1. Yes I also noticed JH giving credit to KJG and the flash backs of those times when DS tried to make doubtful of KJG. Another moment I liked was when KJG and JH are driving to MTG's villa and she asks him about his talk with DS. Those moments show us that the two of them have become comfortable with each other both on a personal and professional level. Though I still do not want to ship them :tongue:

2. Well I already shared my sentiments regarding DS in my earlier thread :huh:

3. I think the scribbling: MTG is aware of the world he, his father and all the others involved had created to "protect" him is crumbling...he himself is becoming desperate...come on he even threatened his father, his confidence was shaken when JH said he had found out where his killing field was - he actually went to confirm that the villa had not been searched...he is shaken...though he won't admit it

Also noticed how the villa and the flat are so pristine :wacko:

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