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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Whose birthday were they celebrating on set?


don't really know but it can't be Yoo Seung Ho's nor Kim So Hyun's birthday since they are born in august and june respectively while it's obvious it's winter on the set!! maybe the father's birthday?! 

:wub: hate the crazy girl's part <_< but love my OTP moments!! :wub: 


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“A flower that blooms through snow and wind… is a true flower.”

cr: kdramagif

I so loved this scene!! the Crown Prince showed his authority and declared war against the evil leader of Pyunsoohwe's group while showin a smile and gifting flowers!! WOA!! by the end of the scene assuring the evil leader that he will become a King who'll love his people I was "Long Live The Crown Prince"!! hhhhhh :D and he was so cool!! :wub: 

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1 hour ago, cyang923 said:

i have a question when did the leads start liking each other already?

 i dont seee the point or scene when they start the romance

haha thanks


it started from the 1st time they met (like/love at 1st sight? :wink:)



cr: omokdramas


and kept growing during the time they had together talking about books :wub: 


cr: omokdramas


getting lost in each other's eyes!! :wub: 


cr: omokdramas


bickering about the chicken :lol: 


cr: omokdramas


talking true freedom :):wub: we can he's so interested in her and her shy no answer was an enough answer!! :wink::wub: 


cr: omokdramas


she even cooked properly without burning anything and her father gave his blessing by inviting him to come more often!! :wink::wub: 


cr: omokdramas


they were together trying to help Lee Seon's mother who needed water!! 


cr: hykdrama


and to save Lee Seon's father who was arrested by the evil group for stealing the water (her father stepped in the matter on Chun Soo/CP's moving words)!!


cr: hykdrama


he even was about to confess to her about his feelings and real identity :wub: but thigs went wrong before he can!! :( 


cr: omokdramas


it may not be along time since they met each other but they liked each other and admired each other's way of thinking and believes that they shared!! :wub: hope that helped you chingu!! :D 

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4 minutes ago, Yongzura said:


@sakura2016, you are a master .. :blush:


chingu, you're here!! :D happy to see you here, and thank you so much!! :blush: 



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lee sun x yi sun bromance in ‘Ruler

i lowkey love how selfless yoo seung ho’s character is but wow he takes a lot of these tough things to heart, poor baby.

cr: yeol2bean
his trust in his 1st friend who he believed he chose his side will break too!! :heartbreak: 
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Ruler–Master of the Mask: Episodes 7-8

by lovepark




While our heroes and villains fight for control, we see how powerlessness can destroy a person’s will, but too much power can also create a monster. As Prince Sun learns just how weak he is, he uses this newfound knowledge to forge on ahead and change himself rather than stay idle. However, the more Sun continues to struggle, the more his enemies wish for his demise.


Dressed in the prince’s robe and mask, Chung-woon steps onto the platform where Deputy Magistrate Han awaits his execution. Ga-eun, Lee Sun, and Woo Bo push their way to the front of the crowd as Chung-woon loudly declares that he, the prince, will behead Deputy Magistrate Han for falsely using his name and make him an example for all to see. Ga-eun breaks past the guards and throws herself to the ground, begging the prince to spare her father’s life. The guards drag her away, but now the crowd joins her in asking the prince to spare the magistrate’s life.

However, Deputy Magistrate Han explains to the crowd that he committed high treason, and so he must pay for his crimes. He turns to face his daughter for the last time and gives her a small nod.



Dae-mok stands in his pavilion, smirking as the beat of the drum off in the distance signals the impending death of Magistrate Han. Chung-woon hesitantly lifts his sword, and Woo Bo turns away, leaving with a stern look on his face. Shaking, Chung-woon drops his sword, unable to kill the innocent man, so Magistrate Han calmly encourages him to overcome this ordeal. The real Prince Sun finally arrives at the execution site with Hwa-goon and desperately yells at them to stop. However, his protests fall on deaf ears as Chung-woon closes his eyes and lets his sword fall down. Deputy Magistrate Han’s loyal officer Park Moo-ha turns Ga-eun away, and the deafening thump behind her proclaims her father’s death. She turns around and cries out for her father before collapsing from the shock. Lee Sun catches her fall, and when he looks up, he sees the real Prince Sun in the crowd.

Infuriated, Woo Bo confronts Dae-mok, who invites him in. Seated across a table, Woo Bo hands Dae-mok a cup and pours him a drink. However, once the cup is filled, Woo Bo continues to pour, and the alcohol flows out of a small hole in the bottom of the cup. Woo Bo explains that the cup will never overflow, and Dae-mok laughs, thanking Woo Bo for enlightening him once again. He brings up the time when Woo Bo first enlightened him, and in flashback, we see a powerless Dae-mok begging Woo Bo for an answer. After his wife was murdered, Dae-mok realized that he had no power and asked Woo Bo how he could protect his loved ones. Woo Bo calmly told him that the day he realized his power, he would no longer be a dog but a master, and so he’d advised Dae-mok to become a master.


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Dae-mok haughtily notes how he became a master they all fear, and Woo Bo yells at him for misinterpreting his words. He accuses Dae-mok of abusing his power and being no better than those he despised, but Dae-mok coldly states that he never said he would be different. Smiling, he mocks Woo Bo, asking if he didn’t foresee the dog hunting the tiger (aka, the king), and Woo Bo overturns the table: “You have truly given up on being human and have become a dog!” Dae-mok’s guards apprehend Woo Bo, but Dae-mok forgives his outburst, though he warns the old scholar that a smart tongue can save or kill a person.

Woo Bo returns to the execution site where Prince Sun remains kneeling, racked by guilt. In a trembling voice, Sun asks Woo Bo how he can stop people from dying for him and confesses that he feels like a monster. He begs the old scholar to teach him how to defeat Pyunsoohwe, but Woo Bo admits that he doesn’t know. Instead, he advises the young prince to go elsewhere and see with new eyes: “That will be the answer.” Having silently waited in the back, Hwa-goon rushes to Prince Sun when he stumbles to get up and asks him how she can help. He wonders if she knows who he is, and she carefully answers that he’s the man who saved her life. She tells him her name and requests that he call her by it the next time they meet.


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Dae-mok decides the prince’s initiation will be held in three days, and Hwa-goon’s father wonders what Dae-mok will do with the prince. He argues that as the next leader of Pyunsoohwe, he should know the plans, but Dae-mok asks, “When did I make you my successor?”

Right then, Hwa-goon interrupts their meeting and runs up to her grandfather. She admits her defeat and asks what he’ll do to the prince. When she hears of the initiation, Hwa-goon begs for more time to win the prince’s heart, but Dae-mok makes it clear that the prince has only two options: join or die.


Read more:: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/05/ruler-master-of-the-mask-episodes-7-8/

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13 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

“A flower that blooms through snow and wind… is a true flower.”

cr: kdramagif

I so loved this scene!! the Crown Prince showed his authority and declared war against the evil leader of Pyunsoohwe's group while showin a smile and gifting flowers!! WOA!! by the end of the scene assuring the evil leader that he will become a King who'll love his people I was "Long Live The Crown Prince"!! hhhhhh :D and he was so cool!! :wub: 


Ah this! This scene is one of my favorite scenes. CP was stating his conviction that he will survive and be champion for his people.  (sorry @sakura2016 for cutting/editing your post & thanks for sharing that screen cap)

I rarely watch Sageuks, and this scene (and how great SeungHo has been) hooked me to this show regardless of my usual non interest on sageuks, or my unfamiliarity with most actors here & Korean history.

*Now I feel like I have started to shake my drama slump. Finally!*

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Ayyyyygo. How much blood. And I guess Commander Lee's going to be the next one. Everybody in this drama will be fatherless.

I think the ultra-fast pace in these 4/8 episodes has leaded us to the real starting point in Ruler: from now on, Crown Prince and his allies must fight Pyunsoohwe from the outside. As some other reviewers have said, that's basically Twain's "The Prince and The Pauper", Joseon's style. And I love it.

Ga-eun's father asked the Crown Prince an acute question: "do you think the citizens can't stand up for themselves because they are less educated and less brave than you are?". Now it's up to the Crown Prince to watch his people from that "fresh set of eyes", to search and find intelligence, bravery and honor in them and to make them a big opponent to the, as for now, indestructible Pyunsoohwe.

He's got Ga-eun, Chung-woon and Woo-bo by his side, plus a frightened and oppresed people. Besides plot twists at the end, I'm giving peasant Lee Sun up for lost. Hwa-goon remains unpredictable for me, as well as her (?) bodyguard, Gon. It's going to be a hard and slow task and I guess that's the reason these first episodes were that much fast paced.

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5 hours ago, wackeemarie said:


Ah this! This scene is one of my favorite scenes. CP was stating his conviction that he will survive and be champion for his people.  (sorry @sakura2016 for cutting/editing your post & thanks for sharing that screen cap)

I rarely watch Sageuks, and this scene (and how great SeungHo has been) hooked me to this show regardless of my usual non interest on sageuks, or my unfamiliarity with most actors here & Korean history.

*Now I feel like I have started to shake my drama slump. Finally!*


I was laughing evil smile at Dea Mok seeing the so-called weak minded Crown Prince who is actually a smart and strong willed Crown Prince!! :naughty: 

I love sageuks but I run away from them thanks to their sad endings, most of the time, but I jumped in here for Yoo Seung Ho with hope we'll get a happy ending !! pleaaaaaase!! 

4 hours ago, angrytomato said:

Ayyyyygo. How much blood. And I guess Commander Lee's going to be the next one. Everybody in this drama will be fatherless.

I think the ultra-fast pace in these 4/8 episodes has leaded us to the real starting point in Ruler: from now on, Crown Prince and his allies must fight Pyunsoohwe from the outside. As some other reviewers have said, that's basically Twain's "The Prince and The Pauper", Joseon's style. And I love it.

Ga-eun's father asked the Crown Prince an acute question: "do you think the citizens can't stand up for themselves because they are less educated and less brave than you are?". Now it's up to the Crown Prince to watch his people from that "fresh set of eyes", to search and find intelligence, bravery and honor in them and to make them a big opponent to the, as for now, indestructible Pyunsoohwe.

He's got Ga-eun, Chung-woon and Woo-bo by his side, plus a frightened and oppresed people. Besides plot twists at the end, I'm giving peasant Lee Sun up for lost. Hwa-goon remains unpredictable for me, as well as her (?) bodyguard, Gon. It's going to be a hard and slow task and I guess that's the reason these first episodes were that much fast paced.


I'm sure he'll die helping our Crown Prnce to escape the palace with his son but I hope he'll manage to kill all Dea Mok's men who saw our Crown Prince's face before that so they won't be able to go after him: Dea Mok can't walk the streets looking for our Crown Prince and the evil guard won't harm him and will actually protect him on the crazy girl's orders!! I hate them both but they can be helpful, at leat for now!!

as for Lee Seon, I'm sure he'll become the new puppet King but he'll try to be a real King eventually!! still I hope he realise his mistake and help our Crown Prince against Dea Mok by the end!!

I'm so excited to see our Crown Prince growing into a real Ruler and gaining more peaople to his side and I can't wait to see his dynamic with his guard Chung Woon and new teacher Woo Bo, that would be fun!! :D and though I don't know how things will go between our OTP after the letter Ga Eun left him but I'm sure it will get solved!! :wub: 

7 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

Oh.. it's really depressing. ep 7-8 is so full of blood. I never expected that the king will be killed this fast. Watching these episodes is like watching action movies. They won't stop killing and fights like dogs. Since the face that so wanted to be hide being seen by everyone now, I wonder how all of this will continue. All are so messed up. 

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

And they didn't give any preview?? so cruel! they're conpletely tearing me apart.


About Lee Sun, the one who took CP and got the poppy wine for the pyunsoo group initiation, he gets more dose of that wine since DM suspects he is just the other fake prince. But I wonder whether he finally acknowledge it or not. Since he was dragged back with him to the palace and everything went completely in chaos. It feels so iffy, he looks untrusty and I wonder maybe, tho I hope I'm wrong, he also would betray the CP? Now, how could he become the king? Switching place with the CP? Wait since the king is death, does that mean the current CP will take the throne and be the next king?hmmm....

tho it is depressing I am so estatic watching it, thriller saeguk... hoho


we had a preview chingu (I shared it yesterday)!! :)




the useless King's plan backfired on him and our Crown Prince since now Dea Mok will use the mask on the Crown Prince's face to his advantage killing the kiling and trying to kill the real Crown Prince puting another person behind that mask and become his new puppet King while he (Dea Mok) becomes the real King from behind!! and though I don't want it but I'm sure Lee Seon will betray our Crown Prince, now it will be to save himself (be a new puppet King or die) but later will want to be a real King!! hope he changes by the end though!!



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I thought i should introduce myself to this thread

it has been a long time since i last wrote on soompi forum. I have been busy and havent had the time to analysis and really participate! BUT i am hoping that this drama will help me slowly make my comeback!


please look out for me!

I have to just say that i am loving the two main lead, i feel that their acting particularly for YSH is just so amazing. His eyes really help to bring his character to another level. I am truly looking forward to the next few episodes this week! i really dont want GE and the Crown prince to be enemies for too long.


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45 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

I'm sure he'll [Commander Lee] die helping our Crown Prnce to escape the palace with his son but I hope he'll manage to kill all Dea Mok's men who saw our Crown Prince's face before that so they won't be able to go after him

Even that wouldn't be needed. According to which I know about "Kdramaland logic", Crown Prince just needs to slightly change his image to be absolutely unrecognizable by his enemies. For example, keep his hair loose like his bodyguard. Plus that would be great news to all Yoo Seung-hoo fans :wink: (I'm sure they'd love it).

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Think about it, every character that matters in this drama has already known the CP face, from Daemok, Gon, Hwagun, fake Lee Seon, Woo Bo, Chung Woon, except only Han Ga Eun. That left her to be the most clueless and weakest character when it comes to the real identity of the Prince. But if she also knew his face by now this drama would better be over, because the Mask plot no longer the important part anymore, let alone being the title of the drama.

The Mask now is more important for Daemok to control the power than for the CP. it will be a long journey for him to get back to his throne, and defeat Pyunsoo Hwe along the way. Hopefully Ga Eun will be with him, and will help him with her intelligence and kindness rather than being a burden for him to protect her all the time. Please listen to my pray writer-nim!!!!!!!

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